Results for 'Art of Horsemanship'

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  1.  12
    Apprenticeship Contracts in Classical Athens.Mills McArthur - 2023 - Classical Quarterly 73 (1):462-465.
    Numerous apprenticeship contracts survive among the papyri of Graeco-Roman Egypt, but scholars have been left guessing whether this documentation offers a sound comparison to job training in Classical Greece. This paper points out that such apprenticeship contracts are firmly attested in a work of Xenophon, revealing that, by the mid fourth century b.c., Athens was already home to the practice of formal apprenticeship.
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    Poetry and Horseplay in Sidney's Defence of Poesie.Micha Lazarus - 2016 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 79 (1):149-182.
    The playful discussion of 'horsemanship' that opens Sir Philip Sidney's Defence of Poesie has been variously interpreted as a straightforward anecdote about the chivalric arts, or an oblique rhetorical flourish, or something in between. This essay suggests a new context for Sidney's exordium by focusing primarily on its affiliation to the genre of the 'Art of Poetry'. In Horace's Ars poetica and other classical, scholastic and Renaissance treatises, horse–men and other unnatural hybrids embody the tension between decorum and poetic (...)
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  3. Games and the art of agency.C. Thi Nguyen - 2019 - Philosophical Review 128 (4):423-462.
    Games may seem like a waste of time, where we struggle under artificial rules for arbitrary goals. The author suggests that the rules and goals of games are not arbitrary at all. They are a way of specifying particular modes of agency. This is what make games a distinctive art form. Game designers designate goals and abilities for the player; they shape the agential skeleton which the player will inhabit during the game. Game designers work in the medium of agency. (...)
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    Spartan Women (Book).Bella Vivante - 2003 - American Journal of Philology 124 (4):609-612.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 124.4 (2003) 609-612 [Access article in PDF] SARAH B. POMEROY. Spartan Women. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002. xviii + 198 pp. 11 black-and-white illustrations. Paper, $19.95. This "first full-length historical study of Spartan women to be published" (vii) is a very welcome book on an inadequately understood subject. Pomeroy's scholarly expertise for this study is firmly established; her research has been fundamental to examinations of (...)
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  5. The fine art of repetition: essays in the philosophy of music.Peter Kivy - 1993 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Peter Kivy is the author of many books on the history of art and, in particular, the aesthetics of music. This collection of essays spans a period of some thirty years and focuses on a richly diverse set of issues: the biological origins of music, the role of music in the liberal education, the nature of the musical work and its performance, the aesthetics of opera, the emotions of music, and the very nature of music itself. Some of these subjects (...)
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  6. Kant and the Art of Schematism.Samantha Matherne - 2014 - Kantian Review 19 (2):181-205.
    In the Critique of Pure Reason, Kant describes schematism as a (A141/B180–1). While most commentators treat this as Kant's metaphorical way of saying schematism is something too obscure to explain, I argue that we should follow up Kant's clue and treat schematism literally as Kunst. By letting our interpretation of schematism be guided by Kant's theoretically exact ways of using the term Kunst in the Critique of Judgment we gain valuable insight into the nature of schematism, as well as its (...)
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    “Education as the Art of Making Oneself at Home in the World with and Through Others”: The Call to Bildung in Meister Eckhart and the Film Of Gods and Men.Katja Frimberger - 2024 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 43 (5):515-535.
    This paper explores the mystical structure of education as Bildung in medieval theologian and Dominican friar Meister Eckhart’s work and the 2010 French film Of Gods and Men (Des Hommes et Des Dieux). I start this paper with a short introductory sketch of the Bildung tradition, in order to situate my discussion of Eckhart within the more well-known humanist tradition. Here, I claim that Bildung (as we understand it today through the classic Bildung philosophers) points back to its theological heritage (...)
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    Semiotics of art literature• painting• film.Sémiotique des Arts - 1971 - In Julia Kristeva, Josette Rey-Debove & Donna Jean Umike-Sebeok (eds.), Essays in semiotics. The Hague,: Mouton. pp. 397.
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    Plato's Noble Art Of Sophistry.G. B. Kerferd - 1954 - Classical Quarterly 4 (1-2):84-90.
    Plato's Sophist begins with an attempt to arrive by division at a definition of a Sophist. In the course of the attempt six different descriptions are discussed and the results summarized at 231 c-e. A seventh and final account may be said to occupy the whole of the rest of the dialogue, including the long digression on negative statements. The first five divisions characterize with a considerable amount of satire different types of sophist, or more probably different aspects of the (...)
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  10. Note Taking as an Art of Transmission.Ann Blair - 2004 - Critical Inquiry 31 (1):85.
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    The Necessity of Theater: The Art of Watching and Being Watched.Paul Woodruff - 2008 - New York, US: Oup Usa.
    What is unique and essential about theatre? What separates it from other arts? Do we need 'theatre' in some fundamental way? The art of theatre, as Paul Woodruff says in this elegant and unique book, is as necessary-and as powerful-as language itself. Defining theatre broadly, including sporting events and social rituals, he treats traditional theatre as only one possibility in an art that-at its most powerful-can change lives and bring a divine presence to earth. The Necessity of Theater analyzes the (...)
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    On Technological Ground: The Art of Torsten Lauschmann.Dominic Smith - 2015 - Evental Aesthetics 4 (2):138-170.
    This essay considers the relationship between the work of contemporary artist Torsten Lauschmann and themes in a growing area of research: philosophy of technology. Themes considered include relations between technology and contemporary urban dwelling, technology and the “everyday,” and Heidegger’s problematic but canonical understanding of technology not as a set of “mere means” but as a “way of revealing.” I argue that Lauschmann’s art renders these themes relevant for our increasingly technologically mediated forms of everyday experience by engaging in a (...)
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    Foucault and Somaesthetics: Variations on the Art of Living.Richard Shusterman - forthcoming - Foucault Studies:142-169.
    This essay examines Foucault’s legacy in terms of its contribution to the field of somaesthetics. It demonstrates how Foucault’s work on embodiment, care of the self, pleasure, sexuality, and aesthetics of existence were inspirational to the founding of somaesthetics and can serve as exemplars of somaesthetic philosophy. However, the essay also explores the ways that current somaesthetic research departs from Foucault’s theories by critiquing their limitations with respect to several important issues. These issues include the varieties of pleasure, the multicultural (...)
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    Apuleius and the Art of Narration.Ken Dowden - 1982 - Classical Quarterly 32 (02):419-.
    Anyone who wants to understand the very considerable art which Apuleius displays in narrating the stories of the Metamorphoses must naturally first describe the various modes of narration which he employs. Such description can scarcely be photographic: it requires its own language of categories and concepts – a language which Apuleius might, or might not, have understood. A valuable modern addition to the vocabulary has been the concept of ‘Point of View’: this concept is used to categorize modes of narration (...)
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    William Morris: The Art of Socialism.Ruth Kinna - 2000 - University of Wales Press.
    For many years, William Morris’s utopian novel, _News From Nowhere_, has been considered a socialist classic. In it, he describes a future society in which poverty and hardship have been overcome and where individuals are free to express their creativity. For many readers it has been an inspirational text but, at the same time, scholars have openly admitted that the society it describes is impractical. Indeed, in recent years, writers and politicians sympathetic to Morris’s socialism have tended to defend the (...)
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    Resilient life: the art of living dangerously.Brad Evans - 2014 - Malden, MA: Polity Press. Edited by Julian Reid.
    What does it mean to live dangerously? This is not just a philosophical question or an ethical call to reflect upon our own individual recklessness. It is a deeply political issue, fundamental to the new doctrine of 'resilience' that is becoming a key term of art for governing planetary life in the 21st Century. No longer should we think in terms of evading the possibility of traumatic experiences. Catastrophic events, we are told, are not just inevitable but learning experiences from (...)
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  17. Learning from Seneca: a Stoic perspective on the art of living and education.Doret J. de Ruyter & Leendert F. Groenendijk - 2009 - Ethics and Education 4 (1):81-92.
    There is an increasing interest in publications about the sources of meaning in life; books about the art of living are immensely popular. This article discusses whether one of the ancient predecessors of current 'art of living' theories, the Stoa and more particularly Seneca, can be of interest to educators today. Seneca's explicit writings on education are relatively few, but in his letters to his friend Lucilius we find several ideas as to how educators can assist students to become wise (...)
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    Proof and the art of mathematics: examples and extensions.Joel David Hamkins - 2021 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
    An introduction to writing proofs, presented through compelling mathematical statements with interesting elementary proofs. This book offers an introduction to the art and craft of proof-writing. The author, a leading research mathematician, presents a series of engaging and compelling mathematical statements with interesting elementary proofs. These proofs capture a wide range of topics, including number theory, combinatorics, graph theory, the theory of games, geometry, infinity, order theory, and real analysis. The goal is to show students and aspiring mathematicians how to (...)
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  19. Virtue, Wisdom, and the Art of Ruling in Plato.Alex John London - 1999 - Dissertation, University of Virginia
    This dissertation explores Plato's conception of the nature and value of wisdom and its relationship to the ethical virtues. It is argued that throughout what are referred to as Plato's early and middle dialogues, wisdom is identified with the political art and that, as such, those, dialogues consistently treat moral knowledge as a kind of craft knowledge. When this conception of wisdom is combined with the Socratic doctrine of the unity of the virtues, however, it raises serious problems for Socrates' (...)
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    Master of Adab about Art of Writing: Preface to Publication of Translation of Abu Hayyan al-Tawhidi’s Manuscript “An Epistle on Penmanship”.Mikhail S. Palenko & Паленко Михаил Сергеевич - 2023 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 27 (2):280-286.
    There is given a short review of the most important biographical information about Abū Ḥayyān al-Tawḥīdi (d. ca. 1023), an outstanding representative of the Adab literature. Amongst his creative heritage it is emphasized the importance of the «Epistle (on Penmanship)». The conclusion is made that Adab style served in the best way the author’s intention. He was the first one who succeeded to exhaustively summarize the primary (defining) stage of the Arabic script formation, to clearly formulate the technique for preparing (...)
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  21.  10
    Time and the art of living.Robert Grudin - 1982 - New York: Ticknor & Fields.
    This is a book about time--about one's own journey through it and, more important, about enlarging the pleasure one takes in that journey. It's about memory of the past, hope and fear for the future, and how they color, for better and for worse, one's experience of the present. Ultimately, it's a book about freedom--freedom from despair of the clock, of the aging body, of the seeming waste of one's daily routine, the freedom that comes with acceptance and appreciation of (...)
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    Dewey and the Art of Experience.Barry Allen - 2016 - Pragmatism Today 7 (1):93-99.
    Instead of following the behaviorists and abandoning the concept of experience, Dewey wanted to reconstruct it. Dewey was an ardent Darwinist, so whatever experience is, it has to be an evolved, presumably adaptive power. “Experience” became for him one word for the multiplex relation between the evolved, adapted organism and its environment. Human environments include groups and social relations mediated by language. But “experience” is not centered there, or restricted to the use of language. Experience comprises our total interaction with (...)
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  23. Persuading Science. The Art of Scientific Rhetoric.M. Pera & W. R. Shea - 1994 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 45 (1):375-386.
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    Liquidation world: on the art of living absently.Alexi Kukuljevic - 2017 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
    The metrologist: on Marcel Duchamp's Three standard stoppages -- The object-subject: Marcel Broodthaers, merchant of the insincere -- A sense of umor: Jacques Vaché -- The ridiculous subject -- Counting for nothing: the nihilist -- Slippered negligence: the dandy -- The happy melancholic -- Conclusion: A hole in a thing it is not.
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    Dr. Seuss and the art of war: secret military lessons.Montgomery McFate (ed.) - 2024 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
    Dr. Seuss's imaginative, whimsical children's tales are in fact packed with insights on national security and military strategy. Theodor Geisel's anti-totalitarian and pro-democracy views coming out of his WWII experiences are embedded in his classic books illuminating military topics such as strategy, insurgency, deterrence, cyber war, and more.
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    The Esthetic Basis of Greek Art of the Fifth and Fourth Centuries B. C (Classic Reprint).Rhys Carpenter - 2016 - Indiana University Press.
    Excerpt from The Esthetic Basis of Greek Art of the Fifth and Fourth Centuries B. C The bibliography of my subject is very nearly negligible. One debt (outside of Greek archaeology altogether) is, however, a heavy one; and I wish to acknowledge great obligation to the keen and serious dialectic which distinguishes Geoffrey Scott's of Humanism. About the Publisher Forgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more at This book is a reproduction of an (...)
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    Winning wars before they emerge: from kinetic warfare to strategic communications as a proactive and mind-centric paradigm of the art of war.Torsti Sirén - 2013 - Boca Raton: Universal-Publishers.
    To avoid preparing to wage battles against our opponents in future wars, we should proactively and continuously influence the narrative identity structures of our potential opponents by using Strategic Communications (StratCom). This book argues that nations and societies of tolerance and pluralism (the so-called wonderful societies) should utilize StratCom to seduce their enemies, opponents, and potential opponents not only to behave in more tolerant ways, but above all to internalize peace, tolerance, and pluralism as essential values and guiding mental institutions (...)
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    Boris Groys and the total art of Stalinism.Yanli He - 2019 - Thesis Eleven 152 (1):38-51.
    This paper’s core concern is Boris Groys’ theory of the total art of Stalinism, which is devoted to rewriting Soviet art history and reinterpreting Socialist Realism from the perspective of the equal rights between political and artistic Art Power. The aim of this article is to decode Groys and the total art of Stalinism, based on answering the following three questions: 1) why did Groys want to rewrite Soviet art history? 2) How did Groys re-narrate Soviet art history? 3) What (...)
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    Sun Tzu-The Art of War.B. E. Wallacker & Samuel B. Griffith - 1963 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 83 (2):268.
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    The Authorship of The Art of Logick.James S. Measell - 1977 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 15 (3):321-324.
  31.  19
    Can Artificial Intelligence Engage in the Practice of Law as the Art of Good and Justice?Neringa Gaubienė - 2024 - Filosofija. Sociologija 35 (2 Special).
    This article explores whether artificial intelligence (AI) can engage in the practice of law as an art of good and justice. It examines the historical and philosophical foundations of law as the art of promoting societal harmony and resolving moral dilemmas. The research employs critical and philosophical analysis methods integrating insights from legal scholars, ethicists, technologists, and policymakers. The study identifies AI’s potential to streamline legal processes, enhance access to justice, and reduce bias in decision-making. However, it also highlights ethical (...)
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    (1 other version)Pivotal strategies for the educational leader: the importance of Sun Tzu's The art of war.Ovid K. Wong - 2008 - Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield Education.
    The Art of War application to education is about solving problems to improve student and school success. The Art of War describes the significance of a leader and his knowledge and prudent application of the strategies. At the core of theses strategies is the non-negotiable moral purpose of the leader to be reinforced by other fine qualities as wisdom, commitment, discipline, and courage.
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    Wu-Wei in "the art of rulership" chapter of huai Nan Tzu: Its sources and philosophical orientation.Roger T. Ames - 1981 - Philosophy East and West 31 (2):193-213.
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    (1 other version)The Suasive Art of David Hume.M. A. Box - 1991 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 49 (4):397-398.
  35. Urban richness and the art of building.Pauline Von Bonsdorff - 2007 - In Arnold Berleant & Allen Carlson (eds.), The Aesthetics of Human Environments. Peterborough, CA: Broadview Press.
  36.  23
    The skillful means and meanings of philosophy: Attention and immersion in the philosophical art of writing.Charles Johnson - 2023 - Metaphilosophy 54 (4):403-414.
    This response to Richard Shusterman's Philosophy and the Art of Writing focuses on his concern that philosophy is, first and foremost, a way of life, illustrated in the West by the Socratic ideal of the philosopher and in the East by the example of the scholar-artist-gentleman. This paper examines the process of Buddhist meditation and the process of creating novels, supplementing the authors Shusterman carefully examines with examples from Black American literature, the author's own teacher John Gardner, and artistic colleagues (...)
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    The Philosophy of Art of Karl Marx.Mikhail Lifshitz - 1979 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 37 (4):493-495.
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  38. Leibniz’s Art of Infallibility, Watson, and the Philosophy, Theory, and Future of AI.Naveen Govindarajulu & Selmer Bringsjord - 2016 - In Vincent C. Müller (ed.), Fundamental Issues of Artificial Intelligence. Cham: Springer.
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    Philosophy and the Art of Writing.Berel Lang - 1985 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 44 (1):88-89.
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    Un art du quotidien? A partir de Georges Perec et Vilhelm Hammershøi.Hugues Choplin - 2020 - Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics 22 (2):74-90.
    An art of the everyday? Parting from Georges Perec and Vilhelm Hammershøi Contemporary continental philosophy seems to be deeply connected to art, whether it is poetry and literature, painting or music. This connection is built upon the primacy of a trial of the invisible, which is very often a trial of the event. The aim of this article is to establish an art of the everyday freed from this contemporary "eventism". We thus examine how the researches of Georges Perec in (...)
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  41. Morals, the art of symbolic living.Radhakamal Mukerjee - 1950 - Journal of Philosophy 47 (16):453-465.
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    Role Reversal in the Art of Caregiving.Sara Baxter - 2020 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 10 (2):93-96.
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    An Essay in the Art of Writing Posthumous Papers.Poul Behrendt & K. Brian Söderquist - 2003 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 2003 (1):48-109.
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  44. Cornelius O'Boyle, The Art of Medicine: Medical Teaching at the University of Paris, 1250-1400.K. Benson - 2002 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 23 (2):299-299.
  45.  58
    Ulysses and Us: The Art of Everyday Life in Joyce's Masterpiece.William M. Chace - 2011 - Common Knowledge 17 (1):192-194.
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    Heavenly Mathematics: The Forgotten Art of Spherical Trigonometry.Michael de Villiers - 2015 - The European Legacy 20 (5):560-561.
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    The Kal'm, an Art of Contradiction-Making or Theological Science? Some Remarks on the QuestionLe Problème des attributs divins dans la doctrine d'al-Aš'arî et de ses premiers grands disciplesThe Kalam, an Art of Contradiction-Making or Theological Science? Some Remarks on the QuestionLe Probleme des attributs divins dans la doctrine d'al-As'ari et de ses premiers grands disciples.Richard M. Frank & Michel Allard - 1968 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 88 (2):295.
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    (1 other version)Ethics and the art of conduct for nurses.Edward Francis Garesché - 1929 - London,: W. B. Saunders company.
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    Fostering the art of convergence in global bioethics.Alberto García Gómez - 2021 - International Journal of Ethics Education 6 (1):195-208.
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  50. Social Responsibility: The Art of the Possible.Robert Gunness - 1986 - Business and Society Review 12:1974-75.
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