Results for 'Aw Stratemeyer'

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  1. A model of online information search.V. Lukosius, M. R. Hyman & Aw Stratemeyer - 2001 - American Marketing Association, Conference Proceedings 12:353--354.
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  2. The seasonal structure underlying the arrangement of hexagrams in the yijing'.Aw Anderson - 1990 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 17 (3):275-299.
  3. Fixation position and word-processing in reading.Aw Inhoff & C. Connine - 1986 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 24 (5):332-332.
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    La déontologie à l’épreuve des médias, de quelques cas en Afrique de l’ouest francophone.Eugénie R. Aw - 2013 - Éthique Publique 15 (1).
    La réflexion sur l’éthique et la déontologie des médias en Afrique de l’Ouest suscite diverses questions. Il convient d’abord de clarifier les concepts pour alimenter le débat qui a ses moments forts, notamment pendant les périodes électorales.D’un côté, les professionnels de l’information, les acteurs des médias mettent l’accent sur la nécessaire liberté de la presse et peuvent être en porte-à-faux dans leur pratique avec la philosophie et les règles de la profession. D’un autre côté, différentes institutions, que ce soit les (...)
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    Jim Edwards.Aw Moore - 1994 - European Journal of Philosophy 2 (1).
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  6. Ethics in context.Aw Brian Simpson - 1985 - Criminal Justice Ethics 4 (2).
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    Mindshaping: A New Framework for Understanding Human Social Cognition.Tadeusz Wies aw Zawidzki - 2013 - Bradford.
    Argues that the key distinction between human and nonhuman social cognition consists in our complex, diverse and flexible capacities to shape each other's minds in ways that make them easier to interpret.
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    S. Awodey.Aw Carus - 2003 - In Paolo Parrini, Merrilee H. Salmon & Wesley C. Salmon (eds.), Logical Empiricism: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives. University of Pittsburgh Press. pp. 57.
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  9. Foundational development without foundationalism.Aw Van Haaften & G. L. M. Snik - forthcoming - Philosophy of Education.
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    320 index.Aw Moore, John Allen Paulos, Ad Irvine, Brian Rotman, Mark Steiner & Neil Tennant - unknown - Philosophical Papers 1896 (99).
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  11. Priming from partial-word previews.Aw Inhoff & S. Tousman - 1988 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 26 (6):512-512.
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    Aristotle's syllogistic and its extensions.Czes?aw Lejewski - 1963 - Synthese 15 (1):125 - 154.
  13. Sexual inequality amongst muslim arabs.Aw Ata - 1988 - Journal of Dharma 13 (1):15-30.
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    Idealization and factualization in science.W.?Adys?Aw Krajewski - 1977 - Erkenntnis 11 (1):323-339.
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    Pewien dowód zupeŀności dwuwartościowego rachunku zdań.Wacŀaw Sadowski - 1961 - Studia Logica 11 (1):49 - 55.
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    Cardinalities of proper ideals in some lattices of strengthenings of the intuitionistic propositional logic.Wies?aw Dziobiak - 1983 - Studia Logica 42 (2-3):173 - 177.
    We prove that each proper ideal in the lattice of axiomatic, resp. standard strengthenings of the intuitionistic propositional logic is of cardinality 20. But, each proper ideal in the lattice of structural strengthenings of the intuitionistic propositional logic is of cardinality 220. As a corollary we have that each of these three lattices has no atoms.
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    O teorii stosunków zbudowanej na teorii przedmiotów.Stanisŀaw Kaczorowski - 1962 - Studia Logica 13 (1):7 - 38.
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    (1 other version)Logika stosunków zakresowych.Zdzisŀaw Kraszewski - 1956 - Studia Logica 4 (1):63-87.
  19. Logical space and metaphysical systems.Bogus?aw Wolniewicz - 1983 - Studia Logica 42 (2-3):269 - 284.
    The paper applies the theory presented in A Formal Ontology of Situations (this journal, vol. 41 (1982), no. 4) to obtain a typology of metaphysical systems by interpreting them as different ontologies of situations. Four are treated in some detail: Hume's diachronic atomism, Laplacean determinism, Hume's synchronic atomism, and Wittgenstein's logical atomism. Moreover, the relation of that theory to the situation semantics of Perry and Barwise is discussed.
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    A formal ontology of situations.Bogus?aw Wolniewicz - 1982 - Studia Logica 41 (4):381 - 413.
    A generalized Wittgensteinian semantics for propositional languages is presented, based on a lattice of elementary situations. Of these, maximal ones are possible worlds, constituting a logical space; minimal ones are logical atoms, partitioned into its dimensions. A verifier of a proposition is an elementary situation such that if real it makes true. The reference (or objective) of a proposition is a situation, which is the set of all its minimal verifiers. (Maximal ones constitute its locus.) Situations are shown to form (...)
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  21.  41
    O liczbach kardynalnych.Stanisŀaw Kaczorowski - 1963 - Studia Logica 14 (1):11 - 58.
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    The theory of Boolean algebras with an additional binary operation.Bronis?aw Tembrowski - 1983 - Studia Logica 42 (4):389 - 405.
    This paper deals with Boolean algebras supplied with an additional binary operation, calledB-algebras for short.The aim of the paper is to generalize some theorems concerning topological Boolean algebras to more comprehensive classes ofB-algebras, to formulate fundamental properties ofB-algebras, and to find more important relationships of these algebras to other known algebras.
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    On decidable consequence operators.Jaros?aw Achinger & Andrzej W. Jankowski - 1986 - Studia Logica 45 (4):415 - 424.
    The main theorem says that a consequence operator is an effective part of the consequence operator for the classical prepositional calculus iff it is a consequence operator for a logic satisfying the compactness theorem, and in which every finitely axiomatizable theory is decidable.
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    Independence in Operator Algebras.StanisŁaw Goldstein, Andrzej Łuczak & Ivan F. Wilde - 1999 - Foundations of Physics 29 (1):79-89.
    Various notions of independence of observables have been proposed within the algebraic framework of quantum field theory. We discuss relationships between these and the recently introduced notion of logical independence in a general operator-algebraic context. We show that C*-independence implies an analogue of classical independence.
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    IV Konwersatorium Wiedzy o Mieście na temat Geografia Społeczna.Stanis±aw Liszewski & Uniwersytet ¡âodzki (eds.) - 1991 - Łódź: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Odzkiego.
  26.  4
    (1 other version)Hegel i Nietzsche wobec problemu polityczności.Stanis±Aw ¡Ojek & Fundacja na Rzecz Nauki Polskiej - 2002 - Wrocław: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego.
    Hegel i Nietzsche twierdzili, że żyją w czasach przełomu, który wymusi pojawienie się nowego etapu w dziejach ludzkości. Sytuację człowieka współczesnego określa „fakt” roztrzaskania dotychczasowych horyzontów oraz konieczność stworzenia, lub odkrycia, horyzontów nowych. Postulują oni zatem ustanowienie nowego celu ludzkości. Filozofia polityki winna stać się częścią tego ogólnokulturowego projektu. Tym samym rzucają wyzwanie współczesnej filozofii politycznej, która zrzeka się prawa do ustanawiania takiego celu. Obaj są też przekonani – znów wbrew twierdzeniom współczesnym – że cel ów może i powinien być (...)
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    A deduction theorem schema for deductive systems of propositional logics.Janusz Czelakowski & Wies?aw Dziobiak - 1991 - Studia Logica 50 (3-4):385 - 390.
    We propose a new schema for the deduction theorem and prove that the deductive system S of a prepositional logic L fulfills the proposed schema if and only if there exists a finite set A(p, q) of propositional formulae involving only prepositional letters p and q such that A(p, p) L and p, A(p, q) s q.
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    Another proof that ISP r is the least quasivariety containing K.Janusz Czelakowski & Wies?aw Dziobiak - 1982 - Studia Logica 41 (4):343 - 345.
    Let q(K) denote the least quasivariety containing a given class K of algebraic structures. Mal'cev [3] has proved that q(K) = ISP r(K)(1). Another description of q(K) is given in Grätzer and Lakser [2], that is, q(K) = ISPP u(K)2. We give here other proofs of these results. The method which enables us to do that is borrowed from prepositional logics (cf. [1]).
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    Modal system ${\rm S}3$ and the proper axioms of ${\rm S}4.02$ and ${\rm S}4.04$.Bolesław Sobociński - 1973 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 14 (3):415-418.
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    Note on G. J. Massey's closure-algebraic operation.Bolesław Sobociński - 1970 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 11 (3):343-346.
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    Critical ResponseStaging Absorption and Transmuting the Everyday: A Response to Michael Fried.James Aw Heffernan - 2008 - Critical Inquiry 34 (4):818-834.
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    Recenzje.Stanisŀaw Jaśkowski, Zygmunt Ziembiński & Witold Marciszewski - 1965 - Studia Logica 16 (1):117-122.
  33. Liberum veto; studyum porównawczo-historyczne.Władysł́aw Konopczyński - 1918 - Kraków,: Skł. gł.: S. A. Krzyżanoskwi.
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    Elementary extensions of topological models in L t language.Miros?aw Majewski - 1987 - Studia Logica 46 (3):255-264.
    In this paper we define the relation t of elementary extension of topological models in the language L t and show a Back and Forth criterion for t. We introduce some new operations on partial homeomorphisms preserving Back and Forth properties. Some properties of t are proved by the Back and Forth technique.
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    Concerning axiomatizability of the quasivariety generated by a finite Heyting or topological Boolean algebra.Wles?aw Dziobiak - 1982 - Studia Logica 41 (4):415 - 428.
    In classes of algebras such as lattices, groups, and rings, there are finite algebras which individually generate quasivarieties which are not finitely axiomatizable (see [2], [3], [8]). We show here that this kind of algebras also exist in Heyting algebras as well as in topological Boolean algebras. Moreover, we show that the lattice join of two finitely axiomatizable quasivarieties, each generated by a finite Heyting or topological Boolean algebra, respectively, need not be finitely axiomatizable. Finally, we solve problem 4 asked (...)
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    Generalization of Scott's formula for retractions from generalized alexandroff's cube.Jaros?aw Achinger - 1986 - Studia Logica 45 (3):281 - 292.
    In the paper [2] the following theorem is shown: Theorem (Th. 3,5, [2]), If =0 or = or , then a closure space X is an absolute extensor for the category of , -closure spaces iff a contraction of X is the closure space of all , -filters in an , -semidistributive lattice.In the case when = and =, this theorem becomes Scott's theorem.
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    Próba klasyfikacji bŀędów wysŀowienia myśli.Stanisŀaw Kamiński - 1960 - Studia Logica 9 (1):241 - 244.
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    (2 other versions)Wprowadzenie do filozofii.Mieczys±aw Albert Krñapiec & Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski (eds.) - 1983 - Lublin: UNUM - Wydawnictwo Polskiego Towarzystwa Teologicznego.
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    Formalization of functionally complete propositional calculus with the functor of implication as the only primitive term.Czes?aw Lejewski - 1989 - Studia Logica 48 (4):479 - 494.
    The most difficult problem that Leniewski came across in constructing his system of the foundations of mathematics was the problem of defining definitions, as he used to put it. He solved it to his satisfaction only when he had completed the formalization of his protothetic and ontology. By formalization of a deductive system one ought to understand in this context the statement, as precise and unambiguous as possible, of the conditions an expression has to satisfy if it is added to (...)
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    Translatability in non-Fregean theories.Mieczysŀaw Omyŀa - 1976 - Studia Logica 35 (2):127 - 138.
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    Implications in Boolean algebras with a two-valued closure operator.Stanisŀaw Waligórski - 1968 - Studia Logica 23 (1):25 - 34.
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    O implikacjach W algebrach boole'a Z dwuwartościowym operatorem domknięcia.Stanisŀaw Waligórski - 1968 - Studia Logica 23 (1):34-34.
  43. Contemporary Critics of Liberalism.M. Galston & Aw Galston - 1994 - In Peter Singer (ed.), Ethics. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 104--3.
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  44. Jak filozofować?: studia z metodologii filozofii klasycznej.Stanis±aw Kamiânski & Tadeusz Szubka - 1989 - Lublin: Tow. Nauk. Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego. Edited by Tadeusz Szubka.
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  45. psicoterapia del Oeste, Barcelona.Watts Aw—Psicoterapia Del Este - forthcoming - Kairos.
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    Pytając o człowieka: myśl filozoficzna Józefa Tischnera.W. ±Adys±Aw Zuziak & Papieska Akademia Teologiczna W. Krakowie (eds.) - 2001 - Kraków: Wydawn. Znak.
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    Wartości: geneza, wielość, trwanie : praca zbiorowa.Czes±Aw G.±Ombik & Polska Akademia Nauk (eds.) - 1995 - Katowice: Gnome.
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    Od "śmierci Boga" do "smierci człowieka": rodowody, konteksty, destrukcje we współczesnej myśli filozoficznej.Jan Krasicki, Stanis±aw Kijaczko & Uniwersytet Opolski (eds.) - 2001 - Opole: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Opolskiego.
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    Q-ultrafilters and normal ultrafilters in b-algebras.Bronis?aw Tembrowski - 1986 - Studia Logica 45 (2):167 - 179.
    The first part of the paper deals with some subclasses of B-algebras and their applications to the semantics of SCI B , the Boolean strengthening of the sentential calculus with identity (SCI). In the second part a generalization of the McKinsey-Tarski construction of well-connected topological Boolean, algebras to the class of B-algebras is given.
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    On a problem of p(α, δ, π) concerning generalized alexandroff S cube.Jaros?aw Achinger - 1986 - Studia Logica 45 (3):293 - 300.
    Universality of generalized Alexandroff's cube plays essential role in theory of absolute retracts for the category of , -closure spaces. Alexandroff's cube. is an , -closure space generated by the family of all complete filters. in a lattice of all subsets of a set of power .Condition P(, , ) says that is a closure space of all , -filters in the lattice ( ).
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