Results for 'Benedetto Lo Piccolo'

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  1.  8
    Interpretazione pedagogica del pensiero di Seneca.Benedetto Lo Piccolo - 2018 - Milano, Italy: FrancoAngeli.
  2.  37
    Processus et non-processus dans un groupe Photolangage®.Giuseppe Lo Piccolo - 2018 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 4 (4):57-70.
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    Fonction de liaison des images et parole transformatrice dans les groupes Photolangage®.Giuseppe Lo Piccolo, Saskia von Overbeck Ottino, Pierre Bastin & Muriel Katz-Gilbert - 2022 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 236 (2):65-84.
    Dans ce texte les auteurs explorent les potentialités du recours au dispositif groupal et à l’introduction de la médiation par les images dans la prise en charge de jeunes requérants d’asile. La clinique liée aux migrations contemporaines nous confronte à un véritable défi concernant la prise en soin de sujets qui appartiennent à des cultures différentes, parlent des langues diverses et sont porteurs de traumatismes qui se révèlent à la fois singuliers et pluriels. À travers l’exemple d’un groupe à médiation (...)
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    Filiation catastrophique et travail de mémoire après la Shoah : quand la libre réalisation de l’arbre généalogique est au service de l’historicisation.Muriel Katz-Gilbert, Manon Bourguignon & Giuseppe Lo Piccolo - 2016 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 213 (3):69-82.
    Cet article se propose de montrer comment un crime de masse tel que le génocide entraîne des répercussions psychiques sur plusieurs générations, ce que l’on peut considérer comme une catastrophe de la filiation. Comment s’inscrire dans un lien de filiation pour écrire son propre roman des origines lorsque l’horreur vécue musèle à jamais la vie de la mémoire, de la parole et de la transmission? C’est à travers la médiation projective de la libre réalisation de l’arbre généalogique que l’article tentera (...)
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    Transformer l’héritage du passé traumatique après un génocide : l’étayage sur la photographie dans le processus de symbolisation et d’historicisation.Muriel Katz-Gilbert, Manon Bourguignon & Giuseppe Lo Piccolo - 2020 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 226 (4):91-111.
    La déshumanisation à l’œuvre dans le projet génocidaire et l’héritage d’un tel événement traumatique entraîne une catastrophe de la transmission et de la filiation. S’ensuit une impasse des processus d’identification et de différenciation sur plusieurs générations. Dans cette contribution, on interroge la nature des obstacles entravant le processus de deuil, de séparation et l’investissement de la vie après une catastrophe sociale. Il s’agit pour cela de rendre compte du travail de subjectivation nécessaire à l’appropriation de sa propre histoire et de (...)
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    Ethics and Planning Research.Francesco Lo Piccolo & Huw Thomas - 2009 - Routledge.
    The consideration of ethics in social research has gained increasing prominence in the past few years, particularly research which seeks to inform public policy. This book presents an examination of issues relating to research ethics in planning for an international audience.
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  7. Exules beati e ideologia antitirannica nel teatro di Seneca.M. Lo Piccolo - 1998 - Paideia 53:209-235.
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  8. Lo vivo y lo muerto de la filosofía de Hegel.Benedetto Croce - 1943 - Buenos Aires,: Ediciones Imán. Edited by González Ríos, Francisco & [From Old Catalog].
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    Lo smarrimento di alceo.Benedetto Marzullo - 1975 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 119 (1-2):27-38.
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    Etica e politica.Benedetto Croce - 1945 - Bari,: G. Laterza.
    In 'Etica e politica,' la cui prima edizione è del 1931, Croce raccolse quattro suoi lavori già apparsi a stampa; Frammenti di etica, Elementi di politica, Aspetti morali della vita politica e Contributo alla critica di me stesso, pubblicato in edizione privata nel 1918. Tutti questi scritti - salvo il Contributo, che è un caso a sé - risalgono dunque al periodo successivo alla prima guerra mondiale, quando il pensiero di Croce sull’etica e sulla politica, anche sotto lo stimolo del (...)
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    Frammenti di etica.Benedetto Croce - 1922 - Bari,: G. Laterza & figli.
    Excerpt from Frammenti di Etica Fermiamoci a questi tre tipi. Che cosa manca a tutti costoro? Al primo, si dirà, manca la concretezza, al secondo il coraggio, al terzo il gusto del vivere. Cioè, manca a tutti lo stesso: la forza volitiva, che è concretezza, che e coraggio, che è amore alla vita. E che cosa hanno in cambio? Non 'hanno nulla, hanno il nulla; e questo è il male, questa la ragione della loro angoscia. About the Publisher Forgotten Books (...)
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    Coletividades interseccionais e justiça integradora: interpretando a relação entre justiça social e interseccionalidade.Aldenora Conceição Macedo & Catia Piccolo Viero Devechi - 2023 - Educação E Filosofia 37 (80):1051-1074.
    Resumo: O artigo discute a conexão entre a interseccionalidade e a justiça social nas pesquisas educacionais. Parte da apresentação da interseccionalidade como lente analítica multifocal para interpretação social, passa por sua articulação ao pensamento bidimensional de justiça social, como alternativa frente às perspectivas investigativas unidimensionais, para discutir acerca das coletividades interseccionais e de uma justiça integradora. É um estudo hermenêutico de trabalhos de Nancy Fraser e de intelectuais da interseccionalidade – como, Patrícia Hill Collins, Sirma Bilge, Ângela Davis, Kimberlé Crenshaw, (...)
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    Investigação e Dados Sobre Patologias Sociais.Maximiliano Sérgio Cenci, Thais Piccolo Carvalho & Richéle Timm dos Passos da Silva - 2023 - Dissertatio:49-70.
    Este texto aborda as bases teóricas e metodológicas desenvolvidas no Observatório Global de Patologias Sociais. Tal observatório visa diagnosticar patologias sociais nas áreas da saúde e da educação, além de, como prognóstico, fornecer subsídios para a organização de um instrumento capaz de captar a percepção de patologias sociais em distintas populações. A partir das discussões técnicas e filosóficas, com base nas leituras de autores da Teoria Crítica, principalmente Honneth (2006; 2011; 2016), têm-se desenvolvido, desde 2019, a organização de um conjunto (...)
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    Solidariedade intelectual.Aldenora Conceição de Macedo & Catia Piccolo Viero Devechi - 2022 - Educação E Filosofia 36 (77):951-975.
    O artigo tem como objetivo apresentar um diálogo entre as abordagens da interseccionalidade e da hermenêutica reconstrutiva no contexto das pesquisas em educação. A universalização discursiva e a abertura ao “outro”, inerentes à hermenêutica reconstrutiva, aproximam-se do propósito de desmarginalizar o “outro”, próprio da interseccionalidade, partindo das margens para o centro. A hermenêutica reconstrutiva, articulada à interseccionalidade, pressupõe considerar que as relações são constituídas mutuamente a partir de acertos comunicativos. Trata-se de abordagens que reconfiguram o olhar individualista, característico dos métodos (...)
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    Benedetto Croce als Kritiker seiner Zeit.Karl-Egon Lönne - 1967 - Tübingen,: Niemeyer.
    In der 1905 begründeten Reihe Bibliothek des Deutschen Historischen Instituts in Rom erscheinen wissenschaftliche Monographien und Aufsatzbände zur italienischen bzw. italienisch-deutschen Geschichte vom frühen Mittelalter bis zur jüngsten Vergangenheit.
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    Piccolo trattato di epistemologia.Maria Cristina Amoretti & Nicla Vassallo - 2010 - Codice Edizioni.
    La discussione generale sulla filosofia della scienza contemporanea è complicata dal numero e dall’eterogeneità delle scienze, mentre lo studio di temi specifici porta inevitabilmente a dissertazioni specialistiche che mancano nel dare ragione della trama di senso sottostante. Questo Piccolo trattato di epistemologia intende occupare uno spazio vuoto, proponendo alcuni temi chiave per la comprensione dei meccanismi alla base della conoscenza scientifica: i rapporti tra filosofia e scienze, siano esse naturali o umane; la complessa relazione tra fatti e valori; la (...)
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    Benedetto Croce e lo storicismo.Francesco Olgiati - 1953 - Vita E Pensiero.
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    Lo schiaffo a Benedetto Croce.Mauro Cascio - 2018 - Acireale: Tipheret.
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  19. Lo storicismo ontologico e metodologico di Benedetto Croce.Ernesto Paolozzi - 2023 - Napoli: Guida editori.
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    Benedetto Croce y el mundo hispánico: un estudio de estética y ciencia literaria.Davide Mombelli - 2020 - Madrid: Editorial Verbum.
    El presente libro no solo realiza un eficiente estudio de la recepción hispánica de la obra estética y crítica croceana, objeto sobre todo de su segunda parte, sino que además examina con perspicacia y erudición la presencia de España, su cultura y literatura, en la obra y en la formación del pensamiento del gran autor napolitano, esto es, a fin de cuentas, el nacimiento del moderno hispanismo italiano. La figura de Benedetto Croce, su obra teórica, es un lugar clave (...)
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    Benedetto Croce. Il filosofo—il critico—lo storico. [REVIEW]J. Tate - 1937 - The Classical Review 51 (1):43-43.
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    Benedetto Croce and the Uses of Historicism (review). [REVIEW]H. S. Harris - 1990 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 28 (1):148-149.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:148 JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY 28:1 JANUARY 199o David D. Roberts. BenedettoCroceand the Usesof Historicism. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, a987. Pp. xii + 449- NP. This book is a remarkably good survey of Croce's enormous output on the general topics of philosophy, politics, and history. Roberts shows an outstanding mastery not only of Croce's voluminous writings, but of the whole secondary literature about (...)
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    Croce e lo spirito del suo tempo.Giuseppe Galasso - 1990 - Milano: Saggiatore.
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    Una nuova interpretazione del pensiero di Croce: lo storicismo crociano e il pensiero contemporaneo.David D. Roberts - 1995 - Ist. Editoriali e Poligrafici.
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  25. Psychoanalysis as Experimental Ontology.Federico Leoni - 2016 - Chiasmi International 18:105-114.
    This article examines Merleau-Ponty’s idea of an “ontological psychoanalysis” and extends it in a close dialogue both internal to Merleau-Ponty (his reflection on fetishism and the Kleinian partial object, the phenomenology of hallucination, his dissolution of ontology and the resolution of the flesh in a framework of events or a becoming of becomings) and external to Merleau-Ponty: on the one hand, with Lacan and his Seminar X (the idea of the object little-a, its possible double reading as object-divergence and as (...)
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    Essere speranza nel tempo della tecnica. Prospettive teorico-pratiche di orientamento.Antonio Di Somma - 2021 - Rivista Italiana di Cure Palliative 23 (2):127-132.
    Come si può essere speranza nel tempo della tecnica? Forse può essere utile interrogare brevemente a tale proposito il pensiero, o meglio approfondire alcune riflessioni presenti nell’elaborazione filosofica di importanti pensatori del Novecento. Attraverso tale procedimento si aprirà forse una prospettiva, un piccolo spiraglio, una via d’uscita tanto per il pensiero, quanto per la comprensione contemporanea della pratica quotidiana dell’aver-cura. Non deve stupire se si rimanda a classici del pensiero filosofico, ciò che muove ogni azione, soprattutto in ambito clinico (...)
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    Introduction. Another Unconscious.Federico Leoni - 2016 - Chiasmi International 18:25-27.
    This article examines Merleau-Ponty’s idea of an “ontological psychoanalysis” and extends it in a close dialogue both internal to Merleau-Ponty (his reflection on fetishism and the Kleinian partial object, the phenomenology of hallucination, his dissolution of ontology and the resolution of the flesh in a framework of events or a becoming of becomings) and external to Merleau-Ponty: on the one hand, with Lacan and his Seminar X (the idea of the object little-a, its possible double reading as object-divergence and as (...)
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    Stili postonali e suono, oggetto sonoro, oggetto uditivo, oggetto musicale.Stefano Lombardi Vallauri - 2017 - Rivista di Estetica 66:61-76.
    Sul piano terminologico, ontologico, percettivo, fenomenologico, psicologico, storico-musicale, l'articolo discute in successione le categorie interconnesse di suono, oggetto sonoro (anche nell'accezione proposta dalla scuola di Pierre Schaeffer), oggetto uditivo e oggetto musicale, in particolare alla luce degli sviluppi della musica contemporanea postonale. Una differenza fondamentale è rinvenuta tra il livello fisico di esistenza del suono (che ha quattro dimensioni: tempo, frequenza, ampiezza, spazio) e il livello fenomenico di esistenza degli oggetti uditivi (che sono considerati come rappresentazioni mentali, dotate di cinque (...)
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  29. Bauman e Habermas su teoria e prassi. Alle origini di un confronto incompiuto.Luca Corchia - 2018 - Sicurezza E Scienze Sociali 1 (6):141-174.
    After noting the absence of a mutual confrontation, the aim of this research has been redefined in reconstructing the influence of Habermas’ writings on the work of Zygmunt Bauman – an aspect known to scholars of the Polish sociologist but not very well recognized in the international sociological community. Following a philological and critical literary approach, the Baumanian interpretations – selective, discontinuous and, often, erroneous – have been systematized into two main topics: 1) the epistemological foundations of social theory; 2) (...)
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  30. La recepción de Vico en Unamuno.Armando Savignano - 2003 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 15 (16):226.
    Un estudio sobre la recepción de Giambattista Vico en Miguel de Unamuno, en relación con Benedetto Croce, y la influencia en el filósofo español de conceptos viquianos como los de "fantasía" y "barbarie".A study on the reception of Giambattista Vico in Miguel de Unamuno, in relation with Benedetto Croce, and the influence in Spanish thinker of Vico's concepts like those of "fantasy" and "barbarism".
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  31. Alma y estilo.Homero M. Guglielmini - 1930 - Buenos Aires,: M. Gleizer.
    Alma y estilo.--Jazz y espíritu.--Nietzsche y los valores vitales.--Henry de Montherlant; o, La vida peligrosa.--Para una teoría del personaje.--Bruno; o, La posesión de lo absoluto.--Para una caractereología argentina.--Esencia del pálpito criollo: el lancero.--La actitud filosófica.--Inmanencia y trascendencia.--Hermann Keyserling y la filosofía.--Saber en acto.--La aventura cartesiana.--El estetismo de Benedetto Croce.--José Ingenieros y la nueva generación.
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    Filosofía y vida, cuatro ensayos sobre actitudes.Juan Roig Gironella - 1946 - Barcelona,: Editorial Barna.
    Nietzsche y su arte filosófico.--El superhombre de Nietzsche, rebeldía contra todos los valores.--Ortega y Gasset y su perspectiva de la historia y de la vida.--El "historismo absoluto" de Benedetto Croce.--Unamuno y la inmortalidad del alma.--La fe ante las actitudes de la filosofía moderna.
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  33. Distinguere uno Stato da una banda di ladri. Etica e diritto nel XX secolo.Daniela Tafani (ed.) - 2014 - Bologna: Il Mulino.
    Che cosa distingue, concettualmente, l’esattore delle tasse che esiga da un uomo, a pena di sanzioni, una determinata somma di denaro, dal bandito che gli intimi, sotto la minaccia di un’arma, di consegnargli la medesima somma? È sul soddisfacimento del requisito della giustizia che si fonda, come sostenne Agostino, l’eterogeneità tra uno Stato e un’accolita di furfanti? «Se non è rispettata la giustizia, che cosa sono gli Stati, se non delle grandi bande di ladri? Perché le bande di briganti che (...)
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  34. Meaning in History: The Theological Implications of the Philosophy of History.Karl Löwith - 1949 - [Chicago]: University of Chicago Press.
    To develop this theory, Karl Löwith—beginning with the more accessible philosophies of history in the nineteenth and eighteenth centuries and working back to the Bible—analyzes the writings of outstanding historians both in antiquity ...
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    Resolving ethical dilemmas: a guide for clinicians.Bernard Lo - 1994 - Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins.
    Highlights of this edition include: / Important new material addressing federal privacy regulations, disclosure of medical errors, limits on residents'...
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    To transform or not to transform: using generalized linear mixed models to analyse reaction time data.Steson Lo & Sally Andrews - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:148545.
    Linear mixed-effect models (LMMs) are being increasingly widely used in psychology to analyse multi-level research designs. This feature allows LMMs to address some of the problems identified by Speelman and McGann ( 2013 ) about the use of mean data, because they do not average across individual responses. However, recent guidelines for using LMM to analyse skewed reaction time (RT) data collected in many cognitive psychological studies recommend the application of non-linear transformations to satisfy assumptions of normality. Uncritical adoption of (...)
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  37. The neocatechumenal way.Toto Piccolo - 2012 - The Australasian Catholic Record 89 (2):174-185.
    Piccolo, Toto Today few would deny that the Quaestio Fidei is the major challenge for bishops, presbyters and Catholics around the world: in fact in October 2012 the Synod of Bishops in Rome will be concerned with 'The New Evangelization for the Transmission of Christian Faith'. The questions have to be faced: What is faith? Who has faith? How can faith be transmitted? However it is intriguing that almost fifty years ago in Spain some young adults already had this (...)
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  38. The Glowing Screen Before Me and the Moral Law Within me: A Kantian Duty Against Screen Overexposure.Stefano Lo Re - 2022 - Res Publica 28 (3):491-511.
    This paper establishes a Kantian duty against screen overexposure. After defining screen exposure, I adopt a Kantian approach to its morality on the ground that Kant’s notion of duties to oneself easily captures wrongdoing in absence of harm or wrong to others. Then, I draw specifically on Kant’s ‘duties to oneself as an animal being’ to introduce a duty of self-government. This duty is based on the negative causal impact of the activities it regulates on a human being’s mental and (...)
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    A socially inspired energy feedback technology: challenges in a developing scenario.Lara S. G. Piccolo, Cecília Baranauskas & Rodolfo Azevedo - 2017 - AI and Society 32 (3):383-399.
    Raising awareness of the environmental impact of energy generation and consumption has been a recent concern of contemporary society worldwide. Underlying the awareness of energy consumption is an intricate network of perception and social interaction that can be mediated by technology. In this paper we argue that issues regarding energy, environment and technology are very much situated and involve tensions of sociocultural nature. This exploratory investigation addresses the subject by introducing the design of a Socially-inspired Energy Eco-Feedback Technology, which is (...)
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    Benedetto Croce: chiarezza e distinzione.Benedetto Croce & Giovanni Praticò - 2000 - Seam.
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    An account of overt intentional dogwhistling.Nicolás Lo Guercio & Ramiro Caso - 2022 - Synthese 200 (3):1-32.
    Political communication in modern democratic societies often requires the speaker to address multiple audiences with heterogeneous values, interests and agendas. This creates an incentive for communication strategies that allow politicians to send, along with the explicit content of their speech, concealed messages that seek to secure the approval of certain groups without alienating the rest of the electorate. These strategies have been labeled dogwhistling in recent literature. In this article, we provide an analysis of overt intentional dogwhistling. We recognize two (...)
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    Culture-based artefacts to inform ICT design: foundations and practice.Lara S. G. Piccolo & Roberto Pereira - 2019 - AI and Society 34 (3):437-453.
    Cultural aspects frame our perception of the world and direct the many different ways people interact with things in it. For this reason, these aspects should be considered when designing technology with the purpose to positively impact people in a community. In this paper, we revisit the foundations of culture aiming to bring this concept in dialogue with design. To inform design with cultural aspects, we model reality in three levels of formality: informal, formal, and technical, and subscribe to a (...)
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    (2 other versions)Nietzsches philosophie der ewigen wiederkunft des gleichen.Karl Löwith - 1935 - Berlin,: Verlag Die Runde.
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    Resident’s Perspective on Developing Community-Based Tourism – A Qualitative Study of Muen Ngoen Kong Community, Chiang Mai, Thailand.Yu-Chih Lo & Pidpong Janta - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Community-Based Tourism (CBT) has been presented as an alternative to sustain tourism development in developing countries. This tourism model offers local residents an opportunity to manage natural and cultural resources in order to promote local economy and generate greater benefits. The objective of the study is to investigate the benefits, challenges of CBT and solution to address identified shortcomings by studying Muen Ngoen Kong community in Chiang Mai, Thailand. In order to achieve these objectives, qualitative methods; field observation and interview (...)
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    Collective intelligence for promoting changes in behaviour: a case study on energy conservation.Lara S. G. Piccolo, Anna De Liddo, Gregoire Burel, Miriam Fernandez & Harith Alani - 2018 - AI and Society 33 (1):15-25.
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    (1 other version)Understanding semantics.Sebastian Löbner - 2002 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Understanding Semantics offers an up-to-date, broad and thorough introduction to linguistic semantics, the field of linguistic meaning central to the understanding of language. The book takes a step-by-step approach, starting with the basic concepts and moving through central questions to an examination of the methods and results of the science of linguistic meaning.
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  47. Briefwechsel Benedetto Croce [und] Karl Vossler.Benedetto Croce & Karl Vossler - 1955 - Berlin,: Suhrkamp Verlag. Edited by Karl Vossler.
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  48. (1 other version)Benedetto Croce and Modern Italian Historiography.Benedetto Croce - 1924 - The Monist 34:319.
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    Benedetto Croce e il Corriere della Sera, 1946-1952.Benedetto Croce - 2010 - [Milano]: Fondazione Corriere della sera. Edited by Giuseppe Galasso.
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  50. Benedetto Croce, filosofia e cultura.Benedetto Croce - 1976 - Bologna: Calderini. Edited by Adelelmo Campana.
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