Results for 'Barukh Rozenberg'

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  1. Ḳovets Zikhron Keneset Yiśraʼel: le-zikhro shel morenu rosh ha-yeshivah ha-gaon ha-gadol rabi Barukh Rozenberg...Barukh Rozenberg (ed.) - 2005 - Bene Beraḳ: Yeshivat Keneset Yiśraʼel Slabodḳah.
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  2. Aḥerim: Barukh Shpinozah, Shelomoh Maimon.Chaim Wirszubski, Y. L. Barukh, Benedictus de Spinoza & Salomon Maimon (eds.) - 2009 - Tel-Aviv: Miśkal.
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  3. Sefer Netivot ha-osher: behirut ṿe-hadrakhah ba-ʻavodat H. mimeni Barukh Reʼuven Shelomoh Ḳenigsberg.Barukh Reʼuven Shelomoh Ḳenigsberg - 1985 - Yerushalayim: B.R. Sh. Ḳenigsberg.
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  4. Spinoza and Kabbalah: convergences, divergences, and their theoretical implications.Jacques J. Rozenberg - 2024 - Journal of Religion and Theology 6 (I):59-80.
    This article aims to shed light on the possible influence of the Kabbalah on Spinoza. To do this, I will analyze the role that the Kabbalist theoretical model may have had on the development of Spinozist philosophy, in order to understand both their convergences and their divergences. I will then clarify Spinoza's relationship to this theory, especially the Lurianic Kabbalah, and emphasize the importance of the notion of Tsimtsum (contraction of the Divine light).
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  5. Sefer Minḥat Mosheh: ḳitsur Shulḥan ʻarukh.Barukh Asabag - 2000 - Yerushalayim: Otsrot ha-Magreb. Edited by Joseph ben Ephraim Karo & Daṿid Ḥayim Dahan.
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  6. Sefer ha-maʼamarim: maʼamre ḳodesh li-mevaḳshe ha-emet ba-ʻavodat H.Barukh Shalom Ashlag - 1995 - B.B. [z.o. Bene Beraḳ]: Or Barukh Shalom. Edited by Yehudah Ashlag.
    kerekh 1. 744-745 -- kerekh 2. 746-747 -- kerekh 4. 750-751.
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  7. Sefer Otiyot de-liba: siḥot u-maʼamarim be-ʻavodat H. ʻal derekh ha-emet.Barukh Shalom Ashlag - 2011 - Bene Beraḳ: ʻAmutat "ha-Sulam". Edited by Yehudah Ashlag & Barukh Horovits.
    [1] Seder ha-ʻavodah -- [2] Moʻadim. Amarot.
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  8. (1 other version)Sefer El ḳets ha-tiḳun: zeh sefer shel seḳer darkhe ha-tiḳun ha-muṭal ʻal bene adam ba-ʻolam ha-zeh..Tsevi Ben Barukh - 1983 - Bene Beraḳ: Y. Riveḳ.
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  9. The roof of the palace.Barukh Jonas - 1926 - Maumee, Ohio,: B. Jonas.
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  10. Ḥayim she-yesh bahem: pirḳe ḥayim... me-hekhal ḥasidim she-yadʻu li-ḥeyot.Barukh ben Daṿid Lev - 2000 - Ḥatsor ha-Gelilit: B. ben D. Lev.
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  11. Sefer Nodaʻ ba-sheʻarim.Barukh Mandelbom - 1903 - Yerushalayim: Mekhon Bet Aharon ṿe-Yiśraʼel, Mosdot Ḳarlin-Sṭolin.
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  12. Sefer Ḥeshev nevonim: maʼamarim niflaʼim ṿe-yesodiyim ba-halakhah ṿe-agadah.Barukh Yehoshuʻa Yeraḥmiʼel Rabinovits - 2016 - Yerushalayim: Mosdot Ahavat Torah. Edited by Natan Daṿid ben Yehudah Leyb Rabinovits.
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    Biologie de la race et psychopathologie.Jacques J. Rozenberg - 2001 - Archives de Philosophie 1 (1):71-86.
    Cet article vise à analyser les racines biologiques et psychopathologiques de l’antisémitisme. Il privilégie la notion de dialectique afin de comprendre la transition de l’anti-judaïsme à l’antisémitisme comme passage d’une opposition d’essence spirituelle et religieuse à un rejet d’ordre national et racial. Historiquement, ce passage est contemporain de l’émergence de la biologie de la race qui a, entre autres, cristallisé les thèmes majeurs d’une tradition mythique, ayant, pendant des siècles, structuré l’identité occidentale. L’antisémitisme proprement dit, dont le terme n’apparaît qu’en (...)
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  14. La bioéthique corps et âme, coll. « Conversciences »'.Jacques J. Rozenberg - 1999 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
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  15. Levinas' reading of Spinoza.Jacques J. Rozenberg - 2025 - In Christopher Buckman, Melissa Bradley, Jack Marsh & James McLachlan (eds.), The event of the good: reading Levinas in a Levinasian way. Albany: State University of New York Press.
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    Sense and Nonsense: Philosophical, Clinical, and Ethical Perspectives.Jacques J. Rozenberg (ed.) - 1996 - Hebrew University.
    This work constitutes the Proceedings of the Bar-Ilan International Symposium on the topic ?Sense and Nonsense in Philosophy and Psychopathology.? The symposium was held at Bar-Ilan University (Israel) from June 7-8, 1993, with lectures given in three languages (English, Hebrew and French). Through this symposium an outline of a philosophy of psychopathology related to biology and ethics was presented. It is now clear, especially from clinical experience, that the notions of sense and nonsense cannot be grasped directly, but must be (...)
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  17. Maʼamar teʼologi-medini.Barukh Shpinozah & Ḥṿirshubsḳi Targum Ṿe-Heʻarot - 2009 - In Chaim Wirszubski, Y. L. Barukh, Benedictus de Spinoza & Salomon Maimon (eds.), Aḥerim: Barukh Shpinozah, Shelomoh Maimon. Tel-Aviv: Miśkal.
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  18. Spinoza, le spinozisme et les fondements de la sécularisation.Jacques J. Rozenberg - 2023 - Amazon.
    Spinoza, le spinozisme et les fondements de la sécularisation est un ouvrage dédié à la mémoire d’Emmanuel Levinas, dont l’auteur a été l’élève durant plusieurs années. Il vise, à travers une analyse d’ordre philosophique, historique, épistémologique et théologique, à mettre au jour les conditions d’émergence interrelatées du spinozisme et de la sécularisation. Pour ce faire, il souligne, entre autres, l’importance des polémiques anti-maimonidiennes, des débats sur les attributs divins, la substance, l’infini, du marranisme et de la Kabbale sur la formation (...)
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  19. Determinism, Divine Will, and Free Will: Spinoza, Leibniz, and Maimonides.Jacques J. Rozenberg - 2023 - Australian Journal of Jewish Studies:57-81.
    The question of Spinozist determinism and necessitarianism have been extensively studied by commentators, while the relationship between the notions of divine will and free will still requires elaborate studies. Our article seeks to contribute to such research, by clarifying the analyses of these questions by authors that Spinoza has confronted: Maimonides, as well as other Jewish philosophers, and Leibniz who criticized Spinozist determinism. We will study the consequences of these analyses on two examples that Spinoza gave to refute free will, (...)
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  20. L’altruisme, l’utilitarisme, l’égoïsme et l’idéal de l’homme libre dans la philosophie de Spinoza.Jacques J. Rozenberg - 2024 - Actu Philosophia 3 (Mars 2024):21.
    La question des rapports du spinozisme à l’axiologie a fait l’objet de nombreux débats. Certains commentateurs considèrent Spinoza comme étant profondément immoraliste, alors que pour d’autres, il maintient l'ensemble des valeurs humaines. Spinoza a cherché à dépasser l’utilitarisme propre au conatus de chacun, afin de fonder un altruisme rationnel. Il souligne que le bien auquel l’homme aspire lorsqu’il suit la vertu, il le désirera aussi pour tous les autres hommes. Cependant, les moyens mis en œuvre pour démontrer cette thèse semblent (...)
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  21. The question of secularization : Spinoza, deism and atheism.Jacques J. Rozenberg - 2024 - Sociology International Journal 8 (1):16-21.
    The aim of this article is to bring to light some of the factors that allowed the emergence of secularization, and to understand to what extent and in what ways these factors contributed to the formation of the main lines of Spinozism. I will first examine the issues of secularization, emphasizing the importance of the transformations in the status of the Hebrew language during the Renaissance. I will then analyze the role that the Tractatus theologico-politicus may have had in European (...)
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  22.  12
    Entre multitudes y lideres: introducir la relación causada en Las multitudes argentinas de José Ramos Mejía a partir del horizonte hobbesiano.Antonio David Rozenberg - 2023 - Dois Pontos 20 (3).
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  23.  26
    Making It Count: Extracting Real World Data from Compassionate Use and Expanded Access Programs.Ori Rozenberg & Dov Greenbaum - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (7):89-92.
    Volume 20, Issue 7, July 2020, Page 89-92.
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    The Notions of Miracle, Testimonial Knowledge, and Certainty.Jacques J. Rozenberg - 2023 - International Philosophical Quarterly 63 (4):391-414.
    Spinoza devoted Chapter VI of the Tractatus Theologico-Politicus to the question of the miracle, which he considers illusory because it constitutes a purely natural phenomenon. However, he attributed to it a social and pedagogical function capable of preserving the power of the sovereign. I will analyze Spinoza’s theory of the miracle and then Hume’s theory, in order to compare them, and thus highlight the specific problems posed by their thesis. I will then analyze Hume’s probabilistic approach, by examining Bayses’ theorem. (...)
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  25. Seconde édition révisée et augmentée de Spinoza, le spinozisme et les fondements de la sécularisation (2nd edition).Jacques J. Rozenberg - 2023 - Amazon.
    Spinoza, le spinozisme et les fondements de la sécularisation est un ouvrage dédié à la mémoire d’Emmanuel Levinas, dont l’auteur a été l’élève durant plusieurs années. Il vise, à travers une analyse d’ordre philosophique, historique, épistémologique et théologique, à mettre au jour les conditions d’émergence interrelatées du spinozisme et de la sécularisation. Il présente une recherche interdisciplinaire devant permettre d’éclairer l’origine des difficultés théoriques que ce système philosophique présente. Ce volume est le premier d’une pentalogie consacrée à Spinoza et au (...)
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  26. Physiologie, embryologie et psychopathologie: une mise à l'épreuve de la conceptualité hégélienne.Jacques J. Rozenberg - 1997 - Archives de Philosophie 60 (2):243.
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  27. ha-Śatan u-feruḳ ha-nesheḳ.Daniyel Ben-Barukh - 1963 - [Jerusalem]: ha-Igeret ha-ḥamishit.
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  28. Otsar peninim ṿe-ʻuvdot: me-rabotenu gedole ha-Torah ṿeha-musar.Barukh Mordekhai Gershoni (ed.) - 2018 - Modiʻin ʻIlit: [Barukh Mordekhai Gershoni].
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    Bioethical and Ethical Issues Surrounding the Trials and Code of Nuremberg: Nuremberg Revisited.Jacques J. Rozenberg - 2003 - Mellen Press.
    Interdisciplinary essays on the ethical issues which encompassed the trials and Code of Nuremberg have been collated from researchers from various countries in fields as diverse as medicine, bioethics, psychoanalysis, history, philosophy, Jewish thought, law, and ethics. The book focuses on five main areas: the juridical originality of the Nuremberg trials; the scientific, epistemological, and psychoanalytic backgrounds of racism and anti-Semitism; the biomedical and bioethical issues of the Nuremberg Code; a post-Nuremberg historical, ethical, and philosophical study of the notion of (...)
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  30.  19
    L'individualité historique.Jacques J. Rozenberg - 1997 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 187 (2):225 - 226.
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    La théorie optique de l'hallucination dans Les « rêves d'un visionnadie » de Kant.Jacques Rozenberg & Rozenberg Jacques J. - 1985 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 175 (1):15 - 26.
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    Ethique, langage et abstraction selon la tradition hébraïque.Jacques Rozenberg - 1985 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 90 (3):362 - 376.
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  33.  7
    Langages et pragmatique du vivant.Jacques Rozenberg - 1988 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 178 (1):53 - 66.
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    Philosophie et folie: fondements psychopathologiques de la métaphysique.Jacques J. Rozenberg - 1994 - L'Harmattan.
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    Bio-cognition de l'individualité: philosophèmes de la vie et du concept.Jacques J. Rozenberg - 1992 - Paris: Presses Universitaires de France - PUF.
  36.  6
    (1 other version)Die probleme der buddhistischen philosophie.Otton Ottonovich Rozenberg - 1924 - Heidelberg,: O. Harrassowitz. Edited by E. Rozenberg & [From Old Catalog].
  37.  30
    (1 other version)L'individualité bio-psychologique de l'embryon.Jacques J. Rozenberg - 2006 - Cités 28 (4):29-43.
    Décrivant les grandes lignes de l’avant-projet de révision des lois de bioéthique de 1994, le Premier ministre de l’époque, Lionel Jospin, s’est exprimé en faveur de l’autorisation des recherches sur l’embryon humain. Il cherchait alors à devancer les objections possibles en opposant la recherche fondamentale à la réflexion philosophique et tentait de préciser la question suivante :..
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  38.  46
    Les fondements d'une pragmatique du sida : l'approche bio-psychopatho-culturelle.Jacques J. Rozenberg - 2009 - Cités 40 (4):161.
    Nous souhaitons analyser la nature des relations dialectiques et complexes que la réalité biologique du VIH entretient avec, d’une part les manifestations psychiques et psychopathologiques, et d’autre part les représentations sociales du sida, qui stigmatisent le corps sidéen, par le biais de procédures discriminatoires souvent présentées comme prophylactiques. L’approche pragmatique..
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  39. Trudy po buddizmu.O. O. Rozenberg & A. N. Ignatovich - 1991 - Moskva: "Nauka," Glav. red. vostochnoĭ lit-ry. Edited by A. N. Ignatovich & O. O. Rozenberg.
    O mirosozert︠s︡anii sovremennogo buddizma na Dalʹnem Vostoke -- Problemy buddiĭskoĭ filosofii (p. [43]-[210]).
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  40. Rojtman . - Feu noir sur feu blanc. [REVIEW]J. Rozenberg - 1990 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 180:471.
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  41. aye Shelomoh Maimon.Katuv Bi-Yede ʻatsmo & Targum Y. L. Barukh - 2009 - In Chaim Wirszubski, Y. L. Barukh, Benedictus de Spinoza & Salomon Maimon (eds.), Aḥerim: Barukh Shpinozah, Shelomoh Maimon. Tel-Aviv: Miśkal.
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    ha-Pilosofiyah shel ha-Yahadut.Julius Guttmann, Y. L. Barukh & Zevi Woyslawski - 1951 - [Jerusalem,: Mosad Byalik.
  43.  13
    Complementarity versus universality: Keynotes of DNA computing.Gheorghe Päun, Grzegorz Rozenberg & Arto Salomaa - 1998 - Complexity 4 (1):14-19.
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  44. Sefer Birkat Mordekhai: Sukot ṿe-Śimḥat Torah: ḥidushe Torah u-maʼamre musar.Barukh Mordekhai ben Yiśraʼel Ezraḥi - 2012 - Yerushalayim: Mekhon "Yad Meʼir".
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    The use of logic and argumentation in therapy of sex offenders.Dov Gabbay, Gadi Rozenberg & Lydia Rivlin - 2023 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 33 (1):1-35.
    This paper is intended first for the formal argumentation community (see This community develops logics and systems modelling argumentation and dialogues. The community is in search of major applications areas for their models. One such application area e.g. is Law. The message of this paper is that there is another major application area for formal argumentation. There is an international community of sex offender therapist that is well established and well funded, and their therapy methods use (methods that can (...)
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  46. Birkat Mordekhai: ʻal Sukot ṿe-Śimḥat Torah: ḥidushim u-veʼurim ba-halakhah uva-agadah u-maʼamare musar ʻal Sukot ṿe-Śimḥat Torah.Barukh Mordekhai ben Yiśraʼel Ezraḥi - 2021 - Yerushalayim: Be-hotsaʼat Mekhon "Yad Meʼir".
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  47. Sefer Birkat Mordekhai: Yerah ha-Etanim: Elul, Rosh ha-Shanah, Yom ha-Kipurim, Sukot: ḥidushe Torah u-maʼamre musar.Barukh Mordekhai ben Yiśraʼel Ezraḥi - 2005 - Yerushalaim: Mekhon "Yad MeʼIr".
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  48. Sefer Birkat Mordekhai: ʻal Elul ṿe-Rosh ha-Shanah: ḥidushim u-veʼurim ba-halakhah uve-agadah u-maʼamare musar ʻal Elul ṿe-Rosh ha-Shanah.Barukh Mordekhai ben Yiśraʼel Ezraḥi - 2021 - Yerushalayim: Mekhon "Yad Meʼir" she-ʻal yad Yeshivat "ʻAṭeret Yiśraʼel".
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  49. Sefer Otiyot maḥkimot ; Sefer Ṿa-yosef Shaʼul.Yaʻaḳov Barukh Gefen - 1906 - [Bruklin N.Y.: Aḥim Goldbenberg. Edited by Shaʼul.
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  50. Meʼasef Torani Heʻarot mi-bene ha-yeshivot: u-vo ke-elef ṿe-ḥamesh meʼot ḳushyot niflaʼot ṿe-heʻarot yeḳarot be-Seder Nashim mi-bene ha-yeshivot mi-merḥave kol ha-yeshivot she-ʻasḳu yaḥad be-masekhtot ṿe-sugyot elu, ṿe-ʻimo "Medor ha-terutsim" she-naśʼu ṿe-natnu bene ha-yeshivot be-yishuv u-feruḳ ha-ḳushiyot. Ṿe-ʻod be-sefer zeh Medor śiḥot musar ha-shazur ba-gilyonot "Heʻarot mi-bene ha-yeshivot" u-vo śiḥot yiḥudiyot ṿe-niflaʼot meʼod u-khemo. k. meʻuṭarim ha-gilyonot be-ḳiṭʻe hitʻorerut rabim. Sefer Ohev mesharim: ʻinyanim: ḥeleḳ sheni.Boʻaz Barukh ben Yigʼal Miler (ed.) - 2006 - Bene-Beraḳ: Boʻaz Barukh ben Yigʼal Miler.
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