Results for 'Baili Gall'

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  1.  30
    Effects of Family Demographics and Household Economics on Sidama Children’s Nutritional Status.Baili Gall, Hui Wang, Samuel J. Dira & Courtney Helfrecht - 2022 - Human Nature 33 (3):304-328.
    Weight- (WAZ), height- (HAZ), and BMI-for-age (BMIZ) are frequently used to assess malnutrition among children. These measures represent different categories of risk and are usually hypothesized to be affected by distinct factors, despite their inherent relatedness. Life history theory suggests weight should be sacrificed before height, indicating a demonstrable relationship among them. Here we evaluate impact of family composition and household economics on these measures of nutritional status and explore the role of WAZ as a factor in HAZ. Anthropometrics, family (...)
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  2. Mary Ann Baily and Thomas H. Murray reply.Mary Ann Baily & Thomas H. Murray - 2009 - Hastings Center Report 39 (1):7-7.
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  3. Special Report: The Ethics of Using QI Methods to Improve Health Care Quality and Safety.Mary Ann Baily, Melissa Bottrell, Joanne Lynn & Bruce Jennings - 2006 - Hastings Center Report 36 (4):S1-S40.
  4.  96
    Ethics, Evidence, and Cost in Newborn Screening.Mary Ann Baily & Thomas H. Murray - 2008 - Hastings Center Report 38 (3):23-31.
    When deciding what disorders to screen newborns for, we should be guided by evidence of real effectiveness, take opportunity cost into account, distribute costs and benefits fairly, and respect human rights. Current newborn screening policy does not meet these requirements.
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  5. Futility, Autonomy, and Cost in End-of-Life Care.Mary Ann Baily - 2011 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 39 (2):172-182.
    In 1989, Helga Wanglie, 86 years old, broke her hip. This began a medical downhill course that a year later caused her health care providers to conclude that she would not benefit from continued medical treatment. It would be futile, and therefore, should not be provided. Her husband disagreed, and the conflict eventually led to a lawsuit. The Wanglie case touched off an extended debate in the medical and bioethical literature about medical futility: what it means and how useful the (...)
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    The Vine and Branches Discourse: The Gospel's Psychological Apocalypse.Gil Bailie - 1997 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 4 (1):120-145.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE VINE AND BRANCHES DISCOURSE: THE GOSPEL'S PSYCHOLOGICAL APOCALYPSE Gil Bailie Florilegio Institute Man is after something that cannot be possessed.... Man cannot "have" being, though he absolutely needs it for living. (Roel Kaptein) The anthropological reading of biblical literature which Girard's mimetic theory makes possible sheds new light on many otherwise inscrutable texts. Prominent among these, due to its centrality as well as its elusiveness, is the prologue (...)
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    Victims in Vogue.Elizabeth Bailie - 2005 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 12 (1):273-273.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Victims in VogueElizabeth Bailie (bio)Donning white robes of slender flesh,They saunter the catwalk,Like a Treblinka corridorBrazen in their stolen innocence.Modeling Giacommetti's latest line,These coquettes of contagionKneel self-scourgedBefore their own shrines.Public penitents,Slim tokens of transfiguration,They withdraw, unforgiven,In ceremonial hunger.Elizabeth Bailie Elizabeth Bailie is a poet, writer, and lay contemplative who lives in the hills of central Massachusetts just up the road from St. Joseph's Trappist Monastery, her spiritual home.Copyright © (...)
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  8.  14
    The Democracy Problem.Mary Ann Baily - 1994 - Hastings Center Report 24 (4):39-42.
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    What Do Beginning Students Think about Philosophy before Their First College Course?Bailie Peterson, David Agboola & Kelly Lundberg - 2024 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 10 (3):577-587.
    In this article, we present the results of an original study identifying the perceptions of beginning philosophy students at the start of their first introductory course. We surveyed over 1,100 students representing over 40 universities and colleges in the United States regarding their initial perceptions of gender bias, inclusivity, value, understanding, similarities, and enjoyment of philosophy. We analyzed the results based on gender, first-generation status, and student of color status. This work represents the perspectives of a more diverse range of (...)
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  10.  8
    A Multimedia Approach To Computer Ethics.Frances K. Bailie - 1995 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 15 (5-6):248-250.
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    Field Notes.Mary Ann Baily - 2006 - Hastings Center Report 36 (5):c2-c2.
  12.  25
    Insuring America's Health: Principles and Recommendations.Mary Ann Baily - 2004 - Hastings Center Report 34 (2):43.
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  13.  44
    How do we avoid compounding the damage?Mary Ann Baily - 2006 - American Journal of Bioethics 6 (5):36 – 38.
  14.  24
    Improving Fairness in Coverage Decisions: Appearance or Reality?Mary Ann Baily - 2004 - American Journal of Bioethics 4 (3):110-112.
    It is good for people to understand their insurance coverage and the reasoning that has shaped it, to be able to contribute their two cents if they want to, and to know that their plan has at least attempted to make decisons that are consistent, fair and compassionate. It is also good for them to be told that attention to cost is ethically required. Nevertheless, while following the recommendations of Wynia et al (2004) might make benefits design and administration appear (...)
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    Learning from clinical experience.Mary Ann Baily - 2008 - Hastings Center Report 38 (5):p. 3.
  16.  19
    Managed Care Organizations and the Rationing Problem.Mary Ann Baily - 2003 - Hastings Center Report 33 (1):34-42.
    By and large, neither bioethicists nor economists have offered a satisfactory account of how managed care organizations should ration health care. Both disciplines would like to guarantee adequate care to all without defining adequacy. But it cannot be done. The more we rely on market forces to distribute health care, the more we need a national standard of care.
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    Survival after breast cancer treatment: the impact of provider volume.Karen Bailie, Iain Dobie, Stephen Kirk & Michael Donnelly - 2007 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 13 (5):749-757.
  18. The imitative self: The contribution of René Girard.G. Bailie - 2006 - In Paul C. Vitz & Susan M. Felch, The self: beyond the postmodern crisis. Wilmington, De.: ISI Books. pp. 3--24.
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  19.  31
    Talking to Each Other about Universal Health Care: Do Values Belong in the Discussion?Mary Ann Baily - 2006 - Hastings Center Report 36 (6):4-4.
    Paul Menzel and Donald Light ("A Conservative Case for Universal Access to Health Care," Jul-Aug 2006) tell a story that is plausible. However, based on my twenty-five years of experience as a policy analyst interested in access to health care, I find it inaccurate for a number of reasons.
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  20.  25
    Can Summer Philosophy Programs Help Close the Achievement Gap?Bailie Peterson - 2020 - Precollege Philosophy and Public Practice 2:36-61.
    While summer break presents educational and recreational opportunities for some students, students from depressed socioeconomic groups may face significant obstacles in the summer, including learning loss. In general, these students also lack access to a wide range of intrinsic and instrumental benefits attached to the study of philosophy. While there are currently existing philosophy programs, this contribution highlights the connections between summer experiences and the overall achievement gap, while identifying specific practices shown to yield successful summer programs. Philosophy provides an (...)
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  21. An axiomatic characterization of causal counterfactuals.David Galles & Judea Pearl - 1998 - Foundations of Science 3 (1):151-182.
    This paper studies the causal interpretation of counterfactual sentences using a modifiable structural equation model. It is shown that two properties of counterfactuals, namely, composition and effectiveness, are sound and complete relative to this interpretation, when recursive (i.e., feedback-less) models are considered. Composition and effectiveness also hold in Lewis's closest-world semantics, which implies that for recursive models the causal interpretation imposes no restrictions beyond those embodied in Lewis's framework. A third property, called reversibility, holds in nonrecursive causal models but not (...)
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  22.  58
    Reverse intergenerational learning: a missed opportunity? [REVIEW]Carol Baily - 2009 - AI and Society 23 (1):111-115.
    Traditional teaching pedagogy has the young learning from the old. To improve learning in a business environment, generational differences have been identified as being potential barriers between people. There is a growing realisation that technology can be used to bridge the gap between young and old using reverse mentoring. Moving beyond the confines of using reverse intergenerational learning as a tool for only learning new IT has not yet gained general acceptance in the wider business environment. Surely this represents a (...)
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  23. Arguing, Arguments, and Deep Disagreements.Peter Davson-Galle - 1992 - Informal Logic 14 (2).
    In response to earlier papers in Informal Logic by Robert Fogelin and Andrew Lugg, this paper explores the issue of whether disagreement could ever be so deep that it defied rational resolution. Contra Lugg, I agree with Fogelin that such unresolvable disagreement is possible and, contra Fogelin, I suggest that the focus of such disagreement can be quite Iimited-a single proposition rather than a whole system of beliefs. I also suggest that emphasising arguing as a human practice rather than arguments (...)
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    What Are You Waiting For? Real‐Time Integration of Cues for Fricatives Suggests Encapsulated Auditory Memory.Marcus E. Galle, Jamie Klein-Packard, Kayleen Schreiber & Bob McMurray - 2019 - Cognitive Science 43 (1):e12700.
    Speech unfolds over time, and the cues for even a single phoneme are rarely available simultaneously. Consequently, to recognize a single phoneme, listeners must integrate material over several hundred milliseconds. Prior work contrasts two accounts: (a) a memory buffer account in which listeners accumulate auditory information in memory and only access higher level representations (i.e., lexical representations) when sufficient information has arrived; and (b) an immediate integration scheme in which lexical representations can be partially activated on the basis of early (...)
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  25.  22
    Direct and indirect ways of managing epistemic asymmetries when eliciting memories.Marina Gall, Sandra Dowling, Joe Webb & Val Williams - 2019 - Discourse Studies 21 (2):199-215.
    This article aims to explore how epistemic status is negotiated during talk about the life memories of one speaker. Direct questions which foreground ‘remembering’ can lead to troubled sequences of talk. However, interlocutors sometimes frame their first parts as ‘co-rememberings’, and the sequential positioning of these can be crucial to the outcome of the talk. We draw on almost 10 hours of video data from dementia settings, where memory is a talked-about matter. Our focus is on 30 sequences which are (...)
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  26.  7
    Book Review of Balancing Act: The New Medical Ethics of Medicine’s New Economics. [REVIEW]Mary Ann Baily - 1993 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 4 (4):365-367.
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  27.  21
    Axioms of causal relevance.David Galles & Judea Pearl - 1997 - Artificial Intelligence 97 (1-2):9-43.
  28.  40
    Online processing of native and non-native phonemic contrasts in early bilinguals.Núria Sebastián-Gallés & Salvador Soto-Faraco - 1999 - Cognition 72 (2):111-123.
  29. Supporting First-Generation Philosophers at Every Level.B. Bailie Peterson - 2021 - Apa Newsletter on Feminism and Philosophy 20 (3):38-43.
    The APA has recently taken steps to address concerns related to teaching and supporting philosophers and students who come from less privileged backgrounds. I want to add to this project by fleshing out some concrete ways that philosophy professors contribute to the challenges faced by first-generation and financially disadvantaged philosophers and students. I hope that in making these behaviors explicit, it may be easier for faculty to acknowledge and overcome them.
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  30.  41
    Science, values and objectivity.Peter Davson-Galle - 2002 - Science & Education 11 (2):191-202.
  31.  32
    Philosophy of science, critical thinking and science education.Peter Davson-Galle - 2004 - Science & Education 13 (6):503-517.
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  32.  36
    Philosophy of science and school science.P. Davson‐Galle - 1994 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 26 (1):34–53.
  33. Knowing, Counting, Being: Meillassoux, Heidegger, and the Possibility of Science.Robert S. Gall - 2014 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 28 (3):335-345.
    In his book After Finitude, Quentin Meillassoux criticizes post-Kantian philosophy for its inability to explain how science is able to describe a world without human beings. This paper addresses that challenge through a consideration of Heidegger’s thought and his thinking about science. It is argued that the disagreement between Meillassoux and Heidegger comes down to a question of first philosophy and the priority of logic or ontology in philosophy. Ultimately, Heidegger’s emphasis on ontology in philosophy is superior in its ability (...)
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  34.  49
    Constructivism: 'A curate's egg'.Peter Davson-Galle - 1999 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 31 (2):205–219.
  35.  5
    De mythe van de ik-dentiteit.Erik Galle (ed.) - 2016 - Antwerpen: Halewijn N.V..
    In 2006 was 'jij' volgens het Amerikaanse blad 'Time Magazine' als individu de persoon van het jaar. Tien jaar later is het selfietijdperk helemaal doorgebroken. Het 'ik' staat centraal en onze identiteit heeft veel weg van een bouwpakket uit een doe-het-zelf zaak. In het boek 'De mythe van de ik-dentiteit' staan auteurs uit uiteenlopende maatschappelijke velden stil bij de consequenties en uitdagingen van deze maatschappelijke evolutie. Met bijdragen van Erik Borgman, Marc Calmeyn, Marc Colpaert, Paul Delva, Patrick Develtere, Erik Galle, (...)
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    Interpreting Arguments and Judging Issues.Peter Davson-Galle - 1989 - Informal Logic 11 (1).
  37. Grace and Common Life.David Baily Harned - 1971
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  38. The ambiguity of religion.David Baily Harned - 1968 - Philadelphia,: Westminster Press.
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  39.  13
    Using Multimedia to Teach Computer Literacy.Catherine Ricardo & Frances Bailie - 1993 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 13 (2):89-91.
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  40.  20
    Reason and Professional Ethics.Peter Davson-Galle - 2009 - Ashgate.
    This book is aimed at those studying for entry into the various professions where ethical questions are commonly faced such as teaching or social work.
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  41. Neo-Meilandian Truth-Relativism of a Weak Sort.Peter Davson-Galle - 1994 - Electronic Journal of Analytic Philosophy 2.
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  42. Fideism or Faith in Doubt?: Meillassoux, Heidegger, and the End of Metaphysics.Robert S. Gall - 2013 - Philosophy Today 57 (4):358-368.
    Quentin Meillassoux’s After Finitude: An Essay on the Necessity of Contingency advocates a “speculative materialism” or what has come to be called “speculative realism” over against “correlationism” (his term for [nearly] all post-Kantian philosophy). “Correlationism” is “the idea according to which we only ever have access to the correlation between thinking and being, and never to either term considered apart from the other.” As part of his criticism of “correlationism,” Meillassoux argues that it necessarily leads to fideism, referencing the return (...)
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  43.  12
    Beyond theism and atheism: Heidegger's significance for religious thinking.Robert S. Gall - 1987 - Hingham, MA, USA: Distributors for the U.S. and Canada, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Through an analysis of key themes in Heidegger's work, the book challenges the traditional theological appropriation of Heidegger and the usual characterizations of religious thinking in terms of faith or belief in, or experience of, some ultimate reality. Heidegger, it is argued, offers a unique approach to a variety of issues and problems in contemporary religious thought and philosophy of religion that results in understanding religious thinking as a resolute openness to the holiness and meaningfulness of the world.
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  44. Beyond Theodicy: the Divine in Heidegger and Tragedy.Robert S. Gall - 1985 - Philosophy Today 29 (2):110-120.
    The paper explores the way in which we can make sense of the seemingly contradictory presentations of God and the gods in tragic literature by looking to the thought of Martin Heidegger. The duplicity of the gods in tragedy is found to be a function of the uncertainty and questionworthiness of being.
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  45. Interrupting speculation: The thinking of Heidegger and greek tragedy.Robert S. Gall - 2003 - Continental Philosophy Review 36 (2):177-194.
    Despite his extended readings of parts of the Antigone of Sophocles, Heidegger nowhere explicitly sets about giving us a theory of tragedy or a detailed analysis of the essence of tragedy. The following paper seeks to piece together Heidegger's understanding of tragedy and tragic experience by looking to themes in his thinking – particularly his analyses of early Greek thinking – and connecting them both to his scattered references to tragedy and actual examples from Greek tragedy. What we find is (...)
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  46. Tragedy or Religion? A Question of "Radical Hermeneutics".Robert S. Gall - 1988 - Philosophy Today 32 (3):244-255.
    The paper criticizes John Caputo's formulation of "radical hermeneutics" and its understanding of both religion and tragedy, arguing that a "tragic theology" would be a truly radical hermeneutic.
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  47. The Inside and the Outside: Religious Experience and Religious Thought.Robert S. Gall - 1986 - Auslegung 12:122-133.
    Drawing upon the thought of Jacques Derrida and Martin Heidegger, the paper argues that contemporary discussions of religious experience and religious thought as two separate parts of religious practice and tradition--with religious experience as the "heart" of religion--is erroneous. Instead, it is argued, religious experience and religious thought are woven together in practice, the one implicating the other.
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  48.  66
    (Relative) Truth and Whyte ‘Lies’.Peter Davson-Galle - 1994 - Cogito 8 (2):180-183.
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  49.  29
    Another Note on the "Surprise Test" Puzzle.Peter Galle - 1980 - Informal Logic 3 (3).
  50.  46
    Quand le double n'a pas sa place.Didier Le Gall - 2010 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 3 (3):109-120.
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