Results for 'Anton A. Prins'

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  1.  9
    History English Phonemes.Anton A. Prins - 1996 - Oxford University Press UK.
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  2. Revolutionary poetry and liquid crystal chemistry: Herman Gorter, Ada Prins and the interface between literature and science.Hub Zwart - 2020 - Foundations of Chemistry 23 (1):115-132.
    In the Netherlands, the poet Herman Gorter is mostly known as the author of the neo-romantic poem May and the “sensitivistic” Poems, but internationally he became famous as a propagandist of radical Marxism: the author of influential brochures and of an “open letter” to comrade W.I. Lenin in 1920. During the 1890s, Gorter became increasingly dissatisfied with his poetry, considering it as ego-centric, disinterested and “bourgeois”, unconnected with what was happening in the real world. He wanted to put his poetry (...)
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    Applying the Model-Comparison Approach to Test Specific Research Hypotheses in Psychophysical Research Using the Palamedes Toolbox.Nicolaas Prins & Frederick A. A. Kingdom - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Not as Stable as We Think: A Descriptive Study of 12 Monthly Assessments of Fear of Cancer Recurrence Among Curatively-Treated Breast Cancer Survivors 0–5 Years After Surgery. [REVIEW]José A. E. Custers, Linda Kwakkenbos, Winette T. A. van der Graaf, Judith B. Prins, Marieke F. M. Gielissen & Belinda Thewes - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:580979.
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    The Ethics of Hybrid Subjects: Feminist Constructivism According to Donna Haraway.Baukje Prins - 1995 - Science, Technology and Human Values 20 (3):352-367.
    This article discusses the viability of a feminist constructivist approach of knowledge through the careful reading of the work of the feminist scholar and historian of science and technology, Donna Haraway. Haraway proposes an interpretation of objectivity in terms of "situated knowledges. " Both the subject and the object of knowledge are endowed with the status of material-semiotic actors. By blurring the epistemological boundary between subject and object, Haraway's narratives about scientific discourse become populated with hybrid subjects/objects. The author argues (...)
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  6.  21
    De oorsprong en betekenis Van Hobbes' geometrische methodenideaal.J. Prins - 1988 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 50 (2):248 - 271.
    La méthodologie de Hobbes est interprétée par la plupart des commentateurs en termes de l'idéal scientifique moderne comme celui-ci fut exprimé par exemple par Galilée. Cependant, en ce qui concerne son approche purement méthodologique, tant du problème de la vérité que de celui de la certitude, et son ambiguïté vis-à-vis du rôle épistémologique de l'expérience, sa méthodologie paraît beaucoup plus apparentée aux conceptions méthodologiques, inspirées par les mathématiques grecques, de certains aristotéliciens éclectiques du seizième et de la première moitié du (...)
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  7.  79
    Narrative Accounts of Origins: A Blind Spot in the Intersectional Approach?Prins Baukje - 2006 - European Journal of Women's Studies 13 (3):277-290.
    This paper uses a study of the life story narratives of former classmates of Dutch and Moluccan descent to argue that the constructionist approach to intersectionality, with its account of identity as a narrative construction rather than a practice of naming, offers better tools for answering questions concerning intersectional identity formation than a more systemic intersectional approach. The case study also highlights the importance of the quest for origins in narratives. It demonstrates that theories of intersectionality are unjustified in subsuming (...)
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  8. De la'Teologiá del misterio de la Iglesia'a la'Teología de sus estructuras colegiales'.A. Anton - 1996 - Gregorianum 77 (2):341-348.
    Réflexions sur deux publications récentes en ecclésiologie : «Eclesiología 30 años después de Lumen Gentium. Pueblo de Dios - Cuerpo de Cristo - Templo del Espíritu Santo - Sacramento - Comuniοn», Pedro Rodríguez , Madrid : Rialp, 1994 et François Guillemette, «Théologie des conférences Episcopales. Une herméneutique de Vatican II», Montréal, QC : Médiaspaul, 1994.
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  9. El ministerio petrino y/o papado en la Ut unum sint y desde la eclesiología sistemática.(I) La «propuesta» sobre'lo esencial'y la'forma de ejercicio'del ministerio del Papa en el contexto eclesiologico y ecumenico de la enciclica «ut unum sint».A. Anton - 1998 - Gregorianum 79 (3):503-542.
    Comme le disent le titre et le sous-titre de l'article, l'auteur centre son attention sur la «proposition» faite par l'encyclique Ut Unum Sint aux responsables d'Eglises et aux théologiens, d'approfondir, en dialogue avec le successeur de Pierre, la distinction entre la «substance» du ministère de Pierre et les «formes d'exercice» qu'il pourrait prendre en fonction de la «nouvelle situation». L'article ne se propose pas de faire un commentaire, encore moins d'analyser en détails, le contenu doctrinal de l'encyclique; il se contente (...)
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  10. El ministerio petrino y/o papado en la Ut unum sint y desde la eclesiología sistemática.(II). Distinción entre'esencia'y'forma de ejercicio'del ministerio del Papa segun las coordenadas de método en la Ut unum sint y desde la eclesiología sistemática.A. Anton - 1998 - Gregorianum 79 (4):645-686.
    Comme le disent le titre et le sous-titre de l'article, l'auteur centre son attention sur la «proposition» faite par l'encyclique Ut Unum Sint aux responsables d'Eglises et aux théologiens, d'approfondir, en dialogue avec le successeur de Pierre, la distinction entre la «substance» du ministère de Pierre et les «formes d'exercice» qu'il pourrait prendre en fonction de la «nouvelle situation». L'article ne se propose pas de faire un commentaire, encore moins d'analyser en détails, le contenu doctrinal de l'encyclique; il se contente (...)
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  11. «I teologi davanti all'istruzione Donum Veritatis»: Il compito del teologo tra «ecclesialità» e «scientificità» e il suo rapporto col magistero ecclesiastico.A. Anton - 1997 - Gregorianum 78 (2):223-265.
    As the title indicates, the author does not intend to comment on the Instruction Donum Veritatis, but to bring some precision regarding the function of the theologian in the Church in the light of the document of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. The subtitle qualifies the work of the theologian as ecclesial and scientific. The theme must be situated in the context of a global vision of the Church as mystery of communion and as mission, as this (...)
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  12. La recepción en la Iglesia y eclesiología. I.A. Antón - 1996 - Gregorianum 77 (1):57-96.
    Comme le dit le titre, l'objet formel de l'étude est d'approfondir le thème de la réception dans l'Eglise. A cette fin, comme il s'agit d'un phénomène religieux, d'une réalité complexe et de caractère interdisciplinaire à l'intérieur de la théologie, des délimitations ultérieures s'imposent, qui se trouvent indiquées dans le sous-titre. On se propose d'approfondir les fondements théologiques de la réception dans l'Eglise et ses processus vitaux toujours actifs à différents niveaux de la communauté ecclésiale. Une fois délimité le thème, il (...)
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  13. La recepción en la Iglesia y eclesiología.(II).A. Anton - 1996 - Gregorianum 77 (3):437-469.
    Comme le dit le titre, l'objet formel de l'étude est d'approfondir le thème de la réception dans l'Eglise. A cette fin, comme il s'agit d'un phénomène religieux, d'une réalité complexe et de caractère interdisciplinaire à l'intérieur de la théologie, des délimitations ultérieures s'imposent, qui se trouvent indiquées dans le sous-titre. On se propose d'approfondir les fondements théologiques de la réception dans l'Eglise et ses processus vitaux toujours actifs à différents niveaux de la communauté ecclésiale. Une fois délimité le thème, il (...)
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  14. (1 other version)La tarea «evangelizadora» de los obispos en sus diócesis y en las respectivas conferencias episcopales. III.A. Anton - 1995 - Gregorianum 76 (3):457-502.
    En ce premier article sur le fondement biblique de la tâche évangélisatrice des évêques l'A. analyse les textes bibliques mis en oeuvres par Vatican II, là où le concile, se basant sur la succession apostolique, présente les évêques comme témoins du Christ et hérauts de l'évangile. Le concile se réfère aux paroles mêmes que, selon le témoignage des quatre évangélistes, le Christ ressuscité adresse à ses disciples et/ou apôtres, leur conférant de proclamer l'évangile à toutes les nations, et jusqu'aux extrémités (...)
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  15. La tarea'evangelizadora'del obispo en su Iglesia particular y en su respectiva conferencia episcopal. II: El obispo'testigo de Cristo'y'pregonero del evangelio'.A. Anton - 1995 - Gregorianum 76 (2):281-322.
    Cet article constitue la troisième partie d'un travail ecclésiologique mené par l'A. qui s'interroge sur la tâche évangélisatrice de l'évêque dans son Eglise particulière et dans la conférence épiscopale qui le concerne. Son objectif est de préciser le contenu et la méthode de cette action évangélisatrice menée par l'évêque de tout diocèse. Cette action doit d'abord être christocentrique et jaillir de l'Eglise vers toute créature. Cette action doit préciser le point de départ de sa méthodologie, tenir compte du problème de (...)
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  16. «Ordinatio sacerdotalis»: algunas reflexiones de gnoseología teológica'.A. Anton - 1994 - Gregorianum 75 (4):723-742.
    L'objet de l'article est de considérer le document du magistère «Ordinatio sacerdotalis» dans le cadre de la gnoséologie théologique. Vatican II a légué, au sujet de l'objet et de l'étendue du magistère pontifical ordinaire trois critères-clé que l'ecclésiologiste doit appliquer pour l'interprétation des textes du magistère. a) La nature du document ; b) La proposition fréquente du thème en d'autres documents du magistère et sa transmission dans la tradition vivante de l'Eglise; c) Les formules employées pour déterminer le caractère de (...)
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  17. Characteristics of structurally finite classes of order-preserving three-valued logic maps.Anton A. Esin - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    This paper investigates structural properties of monotone function classes within the framework of three-valued logic (3VL), aiming to characterize dependencies and constraints that ensure structural finiteness and order-preserving properties. This research delves into characteristics of structurally finite classes of order-preserving 3VL map. Monotonicity plays a critical role in understanding functional behaviour, which is essential for structuring closed logical operations within $ P_{k} $. We define $ F $ as a closed class in $ P_{k} $, consisting only of mappings that (...)
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    Programming Infinite Machines.Anton A. Kutsenko - 2019 - Erkenntnis 87 (1):181-189.
    For infinite machines that are free from the classical Thomson’s lamp paradox, we show that they are not free from its inverted-in-time version. We provide a program for infinite machines and an infinite mechanism that demonstrate this paradox. While their finite analogs work predictably, the program and the infinite mechanism demonstrate an undefined behavior. As in the case of infinite Davies machines :671–682, 2001), our examples are free from infinite masses, infinite velocities, infinite forces, etc. Only infinite divisibility of space (...)
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  19.  10
    The Rorty–Habermas Debate.Anton A. Niekerk - 2020 - In Alan Malachowski (ed.), A companion to Rorty. Hoboken: Wiley. pp. 395–409.
    In this chapter the debate between Habermas and Rorty on the issue of relativism is discussed critically. The developments in Rorty's position are pointed out, for example, his current acceptance of the epithet “relativist” against his earlier rejection of this self‐description in view of his denial that a pragmatist like himself has any, including a relativist, epistemology. Attention is also paid to Rorty's current denial of the relevance of the idea of “metaphors of making rather than finding” for this debate, (...)
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  20. Principios fundamentales para una teologia del laicado en la eclesiologia del Vaticano II in Les laïcs dans l'Eglise d'aujourd'hui.A. Anton - 1987 - Gregorianum 68 (1-2):103-155.
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  21. Santo Domingo: IV Conferencia General del Episcopado Latinoamericano. Su «status» teológico y el valor magisterial de su documento conclusivo.A. Antón - 1992 - Gregorianum 73 (3):437-467.
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    Entwicklungstheorien der Religiosität als Determinanten des Religionsunterrichts: Exemplifiziert an der Parabel von den Arbeitern im Weinberg.Anton A. Bucher - 1992 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 20 (1):36-58.
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    Eine empirische Untersuchung an 650 Jugendlichen.Anton A. Bucher - 1994 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 21 (1):248-266.
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    Das Problem der veränderten Lehre in der russischen Fichte-Forschung.Anton A. Ivanenko - 2012 - Fichte-Studien 38:249-256.
  25.  33
    Der zweideutige Begriff des Seins im Vortrag der Wissenschaftslehre vom Jahre 1812.Anton A. Ivanenko - 2006 - Fichte-Studien 28:153-160.
  26.  23
    J.G. Fichte's Conception of the "New Upbringing".Anton A. Ivanenko - 2011 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 49 (4):34-40.
  27.  9
    Cell biology. A laboratory handbook. Edited by J.E. Celis. Academic Press, 4 volume set.John Prins - 1998 - Bioessays 20 (11):965-966.
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    Affecting Argumentative Action: The Temporality of Decisive Emotion.Prins Marcus Valiant Lantz - 2021 - Argumentation 35 (4):603-627.
    This paper explores the interrelations between temporality and emotion in rhetorical argumentation. It argues that in situations of uncertainty argumentation affects action via appeals that invoke emotion and thereby translate the distant past and future into the situated present. Using practical inferences, a threefold model for the interrelation of emotion and time in argumentation outlines how argumentative action depends on whether speakers provide reasons for the exigence that makes a decision necessary, the contingency of the decision, and the confidence required (...)
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  29. Mothers and Muslima's, Sisters and Sojourners;The Contested Boundaries of Feminist Citizenship.Baukje Prins - 2006 - In Davis Kathy, Evans Mary & Lorber Judith (eds.), Handbook of Women's Studies. SAGE. pp. 234-250.
    In the early 1990’s, many feminist philosophers found that the practice of the women´s movement as well as those of other new social movements, could be articulated most adequately in terms of citizenship. The classical political vocabulary of citizenship seemed to offer a viable alternative to the vocabularies that until then had been dominant in feminist political theory: the individualistic, rights-oriented discourse of liberalism, and the structuralist, interest-oriented perspectives of socialism and marxism.
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    The Present Caught in Presumptions-Martin Heidegger and the Possibility of a Diagnosis of Our Time.Awee Prins - 2009 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 71 (1):37-59.
  31. Law-Abiding & Integrity on the Internet: a Case for Agents.M. H. M. Schellekens, J. E. J. Prins, A. Oskamp & F. Brazier - 2004 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 12 (1-2).
  32.  46
    Moral and social complexities of AIDS in Africa.Anton A. van Niekerk - 2002 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 27 (2):143 – 162.
    In this article, the main complexities of understanding and curbing the HIV/AIDS pandemic in (South) Africa, are discussed. These are: 1. Poverty as niche or social context of the pandemic, 2. Denial, lack of leadership and the politicization of the public discourse on AIDS, 3. Problems related to accomplishing behavior changes under conditions of deprivation and illiteracy, 4. Women's vulnerability, and 5. The disenchantment of intimacy brought about by the pandemic. In each case, some solutions are suggested, although the notion (...)
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  33.  51
    Duressper Minas as a defence to crime: III. [REVIEW]A. E. Anton - 1982 - Law and Philosophy 1 (2):207 - 216.
  34.  61
    Hans-Georg Gadamer 1900-2002: A tribute from South Africa.Anton A. Van Niekerk - 2002 - South African Journal of Philosophy 21 (4):219-222.
    Three things occur in this introductory article to a volume of the South African Journal of Philosophy in tribute of Hans- Georg Gadamer who died on March 14, 2002, at the age of 102. First, some historical details of Gadamer's life are provided. Second, the nine articles in the volume are briefly introduced. The authors are Denis Schmidt (the only non- South African), Anton van Niekerk, Bert Olivier, Andrea Hurst, Leon Fouché, Danie Strauss, Pieter Duvenage, Nirmala Pillay and Gerald (...)
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  35.  62
    Ethics for Medicine and Medicine for Ethics.Anton A. Van Niekerk - 2002 - South African Journal of Philosophy 21 (1):35-43.
    The article investigates the extent to which recent developments in both the medical and the philosophical world have impacted on the nature and scope of medical ethics. A central question of the article has to do with the extent to which medical ethics itself is being transformed by that which it investigates. The author comes to the conclusion that these developments precipitate an ethics of responsibility. Such an ethics has the following characteristics: 1. It is a model according to which (...)
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  36.  41
    Reconsidering counselling and consent.David R. Hall & Anton A. Niekerk - 2015 - Developing World Bioethics 17 (1):4-10.
    In the current era patient autonomy is enormously important. However, recently there has also been some movement back to ensure that trust in the doctor's skill, knowledge and virtue is not excluded in the process. These new nuances of informed consent have been referred to by terms such as beneficent paternalism, experience-based paternalism and we would add virtuous paternalism. The purpose of this paper is to consider the history and current problematic nature of counselling and consent. Starting with the tradition (...)
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    Can more business ethics teaching halt corruption in companies?Anton A. Van Niekerk - 2003 - South African Journal of Philosophy 22 (2):128-138.
    This article deals with the question of whether an increased teaching of business ethics can/will have a positive effect on the fight against corruption in companies. It is written from a (South) African perspective. Statistics about the alarming state of corruption in South African businesses are provided in the beginning. A Hegelian approach to the problem, in terms of which theory can and does influence practice, is compared to a Marxist approach, in terms of which theory is only a reflection (...)
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    Hermeneutics and historical consciousness: An appraisal of the contribution of Hans-Georg Gadamer.Anton A. van Niekerk - 2002 - South African Journal of Philosophy 21 (4):228-241.
    In this introductory article to the volume of the South African Journal of Philosophy in tribute of Hans- Georg Gadamer, the author, first, makes a few remarks about the nature of hermeneutics and Gadamer's views on the universality of the hermeneutical experience. This universality is, in particular, explained from the perspective of the “linguistic turn” in Gadamer's thought. Secondly, there is a brief discussion of certain particular aspects of Gadamer's contribution. Aspects of that contribution that are emphasized are: Gadamer's reevaluation (...)
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  39.  42
    Afrikanerskap: ten slotte, of opnuut? Nabetragting van André du Toit se Die sondes van die vaders.Anton A. van Niekerk - 2000 - South African Journal of Philosophy 19 (4):365-385.
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    Building the future in the 21st century: In conversation with Yuval Noah Harari.Anton A. van Niekerk - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (1).
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    Death, meaning and tragedy.Anton A. van Niekerk - 1999 - South African Journal of Philosophy 18 (4):408-426.
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    Modernity, mortality, and mystery.Anton A. van Niekerk - 1999 - Philosophy Today 43 (3):226-242.
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    Principles of global distributive justice: moving beyond Rawls and Buchanan.Anton A. van Niekerk - 2004 - South African Journal of Philosophy 23 (2):171-194.
  44.  65
    Response to G.R. McLean's Review of Ethics and Aids in Africa: The Challenge to Our Thinking.Anton A. van Niekerk & Loretta M. Kopelman - 2007 - Developing World Bioethics 7 (3):163-165.
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    Unreliable information on the internet: a challenging dilemma for the law.Maurice Schellekens & Corien Prins - 2006 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 4 (1):49-59.
    This paper examines what role the law can and should play with regard to unreliable information available on fast communication networks, such as the Internet. Users of electronic information find it increasingly difficult to assess its reliability. The traditional structures for assessing reliability are lacking or function inadequately. Clear social norms have not yet been developed. As regards the law, traditionally liability law is the first legal guard against undesirable societal developments. We conclude however, that liability law is an inadequate (...)
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  46. Gesitueerde kennis en identiteit.Baukje Prins - 2020 - Wijsgerig Perspectief 60 (1):14-23.
    Amsterdam University Press is a leading publisher of academic books, journals and textbooks in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Our aim is to make current research available to scholars, students, innovators, and the general public. AUP stands for scholarly excellence, global presence, and engagement with the international academic community.
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    Embodiment in Neuro-engineering Endeavors: Phenomenological Considerations and Practical Implications.Sadaf Soloukey Tbalvandany, Biswadjiet Sanjay Harhangi, Awee W. Prins & Maartje H. N. Schermer - 2018 - Neuroethics 12 (3):231-242.
    The field of Neuro-Engineering seems to be on the fast track towards accomplishing its ultimate goal of potentially replacing the nervous system in the face of disease. Meanwhile, the patients and professionals involved are continuously dealing with human bodily experience and especially how neuro-engineering devices could become part of a user’s body schema: the domain of ‘embodied phenomenology’. This focus on embodiment, however, is not sufficiently reflected in the current literature on ethical and philosophical issues in neuro-engineering. In this article (...)
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    AIDS and Africa.Loretta M. Kopelman & Anton A. van Niekerk - 2002 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 27 (2):139 – 142.
    Sub-Saharan Africa is the epicenter of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, and in this issue of the Journal, seven authors discuss the moral, social and medical implications of having 70% of those stricken living in this area. Anton A. van Niekerk considers complexities of plague in this region (poverty, denial, poor leadership, illiteracy, women's vulnerability, and disenchantment of intimacy) and the importance of finding responses that empower its people. Solomon Benatar reinforces these issues, but also discusses the role of global politics (...)
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    Separation-survivability as moral cut-off point for abortion.J. A. Malcolm de Roubaix & Anton A. van Niekerk - 2006 - South African Journal of Philosophy 25 (3):206-223.
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    A Systematic Review: The Effect of Cancer on the Divorce Rate.Dominik Fugmann, Martin Boeker, Steffen Holsteg, Nancy Steiner, Judith Prins & André Karger - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    IntroductionResearch on the impact of cancer on close relationships brings up conflicting results. This systematic review collects empirical evidence on the research questions whether a cancer diagnosis in general or the type of cancer affects the divorce rate.Materials and MethodsThis systematic review was conducted according to the guidelines of the Cochrane Collaboration and the PRISMA statement. The following electronic databases were searched: Web of Science, Ovid SP MEDLINE, PsycINFO, PsyINDEX, CINAHL, ERIC. Risk of bias assessment was performed with the preliminary (...)
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