Results for 'Aymeric Reyre'

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  1.  43
    Care and prejudice: moving beyond mistrust in the care relationship with addicted patients.Aymeric Reyre, Raphaël Jeannin, Myriam Larguèche, Emmanuel Hirsch, Thierry Baubet, Marie Rose Moro & Olivier Taïeb - 2014 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 17 (2):183-190.
    Social representations of addiction and the resulting stigmatization have been widely described and studied in the literature, but their effects are no less problematic. These representations, which also occur in care settings, generate a climate of distrust which damages the therapeutic relationship, and its ethical quality. This article, combining clinical experience and an ethical stance, offers an original, innovating approach to the existence of distrust in care relationships in the area of addiction. Pragmatic approaches deriving from the human sciences and (...)
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    Acknowledging caregivers’ vulnerability in the managment of challenging behaviours to reduce control measures in psychiatry.Jean Lefèvre-Utile, Marjorie Montreuil, Amélie Perron, Aymeric Reyre & Franco Carnevale - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (3):758-779.
    Background: The management of challenging behaviours in inpatient with intellectual disability and/or autism spectrum disorders can lead to an escalation of control measures. In these complex situations where patients have an intellectual disability/autism spectrum disorder accompanied by a psychiatric comorbidity, the experiences of caregivers related to the crisis management have rarely been studied. Purpose: This study examined the moral experiences of caregivers related to challenging behaviours’ management and alternatives to control measures. Research design: Using Charles Taylor’s hermeneutic framework, a 2-month (...)
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  3. The γ-core in Cournot oligopoly TU-games with capacity constraints.Aymeric Lardon - 2012 - Theory and Decision 72 (3):387-411.
    In cooperative Cournot oligopoly games, it is known that the β-core is equal to the α-core, and both are non-empty if every individual profit function is continuous and concave (Zhao, Games Econ Behav 27:153–168, 1999b). Following Chander and Tulkens (Int J Game Theory 26:379–401, 1997), we assume that firms react to a deviating coalition by choosing individual best reply strategies. We deal with the problem of the non-emptiness of the induced core, the γ-core, by two different approaches. The first establishes (...)
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    On the coalitional stability of monopoly power in differentiated Bertrand and Cournot oligopolies.Aymeric Lardon - 2019 - Theory and Decision 87 (4):421-449.
    In this article, we revisit the classic comparison between Bertrand and Cournot competition in the presence of a cartel of firms that faces outsiders acting individually. This competition setting enables to deal with both non-cooperative and cooperative oligopoly games. We concentrate on industries consisting of symmetrically differentiated products where firms operate at a constant and identical marginal cost. First, while the standard Bertrand–Cournot rankings still hold for Nash equilibrium prices, we show that the results may be altered for Nash equilibrium (...)
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  5. José de Sigüenza y los peligros de la lectura de la Biblia en lengua vernácula.Dominique Reyre - 2006 - Ciudad de Dios 219 (1):141-151.
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    Apprendre à philosopher avec Tocqueville.Aymeric Bonnin - 2022 - Paris: Ellipses.
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    Antispéciste: réconcilier l'humain, l'animal, la nature.Aymeric Caron - 2016 - Paris: Don Quichotte.
    Certains en possèdent déjà : les animaux de compagnie, les espèces protégées et les animaux d'élevage. Mais les droits que nous leur avons consentis sont minimaux et incohérents. Nous traitons différemment les chiens, que nous considérons comme des membres de la famille, et les cochons, réduits au rang d'objets produits en masse et abattus dans d'indignes conditions. Pourtant cochons et chiens présentent une sensibilité et une intelligence similaires. Comment en sommes-nous venus à les classer dans des catégories si différentes? C'est (...)
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    Vivant: de la bactérie à Homo ethicus.Aymeric Caron - 2018 - [Paris]: Flammarion.
    Tandis qu'Homo Sapiens a entrepris de détruire tout ce qui vit sur cette planète, la défense du vivant s'impose en ce début de XXIe siècle comme la priorité politique et philosophique absolue. Mais pour respecter le vivant, il faut d'abord le comprendre. Comment classer les différentes formes de vie? Pourquoi la conscience existe-t-elle? Les plantes éprouvent-elles la souffrance? Et les poissons? Qui sont les viandales? Les bouchers sont-ils des assassins? Pourquoi faut-il parler de génocide animal? Existe-t-il des formes de vie (...)
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    [ Sans Titre - No Title ]Sophie Vanden Abeele-Marchal, Tocqueville. Paris, Les Éditions du Cerf (coll. « Qui es-tu? »), 2023, 208 p. [REVIEW]Aymeric Bonnin - 2024 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 80 (1):158.
  10.  14
    Broken triangles: From value merging to a tractable class of general-arity constraint satisfaction problems.Martin C. Cooper, Aymeric Duchein, Achref El Mouelhi, Guillaume Escamocher, Cyril Terrioux & Bruno Zanuttini - 2016 - Artificial Intelligence 234 (C):196-218.
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  11.  38
    (1 other version)Sur l’échelle de la ludicité. Création et gamification.Aymeric D'afflon - 2012 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 62 (1):, [ p.].
    L’objectif de cet article est de présenter deux axes généraux d’analyse des jeux vidéo. Le premier axe précise les différents degrés de différenciation entre le play et le game . Le second axe, la « composition actantielle », permet d’évaluer la relation nouée par le joueur avec la collectivité. La combinaison de ces deux critères révèle une forte polarisation entre deux expositions contemporaines : celle du Grand Palais à Paris , et le festival GamerZ d’Aix-En-Provence. Partant de cette observation, nous (...)
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  12.  41
    On the Quest for Better Communication through Tactile Images.Megan Strickfaden & Aymeric Vildieu - 2014 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 48 (2):105-122.
    Art in Western civilization has become a commodity that is fixed to walls and viewed through the eyes. In fact, most museums and galleries post “Do not touch” signs dissuading audiences from partaking in anything but the visual aspects of art. Yet art production is something that is inherently tactile; it involves engaging with art media such as paint and brush or clay that is molded by the human hand.1 Compounded by the “Do not touch” attitude is the taboo in (...)
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  13. Gendered Independence and Submission: Wang Fengyi's Moral Philosophy of Education and Manchukuo.Wenqing Zhao & Aymeric Xu - 2024 - In Shaun O'Dwyer (ed.), Confucianism at war: 1931-1945. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. pp. 153-172.
    The discourse on Confucianism during the early Republican Era has predominantly revolved around debates among intellectuals and societal elites. This study shifts the focus to the grassroots reconstruction of Confucianism undertaken by Wang Fengyi, a peasant theorist, practitioner, and educator who played a pivotal role in the “the Way of the Virtuous” (shanrendao) movement in Northeastern China during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Wang was a staunch advocator for the education and literacy of peasant women, who occupied the (...)
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    Procedural and optimization implementation of the weighted ENSC value.Dongshuang Hou, Aymeric Lardon, Panfei Sun & Hao Sun - 2019 - Theory and Decision 87 (2):171-182.
    The main purpose of this article is to introduce the weighted ENSC value for cooperative transferable utility games which takes into account players’ selfishness about the payoff allocations. Similar to Shapley’s idea of a one-by-one formation of the grand coalition [Shapley ], we first provide a procedural implementation of the weighted ENSC value depending on players’ selfishness as well as their marginal contributions to the grand coalition. Second, in the spirit of the nucleolus [Schmeidler ], we prove that the weighted (...)
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  15. Convexity and the Shapley value of Bertrand oligopoly TU-games in $$\beta$$-characteristic function form.Dongshuang Hou, Aymeric Lardon & Theo Driessen - forthcoming - Theory and Decision:1-18.
    The Bertrand oligopoly situation with Shubik’s demand functions is modeled as a cooperative transferable utility game in $$\beta$$ -characteristic function form. To achieve this, two sequential optimization problems are solved to describe the worth of each coalition in the associated Bertrand oligopoly transferable utility game. First, we show that these games are convex, indicating strong incentives for large-scale cooperation between firms. Second, the Shapley value of these games is fully determined by applying the linearity to a decomposition that involves the (...)
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  16.  15
    The Role of Motor Inhibition During Covert Speech Production.Ladislas Nalborczyk, Ursula Debarnot, Marieke Longcamp, Aymeric Guillot & F.-Xavier Alario - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Covert speech is accompanied by a subjective multisensory experience with auditory and kinaesthetic components. An influential hypothesis states that these sensory percepts result from a simulation of the corresponding motor action that relies on the same internal models recruited for the control of overt speech. This simulationist view raises the question of how it is possible to imagine speech without executing it. In this perspective, we discuss the possible role played by motor inhibition during covert speech production. We suggest that (...)
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  17. Online and Offline Performance Gains Following Motor Imagery Practice: A Comprehensive Review of Behavioral and Neuroimaging Studies.Franck Di Rienzo, Ursula Debarnot, Sébastien Daligault, Elodie Saruco, Claude Delpuech, Julien Doyon, Christian Collet & Aymeric Guillot - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10:188396.
    There is now compelling evidence that motor imagery (MI) promotes motor learning. While MI has been shown to influence the early stages of the learning process, recent data revealed that sleep also contributes to the consolidation of the memory trace. How such “online” and “offline” processes take place and how they interact to impact the neural underpinnings of movements has received little attention. The aim of the present review is twofold: i) providing an overview of recent applied and fundamental studies (...)
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  18.  70
    An emerging paradigm: a strength-based approach to exploring mental imagery.Tadhg E. MacIntyre, Aidan P. Moran, Christian Collet & Aymeric Guillot - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
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    Corrigendum: Experts bodies, experts minds: how physical and mental training shape the brain.Ursula Debarnot, Marco Sperduti, Franck Di Rienzo & Aymeric Guillot - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  20.  13
    Stabilometric Correlates of Motor and Motor Imagery Expertise.Franck Di Rienzo, Pierric Joassy, Thiago Ferreira Dias Kanthack, François Moncel, Quentin Mercier, Christian Collet & Aymeric Guillot - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Motor Imagery reproduces cognitive operations associated with the actual motor preparation and execution. Postural recordings during MI reflect somatic motor commands targeting peripheral effectors involved in balance control. However, how these relate to the actual motor expertise and may vary along with the MI modality remains debated. In the present experiment, two groups of expert and non-expert gymnasts underwent stabilometric assessments while performing physically and mentally a balance skill. We implemented psychometric measures of MI ability, while stabilometric variables were calculated (...)
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    Résistances: entretiens avec Aymeric Monville.Jean Salem - 2015 - Paris: Éditions Delga. Edited by Aymeric Monville.
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