Results for 'Beatitude'

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  1.  52
    La béatitude et le désir chez Duns Scot: beatitudo est frui summo bono.Maria Manuela Brito-Martins - 2015 - Quaestio 15:649-664.
    In this paper we examine the idea of beatitudo in Duns Scotus. We begin with the Quaestiones super libros metaphysicorum, where the Doctor Subtilis presents a conception of the act of intellective knowledge through the natural meaning of beatitude. Taking up the famous incipit of the Metaphysics, Duns Scotus develops the idea of a maximum desiderium and a maxima scientia as a way of human and natural perfection. In conceiving this desiderium naturale as form of ultimate realization, he sees (...)
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    The philosophy of hope: beatitude in Spinoza.Alexander Douglas - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Can philosophy be a source of hope? Today it is common to believe that the answer is no - that providing hope, if it is possible at all, belongs either to the predictive sciences or to religion. In this exciting and simulating book, however, Alexander Douglas argues that the philosophy of Spinoza can offer something akin to religious hope. Douglas shows how Spinoza is able, without appealing to belief in any traditional afterlife or supernatural grace, to develop a profound and (...)
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    La Béatitude de L’'Me'. Averroës, Marc Geoffroy & Carlos G. Steel - 2001 - Vrin.
    Averroès, musulman andalou du XIIe siècle, discute le " De anima " d'Aristote dans une approche rationalisante du rapport entre religion et philosophie, entre étude de la vérité révélée et surnaturelle, et étude démonstrative de l'univers. La béatitude spirituelle de l'homme est décrite dans le Coran. En philosophie, elle serait l'union de son intellect à l'intellect agent universel.
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    Transformação da noção de Beatitude em Descartes.Franklin Leopoldo E. Silva - 1994 - Discurso 24:31-46.
    Este texto pretende indicar alguns aspectos da trajetória da noção de beatitude, de Agostinho a Descartes. Através da transformação semântico-conceitual da expressão homo capax Dei, podemos observar que, de Agostinho a Tomás de Aquino e deste a Suarez e a Descartes, a beatitude vai progressivamente deixando de ser entendida como capacidade de “conter” Deus e torna-se cada vez mais a capacidade racional - “natural” - de “pensar” Deus.
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    Beatitude and Moral Law in St. Thomas.John Langan - 1977 - Journal of Religious Ethics 5 (2):183 - 195.
    The author interprets the ethical theory of St. Thomas Aquinas as a kind of deontological intuitionism. Although the concept of the supreme good or beatitude does not serve as the criterion of right action, it is shown that it does play an important role as a guiding and unifying thread in the life of the human agent.
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  6. Intellectual beatitude in the Averroist tradition : the case of Agostino Nifo.Leen Spruit - 2013 - In Anna Akasoy & Guido Giglioni (eds.), Renaissance Averroism and its aftermath: Arabic philosophy in early modern Europe. New York: Springer.
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    The Sovereign’s Beatitude.Zoltan Balazs - 2022 - Political Theory 50 (3):428-448.
    Though it may sound awkward to ask whether the political sovereign is happy or unhappy, the question is relevant to political theory, especially within a political theological perspective. Because man was created in the image of God, human happiness needs to be a reflection of divine beatitude, and as divine sovereignty is, at least analogically, related to political sovereignty, the conceptual coherence is secured. The main argument is, however, that the analogy does not hold. I shall show how St (...)
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  8. The Beatitudes and the Lord's Prayer for Everyman.William Barclay - 1968
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  9.  14
    From Knowledge to Beatitude: St. Victor, Twelfth-Century Scholars, and Beyond: Essays in Honor of Grover A. Zinn, Jr.E. Ann Matter & Lesley Janette Smith (eds.) - 2013 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    _From Knowledge to Beatitude _is a collection of original essays on the intersection between Christian theology and spiritual life primarily in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, especially in the Parisian School of St. Victor, which honors the influential work of Grover A. Zinn, Jr. Written by distinguished scholars from various fields of medieval studies, these essays range from the study of the exegetical school of twelfth-century St. Victor and medieval glossed Bibles to the medieval cultural reception of women visionaries, (...)
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  10. Matter, beatitude and liberty.Anton C. Pegis - 1943 - The Thomist 5:265.
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    O Conceito de Beatitude Em Fichte e Espinosa: Implicações Morais e Políticas Do Idealismo e Do Dogmatismo.Lucas Damián Scarfia - 2023 - Cadernos Espinosanos 48:259-297.
    Neste artigo procuro expor a forma pela qual aparece o conceito de beatitude ( _Seligkeit_ - _beatitudo_ ) no pensamento de Fichte e de Espinosa. Tendo isso em vista, ressalto a importância de considerar os fundamentos metafísicos dos seus sistemas filosóficos para poder compreender suas implicações práticas - em particular as morais e políticas - a respeito do sentido que aquele conceito adota. Assim, pretendo analisar a metafísica fichteana do ansiar ( _Sehnen_ ) como base da sua concepção da (...)
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  12.  26
    On Beatitudes-A Critique of Historical Reason.Saitya Brata Das - 2013 - Kritike 7 (1):22-35.
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  13. Les béatitudes.P. Janet - 1928 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 105:321.
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  14.  59
    Les Béatitudes. (Suite).Pierre Janet - 1928 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 106:106 - 148.
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  15. Béatitude eschatologique et bonheur humain: Das Streben nach der beatitudo bei Thomas von Aquin im Kontext seiner Theologie: Historische und systematische Fragen.Otto Hermann Pesch - 2005 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 52 (3).
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  16. Béatitude et désir naturel d'après S. Thomas d'Aquin.M. Roland-Gosselin - 1929 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 18:193-222.
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    A ‘Beatitude Paradox’ for Certain Monotheists? The Cases of Ibn Tufayl and Thomas Aquinas.Adam Wood - 2017 - Heythrop Journal 58 (6):889-898.
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    The Beatitudes through the Ages.Nickolas Becker - 2022 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 42 (1):215-216.
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  19. (1 other version)Beatitude.Réginald Garrigou-Lagrange - 1956 - St. Louis,: B. Herder Book Co..
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  20.  51
    Preaching the Beatitudes in the Late Middle Ages: Some Mendicant Examples.Carolyn Muessig - 2009 - Studies in Christian Ethics 22 (2):136-150.
    This article assesses the use of the Sermon on the Mount, especially the beatitudes, by mendicant preachers in the later Middle Ages. Focusing on Francis of Assisi, Bonaventure, Thomas Aquinas and Bernardino of Siena it examines how the beatitudes were employed by preachers in their sermons and teachings. Through an analysis of mendicant usage of the beatitudes, aspects of the practical and moral applications of the Sermon on Mount in the Middle Ages are examined and put into historical and theological (...)
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  21.  58
    Reading the Beatitudes through the lenses of introverted intuition and introverted sensing: Perceiving text differently. [REVIEW]Leslie J. Francis, Duncan Strathie & Christopher F. Ross - forthcoming - HTS Theological Studies.
    Working within the reader perspective approach to biblical hermeneutics, a recent series of empirical studies has tested the theory that the readers’ psychological type preferences between sensing and intuition and between feeling and thinking shape distinctive readings of biblical texts. This study advances the debate by distinguishing between the two orientations within which the functions are expressed. The added clarity offered by this refinement is illustrated by the distinctive voices of introverted intuition and introverted sensing engaging with the Matthean Beatitudes, (...)
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  22.  6
    L’éthique spéculative de Maître Eckhart : praxis et béatitude.Olivier Boulnois - 2024 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 308 (2):25-48.
    Ce que les historiens appellent la « mystique » d’Eckhart est en réalité une éthique spéculative radicalement neuve. En effet, même si le christianisme originel proclamait la priorité éthique de l’amour d’autrui, la pensée chrétienne, à la suite de la métaphysique d’Aristote, a consacré la supériorité de la théorie sur la pratique. L’analyse des œuvres d’Augustin et de Thomas d’Aquin permet de le vérifier. Mais dans le Sermon 86, consacré à Luc 10, 38-42, Eckhart soutient que Marthe est plus parfaite (...)
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  23. The Beatitudes.Hugh Martin - 1953
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  24. Wisdom and Beatitude in Spinoza and Qoheleth.Stephen Harrop - 2024 - Res Philosophica 101 (3):603-610.
  25.  13
    Reading the Beatitudes (Mt 5:1–10) through the lenses of introverted intuition and introverted sensing : perceiving text differently. [REVIEW]Leslie J. Francis, Duncan Strathie & Christopher F. Ross - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (4):8.
    Working within the reader perspective approach to biblical hermeneutics, a recent series of empirical studies has tested the theory that the readers’ psychological type preferences between sensing and intuition (perceiving functions) and between feeling and thinking (judging functions) shape distinctive readings of biblical texts. This study advances the debate by distinguishing between the two orientations within which the functions are expressed (introverted and extraverted). The added clarity offered by this refinement is illustrated by the distinctive voices of introverted intuition and (...)
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  26.  23
    XVI. La béatitude chez Spinoza et chez Fichte.C. Bos - 1905 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 18 (3):413-420.
  27. Les Béatitudes et la béatitude: le dynamisme de la «Somme de Théologie» de Thomas d'Aquin: une lecture de I1a-II1a1e q. 69. [REVIEW]D. Mongillo - 1994 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 78 (3):373-388.
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    Béatitude et Sagesse. Saint Augustin et le problème de la fin de l'homme dans la philosophie ancienne. [REVIEW]G. P. V. - 1963 - Review of Metaphysics 16 (3):582-582.
    This work of vast erudition, which according to the author is substantially the same as the original Swedish edition, attempts to show how the young Augustine integrated certain key concepts of ancient philosophy into Christian thought. Holte limits himself to the philosophical issues and so does not consider the young Augustine as theologian. Parts I and II develop the historical background of the concept telos in the ancient philosophers and in the early Fathers. Part III presents the central thesis: that (...)
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    For the Sake of Ourself: Eudaimonism, Friendship, and the Problem of Proprietary Beatitude.Dominic Verner - 2023 - Studies in Christian Ethics 36 (3):582-603.
    In this article, I defend Thomistic eudaimonism against John Hare's Kantian charge of unacceptable self-regard, and argue that Hare's own Scotistic-Kantian double-source theory of motivation introduces a problematic conception of beatitude. Hare argues that the beatitude which motivates the will in Thomistic eudaimonism is a self-indexed good, which cannot motivate truly altruistic action. Hare fails to recognize that the beatitude that ultimately motivates the human will according to Thomas can be an ‘ourself-indexed’ rather than merely a ‘myself-indexed’ (...)
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  30.  17
    Bonaventure’s I Sentence Argument for the Trinity from Beatitude.Dennis Bray - 2021 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 95 (4):617-650.
    Bonaventure’s Sentence Commentary provides the most comprehensive set of trinitarian arguments to date. This article focuses on just one of them, the one from beatitude. Roughly, beatitude can be thought of as God’s enjoyment of his own, supreme goodness. After a brief rationale of Bonaventure’s speculative project, I assay the concept of beatitude and exposit his four-stage argument. Bonaventure reasons: (i) for a single supreme substance; (ii) for at least two divine persons; (iii) against the possibility for (...)
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  31.  6
    The Contingency Of Our Own Beatitude. Some Reflections On Gilson’s The Future Of Augustinian Metaphysics.James V. Schall - 2015 - Studia Gilsoniana 4 (1):7–16.
    Inspired by selected passages from Wendell Berry’s story “A Place in Time,” the article discusses Étienne Gilson’s essay “The Future of Augustinian Metaphysics” with a special regard to the relation of habits to metaphysics. The basis of this relation is human being whose life, from the perspective of Augustinian metaphysics, is permanently unsettled. Man is the one mortal being whose perfection does not come with his being, but only with his own input into what it already is. Habits, then, prefect (...)
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    Biomedicine and Beatitude: An Introduction to Catholic Bioethics by Nicanor Pier Giorgio Austriaco, OP.David N. Beauregard & Mark Yavarone - 2012 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 12 (3):547-549.
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    Albert and Aquinas on the Ultimate End of Humans: Philosophy, Theology, and Beatitude.Katja Krause - 2012 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 86:213-229.
    Albert and Aquinas present beatitude in their Commentaries on the Sentences in strikingly different ways. While Albert’s theory of beatitude is an account purely based on theological conceptions and sources, Aquinas makes extensive use of philosophers such as Aristotle, Alexander of Aphrodisias, Avicenna, and Averroes. Recent scholarship has shown that Aquinas derived his philosophical argumentation for the beatific vision from Averroes’s conjunction theory. Yet the reasons for Albert’s and Aquinas’s disparate theories of beatitude have not yet been (...)
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  34.  14
    On man, beatitude, God and Christ (1694-96?).Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz - unknown
  35. Beata trinitas: The beatitude of God as prelude to the trinitarian processions.Sebastian Walshe & O. Praem - 2012 - The Thomist 76 (2):189-209.
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    The concept of worldly beatitude in the writings of Thomas Aquinas.Anthony J. Celano - 1987 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 25 (2):215-226.
  37.  30
    The Anti-Christ and the Anti-Moses: Nietzsche, Spinoza, and the Possibility of Sacrilegious Beatitude.Jeremy Fogel - 2018 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 10 (2):106-122.
    This paper explores similarities between the sacrilegious revaluations Nietzsche and Spinoza undertook with regards to Christianity and Judaism respectively. In both cases, these revaluations involve a devaluation of an ancestral religious tradition, followed by the infusion of alternative values posited through forms of secular salvation linked to immanent conceptions of eternity. Given the importance of the structural and phenomenological similarities the paper analyses, it is argued that if Nietzsche thought of himself as the Anti-Christ, there is a convincing case to (...)
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  38.  18
    Beatitude[REVIEW]Robert J. Buschmiller - 1957 - New Scholasticism 31 (4):556-559.
  39. Aristotle on Beatitude.Anthony J. Celano - 1985 - Ancient Philosophy 5 (2):205-214.
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    Désir naturel et béatitude chez saint Thomas.Vernon J. Bourke - 1960 - New Scholasticism 34 (4):535-536.
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    A forced March towards beatitude: Christian trottmann's histoire of the beatific vision.Kent Emery - 1999 - Vivarium 37 (2):258-281.
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    Biomedicine and beatitude: an introduction to Catholic bioethics.Nicanor Pier Giorgio Austriaco - 2021 - Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press.
    Comprehensive overview of Catholic teaching on practical issues in modern medicine and bioethics. This second edition includes a new chapter on bodily modifications and a series of new figures, as well as bringing the original text up to date in light of the teachings of Pope Francis and recent events such as the covid-19 pandemic.
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  43.  14
    Politics and Beatitude.Eric Gregory - 2017 - Studies in Christian Ethics 30 (2):199-206.
    The limits and secularity of political life have been signature themes of modern Augustinianism, often couched in non-theological language of realism and the role of religion in public life. In dialogue with Gilbert Meilaender, this article inverts and theologizes that interest by asking how Augustinian pilgrims might characterize the positive relation of political history to saving history and the ways in which political action in time might teach us something about the nature of salvation that comes to us from beyond (...)
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  44. The Qumran beatitudes (4Q525) and the New Testament (Mt 5: 3-11, Lc 6: 20-26).James H. Charlesworth - 2000 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 80 (1):13-35.
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    Gregory of Nyssa’s Teaching on Sin in the Homilies on the Beatitudes.Jonathan Farrugia - 2018 - Augustinianum 58 (1):87-102.
    The Homilies on the Beatitudes are believed to be Gregory of Nyssa’s earliest existing homilies, dating most probably from the Lenten season of 378. In them we can clearly see, although still at an early stage, his thoughts on the problem of evil in the world and its effects on human nature. Reading the homilies from this angle, one can show his original ideas on the introduction of sin in human nature, on the state of the man enslaved by sin (...)
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  46.  21
    Michel Henry: Beatitude e fenomenologia.Florinda Martins - 2004 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 60 (4):1031 - 1040.
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    The philosophy of hope: beatitude in Spinoza.Johannes Wagner - 2024 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 32 (4):913-919.
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  48. The Understanding of Beatitude, the Perfection of the Soul in the Early Latin Commentaries on Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics.Anthony Celano - 2006 - Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale 17:1-22.
    L'A. studia il concetto della perfezione umana nei primi commenti sull'Etica Nicomachea: prende in considerazione in particolare l'anonimo commento conservato in Napoli, BN, III.G.8, il testo pubblicato in Le cours sur l'«Ethica nova d'un maitre ès Arts de Paris , edito da R.A. Gauthier , la Divisio scientiarum di Arnulfo Provinciale, il commento attribuito erroneamente a Peckham e quello ascritto a Kilwardby. Questi commentatori si soffermarono sul significato della beatitudine imperfetta, la causa della felicità, la differenza tra virtù morali ed (...)
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  49.  11
    Las bienaventuranzas: del resentimiento de la voluntad de poder a la alegría de la voluntad de Dios / The beatitudes: of the resentment of the will to power, to the happiness of the God’s will.Manuel Lázaro Pulido - 2008 - Cauriensia 3:173-208.
    El artículo recuerda la filosofía de Nietzsche, su crítica a la religión cristiana y sus propuestas: nihilismo, voluntad de poder… Recuerda el error del análisis y el vacío de su propuesta. Nietzsche se confunde a la hora de interpretar el hombre y el cristianismo. El Sermón de la montaña y las bienaventuranzas no nacen del resentimiento hacia la vida, sino de la alegría de la auténtica vida humana y personal. This paper reminds Nietzsche’s philosophy and his critique to the Christian (...)
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  50. Desire for beatitude and love of friendship in Thomas Aquinas.David M. Gallagher - 1996 - Mediaeval Studies 58 (1):1-47.
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