Results for 'Bennett Nagtegaal'

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  1.  31
    The failures of political prophecy: Ernst Kantorowicz’s wartime lectures.Bennett Nagtegaal - forthcoming - Intellectual History Review.
    This paper introduces a series of lectures Ernst Kantorowicz offered to the Army Specialized Training Program in 1943 in order to reconsider the development of his intellectual biography. These “wartime lectures” constitute Kantorowicz’s only sustained discussion of modern German history and his only intellectual engagement with Nazism. Introducing these lectures thus presents an opportunity to re-examine the relationship between Kantorowicz’s early and mature works through his assessment of Nazi Germany. For Kantorowicz, Nazism was the violent result of a German commitment (...)
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  2. (1 other version)Supervenience.Karen Bennett & Brian McLaughlin - 2005 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  3. Love.Bennett W. Helm - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    This essay focuses on personal love, or the love of particular persons as such. Part of the philosophical task in understanding personal love is to distinguish the various kinds of personal love. For example, the way in which I love my wife is seemingly very different from the way I love my mother, my child, and my friend. This task has typically proceeded hand-in-hand with philosophical analyses of these kinds of personal love, analyses that in part respond to various puzzles (...)
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    A Duty to Deceive: Placebos in Clinical Practice.Bennett Foddy - 2009 - American Journal of Bioethics 9 (12):4-12.
    Among medical researchers and clinicians the dominant view is that it is unethical to deceive patients by prescribing a placebo. This opinion is formalized in a recent policy issued by the American Medical Association (AMA [Chicago, IL]). Although placebos can be shown to be always safe, often effective, and sometimes necessary, doctors are now effectively prohibited from using them in clinical practice. I argue that the deceptive administration of placebos is not subject to the same moral objections that face other (...)
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    Should I get angry – or just take offence? A response to McTernan.Christopher Bennett - forthcoming - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy.
    This paper is a response to Emily McTernan’s book, Taking Offence. I focus on how to evaluate taking offence comparatively against alternative attitudes such as anger or blame. Drawing on some of my work on blame, emotion and expressive action, I sketch a way in which we might reach a more convincing answer than that provided by McTernan.
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    Justice, Vulnerable Populations, and the Use of Conversational AI in Psychotherapy.Bennett Knox, Pierce Christoffersen, Kalista Leggitt, Zeia Woodruff & Matthew H. Haber - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (5):48-50.
    Sedlakova and Trachsel (2023) identify a major benefit of conversational artificial intelligence (CAI) in psychotherapy as its ability to expand access to mental healthcare for vulnerable populatio...
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  7. Response to Leuenberger, Shumener and Thompson.Karen Bennett - 2019 - Analysis 79 (2):327-340.
    I am very grateful to Stephan Leuenberger, Erica Shumener and Naomi Thompson for their excellent and thoughtful commentaries on Making Things Up. I have learned a lot from thinking through their replies. As it happens, they focus on pretty disparate aspects of the book: necessitation, relative fundamentality, and what builds the building facts, respectively. I will thus engage with their remarks separately.
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    Shooting, Killing and Dying.Jonathan Bennett - 1973 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 2 (3):315 - 323.
    There was a duel at dawn between A and B. A shot B, who lingered on until dusk of that day, and then died of his bulletwound. Certain background conditions are satisfied which make it right to say not just that A caused B's death but that he killed him. So, A shot B and killed him. This seems to be structurally different from "A shot B and he kicked him," but what is this structural difference? How does the shooting (...)
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  9. Ineffability: Reply to Professors Metz and Cooper.Guy Bennett-Hunter - 2016 - Philosophia 44 (4):1267–1287.
    In the first two sections of this reply article, I provide a brief introduction to the topic of ineffability and a summary of Ineffability and Religious Experience. This is followed, in section 3, by some reflections in reply to the response articles by Professors Metz and Cooper. Section 4 presents some concluding remarks on the future of philosophy of religion in the light of the most recent philosophical work on ineffability.
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  10. Koslicki on formal proper parts.K. Bennett - 2011 - Analysis 71 (2):286-290.
    Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14850 kb383@cornell.eduWhat are motorcycles made of? Presumably the answer is something like ‘wheels, pistons, fuel lines …’ or perhaps ‘metal, leather, plastic …’. Whatever precisely the parts of a motorcycle are, surely they are all material. Kathrin Koslicki disagrees. She has recently argued that ordinary material objects like motorcycles not only have material proper parts, but also have formal proper parts . On her view, an accurate list of the proper parts of a motorcycle must include (...)
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  11. Spinoza and Teleology: A Reply to Curley.Jonathan Bennett - 1990 - In E. M. Curley & Pierre-François Moreau (eds.). Brill. pp. 53-7.
  12.  88
    Entailment.Jonathan Bennett - 1969 - Philosophical Review 78 (2):197-236.
    Following Moore, I use ‘P entails Q’ as a convenient shorthand for ‘Q can be deduced logically from P’, ‘From P, Q follows logically’, ‘There is a logically valid argument with P as sole premise and Q as conclusion’, and the like.1 Apart from a minor point to be raised in Section XVI, distinctions within this cluster do not matter for present purposes. An analysis of the concept of entailment is answerable to careful, educated uses of expressions such as those. (...)
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  13. Berkeley and God.Jonathan Bennett - 1965 - Philosophy 40 (153):207 - 221.
    It is well known that Berkeley had two arguments for the existence of God. A while ago, in trying to discover what these arguments are and how they fit into Berkeley's scheme of things, I encountered certain problems which are hardly raised, let alone solved, in the standard commentaries. I think that I have now solved these problems, and in this paper I present my results.
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  14.  38
    The Corporate Social Assessment: Making Public Purpose Pay.Michael Bennett - 2024 - Review of Social Economy 82 (1):147-175.
    Corporations can be powerful engines of economic prosperity, but also for the public good more broadly conceived. But they need to be properly incentivized to fulfil these missions. We propose an innovative plan called the Corporate Social Assessment (CSA). Every four years, a randomly selected Citizens’ Assembly will meet to decide a grading scheme for assessing companies’ conduct. At the end of the cycle, a professional assessment body will grade the companies and rank them. The ranking will be the basis (...)
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    Democratic competence, before converse and after.Stephen Earl Bennett - 2006 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 18 (1-3):105-141.
    The topic of the democratic public's limited competence has preoccupied students of democracy for centuries. Anecdotal concerns about the problem reached their peak of sophistication in the writings of Walter Lippmann and Joseph Schumpeter. Not until Philip E. Converse's “The Nature of Belief Systems in Mass Publics” did statistical research overwhelmingly confirm the worst fears of such democratic skeptics. Subsequent work has tended to confirm Converse's picture of a tiny stratum of well‐informed ideological elites whose passionate political debates find little (...)
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    Depiction and Convention.John G. Bennett - 1974 - The Monist 58 (2):255-268.
    Nelson Goodman has provided one of the most exciting advances in semiotic aesthetics in years in his recent book, Languages of Art. Among other theses that Goodman defends is the claim that pictures are elements of symbol systems to be understood in the way that languages are understood: that depiction and description are species of a common genus which is to be understood in terms of denotation. One of the consequences Goodman draws from his theory is that depiction is conventional: (...)
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  17.  37
    Reflections on Socratic Dialogue I: the Theoretical Background in a Modern Context.Carol Anne Bennett, Jane Anderson & Petia Sice - 2015 - Philosophy of Management 14 (3):159-169.
    This paper gives a concise overview of the history and meaning of Socratic Dialogue and how it has been developed and used in modern times. The process of Socratic dialogue is seen as an environment for enhancing learning and in enabling the emergence of new meaning to be articulated in language, thereby making the understanding more accessible to the group. The authors also share their perspective as participants in Socratic dialogues. It is suggested that Socratic dialogue enables open communication and (...)
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  18. Accountability and some social dimensions of human agency.Bennett W. Helm - 2012 - Philosophical Issues 22 (1):217-232.
    What is responsible agency? I want to consider two perspectives we might take in thinking about responsibility, what we might call an inner and an outer perspective. The inner perspective is that of the agent herself, involving her having and exercising (or failing to exercise) certain agential capacities and so choosing and controlling her actions. The outer perspective is that from which we assess someone’s conduct and—crucially—her will as a matter of holding her to account. In each case, responsibility is (...)
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  19.  77
    Philosophy and Mr. Stoppard.Jonathan Bennett - 1975 - Philosophy 50 (191):5 - 18.
    Few stage plays have much to do with analytic philosophy: Tom Stoppard has written two of them—Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead and Jumpers. The contrast between these, especially in how they involve philosophy, could hardly be greater. Rosencrantz does not parade its philosophical content; but the philosophy is there all the same, and it is solid, serious and functional. In contrast with this, the philosophy which is flaunted throughout Jumpers is thin and uninteresting, and it serves the play only in (...)
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  20.  60
    Rich Addiction.Bennett Gilbert - 2024 - Subjectivity 31.
    Examining the author’s own experiences of narcotics addiction reveals certain aspects of the addicted mentality that have strong ethical valence. In general, this shows that addiction is not a state fundamentally characterized by lack. The rudiments of this position are found in some contemporary philosophy of addiction; also, it is contrasted with a common widely held mistaken view. Addiction should instead be understood in continuity with and as illuminating the nature of human personhood and subjectivity. Under a phenomenology specific to (...)
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  21.  37
    Response to Lazarus's "how certain boundaries and ethics diminish therapeutic effectiveness".Bruce E. Bennett, Patricia M. Bricklin & Leon VandeCreek - 1994 - Ethics and Behavior 4 (3):263 – 266.
  22.  86
    Teleology and Spinoza's Conatus.Jonathan Bennett - 1983 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 8 (1):143-160.
  23.  45
    (1 other version)Encounters with an Art-Thing.Jane Bennett - 2015 - Evental Aesthetics 3 (3):91-110.
    What kind of things are damaged art-objects? Are they junk, trash, mere stuff? Or do they remain art by virtue of their distinguished provenance or still discernible design? What kind of powers do such things have as material bodies and forces? Instead of attempting to locate proper concepts for salvaged art-things, this essay, from a perspective centered on the power of bodies-in-encounter – where “power” in Spinoza’s sense is the capacity to affect and be affected – attempts to home in (...)
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  24.  41
    Response to Open Peer Commentaries on “A Duty to Deceive: Placebos in Clinical Practice”.Bennett Foddy - 2009 - American Journal of Bioethics 9 (12):1-2.
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    Deleuze and Epicurean Philosophy: Atomic Speed and Swerve Speed.Michael James Bennett - 2013 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 21 (2):131-157.
    This paper reconstructs Gilles Deleuze’s interpretation of Epicurean atomism, and explicates his claim that it represents a problematic idea, similar to the idea exemplified in early, “barbaric” accounts of the differential calculus. Deleuzian problematic ideas are characterized by a mechanism through whose activity the components of the idea become determinate in relating reciprocally to one another, rather than in being determined exclusively in relation to an extrinsic paradigm or framework. In Epicurean atomism, as Deleuze reads it, such a mechanism of (...)
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  26.  46
    The Right and Wrong of Growing Old: Assessing the Argument from Evolution.Bennett Foddy - 2012 - Philosophy and Technology 25 (4):547-560.
    One argument which is frequently levelled against the enhancement of human biology is that we do not understand the evolved function of our bodies well enough to meddle in our biology without producing unintended and potentially catastrophic effects. In particular, this argument is levelled against attempts to slow or eliminate the processes of human ageing, or ‘senescence’, which cause us to grow decrepit before we die. In this article, I claim that even if this argument could usefully be applied against (...)
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  27. Blameless Guilt: The Case of Carer Guilt and Chronic and Terminal Illness.Matthew Bennett - 2018 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 26 (1):72-89.
    My ambition in this paper is to provide an account of an unacknowledged example of blameless guilt that, I argue, merits further examination. The example is what I call carer guilt: guilt felt by nurses and family members caring for patients with palliative-care needs. Nurses and carers involved in palliative care often feel guilty about what they perceive as their failure to provide sufficient care for a patient. However, in some cases the guilty carer does not think that he has (...)
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    Deceptive Comfort.Jane Bennett - 1991 - Political Theory 19 (1):73-95.
  29.  14
    (1 other version)Space and Subtle Matter in Descartes's Metaphysics.Jonathan Bennett - 1999 - In Rocco J. Gennaro & Charles Huenemann (eds.), New essays on the rationalists. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Descartes rightly attacked the idea of space as extended nothing, but in inferring that space is an extended something, a substance, he overlooked the possibility that it is instead a system of relations. Even if it is a substance, it does not follow – as Descartes implied that it does – that “space” and “matter” are synonymous. It might instead be that space is a substantial container, portions of which can be colocated with bodies or that space is a substantial (...)
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    Leibniz and Locke: A Study of the New Essays on Human Understanding.Jonathan Bennett - 1986 - Noûs 20 (1):108-111.
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  31. On Breaking Up Time, or, Perennialism as Philosophy of History.Bennett Gilbert - 2016 - Joirnal of the Philosophy of History 12 (1):5-26.
    Current and recent philosophy of history contemplates a deep change in fundamental notions of the presence of the past. This is called breaking up time. The chief value for this change is enhancing the moral reach of historical research and writing. However, the materialist view of reality that most historians hold cannot support this approach. The origin of the notion in the thought of Walter Benjamin is suggested. I propose a neo-idealist approach called perennialism, centered on recurrent moral dilemmas and (...)
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  32.  11
    Enhancing Skill.Bennett Foddy - 2011 - In Julian Savulescu, Ruud ter Meulen & Guy Kahane (eds.), Enhancing Human Capacities. Blackwell. pp. 313–325.
    A category of enhancement technologies target neural systems as a means of improving physical performance. The author calls these as neurophysical enhancements. This chapter demonstrates why neurophysical enhancements deserve an ethical assessment which is independent of those relating to physical and cognitive enhancements. It focuses almost exclusively on the use of neurophysical enhancements in the sporting arena, where they are for the most part prohibited. World Anti‐Doping Agency (WADA) does permit some drugs which are effective enhancements. Caffeine is permitted on (...)
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  33. Response to Garber and Rée.Jonathan Bennett - 1988 - In Peter H. Hare (ed.), Doing Philosophy Historically. Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books. pp. 62--69.
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  34.  70
    Reply to Reviewers.Jonathan Bennett - 1991 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 51 (3):647-662.
  35.  46
    Spin-Statistics Connection for Relativistic Quantum Mechanics.A. F. Bennett - 2015 - Foundations of Physics 45 (4):370-381.
    The spin-statistics connection has been proved for nonrelativistic quantum mechanics . The proof is extended here to the relativistic regime using the parametrized Dirac equation. A causality condition is not required.
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  36.  14
    New Studies in Berkeley's Philosophy.Jonathan Bennett - 1967 - Philosophical Quarterly 17 (66):70-71.
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  37.  94
    Autonomy, addiction and the drive to pleasure: Designing drugs and our biology: A reply to Neil Levy.Bennett Foddy & Julian Savulescu - 2005 - Bioethics 20 (1):21–23.
  38.  8
    Static in Process: A Key to Applying Process Philosophy for Ecological Civilization.Juliet Bennett - 2023 - Process Studies 52 (1):64-94.
    This article provides a novel inroad to the field of process philosophy and its application. It does this by elucidating the relationship between two modes of thought—static and process thinking—as a key to cocreating ecological civilization. Static and process modes of thought are conceptualized in terms of five “basic orientations”: abstract and context, closed and open, isolating and relational, passive and generative, one-dimensional and multidimensional. Inspired by the work of Alfred North Whitehead, Arran Gare, and Julie Nelson, these dynamic dualisms (...)
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    In Defense of Abstract Creationism: A Recombinatorial Approach.Michael Y. Bennett - 2021 - Philosophy and Literature 45 (2):489-495.
    As a version of creationism—which claims that fictional charac- ters are created by authors who write characters into existence by penning their names in their works—abstract creationism claims that fictional objects are abstract entities. However, I want to modify the conception of what constitutes a fictional object. In short, I am going to give a defense of abstract creationism that offers answers to the questions, as outlined by Stuart Brock, of ontology, identity, and plenitude by developing a claim that—except for (...)
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  40. Really Useless 'Knowledge': A Political Critique of Aesthetics.Tony Bennett - 1985 - Thesis Eleven 12 (1):28-52.
  41.  27
    4 Deleuze, Developmental Systems Theory and the Philosophy of Nature.Michael James Bennett - 2019 - In Michael James Bennett & Tano S. Posteraro (eds.), Deleuze and Evolutionary Theory. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. pp. 75-96.
  42.  5
    Report of Council for the year 1994.G. Bennett - 1995 - British Journal for the History of Science 28 (4):503-509.
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    Intrinsic-Extrinsic Properties in Theater.Michael Y. Bennett - 2021 - Philosophy and Literature 45 (1):34-38.
    David Friedell has recently discussed the relationship between intrinsic and extrinsic properties of art, specifically in music. Friedell claims that normative social rules dictate who can change the intrinsic or extrinsic properties of a piece of music. I claim that in text-based theater—as a particular art form—the dividing line between intrinsic and extrinsic properties of a play is sometimes tenuous. This tenuousness is due to a play's bifurcated existence as a dramatic text and as many theatrical performances.
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  44. Addicted to Food, Hungry for Drugs.Bennett Foddy - 2010 - Neuroethics 4 (2):79-89.
    There is a growing consensus among neuroscientists that people can become addicted to food, and that at least some cases of obesity have addiction as their cause. By contrast, the rest of the world continues to see obesity as either a disease of the metabolism, or as a reckless case of self-harm. Among obesity researchers, there has been a lively debate on the issue of whether obesity ought to be considered a disease. Few researchers, however, have suggested that obesity is (...)
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  45. Scholz H.. Natürliche Sprachen und Kunstsprachen. Semesler-Berichte , 11. Semester, Winter 1937–1938, pp. 48–85.Albert A. Bennett - 1939 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 4 (3):125-125.
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    Abita Emanuele. Compatibilità degli assiomi della logica. Esercitazioni matematiche, ser. 2 vol. 10 , pp. 86–108.Albert A. Bennett - 1938 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 3 (4):162-162.
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    Brown D. G.. What the tortoise taught us. Mind, n.s. vol. 63 , pp. 170–179.Jonathan Bennett - 1956 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 21 (4):394-395.
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    Bocheński I. M.. Philosophie et sciences. Studia philosophica , vol. 13 , pp. 11–18.Jonathan Bennett - 1956 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 21 (4):395-396.
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    Cipolla M.. Nulla e zero. Esercitazioni matematiche, ser. 2 vol. 10 , pp. 1–10.Albert A. Bennett - 1939 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 4 (2):102-102.
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  50. Deleuze and Evolutionary Theory.Michael James Bennett & Tano S. Posteraro (eds.) - 2019 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    Deleuze and Evolutionary Theory gathers together contributions by many of the central theorists in Deleuze studies who have led the way in breaking down the boundaries between philosophical and biological research. They focus on the significance of Deleuze and Guattari’s engagements with evolutionary theory across the full range of their work, from the interpretation of Darwin in Difference and Repetition to the symbiotic alliances of wasp and orchid in A Thousand Plateaus. In this way, they explore the anthropological, social and (...)
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