Results for 'Big Typescript'

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  1.  28
    The Big Typescript.Ludwig Wittgenstein - 2000 - Wiley. Edited by Michael Nedo.
    The so-called "Big Typescript" is Wittgenstein's first attempt to publish in a book his collected thoughts since his return to Cambridge and to philosophical writing, thus correcting the "serious errors" (Wittgenstein) of his early work. Among the texts in Wittgenstein's estate, the "Big Typescript" is the one that, next to the "Logisch-Philosophische Abhandlung" (the "Tractatus") of 1918, appears to be the most "finished", with a table of contents structured in chapters and sections. It is, however, a fragment, without (...)
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  2. Big Typescript: Ts 213.Ludwig Wittgenstein (ed.) - 2005 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    Long awaited by the scholarly community, Wittgenstein's so-called Big Typescript is presented here in an en face English-German scholar's edition. Presents scholar's edition of important material from 1933, Wittgenstein's first efforts to set out his new thoughts after the publication of the Tractatus Logico Philosophicus Includes indications to help the reader identify Wittgenstein's numerous corrections, additions, deletions, alternative words and phrasings, suggestions for moves within the text, and marginal comments.
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    (1 other version)O que é o Big Typescript ?Mauro L. Engelmann - 2009 - Doispontos 6 (1).
    Neste artigo começo por argumentar que devemos ver o Big Typescript como algo muito diferente de um livro planejado para a publicação. Ele deve ser tomado meramente como uma coleção de observações, que expressam a concepção de Wittgenstein de “gramática” por volta de 1932-33, quando as observações foram reunidas. Em seguida, explico a concepção substancial de “gramática” do BT. Espero tornar claro, nesta segunda parte, que o BT e o Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus são próximos no sentido de que partilham a (...)
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  4. (1 other version)Big Typescript, German English Scholars' Edition.C. Grant Luckhardt & Maximilian E. Aue (eds.) - 2005 - Wiley.
  5. Therapie statt Theorie. Das Big Typescript als Schluessel zu Wittgensteins spaeter Philosophieauffassung.Eugen Fischer - 2006 - In Stefan Majetschak (ed.), Wittgensteins "Grosse Maschinenschrift". Lang. pp. 31-59.
    The paper clarifies therapeutic ideas about philosophical method which Wittgenstein puts forward in his "Big Typescript". It does so by analysing how Wittgenstein treats the question 'What is meaning?', in that part of the same work from which the opening sections of his "Philosophical Investigations" derive. On this basis, the paper explains why Wittgenstein set himself a therapeutic goal, why this is reasonable, and how he sought to attain that goal without 'pronouncing new truths about the subject of the (...)
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  6.  49
    The Big Typescript TS 213. [REVIEW]Fergus Kerr - 2006 - International Philosophical Quarterly 46 (3):372-374.
  7.  53
    Philosophy in the big typescript.C. Grant Luckhardt - 1991 - Synthese 87 (2):255 - 272.
  8.  19
    Le langage comme calcul dans le Big Typescript.Mauro Engelmann & Bento Prado Neto - 2012 - Philosophiques 39 (1):35-55.
    Dans cet article, j’essaie de montrer que l’idée du langage comme calcul structure la philosophie de Wittgenstein dans le Big Typescript. Pour ce faire, je commence par mettre en relief les différences entre la conception du langage comme calcul dans le Tractatus, et sa reformulation dans le Big Typescript ; j’explique ensuite comment l’idée de l’autonomie de la grammaire est à la base de la conception de la « grammaire » ou du langage comme calcul. J’espère pouvoir montrer (...)
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  9. Wittgenstein's Paperwork. An Example from the "Big Typescript".Herbert Hrachovec - unknown
    The edition of the Nachlass from the early thirties by Michael Nedo and the completion of the "Bergen Electronic Edition" (BEE) have provided Wittgenstein scholars with all the material required to investigate the author's philosophical development starting with his auto-criticism of the "Tractatus" and leading to his later views. Wittgenstein's strategy of dictating from his notebooks and cutting up the typescripts to rearrange paragraphs into sequences of remarks is well documented in Nedo's edition and the BEE provides convenient facsimile access (...)
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  10. Fenomenología:(Secciones 94-100 del Big Typescript).Ludwig Wittgenstein - 2008 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 27 (2):91-129.
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    3. Vom Allgemeinen zum Besonderen: Big Typescript und Brown Book.Sarah Anna Uffelmann - 2018 - In Vom System Zum Gebrauch: Eine Genetisch-Philosophische Untersuchung des Grammatikbegriffs Bei Wittgenstein. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 103-181.
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    Ludwig Wittgenstein, Wiener Aufgabe Band 11: ‘The Big Typescript’. Micheal Nedo , Vienna: Springer 2000. 546 pp. [REVIEW]Anne-Marie Christensen - 2002 - SATS 3 (1):165-170.
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  13. Ludwig Wittgenstein: Philosophie, 86-93 (S. 405-435) aus dem sogenannten Big Typescript (Katalognummer 213) in Wittgenstein (1889-1989). [REVIEW]Ludwig Wittgenstein & H. Nyman - 1989 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 43 (169):175-203.
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    Wittgenstein on "Imaginability" as a Criterion for Logical Possibility.Jasmin Trächtler - 2020 - Nordic Wittgenstein Review 9.
    Throughout his whole work, Wittgenstein seizes on a distinction between logical and physical possibility, and impossibility. Despite this continuity and although, Wittgenstein brings in this distinction in various contexts and from different vantage points, he often solely brushes over it without elaborating in detail. In the so-called Big Typescript, however, he dedicates himself not only to the distinction between logical and physical possibility but also to the distinction between logical possibility and impossibility in particular investigations. In the course of (...)
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  15. Wittgenstein on ethics and the Riddle of life.David Wiggins - 2004 - Philosophy 79 (3):363-391.
    The paper seeks to interpret and then to criticize Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus paragraph 6.4 to 7, connecting this so-called mystical section with the “Lecture on Ethics” given in Cambridge in 1929, the Notebooks, and a passage in the Big Typescript. Interpretive and critical efforts focus on the claims: that if having intrinsic value, good or evil, is nothing zufällig, then its basis is nothing in the world; that value can only enter through the willing subject; that “how things are (...)
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  16.  25
    “Good” Philosophical Reasons for “Bad” Editorial Philology? On Rhees and Wittgenstein'sPhilosophical Grammar.Christian Erbacher - 2019 - Philosophical Investigations 42 (2):111-145.
    Using new archival material, this article reconstructs the editorial history of Philosophical Grammar, an edition that Rush Rhees crafted from Wittgenstein's papers. Contrasting the often‐held view that Rhees, in editing Philosophical Grammar, arbitrarily interfered with Wittgenstein's Big Typescript, the article illuminates the work, motives and reasons that underlie Rhees’ editing. Although recent philological evidence supports his editorial decisions, Rhees, at the time, made them based on his desire to do justice to his understanding of Wittgenstein's philosophical orientation. Against this (...)
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  17.  46
    “The Suffering of an Ascetic”: On Linguistic and Ascetic Self-misunderstanding in Wittgenstein and Nietzsche.Peter K. Westergaard - 2016 - Nordic Wittgenstein Review 5 (2):183-202.
    This paper outlines an interpretation of Ludwig Wittgenstein’s remark in the _Big Typescript_ in which he compares the philosopher bewitched by the workings of language to “the suffering of an ascetic”. The interpretation takes as its starting point Friedrich Nietzsche’s terse account of the philosopher, the history of philosophy, and his diagnosis of ascetic self-misunderstanding, from the Third Essay, “What do ascetic ideals mean?”, in _On the Genealogy of Morality_. In its assumption of an affinity between Wittgenstein’s remark and Nietzsche’s (...)
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  18. Wittgenstein on mind and language.John V. Canfield - 2000 - Philosophical Review 109 (1):101-103.
    This book deals with some large tracts of Wittgenstein’s writings concerning representation and the mental. Its defining characteristic, and one of its main strengths, is an extensive use of material in the background of Wittgenstein’s Tractatus and Investigations. Stern quotes from and discusses remarks from unpublished manuscripts, including the Big Typescript, little-studied published writings such as the Tractatus notebooks, “Some Remarks on Logical Form,” Philosophical Remarks, Philosophical Grammar, as well as lecture notes by Moore, King and Lee, and others. (...)
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    Wittgenstein's “Most Fruitful Ideas” and Sraffa.Mauro Luiz Engelmann - 2012 - Philosophical Investigations 36 (2):155-178.
    In the preface of the Philosophical Investigations, Wittgenstein says that his “most fruitful ideas” are due to the stimulus of Sraffa's criticism, but Sraffa is not mentioned anywhere else in the book. It remains a puzzle in the literature how and why Sraffa influenced Wittgenstein. This paper presents a solution to this puzzle. Sraffa's criticism led Wittgenstein away from the calculus conception of language of the Big Typescript (arguably, an adaptation of the calculus of the Tractatus), and towards the (...)
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  20. Wittgenstein on line / on the line.Herbert Hrachovec - unknown
    wo independent publishing projects have thoroughly changed the state of Wittgenstein scholarship in recent years. Michael Nedo's 'Wiener Ausgabe'1 offers a traditional critical edition of Wittgenstein's philosophical writings ranging from 1929 up to and including the 'Big Typescript' (1933). Considering the eclectic and - at times - arbitrary editorial policy underlying previous publications from the Nachlass2 Nedo's project offers unprecedented philosophical rigor as well as textual criticism in volumes designed for comfortable reading. A second, more ambitious, attempt at a (...)
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  21.  8
    Kalkül und Kultur: Studien zu Genesis und Geltung von Wittgensteins Sprachspielmodell.Clemens Sedmak (ed.) - 1996 - Atlanta, GA: Brill / Rodopi.
    Inhalt: A EINLEITUNG. 1. Das Sprachspielmodell. 2. Zur Entwicklung des Denkens von L. Wittgenstein. 3. Zusammenfassende Thesen. B ZUR GENESIS DES SPRACHSPIELMODELLS. 4. Die Umbruchsjahre 1928-1932. 5. Das Big Typescript. 6. Das Sprachspielmodell im BT. C ZUR GELTUNG DES SPRACHSPIELMODELLS. 7. Ein sekundärliterarischer Zugang. D Schlußbemerkung. E Abkürzungs- und Literaturverzeichnis.
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  22. Wittgenstein on mathematics and games.Peter Smith - unknown
    Unlike his other major typescripts, the Big Typescript is divided into titled chapters, themselves divided into titled sections. But within a section we still get a collection of remarks typically without connecting tissue and lacking any transparently significant ordering or helpful signposting. So we still encounter the usual difficulties in trying to think our way through into what Wittgenstein might be wanting to say. Some enthusiasts like to try to persuade us that the aphoristic style is really of the (...)
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  23. Wittgenstein on Grammar, Theses and Dogmatism.Peter M. S. Hacker - 2011 - Philosophical Investigations 35 (1):1-17.
    It is sometimes argued that Wittgenstein's conception of grammar and the role he allocated to grammar (in his sense of the term) in philosophy changed between the Big Typescript and the Philosophical Investigations. It is also held that some of the grammatical propositions Wittgenstein asserted prior to his writing of the Philosophical Investigations are theses, doctrines, opinions or dogmatism, which he abandoned by 1936/37. The purpose of this paper is to show these claims to be misunderstandings and misinterpretations. On (...)
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  24.  45
    Etica e giustificazione: Wittgenstein e l'influenza di Moore.Carlo Penco - 2006 - In R. M. Carcaterra (ed.), Le ragioni del conoscere e dell'agire. Scritti in onore di Rosaria Egidi,.
    Nel febbraio 1912 Wittgenstein venne ammesso al Trinity College con Russell come supervisor, e iniziò a seguire le lezioni di Moore. E’ probabile che leggesse il libretto di Moore, Ethics, pubblicato al suo arrivo a Cambridge, o che ritrovasse nelle lezioni di Moore alcune delle suggestioni presenti nel libro. Ma dopo il Tractatus Wittgenstein dedicò poco spazio alle riflessioni sull’etica e quel poco in un periodo ristretto di tempo, agli inizi degli anni ‘30, dalla Conferenza sull’etica2 alle lezioni del ’32-33. (...)
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  25. Wittgensteins "Grosse Maschinenschrift".Stefan Majetschak (ed.) - 2006 - Lang.
    Unter den Typoskripten in Wittgensteins Nachlaß nimmt das Big Typescript von 1933 eine Sonderstellung ein. Denn kein anderes von Wittgenstein selbst zusammengestelltes Textkonvolut erweckt so sehr den Eindruck eines fertigen, 'konventionellen' Buches wie diese 768 Typoskriptseiten. Doch ist das Big Typescript tatsächlich so etwas wie ein fertiges Buch? Darf man es gar als dasjenige ansehen, an das Wittgenstein dachte, als er im Juni 1931 von 'seinem Buch' sprach? Hat man es hier vielleicht sogar mit einem eigenständigen Werk der (...)
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    Colours in the Development of Wittgenstein’s Philosophy.Marcos Silva (ed.) - 2017 - Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This book presents and discusses the varying and seminal role which colour plays in the development of Wittgenstein’s philosophy. Having once said that “Colours spur us to philosophize”, the theme of colour was one to which Wittgenstein returned constantly throughout his career. Ranging from his Notebooks, 1914-1916 and the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus to the posthumously published Remarks on Colours and On Certainty, this book explores how both his view of philosophical problems generally and his view on colours specifically changed considerably over (...)
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  27. The Temptations of Phenomenology: Wittgenstein, the Synthetic a Priori and the ‘Analytic a Posteriori’.Ray Monk - 2014 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 22 (3):312-340.
    Wittgenstein’s use of the word ‘phenomenology’ to describe his own work in Philosophical Remarks and The Big Typescript has occasioned much puzzlement and confusion. This paper seeks to shed light on what Wittgenstein meant by the word through a close analysis of key passages in those two works. I argue against both the view of Nicholas Gier that Wittgenstein held ‘grammatical’ phenomenological remarks to be synthetic a priori and that expressed by Moritz Schlick that Wittgenstein held grammar to be (...)
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    Ein abschließendes Vorwort.Rudolf Haller - 2000 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 58 (1):9-12.
    Wittgenstein's attitude toward philosophy and philosophical problems is examined with the result that - in spite of his own strong criticism of his earlier work - the aim of philosophy remains the same throughout his life: clarity for its own sake. Wittgenstein's concept of philosophy is sketched as non-naturalistic and anti-systematic with the recommendation of being unbiased as the only remedy for falling again into the old traps. The criticism of the Russell-Frege view of existential quantification and generalization included in (...)
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    (1 other version)As Filosofias da Matemática de Wittgenstein: Intensionalismo Sistêmico e a Aplicação de um Novo Método (Sobre o Desenvolvimento da Filosofia da Matemática de Wittgenstein).Mauro Engelmann - 2009 - Doispontos 6 (2).
    This essay intends to identify intentionalism (infinity given by rules, not by extensions) and the idea of multiple complete mathematical systems (several “mathematics”) as the central characteristics of Wittgenstein’s philosophy of mathematics. We intend to roughly show how these ideas come up, interact to each other, how they develop and, in the end, how they are abandoned in the late period. According to the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, infinities can only be given by rules and there is a single numerical system (the (...)
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  30.  8
    How to do philosophy: a Wittgensteinian reading of Wittgenstein.Graham McFee - 2015 - Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    Why should the philosophical achievement of Ludwig Wittgenstein be taken seriously in the twenty-first century? This text answers this question by elaborating the distinctive therapeutic conception of philosophy defended in Wittgenstein's later work, typified by Philosophical Investigations. Here, Wittgenstein's highly contextual, problem-specific and person-specific conception of the philosophical project is clarified with reference to his own writings. In so doing, this text challenges contemporary failures to properly acknowledge all publications from those writings as posthumous, Nachlass (Legacy), or to treat judiciously (...)
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    Wittgenstein “Great Analysis” and Frege's construal of number as a property of properties.Araceli Rosich Soares Velloso - 2018 - Analytica. Revista de Filosofia 21 (1):171-208.
    Resumo: o propósito desse artigo é circunscrever e discutir a autocrítica, feita por Wittgenstein no período de 1933-39, a uma das teses mais fundamentais do Tractatus (TLP): ”Há uma e apenas uma análise completa da proposição” (3.25). Chamaremos esse procedimento peculiar de a “Grande análise”. Os argumentos de Wittgenstein contra a sustentabilidade da sua antiga tese podem ser encontrados em algumas passagens do livro Investigações Filosóficas (IF), bem como em passagens do Grande Datiloscrito (BT). Conforme será argumentado nesse artigo, essa (...)
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  32.  59
    Ein Sack Rosinen.Wolfgang Kienzler - 2016 - Wittgenstein-Studien 7 (1):15-38.
    The article describes the way Wittgenstein tried to collect „all his good remarks“ within one book. The first such attempt is the Tractatus, the second attempt - which Wittgenstein could not complete - are the Investigations.The ‚Big Typescript’, however,was intended only as an instrument towards this latter aim. This aspect of Wittgenstein’s way of doing philosophy remained stable and it can help to throw light on various exegetical questions.
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    Beyond H acker's W ittgenstein: Discussion of HACKER, P eter (2012) “ W ittgenstein on Grammar, Theses and Dogmatism” Philosophical Investigations 35:1, J anuary 2012, 1–17. [REVIEW]Danièle Moyal-Sharrock - 2013 - Philosophical Investigations 36 (4):355-380.
    In “Wittgenstein on Grammar, Theses and Dogmatism,” Peter Hacker addresses what he takes to be misconceptions of Wittgenstein's philosophy with respect to (1) the periodisation of his thought and to what should properly be counted as part of his work; (2) his conception of grammar since the Big Typescript (1929–33); and (3) his conception of philosophy as grammatical investigation. I argue that Hacker's restrictive conception of what ought to be considered part of Wittgenstein's philosophy and his conservative view of (...)
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  34.  10
    The Philosophical Investigations and Syncretistic Writing.Alois Pichler - 2013 - In Nuno Venturinha (ed.), The Textual Genesis of Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations. New York: Routledge.
    In Chapter IV of his Schreiben und Denken , the Austrian linguist Hanspeter Ortner distinguishes and describes ten writing strategies (“Schreibstrategien”). One of them is “syncretistic writing”. 1 A simple application of Ortner’s defi nition and description of syncretistic writing to the genesis of the Philosophical Investigations (PI) makes clear that the PI can be said to be of syncretistic origin. 2 Wittgenstein’s writing of the PI 3 can be characterized by Ortner’s eight features of syncretistic: his writing (1) hops (...)
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  35.  43
    Wittgenstein et son œuvre posthume. [REVIEW]Mathieu Marion - 1996 - Dialogue 35 (4):777-790.
    Wittgenstein est mort en 1951 et on attend toujours une édition de ses œuvres complètes. Ce n'est qu'en 1994 que sont parus, accompagnés d'un volume d'introduction à l'ensemble du projet d'édition de la main du directeur de publication, Michael Nedo, les deux premiers d'une série de quinze volumes, les Wiener Ausgabe, qui reproduiront l'intégralité des écrits de Wittgenstein, de son retour à Cambridge en janvier 1929 à la première version du Big Typescript en 1933, avec index et concordances. D'après (...)
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  36.  9
    (1 other version)Wittgenstein e o uso da linguagem como um cálculo.Michel Le du - 2009 - Doispontos 6 (1).
    Le but de cet article est d'examiner le rôle de l'analogie du calcul dans la philosophie du langage de Wittgenstein pendant les périodes intermédiaires et finales. Ce rôle a changé parce que Wittgenstein est passé d'une interprétation stricte à une interprétation large de cette analogie. L'analogie revêt un sens large dès lors que l'on admet que le langage peut être comparé à un calcul d'une multitude de manières et pour une multitude de raisons différentes. Le trait commun aux deux interprétations (...)
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  37.  8
    Selected Writings: Избранные Произведения.Constantine Shapiro - 2007 - Booksurge. Edited by Michael Shapiro.
    In a unique collection of essays and poems written in English, French, German and Russian (with a seasoning of Greek and Japanese), Constantine Shapiro explores fascinating universal questions and connections. Why, he asks, do so many people feel unhappy? Why do so many go to the doctor? Why is there so much criminality? Why is there international unrest? What is a healthy soul? In his investigation of these and other "Big Questions," the author examines such disparate areas as Japanese kanji (...)
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  38. ""biology 78, 79; biological complexity 73, 133; function 88, 266" blind watchmaker" hypothesis 133 Buddhism 204 Cambridge Platonists 81, 88. [REVIEW]Big Bang - 2003 - In Paul Copan & Paul Moser (eds.), The Rationality of Theism. Routledge. pp. 78--80.
  39.  32
    Ablondi, Fred. Gerauld de Cordemy: Atomist, Occasionalist, Cartesian. Marquette Studies in Philosophy, 44. Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 2005. Pp. 127. Paper, $17.00. d'Alfonso, Matteo Vincenzo. Vom Wissen zur Weisheit: Fichtes Wissenschaftslehre 1811. Fichte Studien Supplementa. Amsterdam-New York: Rodopi, 2005. Pp. 311. Paper, $80.00. Bambach, Charles. Heidegger's Roots: Nietzsche, National Socialism, and the Greeks. Ithaca, NY: Cornell. [REVIEW]Big Questions - 2006 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 44 (2):325-27.
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    Erziehungswissenschaftliche Reflexion und pädagogisch-politisches Engagement: Wolfgang Klafki weiterdenken.Karl Heinz Braun, Frauke Stübig & Heinz Stübig (eds.) - 2018 - Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
    Zentrale Denkfiguren der von Wolfgang Klafki begründeten kritisch-konstruktiven Erziehungswissenschaft werden in diesem Buch aufgegriffen und in ihrem Innovationswert für die wissenschaftliche Pädagogik reflektiert. Namhafte Autorinnen und Autoren unterschiedlicher Subdisziplinen und Generationen vertiefen Klafkis Ansatz theoretisch wie methodisch und öffnen Problemstellungen, die bisher nicht bearbeitet worden sind.
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    Thought-Provoking Blend of Theory and Practice. [REVIEW]R. Ricardo, Big Berd & A. J. - 2024 - Amazon Book Review Series of “Better Economics for the Earth: A Lesson From Quantum and Information Theories”.
    Amazon Book Review Series of “Better Economics for the Earth: A Lesson from Quantum and Information Theories”.
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  42. [Will to Power Re-Examined].Walter Kaufman, Heinz Ludwig Ansbacher, Helene Papanek & Big Sur Recordings - 1971 - Big Sur.
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  43. Reptile Haven 1,000 S in stock captive-bred & imported:• Boas & pythons• turtles & tortoises.Free Catalogs, Order Catalogs Toll Free, Reptile Needs At Far, Size Orders, Big Brand, Housing Enclosures, Tera Top Screen Covers, E. S. U. Lizard Litter, Zoo Med Reptisun Bulbs & Reptile Leashes - 1997 - Vivarium 9:26.
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  44. Where are human subjects in Big Data research? The emerging ethics divide.Kate Crawford & Jacob Metcalf - 2016 - Big Data and Society 3 (1).
    There are growing discontinuities between the research practices of data science and established tools of research ethics regulation. Some of the core commitments of existing research ethics regulations, such as the distinction between research and practice, cannot be cleanly exported from biomedical research to data science research. Such discontinuities have led some data science practitioners and researchers to move toward rejecting ethics regulations outright. These shifts occur at the same time as a proposal for major revisions to the Common Rule—the (...)
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    Crowd-sourcing the smart city: Using big geosocial media metrics in urban governance.Matthew Zook - 2017 - Big Data and Society 4 (1).
    Using Big Data to better understand urban questions is an exciting field with challenging methodological and theoretical problems. It is also, however, potentially troubling when Big Data is applied uncritically to urban governance via the ideas and practices of “smart cities”. This essay reviews both the historical depth of central ideas within smart city governance —particular the idea that enough data/information/knowledge can solve society problems—but also the ways that the most recent version differs. Namely, that the motivations and ideological underpinning (...)
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    Why the Current Insistence on Open Access to Scientific Data? Big Data, Knowledge Production, and the Political Economy of Contemporary Biology.Sabina Leonelli - 2013 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 33 (1-2):6-11.
    The collection and dissemination of data on human and nonhuman organisms has become a central feature of 21st-century biology and has been endorsed by funding agencies in the United States and Europe as crucial to translating biological research into therapeutic and agricultural innovation. Large molecular data sets, often referred to as “big data,” are increasingly incorporated into digital databases, many of which are freely accessible online. These data have come to be seen as resources that play a key role in (...)
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    Negotiating the reuse of health-data: Research, Big Data, and the European General Data Protection Regulation.Ulrike Felt & Johannes Starkbaum - 2019 - Big Data and Society 6 (2).
    Before the EU General Data Protection Regulation entered into force in May 2018, we witnessed an intense struggle of actors associated with data-dependent fields of science, in particular health-related academia and biobanks striving for legal derogations for data reuse in research. These actors engaged in a similar line of argument and formed issue alliances to pool their collective power. Using descriptive coding followed by an interpretive analysis, this article investigates the argumentative repertoire of these actors and embeds the analysis in (...)
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    Emerging practices and perspectives on Big Data analysis in economics: Bigger and better or more of the same?Eric Meyer, Ralph Schroeder & Linnet Taylor - 2014 - Big Data and Society 1 (2).
    Although the terminology of Big Data has so far gained little traction in economics, the availability of unprecedentedly rich datasets and the need for new approaches – both epistemological and computational – to deal with them is an emerging issue for the discipline. Using interviews conducted with a cross-section of economists, this paper examines perspectives on Big Data across the discipline, the new types of data being used by researchers on economic issues, and the range of responses to this opportunity (...)
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    Holy men and big guns: The can[n]on in social theory.Joey Sprague - 1997 - Gender and Society 11 (1):88-107.
    Theory in sociology is constructed as a canon, a very short list of social theorists who have been endowed with suprahistorical status. Drawing on the feminist analysis of gendered consciousness, the author argues that social theory is organized exactly as it should be if one were thinking like a White male capitalist. The perceptual frameworks it employs—a hierarchy of the social, logical dichotomies, decontextualized abstraction, an individualist approach—resonate well with descriptions of hegemonic masculine consciousness. As a result, social theory has (...)
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  50.  37
    Automated vehicles, big data and public health.David Shaw, Bernard Favrat & Bernice Elger - 2020 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 23 (1):35-42.
    In this paper we focus on how automated vehicles can reduce the number of deaths and injuries in accident situations in order to protect public health. This is actually a problem not only of public health and ethics, but also of big data—not only in terms of all the different data that could be used to inform such decisions, but also in the sense of deciding how wide the scope of data should be. We identify three key different types of (...)
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