Results for 'Ataullah Kiani'

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  1.  11
    Can Platform Leadership Drive Twin Transitions in Greening SMEs? Exploring the Nexus Between AI Infrastructure Flexibility, Information Effects, and Green Sustainable Practices.Khalid Mehmood, Ataullah Kiani, Hina Rehman, Safiya Mukhtar Alshibani & Patrice Piccardi - forthcoming - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility.
    Business Ethics, the Environment &Responsibility, EarlyView.
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    Personal factors affecting ethical performance in healthcare workers during disasters and mass casualty incidents in Iran: a qualitative study.Mehrzad Kiani, Mohsen Fadavi, Hamidreza Khankeh & Fariba Borhani - 2017 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 20 (3):343-351.
    In emergencies and disasters, ethics are affected by both personal and organizational factors. Given the lack of organizational ethical guidelines in the disaster management system in Iran, the present study was conducted to explain the personal factors affecting ethics and ethical behaviors among disaster healthcare workers. The present qualitative inquiry was conducted using conventional content analysis to analyze the data collected from 21 in-depth unstructured interviews with healthcare workers with an experience of attending one or more fields of disaster. According (...)
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    Structured propositions and a semantics for unrestricted impure logics of ground.Amirhossein Kiani - 2023 - Synthese 201 (4):1-29.
    I show that the assumption of highly structured propositions can be leveraged to provide a unified semantics for various propositional logics of impure ground in a very expressive and flexible way. It is shown, in particular, that the induced models are capable of capturing an infinitude of grounding facts that follow from unrestricted logics of ground, but, due to certain artificial restrictions, are left unaccounted for by the existing semantics in the literature. It is also shown that our models, unlike (...)
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    Orientation- and size-dependent room-temperature plasticity in ZrC crystals.S. Kiani, C. Ratsch, A. M. Minor, S. Kodambaka & J. -M. Yang - 2015 - Philosophical Magazine 95 (9):985-997.
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    Development and validation of the code of ethics for midwives in Iran.Farah Babaei, Soheila Nazarpour, Zahra Kiani & Masoumeh Simbar - 2023 - BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1):1-23.
    BackgroundConsidering ethical issues in midwifery care is essential for improving the quality of health services and the client's satisfaction. This study aimed to develop and validate the code of ethics for Midwives in Iran (ICEM).Materials and methodsThis was a mixed sequential study that was performed in three phases including a qualitative study, a review, and the content validity assessment. The first phase was a qualitative study with a content analysis approach. The data were collected by conducting in-depth semi-structured individual interviews (...)
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  6.  27
    A Comparative Study of the Foundations of Medical Ethics in Secular and Islamic Thought.Mohsen Rezaei Aderyani & Mehrzad Kiani - 2015 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 14 (40):27-46.
    The principles of medical ethics, common as they are in the world at the present time, have been formed in the context of Western secular communities; consequently, secular principles and values are inevitably manifested in all corners of medical ethics. Medical ethics is at its infancy in Iran. In order to incorporate medical ethics into the country's health system, either the same thoughts, principles, rules, and codes of Western communities should be translated and taught across the country, or else, if (...)
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  7.  26
    Consumers’ Intention to Adopt m-payment/m-banking: The Role of Their Financial Skills and Digital Literacy.Saif Ullah, Umar Safdar Kiani, Basharat Raza & Abdullah Mustafa - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:873708.
    The adoption of mobile payment (m-payment) and mobile banking (m-banking) is low in several countries, despite its associated benefits. The present study examines the impact of Pakistani consumers’ financial skills and digital literacy on their intention to adopt m-payment/m-banking using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). The data were collected from 454 individual smartphone users residing in Punjab province via an online and offline questionnaire survey. Structural equation modeling was used to analyze the consumers’ data. The results endorse that (1) their (...)
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  8.  40
    10th Royan Institute's International Summer School on “Molecular Biomedicine: From Diagnostics to Therapeutics”.Sharif Moradi, Parisa Torabi, Saeed Mohebbi, Sara Amjadian, Piter Bosma, Farnoush Faridbod, Vahid Khoddami, Morteza Hosseini, Sadegh Babashah, Maryam Ghotbaddini, Arezoo Rasti, Faezeh Shekari, Hamid Sadeghi-Abandansari, Jafar Kiani, Mehdi Shamsara, Mohammad Kazemi-Ashtiani & Samira Gholami - 2020 - Bioessays 42 (6):2000042.
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    Attitudes of medical students towards incentives offered by pharmaceutical companies- perspective from a developing nation- a cross sectional study.Usman Tariq Siddiqui, Amarah Shakoor, Sarah Kiani, Farwa Ali, Maryam Sharif, Arun Kumar, Qasim Raza, Naseer Khan, Sardar Mohammed Alamzaib & Syed Farid-ul-Husnain - 2014 - BMC Medical Ethics 15 (1):36.
    A training physician has his first interaction with a pharmaceutical representative during medical school. Medical students are often provided with small gifts such as pens, calendars and books, as well as free lunches as part of drug promotion offers. Ethical impact of these transactions as perceived by young medical students has not been investigated in Pakistan before. This study aimed to assess the association of socio-demographic variables with the attitudes of medical students towards pharmaceutical companies and their incentives.
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    Networks of Networks in Biology: Concepts, Tools and Applications edited by Narsis Kiani, David Gomez-Cabrero, and Ginestra Bianconi, Cambridge University Press, 2021. [REVIEW]Ingo Brigandt - 2022 - Quarterly Review of Biology 97 (4):303.
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  11.  30
    Muġni’l-Ḳurr'ʾ fî Şerḥi Muḫt'ri’l-İḳr'ʾ Özelinde ʿAṭ'ʾull'h Mesleği’ne Ait Tercihlerin Mahiyeti.Muhammed Pilgir - 2024 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 28 (1):242-263.
    Bu çalışmada Türkiye’de ḳırâât tedrisatında istifade edilen mesleklerden biri olan ʿAṭâʾullâh mesleğine ait tercihlerin mahiyeti, Muḥammed ʿÂrif el-Ḥıfẓî’nin Muġni’l-ḳurrâʾ fî şerḥi Muḫtâri’l-iḳrâʾ adlı eseri özelinde ve el-ʿaşru’s-suğrâ programının sınırları içerisinde ortaya konulmuştur. Osmanlı coğrafyasında teşekkül eden ve Anadolu’ya özgü olan ḳırâât meslekleri, ḳırâât tedrisatında günümüze kadar varlığını sürdüregelmiştir. Bu meslekler, taḥrîrât ekolü mesabesinde olmasına rağmen Anadolu toprakları dışında neredeyse bilinmeyen, tanınmayan ve kendisine ḳırâât eğitim-öğretiminde yer verilmeyen bir terminoloji olarak günümüze kadar gelmiştir. Mamafih, söz konusu mesleklerden biri olan ʿAṭâʾullâh mesleğinden (...)
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  12.  17
    The Education of Qur’ān Recitation (Qirā’āt) in Turkey.Yaşar Akaslan - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (2):1081-1107.
    Qur’ān Recitation (qirā’āt) activities constitute a good part of the Qur’ān education history starting with the revealation of the Qur’ān. In Prophet Muḥammad’s era and after his death, education and teaching activities for spreading the Qur’ān recitations were maintained by muslims. Several institutions were built for this purpose, and many works are written for qirā’ātscience education and methods developed made a big contribution to the spreading of qur’ān recitation science. An Interregnum period for qirā’ātscience has happened at the last period (...)
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    The Perfect Human Being in Sohrawardi’s Illuminative Thought and Farabi’s Philosophical System: A Comparative Study of the “Qutb” and the “Ideal Ruler”.Tahereh Kamalizadeh & Muhammad Kamalizadeh - 2023 - Journal of Philosophical Theological Research 25 (4):135-162.
    Thoughts and theoretical reflections about “governance” in Islamic society, whether theorizing about the desired structure of government or describing the characteristics of an ideal ruler, is one of the most important topics studied in the field of political thought and philosophy in Islam, to which great names such as Farabi, etc. are connected. In this context, this research, through a comparative approach, seeks to examine and analyze the views of Farabi and Sohrawardi about the ideal ruler from the perspective of (...)
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