Results for 'Berlin Society of Sciences'

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  1.  28
    Empiricism in the Vienna Circle and in the Berlin Society for Scientific Philosophy: Recollections and Reflections.Carl Hempel - 1993 - Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 1:1-9.
    The central ideas of logical, or scientific, empiricism as it developed during the twenties and early thirties in Vienna and in Berlin, grew out of collaborative efforts of scientifically interested philosophers and philosophically interested scientists. Those thinkers noted that while the claims made by the physical sciences were amenable to objective test by experiment and observation, the pronouncements put forward by metaphysics were incapable of any such objective critical appraisal. And while hypotheses advanced in the physical sciences (...)
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    Towards a Model for STS Education: Recommendations for Research.Donna F. Berlin & David D. Kumar - 1992 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 12 (3):136-137.
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    Uno de los más audaces innovadores en la historia del pensamiento humano.Isaiah Berlin - 1998 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 9:11-22.
    Los logros de Vico son impresionantes. Desarrolló importantes y audaces ideas sobre la naturaleza del hombre así como sobre la sociedad humana. Atacó las nociones de su época sobre la naturaleza del conocimiento, descubrió la idea de cultura, y se adelantó a la estética de los románticos e historicistas. También inventó la antropología y la filología comparadas e inauguró una nueva manera de abordar la historia y las ciencias sociales.Vico’s achievements are astonishing. He put forward audacious and important ideas about (...)
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  4. The Berlin Group and the Society for Scientific Philosophy.Nikolay Milkov - 2021 - In Thomas Uebel, The Routledge Handbook of Logical Empiricism. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 118-126.
    In the late 1920s and early 1930s, the philosopher Hans Reichenbach led a group of like-minded colleagues in Berlin that must count as an independent point of origin of the movement of logical empiricism. Like the Vienna Circle with whom they cooperated on numerous occasions, their concern was to develop a philosophy of science adequate to the latest advances in science itself. Differences of philosophical background and interests, however, resulted in putting different accents by justifying scientific knowledge.
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    Isaiah Berlin and Andrzej Walicki as Intellectual Historians and Liberal Philosophers: A Comment on G. M. Hamburg’s “Closed Societies, Open Minds”.Randall A. Poole - 2006 - Dialogue and Universalism 16 (1-2):81-104.
    This essay is an explication and analysis of the work of Sergei Kotliarevskii, a major Russian liberal theorist, focusing on his 1915 treatise Vlast’ i pravo. Problema pravovogo gosudarstva (Power and Law: The Problem of the Lawful State). Although the “lawful state” has long been a subject of interest and controversy (even at the definitional level) among historians and political scientists, curiously Kotliarevskii has not received the attention he deserves. His study of the concept of the lawful state, which for (...)
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    Hermeneutics and Science.Márta Fehér, Olga Kiss, L. Ropolyi & International Society for Hermeneutics and Science (eds.) - 1999 - Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  7. G. W. Leibniz and Scientific Societies.Markku Roinila - 2009 - Journal of Technology Management 46 (1-2):165-179.
    The famous philosopher Leibniz (1646-1716) was also active in the (cultural) politics of his time. His interest in forming scientific societies never waned and his efforts led to the founding of the Berlin Academy of Sciences. He also played a part in the founding of the Dresden Academy of Science and the St. Petersburg Academy of Science. Though Leibniz's models for the scientific society were the Royal Society and the Royal Science Academy of France, his pansophistic (...)
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    Mentoring for Neuroscience and Society Careers: Lessons Learned from the Dana Foundation Career Network in Neuroscience & Society.Dana Foundation Career Network in Neuroscience & Society, Craig W. McFarland, Makenna E. Law, Ivan E. Ramirez, Emily Rodriguez, Ithika S. Senthilnathan, Adam P. Steiner, Kelisha M. Williams & Francis X. Shen - forthcoming - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience.
    With the growth of neuroscience research, new neuroscience and society (NeuroX) fields like neuroethics, neurolaw, neuroarchitecture, neuroeconomics, and many more have emerged. In this article we report on lessons learned about mentoring students in the interdisciplinary space of neuroscience and society. We draw on our experiences with the recently launched Dana Foundation Career Network in Neuroscience & Society. This resource supports educators and practitioners mentoring students aiming to apply neuroscience in diverse fields beyond medicine and biomedical science. (...)
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    Science for Competition among Powers: Geographical Knowledge, Colonial‐Diplomatic Networks, and the Scramble for Africa.Daniel Gamito-Marques - 2020 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 43 (4):473-492.
    Historical studies on the relationship between science and diplomacy tend to focus on events since World War II and on initiatives for the maintenance of peace or to achieve cooperation over contentious matters. This article presents the case of José Vicente Barbosa du Bocage (1823–1907), a Portuguese zoologist who had formal diplomatic responsibilities in a context of competition for the colonization of Africa in the nineteenth century. He used his knowledge in African geography to implement colonial and diplomatic strategies that (...)
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    (1 other version)Science Commons : nouvelles règles, nouvelles pratiques.Danièle Bourcier - 2010 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 57 (2):153.
    Les avancées rapides dans les technologies numériques ont considérablement changé et amélioré la façon dont les données, informations et outils peuvent être diffusés, gérés, utilisés et réutilisés dans la recherche, et ont créé de nouvelles opportunités pour accélérer le progrès dans la science et l’innovation. Ces développements sont principalement dus au large mouvement formel ou informel de la peer production et à la diffusion globale de l’information mobilisant la coopération de communautés distribuées œuvrant dans des environnements en réseaux. Les initiatives (...)
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    Society and science: changing the way we live.Bernard Dixon - 1989 - New York, N.Y.: Sterling Pub. Co..
    Discusses a number of pressing social issues, including nuclear weapons, radiation in the food supply, technological disasters, cancer, and other diseases traced to toxic chemicals in the air and water.
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    Conversations with Isaiah Berlin.Isaiah Berlin & Ramin Jahanbegloo - 1991 - Macmillan Reference USA.
    "A celebrated master of the spoken as well as the written word, Isaiah Berlin here gives us a rare memoir in the form of a dialogue." "Isaiah Berlin is renowned the world over for his analysis of the ideas that have influenced or transformed societies. He has a deep commitment to liberty and pluralism, and has devoted the half century and more of his professional life as a teacher and lecturer to exploring the conditions that allow these ideals (...)
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    (1 other version)Science, culture and society: understanding science in the twenty-first century.Mark Erickson - 2005 - Malden, MA: Polity.
    The book addresses key questions of what science is and how it is carried out, what the relationship between science and society is, how science is represented ...
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    The Divorce between the Sciences and the Humanities.IsaiahHG Berlin - 1997 - In Isaiah Berlin, Against the current: essays in the history of ideas. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press. pp. 101-139.
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    Lorenzo Magnani & Ping Li Philosophy and cognitive science: Western & Eastern studies: Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg, 2012, x+287pp.Ryan D. Tweney - 2013 - Mind and Society 12 (2):273-276.
    Based upon papers given at a 2011 conference at Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou, China, this book crosses many boundaries. Most obviously, it includes a balanced set of contributions by philosophers and cognitive scientists from a variety of countries: Nine of the authors are based in Europe, eight in Asia, and one in North America. The conference was the latest of three held in Guangzhou between 2004 and 2011; the editors are to be congratulated for their extensive and continuing efforts (...)
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    Isaiah Berlin: a celebration.Isaiah Berlin, Edna Ullmann-Margalit & Avishai Margalit (eds.) - 1991 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Isaiah Berlin: A Celebration gathers tributes, reflections, and commentaries on the great thinker and his philosophy, politics, and life-including contributions from Michael Ignatieff, Leon Wieseltier, Ronald Dworkin, Stephen Spender, and many others. "Some [essays], like Joseph Brodsky's tribute, are touchingly personal. Others, like G. A. Cohen's 'Isaiah's Marx, and Mine,' mingle personal reminiscences with a more theoretical look at Berlin's ideas. . . . The volume is a fitting tribute to a thinker famed for his erudition, eclecticism, and (...)
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  17.  28
    Value, Conflict, and Order: Berlin, Hampshire, Williams, and the Realist Revival in Political Theory.Edward Hall - 2020 - London: University of Chicago Press.
    Is the purpose of political philosophy to articulate the moral values that political regimes would realize in a virtually perfect world and show what that implies for the way we should behave toward one another? That model of political philosophy, driven by an effort to draw a picture of an ideal political society, is familiar from the approach of John Rawls and others. Or is political philosophy more useful if it takes the world as it is, acknowledging the existence (...)
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    Science [ne] imperialism: There are nontrivial constraints on color naming.Paul Kay & Brent Berlin - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (2):196-201.
    Saunders & van Brakel's claim that Berlin and Kay (1969) assumed a language/vision correlation in the area of color categorization and disguised this assumption as a finding is shown to be false. The methodology of the World Color Survey, now nearing completion, is discussed and the possibility of an additional language/vision correlation in color categorization is suggested.
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    Pluralism Without Relativism: Remembering Sir Isaiah Berlin.Isaiah Berlin, João Carlos Espada, Marc F. Plattner & Adam Wolfson (eds.) - 2001 - Lexington Books.
    Isaiah Berlin is heralded as one of the great thinkers of the 20th century and this editied work by a group of distinguished scholars is an examination of an Humean liberal intellectual. Isaiah Berlin's legacy still excites intense scholarly debate.
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    Why the Science and Religion Dialogue Matters: Voices from the International Society for Science and Religion.Fraser Watts & Kevin Dutton (eds.) - 2006 - Templeton Foundation Press.
    Each world faith tradition has its own distinctive relationship with science, and the science-religion dialogue benefits from a greater awareness of what this relationship is. In this book, members of the International Society for Science and Religion (ISSR) offer international and multi-faith perspectives on how new discoveries in science are met with insights regarding spiritual realities.The essays reflect the conviction that “religion and science each proceed best when they’re pursued in dialogue with each other, and also that our fragmented (...)
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  21. (1 other version)Historical Inevitability.ISAIAH BERLIN - 1956 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 6 (24):338-340.
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    Emergent Challenges in the relation between Science, Nature and Society: Sustainability Science.Silvia Patricia González Díaz & Núñez Jover - 2014 - Humanidades Médicas 14 (2):522-546.
    En el trabajo se propone difundir la teoría y los enfoques referidos a la ciencia de la sostenibilidad, con especial énfasis en el contexto académico cubano, al relacionar su emergencia a las urgencias que surgen en los vínculos entre la ciencia, la naturaleza y la sociedad, así como mostrar las articulaciones de la Ciencia de la Sostenibilidad con la política científica, la educación universitaria y la salud pública. In this paper, the theory and the approaches of the science of sustainability (...)
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    (1 other version)Science, Technology and Society as Experienced through Children's Literature.John W. Butzow & Carol M. Butzow - 1987 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 7 (5-6):769-770.
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    Science in Civil Society.John M. Ziman - 2007 - Imprint Academic.
    These days, science is everywhere. It pervades our whole society. Sometimes it is just a clutter of commonplace frivolities, like new fashion fabrics. Sometimes it miraculously preserves our life, like penicillin. Sometimes, like climate change, it looms over us as a portent of doom: sometimes it promises a way of escape from such a fate. Sometimes, like a nuclear warhead, it enshrouds us in political terror: sometimes, like a verification technology, it offers an antidote to such evils. How should (...)
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    The Science-Technology-Society Matrix.George Bugliarello - 1988 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 8 (2):125-127.
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    Teaching Science, Technology, and Society to Engineering Students: A Sixteen Year Journey.Haldun M. Ozaktas - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics 19 (4):1439-1450.
    The course Science, Technology, and Society is taken by about 500 engineering students each year at Bilkent University, Ankara. Aiming to complement the highly technical engineering programs, it deals with the ethical, social, cultural, political, economic, legal, environment and sustainability, health and safety, reliability dimensions of science, technology, and engineering in a multidisciplinary fashion. The teaching philosophy and experiences of the instructor are reviewed. Community research projects have been an important feature of the course. Analysis of teaching style based (...)
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  27. Science in a free society.Paul Feyerabend - 1978 - London: NLB.
    No study in the philosophy of science created such controversy in the seventies as Paul Feyerabend's Against Method. In this work, Feyerabend reviews that controversy, and extends his critique beyond the problem of scientific rules and methods, to the social function and direction of science today. In the first part of the book, he launches a sustained and irreverent attack on the prestige of science in the West. The lofty authority of the "expert" claimed by scientists is, he argues, incompatible (...)
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    Science, Technology, and Society: Policy Implications.James W. Altschuld & David D. Kumar - 2000 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 20 (2):133-138.
    A reanalysis of selected national and state-level STS implementation data is reported in this article. The results indicate that teacher education, suitable curriculum materials, and insufficient class time are major issues affecting STS implementation in the United States. Only three states have addressed 50% or more of the STS implementation criteria in their science curriculum frameworks as recommended by the National Science Education Standards. A closer look at one state (Florida) revealed that approximately half of the school districts had STS (...)
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  29. Science, Society and Human Development.Sr Hashim - 1993 - In Syed Zahoor Qasim, Science and quality of life. New Delhi, India: Offsetters. pp. 249.
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    The first and the last.Isaiah Berlin & Noel Gilroy Annan Baron Annan - 1999 - New York: New York Review of Books. Edited by Noel Gilroy Annan Annan & Isaiah Berlin.
    "This volume contains two brief works by Isaiah Berlin, an acclaimed philosopher and thinker of the 20th century. "The first" is a short fictional piece he wrote when he was twelve reflecting his belief that the idea of a perfect society cannot justify the cruelties he saw in the Russian Revolution. "The last" is an essay he wrote the year before he died synthesizing his thoughts on topics such as freedom, determinism, and pluralism. Also included are several tributes (...)
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  31. XII.—Verification.I. Berlin - 1939 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 39 (1):225-248.
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    Isaiah Berlin and Leo Strauss: Notes Toward a Dialogue.Steven B. Smith - 2020 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 32 (4):539-555.
    ABSTRACT Berlin and Strauss shared surprisingly compatible views about four matters of great importance. The first is the need for political philosophy, which Berlin traced to value pluralism and Strauss to the inherent incompleteness and contestability of our knowledge of politics, due to its comprehensive nature. Second, Berlin and Strauss each opposed social-scientific positivism: Berlin, because it contradicts human freedom and responsibility; Strauss, because it depends on an untenable and nihilistic distinction between facts and values. Third, (...)
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    Science, society and ethics.Vladislav Lektorsky - 2003 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 81 (1):229-232.
  34. Science in action: how to follow scientists and engineers through society.Bruno Latour - 1987 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    In this book Bruno Latour brings together these different approaches to provide a lively and challenging analysis of science, demonstrating how social context..
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    From Hope and Fear Set Free.Isaiah Berlin - 2002 - In Liberty. Oxford University Press.
    Berlin's presidential address to the Aristotelian Society dealt with one important gap in his conceptual wall against totalitarianism. If to be free implied knowledge and the exercise of reason, then the distinction between negative and positive views of liberty might be hard to maintain. Berlin argued that knowledge does not always liberate, which implies that freedom does not always depend on knowledge.
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    Antithetic Structure in Biblical Hebrew Poetry.Adele Berlin, Joze Krašovec & Joze Krasovec - 1987 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 107 (1):140.
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    Classical Hebrew Poetry.Adele Berlin & W. G. E. Watson - 1986 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 106 (3):579.
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    Empirical Models for Biblical Criticism.Adele Berlin & Jeffrey H. Tigay - 1987 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 107 (1):145.
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    Hebrew Verse Structure.Adele Berlin & M. O'Connor - 1982 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 102 (2):392.
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    Midrash and Literature.Adele Berlin, Geoffrey H. Hartman & Sanford Budick - 1987 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 107 (3):548.
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    Mikhail Bakhtin and Biblical Scholarship: An Introduction.Adele Berlin & Barbara Green - 2002 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 122 (1):130.
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    Mesopotamian Epic Literature, Oral or Aural?Adele Berlin, Marianna E. Vogelzang & Herman L. J. Vanstiphout - 1995 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 115 (2):300.
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    The Hebrew Bible in Literary CriticismThe Literary Guide to the BibleLiterary Approaches to Biblical Interpretation.Adele Berlin, Alex Preminger, Edward L. Greenstein, Robert Alter, Frank Kermode & Tremper Longman - 1989 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 109 (4):673.
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    XII.—Logical Translation.I. Berlin - 1950 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 50 (1):157-188.
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    Christentum – Staat – Kultur: Akten des Kongresses der Internationalen Schleiermacher-Gesellschaft in Berlin, März 2006.Andreas Arndt, Ulrich Barth & Wilhelm Gräb (eds.) - 2008 - Walter de Gruyter.
    The volume contains the papers presented to the Schleiermacher Congress held in Berlin from 26th to 29th March 2006. The theme of the congress was “Christianity – State – Culture”, and it was organized by the International Schleiermacher Society in association with the Berlin Humboldt University Faculty of Theology and the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities. The appendix contains the first edition of a reconstruction of the confirmation instruction given by Schleiermacher in 1831/32.
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    Science and Society: To Indicate, to Motivate or to Persuade?Clélia Maria Nascimento-Schulze - 2008 - Diogenes 55 (1):133-142.
    This paper deals with the recent policies introduced in Brazil in order to foster a public interest towards science. Persuasive messages and strategies aiming at increasing a public awareness of the importance of scientific literacy for the development of the country are introduced at different levels and targeting different kinds of publics. These policies are analysed in view of classical models of social influence and persuasion.
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    Science & society.John Avery - 2017 - New Jersey: World Scientific.
    The latest advances and discoveries in science have made, and continue to make, a huge impact on our lives. This book is a history of the social impact of science and technology from the beginnings of civilization up to the present. The book explains how the key inventions: agriculture, writing and printing with movable type, initiated an explosive growth of knowledge and human power over the environment. It also shows how the Industrial Revolution changed the relationship between humans and nature, (...)
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    Social Sciences and Humanities in the Integrating Europe—Building Potential for Knowledge-Based Society.Lech Zacher - 2006 - Dialogue and Universalism 16 (3/4):149-157.
    SSH should response to challenges of the integrating European societies. The EU Lisbon Strategy envisions their future as knowledge-based. Knowledge-based economies ought to be accompanied by knowledge-based societies. Timely task of SSH is to make it possible to achieve society of knowledge and wisdom together. This may save diversity and multicultural values, enabling synergy and universalism.
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    I—The Presidential Address: “From Hope and Fear Set Free”.Isaiah Berlin - 1964 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 64 (1):1-30.
    Isaiah Berlin; I—The Presidential Address: “From Hope and Fear Set Free”, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 64, Issue 1, 1 June 1964, Pages 1–30.
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    (1 other version)Political ideas in the romantic age: their rise and influence on modern thought.Isaiah Berlin - 2006 - London: Chatto & Windus. Edited by Henry Hardy.
    The first publication of this major work by Isaiah Berlin, regarded by many as the twentieth century’s greatest thinker. It is the only text he ever wrote in which he laid out in one connected account most of his key insights about the “romantic age.”.
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