Results for 'Basic Goodness of Human Beings'

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  1.  90
    Realism About the Good For Human Beings.Nandi Theunissen (ed.) - 2023 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Against those who contend that there is a basic duality between the moral and the non-moral good, or the right and the good, I articulate a form of realism that works with a unified conception of the good in which virtue and benefit are key concepts, and in which the “moral good” is not foundationally distinctive, but explicable in terms of the good for human beings. I argue: (a) that virtuous actions are such because and insofar as (...)
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  2. Matteo Ricci on the Innate Goodness of Human Nature: Catholic Learning and the Subsequent Differentiation of "Han Learning" from "Song Learning".Ping-Cheung Lo - 2010 - Philosophy and Culture 37 (11):41-66.
    Academics have the impression that human nature is good advocate Confucianism, Christianity should make the evil human nature. So when Matteo Ricci and other missionaries to China, agree that people are basically good in the Chinese writings of contemporary scholars do not think that Ricci would have just done for the purpose of mission compromise and will be attached. This article do not support this view. Through on Aquinas' Summa Theologica, "read the relevant chapter and" Mencius "rigorous analysis, (...)
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    Basic Goods and the Human Good in Recent Catholic Moral Theology.Jean Porter - 1993 - The Thomist 57 (1):27-49.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BASIC GOODS AND THE HUMAN GOOD IN RECENT CATHOLIC MORAL THEOLOGY }EAN PORTER University of Notre Dame Notre Dame, Indiana 0 NE OF THE MOST striking features of Catholic moral theology since Vatican II has been the reluctance of so many moral theologians, on all sides of the controversies which have characterized that discipline, to offer a substantive account of goodness and the human good (...)
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    Ecodomical Attempts to Ideologically Transform the World into a Protective Realm for All Human Beings through Using the Concept of Goodness in Dealing with the Reality of Religion.Corneliu C. Simuţ - 2017 - Cultura 14 (2):121-140.
    This paper investigates the possibility of identifying various ecodomical or constructive possibilities which have the potential to ideologically transform the world at a global scale in the sense that they can promote a set of ideas with positive connotations in dealing with the extremely complex issue of religion. Whether religion is good or bad, positive or negative has nothing to do with this article’s basic methodology which seeks to isolate various theoretical attempts aimed at approaching the issue of religion (...)
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    A Theory of Basic Goods: Structure and Hierarchy.James G. Hanink - 1988 - The Thomist 52 (2):221-245.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A THEORY OF BASIC GOODS: STRUCTURE AND HIERARCHY* I. FTEN, PERHAPS ALWAYS, moral theory emerges from particular problems. Just how is obscure. The logic of discovery is elusive; and it is harder to explain how we have come to see matters rightly than to recognize that we do, in fact, see them rightly. What counts as a theory, moreover, calls for explication as much as does a theory's (...)
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  6. The Normative Role of "Basic Goods" in the Natural Law Jurisprudence of John Finnis: A Critical Assessment.William Joseph Wagner - 2002 - Dissertation, The Catholic University of America
    John Finnis proposes that practical reason finds the basic meaning of all human choice and action in a set of self-evident ends. Finnis terms these ends, "basic goods." He suggests that "integral human fulfillment" is attained by honoring a set of equally self-evident requirements governing consistent respect for these same "basic goods." Such requirements have the character of moral obligation. In this view, the civil law exists to advance the observance of one such requirement: "that (...)
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    Thomas Aquinas on Natural Inclinations and the Practical Cognition of Human Goods.Justin Matchulat - 2020 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 94 (2):239-271.
    Thomas Aquinas’s thought on how human natural inclinations relate to the cognition of basic human goods has been and continues to be highly disputed. Pointing out the weaknesses of both old and new natural law interpretations, I offer an interpretation that is highly sensitive to Aquinas’s language in key texts on this issue and in addition draws upon texts where Aquinas explicates the relationship between inclination and selective attention. I argue that the natural inclinations primarily play a (...)
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    Philosophy of Human Dignity in the Problem Field of the Global World.G. G. Kolomiets, Y. V. Parusimova & I. V. Kolesnikova - 2019 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 23 (4):508-520.
    The article discusses human dignity in the aspect of modern challenges of technological civilization, which has entered a new stage of its development. Human dignity as a category of ethics remains underestimated, since in the first row of ethical values humanitarians, as a rule, put the categories of freedom and justice. Today, “dignity” acquires a special and higher status, the concept of human dignity is being rethought, going beyond the ethical category itself as a virtue. In the (...)
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    Beyond the Basics: The Evolution and Development of Human Emotions.Robyn Bluhm - 2006 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 36 (sup1):73-94.
    The suggestion that at least some emotions are modular captures a number of our intuitions about emotions: they are generally fast responses to a stimulus, they are involuntary, and they are easily distinguished from one another; we simply know that, for example, anger feels different than fear. Candidates for modular emotions are usually the so-called “basic” emotions - anger and fear are good examples of these. Defenders of emotion theories that focus on basic emotions, such as Paul Ekman (...)
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    Feeling Good: The Science of Well-Being.C. Robert Cloninger - 2004 - Oup Usa.
    The separation of biomedical and psychosocial approaches to mental illness has hampered both research and treatment because only a fully integrated view of life permits a person to develop wisdom and well-being. In this long-awaited work, psychiatrist Robert Cloninger argues that all persons have spontaneous needs for happiness, self-understanding, and love, and he describes a way toward achieving psychological coherence that satisfies these basic human needs. The novel synthesis that he provides is based on the latest findings and (...)
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  11.  85
    Human Life as a Basic Good: A Dialectical Critique.Javier Echeñique - 2016 - Ideas Y Valores 65 (161):61-87.
    In this article I argue that the fundamental axiological claim of the New Natural Law Theory, according to which human life has an intrinsically valuable, cannot be defended within the framework assumed by the New Natural Law Theory itself, and further, that such a claim turns out to be false relative to a wider eudaimonistic framework that the Natural Law theorist is committed to accept. I do this this by adopting a dialectical standpoint which excludes any assumptions that could (...)
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  12. Principles of Justice, Primary Goods and Categories of Right: Rawls and Kant.Paul Guyer - 2018 - Kantian Review 23 (4):581-613.
    John Rawls based his theory of justice, in the work of that name, on a ‘Kantian interpretation’ of the status of human beings as ‘free and equal’ persons. In his subsequent, ‘political rather than metaphysical’ expositions of his theory, the conception of citizens of democracies as ‘free and equal’ persons retained its foundational role. But Rawls appealed only to Kant’s moral philosophy, never to Kant’s own political philosophy as expounded in his 1797 Doctrine of Right in theMetaphysics of (...)
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    Human Life as a Grounding Basic Good in the New Natural Law Ethics.Javier Echeñique - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 12:91-95.
    In this paper I critically examine the key normative claim of the so-called ‘new Natural Law ethics’, namely, the claim that being alive, in the biological sense of the word, has an intrinsically valuable standing. This claim is at the basis of the absolute condemnation of all acts aiming at destroying such a good. After explaining the meaning of this fundamental normative claim, I engage in a dialectical argument between the suicidal person and the new Natural Law ethicists in order (...)
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    Assessor Teaching and the Evolution of Human Morality.Laureano Castro, Miguel Ángel Castro-Nogueira, Morris Villarroel & Miguel Ángel Toro - 2021 - Biological Theory 16 (1):5-15.
    We consider the evolutionary scheme of morality proposed by Tomasello to defend the idea that the ability to orient the learning of offspring using signs of approval/disapproval could be a decisive and necessary step in the evolution of human morality. Those basic forms of intentional evaluative feedback, something we have called assessor teaching, allow parents to transmit their accumulated experience to their children, both about the behaviors that should be learned as well as how they should be copied. (...)
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    Human Rights matter: a reassertion of the UN charter and UDHR core values in turbulent times.Human Rights: Between Text, Context, Realities Political Economy of Human Rights Rights, Realization Legality, Strong Legitimacy: A. Political Economy Approach to the Struggle for Basic Entitlements to Safe Water, Human Rights Quarterly Sanitation’, The State, Environment Politics of Development & Climate Change - 2024 - Journal of Global Ethics 20 (3):343-353.
    Drawing its strength from the UN Charter and UDHR, human rights ethics is a beacon of hope and a promise that requires continuous reaffirmation during these turbulent times. These two documents, with their unwavering faith in ‘fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small,’ have shaped our understanding of human rights as global and universal ethics. However, this faith (...)
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    "To make a difference...": Narrative Desire in Global Medicine.Byron J. Good & Mary-Jo DelVecchio Good - 2012 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2 (2):121-124.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:"To make a difference...":Narrative Desire in Global MedicineByron J. Good and Mary-Jo DelVecchio GoodIf, as Arthur Frank (2002) writes, "moral life, for better and worse, takes place in storytelling," this collection of narratives written by physicians working in field settings in global medicine gives us a glimpse of some aspects of moral experience, practice, and dilemmas in settings of poverty and low health care resources. These essays are written (...)
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  17. Persons, Human Beings, and Respect.Peter Baumann - 2007 - Polish Journal of Philosophy 1 (2):5-17.
    Human dignity seems very important to us. At the same time, the concept ‘human dignity’ is extrordinarily elusive. A good way to approach the questions “What is it?” and “Why is it important?” is to raise another question first: In virtue of what do human beings have dignity? Speciesism - the idea that human beings have a particular dignity because they are humans - does not seem very convincing. A better answer says that (...) beings have dignity because and insofar as they are persons. I discuss several versions of this idea as well as several objections against it. The most promising line of analysis says that human beings cannot survive psychologically without a very basic form of recognition and respect by others. The idea that humans have a very special dignity is the idea that they owe each other this kind of respect. All this also suggests that human dignity is inherently social. Non-social beings do not have dignity - nor do they lack it. It is because we are social animals of a certain kind that we have dignity - not so much because we are rational animals. (shrink)
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    Buddhism and the Idea of Human Rights: Resonances and Dissonances.Perry Schmidt-Leukel - 2006 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 26 (1):33-49.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhism and the Idea of Human Rights:Resonances and Dissonances1Perry Schmidt-LeukelIn 1991 L.P.N. Perera, Professor of Pāli and Buddhist Studies in Sri Lanka, published a Buddhist commentary on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In this commentary Perera tries to show that, in the Pāli canon, i.e. the canonical scripture of Theravāda Buddhism, for every single article of the Human Rights Declaration a substantial parallel or at (...)
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  19. That is limited and infinite, that is inherent and beyond - Li Zhen of the basic philosophy of care.Vincent Shen - 1999 - Philosophy and Culture 26 (10):931-940.
    Li Zhen priest has repeatedly tried to clarify there are two basic problems of philosophy, there is one problem with the nothingness, there is one root of the problem. For the first problem, he believes there is the meaning of life is based on earnings instead of the full emptiness. For the second question, he thinks there is a God of the root. Li Zhen priest in one deeply experienced man's limited nature, on the other hand they found that (...)
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    Neo-Roman Liberty in the Philosophy of Human Rights.Lena Halldenius - 2022 - In Hannah Dawson & Annelien de Dijn (eds.), Rethinking Liberty Before Liberalism. Cambridge University Press.
    It is my contention here that Quentin Skinner’s conception of neo-roman liberty as it is articulated in Liberty Before Liberalism serves to establish two normative premises for human rights philosophy. Those premises are, first, that human rights should offer the strongest protection for those persons who are most vulnerable and liable to social and political discrimination and marginalisation. Second, the objects of human rights should be conceptualised in terms of open-ended goals of justice, predicated on a commitment (...)
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    Sexual selection and religion: Can the evolution of religion be explained in terms of mating strategies?James A. Van Slyke & Konrad Szocik - 2020 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 42 (1):123-141.
    This article considers the application of sexual selection theory to the study of religion by discussing the basic concepts and theories in sexual selection and then outlines possibilities of its application to the study of the evolution of religion. The first section outlines basic principles in the sexual selection account, including the evolution of human mating strategies based on dimorphism, gender differences in human mating strategies, and the role of different cultural activities in mating dynamics. Such (...)
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    On Becoming Better Human Beings: Six Stories to Live By.Stein M. Wivestad - 2012 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 32 (1):55-71.
    What are the conditions required for becoming better human beings? What are our limitations and possibilities? I understand “becoming better” as a combined improvement process bringing persons “up from” a negative condition and “up to” a positive one. Today there is a tendency to understand improvement in a one-sided way as a movement up to the mastery of cognitive skills, neglecting the negative conditions that can make these skills mis-educative. I therefore tell six stories in the Western tradition (...)
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    Major issues and challenges of human and societal development.Hasan Askari Rizvi - 2017 - Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 56 (2):1-12.
    The role of state in the contemporary global system is greatly shaped by its inner or domestic strength that include economic resilience, socio-political harmony and a stable constitutional political order. These attributes cannot be achieved by a state unless it assigns the highest priority to human and societal development and promotion of egalitarian socio-economic arrangements that provide equal opportunities to all citizens irrespective of ethnicity, language, religion, caste, region or gender. The focus is on transforming human resources into (...)
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    The Authority of Human Rights Practice: A review of Charles Beitz, The Idea of Human Rights. [REVIEW]Mark Navin - 2011 - Jurisprudence 2 (1):239-247.
    In The Idea of Human Rights (hereafter IHR), Charles Beitz advocates a different approach to questions about the nature and aims of human rights. He advances a ‘practical conception’, which turns to the role that human rights play in contemporary political discourse to arrive at answers about the structure and function of human rights. As Beitz says, ‘we take the functional role of human rights in international discourse and practice as basic: it constrains our (...)
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    “Securing the Rational Foundations of Human Living:”The Pedagogical Nature of Human Law in St. Thomas Aquinas.Brian Jones - 2015 - New Blackfriars 96 (1065):602-620.
    Every form of government, whether by its action or inaction, encourages certain forms of behavior and discourages others. The moral well being of a society necessitates its consideration of civil law's legitimate role in shaping moral character. In this paper, I will attepmt to argue that the Thomistic account of civil law is not merely negative, but entails a positive pedagogy that seeks to nurture the moral virtue of its citizens, for both the viciously inclined and those who are already (...)
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  26. Professional ethics and the 'good' of science.Ruth Chadwick - 2005 - .
    Proposals for an ethical code for scientists raise questions about the usefulness of the framework of professional ethics for debating relevant issues surrounding ethics and science. Is science a profession and if so should its professional ethic be self-derived or subject to external input? What needs to be addressed is the nature of the 'good' that science promotes. Explanations of science as a public good in terms of knowledge and diversity are possibilities, but science's answer to the basic philosophical (...)
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  27. On Mencius' Aesthetic Theory of Human Character.Xin Liu - 1997 - Philosophy and Culture 24 (9):882-889.
    Mencius aesthetic features, that he inherited before Confucius and Confucius to "goodness-in-one" as the characteristics and tendencies of the Confucian aesthetics, and in its human nature is good, based on the "goodness-in-one" This proposition reflects a profound the sake of being in the main character. In this paper, respectively, from the moral emotions, moral reasoning and moral will of the three areas, see Mencius, human nature is good and what actually provides the theoretical basis, the "good" (...)
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  28. The Dignity of Human Life: Sketching Out an 'Equal Worth' Approach.Helen Watt - 2020 - Ethics and Medicine 36 (1):7-17.
    The term “value of life” can refer to life’s intrinsic dignity: something nonincremental and time-unaffected in contrast to the fluctuating, incremental “value” of our lives, as they are longer or shorter and more or less flourishing. Human beings are equal in their basic moral importance: the moral indignities we condemn in the treatment of e.g. those with dementia reflect the ongoing human dignity that is being violated. Indignities licensed by the person in advance remain indignities, as (...)
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    Life and Health: A Value in Itself for Human Beings?Helen Watt - 2015 - HEC Forum 27 (3):207-228.
    The presence of a human being/organism—a living human ‘whole’, with the defining tendency to promote its own welfare—has value in itself, as do the functions which compose it. Life is inseparable from health, since without some degree of healthy functionality the living whole would not exist. The value of life differs both within a single life and between lives. As with any other form of human flourishing, the value of life-and-health must be distinguished from the moral importance (...)
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    Atthe risk of oversimplifying, let us assume as a working premise that there are basically two types of people: active and passive. This.Human Beings as Technological - 2006 - In John R. Dakers (ed.), Defining Technological Literacy: Towards an Epistemological Framework. Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    Heidegger's Being and time and the possibility of political philosophy.Mark Blitz - 1981 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
    Martin Heidegger’s Being and Time (1927) challenged earlier thinking about the basic structures of human being, our involvement in practical affairs, and our understanding of history, time, and being. Blitz clarifies Heidegger’s discussions, offers alternative analyses of phenomena central to Heidegger’s argument, and examines the connection between Heidegger’s position in Being and Time and his support of Nazism. As Blitz explains in his new afterword, “When I began to study Martin Heidegger nearly fifty years ago, my goal was (...)
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    Multiple Objectives: A Neglected Problem in the Theory of Human Action.Stephen Ellis - 2006 - Synthese 153 (2):313-338.
    The options that people face are rarely ideal: they are good in some ways and poor in others. People have problems choosing among such options because they don’t know which ends to favor. Multiple objectives pose a problem not only for decision makers, but also for our account of decision making. People act to achieve their ends given their beliefs. In order to handle decisions with multiple objectives, however, this story must be supplemented by an account of which ends are (...)
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    The theory of caritative caring: Katie Eriksson’s theory of caritative caring presented from a human science point of view.Yvonne Näsman - 2020 - Nursing Philosophy 21 (4):e12321.
    The Finnish nursing theorist Katie Eriksson's (1943–2019) theory of caritative caring represents a non‐medical paradigm concerning the phenomena of nursing. The aim of this article was to present an oversight of the development of Eriksson's theory of caritative caring from a human science point of view. The historical development of the theory is outlined, combined with a brief overview of its philosophical connections, its impact on contemporary caring science research and its implications for nursing care. Caring science is considered (...)
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    Klugheit. Grundbegriff des Praktischen bei Aristoteles [Prudence.The Basic Concept of the Practical in Aristotle].Berthold Wald - 2016 - Studia Gilsoniana 5 (4):689–707.
    The article begins by recalling the most important understandings associated with the term prudence in the history of philosophy.Then it introduces the Aristotelian concept of prudence linked to practical truth—prudence seen in contrast to wisdom and knowledge of manufacturing. The article discusses various forms of rational knowledge associated with the right will, and proves the need of linking prudence to all the other ethical virtues based on moral principles. It emphasizes the problem of how to relate general principles to specific (...)
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  35. Of sweatshops and subsistence: Habermas on human rights.David Ingram - 2009 - Ethics and Global Politics 2 (3).
    In this paper I argue that the discourse theoretic account of human rights defended by Jürgen Habermas contains a fruitful tension that is obscured by its dominant tendency to identify rights with legal claims. This weakness in Habermas’s account becomes manifest when we examine how sweatshops diminish the secure enjoyment of subsistence, which Habermas himself (in recognition of the UDHR) recognizes as a human right. Discourse theories of human rights are unique in tying the legitimacy of (...) rights to democratic deliberation and consensus. So construed, their specific meaning and force is the outcome of historical political struggle. However, unlike other legal rights, they possess universal moral validity. In this paper I argue that this tension between the legal and moral aspects of human rights can be resolved if and only if human rights are conceived as moral aspirations and not simply as legal claims. In particular, I shall argue that there are two reasons why human rights must be understood as moral aspirations that function non-juridically: First, the basic human goods to which human rights provide secure access are determinable only in relation to basic human capabilities that are progressively revealed in the course of an indefinite (fully inclusive and universal) process of collective learning; second, the institutional impediments to enjoying human rights are cultural in nature and cannot be remedied by means of legal coercion. (shrink)
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    Genomic Justice: The Distribution of Human Flourishing.Robert Flores - unknown
    Genes are functional cell segments of DNA within an organism, as well as basic physical units of biological inheritance, which have consequences for human dignity and public interest. Genes and genetic material (DNA strands of nucleotides, genetically altered plants and animals e.g., see Appendix B) are patentable. In the US and around the globe, governments grant genetic patents for new, non-obvious, and useful gene inventions. A wide range of interest groups such as religious leaders, scientists, biotech pharmaceuticals, medical (...)
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    All Too Human:" Animal Wisdom" in Nietzsche's Account of the Good Life.Jonathan D. Singer - 2011 - Between the Species 14 (1):2.
    In this paper I argue that a certain understanding of “animality” – or that a certain problematization of the traditional human-animal hierarchy and divide – is central to Nietzsche’s account of the good life. Nietzsche’s philosophical project is primarily directed against those “metaphysical oppositions of values” that traditionally structure how we think, feel and live, and in this paper I submit that, for Nietzsche, the classical opposition between the human and the animal is the most basic and (...)
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    Vitality of Intelligence in New Book on Active Transhumanism by London Futurists Chair David Wood Confirmed in the Era of the COVID-19 Pandemic/Omicron Variant and Alpha Fold.Kim Solez - 2021 - Journal of Ethics and Emerging Technologies 31 (1):1-13.
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    The subject of human being.Christopher W. Haley - 2019 - New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
    The Subject of Human Being presents a sweeping account of the nature of human existence. As a work of philosophical anthropology, the analysis ranges from the basic powers emerging from the mind, to our extraordinary psychological capacities, to the shared sociocultural worlds we inhabit. The book integrates different perspectives on social ontology from a selection of philosophers and theorists, whose advances toward understanding the relationship between individuals and society ought to revolutionize social theory as understood and practiced (...)
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    Aquinas on the Twofold Human Good: Reason and Human Happiness in Aquinas's Moral Science (review).Colleen McCluskey - 2000 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 38 (1):118-119.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Aquinas on the Twofold Human Good: Reason and Human Happiness in Aquinas's Moral ScienceColleen McCluskeyDenis J. M. Bradley. Aquinas on the Twofold Human Good: Reason and Human Happiness in Aquinas's Moral Science. Washington, D. C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 1997. Pp. vii-xiv + 610.In this book, Bradley examines whether one can construct an autonomous Thomistic philosophical ethics from Thomas Aquinas's theologically flavored (...)
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    The Notion of Human Being as a Socially Constructed Self in Taylor’s Theory of Morality.Hasnija Ilazi & Ardian Gola - 2020 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 40 (2):297-311.
    Understanding the notion of human being in Taylor’s theory of modern society includes the understanding of external components that define it – a moral framework and a social community – and the understanding of internal components – the capacities, mainly the component of the strong evaluation, that enable it to be oriented towards the highest values. A human being understood as a self, a person, a subject, an identity, overshadows, however, their multidimensionality through the exclusivity of the dimension (...)
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    The Original Goodness of Human Nature.Stephen R. Palmquist - 2015 - In Stephen Palmquist (ed.), Comprehensive commentary on Kant's Religion within the bounds of bare reason. Hoboken: Wiley. pp. 41–71.
    Immanuel Kant's first way of answering the main question of the First Piece in Religion‐whether human beings are good or evil by nature‐has been to examine the necessary conditions for being human, insofar as these relate “to our capacity for desire”, the rational faculty that governed Kant's considerations in CPrR. As creatures of desire who are “condemned to be free” in the way we use our volition, we are animals who must choose a rational principle to govern (...)
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    The Subject of Human Being.Chris Haley - 2016 - New York: Routledge.
    _ The Subject of Human Being_ discusses the basic powers of human kind arising from the foundation of the biological brain and manifesting in extraordinary psychological and social capacities and developments. The book consolidates theoretical insights into social ontology from several thinkers, whose profound advances toward understanding the relationship between individuals and society ought to revolutionize social theory as understood and practiced in the social sciences and humanities. Drawing from critical realist social theory developed by Bhaskar and (...)
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    Dialogue on Good, Evil, and the Existence of God.John Perry - 1999 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    John Perry--author of the acclaimed _Dialogue on Personal Identity and Immortality_ --revisits Gretchen Weirob in this lively and absorbing dialogue on good, evil, and the existence of God. In the early part of the work, Gretchen and her friends consider whether evil provides a problem for those who believe in the perfection of God. As the discussion continues they consider the nature of human evil—whether, for example, fully rational actions can be intentionally evil. Recurring themes are the distinction between (...)
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  45. Painless Civilization and Fundamental Sense of Security: A Philosophical Challenge in the Age of Human Biotechnology.Masahiro Morioka - 2005 - Polylog: Forum for Intercultural Philosophy 6:1-1.
    This paper discusses some philosophical problems lurking behind the issues of human biotechnology, particularly prenatal screening. Firstly, prenatal screening technology disempowers existing disabled people. The second problem is that it systematically deprives us of the “fundamental sense of security.” This is a sense of security that allows us to believe that we will never be looked upon by anyone with such unspoken words as, “I wish you were never born” or “I wish you would disappear from the world.” Thirdly, (...)
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    Communication and Human Good: The Twentieth Century's Main Achievement.Jan Narveson - 2001 - Social Philosophy Today 17:91-102.
    The invention of computers, and especially their communication capabilities is revolutionary in several ways. They show the paramount importance of communication in human life, as well as facilitating revolutionary improvements in virtually all areas of social life: business, the arts, agriculture, and others. They put in perspective the erroneous outlook of "materialism" -the idea that human well-being is a matter of accumulating material objects, with a corollary that we must be using up the material resources that make such (...)
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  47.  41
    (1 other version)Right and Good: Conclusion: The Limits of Ethics.W. G. De Burgh - 1931 - Philosophy 6 (22):201 - 211.
    The two basic forms of action distinguished in the preceding articles, viz., moral action, where praxis is for praxis sake, and action for a good, where praxis is for the sake of theôria, are found in close relationship to one another in human life. The part they play is rather that of abstract moments in a practical process than that of self-contained and isolable bits of conduct. No philosopher is likely to discount the importance of thus analysing the (...)
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  48.  13
    Yu yan: ren lei zui hou de jia yuan: ren lei ji ben sheng cun zhuang tai de zhe xue yu yu yong xue yan jiu = Language: the last homestead of human beings: philosophical & pragmatic probe into the basic survival ways of man.Guanlian Qian - 2005 - Beijing: Shang wu yin shu guan.
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  49. Reason, Self, and the Good in the Philosophies of Charles Taylor and Juergen Habermas.David K. Wood - 2000 - Dissertation, Drew University
    The debate between Jurgen Habermas and Charles Taylor is reflective of the enduring conflict between liberal philosophy with its emphasis upon freedom, equality, and legal rights, and Aristotelianism with its accent upon the cultivation of virtue, personal responsibility and shared notions of the Good. Though grounded in opposite ends of the philosophical spectrum, both men remain critical of the burgeoning effects of instrumental rationality and the social atomization and anomie it continues to generate; both understand the extent to which the (...)
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  50.  29
    Basic Evaluation and the Virtuous Realisation of Values: The Integrative Model of Aristotle.Markus Riedenauer - 2016 - Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics 18 (2):7-26.
    Human affectivity is a research topic situated at the intersection of psychology, philosophical anthropology, theory of action and ethics. This article reconstructs the Aristotelian theory of emotions in the context of his theory of aspiration /recij ) and in terms of their function as primary evaluators of situations, which forms the basis for virtue ethics. The Aristotelian model integrates desire, motivation and morality for a rational being in community. Affects reveal the profile of relevance of the world to a (...)
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