Results for 'Avant-garde (Aesthetics) History.'

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  1.  10
    Aesthetic revolutions and twentieth-century avant-garde movements.Aleš Erjavec (ed.) - 2015 - London: Duke University Press.
    This collection categorizes aesthetic avant-garde art as art that seeks to politically transform society and argues that such art is essential for political revolution. It provides seven in-depth analyses of twentieth-century aesthetic avant-garde art movements and examines them in relation to revolutionary politics.
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    Surveying the avant-garde: questions on modernism, art, and the Americas in transatlantic magazines.Lori Cole - 2018 - University Park, Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania State University Press.
    Examines art and literature of the Americas through the lens of the questionnaire, a genre as central as the manifesto to the history of the avant-garde. Demonstrates how modernism and the avant-garde were debated at the very moment of their development and consolidation"--Provided by publisher.
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    Avant-garde et contre culture.Charles Dreyfus Pechkoff, Antigone Mouchtouris & Louis Ucciani (eds.) - 2023 - Dijon: Les Presses du réel.
    Considérer l'avant-garde et la contre-culture, lorsque règne une platitude généralisée permet d'approfondir la compréhension de phénomènes sans recourir uniquement à des discours idéologiques. Cependant compte tenu du sujet il s'avère impossible de le traiter sans prendre parti de façon passionnée. Sans prendre de risque, sans déranger l'existant, point d'avant-garde. Pour ces trois auteurs l'avant-garde est un état d'esprit, une attitude de vie. Cet ouvrage démontre qu'entre l'avant-garde et la contre-culture existent des similitudes, (...)
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    Avant-garde fascism: the mobilization of myth, art, and culture in France, 1909-1939.Mark Antliff - 2007 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    Fascism, modernism and modernity -- The Jew as anti-artist : Georges Sorel and the aesthetics of the anti- Enlightenment -- La Cité française : Georges Valois, Le Corbusier and fascist theories of urbanism -- Machine primitives : Philippe Lamour and the fascist cult of youth -- Classical violence : Thierry Maulnier and the legacy of the Cercle Proudhon.
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    La naissance des avant-gardes occidentales: 1909-1922.Anne Tomiche - 2015 - Paris: Armand Colin.
    Avant et pendant la Première Guerre mondiale, en Occident, ont fleuri des mouvements qui, parce qu'ils ont conjointement revendiqué un renouvellement radical des pratiques artistiques et une remise en question sociale plus large, ont a posteriori été appelés «avant-gardes». Ce sont ces mouvements qui, du futurisme italien à dada en passant par le futurisme russe, l'imagisme et le vorticisme, sont au centre de cet ouvrage. Aucun, au moment de sa fondation, ne s'est pensé d'«avant-garde». Tous ont (...)
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  6.  14
    Decentring the Avant-Garde.Per Bäckström & Benedikt Hjartarson (eds.) - 2014 - Amsterdam: Editions Rodopi.
    Decentring the Avant-Garde presents a collection of articles dealing with the topography of the avant-garde. The focus is on different responses to avant-garde aesthetics in regions traditionally depicted as cultural, geographical and linguistic peripheries. Avant-garde activities in the periphery have to date mostly been described in terms of a passive reception of new artistic trends and currents originating in cultural centres such as Paris or Berlin. Contesting this traditional view, Decentring the (...)
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    The Russian avant-garde and radical modernism: an introductory reader.Denis G. Ioffe & Frederick H. White (eds.) - 2012 - Brighton, MA: Academic Studies Press.
    A remarkable volume, the Russian avant-garde and radical modernism brings together the most significant movements and figures in Russian experimental art, cinema and literature of the early twentieth century (both pre-Soviet and Soviet) and presents them in commentary by leading scholars in the field" -- p. [4] of cover.
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    Revolutionary time and the avant-garde.John Roberts - 2015 - New York: Verso.
    Since the decidedly bleak beginning of the twenty-first century, art practice has become increasingly politicized. Yet, few sustained defenses of the avant-garde have been put forward. Revolutionary Time and the Avant-Garde is the first book of its kind to look at the legacy of the avant-garde in relation to the deepening crisis of capitalist non-reproduction. An invigorating revitalization of the Frankfurt School legacy, Roberts's book is unique in its penetrating definition and defense of the (...)
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    The will to chance: necessity and arbitrariness in the Czech avant-garde from poetism to surrealism.Malynne M. Sternstein - 2007 - Bloomington, Ind.: Slavica Publishers.
    Against arbitrariness -- The plastic word -- The simultaneous vision -- Each of us tracks his own toad -- The bed in the background : the erotics of chance in the discourses of Czech surrealism -- The poet and the hangman.
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    Carl Einstein et Benjamin Fondane: avant gardes et émigration dans le Paris des années 1920-1930.Liliane Meffre & Olivier Salazar-Ferrer (eds.) - 2008 - New York: Lang.
    Dans le Paris cosmopolite des années 1920 et 1930, les avant-gardes fleurissent et se fécondent mutuellement, grâce notamment à l'afflux d'émigrés du monde entier qui se sont expatriés pour des raisons politiques, idéologiques ou personnelles. Parmi eux, Carl Einstein, Allemand, et Benjamin Fondane, d'origine roumaine, tous deux Juifs et Parisiens de coeur, ont oeuvré en phase avec les courants d'avant-garde du début du siècle, travaillé au carrefour de l'esthétique, de la poésie, de la critique littéraire, de la (...)
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    Transnationality, internationalism and nationhood: European avant-garde in the first half of the twentieth century.Hubert van den Berg & Lidia Głuchowska (eds.) - 2013 - Leuven: Peeters.
    New means of transport and communication allowed unprecedented mobility of people, goods and ideas in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, which contributed to far-reaching economic, social and political changes in a first wave of globalisation. In its genuine transnationality, the European historical avant-garde can be seen as a product of this development. Cosmpolitanism, internationality and internationalism became emblems of the avant-garde in its pursuit of a 'new', modern international culture trangressing 'old' borders and limitations (...)
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  12.  9
    Women, destruction, and the avant-garde: a paradigm for animal liberation.Kim Socha - 2012 - New York: Rodopi.
    This interdisciplinary study fuses analysis of feminist literature and manifestos, radical political theory, critical vanguard studies, women's performance art, and popular culture to argue for the animal liberation movement as successor to the liberationist visions of the early twentieth-century avant-gardes, most especially the Surrealists. These vanguard groups are judiciously critiqued for their refusal to confront their own misogyny, a quandary that continues to plague animal activists, thereby disallowing for cohesion and full recognition of women's value within a culturally marginalized (...)
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    American avant-garde cinema's philosophy of the in-between.Rebecca Sheehan - 2020 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Can films philosophize rather than simply represent philosophical ideas developed outside of the cinematic medium? Taking up this question crucial to the emergent field of film philosophy, this book argues that the films of the American avant-garde do "do" philosophy and illuminates the ethical and political stakes of their aesthetic interventions. The book traces the avant-garde's philosophy by developing a history and theory of its investment in dimensional, conceptual, and material in-betweens, clarifying how this cinema's reflections (...)
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    Littératures modernistes et arts d'avant-garde.Pierre Taminiaux - 2013 - Paris: Honoré Champion éditeur.
    Cet ouvrage étudie dans sa première partie des formes diverses d'écriture, de la critique d'art au récit en passant par la poésie et le manifeste. Leurs auteurs, de Beckett à Michaux et de Paz à Tzara, ont été liés aux avant-gardes de la première moitié du vingtième siècle (en particulier à dada et au surréalisme) tout en empruntant une voie originale. Il aborde ensuite dans sa seconde partie les rapports de peintres comme Magritte et Léger à l'architecture. En outre, (...)
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  15.  9
    Avangardnyĭ vzryv: 22 statʹi o russkom avangarde = Avante-garde explosion: 22 studies on the Russian avant-garde.Kornelija Ičin - 2016 - Sankt-Peterburg: Evropeĭskiĭ universitet v Sankt-Peterburge.
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    Making theory/constructing art: on the authority of the avant-garde.Daniel Alan Herwitz - 1993 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Artists and critics regularly enlist theory in the creation and assessment of artworks, but few have scrutinized the art theories themselves. Here, Daniel examines and critiques the norms, assumptions, historical conditions, and institutions that have framed the development and uses of art theory. Spurred by the theoretical claims of Arthur Danto, a leader in the philosophy of the avant-garde, Herwitz reexamines the art and theory of major figures in the avant-garde movement including John Cage, Jean-François Lyotard, (...)
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  17.  1
    Form and Meaning in Avant-Garde Collage and Montage.Magda Dragu - 2020 - London and New York: Routledge.
    This book uses intermedial theories to study collage and montage, tracing the transformation of visual collage into photomontage in the early avant-garde period. Magda Dragu distinguishes between the concepts of collage and montage, as defined across several media (fine arts, literature, music, film, photography), based on the type of artistic meaning they generate, rather than the mechanical procedures involved. The book applies theories of intermediality to collage and montage, which is crucial for understanding collage as a form of (...)
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  18.  38
    Beyond the Sovereign Self: Aesthetic Autonomy from the Avant-Garde to Socially Engaged Art.Grant H. Kester - 2024 - Duke University Press.
    In _Beyond the Sovereign Self_ Grant H. Kester continues the critique of aesthetic autonomy begun in _The Sovereign Self_, showing how socially engaged art provides an alternative aesthetic with greater possibilities for critical practice. Instead of grounding art in its distance from the social, Kester shows how socially engaged art, developed in conjunction with forms of social or political resistance, encourages the creative capacity required for collective political transformation. Among others, Kester analyzes the work of conceptual artist Adrian Piper, experimental (...)
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  19.  16
    The Half-Life of the Avant-Garde: Introduction.Ryan Bishop & John W. P. Phillips - 2020 - Theory, Culture and Society 37 (7-8):53-70.
    This introduction to the special section ‘The Half-Life of the Avant-Garde: 50 Years On from 50 Years On’ explains why the section is conceived to look back at the century since the First World War. It is designed to offer ways of rethinking the concept and the role of the anniversary, where the First World War constitutes the memorialized event. The organization of the section follows the movement between often hidden or submerged forms of continuity. It attempts to (...)
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  20.  11
    Resonances against fascism: modernist and avant-garde sounds from Kurt Weill to Black Lives Matter.Laura Chiesa (ed.) - 2024 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    Makes a case for the power of music and sound in the face of fascistic forces, from modernism to the present.
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  21.  27
    Art in progress: a philosophical response to the end of the avant-garde.Maarten Doorman - 2003 - Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
    In this challenging essay, Maarten Doorman argues that in art, belief in progress is still relevant, if not essential. The radical freedoms of postmodernism, he claims, have had a crippling effect on art, leaving it in danger of becoming meaningless. Art can only acquire meaning through context the concept of progress, then, is ideal as the primary criterion for establishing that context. The history of art, in fact, can be seen as a process of constant accumulation, works of art commenting (...)
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  22.  11
    Rethinking the Vanguard: aesthetic and political positions in the modernist debate, 1917-1962.John W. Maerhofer - 2009 - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    How has political revolution figured into the development of avant-garde cultural production? Is the vanguard an antiquated concept or does its influence still resonate in the 21st century? Focusing closely on the convergence of aesthetics and politics that materialized in the early part of the twentieth century, this study offers a re-interpretation of the historical avant-garde from 1917 to 1962, a turbulent period in intellectual history which marked the apex, crisis, and decline of vanguardist authority. (...)
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  23.  21
    David Ewen Introduces Modern Music: A History and Appreciation. From Wagner to the Avant-Garde[REVIEW]Allan Shields - 1972 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 6 (3):122.
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  24.  6
    Dada-Zürich: ästhetische Theorie der historischen Avantgarde.Horst Bergmeier - 2011 - Göttingen: V&R unipress.
    English summary: What does Dada mean? The answer lies in the distinction between the perceptible and the designation and the failure to mediate discursively between the two. With the inception of Dada-Zurich - at the intersection between literary and art studies, comparative studies, image-text theory and philosophy - the relationship between modernity and avant-garde as well as between avant-garde and Dadaism was redefined. This redefinition was a consequence of the scandalous aesthetic theoretical insights of Dada Zurich, (...)
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  25.  49
    Subversive Intent: Gender, Politics, and the Avant-Garde.Mary Devereaux - 1992 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 50 (2):159-160.
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    Ein Labyr ist kein Labyr: Carlheinz Casparis Modell ästhetisch-ethischer Selbstbildung zwischen Cage, Constant und den Situationisten.Wilfried Dörstel - 2009 - Köln: König.
    "Labyr", developed by Carlheinz Caspari in 1960, is an aesthetical-ethical pattern of thought and a cultural technique, which surpasses any previous artistic model in terms of radicalness. This publication is the first examination of "Labyr", analysing it historically as well as through Caspari's texts and correspondences, documented here for the first time.
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  27.  7
    Henry Cow: the world is a problem.Benjamin Piekut - 2019 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    In its open improvisations, lapidary lyrics, errant melodies, and relentless pursuit of spontaneity, the British experimental band Henry Cow pushed rock music to its limits. The band's rotating personnel, sprung from rock, free jazz, and orchestral worlds, synthesized a distinct sound that troubled genre lines, and with this musical diversity came a mixed politics, including Maoism, communism, feminism, and Italian Marxism. In Henry Cow: The World is a Problem Benjamin Piekut tells the band's story-from its founding in Cambridge in 1968 (...)
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  28. Semiotika i avangard: antologii︠a︡.I︠U︡. S. Stepanov (ed.) - 2006 - Moskva: Kulʹtura.
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    Manifeste--Intentionalität.Hubert van den Berg & Ralf Grüttemeier (eds.) - 1998 - Atlanta, Ga.: Rodopi.
    Dem hier präsentierten Band liegt die These zugrunde, daß die Anfänge der Praxis, kunstprogrammatische Texte als Manifest zu bezeichnen, und die anschließende Hoch-konjunktur in der avantgardistischen Nomenklatur vor dem Hintergrund der problematisch gewordenen Intentionalität im Dreieck Künstler, Kunstwerk und Publikum gesehen werden muß. Den Beleg dafür tritt der vorliegende Band von drei Ansätzen aus an: Interpretation, Funktionalität und Strategie. Dabei wird ein Korpus aus verschiedenen Kunstsparten behandelt, das von literarischen Deklarationen der russischen Moderne ab 1893 bis zu postmodernen Manifesten reicht, (...)
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    Krytyĭ krest: tradit︠s︡ionalizm v avangarde.Vitaliĭ Averʹi︠a︡nov - 2015 - Moskva: Knizhnyĭ mir.
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    Heteronomija umetnosti in avantgard.Aleš Erjavec - 2017 - Ljubljana: Maska.
    V Heteronomiji umetnosti in avantgard se Aleš Erjavec ukvarja zlasti z radikalnimi politiziranimi avantgardami, se pravi s futurizmom in s konstruktivizmom, in tako nadaljuje svoje delo z začetka osemdesetih let 20. stoletja, ko je pričel svojo "ekspedicijo na severni pol človeškega duha". V pričujoči študiji so tako posebne pozornosti deležne radikalne avantgarde ter politična in ideološka vloga novejše umetnosti, še zlasti one z vzhoda. Nekateri vidijo v teh avantgardah skrajno obliko modernizma, drugi jih obravnavajo kot specifični vzhodnoevropski pojav, tretji pa (...)
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  32. Beyond Aesthetics: Philosophical Essays.Noël Carroll - 2001 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Beyond Aesthetics brings together philosophical essays addressing art and related issues by one of the foremost philosophers of art at work today. Countering conventional aesthetic theories - those maintaining that authorial intention, art history, morality and emotional responses are irrelevant to the experience of art - Noël Carroll argues for a more pluralistic and commonsensical view in which all of these factors can play a legitimate role in our encounter with art works. Throughout, the book combines philosophical theorizing with (...)
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  33.  5
    Neoavantgárd mozaik: tanulmányok, kritikák, esszék.András Müllner - 2023 - Budapest: Magyar Műhely.
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    Abanggarŭdŭ.Myŏng-U. No - 2008 - Sŏul Tʼŭkpyŏlsi: Chʼaek Sesang.
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    El arte de lo indecible: Wittgenstein y las vanguardias.Andoni Alonso - 2002 - Cáceres: Universidad de Extremadura, Servicio de Publicaciones.
    Análisis de los referentes estéticos de Wittgenstein en la literatura, la arquitectura, las artes plásticas y la música. Estudio de los artistas de la vanguardia, muchos de los cuales han superado la plasticidad del arte no en la teoría del arte, sino en el arte mismo, haciendo de su teoría su propia plasticidad.
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    Avantgarde und Modernismus: Dezentrierung, Subversion und Transformation im literarisch-kunstlerischen Feld.Wolfgang Asholt (ed.) - 2014 - Berlin: De Gruyter.
    Avantgarde und Avantgarde-Forschung befinden sich aufgrund der mit dem Begriff verbundenen Verzeitlichung und Verräumlichung in einer permanenten Erklärungs- und Rechtfertigungssituation. Von Beginn an für tot erklärt, "spukt" das "Gespenst der Avantgarde" durch Kunst und Literatur des 20. Jahrhunderts. Es hat grundsätzliche Fragen gestellt, die dieser Band diskutiert. Dazu gehört das immer wieder behauptete "Scheitern" der historischen Avantgarden, ihre Aufhebung in der Post-Avantgarde, gleichzeitig ihre (historische) Notwendigkeit, ihr Verhältnis zur Moderne und ihre zunehmende Vereinnahmung durch den Modernismus. Untersucht wird auch die (...)
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  37.  9
    Awangarda i krytyka: kraje Europy Środkowej i Wschodniej.Jakub Kornhauser, Małgorzata Szumna & Michalina Kmiecik (eds.) - 2015 - Kraków: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego.
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  38.  9
    Picasso en el burdel: (La vanguardia antes de la vanguardia).José-Luis Calvo Carilla - 2016 - Barcelona: Calambur.
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  39.  5
    Handboek voor de vagebond: in de voetsporen van vrije denkers.Léon Hanssen - 2020 - Amsterdam: Em. Querido's Uitgeverij BV.
    De vagebond was van oudsher een randfiguur die de samenleving de rug toekeerde en in verband werd gebracht met bedelarij, maar dat veranderde in de negentiende eeuw: kunstenaars en andere kritische geesten kozen de vagebond juist als voorbeeld. Zij vestigden zich op eenzame locaties en verafschuwden hebzucht en commercie.0Deze dwarsdenkers zijn de voorboden van een trend in de wereld van vandaag. Deels omdat zij de huizenprijzen niet meer kunnen betalen, deels omdat zij het postkapitalistische systeem verwerpen, ontwikkelen jongeren alternatieve levenswijzen. (...)
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    Visonen des Neuen: eine diskurshistorische Analyse des frühen avantgardistischen Manifests.Benedikt Hjartarson - 2013 - Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter.
    Die Aktivitaten der historischen Avantgardebewegungen, die im fruhen 20. Jahrhundert das kunstlerische Feld in Europa pragten, gingen unmittelbar mit dem Verfassen, der Herausgabe und Verbreitung von Manifesten einher. Die entsprechenden Texte dienten sowohl der Darstellung der jeweiligen Bewegungen in der Offentlichkeit als auch dem Bruch mit der bestehenden Tradition. Sie waren ein Medium der Abgrenzung von konkurrierenden Bewegungen und der Erklarung einer neuen asthetischen Praxis. Durch die Avantgarde wurde das Manifest zur treibenden Kraft des als einheitlich konzipierten Projekts kunstlerischer Erneuerung, (...)
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    Intermedialʹnai︠a︡ poėtika avangarda: sbornik stateĭ.Kornelija Ičin & Mikhail Karasik (eds.) - 2018 - Tokio: Univerzitet u Beogradu, Filološki fakultet.
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    Manifesty polskiej awangardy artystycznej: Formiści - Bunt - Jung Idysz: 1917-1922.Małgorzata Geron - 2019 - Toruń: Wydawnictwo Tako. Edited by Jerzy Malinowski.
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  43. Russkiĭ avangard: istoki i metamorfozy.E. A. Bobrinskai︠a︡ - 2003 - Moskva: "Pi︠a︡tai︠a︡ strana".
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    Etos nowej sztuki.Jolanta Brach-Czaina - 1984 - Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawn. Nauk..
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  45. Aesthetics and music • by Andy Hamilton.Stephen Davies - 2009 - Analysis 69 (2):397-398.
    Aesthetics and Music is a rich and interesting study. Hamilton's approach is innovative. He interleaves chapters on the history of philosophical thought about music with more theoretical discussions of music, sound, rhythm and improvisation, but does not cover the work–performance relation, depiction or expression. He draws on an atypically broad range of examples, including avant-garde, medieval, non-Western and jazz. The assumptions are humanist: ‘I wish to argue for an aesthetic conception of music as an art … according (...)
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    The Problem of Aesthetics Experience in Contemporary Art.Katarína Ihringová - 2018 - Espes 7 (2):33-42.
    Experiencing aesthetics and aesthetic experience has, for a long time, been perceived as the purpose and goal of art. The aesthetic features of a work of art have been the only criteria used in its evaluation. However, these modernist aspects cannot be applied to the conceptual and neo-avant-garde art of the 2nd half of the 20th century that has not only brought a radical change in the artistic form, but, especially, the ontological nature of the work itself. (...)
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    Aesthetics and music * by Andy Hamilton. [REVIEW]Andy Hamilton - 2007 - Analysis 69 (2):397-398.
    Aesthetics and Music is a rich and interesting study. Hamilton's approach is innovative. He interleaves chapters on the history of philosophical thought about music with more theoretical discussions of music, sound, rhythm and improvisation, but does not cover the work–performance relation, depiction or expression. He draws on an atypically broad range of examples, including avant-garde, medieval, non-Western and jazz. The assumptions are humanist: ‘I wish to argue for an aesthetic conception of music as an art … according (...)
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  48. Radical History and the Politics of Art.Gabriel Rockhill - 2014 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    The primary objective of this book is to open space for rethinking the relationship between art and politics. It seeks to combat one of the fundamental assumptions that has plagued many of the previous debates on this issue: that art and politics are distinct entities definable in terms of common properties, and that they have privileged points of intersection, which can be determined once and for all in terms of an established formula. This common sense assumption is rooted in a (...)
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    A place to know: aesthetic meaning in recent visual art.Margaretha Rossholm Lagerlöf - 2018 - Lund: Nordic Academic Press.
    To engage with the aesthetic is to watch yourself watching and what you see cannot be reached, for all that exists is the reflection of the vision performed by you. The aesthetic experience offers insights into the consciousness that are both ancient and linked to creative inventions in present-day art culture. In "A Place to Know", Margaretha Rossholm Lagerloef interprets twelve recent artworks, from Sol LeWitt to Katharina Grosse. She sets out the unique claims and qualities which are inherent in (...)
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    The Oxford Handbook of Aesthetics (review).Derek Matravers - 2005 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 39 (2):104-107.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Oxford Handbook of AestheticsDerek MatraversThe Oxford Handbook of Aesthetics, edited by Jerrold Levinson. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003, 821pp., $99.00 Hardback.The aesthetics community has much for which to thank Jerrold Levinson. His papers are required reading on a number of topics in aesthetics, and he is renowned as a generous commentator and critic. The considerable labor he must have expended in editing this book (...)
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