Results for 'Aysel Ci̇ğerli̇oğlu'

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  1. Tanrı'nn Varlığına Delil Olarak İleri Sürülen Dini Tecrübe Delilinde Mistik Tecrübelerin Yeri.Aysel Tan - manuscript
    The criticism of the theist arguments for the existence of God by philosophers like Spinoza, Hume and Kant has led religious thinkers to new searches. One of these is the argument of religious experience. Religious experience is classified according to its ways of occurrence. It needs be criticised whether mystic experience, which is included under this classification, should be taken as ‘religious’ or not. This is because many claims of mystic thought, which can be found in any religious tradition in (...)
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  2. Dindarlığı Besleyen Klasik Bir Kaynak: Gazali'nin Bidayetü'l Hidaye Kitabı.Aysel Tan - 2020 - Diyarbakır, Türkiye: Ispec.
    Ghazali’s The Beginning of Guidance (Bidayetü'l Hidaye) is a book that represents the beginning for people's salvation. According to Ghazali, in order for the human to be guided, he must first follow the orders of this book and then read the book The Revival of Religious Sciences, which he says contains useful science. According to him, the book of Beginning of Guidance can offer the key to salvation. In this book he made major changes in the understanding of worship of (...)
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    Perceptions of Modernism-Tradition in Masumiyet Müzesi.Aysel Aslanboğa - 2011 - Journal of Turkish Studies 6:1645-1652.
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    Keçeci-Z'de İzzet Molla'nın Mihnet-i Keş'n'ında Mek'n ve Psikoloji İlişkisi.Gökçehan Aysel Yilmaz - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 16):1237-1237.
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    Marxist Critiques of the Difference Principle.Aysel Demir - 2018 - In Manuel Knoll, Stephen Snyder & Nurdane Şimşek (eds.), New Perspectives on Distributive Justice: Deep Disagreements, Pluralism, and the Problem of Consensus. Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter. pp. 487-502.
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    Kozmopolitanska načela distributivne pravednosti.Aysel Doğan - 2010 - Prolegomena 9 (2):243-269.
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    Aristotle on Conceptual Awareness of Sensory Experiences.Aysel Dogan - 2004 - Philosophical Inquiry 26 (4):27-44.
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    (1 other version)Liberalization in international trade.Aysel Dogan - 2010 - Filosofia Unisinos 11 (2):130-140.
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  9. The Law of Peoples and the Cosmopolitan Critique.Aysel Dogan - 2004 - Reason Papers 27:131-148.
  10. Beyin Çalışmalarına Göre Sezgi ve Dini Tecrübe.Aysel Tan - 2022 - Elazığ: Firat University.
    İnsanın dış dünyadan bilgiyi elde etme şekli tarih boyunca tüm çağlarda ve toplumlarda insanların üzerinde düşündükleri bir olgu olmuştur. Düşünürler bunun için çeşitli iddialar ileri sürmüşlerdir. Bu iddialardan biri, bilginin kaynağının kalp olduğudur. Kalp ise duygu kavramıyla ilişkilendirilmiş ve bilginin kaynağı bu şekilde duygu temelli açıklanmaya çalışılmıştır. Duygu ise ‘sezgisel bir yetenek’ olarak tanımlanmış ve duygunun sezgiyle ilişkisine vurgu yapılmıştır. Antik Yunan’da Homeros ve Sokrat öncesi düşünürler ve Aristoteles düşünmenin ve bilincin merkezi olarak kalbi kabul etmiştir. Eski Mısır medeniyetinde de (...)
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  11. A defense of animal rights.Aysel Dog - 2011 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 24 (5):473-491.
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    Semiotic Analysis of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.A. Y. Aysel - 2022 - Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi 17 (2):285-310.
    Everything is a sign. We can consider the words we use, the texts we write, the movies or TV series we watch, photos or any content used in social media as a 'sign'. These signs are constantly telling us something as a representation. When considered from this point of view, it is inevitable that cartoons prepared for children will also be an sign. Based on this, it has been thought that the cartoon called 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles', which has been (...)
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  13. Confirmation of Scientific Hypotheses as Relations.Aysel Dogan - 2005 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 36 (2):243-259.
    In spite of several attempts to explicate the relationship between a scientific hypothesis and evidence, the issue still cries for a satisfactory solution. Logical approaches to confirmation, such as the hypothetico-deductive method and the positive instance account of confirmation, are problematic because of their neglect of the semantic dimension of hypothesis confirmation. Probabilistic accounts of confirmation are no better than logical approaches in this regard. An outstanding probabilistic account of confirmation, the Bayesian approach, for instance, is found to be defective (...)
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  14. On the Priority of the Right to the Good.Aysel Doğan - 2011 - Kant Studien 102 (3):316-334.
    Rawls's view that the right is prior to the good has been criticized by various scholars from divergent points of view. Some contend that Rawls's teleological/deontological distinction based on the priority of the right is misleading while others claim that no plausible ethical theory can determine what is right prior to the good. There is no consensus on how to interpret the priority of right to the good; nor is there an agreement on the criteria of teleological/deontological distinction. In this (...)
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    The Principle of Alternative Possibilities and Causal Determination.Aysel Doğan - 2005 - NTU Philosophical Review 30:123-151.
    Some compatibilists believe that the principle of alternative possibilities has been shown to be false by Frankfurt-style arguments, and this gives way to the compatibility of causal determination with moral responsibility. Those incompatibilists who defend the principle of alternative possibilities, on the other hand, insist on the truth of the principle and on the incompatibility of causal determination with moral responsibility. In this article, I argue that Frankfurt-stylecounterexamples are unsuccessful in indicating the falsity of the principle of alternative possibilities, and (...)
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    Justification and Reliability.Aysel Dogan - 2005 - Epistemologia 28 (2):269-282.
  17. The World State and Distributive Justice.Aysel Dogan - 2013 - Philosophia 41 (2).
    Some contend that in the absence of a world state, it is nonsense to speak of the principles of distributive justice. Thomas Nagel is among those who claim that the principles of social justice can only be effectively applied after a world state is established. Nagel supports this claim on the basis of the social contract theory; namely, that a coercive collective authority is necessary to secure obedience to the principles of justice. In this essay, I argue that a world (...)
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  18. Bir Din Felsefesi Problemi Olarak Gazali'de Dini Tecrübe.Aysel Tan - 2023 - Ankara: Gece.
    In the introduction part of this thesis, which aims to discuss the place and importance of religious experience in Ghazali's system of thought, the place of religious experience in philosophy of religion and the place of Ghazali's religious experience in history are examined. In the first chapter, the concepts of religion, philosophy and experience are explained and their place in the framework of religious experience is explained. The possibility of religious experience, the types of religious experience and especially the concept (...)
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    Gazali'nin Akıl Eleştirisi Bağlamında Matematik İlmine Bakışı (3rd edition).Aysel Tan - 2023 - Elazığ: Fırat University.
    Gazali'nin hayatını 1095 yılında geçirdiğini söylediği krize göre üç döneme ayırmamız mümkündür. Kriz öncesi dönem, kriz dönemi (1095) ve kriz sonrası dönem. Bu dönemlerde akla ve felsefeye bakışı değişmiştir dolayısıyla felsefî ilimlerden sayılan matematik ilmine bakışı da değişmiştir. Gazali kriz öncesi ve kriz dönemlerinde aklı eleştirmekle birlikte çok sistematik bir eleştiri yaptığı söylenemez. Gazali bu dönemde felsefe yorumlarında 'felsefi/bilimsel aklı" din açısından zararlı görmemektedir hatta zaman zaman olumlu yanlarından bahsetmektedir. Makasıdu’l Felasife ve Tehafütü’l Felasife ‘de akılla ilgili mevzulara değinmiş, bazı (...)
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    "Beyin çalışmalarına göre sezgi ve dini tecrübe".Aysel Tan (ed.) - 2022 - Elazığ Türkiye: Firat University.
    İnsanın dış dünyadan bilgiyi elde etme şekli tarih boyunca tüm çağlarda ve toplumlarda insanların üzerinde düşündükleri bir olgu olmuştur. Düşünürler bunun için çeşitli iddialar ileri sürmüşlerdir. Bu iddialardan biri, bilginin kaynağının kalp olduğudur. Kalp ise duygu kavramıyla ilişkilendirilmiş ve bilginin kaynağı bu şekilde duygu temelli açıklanmaya çalışılmıştır. Duygu ise ‘sezgisel bir yetenek’ olarak tanımlanmış ve duygunun sezgiyle ilişkisine vurgu yapılmıştır. Antik Yunan’da Homeros ve Sokrat öncesi düşünürler ve Aristoteles düşünmenin ve bilincin merkezi olarak kalbi kabul etmiştir. Eski Mısır medeniyetinde de (...)
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  21. Bir Bilgi Kaynağı Olarak Duygu-Akıl İlişkisi (EMOTION-MIND RELATIONSHIP AS A SOURCE OF INFORMATION).Aysel Tan - 2021 - Atlas 6 (1):21-45.
    The issue of emotion is discussed in three stages in this article. Thus, emotion is built on a realistic and explanatory basis. In the first stage, the relationship between the physiological structure of the human brain and emotion is emphasized. The connection between the lower/primitive brain (the region/emotion center where emotions arise) and the upper/developed brain (mind-logic center, prefrontal lobe) is mentioned. Secondly, the emotional and mental development of human according to Jean Piaget's Mental Development Theory is explained. In the (...)
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  22. Dinî Tecrübe Delilinde Sezginin Yeri ve Önemi.Aysel Tan - 2019 - Malatya, Türkiye: İspec.
    Dinî tecrübe Friedrich Schleiermacher (ö.1768) ile önem kazanan ve William James’in (ö.1842) eserleriyle din felsefesinde teistik delillerin içine dahil olan bir delildir. Dini tecrübelerin birçok şekilde meydana geldiği iddia edilmektedir. Bunlardan biri de sezgidir. Bu bildirinin amacı sezgisel bilginin Tanrı’nın varlığına delil olup olmadığını ortaya koymaktır. Sezgisel yetenek, insanın fiziksel gelişimine (yani beyin) paralel olarak gelişen bir yetidir ve zihnin gelişmesiyle birlikte kapasitesi artmaktadır. Önce çocukta duygusal bir sezgi hakim iken (4-7 yaş), daha sonra çocuğun somut işlemlere geçmesiyle sezgisel yetenek (...)
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  23. Gazâlî’nin Ahlâk Anlayışı.Aysel Tan - 2021 - Ankara, Türkiye: Osmangazi Üniversitesi.
    Moral Understanding of Al-Ghazali In order to evaluate the moral understanding of Ghazali correctly, we should pay attention to how he handles the basic concepts and how he views the life of the hereafter. Ghazali sees moral descriptions such as good, bad and absurd as “knowledge pre-existing in the mind” and believes that it is inherent to do good and avoid evil. Reason naturally encourages people to avoid harm. Reason has the universal knowledge of good and evil. The concepts of (...)
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    Ahmet Midhat'ın Uykuya Dair Bir Kitabı Üzerine.Aysel Ci̇ğerli̇oğlu - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 3):365-365.
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    On the Priority of the Right to the Good. Do&Gbreve & Aysel an - 2011 - Kant Studien 102 (3):316-334.
    Rawls's view that the right is prior to the good has been criticized by various scholars from divergent points of view. Some contend that Rawls's teleological/deontological distinction based on the priority of the right is misleading while others claim that no plausible ethical theory can determine what is right prior to the good. There is no consensus on how to interpret the priority of right to the good; nor is there an agreement on the criteria of teleological/deontological distinction. In this (...)
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    On the Priority of the Right to the Good.Aysel Do&Gbrevean - 2011 - Kant Studien 102 (3):316-334.
    Rawls's view that the right is prior to the good has been criticized by various scholars from divergent points of view. Some contend that Rawls's teleological/deontological distinction based on the priority of the right is misleading while others claim that no plausible ethical theory can determine what is right prior to the good. There is no consensus on how to interpret the priority of right to the good; nor is there an agreement on the criteria of teleological/deontological distinction. In this (...)
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    Yaratıcı Yazma ve Yaratıcı Drama Yaklaşımının İlkokul Öğrencilerinin Yaratıcı Ya.Aysel Memi̇ş - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 3):1685-1685.
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    Eskişehir in the Last 30 Years of the Ottoman Empire with the Narration of the Travelers (1892-1922).Aysel Yılmaz & Duygu Yetgin - 2018 - Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi 13 (2):159-182.
    Many Turkish, German, Austrian, British, Swedish, French, Hungarian, and Australian travelers, military and political officers, spies, consuls, meerschaum merchants, naturalists, historians, geographers, geologists, archaeologists, and missionaries have stayed in and mentioned Eskişehir in their travelogues. Thus, it could be suggested that Eskişehir, which has recently been associated with tourism, had actually become acquainted with tourism with the arrival of BerlinBaghdad Railroad. The purpose of this study is to reveal the socio-cultural and socio-economic structure of the city through the analysis of (...)
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  29. Nurettin Topçu'da Bir Dini Tecrübe Türü Olarak Sanat ve Estetik.Aysel Tan - 2019 - Kırşehir, Kırşehir Merkez/Kırşehir, Türkiye: Ahi Evren University.
    Nurettin Topçu (1909-1975) built religious philosophy on the philosophy of willpower and motion. For him, willpower is the existence of a conscious balance between driving and braking forces that are innate and flowing from the inside out of us. Willpower is constantly rising towards God and infinity with a historical motion. The aim of willpower is to help human reach eternity. This historical motion occurs in accordance with certain steps. Willpower is affected not only by individual habits and passions but (...)
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  30. A Defense of Animal Rights.Aysel Dog˘an - 2011 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 24 (5):473-491.
    I argue that animals have rights in the sense of having valid claims, which might turn out to be actual rights as society advances and new scientific-technological developments facilitate finding alternative ways of satisfying our vital interests without using animals. Animals have a right to life, to liberty in the sense of freedom of movement and communication, to subsistence, to relief from suffering, and to security against attacks on their physical existence. Animals’ interest in living, freedom, subsistence, and security are (...)
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  31. Jean Piaget'in Zihinsel Gelişim Kuramına Göre Mevlana'nın Mistik Düşüncesinin Değerlendirilmesi(The evaluation of Rumi’s mystical theory according to Jean Piaget’s theory of mental development).Aysel Tan - 2020 - In Nazile Abdullazade (ed.), 6th International GAP SOCIAL SCIENCES Congress.
    Jean Piaget's theory of human mental development mirrors many issues related to human. According to this theory, one's view of himself, nature/universe and God is changing. According to this theory, which is basically divided into four main periods and subtitles, the thinking skill of man changes according to age, physical development, education and society. These differences affect the way individuals obtain information. Individuals who acquire knowledge with an emotional intuition before the age of seven acquire information through an inductive way, (...)
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  32. Kant'ın Ontolojik Delile Getirdiği Eleştiriler.Aysel Tan - 2019 - In Üyesi̇ Abdulsemet Aydin (ed.), Sosyal Bi̇li̇mler Kongresi̇ Ki̇tabi.
    Kant’ın (ö.1804) felsefesi eklektik bir felsefedir ve Aydınlanma felsefesinin devamı niteliğindedir. Aydınlanma felsefesine benzer şekilde felsefesinin temeli akıldır ve aklın sınırları ve kullanımı hakkında fikirler ileri sürmüştür. Kant, dini ele alırken Tanrı’nın varlığının saf akılla ispatlanamayacağı sonucuna varmıştır. Çünkü akılla yapılan ispatlarda Tanrı’nın varlığına getirilen deliller kadar yokluğuna da eşit derecede deliller getirilebilir. O nedenle Tanrı’nın varlığının ispatında saf aklın değil pratik aklın önemli olduğunu ve ahlâksal yasaların bizi Tanrı’nın varlığına götüreceğini ileri sürer. Bu görüşünü desteklemek için eserlerinde teistik delillerin (...)
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  33. Gazali'nin Bilgi Anlayışı.Aysel Tan - 2020 - 1.Palandöken Bilimsel Araştırmalar Kongresi.
    12th century scholar al-Ghazali wrote about a variety of topics and his distinctive points of view of them allowed him to make his marks on a civilization. The first topics that come to mind with regards to al-Ghazali are suspicion, knowledge and experience. He went through an era of crisis of suspicion at one point of his life and he managed to make it out of that crisis of depression thanks to ‘a divine light Allah put in his heart”. This (...)
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  34. Bir Dini Tecrübe Olarak 'Tanrı ile birlik' Tecrübesinin Zihinsel Temelleri (Vahdet-i Vücut).Aysel Tan - 2019 - ISPEC.
    The claims regarding to the existence of God has been encountered in every period and part in the history of mankind. These claims sometimes have only religious or philosophical, or mystical features. However, we can see these three perceptions interlocked, in harmony with each other, or that a religious claim can be nurtured with philosophical sources or a mystic claim can be nurtured by religious and philosophical arguments. Certainly, we can not make a specific differentiation among these three sides but (...)
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  35. John Locke'da Tabiat-Ahlak İlişkisi (The Relationship between Nature and Morality in John Locke’s Philosophy).Aysel Tan - 2020 - In Nazile Abdullazade (ed.), 6th International GAP SOCIAL SCIENCES Congress.
    John Locke (1632 – 1704) is one of the thinkers of Enlightenment philosophy. His moral views are a reflection of the natural understanding of religion formed by the Enlightenment philosophy. The purpose of natural religion is to build a religion that is separate from the traditional view and historical religious understanding. Advocates of this view necessarily base the existence of God and adopt a deist view. Locke advocated a similar idea, and because he was an empiricist thinker, he wanted to (...)
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  36. Felsefe Optiğinden Aşkın Renkleri.Aysel Tan - 2020 - Pamukkale University 2 (7):1831-1835.
    Felsefe Optiğinden Aşkın Renkleri kitabı Senail Özkan’ın bir takdim yazısı, giriş ve yedi bölümden oluşmaktadır. Kitapta kaynakçaya yer verilmemiştir. Halilov, kitabın giriş kısmında ‘aşk’ın ne olduğunu ve hangi ilim dalı tarafından ele alınması gerektiğini açıklamıştır. Ona göre aşk insanın manevi âleminin en derin katmanlarında ortaya çıktığı için temel itibariyle bilinçdışı alana aittir. İlim onu irdeleyemez, aşk, ilim için muğlak bir alandır ve mantıki düzlemde değerlendirilmesi oldukça zordur. İlim açısından incelenemediği için bu işi felsefe ve şiir üstlenmektedir.(s.16, s. 55) Şiir ve (...)
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    Links of Consciousness, Perception, and Memory by Means of Delta Oscillations of Brain.Erol Başar & Aysel Düzgün - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  38. Bir Dini Tecrübe Türü Olarak Türbe Ziyaretleri/Baskil Örneği.Aysel Tan - 2020 - İstanbul, Türkiye: Fırat Üniversitesi Yayınları.
    Religious experiences in folk culture are generally handled outside the rational field. Individual qualities are emphasized, and emotion-oriented aspects are highlighted. Therefore, religious experiences can display very different features. Experiencing religion at a cultural level leads to the mystification of religious experiences. Even if there are many studies on tomb visits in the fields of folk literature, history of religions etc., tomb visits, which can be included in mystical experiences, have not been handled as a matter of religious philosophy according (...)
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  39. Beyin Gelişimine ve Nörofelsefeye Göre Kötülük Problemi (The Problem of Evil in The Scope of Neurophilosophy and The Development of Brain).Aysel Tan - 2021 - Van, Türkiye: Bilhikem.
    The first serious scientific studies on the brain date back to the 1800s. Two events led the studies on the brain. The first incident is an accident involving Phineas Gage, a railway worker. The two-meter-long piece of iron that entered Gage's left eye and broke up the anterior frontal lobe of the brain prompted scientists to rethink the brain. Having lived a moral life before the accident, Gage became immoral and evil after the accident. This incident revealed that the brain (...)
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  40. Mehmet Akif'in Dini Tecrübe Anlayışı.Aysel Tan - 2021 - Ankara, Türkiye: Kütahya Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Lisansüstü Enstitüsü.
    Mehmet Akif criticized the way Muslim societies understand religion in his poems and articles. He constantly criticized Muslims' inertia, understanding of trust, false beliefs and imitation. The ideas of Cemaleddin Afganî and his student Muhammed Abduh, Said Halim Pasha on Islamism, and Fahrettin Razi, who struggled for Muslims to gain their independence, set an example for Mehmet Akif in this sense. He believed in the idea of 'Islamic unity' and saw it as a prescription for salvation. It is important how (...)
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  41. Mevlana'da Mistik Tecrübe ve Tanrı'nın Varlığına Getirdiği Deliller.Aysel Tan - 2019 - Malatya, Türkiye: Ispec.
    Geçmişte Tanrı’nın varlığı, ispatı ve yorumu çerçevesinde bazı düşünürler kutsal kitapları, bir kısmı felsefi argümanları, diğer düşünürler ise mistik tecrübeyi merkeze alarak meseleyi tartışmışlardır. Tanrı’nın varlığı ile ilgili meseleyi ‘mistik tecrübe’ etrafında tartışan düşünürlerden biri Mevlana’dır (ö.1273). Onun mistik tecrübesi yani aşk tecrübesi Tanrı’nın varlığına ulaşmadaki tek yoldur. O aşk tecrübesini, gençliğinde babasından ve çevresinden aldığı tasavvufi bilgi anlayışı bağlamında yorumlar. Bu tasavvufi bilgi ve dünya görüşü, duyuların ve aklın yetersizliğine vurgu yapan ve keşf/ilham gibi duygusal sezgiyi ön plana çıkaran (...)
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    Stoa Okulu'nda Felsefe ve Ahlâk.Aysel Tan - 2002 - Dissertation, Ankara University
    Ahlak ve ahlaki değerler insanın varoluşuyla başlayan bir olgudur. Ahlak, insanın yaşamını devam ettirmesi için gereklidir. Ahlâki değerlerden uzak bir ferd düşünülemeyeceği gibi, milletler ve toplumlar da düşünülemez. Ahlâkî değerler insanları ister istemez kuşatır ve yaşamın idamesini sağlar. İnsan varlığının yaşam koşullarını bu denli etkileyen bir olguyu tez konusu seçmemdeki amacı, özelde Stoa Ahlakı’nı, genelde ise ahlak felsefesini araştırmak ve ahlak olgusunu anlaşılmasına katkıda bulunmaktır. Stoa Okulu milattan önce üç yüzlü yıllarda Kıbrıslı Zenon’un (335-264) öncülüğünden kurulmuştur. Kıbrıslı Zenon insan için (...)
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  43. Tıbbî Açıdan Dinî Tecrübe.Aysel Tan - 2019 - Diyarbakır, Türkiye: Ubak.
    Her din ve mistik kültürde ortaya çıkan dinî tecrübelerin felsefe, kelam ve fıkıh gibi bilim alanlarında farklı açıklamaları yapılmış, akli olup olmadığı sorgulanmıştır. Vahiy, keramet, vecd, hulul, tecelli gibi kavramlara açıklamalar getirilmiştir. Fakat bu tür tecrübelerin insanın fizyolojik ve psikolojik mekanizmalarıyla ne tür bir bağlantısı olduğu İslam düşünce geleneğinde pek tartışılmamıştır. Bu tür tecrübe yaşayan kişilerin sorunlu olup olmadığı tıbbi açıdan değerlendirilmemiştir. Dini tecrübeleri tıbbî bir sorun olarak ele alıp bu tecrübeleri ‘deney’ konusu yaparak inceleyen ilk düşünür William James’tir (ö.1910). (...)
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  44. 14.Yüzyılda Osmanlı Devleti’nde Mevleviliğin Yayılma Politikası: Sultan Veled ve Ulu Arif Çelebi’nin Çalışmaları (Spreading Policy of The Mevleviism in The Ottoman State in The 14th Century: The Studies of Sultan Veled and Ulu Arif Celebi).Aysel Tan - 2020 - Ankara, Türkiye: Yıldırım Beyazıt Üniversitesi Yayınları.
    After the death of Mevlana Celaleddin-i Rumi (d.1273), the cult of Mevlevi continued its structuring. Rumi's son Sultan Veled (d.1312) and his grandson Ulu Arif Çelebi (d.1320) contributed greatly to this structuring. Sultan Veled tried to turn the lodge he took over from his father into a systematic sect around Rumi's mystical thought and Mevlevi disciples. Ulu Arif Çelebi, on the other hand, is a very effective name in organizing Mevleviism as a cult. With his systematic studies and travels, he (...)
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    Respectful care of human dignity: how is it perceived by patients and nurses?Rahime Aydın Er, Aysel İncedere & Selda Öztürk - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (10):675-680.
    ObjectiveDignified care protects the patient’s rights and provides appropriate ethical care while improving the quality of nursing care. In this context, the opinions of nurses and patients who receive nursing care about dignified care are important. The aim of this study was to explore the opinions and experiences of Turkish patients and nurses about respectful care of human dignity.MethodsThis descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in Turkey. Participants were inpatients at cardiology, neurology and neurosurgery clinics and nurses working in these clinics. (...)
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    More or less discrimination? Practical feasibility of fairness auditing of technologies for personnel selection.Helena Mihaljević, Ivana Müller, Katja Dill, Aysel Yollu-Tok & Maximilian von Grafenstein - 2024 - AI and Society 39 (5):2507-2523.
    The use of technologies in personnel selection has come under increased scrutiny in recent years, revealing their potential to amplify existing inequalities in recruitment processes. To date, however, there has been a lack of comprehensive assessments of respective discriminatory potentials and no legal or practical standards have been explicitly established for fairness auditing. The current proposal of the Artificial Intelligence Act classifies numerous applications in personnel selection and recruitment as high-risk technologies, and while it requires quality standards to protect the (...)
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  47. Ne dediler?Güzide Birinci, Bâkiye Marangoz & Aysel Zeynep Tozduman (eds.) - 1988 - Fatih, İstanbul: B. Marangoz.
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    “Don’t Forget Me My Brothers in Turkey”: Yeniden Doğmak Series and Politics of Affect.Seçkin Sevi̇m & Bilgen Aydin Sevi̇m - 2022 - Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi 17 (2):327-345.
    Bulgaria brought its assimilation policies against the Turkish minority up to an extreme level in the winter of 1984-1985. Weightlifter Naim Süleymanoğlu's asylum in Turkey in 1986 further strained the relations between Bulgaria and Turkey. The Turkish Radio and Television Corporation (TRT) began broadcasting the TV series Yeniden Doğmak in 1987, which is about Bulgaria's assimilation policies. Bringing to the fore the story of a broken family who immigrated to Turkey by leaving their daughters behind, the series stimulated the nationalist (...)
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