Results for 'Biocomplexity. '

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  1. Biocomplexity: A pluralist research strategy is necessary for a mechanistic explanation of the "live" state.F. J. Bruggeman, H. V. Westerhoff & F. C. Boogerd - 2002 - Philosophical Psychology 15 (4):411 – 440.
    The biological sciences study (bio)complex living systems. Research directed at the mechanistic explanation of the "live" state truly requires a pluralist research program, i.e. BioComplexity research. The program should apply multiple intra-level and inter-level theories and methodologies. We substantiate this thesis with analysis of BioComplexity: metabolic and modular control analysis of metabolic pathways, emergence of oscillations, and the analysis of the functioning of glycolysis.
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    Biocomplexity as a Challenge for Biological Theory.Werner Callebaut & Manfred D. Laubichler - 2007 - Biological Theory 2 (1):1-2.
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    Biocomplexity in the big thicket.J. Baird Callicott, Miguel Acevedo, Pete Gunter, Paul Harcombe, Christopher Lindquist & Michael Monticino1 - 2006 - Ethics, Place and Environment 9 (1):21 – 45.
    The Big Thicket is an ill-defined region of southeast Texas on the coastal plain of the Gulf of Mexico between the Trinity and Sabine rivers, not far from Houston. Because the biological-diversity...
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    Meeting report-BioComplexity and the essence of the living state.Oscar Somsen, Rienk van Grondelle & Hans Westerhoff - 1997 - Complexity 2 (5):3-4.
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    Future directions in biocomplexity.Rita R. Colwell - 2001 - Complexity 6 (4):21-22.
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    Science and complexity for life science students.Lemont B. Kier - 2007 - Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company.
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    Transatlantic Divergences in Citizen Science Ethics—Comparative Analysis of the DIYbio Code of Ethics Drafts of 2011.Kathleen Eggleson - 2014 - NanoEthics 8 (2):187-192.
    Codes of ethics were drafted by participants in the European and North American Congresses of DIYbio, a single global organization of informal biotechnology practitioners, in 2011. In general, the existence of a code of ethics amongst a community is itself significant. Codes of professional ethics are common in scientific and engineering fields, as well as in DIY communities. It is also significant, and highly unusual, that DIYbio has maintained two separate codes of ethics years after their drafting. While agreement was (...)
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  8. Ecological complexity.Alkistis Elliott-Graves - 2023 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    How does the complex nature of ecological systems affect ecologists' ability to study them? This Element argues that ecological systems are complex in a rather special way: they are causally heterogeneous. The author presents an updated philosophical account with an optimistic outlook of the methods and status of ecological research.
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    Stakeholder Views of Nanosilver Linings: Macroethics Education and Automated Text Analysis Through Participatory Governance Role Play in a Workshop Format.Joshua Dempsey, Justin Stamets & Kathleen Eggleson - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (3):913-939.
    The Nanosilver Linings role play case offers participants first-person experience with interpersonal interaction in the context of the wicked problems of emerging technology macroethics. In the fictional scenario, diverse societal stakeholders convene at a town hall meeting to consider whether a nanotechnology-enabled food packaging industry should be offered incentives to establish an operation in their economically struggling Midwestern city. This original creative work was built with a combination of elements, selected for their established pedagogical efficacy and as topical dimensions of (...)
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    Perceptual Diversity: Is Polyphasic Consciousness Necessary for Global Survival?Tara W. Lumpkin - 2001 - Anthropology of Consciousness 12 (1):37-70.
    Perceptual diversity allows human beings to access knowledge through a variety of perceptual processes, rather than merely through everyday waking reality. Many of these perceptual processes are transrational altered states of consciousness (meditation, trance, dreams, imagination) and are not considered valid processes for accessing knowledge by science (which is based primarily upon quantification, reductionism, and the experimental method). According to Erika Bourguignon's (1973) research in the 1970s, approximately 90 percent of cultures have institutionalized forms of altered states of consciousness, meaning (...)
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    Biodiversity in the age of ecological indicators.Wayne Myers & G. P. Patil - 2006 - Acta Biotheoretica 54 (2):119-123.
    The multifarious nature of biodiversity is considered in relation to difficulties of definite determination and managerial mandates for monitoring. At a micro scale there is some convergence with the concept of community, but the linkage is largely lost in the spectra of temporal scope, spatial scales, successional seres, and taxonomic trajectories. Practicality points to selecting suitable suites of indicators as surrogates for particular purposes. Domains of partial ordering on multiple indicators constitute comparable collectives, whereas different domains require recognition of special (...)
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  12. Introduction to Complexity and Complex Systems.Robert B. Northrop - 2010 - Taylor & Francis.
    Introduction to complexity and complex systems -- Introduction to large linear systems -- Introduction to biochemical oscillators and nonlinear biochemical systems -- Modularity, redundancy, degeneracy, pleiotropy and robustness in complex biological systems -- The evolution of biological complexity; invertebrate immune systems -- Irreducible and specified complexity in living systems -- The complex adaptive and innate human immune systems -- Complexity in quasispecies : microRNAs -- Introduction to complexity in economic systems -- Complexity in quasispecies : micrornas -- Dealing with complexity.
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    ISCS 2013: interdisciplinary Symposium on Complex Systems.ʻAlī Ṣanāyiʻī, Ivan Zelinka & Otto E. Rössler (eds.) - 2014 - New York: Springer.
    The book you hold in your hands is the outcome of the "ISCS 2013: Interdisciplinary Symposium on Complex Systems" held at the historical capital of Bohemia as a continuation of our series of symposia in the science of complex systems. Prague, one of the most beautiful European cities, has its own beautiful genius loci. Here, a great number of important discoveries were made and many important scientists spent fruitful and creative years to leave unforgettable traces. The perhaps most significant period (...)
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    Sailing the ocean of complexity: lessons from the physics-biology frontier.Sauro Succi - 2022 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    "Both superb and essential... Succi, with clarity and wit, takes us from quarks and Boltzmann to soft matter - precisely the frontier of physics and life." Stuart Kauffman, MacArthur Fellow, Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, Gold Medal Accademia Lincea We live in a world of utmost complexity, outside and within us. There are thousand of billions of billions of stars out there in the Universe, a hundred times more molecules in a glass of water, and another hundred times (...)
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    How nature works: complexity in interdisciplinary research and applications.Ivan Zelinka, ʻAlī Ṣanāyiʻī, Hector Zenil & Otto E. Rössler (eds.) - 2014 - New York: Springer.
    This book is based on the outcome of the ""2012 Interdisciplinary Symposium on Complex Systems"" held at the island of Kos. The book consists of 12 selected papers of the symposium starting with a comprehensive overview and classification of complexity problems, continuing by chapters about complexity, its observation, modeling and its applications to solving various problems including real-life applications. More exactly, readers will have an encounter with the structural complexity of vortex flows, the use of chaotic dynamics within evolutionary algorithms, (...)
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    Living is Information Processing: From Molecules to Global Systems.Keith D. Farnsworth, John Nelson & Carlos Gershenson - 2013 - Acta Biotheoretica 61 (2):203-222.
    We extend the concept that life is an informational phenomenon, at every level of organisation, from molecules to the global ecological system. According to this thesis: living is information processing, in which memory is maintained by both molecular states and ecological states as well as the more obvious nucleic acid coding; this information processing has one overall function—to perpetuate itself; and the processing method is filtration of, and synthesis of, information at lower levels to appear at higher levels in complex (...)
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    Mondes mosaïques: astres, villes, vivant et robots.Jean Audouze, Georges Chapouthier, Denis Laming & Pierre-Yves Oudeyer (eds.) - 2015 - Paris: CNRS éditions.
    Qu'y a-t-il de commun entre l'Univers, l'animal, la machine et la ville? A priori pas grand-chose si l'on prend en considération les différences d'échelle ou encore le fait que l'on cherche à rapprocher deux concepts "naturels", l'Univers et l'animal, à deux types de "constructions" humaines, la machine et la ville. Le propos de cet ouvrage est précisément de démontrer le contraire : des constatations identiques ou analogues peuvent s'appliquer à chacun d'eux. Notre appréhension de ces différentes entités a progressé de (...)
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    Natural complexity: a modeling handbook.Paul Charbonneau - 2017 - Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
    This book provides a short, hands-on introduction to the science of complexity using simple computational models of natural complex systems--with models and exercises drawn from physics, chemistry, geology, and biology. By working through the models and engaging in additional computational explorations suggested at the end of each chapter, readers very quickly develop an understanding of how complex structures and behaviors can emerge in natural phenomena as diverse as avalanches, forest fires, earthquakes, chemical reactions, animal flocks, and epidemic diseases. Natural Complexity (...)
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