Results for 'Antonio María Rouco Varela'

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  1.  10
    El derecho fundamental a la enseñanza religiosa y su reordenación en la Constitución.Antonio María Rouco Varela - 1978 - Salmanticensis 25 (2):203-213.
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    Antecedentes históricos de las relaciones actuales entre la Iglesia y la comunidad política en España.Antonio María Rouco Varela - 1974 - Salmanticensis 21 (2):217-234.
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    Concilio Vaticano II: bodas de oro en Salamanca.Luis Santamaría del Río - 2012 - Salmanticensis 59 (3):573-589.
    Del 15 al 17 de noviembre de 2012 tuvo lugar el Congreso de Teo-logía “A los 50 años del Concilio Vaticano II ”, organizado por las Facultades de Teología de España y Portugal, en el Auditorio Juan Pablo II de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca. El acto inaugural fue presidido por el cardenal Antonio María Rouco Varela, arzobispo de Madrid y presidente de la Conferencia Episco-pal Española, titular del centro académico.
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    (1 other version)Força de trabalho em Portugal, 2008-2012 - doi: 10.4025/dialogos.v17i3.799.Raquel Varela, Ana Rajado, António Simões do Paço, Maria João Berhan & Renato B. Guedes - 2013 - Diálogos (Maringa) 17 (3).
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  5. Le statut ontologique et épistémologique du droit canonique. Notes pour une théologie du droit canonique.A. M. Rouco-Varela - 1973 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 57 (2):203.
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    Response to a Specific and Digitally Supported Training at Home for Students With Mathematical Difficulties.Anna Maria Re, Silvia Benavides-Varela, Martina Pedron, Maria Antonietta De Gennaro & Daniela Lucangeli - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    A mulher e os rituais do casamento no interior de Santiago.Maria Goreti Varela Freire Silva - 2022 - Odeere 7 (1):76-92.
    Este estudo, marcadamente descritivo, foca os rituais do casamento no interior da ilha de Santiago, nos meados do século XIX, procurando compreender como é que o casamento, um ato íntimo entre duas pessoas, podia envolver duas famílias, os vizinhos ou até duas comunidades e quais as etapas percorridas desde a manifestação de interesse do jovem pretendente pela rapariga, até ao casamento. Assim, começa-se por fazer a contextualização de um casamento tradicional, arranjado e realizado, no interior de Santiago, passando pelas diferentes (...)
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  8. Scrivere I confini.Antonio Maria Pusceddu - forthcoming - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano.
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  9. Representing Subjects, Mind-dependent Objects: Kant, Leibniz and the Amphiboly.Antonio-Maria Nunziante & Alberto Vanzo - 2009 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 17 (1):133-151.
    This paper compares Kant’s and Leibniz’s views on the relation between knowing subjects and known objects. Kant discusses Leibniz’s philosophy in the ‘Amphiboly’ section of the first Critique. According to Kant, Leibniz’s main error is mistaking objects in space and time for mind-independent things in themselves, that is, for monads. The paper argues that, pace Kant, Leibniz regards objects in space and time as mind-dependent. A deeper divergence between the two philosophers concerns knowing subjects. For Leibniz, they are substances. For (...)
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    Debunking Multiform Dimensionality: many, Romance tant-PL, & morpho-syntactic opacity.Antonio Maria Cleani & Luis Miguel Toquero-Pérez - 2022 - Proceedings of Salt32.
    The interpretation of `much/many' has been argued to be regulated by Uniform Dimensionality (Hackl 2000; Solt 2009): `much' is underspecified but `many' encodes cardinality. However, given some data where `many' denotes ‘volume’, Snyder (2021) proposes the need for Multiform Dimensionality: both `much' and `many' are underspecifed. After reviewing the English data, and in light of novel cross-linguistic data, we argue that neither generalization is fully accurate. Instead, following Wellwood (2015, 2018), we argue for an alternative, Abstract Uniform Dimensionality, which we (...)
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    Migrantes y políticas de contención: el caso de Libia al acabar el régimen de Gadafi.Antonio Maria Morone - 2024 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 32:136-157.
    Desde finales de los años 1990, Libia ha experimentado una fase de crecimiento económico muy rápida y se ha convertido, gradualmente, en destino privilegiado de importantes flujos migratorios internacionales procedentes de otros países árabes, de varios países africanos al sur del Sahara e, incluso, de países asiáticos, como Bangladesh, India y China. Contrariando la visión de Libia como un país de tránsito, la realidad es que muchas personas migrantes se quedan en el país. Sin embargo, el espacio libio ha representado (...)
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  12. El valor económico del idioma: El caso del Español.Antonio María Avila Alvarez - 2005 - Contrastes 39:59-61.
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  13. Panorama actural de la edición española.Antonio María Avila - 2007 - Critica 57 (945):25-28.
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  14. La droga del siglo XXI.Antonio Maria Costa, Bernat Soria Escoms, Nora Volkow & Agustín Remesal - 2007 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 50:26-31.
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    Il normativo e il naturale: saggi su Leibniz.Antonio-Maria Nunziante - 2019 - Padova: Padova UP.
  16. Lo spirito naturalizzato: la stagione pre-analitica del naturalismo americano.Antonio-Maria Nunziante - 2012 - Trento (Italy): Verifiche.
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    "Monas Dominans" like "Monas actuatrix". A Case of Unity in Plurality.Antonio Maria Nunziante - 2006 - In VIII. Internationaler Leibniz-Kongress, Einheit in der Vielheit, Hannover 24-29 July,. pp. pp. 729-736.
    What kind of relationship subsists between an "organism" and a "monas dominans"? In some texts, Leibniz claims that the soul "actuat" the organic body and in the late debate with Stahl he describes the "monas dominans" as a "monas actuatrix". But how does the monas "actualize" the organic body? And what is implied by Leibniz's use of the word "agere" to describe this? Is it also possibile to describe this event in terms of "whole/part" relationship? The aim of this paper (...)
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  18. Monade e contraddizione: l'interpretazione hegeliana di Leibniz.Antonio-Maria Nunziante - 2001 - Trento: Verifiche.
  19.  44
    Naturalismo e neuroscienze. Sulla genesi storica di un legame teorico.Antonio-Maria Nunziante - unknown
    The first part of the paper offers an historical reconstruction of the relationship between philosophy and neuroscience. The goal of this part is to show that such relationship has been generated on the basis of a theoretical common ground; that this common story was essentially tied to the American philosophical naturalism; that naturalism entails a metaphilosophical constraint, such that between philosophy and the natural sciences subsists a strong cognitive asymmetry. In the second part of the paper, it has been taken (...)
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  20.  9
    Organismo come armonia: la genesi del concetto di organismo vivente in G.W. Leibniz.Antonio-Maria Nunziante - 2002 - Ass. Trentina di Scienze Umane.
  21.  37
    " Singolarità" e" infinito". Appunti per una discussione tra Leibniz e Hegel.Antonio Maria Nunziante - 2005 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane 34 (1-2):29-61.
    Aim of this paper is to reconsider the controversial problem of the relationship between the philosophy of Hegel and Leibniz. Beyond the tick courtain of historical references (which have been widely developed by scholars), it is in fact possible to assume some guideline concepts (i.e. those of "singularity" and "infinity") to reconstruct the deep theoretical influence which Leibniz played in Hegel's thought since the Jaener Systementwurf of 1804/1805.
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  22. VIII. Internationaler Leibniz-Kongress, Einheit in der Vielheit, Hannover 24-29 July,.Antonio Maria Nunziante (ed.) - 2006
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    Cristianos laicos y signos de los tiempos.Antonio María Calero de los Ríos - 2023 - Isidorianum 15 (31):181-244.
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    A Solidão como experiência central no totalitarismo no pensamento de Hannah Arendt.Antonio Glauton Varela Rocha - 2021 - Perspectivas 6 (2):76-94.
    Dentro do pensamento arenditiano, a experiência da solidão é uma das formas mais radicais de afastamento do ser humano da própria humanidade. Para Arendt existem caminhos que podem apontar e conduzir à solidão, e que devem ser vigiados e evitados. Arendt entende que esta experiência tão radical atinge seu ápice no contexto do totalitarismo, em especial nos campos de concentração. A solidão se torna estrutural e é fabricada continuamente no contexto totalitário. Como experiencia onde a pessoa se perde do mundo, (...)
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    A pedagogia de Paulo Freire e seus horizontes indicativos para uma dialogicidade igualitária e personalista.Antonio Marcos Chagas & Antonio Glauton Varela Rocha - 2014 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 9 (1):99-115.
    O presente artigo busca apresentar a perspectiva educativa de Paulo Freire a partir da relação com o personalismo de Emmanuel Mounier. O ponto de destaque em tal relação é a visão da construção de uma educação pautada na autonomia e na abertura à comunidade, uma educação não meramente técnica, mas que seja capaz de preparar o ser humano para o fazer e para o ser. Esta educação, segundo Paulo Freire, não pode esquecer a importância do Protagonismo do educando no processo (...)
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    A crítica de Emmanuel Mounier ao problema do homem singular no marxismo.Antonio Glauton Varela Rocha - 2013 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 7 (1):26-37.
    Emmanuel Mounier busca um possível diálogo entre o personalismo e o marxismo. Este diálogo é ciente dos pontos de contato e de afastamento entre as duas teorias. Mounier não aceita o que ele chama de redução materialista do ser pessoal e insiste na consideração do espírito como constituinte da pessoa tanto quanto a matéria. Um reforma da sociedade precisa estar atenta tanto ao aspecto material como espiritual e moral da pessoa e da sociedade em que ela está situada. No projeto (...)
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    A educação personalista e a transformação da sociedade: contribuições de Louis Althusser e Emmanuel Mounier.Antonio Glauton Varela Rocha - 2015 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 12 (2):316-326.
    Este artigo apresenta a proposta de Emmanuel Mounier e a crítica de Louis Althusser em relação à educação capitalista e articula um contato entre essas duas posições. Não é um contato que tem como objetivo um consenso entre os dois autores, mas que procura apontar como podemos aliar a consciência do perigo de alienação na educação com a esperança que a educação pode representar se for desenvolvida com os devidos cuidados e tendo em vista uma concepção integral da pessoa, o (...)
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  28. Beginning teachers immersed into science: Scientist and science teacher identities.Maria Varelas, Roger House & Stacy Wenzel - 2005 - Science Education 89 (3):492-516.
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  29. Urban primary‐grade children think and talk science: Curricular and instructional practices that nurture participation and argumentation.Maria Varelas, Christine C. Pappas, Justine M. Kane, Amy Arsenault, Jennifer Hankes & Begona Marnotes Cowan - 2008 - Science Education 92 (1):65-95.
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    Heredada, comprada, regalada: la biblioteca ‘propia’ de Emilia Pardo Bazán.María Xosé Agra Romero & Concha Varela Orol - 2024 - Ágora Papeles de Filosofía 43 (2).
    El objeto de este trabajo es identificar y analizar los distintos estratos perceptibles hoy en la biblioteca de Emilia Pardo Bazán, especialmente la colección de libros pertenecientes a su padre José Pardo Bazán, así como el alto número de autoras y sus obras presentes en los fondos. Ambas secciones constituyen dos de las grandes aportaciones de la biblioteca al patrimonio bibliográfico y a la historia de Galicia, así como a la historia de las mujeres y el feminismo. Se concluye indicando (...)
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    ¿Cómo promover el activismo socioambiental?Mercedes Varela-Losada, María A. Lorenzo-Rial, Uxío Pérez-Rodríguez & M. Eulalia Agrelo-Costas - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (5):1-12.
    Actualmente son necesarias propuestas educativas que promuevan la sostenibilidad mediante activismo digital. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la movilización de competencias digitales docentes a través de la creación de storytellings sobre la Fast Fashion. Su análisis mostró cómo estas experiencias pueden propiciar el desarrollo de capacidades de comunicación y colaboración, como son la participación para la creación de contenidos, la participación ciudadana en línea o la capacidad para compartir contenidos. Los vídeos creados relacionan las acciones cotidianas con las (...)
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  32. Análisis crítico Del diseño factorial 2k sobre casos aplicados.Pedro Daniel Medina Varela & Angela Maria Lopez Reyes - 2011 - Scientia et Technica 17.
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    Chaos, Fractals, and Our Concept of Disease.Manuel Varela, Raul Ruiz-Esteban & Maria Jose Mestre De Juan - 2010 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 53 (4):584-595.
    The concept of disease is deeply rooted in medical practice, and one can hardly conceive of caring for patients without this tool. Nevertheless, under this seemingly uncontroversial idea there are some highly polemical axioms that we usually take for granted, even though they often lead us to some uncomfortable inconsistencies and contradictions. Some of the conceptual issues derived from our traditional view of disease, which condition the way we conceive and practice medicine, include:We conceive of disease as a real entity (...)
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    Conjunçoes filosóficas luso-brasileiras.Maria Helena Varela - 2002 - Lisboa: Fundaçao Lusíada. Edited by Gilberto de Mello Kujawski.
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    Mulheres, metáforas e mestiçagens.Maria Helena Varela - 2011 - Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda.
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    Patterns with Equal Values in Permutation Entropy: Do They Really Matter for Biosignal Classification?David Cuesta–Frau, Manuel Varela–Entrecanales, Antonio Molina–Picó & Borja Vargas - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-15.
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    Basic Psychological Needs, Physical Self-Concept, and Physical Activity Among Adolescents: Autonomy in Focus.Raúl Fraguela-Vale, Lara Varela-Garrote, Miriam Carretero-García & Eva María Peralbo-Rubio - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:522076.
    The contribution of this research lies in its dual approach to the question of physical activity (PA) among adolescents, combining objective measurement of PA by teenagers and a comparison of psychological satisfaction through physical activities involving differing degrees of autonomy (i.e., organized or unstructured). Using the conceptual framework of Self-Determination Theory, the analysis also examines the relationship between levels of PA among adolescents and physical self-concept and satisfaction of basic psychological needs during exercise. The study surveyed 129 first-year higher secondary (...)
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  38.  23
    Conversación entre Pablo Posada Varela y Marc Richir.Pablo Posada Varela, Marc Richir & Aurélien Alavi - 2024 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 119:209-223.
    Esta conversación tuvo lugar durante una visita de varios días de Pablo Posada Varela a la casa de Marc Richir en Haut-Vaucluse en junio de 2012. He aquí tres extractos (de extensión variable) de una conversación del 8 de junio, y algunos otros fechados el 10 de junio.
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    Are Rational Numbers Spontaneous? Natural Numbers Suffice all Processing by the Number Sense.Anastasia Dimakou, Aldo Antonio Sarubbi, Silvia Benavides-Varela & Rosa Rugani - 2022 - Cognitive Science 46 (7):e13164.
    Cognitive Science, Volume 46, Issue 7, July 2022.
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    Effectiveness of eHealth-Based Psychological Interventions for Depression Treatment in Patients With Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Systematic Review. [REVIEW]Esperanza Varela-Moreno, Mónica Carreira Soler, José Guzmán-Parra, Francisco Jódar-Sánchez, Fermín Mayoral-Cleries & María Teresa Anarte-Ortíz - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    BackgroundComorbidity between diabetes mellitus and depression is highly prevalent. The risk of depression in a person with diabetes is approximately twice that of a person without this disease. Depression has a major impact on patient well-being and control of diabetes. However, despite the availability of effective and specific therapeutic interventions for the treatment of depression in people with diabetes, 50% of patients do not receive psychological treatment due to insufficient and difficult accessibility to psychological therapies in health systems. The use (...)
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    Semiotic aspects of cognitive development: Illustrations from early mathematical cognition.Joe Becker & Maria Varelas - 1993 - Psychological Review 100 (3):420-431.
    The premise of this article is that cognitive development involves both conceptual and semiotic achievements. From this perspective, the authors emphasize the distinctness of the semiotic issues and develop a differentiated appreciation of the semiotic aspects of cognition, particularly in the field of elementary mathematical cognition. The authors provide semiotic analyses of the differences between counting, adding, and multiplying and of the conventional place-value system. The authors introduce the concept of the field of reference of a sign, the differentiation of (...)
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    Normen – Subjekte – Gewalt Mit Butlers Politik gegen hegemoniale Heteronormativität1.Nikita Dhawan & María Do Mar Castro Varela - 2018 - In Sergej Seitz, Tatjana Schönwälder-Kuntze & Gerald Posselt, Judith Butlers Philosophie des Politischen: Kritische Lektüren. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. pp. 125-150.
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    Propositional proof systems based on maximum satisfiability.Maria Luisa Bonet, Sam Buss, Alexey Ignatiev, Antonio Morgado & Joao Marques-Silva - 2021 - Artificial Intelligence 300 (C):103552.
  44. Influence of Psychological Factors in Breast and Lung Cancer Risk – A Systematic Review.Maria Angelina Pereira, António Araújo, Mário Simões & Catarina Costa - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Introduction: In 2020, according to the Global Cancer Observatory, nearly 10 million people died of cancer. Amongst all cancers, breast cancer had the highest number of new cases and lung cancer had the highest number of deaths. Even though the literatures suggest a possible connection between psychological factors and cancer risk, their association throughout studies remains inconclusive. The present systematic review studied the connection between psychological factors and the risk of breast and lung cancer, prior to a cancer diagnosis. The (...)
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    Unlocking data: Where is the key?María C. Sánchez & Antonio Sarría‐Santamera - 2019 - Bioethics 33 (3):367-376.
    Health‐related data uses and data sharing have been in the spotlight for a while. Since the beginning of the big data era, massive data mining and its inherent possibilities have only increased the debate about what the limits are. Data governance is a relevant aspect addressed in ethics guidelines. In this context, the European project BRIDGE Health (BRidging Information and Data Generation for Evidence‐based Health policy and research) strove to achieve a comprehensive, integrated and sustainable EU health‐information system. One of (...)
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    El republicanismo y la crisis del rawlsismo metodológico (Nota sobre método y sustancia normativa en el debate republicano).María Julia Bertomeu & Antonio Domènech - 2005 - Isegoría 33:51-75.
    Cinco generaciones de utilitaristas, apoyados en la ciencia social posterior a la revolución marginalista neoclásica, destruyeron la conexión clásica entre la reflexión filosófica normativa y el mundo de los derechos y de las instituciones sociales. El estilo de hacer filosofía política inaugurado por Rawls no sólo prometía romper a su vez con todo eso, sino que, aparentemente, apuntaba a una consciente reanudación de la manera clásica -preutilitarista, preneoclásica- de hacer filosofía política: derechos, virtudes, contratos, clases sociales y entramados institucionales -no (...)
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    Entre Educação, Filosofia e Educação Matemática, Filosofia da Educação Matemática.Maria Aparecida Viggiani Bicudo & Antonio Vicente Marafioti Garnica - 2025 - Trans/Form/Ação 48 (1):e025002.
    This paper presents an interview carried out with Maria Aparecida Viggiani Bicudo. Its main topic is the Philosophy of Mathematics Education. Other issues are linked to this central theme, such the interviewed’s experience in university management, the movement from her initial formation in Education till her studies in Philosophy, the creation of a recognized and well regarded PostGraduate Programm in Mathematics Education in Brazil, and the perspective of being woman and mother working in the academic world.
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  48. Ontologies, Mental Disorders and Prototypes.Maria Cristina Amoretti, Marcello Frixione, Antonio Lieto & Greta Adamo - 2019 - In Matteo Vincenzo D'Alfonso & Don Berkich, On the Cognitive, Ethical, and Scientific Dimensions of Artificial Intelligence. Springer Verlag. pp. 189-204.
    As it emerged from philosophical analyses and cognitive research, most concepts exhibit typicality effects, and resist to the efforts of defining them in terms of necessary and sufficient conditions. This holds also in the case of many medical concepts. This is a problem for the design of computer science ontologies, since knowledge representation formalisms commonly adopted in this field do not allow for the representation of concepts in terms of typical traits. However, the need of representing concepts in terms of (...)
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    Harmonias e dissonâncias: estudos sobre o pensamento filosófico de António José de Brito.Maria Celeste Natário, António Braz Teixeira & Renato Epifânio (eds.) - 2008 - Sintra: Zéfiro Edições.
    ESTUDOS SOBRE O PENSAMENTO FILOSÓFICO DE ANTÓNIO JOSÉ DE BRITO Quem haja seguido com compreensiva e valorativa atenção o percurso da reflexão filosófica portuguesa no último quarto do século XX, não poderá ter deixado de reconhecer o destacado lugar que nele ocupa a obra de António José de Brito, Professor Catedrático jubilado da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, pelo exigente rigor, coerência sistemática e originalidade do seu pensamento de cariz dialéctico, desenvolvido a partir da noção principial de Insuperável, (...)
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  50. Entrevista: Uma história de compromisso com a Filosofia da Educação brasileira.Antônio Joaquim Severino, Neiva Afonso Oliveira, Avelino da Rosa Oliveira & Letícia Maria Passos Corrêa - 2025 - Trans/Form/Ação 48 (1):e025015.
    The interview, conceived and conducted by researchers from the Philosophy, Education and Social Praxis Research Group - FEPráxiS, aims to present the foundations of Antônio Joaquim Severino’s thinking. The interviewee discusses his own educational path and the philosophical sources that have influenced him, presents the theses he has been developing in the field of Philosophy of Education and advances on the unwavering anthropological, ethical and political commitments of Brazilian education.
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