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  1.  45
    Folk Beliefs about Soul and Mind: Cross-Cultural Comparison of Folk Intuitions about the Ontology of the Person.Arkadiusz Gut, Andrew Lambert, Oleg Gorbaniuk & Robert Mirski - 2021 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 21 (3-4):346-369.
    The present study addressed two related problems: The status of the concept of the soul in folk psychological conceptualizations across cultures, and the nature of mind-body dualism within Chinese folk psychology. We compared folk intuitions about three concepts – mind, body, and soul – among adults from China and Poland. The questionnaire study comprised of questions about the functional and ontological nature of the three entities. The results show that the mind and soul are conceptualized differently in the two countries: (...)
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  2.  53
    Action-based versus cognitivist perspectives on socio-cognitive development: culture, language and social experience within the two paradigms.Robert Mirski & Arkadiusz Gut - 2018 - Synthese 197 (12):5511-5537.
    Contemporary research on mindreading or theory of mind has resulted in three major findings: There is a difference in the age of passing of the elicited-response false belief task and its spontaneous–response version; 15-month-olds pass the latter while the former is passed only by 4-year-olds. Linguistic and social factors influence the development of the ability to mindread in many ways. There are cultures with folk psychologies significantly different from the Western one, and children from such cultures tend to show different (...)
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  3.  31
    Pretense: the context of possibilities.Monika Dunin-Kozicka & Arkadiusz Gut - 2022 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 21 (5):1107-1130.
    In this paper, we deal with the issue of how it is possible for pretending children to engage in exploratory performances and entertain alternative states of affairs. We question the approach according to which pretenders must be capable of counterfactual reasoning. Instead, we follow an alternative action-based framework on cognition and thus pretense, which argues for a much more profound role of the context of play than the questioned Counterfactual Thinking Approach to Pretense (CTAP). First, we motivate this shift in (...)
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    In Search of a Theory: The Interpretative Challenge of Empirical Findings on Cultural Variance in Mindreading.Arkadiusz Gut & Robert Mirski - 2016 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 48 (1):201-230.
    In this paper, we present a battery of empirical findings on the relationship between cultural context and theory of mind that show great variance in the onset and character of mindreading in different cultures; discuss problems that those findings cause for the largely-nativistic outlook on mindreading dominating in the literature; and point to an alternative framework that appears to better accommodate the evident cross-cultural variance in mindreading. We first outline the theoretical frameworks that dominate in mindreading research, then present the (...)
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  5. Czy reprezentacje mentalne zwierząt są nieprzezroczyste?Arkadiusz Gut & Zbigniew Wróblewski - 2015 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 94.
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    Overcoming Logical Psychologism.Arkadiusz Gut - 2015 - Polish Journal of Philosophy 9 (1):7-32.
    The central and probably most controversial point concerning the psychologism — anti-psychologism debate is the problem of Frege’s alleged influence on the change in Husserl’s views. Contemporary thinkers investigating the early period of Husserl’s philosophy have attempted to show that the opinion that Frege’s doctrine had a traumatic influence on Husserl’s views is not justified. This paper, which tries to maintain a balance between strictly philosophical argumentation and narrowly understood historical argumentation, suggests an alternative solution. By appealing to Frege’s works (...)
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    Gottlob Frege i problemy filozofii współczesnej.Arkadiusz Gut (ed.) - 2005 - Lublin: Wydawn. KUL.
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    Inne umysły.Przemysław Gut & Arkadiusz Gut - 2012 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 60 (4):123-146.
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  9. Język a myślenie drugiego rzędu (Analiza testów fałszywego przekonania).Arkadiusz Gut - 2009 - Filozofia Nauki 17 (3).
    The paper is focused on the relationship between thought and language. One of the current hypotheses claims that public language is responsible for our ability to display second order cognitive dynamics. In order to investigate the alleged role of language in our ability to think about thoughts philosophers and psychologists have concentrated on the attribution of thought to another people i.e. on "mind reading" abilities. Evaluating series of experimental results (for example: The false belief task ) some of them have (...)
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  10. Language and second order thinking (the analysis of false belief task).Arkadiusz Gut - 2009 - Filozofia Nauki 17 (3):99.
  11.  10
    Myśl Gottloba Fregego w świetle badań prowadzonych w filozofii współczesnej.Arkadiusz Gut - 2004 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 52 (2):133-169.
    The paper introduces the reader to the contemporary trends in the interpretation of Frege\'s thought. The point of departure in this description points out that the way of looking at Frege\'s accomplishment depends on the manner of characterising contemporary philosophy, in particular analytical philosophy. In order to have a closer look at the above relationship we have outlined the style of historical-systematic studies as proposed by Dummett. A series of historical facts are given with a view to explain the sources (...)
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    O logice predykatów.Arkadiusz Gut - 2002 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 50 (1):121-163.
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    Priority of Thought or Priority of Language.Arkadiusz Gut - 2014 - In Piotr Stalmaszczyk, Philosophy of Language and Linguistics: The Legacy of Frege, Russell, and Wittgenstein. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 71-98.
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  14.  22
    The Development of Understanding Opacity in Preschoolers: A Transition From a Coarse- to Fine-Grained Understanding of Beliefs.Arkadiusz Gut, Maciej Haman, Oleg Gorbaniuk & Monika Chylińskia - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Intensionality (or opacity) is a core property of mental representations and sometimes understanding opacity is claimed to be a part of children's theory of mind (evidenced with the false belief task). Children, however, pass the false belief task and the intensionality tasks at different ages (typically 4 vs. 5;1-6;11 years). According to two dominant interpretations, the two tests either require different conceptual resources or vary only in their executive or linguistic load. In two experiments, involving 120 children aged 3-6 (Experiment (...)
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  15.  21
    The Highlights of Descartes’ Epistemology.Przemysław Gut & Arkadiusz Gut - 2020 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 68 (2):9-19.
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    Two Types of Philosophical Analysis.Arkadiusz Gut - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 8:70-75.
    The aim of this paper is a comparative analysis of the Lvov-Warsaw School and Frege-Russell's tradition. The Comparison of these is made on the grounds of the analysis of existence. Choosing "existence" as the object of the analysis is very essential. It is so because understanding of the category of existence is strongly connected with the whole system. Thus, while analyzing the category, one can make a reconstruction of the concept scheme ; show their functioning; and compare them to each (...)
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    W stronę lepszego rozumienia emocji: Wpływ filozofowania z dziećmi na uczenie emocji – przegląd badań rozwojowych.Jakub Janczura, Anna Karczmarczyk, Arkadiusz Gut & Robert Mirski - 2022 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 70 (3):109-139.
    Niniejszy artykuł podejmuje kwestię roli Filozofii dla Dzieci (P4C) w kontekście rozumienia emocji. Najpierw przedstawiamy początek koncepcji Filozofii dla Dzieci, jako metody pedagogicznej wspierającej umiejętność krytycznego myślenia oraz proces, w jakim przekształciła się w narzędzie badawcze rozwijane w postaci interwencji psychologicznych. Następnie pokazujemy, w jaki sposób narzędzie P4C można zastosować w badaniach rozwojowych dotyczących rozumienia emocji przez dzieci. Argumentujemy, że projekt P4C służy nie tylko budowaniu wiedzy i poprawie zdolności poznawczych, ale sprzyja również kształtowaniu rozumienia sfery emocjonalnej. Pokazujemy, że korzyści (...)
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  18.  23
    Encultured minds, not error reduction minds.Robert Mirski, Mark H. Bickhard, David Eck & Arkadiusz Gut - 2020 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 43.
    There are serious theoretical problems with the free-energy principle model, which are shown in the current article. We discuss the proposed model's inability to account for culturally emergent normativities, and point out the foundational issues that we claim this inability stems from.
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    Ekonomia a moralność: poszukiwania teologicznomoralne.Antoni B. Stñepieân & Arkadiusz Gut - 1996 - Lublin: Red. Wydawnictw Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego. Edited by Arkadiusz Gut.
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  20.  8
    Lubelska szkoła filozoficzna w porównaniach.Jacek Wojtysiak, Zbigniew Wróblewski & Arkadiusz Gut (eds.) - 2019 - Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL.
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  21.  67
    Language as a Necessary Condition for Complex Mental Content: A Review of the Discussion on Spatial and Mathematical Thinking. [REVIEW]Arkadiusz Gut & Robert Mirski - 2018 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 66 (3):33-56.
    In this article we review the discussion over the thesis that language serves as an integrator of contents coming from different cognitive modules. After presenting the theoretical considerations, we examine two strands of empirical research that tested the hypothesis — spatial cognition and mathematical cognition. The idea shared by both of them is that each is composed of two separate modules processing information of a specific kind. For spatial thinking these are geometric information about the location of the object and (...)
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