Results for 'Austin Bailey'

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  1. We acknowledge with thanks receipt of the following titles. Inclusion in this list neither implies nor precludes subsequent review.Victor Lee Austin & James P. Bailey - 2011 - Studies in Christian Ethics 24 (2):269-270.
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    The World Is Full”: Emerson, Pluralism, and the “Nominalist and Realist.Austin Bailey - 2016 - The Pluralist 11 (2):32-48.
  3. On Intersectionality and the Whiteness of Feminist Philosophy.Alison Bailey - 2010 - In George Yancy, Barbara Applebaum, Susan E. Babbitt, Alison Bailey, Berit Brogaard, Lisa Heldke, Sarah Hoagland, Cynthia Kaufman, Crista Lebens, Cris Mayo, Alexis Shotwell, Shannon Sullivan, Lisa Tessman & Audrey Thompson, The Center Must Not Hold: White Women Philosophers on the Whiteness of Philosophy. Lexington Books.
    In this paper I explore some possible reasons why white feminists philosophers have failed to engage the radical work being done by non-Western women, U.S. women of color and scholars of color outside of the discipline. -/- Feminism and academic philosophy have had lots to say to one another. Yet part of what marks feminist philosophy as philosophy is our engagement with the intellectual traditions of the white forefathers. I’m not uncomfortable with these projects: Aristotle, Foucault, Sartre, Wittgenstein, Quine, (...), and countless others have provided us with some very powerful conceptual tools.. However, as Sandra Harding observes, conventional standards for what counts as “good science” (or in this case “good philosophy”) always bear the imprint of their creators. So, I think about whether the tools my discipline hands me ever serve as strategies for exclusion. -/- My conversation begins with intersectionality, which for feminists working outside of philosophy, is a predictable point of departure; but as a white feminist philosopher I have specific reasons for starting here. The fact that intersectionality is, at once, such a widely recognized strategy for making visible women of color’s issues and concerns in academic and policy discussions, and so neglected by philosophers is telling. I want to invite philosophers to think more seriously about intersectionality and other pluralist approaches as strategies for calling attention to whiteness of philosophy in general and feminist philosophy in particular. I want us to consider what feminist philosophy would be like if women of color’s writing, experiences, and communities drove philosophical inquiry. -/- Since most philosophers are unfamiliar with intersectional methodologies, I begin with a basic explanation of the foundational claims of this approach. Next, I explore some reasons why white feminists working in philosophy may be resistant to this method. I identify both disciplinary and personal reasons for this hesitancy and argue that intersectionality serves as a useful strategic tool for examining white authority in the emergent feminist canon. Finally, I explore the role intersectional thinking might play in creating a feminist critical race philosophy by outlining four projects that I think will challenge and enrich feminist work in the discipline. (shrink)
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  4. Sense and Sensibilia.J. L. Austin - 1962 - Oxford University Press USA.
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    Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 153 Biographical Memoirs of Fellows, Vii.Fba Johnston (ed.) - 2008 - Oup/British Academy.
    Seventeen obituaries of recently deceased Fellows of the British Academy: Shackleton Bailey; James Barr; William Beasley; Lord Blake; Julian Budden; Lord Bullock; Robert Carson, Laurence Cohen; Charles Feinstein; Henry Gifford; Peter Holt; Emrys Jones; Robert Megarry; Edward Oates; Maurice Wiles; Brian Woledge; Austin Woolrych.
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  6. Zen and the Brain: Toward an Understanding of Meditation and Consciousness.James H. Austin - 1998 - MIT Press.
    The book uses Zen Buddhism as the opening wedge for an extraordinarily wide-ranging exploration of consciousness.
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  7. What are Side Effects?Austin Due - 2023 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 13 (1):1-21.
    Side effects are ubiquitous in medicine and they often play a role in treatment decisions for patients and clinicians alike. Philosophers and health researchers often use side effects to illustrate issues with contemporary medical research and practice. However, technical definitions of ‘side effect’ differ among health authorities. Thus, determining the side effects of an intervention can differ depending on whose definition we assume. Here I review some of the common definitions of side effect and highlight their issues. In response, I (...)
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  8. The Province of Jurisprudence Determined, Etc.John Austin - 1956 - Philosophy 31 (117):165-166.
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  9. (1 other version)Is There a ‘Best’ Way for Patients to Participate in Pharmacovigilance?Austin Due - 2025 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 50 (1):46-56.
    The underreporting of suspected adverse drug reactions hinders pharmacovigilance. Solutions to underreporting are oftentimes directed at clinicians and health care professionals. However, given the recent rise of public inclusion in medical science, solutions may soon begin more actively involving patients. I aim to offer an evaluative framework for future possible proposals that would engage patients with the aim of mitigating underreporting. The framework may also have value in evaluating current reporting practices. The offered framework is composed of three criteria that (...)
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    What's the meaning of "this"?: a puzzle about demonstrative belief.David F. Austin - 1990 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
    In recent literature in the philosophy of mind and language, one finds a variety of examples that raise serious problems for the traditional analysis of belief as a two-term relation between a believer and a proposition. My main purpose in this essay is to provide a critical test case for any theory of the propositional attitudes, and to demonstrate that this case really does present an unsolved puzzle. Chapter I defines the traditional, propositional analysis of belief, and then introduces a (...)
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    Strategies for Data Ethics Governance: Elevating Patient and Community Perspectives.Austin M. Stroud, Journey L. Wise, Susan H. Curtis & Michelle L. McGowan - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (11):48-50.
    McCoy and colleagues (2023) offer a reflective framework for data ethics and governance with several historical bioethics principles as a foundation. Their framework is one among a plethora of othe...
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  12. Populations and Individuals in Heterokaryotic Fungi: A Multilevel Perspective.Austin Booth - 2014 - Philosophy of Science 81 (4):612-632,.
    Among mycologists, questions persist about what entities should be treated as the fundamental units of fungal populations. This article articulates a coherent view about populations of heterokaryotic fungi and the individuals that comprise them. Using Godfrey-Smith’s minimal concept of a Darwinian population, I argue that entities at two levels of the biological hierarchy satisfy the minimal concept in heterokaryotic fungi: mycelia and nuclei. I provide a preliminary answer to the question of how to understand the relation between these two populations. (...)
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  13. Eukaryogenesis: how special, really?Austin Booth & W. Ford Doolittle - 2015 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America:1-8.
    Eukaryogenesis is widely viewed as an improbable evolutionary transition uniquely affecting the evolution of life on this planet. However, scientific and popular rhetoric extolling this event as a singularity lacks rigorous evidential and statistical support. Here, we question several of the usual claims about the specialness of eukaryogenesis, focusing on both eukaryogenesis as a process and its outcome, the eukaryotic cell. We argue in favor of four ideas. First, the criteria by which we judge eukaryogenesis to have required a genuinely (...)
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  14.  20
    Right and reason: ethics in theory and practice.Austin Fagothey - 1976 - Saint Louis: Mosby. Edited by Milton A. Gonsalves.
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    To stay or to go, to speak or stay silent, to act or not to act: Moral distress as experienced by psychologists.Wendy Austin, Marlene Rankel, Leon Kagan, Vangie Bergum & Gillian Lemermeyer - 2005 - Ethics and Behavior 15 (3):197 – 212.
    The moral distress of psychologists working in psychiatric and mental health care settings was explored in an interdisciplinary, hermeneutic phenomenological study situated at the University of Alberta, Canada. Moral distress is the state experienced when moral choices and actions are thwarted by constraints. Psychologists described specific incidents in which they felt their integrity had been compromised by such factors as institutional and interinstitutional demands, team conflicts, and interdisciplinary disputes. They described dealing with the resulting moral distress by such means as (...)
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  16. Patient Participation and Empowerment in Precision Medicine.Austin Due - 2025 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 68 (1):22-36.
    Precision medicine functions by grouping patients along genetic, molecular, and related ‘-omics’ factors. This stratification relies on large, growing databases of patient-volunteered information. Both private companies and government bodies incentivize patients to volunteer this genetic information appealing to the creation of collaborative patient partnerships and the concept of empowerment. This paper aims to address two related questions: (1) what is the actual nature of patient participation in precision medicine research? And (2) is this participation in precision medicine research really that (...)
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  17. Divine command theory.Michael W. Austin - 2006 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  18. Are ‘Phase IV’ Trials Exploratory or Confirmatory Experiments?Austin Due - 2022 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 95 (C):126-133.
    Exploratory experiments are widely characterized as experiments that do not test hypotheses. Experiments that do test hypotheses are characterized as confirmatory experiments. Philosophers have pointed out that research programmes can be both confirmatory and exploratory. However, these definitions preclude single experiments being characterized as both exploratory and confirmatory; how can an experiment test and not test a hypothesis? Given the intuition that some experiments are exploratory, some are confirmatory, and some are both, a recharacterization of the relationship between exploratory and (...)
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    Propagating pluripotency – The conundrum of self‐renewal.Austin Smith - 2024 - Bioessays 46 (12):2400108.
    The discovery of mouse embryonic stem cells in 1981 transformed research in mammalian developmental biology and functional genomics. The subsequent generation of human pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) and the development of molecular reprogramming have opened unheralded avenues for drug discovery and cell replacement therapy. Here, I review the history of PSCs from the perspective that long‐term self‐renewal is a product of the in vitro signaling environment, rather than an intrinsic feature of embryos. I discuss the relationship between pluripotent states captured (...)
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    CSR for Happiness: Corporate determinants of societal happiness as social responsibility.Austin Chia, Margaret L. Kern & Benjamin A. Neville - 2020 - Business Ethics: A European Review 29 (3):422-437.
    Business Ethics: A European Review, EarlyView.
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    Habermas and the `Post-Secular Society'.Austin Harrington - 2007 - European Journal of Social Theory 10 (4):543-560.
    The article appraises Habermas's recent writings on theology and social theory and their relevance to a new sociology of religion in the `post-secular society'. Beginning with Kant's Religion Within the Limits of Reason Alone, Habermas revisits his earlier thesis of the `linguistification of the sacred', arguing for a `rescuing translation' of the traditional contents of religious language through pursuit of a via media between an overconfident project of modernizing secularization, on the one hand, and a fundamentalism of religious orthodoxies, on (...)
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    Self-Realization and Disappointment in the ‘Society of Singularities’.Austin Harrington - 2022 - Analyse & Kritik 44 (2):305-322.
    This contribution focuses on Andreas Reckwitz’s considerations on phenomena of ‘exhausted self-realization’ and ‘disappointment’ in The Society of Singularities, as well as in his follow-up volume, The End of Illusions. Under discussion is the range of analytical distinctions that tend to come into play in this area between what one might call a generally primordial concept of self-realization and more derivative articulations of the concept that exhibit various aspects of instrumentalization—variously termed ‘self-maximization’ or ‘self-optimization’. The paper argues that while Reckwitz’s (...)
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    Theological History and the Legitimacy of the Modern Social Sciences: Considerations on the Work of Hans Blumenberg.Austin Harrington - 2008 - Thesis Eleven 94 (1):6-28.
    This article explores the much neglected work of the German philosopher and cultural theorist Hans Blumenberg, a figure still relatively little known in the Anglophone world. The thesis is defended that Blumenberg's conception of The Legitimacy of the Modern Age (1966) offers valuable resources for addressing some important questions about the philosophical self-understanding of the modern social sciences in relation to theological and religious sources of thought and language. The article begins with an assessment of the contemporary relevance of Blumenberg's (...)
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    Early Integration of Pediatric Participation in Health Care as Preventive Ethics.Austin Lawrence Dalgo - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (3):22-24.
    Olszewski and Goldkind (2018) correctly point out that including children in medical decision making ought to be the default position for clinicians. Recognizing the challenges this position poses,...
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    Right and reason.Austin Fagothey - 1959 - Saint Louis,: Mosby. Edited by Milton A. Gonsalves.
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    Law and the Humanities: An Introduction.Austin Sarat, Matthew Daniel Anderson & Cathrine O. Frank (eds.) - 2009 - Cambridge University Press.
    Law and the Humanities: An Introduction brings together a distinguished group of scholars from law schools and an array of the disciplines in the humanities. Contributors come from the United States and abroad in recognition of the global reach of this field. This book is, at one and the same time, a stock taking both of different national traditions and of the various modes and subjects of law and humanities scholarship. It is also an effort to chart future directions for (...)
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    Lifeworld.Austin Harrington - 2006 - Theory, Culture and Society 23 (2-3):341-343.
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    Using The Human Rights Paradigm in Health Ethics: the problems and the possibilities.Wendy Austin - 2001 - Nursing Ethics 8 (3):183-195.
    Human rights may be the most globalized political value of our times. The rights paradigm has been criticized, however, for being theoretically unsound, legalistic, individualistic and based on the assumption that there is a given and universal humanness. Its use in the area of health is relatively new. Proponents point to its power to frame health as an entitlement rather than a commodity. The problems and the possibilities of a rights approach in addressing health ethics issues are explored in this (...)
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    The reciprocal relationship between executive function and theory of mind in middle childhood: a 1-year longitudinal perspective.Gina Austin, Karoline Groppe & Birgit Elsner - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
  30. Dharma as an ethical category relating to freedom and responsibility.Austin B. Creel - 1972 - Philosophy East and West 22 (2):155-168.
  31.  12
    Full Collection of Personal Narratives.Austin Morris, P. Lisa, Jeanne Kerwin, Jean Watson, Eve Makoff, Brent R. Carr, Anonymous One, Michelle Prong, Laura J. Hoeksema, Tracy R. Wilson, Frances Rieth Maynard, Laura A. Katers & Maggie Taylor - 2024 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 14 (1).
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Full Collection of Personal NarrativesAustin Morris, Lisa P., Jeanne Kerwin, Jean Watson, Eve Makoff, Brent R. Carr, Anonymous One, Michelle Prong, Laura J. Hoeksema, Tracy R. Wilson, Frances Rieth Maynard, Laura A. Katers, and Maggie Taylor• Against Their Wishes: The Gift of a Goodbye• Lisa’s Story• Unbefriended• The Clinical Ethics Consult: Transforming Ambivalence to Action• Side Stepping The Issues: Disappointment With An Ethics Consult For A Medically High Risk (...)
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  32. Dissolution of the self in the Senecan corpus.Austin Busch - 2009 - In Shadi Bartsch & David Wray, Seneca and the self. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    The sārasvata yātsattra in mahābhārata 17 and 18.Christopher R. Austin - 2008 - International Journal of Hindu Studies 12 (3):283-308.
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  34. The dialectical mind : on educating the creative imagination in elementary school.Austin Clarkson - 2008 - In Raya A. Jones, Education and imagination: post-Jungian perspectives. New York: Routledge. pp. 118--141.
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    The Terminal: A tale of virtue.Wendy Austin - 2007 - Nursing Ethics 14 (1):54-61.
    The movie, The terminal, is used to illustrate Mac Intyre's description of virtue ethics. The terminal is a mythical tale about a traveler, Viktor Navorski, who is stranded by circumstances in a New York airport. Viktor is a person who, without a strict reliance on duty or rules, has developed the disposition to act well despite variation in his circumstances. His character is revealed in contrast to that of three other characters: a cleaner, a flight attendant and the airport manager. (...)
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    Fallenness and Flourishing, Hud Hudson.Michael Austin - 2023 - Philosophia Christi 25 (2):338-341.
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  37. [How to Do Things with Words]. Japanese.J. L. Austin & Hyakudai Sakamoto - 1978 - Taishukan Publishing Company.
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    Cause Lawyering and the State in a Global Era.Austin Sarat (ed.) - 2001 - Oup Usa.
    Sarat and Scheingold's book, Cause Lawyering, the first volume of its kind, coined the term for law as practiced by the politically motivated and those devoted to moral activism. The new collection examines cause lawyering in the global context, exploring the ways in which it is influencing and being influenced by the disaggregation of state power associated with democratization, and how democratization empowers lawyers who want to effect change. New configurations of state power create opportunities for altering the political and (...)
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    The nature of the metallic state in V2O3and related oxides.I. G. Austin & C. E. Turner - 1969 - Philosophical Magazine 19 (161):939-949.
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    Universities and the academic gold standard in Nigeria.Dennis Austin - 1980 - Minerva 18 (2):201-242.
  41.  40
    Virgil and The Sibyl.Roland G. Austin - 1927 - Classical Quarterly 21 (2):100-105.
    If the Bucolics as a whole ‘ look on us with dark enigmatical eyes,’ for long no more impenetrable darkness and no more compelling enigma could be found than that of the fourth poem in the collection. But Skutsch, the authors of Virgil's Messianic Eclogue, and more recently Mr. Royds in his Virgil and Isaiah, have done much to solve its many mysteries. Their efforts, however, were mainly directed towards the problems of fact contained in the Eclogue, and so far (...)
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    Some problems with Gadamer's and Habermas' dialogical model of sociological understanding.Austin Harrington - 1999 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 29 (2):371–384.
    Despite differences between them, Gadamer and Habermas both argue that in order to understand the practices and beliefs of other cultures and periods of history fully and critically, researchers should enter into imaginary ‘dialogue’ with their subjects about the nature of the world. Objectivity of understanding in their view consists not in prior suppression of our contemporary preconceptions and interests but in a process of actively seeking agreement with others over appropriate world-views and normative beliefs. This paper challenges Gadamer's and (...)
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    Pneumatterings: The New Materialism, Whitehead, and Theology.Austin J. Roberts - 2015 - Process Studies 44 (1):4-23.
    The present article explores the relationship between the panagential ontologies found in the so-called "New Materialism " and the thought of Alfred North Whitehead. Further, the implications of this relationship for theology are also explored.
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  44. Beyond Ghost in the (Human) Shell.Austin Corbett - 2008 - Journal of Evolution and Technology 20 (1):43-50.
    The cyborg inscribes itself nearly everywhere, forcing us to re-examine discourses of humanity, modernity, Japan, and technology. I will trace the early history of the cyborg, from its hidden roots and precursors in fin de siècle Gothic fiction to its fully formed conception in 1990s science fiction and Donna Haraway’s Cyborg Manifesto. I will then move beyond the well-known cyborg genealogy to delve into contemporary portrayals that radically expand the cyborg’s political potential, and posthuman role, through an analysis of Kenji (...)
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    A Companion to Ramon Llull and Llullism.Amy M. Austin & Mark David Johnston (eds.) - 2018 - Boston: BRILL.
    A survey of the work of the Majorcan lay theologian and philosopher Ramon Llull (1232-1316), along with examples of its wide influence in late medieval, Renaissance, and early modern Europe and in colonial Spanish America.
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  46. Anderson-Shaw, Lisa, meadow, William with policy?Wendy Austin, Gillian Lemermeyer, Miriam Brouillet & Leigh Turner - 2005 - HEC Forum 17 (4):327-329.
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  47. A note on the problem of conscious man and cerebral disconnection by hemispherectomy.George Austin, William Hayward & Stanley Rouhe - 1974 - In Marcel Kinsbourne & Wallace Lynn Smith, Hemispheric Disconnection and Cerebral Function. Charles C. pp. 95.
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    Are (the log‐odds of) hospital mortality rates normally distributed? Implications for studying variations in outcomes of medical care.Peter C. Austin - 2009 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 15 (3):514-523.
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    Complementarity and theological paradox.William H. Austin - 1967 - Zygon 2 (4):365-381.
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    Chronology from The Life of Thomas More: 1533–35.Audrey Austin - 2023 - Moreana 60 (1):56-87.
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