Results for 'B. Hartmann'

938 found
  1.  43
    The neurophenomenology of early psychosis: An integrative empirical study.B. Nelson, S. Lavoie, Ł Gawęda, E. Li, L. A. Sass, D. Koren, P. D. McGorry, B. N. Jack, J. Parnas, A. Polari, K. Allott, J. A. Hartmann & T. J. Whitford - 2020 - Consciousness and Cognition 77 (C):102845.
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    Lyman continuum leakage in faint star-forming galaxies at redshift z=3-3.5 probed by gamma-ray bursts.J. -B. Vielfaure, S. D. Vergani, J. Japelj, J. P. U. Fynbo, M. Gronke, K. E. Heintz, D. B. Malesani, P. Petitjean, N. R. Tanvir, V. D. D'Elia, D. A. Kann, J. T. Palmerio, R. Salvaterra, K. Wiersema, M. Arabsalmani, S. Campana, S. Covino, M. De Pasquale, A. de Ugarte Postigo, F. Hammer, D. H. Hartmann, P. Jakobsson, C. Kouveliotou, T. Laskar, Andrew J. Levan & A. Rossi - forthcoming - Astronomy and Astrophysics.
    Context. The identification of the sources that reionized the Universe and their specific contribution to this process are key missing pieces of our knowledge of the early Universe. Faint star-forming galaxies may be the main contributors to the ionizing photon budget during the epoch of reionization, but their escaping photons cannot be detected directly due to inter-galactic medium opacity. Hence, it is essential to characterize the properties of faint galaxies with significant Lyman continuum photon leakage up to z 4 to (...)
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    Der Darwinismus-Streit: Texte von L. Büchner, B. von Carneri, F. Fabri. G. von Gyzicki, E. Haeckel, E. von Hartmann, F. A. Lange, R. Stoeckl und K. Zittel.L. Büchner, B. von Carneri, F. Fabri, G. von Gyzicki, E. Haeckel & E. von Hartmann - 2012 - Meiner, F.
    Darwins bahnbrechendes Werk 'Über die Entstehung der Arten' (1859) löste eine neue Debatte aus, die weniger durch wissenschaftliche Forschung als durch weltanschauliche Proklamationen geprägt war. Sie nahm in Deutschland einen anderen Verlauf als in England: Die dort noch starke Physikotheologie war in Deutschland bereits einflußlos geworden, und der vorangegangene Materialismus-Streit hatte den Boden für die Rezeption der Lehre Darwins vorbereitet. Von Seiten des weltanschaulichen Materialismus wurde der Darwinismus wegen seiner Eliminierung eines zwecksetzenden göttlichen Verstandes als unverhoffte Bestätigung angesehen und als (...)
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  4. Saúde e doença na perspectiva dos profissionais de saúde no hospital.J. B. Hartmann - 1999 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 9:39-49.
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    Urban agriculture of the future: an overview of sustainability aspects of food production in and on buildings. [REVIEW]Kathrin Specht, Rosemarie Siebert, Ina Hartmann, Ulf B. Freisinger, Magdalena Sawicka, Armin Werner, Susanne Thomaier, Dietrich Henckel, Heike Walk & Axel Dierich - 2014 - Agriculture and Human Values 31 (1):33-51.
    Innovative forms of green urban architecture aim to combine food, production, and design to produce food on a larger scale in and on buildings in urban areas. It includes rooftop gardens, rooftop greenhouses, indoor farms, and other building-related forms. This study uses the framework of sustainability to understand the role of ZFarming in future urban food production and to review the major benefits and limitations. The results are based on an analysis of 96 documents published in accessible international resources. The (...)
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    Selected Papers on Comparative Tai Studies.David B. Solnit, William J. Gedney, Robert J. Bickner, John Hartmann, Thomas John Hudak & Patcharin Peyasantiwong - 1991 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 111 (2):405.
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  7. Logics for the relational syllogistic.Ian Pratt-Hartmann & Lawrence S. Moss - 2009 - Review of Symbolic Logic 2 (4):647-683.
    The Aristotelian syllogistic cannot account for the validity of certain inferences involving relational facts. In this paper, we investigate the prospects for providing a relational syllogistic. We identify several fragments based on (a) whether negation is permitted on all nouns, including those in the subject of a sentence; and (b) whether the subject noun phrase may contain a relative clause. The logics we present are extensions of the classical syllogistic, and we pay special attention to the question of whether reductio (...)
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    Special issue on Bayesian epistemology edited by L. Bovens and S. Hartmann.Luc Bovens & Stephan Hartmann - 2007 - Synthese 156 (3).
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    Differential Functional Connectivity Alterations of Two Subdivisions within the Right dlPFC in Parkinson's Disease.Julian Caspers, Christian Mathys, Felix Hoffstaedter, Martin Südmeyer, Edna C. Cieslik, Christian Rubbert, Christian J. Hartmann, Claudia R. Eickhoff, Kathrin Reetz, Christian Grefkes, Jochen Michely, Bernd Turowski, Alfons Schnitzler & Simon B. Eickhoff - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  10. Effective Field Theories, Reductionism and Scientific Explanation.Stephan Hartmann - 2001 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 32 (2):267-304.
    Effective field theories have been a very popular tool in quantum physics for almost two decades. And there are good reasons for this. I will argue that effective field theories share many of the advantages of both fundamental theories and phenomenological models, while avoiding their respective shortcomings. They are, for example, flexible enough to cover a wide range of phenomena, and concrete enough to provide a detailed story of the specific mechanisms at work at a given energy scale. So will (...)
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    Schuller, B., Die Herrschaft Christi und das Weltliche Recht, Die christologische Rechtsbegründung in der neueren protestantischen Theologie. [REVIEW]J. Hartmann - 1966 - Augustinianum 6 (2):338-339.
  12.  22
    Kopenhagen contra Bohm – eine Herausforderung für den Realismus?Stephan Hartmann & Rainer Müller - 1999 - Praxis der Naturwissenschaften - Physik 4:12-17.
    Der bedeutende amerikanische Logiker und Philosoph W.V.O. Quine hat die folgende Frage ins Zentrum seines Schaffens gestellt: "Wie kommen wir von unseren Sinnesdaten zu Theorien über die Welt?“ Bei der Beantwortung dieser Frage tritt ein grundlegendes Problem auf, das damit zusammenhängt, dass uns immer nur ein endlicher Satz an Informationen über die Welt zugänglich ist. Jedes Experiment liefert z. B. nur eine endliche Anzahl von Messpunkten.
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  13. Religious Metaphysics Being Part B of His Work Entitled "Die Religion des Geistes".Eduard von Hartmann - 1883 - Macgowan & Slipper, Printers.
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  14. On Correspondence.Stephan Hartmann - 2002 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 33 (1):79-94.
    This paper is an essay review of Steven French and Harmke Kamminga (eds.), Correspondence, Invariance and Heuristics. Essays in Honour of Heinz Post (Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1993). I distinguish a varity of correspondence relations between scientific theories (exemplified by cases from the book under review) and examine how one can make sense of the the prevailing continuity in scientific theorizing.
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  15. The No Alternatives Argument.Richard Dawid, Stephan Hartmann & Jan Sprenger - 2015 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 66 (1):213-234.
    Scientific theories are hard to find, and once scientists have found a theory, H, they often believe that there are not many distinct alternatives to H. But is this belief justified? What should scientists believe about the number of alternatives to H, and how should they change these beliefs in the light of new evidence? These are some of the questions that we will address in this article. We also ask under which conditions failure to find an alternative to H (...)
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  16. Ernest Hartmann, Dreams and Nightmares.B. Holzinger - 1999 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 6 (4):140-140.
  17. Hawking radiation and analogue experiments: A Bayesian analysis.Radin Dardashti, Stephan Hartmann, Karim P. Y. Thébault & Eric Winsberg - 2019 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 67:1-11.
    We present a Bayesian analysis of the epistemology of analogue experiments with particular reference to Hawking radiation. Provided such experiments can be externally validated via universality arguments, we prove that they are confirmatory in Bayesian terms. We then provide a formal model for the scaling behaviour of the confirmation measure for multiple distinct realisations of the analogue system and isolate a generic saturation feature. Finally, we demonstrate that different potential analogue realisations could provide different levels of confirmation. Our results thus (...)
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  18. Brandenstein, B. v., Grundlegung der Philosophie. 3. Band; Wirklichkeitslehre-Metaphysik. 1. Buch: Das System der Metaphysik. [REVIEW]E. Hartmann - 1928 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 41:225-227.
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  19. Jansen, B., S. J., Die Geschichte der Erkenntnislehre in der neueren Philosophie. [REVIEW]E. Hartmann - 1942 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 55:238-239.
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  20. Bavink, B., Ergebnisse und Probleme der Naturwissenschaften. [REVIEW]E. Hartmann - 1935 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 48:530-531.
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  21. Nisters, B., Die Christologie des hl. Fulgentius von Ruspe. [REVIEW]E. Hartmann - 1934 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 47:517-518.
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  22. Coherence and the Role of Specificity: A Response to Meijs and Douven.Luc Bovens & Stephan Hartmann - 2005 - Mind 114 (454):365-369.
    Meijs and Douven (2005) present an interesting pair of alleged counterexamples and an algorithm to generate such counter-examples to our criterion for a coherence quasi-ordering over information sets as outlined in our 2003a and 2003b accounts. We agree that our criterion does not always provide an ordering when we would intuitively say that one set is more coherent than the other. Nonetheless, we think that our criterion can be salvaged.
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  23. Jansen, B., S. J., Die Religionsphilosophie Kants. [REVIEW]E. Hartmann - 1930 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 43:399-401.
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  24. Jansen, B., S. J., Aufstiege zur Metaphysik. [REVIEW]E. Hartmann - 1934 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 47:117-118.
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  25. Russel, B., Philosophie der Materie. [REVIEW]E. Hartmann - 1930 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 43:231-233.
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  26. Philosophische Freundschaft. Zum Bridfwechsel zwischen N. Hartmann und H. Heimsoeth.B. Liebrucks - 1982 - Kant Studien 73 (1):82.
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    Introduction.Roman Frigg & Stephan Hartmann - 2007 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 38 (2):231-232.
    The formalism of quantum mechanics provides us with the probabilities for certain events to occur—this much is uncontroversial. But how are we to understand these probabilities? The essays in this special issue approach this question from different angles. The first three contributions take as their point of departure the philosophy of probability and discuss what the two main outlooks—objective and subjective interpretations of probability—have to offer in the context of quantum mechanics. The following five papers explore the question of how (...)
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    Experimental realism defended: how inference to the most likely cause might be sound.Luc Bovens, Carl Hoefer & Stephan Hartmann - 2008 - In Stephan Hartmann, Luc Bovens & Carl Hoefer (eds.), Nancy Cartwright’s Philosophy of Science. New York: Routledge.
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  29. Russel, B., Analyse des Geistes. [REVIEW]E. Hartmann - 1928 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 41:488-489.
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  30.  37
    Hanley, B., - S. Fink, The Franciscans, Love At Work. [REVIEW]J. Hartmann - 1964 - Augustinianum 4 (2):442-442.
  31.  8
    (1 other version)How to expand your beliefs in an uncertain world: a probabilistic model.Stephan Hartmann & Luc Bovens - 2001 - In Gabriele Kern-Isberner, Thomas Lukasiewicz & Emil Weydert (eds.), Ki-2001 Workshop: Uncertainty in Artificial Intellligence.
    Suppose that we acquire various items of information from various sources and that our degree of confidence in the content of the information set is sufficiently high to believe the information. Now a new item of information is being presented by a new information source. Are we justified to add this new item of information to what we already believe? Consider the following parable: “I go to a lecture about wildlife in Greenland which was supposed to be delivered by an (...)
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  32. Urbach, B., Erkenntnistheoretischer Beweis für die Existenz Gottes. [REVIEW]E. Hartmann - 1918 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 31:82-85.
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    Michael, Seemann, O. S. B., Heilsgeschehen und Gottesdienst. [REVIEW]J. Hartmann - 1966 - Augustinianum 6 (3):579-580.
  34.  47
    Generalized Dicke States.Stephan Hartmann - manuscript
    Here P is the density operator of the system under consideration, and σ ± and σ 3 are the usual Pauli matrices, acting on atom i whose states are |1 > or |0 >, representing, respectively, the atom being in an excited state or in the ground state. B and C are appropriate decay constants and s has been called the pumping parameter [1]. It varies from s = 0 for pure damping to s = 1 for full laser action. (...)
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  35. Wigersma, B., Verhandlungen des 3. Hegelkongresses vom 19. bis 23. April 1933. [REVIEW]E. Hartmann - 1935 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 48:544-545.
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    How to Expand Your Beliefs in an Uncertain World: A Probabilistic Model.Stephan Hartmann & Luc Bovens - 2001 - In Gabriele Kern-Isberner, Thomas Lukasiewicz & Emil Weydert (eds.), Ki-2001 Workshop: Uncertainty in Artificial Intellligence.
    Suppose that we acquire various items of information from various sources and that our degree of confidence in the content of the information set is sufficiently high to believe the information. Now a new item of information is being presented by a new information source. Are we justified to add this new item of information to what we already believe? Consider the following parable: “I go to a lecture about wildlife in Greenland which was supposed to be delivered by an (...)
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    Replies by Cartwright.Luc Bovens, Carl Hoefer & Stephan Hartmann - 2008 - In Stephan Hartmann, Luc Bovens & Carl Hoefer (eds.), Nancy Cartwright’s Philosophy of Science. New York: Routledge.
  38.  27
    Philosophy of the Unconscious. By Eduard Von Hartmann. With a Preface by C. K. Ogden. (New Edition in one vol.) (London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., Ltd.1931. Pp. xxxviii + 372 + 368 + 368. Price 15s. net.). [REVIEW]B. M. Laing - 1932 - Philosophy 7 (25):99-.
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    (2 other versions)Belief expansion, contextual fit and the reliability of information sources.Luc Bovens & Stephan Hartmann - 2001 - In P. Bouquet V. Akman (ed.), Modeling and Using Context. Springer. pp. 421-424.
    We develop a probabilistic criterion for belief expansion that is sensitive to the degree of contextual fit of the new information to our belief set as well as to the reliability of our information source. We contrast our approach with the success postulate in AGM-style belief revision and show how the idealizations in our approach can be relaxed by invoking Bayesian-Network models.
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    Book review: inference to the best explanation by P. Lipton. [REVIEW]Lefteris Farmakis & Stephan Hartmann - 2005 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews.
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    L'Etre Spirituel. [REVIEW]B. D. A. - 1964 - Review of Metaphysics 18 (2):380-380.
    The important features of Hartmann's realist ontology are first described as presuppositions of his regional ontology of spirit. Then Breton sympathetically investigates the categories of "l'être spirituel" and focuses on Hartmann's notion of objective spirit, contrasting it with Hegel's. Despite Hartmann's rejection of systems, Breton concludes that his ontology of the levels of being is "architecturally" systematic.—A. B. D.
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    Die Marxsche Theorie. [REVIEW]B. J. - 1975 - Review of Metaphysics 29 (2):342-343.
    This book is one of the more important works to appear in its field in the last ten years. Besides his well known abilities in Hegelian studies, Hartmann here demonstrates a wide and serious understanding of Marxism after Lenin. His references to the Frankfurt School, Althusseur, Lukacs, Merleau-Ponty, etc., are not only good presentations of their thought but often show critical insight into their works. Hartmann’s major concern is to examine Marx’s dialectical interpretation of history and in so (...)
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    La religione nella vita dello spirito. [REVIEW]M. B. B. - 1972 - Review of Metaphysics 25 (3):559-560.
    In this volume the author discusses the major trends in the philosophy of religion from Kant to the beginning of the twentieth century. The work is divided into three parts dealing respectively with the methods of study of the religious phenomenon, the nature of religion, and the approach to religion from experience and the principle of immanence. In Part I the theological method, based on revelation and authority, is first discussed; and then the rationalistic method emphasizing the approach to religion (...)
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  44.  8
    Assessing the status of the common cause principle.Maria Carla Galavotti, Dennis Dieks, Wenceslao J. Gonzalez, Stephan Hartmann, Thomas Uebel & Marcel Weber - 2014 - In Thomas Uebel (ed.), New Directions in the Philosophy of Science. Cham: Springer. pp. 433-442.
    The Common Cause Principle, stating that correlations are either consequences of a direct causal link between the correlated events or are due to a common cause, is assessed from the perspective of its viability and it is argued that at present we do not have strictly empirical evidence that could be interpreted as disconfirming the principle. In particular it is not known whether spacelike correlations predicted by quantum field theory can be explained by properly localized common causes, and EPR correlations (...)
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  45. Aristotle's Definition of Moral Virtue, and Plato's Account of Justice in the Soul.H. W. B. Joseph - 1934 - Philosophy 9 (34):168-181.
    Nicolai Hartmann, in an interesting discussion of Aristotle’s account of moral virtue, has called attention to the difference between the contrariety of opposed vices and the contrast of certain virtues. The äκρa or extremes, somewhere between which Aristotle thought that any morally virtuous disposition must lie, are not conciliable. The same man cannot combine or reconcile, in the same action, cowardice and bravery, intemperance and insensibility, stinginess and thriftlessness, passion and lack of spirit. These are pairs of contraries, between (...)
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    Vasily Sesemann’s Review of “Being and Time” of Martin Heidegger: analytical commentary.Andrei B. Patkul & Паткуль Андрей Борисович - 2023 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 27 (1):7-18.
    In my paper, I give an analytical commentary on Vasily Sesemann’s review of Martin Heidegger's treatise Being and Time (1927) published in the journal entitled The Way in 1928. The aim of this commentary is to evaluate the adequacy of Sesemann’s perception of Heidegger’s thought and the acceptability of his review for today’s reception of the Heideggerian ontological project. In my text, I state that Sesemann accurately fixes the transcendent essence of Heidegger’s ontological investigation, its basic theme and the main (...)
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  47.  41
    Hartmann's Fraternity of Roman Gardeners in the Year 1030 Urkunde einer römischer Gärtnergenossenschaft vom Jahre 1030, mit Einleitung und Erläuterungen, herausgegeben von Ludo Moritz Hartmann. Freiburg in Brisg. (J. C. B. Mohr), 1892, 4to. pp. 19. 2m. 80 pf. [REVIEW]J. H. Lupton - 1892 - The Classical Review 6 (07):323-.
  48. Hartmann von Aue, Erec, trans. Michael Resler.(University of Pennsylvania Press Middle Ages Series.) Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1987. Paper. Pp. ix, 231; frontispiece. $29.95 (cloth); $14.95 (paper). Hartmann von Aue, Erec, trans. Thomas L. Keller.(Garland Library of Medieval Literature, B/12.) New York and London: Garland, 1987. Pp. lxiv, 191. $34. [REVIEW]Patrick M. McConeghy - 1989 - Speculum 64 (4):964-966.
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  49. The Knowledge of Good: Critique of Axiological Reason.Robert S. Hartman, Arthur R. Ellis & Rem B. Edwards (eds.) - 2002 - BRILL.
    This book presents Robert S. Hartman’s formal theory of value and critically examines many other twentieth century value theorists in its light, including A.J. Ayer, Kurt Baier, Brand Blanshard, Paul Edwards, Albert Einstein, William K. Frankena, R.M. Hare, Nicolai Hartmann, Martin Heidegger, G.E. Moore, P.H. Nowell-Smith, Jose Ortega y Gasset, Charles Stevenson, Paul W. Taylor, Stephen E. Toulmin, and J.O. Urmson.
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    The unconscious and Eduard von Hartmann.Dennis N. Kenedy Darnoi - 1968 - The Hague,: Martinus Nijhoff.
    No man can live without ideas, for every human action, internal or external, is of necessity enacted by virtue of certain ideas. In these ideas a man believes; they guide his actions, and ultimately his whole life. Study of these ideas and principles is one of the distinctive tasks of the history of philosophy. But were we to restrict the field of interest of the history of philosophy to a mere detached academic "cataloguing" of past ideas, the history of philosophy (...)
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