Results for 'Antolín Sánchez Cue'

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  1.  34
    ¿Saber sin poder? El ethos universitario según los filósofos del exilio republicano español del 39.Antolín Sánchez Cue - 2015 - Isegoría 52:205-220.
    Se apuntan algunas reflexiones relevantes sobre el ethos universitario en el contexto del exilio republicano español de 1939. En concreto, de autores como Fernando de los Ríos, Joaquín Xirau y José Gaos, exponentes todo ellos de un saber desarraigado en busca de nuevos resortes de poder. Se tiene además en cuenta el caso de María Zambrano, cuyo aparente desinterés por la cuestión universitaria es indicio de un saber coherente con su exilio e irreductible a la disciplina académica, de un saber (...)
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    Dos interpretaciones del fascismo: Ortega y Gasset y María Zambrano.Antolín Sánchez Cuervo - 2021 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 49 (143):41-65.
    Se plantea una aproximación a las interpretaciones del fascismo de Ortega y Gasset y María Zambrano, tan divergentes como sus respectivas concepciones del liberalismo y, en definitiva, de la política. En el caso de Ortega, el fascismo sería una concreción de la rebelión de las masas, agresiva hacia la cultura y las instituciones liberales. En el caso de Zambrano, se identificaría con el nihilismo y la regresión al mito, como desenlace de un proceso arraigado en el corazón de la Modernidad (...)
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    María del Carmen Rovira Gaspar (1923-2021). In memoriam.Antolín Sánchez Cuervo - 2022 - Isegoría 67:20-20.
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  4. Autoridad, clericalismo y tradición. Tres aproximaciones al pensamiento filosófico de Miguel A. Caro.Antolín Sánchez Cuervo - 2007 - Universitas Philosophica 49 (49):129-158.
  5.  15
    La etapa chilena de José Ferrater Mora.Antolín Sánchez Cuervo - 2023 - Otrosiglo 7:171-193.
    Texto presentado en el Congreso Internacional “Recepciones de Ortega y Gasset en Chile” celebrado en el Centro Cultural de España en Santiago durante los días 30 y 31 de mayo de 2018, en Santiago de Chile. Forma parte de la compilación recogida en número especial de la Revista de Filosofía Otrosiglo, en junio del 2023.
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    The Homeland in the Shoes. By Way of Introduction.Antolín Sanchez Cuervo - 2018 - Las Torres de Lucca. International Journal of Political Philosophy 7 (12):9-21.
    Con el término “la patria en los zapatos”, aludía Danton al rechazo que la figura del exilio suscitaba entre los mentores de la ciudadanía moderna, en plena Revolución francesa. Ello da pie a una breve reflexión introductoria sobre la actualidad de esta figura, la cual desenmascara la vocación excluyente del estado-nación y obliga a pensar de nuevo conceptos como el de cosmopolitismo.
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    Nieto Blanco, C. (2020): Discurso sobre la democracia, Santander: Ediciones de la Universidad de Cantabria, 353 p. Nieto Blanco, C. (2020): El mundo desde dentro. El pensamiento de José Ferrater Mora, Prólogo de Victoria Camps, Sevilla: Renacimiento. [REVIEW]Antolín Sánchez Cuervo - 2022 - Revista de Filosofía 47 (1):271-273.
  8.  33
    José Gaos, Eduardo Nicol, and the criticism of cybernetics in Mexico.José Manuel Iglesias Granda & Antolín Sánchez Cuervo - 2024 - History of European Ideas 50 (3):466-484.
    Based on published works and unpublished materials, this article analyses how cybernetics was received by two Spanish thinkers exiled in Mexico: José Gaos (1900–1969) and Eduardo Nicol (1907–1990). This reception is particularly intriguing especially when considering the substantial presence and social impact that Norbert Wiener had in Mexican society because of his friendship with Arturo Rosenblueth. Gaos and Nicol are the first philosophers to develop a complex and original diagnosis of cybernetics in Mexico. It will be shown how the exiled (...)
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    El legado filosófico-político del exilio español del 39.Antolín Sánchez Cuervo - 2009 - Isegoría 41:201-216.
    El pensamiento político del exilio español de 1939 ofrece, setenta años después, perspectivas fecundas y actuales. Junto a una obra sistemática y bien conocida, ligada al marxismo crítico, como la de Adolfo Sánchez Vázquez, cabe destacar otras expresiones, de carácter fragmentado y sinuoso, en las que se centra este trabajo. Tales fueron, concretamente, la temprana genealogía del fascismo que apuntaron Eugenio Ímaz y María Zambrano valiéndose de claves hermenéuticas diferentes aunque coincidentes en ligar dicho fenómeno a la progresión secularizadora (...)
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  10.  28
    Memoria del exilio y exilio de la memoria.Antolín Sánchez Cuervo - 2009 - Arbor 185 (735):3-11.
    Historia y memoria no son términos equivalentes, menos aún cuando apuntan hacia un pasado atravesado por la exclusión y la injusticia. Si lo primero tiende a reducir ese pasado en términos de objetividad científica, lo segundo pone el acento en su actualidad crítica. Tal es la tensión que suscita el rescate de un episodio como el exilio español de 1939. Algunas reflexiones de tres pensadores emblemáticos del mismo como Eugenio Ímaz, María Zambrano y Adolfo Sánchez Vázquez resultan iluminadoras en (...)
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  11.  22
    Ortega y Hegel. La interpretación de la historia y sus trampas.Antolin Sanchez Cuervo - 2016 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 67:57.
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    José Gaos entre dos orillas.Antolín Sánchez Cuervo - forthcoming - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía.
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  13.  24
    ¿Pensamiento crítico en español?. De la dominación al exilio.Antolín Sánchez Cuervo - 2008 - Arbor 184 (734):1015-1024.
    El planteamiento de un pensamiento en español, en términos críticos, tropieza con la experiencia histórica del compromiso de dicha lengua con el proyecto cultural y político de exclusión y expansión imperial significado en torno a 1492, así como con las inercias autoritarias generadas a partir de entonces. De ahí la relevancia del exilio en el mundo hispánico, como clave hermenéutica fundamental de un pensamiento crítico que responde no sólo ante dichas inercias, sino también ante el eurocentrismo enajenante. Mención especial merece (...)
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  14.  21
    Del exilio español a la filosofía mexicana. Un trayectoria más que intelectual.Antolín Sánchez Cuervo - 2022 - Endoxa 49.
    Entrevista con María del Carmen Rovira Gaspar.
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    El exilio con Eduardo Nicol.Antolín Sánchez Cuervo - 2007 - Isegoría 36:303-307.
    En 2007 se cumple el centenario Eduardo Nicol, uno de los filósofos más relevantes del exilio español de 1939, cuya obra no ha recibido aún, sin embargo, la atención que merece. A diferencia de otros pensadores emblemáticos de dicho exilio como José Gaos, Nicol se desmarcó de la filosofía «personalista » de Ortega, apostando más bien por la universalidad y objetividad del logos. Una de sus contribuciones originales a la misma fue su planteamiento de una ética dialógica, inspirada en la (...)
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  16.  27
    Eugenio Ímaz y la Guerra contra la Guerra.Antolín Sánchez Cuervo - 2009 - Arbor 185 (739):1035-1044.
    Eugenio Ímaz fue uno de los filósofos del exilio español del 39 que mayor atención dedicó a la crítica del fascismo y de sus implicaciones belicistas. En el horizonte de la guerra española, apeló en este sentido al compromiso del intelectual ante la barbarie como piedra de toque de toda experiencia filosófica radical, esbozó una genealogía moderna del nazi-fascismo y señaló las suicidas contradicciones ideológicas de las democracias liberales europeas.
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  17. La crisis de lo religioso ¿ Tiene futuro la religión?Javier Antolín Sánchez - 2011 - Revista Agustiniana 52 (157):23-56.
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    Los imperativos del exilio (A propósito del centenario de María Zambrano).Antolín Sánchez Cuervo - 2004 - Isegoría 31:247-254.
    Pocas trayectorias vitales e intelectuales han estado tan ligadas a la experiencia del exilio como la de María Zambrano (1904-2004). Lejos de agotarse en una mera circunstancia biográfica, fue esta experiencia el abono constante de toda una reflexión desde y sobre el margen, en respuesta a la crisis de la subjetividad occidental. La memoria, entendida como un rescate interpelador de sus rostros perdidos, velados bajo la violencia avasalladora de la historia europea, y a contrapelo siempre de toda comprensión lineal, objetiva (...)
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    María Zambrano amongst the philosophers. An introduction.Antolín Sánchez Cuervo, Francis Lough & Mari Paz Balibrea - 2018 - History of European Ideas 44 (7):827-842.
    ABSTRACTAs the Spanish Civil War came to an end, hundreds of thousands of Spaniards who had opposed the military rebellion which initiated the war and remained loyal to the democratically elected government were forced into exile. Amongst them was the philosopher María Zambrano. While little known to an English-speaking readership, she represents a unique voice engaging with some of the fundamental problems of our times. Her life was marked, like that of her contemporaries Benjamin, Husserl, Arendt, Patočka, Adorno, Lacan, Derrida (...)
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    Pasado inconcluso. Las tensiones entre la historia y la memoria bajo el signo del exilio.Antolín Sánchez Cuervo - 2011 - Isegoría 45:653-668.
    La creciente relevancia de la memoria en toda aproximación al pasado ha obligado a la historia a ofrecer respuestas a sus preguntas, objeciones y ambigüedades, más allá de los tópicos historicistas. Incluso cabe plantear una “historia anamnética”, inspirada en las aportaciones de la memoria crítica o benjaminiana, que además encuentra en la experiencia del exilio motivos de reflexión muy fecundos. Ciertos escritos de María Zambrano constituyen un buen ejemplo de esta fecundidad.
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  21.  15
    Un olvido en la memoria del exilio: El humanismo de Eduardo Nicol en su Centenario.Antolín Sánchez Cuervo - 2016 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 12.
    RESUMENPese a su relevancia en el horizonte del exilio español de 1939, la obra filosófica de Eduardo Nicol (1907-2007) no ha sido estudiada aún con el detenimiento que merece. A lo largo de más de una docena de libros planteó toda una reforma de la razón filosófica, sensible a preocupaciones medulares de nuestro tiempo. Entre otras, la metafísica, cuya crisis contemporánea asumió; la ética, a la que imprimió un sentido dialógico y comunicativo; los límites y prejuicios de la ciencia; o (...)
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  22.  28
    El pensamiento del exilio.Jesús M. Díaz Álvarez & Antolín Sánchez Cuervo - 2022 - Endoxa 49.
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  23. Notice of 'Claves actuales de pensamiento' Book edited by María G. Navarro, Betty Estévez and Antolín Sánchez Cuervo.Iván Teimil - 2011 - Isegoría 45:762-765.
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  24. Review of 'Claves actuales de Pensamiento' Book edited by María G. Navarro, Betty Estévez and Antolín Sánchez Cuervo.Carlos F. Barbudo - 2011 - Arbor 187 (749):653-658.
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    Both High Cognitive Load and Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Over the Right Inferior Frontal Cortex Make Truth and Lie Responses More Similar.Nuria Sánchez, Jaume Masip & Carlos J. Gómez-Ariza - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:519573.
    Deception scholars have argued that increasing the liar’s cognitive system artificially can produce deception cues. However, if too much load is imposed the truth tellers’ performance can also be impaired. To address this issue, we designed a veracity task that incorporated a secondary task to increase cognitive load gradually. Also, because deception has been associated with activity in the inferior frontal cortex (IFC), we examined the influence of transcranial direct current stimulation of the IFC on performance. During stimulation, participants truthfully (...)
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  26. (1 other version)Critical notice of 'Claves actuales de pensamiento' Book edited by María G. Navarro, Betty Estévez and Antolín Sánchez Cuervo. [REVIEW]Fanny Hernández Brotons - 2012 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 56:198-201.
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    Multisensory neural integration of chemical and mechanical signals.Juan Antonio Sánchez-Alcañiz & Richard Benton - 2017 - Bioessays 39 (8):1700060.
    Chemosensation and mechanosensation cover an enormous spectrum of processes by which animals use information from the environment to adapt their behavior. For pragmatic reasons, these sensory modalities are commonly investigated independently. Recent advances, however, have revealed numerous situations in which they function together to control animals’ actions. Highlighting examples from diverse vertebrates and invertebrates, we first discuss sensory receptors and neurons that have dual roles in the detection of chemical and mechanical stimuli. Next we present cases where peripheral chemosensory and (...)
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  28. The view of the types of representation in Leibniz and their main influences.Manuel Sánchez Rodríguez - 2013 - Cultura:271-295.
    Aunque no es posible ofrecer aquí un análisis detallado de las diferentes cues tionesimplicadas en la teoría de las representaciones en la Modernidad, sí pode mos atender auno de sus aspectos más relevantes, presente en la exposición de Leibniz, Wolff,Baumgarten y Kant, a saber: el reconocimiento progresivo y la vin dicación de unconocimiento específicamente sensible como un tipo específico de conocimiento en lafilosofía escolar alemana del siglo XVIII. A pesar de que Leibniz atribuye al conocimiento claro y confuso el grado (...)
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    Vocal Cues to Male Physical Formidability.Alvaro Mailhos, Damián Amaro Egea-Caparrós, Cristina Guerrero Rodríguez, Mario Luzardo, Nansi Dilyanova Kiskimska & Francisco Martínez Sánchez - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Animal vocalizations convey important information about the emitter, including sex, age, biological quality, and emotional state. Early on, Darwin proposed that sex differences in auditory signals and vocalizations were driven by sexual selection mechanisms. In humans, studies on the association between male voice attributes and physical formidability have thus far reported mixed results. Hence, with a view to furthering our understanding of the role of human voice in advertising physical formidability, we sought to identify acoustic attributes of male voices associated (...)
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    Attentional Bias, Alcohol Craving, and Anxiety Implications of the Virtual Reality Cue-Exposure Therapy in Severe Alcohol Use Disorder: A Case Report.Alexandra Ghiţă, Olga Hernández-Serrano, Jolanda Fernández-Ruiz, Manuel Moreno, Miquel Monras, Lluisa Ortega, Silvia Mondon, Lidia Teixidor, Antoni Gual, Mariano Gacto-Sanchez, Bruno Porras-García, Marta Ferrer-García & José Gutiérrez-Maldonado - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Aims: Attentional bias, alcohol craving, and anxiety have important implications in the development and maintenance of alcohol use disorder. The current study aims to test the effectiveness of a Virtual Reality Cue-Exposure Therapy to reduce levels of alcohol craving and anxiety and prompt changes in AB toward alcohol content.Method: A 49-year-old male participated in this study, diagnosed with severe AUD, who also used tobacco and illicit substances on an occasional basis and who made several failed attempts to cease substance misuse. (...)
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    What’s in it for Me? An Examination of Accounting Students’ Likelihood to Report Faculty Misconduct.Joanne C. Jones, Gary Spraakman & Cristóbal Sánchez-Rodríguez - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 123 (4):645-667.
    Since there are so few controls over detecting and preventing faculty misconduct, one of the most common ways in which it is discovered is through student reports. Given the importance of student reports in bringing to light faculty’s ethical lapses, this paper seeks to understand what factors influence students’ likelihood to report faculty misconduct. We develop an empirical model that integrates the decision process of the Prosocial Organizational Behavior Model with insights from the emotional perspective on whistleblowing. Specifically, we use (...)
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  32.  26
    Learning to Detect Deception from Evasive Answers and Inconsistencies across Repeated Interviews: A Study with Lay Respondents and Police Officers.Jaume Masip, Carmen Martínez, Iris Blandón-Gitlin, Nuria Sánchez, Carmen Herrero & Izaskun Ibabe - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:311955.
    Previous research has shown that inconsistencies across repeated interviews do not indicate deception because liars deliberately tend to repeat the same story. However, when a strategic interview approach that makes it difficult for liars to use the repeat strategy is used, both consistency and evasive answers differ significantly between truth tellers and liars, and statistical software (binary logistic regression analyses) can reach high classification rates (Masip et al., 2016b ). Yet, if the interview procedure is to be used in applied (...)
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  33.  18
    Tumor‐induced solid stress activates β‐catenin signaling to drive malignant behavior in normal, tumor‐adjacent cells.Guanqing Ou & Valerie Marie Weaver - 2015 - Bioessays 37 (12):1293-1297.
    Recent work by Fernández‐Sánchez and coworkers examining the impact of applied pressure on the malignant phenotype of murine colon tissue in vivo revealed that mechanical perturbations can drive malignant behavior in genetically normal cells. Their findings build upon an existing understanding of how the mechanical cues experienced by cells within a tissue become progressively modified as the tissue transforms. Using magnetically stimulated ultra‐magnetic liposomes to mimic tumor growth ‐induced solid stress, Fernández‐Sánchez and coworkers were able to stimulate β‐catenin (...)
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  34. From presence to consciousness through virtual reality.Maria V. Sanchez-Vives & Mel Slater - 2005 - Nature Reviews Neuroscience 6 (4):332-339.
  35.  92
    Does matter mind content?Veronica Gómez Sánchez - 2025 - Noûs 59 (1):66-91.
    Let ‘semantic relevance’ be the thesis that the wide semantic properties of representational mental states (like beliefs and desires) are causally relevant to behavior. A popular way of arguing for semantic relevance runs as follows: start with a sufficient counterfactual condition for causal or explanatory relevance, and show that wide semantic properties meet it with respect to behavior (e.g., Loewer & Lepore (1987,1989), Rescorla (2014), Yablo (2003)).This paper discusses an in‐principle limitation of this strategy: even the most sophisticated counterfactual criteria (...)
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    Awareness in the void: a micro-phenomenological exploration of conscious dreamless sleep.Adriana Alcaraz-Sanchez - 2023 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 22 (4):867-905.
    This paper presents a pilot study that explores instances of objectless awareness during sleep: conscious experiences had during sleep that prima facie lack an object of awareness. This state of objectless awareness during sleep has been widely described by Indian contemplative traditions and has been characterised as a state of consciousness-as-such; while in it, there is nothing to be aware of, one is _merely_ conscious (cf. Evans-Wentz, 1960 ; Fremantle, 2001 ; Ponlop, 2006 ). While this phenomenon has received different (...)
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    Integrating character in management: virtues, character strengths, and competencies.Rafael Morales-Sánchez & Carmen Cabello-Medina - 2015 - Business Ethics: A European Review 24 (S2):156-174.
    In recent years, character traits in general and virtue-related concepts in particular have been of considerable interest to philosophers, psychological researchers, and practitioners in the business ethics field. Three approaches to character traits can be used to incorporate ethics into organizations: virtues, character strengths, and competencies. The aim of this article is to clarify the concept of character traits, or virtues, and provide a unified operational version of it for incorporation into management. To this end, we first discuss the analogy (...)
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  38. Nothingness is all what there is: an exploration of objectless awareness during sleep.Adriana Alcaraz-Sanchez, Ema Demsar, Teresa Campillo-Ferrer & Gabriela Torres-Plata - forthcoming - Frontiers in Psychology.
    Recent years have seen a heightened focus on the study of minimal forms of awareness during sleep to advance the study of consciousness and understand what makes a state conscious. This focus draws on an increased interest in anecdotical descriptions made by classic Indian philosophical traditions about unusual forms of awareness during sleep. For instance, in the so-called state of witnessing-sleep or luminosity sleep, one is said to reach a state that goes beyond ordinary dreaming and abide in a state (...)
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    Urban Digital Twins and metaverses towards city multiplicities: uniting or dividing urban experiences?Javier Argota Sánchez-Vaquerizo - 2025 - Ethics and Information Technology 27 (1):1-31.
    Urban Digital Twins (UDTs) have become the new buzzword for researchers, planners, policymakers, and industry experts when it comes to designing, planning, and managing sustainable and efficient cities. It encapsulates the last iteration of the technocratic and ultra-efficient, post-modernist vision of smart cities. However, while more applications branded as UDTs appear around the world, its conceptualization remains ambiguous. Beyond being technically prescriptive about what UDTs are, this article focuses on their aspects of interaction and operationalization in connection to people in (...)
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    Is Lucid Dreamless Sleep Really Lucid?Adriana Alcaraz-Sánchez - 2024 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 15 (1):1-27.
    Recently, the construct ‘lucid dreamless sleep’ has been proposed to explain the state of ‘clear light’ described by Tibetan Buddhist traditions, a special state of consciousness during deep sleep in which we’re told to be able to recognise the nature or essence of our mind (Padmasambhava & Gyatrul 2008; Ponlop 2006; Wangyal 1998). To explain the sort of awareness experienced during this state, some authors have appealed to the sort of lucidity acquired during lucid dreaming and suggested a link between (...)
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  41.  99
    Novel & worthy: creativity as a thick epistemic concept.Julia Sánchez-Dorado - 2020 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 10 (3):1-23.
    The standard view in current philosophy of creativity says that being creative has two requirements: being novel and being valuable. The standard view on creativity has recently become an object of critical scrutiny. Hills and Bird have specifically proposed to remove the value requirement from the definition, as it is not clear that creative objects are necessarily valuable or creative people necessarily praiseworthy. In this paper, I argue against Hills and Bird, since eliminating the element of value from the explanation (...)
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    The grounds for the model-theoretic account of the logical properties.Manuel Garcia-Carpintero Sanchez-Miguel - 1993 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 34 (1):107-131.
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    Decision-making capacity for research participation among addicted people: a cross-sectional study.Inés Morán-Sánchez, Aurelio Luna, Maria Sánchez-Muñoz, Beatriz Aguilera-Alcaraz & Maria D. Pérez-Cárceles - 2016 - BMC Medical Ethics 17 (1):1-10.
    BackgroundInformed consent is a key element of ethical clinical research. Addicted population may be at risk for impaired consent capacity. However, very little research has focused on their comprehension of consent forms. The aim of this study is to assess the capacity of addicted individuals to provide consent to research.Methods53 subjects with DSM-5 diagnoses of a Substance Use Disorder and 50 non psychiatric comparison subjects participated in the survey from December 2014 to March 2015. This cross-sectional study was carried out (...)
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    A Search for the de Broglie Particle Internal Clock by Means of Electron Channeling.P. Catillon, N. Cue, M. J. Gaillard, R. Genre, M. Gouanère, R. G. Kirsch, J. -C. Poizat, J. Remillieux, L. Roussel & M. Spighel - 2008 - Foundations of Physics 38 (7):659-664.
    The particle internal clock conjectured by de Broglie in 1924 was investigated in a channeling experiment using a beam of ∼80 MeV electrons aligned along the 〈110〉 direction of a 1 μm thick silicon crystal. Some of the electrons undergo a rosette motion, in which they interact with a single atomic row. When the electron energy is finely varied, the rate of electron transmission at 0° shows a 8% dip within 0.5% of the resonance energy, 80.874 MeV, for which the (...)
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  45. Maintaining Life Satisfaction in Adolescence: Affective Mediators of the Influence of Perceived Emotional Intelligence on Overall Life Satisfaction Judgments in a Two-Year Longitudinal Study.Nicolás Sánchez-Álvarez, Natalio Extremera & Pablo Fernández-Berrocal - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    The gift of Mexican historicism.Carlos Alberto Sánchez - 2017 - Continental Philosophy Review 51 (3):439-457.
    The focus of this paper is Mexican historicism. It has three objectives: first, to introduce English-speaking readers to the nature and history of Mexican historicism; second, to defend Mexican historicism against the charges of relativism usually raised against historicism in general and “Mexican” philosophy in particular; and third, to argue for what I call the transcendental, or alternatively, “liberatory,” nature of Mexican historicism—a nature with philosophical and political consequences. The hope is that by making the clarifications and determinations made here, (...)
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    From the conscious interior to an exterior unconscious: Lacan, discourse analysis, and social psychology.David Pavón Cuéllar - 2010 - London: Karnac Books. Edited by Danielle Carlo & Ian Parker.
    This striking Lacanian contribution to discourse analysis is also a critique of contemporary psychological abstraction, as well as a reassessment of the radical opposition between psychology and psychoanalysis. This original introduction to Lacan's work bridges the gap between discourseanalytical debates in social psychology and the social-theoretical extensions of discourse theory. David Pavón Cuéllar provides a precise definition and a detailed explanation of key Lacanian concepts, and illustrates how they may be put to work on a concrete discourse, in this case (...)
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    “Privacy by default” and active “informed consent” by layers.Amaya Noain-Sánchez - 2016 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 14 (2):124-138.
    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to lay out an approach to addressing the problem of privacy protection in the global digital environment based on the importance that information has to improve users’ informational self-determination. Following this reasoning, this paper focuses on the suitable way to provide user with the correct amount of information they may need to maintain a desirable grade of autonomy as far as their privacy protection is concerned and decide whether or not to put their (...)
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    Assessing collective affect recognition via the Emotional Aperture Measure.Jeffrey Sanchez-Burks, Caroline A. Bartel, Laura Rees & Quy Huy - 2016 - Cognition and Emotion 30 (1):117-133.
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    The Suspension of Seriousness: On the Phenomenology of Jorge Portilla, with a Translation of Fenomenología Del Relajo.Carlos Alberto Sánchez - 2012 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    First in-depth analysis of this important Mexican philosopher’s work.
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