Results for 'Belleza Va'

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  1. La molteplicità-unità delle filosofe nella concezione storiografica del Gentile La multiplicité-unité des philosophies dans la conception historiographique de Gentile.Belleza Va - 1975 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 6 (3):363-374.
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    Número y belleza en la estética de Agustín.Alfredo Maluf - 2016 - Studium Filosofía y Teología 19 (36-37):137-142.
    Nos ocuparemos de una noción clave en el pensamiento estético de Agustín: la de número (numerus), dado que sobre la misma articula el concepto de belleza (pulcritudum). Nos proponemos, de su mano, indagar acerca de la naturaleza de lo bello y su relación con el goce que surge en el sujeto cognoscente. Esto será ocasión para analizar su metafísica platónica de cuño cristiano y valorar su estética de la proporción. Veremos cómo ésta se edifica sobre la primera, y ambas (...)
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    Tuberculosis, Enfermedad Considerada Como Ideal de Belleza En la Literatura Romántica.María Dolores Ouro Agromartín - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (1):1-9.
    Conocida esta enfermedad por el nombre de tisis, algunos países tenían registros de las muertes producidas por la tuberculosis, aunque después de la revolución industrial del siglo XVIII, se hicieron frecuentes los registros debido a la alta mortalidad. Las causas fueron varias: las malas condiciones de trabajo, las casas insalubres y atestadas de seres humanos, la dieta poco variada, entre otras. Se va a definir la imagen idealizada de la tuberculosis por el estudio de diversos poemas de autores que plasmaron (...)
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    De la gracia y la dignidad..Friedrich Schiller - 1937 - Buenos Aires,: Imprenta de la Universidad. Edited by Juan C. Probst & Raimundo Lida.
    El mito griego atribuye al a diosa de la belleza un cinturón que posee la virtud de otorgar gracia a quien lo lleva, y procurarle amor. Esta misma deidad va acompañada de las Gracias. Los griegos distinguían de la belleza, pues, la gracia y las Gracias, puesto que representaban a éstas por atributos que podían ser separados de la diosa de la belleza. Toda gracia es bella, ya que el cinturón de los encantos es propiedad de la (...)
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  5. La apariencia ( Schein ) en las Lecciones sobre la estética de G. W. F. Hegel.Carlos Vanegas - 2016 - Revista Estudios de Filosofía:33-55.
    Desde Platón el arte ha sido deslegitimado filosóficamente porque su elemento y su medio es la apariencia. De tal manera que, el ser y la verdad, según la antigua teoría, se encuentran en las ideas y no en las apariencias sensibles. Hegel está lejos de este platonismo en sus Lecciones sobre estética y, por el contrario, va a realizar una reivindicación de la apariencia en el arte. El interés de este artículo es indagar por la distinción entre apariencia que engaña, (...)
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  6. Ḥikmat va hunar-i maʻnavī: majmūʻah-i maqālāt.Ghulām Riz̤ā Aʻvānī - 1997 - Tihrān: Intishārāt-i Garrūs.
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  7. Bhāva sūcana.Jambukhaṇḍi Śrī Vādirājācārya - 1959 - In Jagannāthadāsa (ed.), Śrī Majjagannātha Dāsārya viracita Śrī Harikathāmr̥tasāra aidu ṭīkā. Lingasuguru: Śrī Varadēndra Haridāsa Sāhitya Maṇḍala.
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    Vātulanātha sūtra =. Vātūlanātha - 1996 - Srinagar, Kashmir: Ishwar Ashram Trust. Edited by Lakshman Joo, Anantaśaktipāda, Nīlakaṇṭha Guruṭū & M. L. Kukiloo.
    Sanskrit text, with Sanskrit commentary of Anantaśaktipāda and English explanation on Śaivism, and Hindu philosophy.
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  9. ʻAlī Sharīʻatī va Iqbāl: ek mut̤ālaʻah, maʻah tarjumah māo Iqbāl.Ẓuhūr Aḥmad Aʻvān - 1994 - Pishāvar: Idārah-yi ʻIlm o Fann.
    Critical and comparative analysis on the philosophical thoughts of ʻAlī Sharīʻatī and Sir Muhammad Iqbal, 19th and 20th centuries Muslim philosophers.
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  10. Paurastya va pāścāttya vicārāntīla viśva āṇi mānava: Puṇẽ Ākāśavāṇī-bhāshaṇamālā.Devidāsa Dattātreya Vāḍekara (ed.) - 1979 - Puṇē: Marāṭhī Tattvajñāna-Mahākośa Maṇḍaḷa : ekameva vitaraka, Vhīnasa Prakāśana.
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  11. Chủ tịch Hồ Chí Minh với vấn đề đạo đức cách mạng.Văn Các Phan (ed.) - 1986 - Hà Nội: Thông tin lý luận.
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    Sāṅkhya-Yoga meṃ Vācaspati Miśra evaṃ Vijñānabhikshu.Prīti Śrīvāstava - 2008 - Vārāṇasī: Bhāratīya Vidyā Saṃsthāna.
    Study on the contributions of Vācaspatimiśra, fl. 976-1000 and Vijñānabhikṣu, 16th cent., commentrators and philosophers to Sankhya and Yoga philosophy.
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    Taṣḥīḥ va sharḥ-i "Akhlāq-i Muḥsinī".Ḥusayn Vāʻiẓ Kāshifī - 2018 - Tihrān: Intishārāt-i Zavvār. Edited by Maḥbūbah Ṭabasī.
    Islamic ethics -- Early works to 1800. ; Kāshifī, Ḥusayn Vāʻiẓ, -1504 or 150; Akhlāq-i Muḥsinī.
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    Triết học và tư tưởng.Văn Giàu Trần - 1988 - [TP. Hồ Chí Minh]: Nhà xuất bản Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh.
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    Priestly Renewal, Eucharistic Revival: The Place of the Corpus Christi Liturgy in Aquinas's Sacramental Theology.Jose Isidro Belleza - 2024 - Nova et Vetera 22 (3):723-752.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Priestly Renewal, Eucharistic Revival:The Place of the Corpus Christi Liturgy in Aquinas's Sacramental TheologyJose Isidro BellezaIntroductionAmong many well-catechized Catholics, the following two points—at first seemingly unrelated—have become common knowledge: first, that Christ instituted the sacramental priesthood at the Last Supper; and second, that St. Thomas Aquinas authored the Office hymns and Mass sequence for the Solemnity of Corpus Christi.The magisterial sources for the first point are clear. The Catechism (...)
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  16. Akhlāq-i Islāmī va ādāb-i ijtimāʻī.Niʻmat Allāh Vas̲īq - 2008 - Pishāvar: Maktabah-ʼi ʻIlm va Farhang.
    Bakhsh-i avval. Akhlāq-i Islāmī -- Bakhsh-i duvvum. Ādāb-i ijtimāʻī.
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    Pleading Nolo Contendere? Aquinas vs. Bonaventure on Poetry.Jose Isidro Belleza - 2023 - New Blackfriars 104 (1111):352-372.
    While the story of Thomas Aquinas and Bonaventure of Bagnoregio engaging in a friendly contest, at the behest of Pope Urban IV, to compose the Mass and Office of Corpus Christi is likely a pious fiction, one can still ponder the fascinating hypothetical scenario: had such a contest taken place, who might have won? To consider that question, this paper embarks on a close reading of Bonaventure's hymns in his Office of the Passion, comparing his poetic approaches to those of (...)
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  18. Brahmasūtra, Upanishad, evaṃ Śrīmadbhāgavata.Vāsudevakr̥shṇa Caturvedī - 1984 - Mathurā, U. Pra.: Śrīkr̥shṇa Satsaṅga Bhavana Prakāśana.
    Study on Upanishads, Hindu philosophical classics, Bhāgavatapurāṇa, mythological text, and Brahmasūtra, Vedanta classic, by Bādarāyaṇa.
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  19. Vāsudevayatīśvarakr̥tam Laghuvāsudevamananam: Thāneśacandra Upretī kr̥ta Hindī bhāshānuvāda. Madhusūdanasarasvatīkr̥taḥ Siddhāntabinduḥ: sānuvāda.Vāsudeva Yati - 2002 - Vārāṇasī: Śrīdakshiṇāmūrti Maṭha Prakāśana. Edited by Maheshanand Giri, Thāneśacandra Upreti & Madhusūdana Sarasvatī.
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  20. Lê Quý Đôn và Jeong Yak Yong: từ chú giải kinh thư đến tư tưởng chính trị.Mỹ Vân Lương - 2022 - Hà Nội: Nhà xuất bản Đại học quốc gia Hà Nội.
    A comparison of the political ideas of the 18th-century Vietnamese poet, encyclopedist, and government official Lê Quý Đôn and the younger Korean agronomist, philosopher and poet Chŏng Yag-yong as expressed in their commentaries on the Shu jing.
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    Rawshanān-i sipihr-i andīshah: falsafah va zībāʹshināsī dar Īrān-i bāstān.Shīvā Kāviyānī - 2000 - Tihrān: Kitāb-i Khvurshīd.
  22. Một số vấn đề triết học xã hội ở Việt Nam hiện nay.Văn Đức Phạm - 2016 - Hà Nội: Nhà xuất bản Khoa hoc xã hội.
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  23. The Lewd, the Rude and the Nasty: A Study of Thick Concepts in Ethics.Pekka Väyrynen - 2013 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    In addition to thin concepts like the good, the bad and the ugly, our evaluative thought and talk appeals to thick concepts like the lewd and the rude, the selfish and the cruel, the courageous and the kind -- concepts that somehow combine evaluation and non-evaluative description. Thick concepts are almost universally assumed to be inherently evaluative in content, and many philosophers claimed them to have deep and distinctive significance in ethics and metaethics. In this first book-length treatment of thick (...)
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  24. Le Tattvabindu de Vācaspatimiśra. Vācaspatimiśra - 1956 - Pondichéry: Institut français d'indologie. Edited by Madeleine Biardeau.
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  25. Falsafah, naẓ̣ar va ʻamal: majmūʻah-i maqālāt-i Hamāyish-i Bayn al-Milalī-i Buzurgdāsht-i Rūz-i Jahānī-i Falsafah 2010, Tihrān sīʹum-i Ābān māh tā duvvum Āz̲ar māh 1389 = Philosophy: theory and practice: proceedings of the International Congress of the World Philosophy Day 2010 / bih kūshish-i, Shahīn Aʻvānī.Shahīn Aʻvānī (ed.) - 2012 - Tihrān: Muʼassasah-i Pizhūhishī-i Ḥikmat va Falsafah-i Īrān.
    jild 1. Majmūʻah-i maqālāt-i iraʼah shudah -- jild 2. Majmūʻah-i maqālāt-i rasīdah.
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    On Sanctitatis nova signa: A provisional case against Celano's authorship.Jose Isidro Belleza - 2022 - New Blackfriars 103 (1108):745-760.
    This paper advances a provisional case denying the attribution of the medieval liturgical sequence Sanctitatis nova signa, written in honor of Saint Francis of Assisi, to Thomas of Celano (died c. 1260), who is best known for writing the earliest biography of the saint. The Conventual Franciscan friar and bishop, Pietro Ridolfi, provides the oldest extant attribution of this sequence to Celano. Luke Wadding (died 1657) echoes this point in his Annales Minorum; several recent critical editions of early Franciscan texts, (...)
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    Spatial coding of ordinal information in short- and long-term memory.Vã©Ronique Ginsburg & Wim Gevers - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  28. Revolution in modern astronomy and problems of world-view.Va Ambarcumjan & Vv Kazjutinskij - 1976 - Filosoficky Casopis 24 (3):443-457.
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  29. Ngôn ngữ và thân xác.Văn Trung Nguyễn - 1968 - [Saigon]: Trình Bày.
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  30. Doubts about Moral Perception.Pekka Väyrynen - 2018 - In Anna Bergqvist & Robert Cowan (eds.), Evaluative Perception. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. pp. 109-28.
    This paper defends doubts about the existence of genuine moral perception, understood as the claim that at least some moral properties figure in the contents of perceptual experience. Standard examples of moral perception are better explained as transitions in thought whose degree of psychological immediacy varies with how readily non-moral perceptual inputs, jointly with the subject's background moral beliefs, training, and habituation, trigger the kinds of phenomenological responses that moral agents are normally disposed to have when they represent things as (...)
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    Để văn hóa thực sự trở thành sức mạnh nội sinh.Văn Bính Trần - 2015 - Hà Nội: Nhà xuất bản Văn hóa dân tộc.
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  32. (2 other versions)Sāṅkhyatattvakaumudī =. Vācaspatimiśra - 1935 - Calcutta: Metropolitan Printing & Pub. House. Edited by Rameśacandra & Īśvarakr̥ṣṇa.
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  33. Tattvabindu. Vācaspatimiśra - 1936 - [Madras]: [Annamalai University].
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  34. Teorie kompoziční praxe.Jiří Válek - 1989 - Praha: Panton.
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  35. Âm dương ngũ hành và đời sống con người.Văn Quán Lê - 2002 - Hà Nội: Nhà xuất bản Văn hóa dân tộc.
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  36. Giọt nước mắt của đấng tạo hóa và học thuyết vũ trụ.Văn Tuấn Lê - 2011 - Hà Nội: NXB Văn học.
    Cosmology and the development of human society.
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    An analysis of post-vocalic /s-ʃ/ neutralization in Augsburg German: evidence for a gradient sound change.Vã©Ronique Bukmaier, Jonathan Harrington & Felicitas Kleber - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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  38. The effect of purpose for reading a procedure on performance-measures.Va Diehl, Lc Mou, Cb Mills & Dp Birkmire - 1991 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 29 (6):490-490.
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  39. Ensayos sobre la dialéctica: estudios sobre la dialéctica en Hegel y Marx.Eduardo Vásquez - 1982 - Caracas: Universidad Central de Venezuela, Dirección de Cultura.
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  40. Triết học: đưa vào triết học.Văn Trung Nguyễn - 1970 - Saigon: Nam-Sơn.
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  41. Pro. Jī. Ī. Mūra, vyaktī va tattvajñāna.Vāmana Śivadāsa Bāraliṅge - 1991 - Puṇe: Parāmarśa, Puṇe Vidyāpīṭha.
    Life and work of George Edward Moore, 1873-1958, philosopher.
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    Proměny novinářské etiky.Václav Moravec - 2020 - Praha: Academia.
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  43. Jaina darśana meṃ pramāṇa.Vaśishṭhanārāyaṇa Sinhā - 1981 - Vārāṇāsī: Pārśvanātha Vidyāśrama Śodha Saṃsthāna.
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    Aeschylus, frag. 223 A. 1 m: A note on metrical usage.John Vaιο - 1974 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 118 (1-2):158-159.
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  45. A nyílvánosság rendszerváltása.Mária Vásárhelyi & Gábor Halmai (eds.) - 1998 - Budapest: Új Mandátum.
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  46. Después del derrumbe.Adolfo Sánchez Vázquez - 2011 - In César Cansino Ortiz & Servando Pineda (eds.), Al fondo y a la izquierda: reflexiones desde y sobre un lugar evanescente. Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua: Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez.
  47. Praxis y filosofía: ensayos en homenaje a Adolfo Sánchez Vázquez.Adolfo Sánchez Vázquez, Juliana González, Carlos Pereyra & Gabriel Vargas Lozano (eds.) - 1985 - México: Grijalbo.
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  48. Elementos de teoría de las artes visuales: cuestiones sobre dibujo y pintura.Juan Amo Vázquez - 1993 - [Murcia]: Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha.
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  49. La vida es como es.Vázquez Seijas & Gabriel[From Old Catalog] - 1973 - Sígueme, etc.,:
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    Classical tradition in contemporary Poland.Eva Stehlíκοvá - 1987 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 131 (1-2):119-123.
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