Results for 'Black Feminist Thought'

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  1.  17
    Centering Black feminist thought in nursing praxis.Ismalia De Sousa & Colleen Varcoe - 2022 - Nursing Inquiry 29 (1):e12473.
    Femininity and whiteness dominate Western nursing, silencing ontologies and epistemologies that do not align with these dominant norms while perpetuating systemic racism and discrimination in nursing practice, education, research, nursing activism, and sociopolitical structures. We propose Black feminist thought as a praxis to decenter, deconstruct, and unseat these ideologies and systems of power. Drawing from the work of past and present Black feminist scholars, we examine the ontological and epistemological perspectives of Black feminist (...)
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  2. A Black Feminist Statement.Black Feminism - 1995 - In Beverly Guy-Sheftal (ed.), Words of Fire: An Anthology of African American Feminist Thought. The New Press.
  3. Black feminist thought from theory to praxis : "this is my life".Tiffany L. Steele - 2023 - In Christa J. Porter, V. Thandi Sulé & Natasha N. Croom (eds.), Black feminist epistemology, research, and praxis: narratives in and through the academy. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  4. Contemporary black feminist thought.Hill Patricia Collins - 2002 - In Tommy Lee Lott (ed.), African-American Philosophy: Selected Readings. Prentice-Hall.
  5. Black feminist thought from theory to praxis : "this is my life".Tiffany L. Steele - 2023 - In Christa J. Porter, V. Thandi Sulé & Natasha N. Croom (eds.), Black feminist epistemology, research, and praxis: narratives in and through the academy. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  6. Defining black feminist thought.Patricia Hill Collins - 1997 - In Linda J. Nicholson (ed.), The second wave: a reader in feminist theory. New York: Routledge.
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    Plato’s Republic and Black feminist thought.Josh Wilburn - forthcoming - British Journal for the History of Philosophy:1-15.
    In 2019 I designed and taught two iterations of “Plato and Black Feminist Thought”, a special topics version of a course on Plato. It combined a reading of the Republic with texts from the Black feminist tradition with thematic connections to Plato's dialogue. The course seemed to be highly successful both in promoting student engagement generally and as an approach to teaching Platonic philosophy in particular. In this paper I describe the course in detail and (...)
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    Healing identities: Black feminist thought and the politics of groups.Cynthia Burack - 2004 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
    Psychoanalysis, race, and racism -- From psychoanalysis to political theory -- Reparative group leadership -- Conflict and authenticity -- Bonding and solidarity -- Coalitions and reparative politics.
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  9. Black Feminist Thought[REVIEW]Angela Davis - 1993 - Teaching Philosophy 16 (4):351-353.
  10. Healing Identities: Black Feminist Thought and the Politics of Groups (review).Patricia Hill Collins - 2000 - Hypatia 20 (4):227-230.
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    Preface: “Be a Mystery”: (The Infinity of) Black Feminist Thought.Treva Lindsey & Alexis Pauline Gumbs - 2021 - Feminist Studies 47 (1):7-12.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:preface Sometimes, even those of us who have organized our entire lives around the transformative possibilities of Black feminist thought can sit back in wonder at the expansiveness of this intergenerational transnational practice.Thisspecialissuetakesamomenttoimbibewhere we have been, where we are, and where we have yet to journey. The contributors to this special issue on, or more precisely, of Black feminist thought find Black (...)
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    bell hooks, Black Feminist Thought, and Black Buddhism: A Tribute.Carolyn M. Jones Medine - 2022 - Journal of World Philosophies 7 (1):187-196.
    pThis tribute to the late bell hooks examines her work as a Black feminist and Black Buddhist. After a brief introduction to her life, I examine her contributions to feminist thought, particularly her understanding of the need to dismantle “imperial white supremacist capitalist patriarchy.” As a Black feminist and woman, hooks comes to this work, first, with rage, but in her turn to Buddhist thought, she develops a love ethic, one that she (...)
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  13. Learning from the outsider within: The sociological significance of black feminist thought.Patricia Hill Collins - 2001 - In Sandra G. Harding (ed.), The feminist standpoint theory reader: intellectual and political controversies. New York: Routledge.
  14. Patricia Hill-Collins, Black Feminist Thought: Knowledge, Consciousness, and the Politics of Empowerment Reviewed by.April Herndon - 2001 - Philosophy in Review 21 (1):20-22.
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    Black feminist sociology: perspectives and praxis.Zakiya Luna & Whitney Pirtle (eds.) - 2021 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Black Feminist Sociology offers new writings by established and emerging scholars working in a Black feminist tradition. The book centers Black feminist sociology within the sociology canon and widens is to feature Black feminist sociologists both outside the U.S. and the academy. Inspired by a BFS lens, the essays are critical, personal, political and oriented toward social justice. Key themes include the origins of Black feminist sociology, expositions of BFS orientations (...)
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  16. Some group matters: Intersectionality, situated standpoints, and Black feminist thought.Patricia Hill Collins - 2003 - In Tommy Lee Lott & John P. Pittman (eds.), A Companion to African-American Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
  17. Convergences: Black Feminism and Continental Philosophy.Maria del Guadalupe Davidson, Kathryn T. Gines & Donna-Dale L. Marcano (eds.) - 2010 - SUNY Press.
    A range of themes—race and gender, sexuality, otherness, sisterhood, and agency—run throughout this collection, and the chapters constitute a collective discourse at the intersection of Black feminist thought and continental philosophy, converging on a similar set of questions and concerns. These convergences are not random or forced, but are in many ways natural and necessary: the same issues of agency, identity, alienation, and power inevitably are addressed by both camps. Never before has a group of scholars worked (...)
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    Queer Black Feminism: The Pleasure Principle.Laura Alexandra Harris - 1996 - Feminist Review 54 (1):3-30.
    In this critical personal narrative Harris explores some of the gaps between conceptions of feminist thought and feminist practice. Harris focuses on an analysis of race, class, and desire divisions within feminist sexual politics. She suggests a queer black feminist theory and practice that calls into question naturalized identities and communities, and therefore what feminism and feminist practices might entail.
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  19. Modern Feminist Thought: From the Second Wave to "Post-Feminism".Imelda Whelehan - 1995 - New York: New York University Press.
    From the historical roots of second-wave feminism to current debates about feminist theory and politics. This introduction to Anglo-American feminist thought provides a critical and panoramic survey of dominant trends in feminism since 1968. Feminism is too often considered a monolithic movement, consisting of an enormous range of women and ideologies, with both similar and different perspectives and approaches. The book is divided into two parts, the first of which takes a close look at the most influential (...)
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  20. Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex: A Black Feminist Critique of Antidiscrimination Doctrine, Feminist Theory and Antiracist Politics.Kimberlé Crenshaw - 1989 - The University of Chicago Legal Forum 140:139-167.
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    Book review: Cynthia Burack. Healing identities: Black feminist thought and the politics of groups. Ithaca, N.y.: Cornell university press, 2004. [REVIEW]Patricia Hill Collins - 2000 - Hypatia 20 (4):227-230.
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    Black feminist pedagogy.Gloria Joseph - 1995 - In Beverly Guy-Sheftal (ed.), Words of Fire: An Anthology of African American Feminist Thought. The New Press.
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    Inheriting Patricia Hill Collins’s Black Feminist epistemology.Kristie Dotson - 2015 - Ethnic and Racial Studies 38 (13):2322–2328.
    In this paper, I begin to construct an inheritance map for the epistemological insights in Patricia Hill Collins’s book Black Feminist Thought. An inheritance map attempts to take stock of what one has been given in a particular project and what one inherits as work yet to do. Here I outline that Black Feminist Thought demonstrates that knowledge has no proper subject, while leaving a project to imagine black feminist epistemology outside of (...)
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  24. On the Way to Decolonization in a Settler Colony: Re-introducing Black Feminist Identity Politics.Kristie Dotson - 2018 - AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples 14 (3):190-199.
    In this paper, I explain Black feminist identity politics as a practice that is ‘on the way’ to settler decolonization in a US context for the fact that it makes demands that we attend to our “originating” stories and, in doing so, 1) generate potential for difficult coalitions for decolonization in settler colonial USA and 2) promoting a range of refusals (Simpson 2014) that aid in resisting the completion of settler colonialism in North America, which is still an (...)
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    Amefricanity: A Black Feminist Proposal for a Political Organization and Social Transformation.Cláudia Pons Cardoso & Lia Castillo Espinosa - 2022 - Hypatia 37 (3):559-565.
    This article analyzes the work and thought of Lélia Gonzalez on the experience of Black women in Brazil. It highlights her legacy within studies of Black Feminism in Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as the importance of her articulation between sex, class, and race with the intention of understanding the social inequality Indigenous and Black women suffer. Gonzalez's political-cultural category of Amefricanity is presented in this article as an instrument of analysis specific to the (...)
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    Beyond the Margins: Black Women.Claiming Feminism - 1995 - In Beverly Guy-Sheftal (ed.), Words of Fire: An Anthology of African American Feminist Thought. The New Press.
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    It Was Never Meant for Us: Towards a Black Feminist Construct of Citizenship in Social Studies.Amanda E. Vickery - 2015 - Journal of Social Studies Research 39 (3):163-172.
    This qualitative study focused on how two women African American teachers understand the purpose of teaching social studies and citizenship. The multiple identities as African American women and teachers along with their knowledge of African American history impacted the way notions of citizenship were understood and taught to students. The teachers drew on tenets of Black Feminist thought to make sense of construct of citizenship. Instead of conveying traditional notions of citizenship that include personal responsibility, patriotism, and (...)
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  28. Anger in isolation: a Black feminist's search for sisterhood.Michelle Wallace - 1995 - In Beverly Guy-Sheftal (ed.), Words of Fire: An Anthology of African American Feminist Thought. The New Press.
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    “An Inside Thing to Live by”: Refusal, Conjure, and Black Feminist Imaginaries among Granny Midwives.Lindsey Stewart - 2021 - Hypatia 36 (3):462-484.
    “Granny midwives” often based their authority to practice midwifery on the spiritual traditions of rootwork or conjure passed down by the foremothers who trained them. However, granny midwives were compelled to give up their conjure-infused methods of birthing if they wanted to become licensed or be authorized by the state to continue their practice of midwifery. In response, some granny midwives refused to recognize the authority of the state in the birthing realm, willfully retaining rootwork in their birthing practices. In (...)
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  30. Jane addams prize: Reading Anna J. Cooper with William James: Black feminist visionary pragmatism, philosophy’s culture of justification, and belief.V. Denise James - 2013 - The Pluralist 8 (3):32-45.
    When William James spoke about belief to the philosophy clubs of Yale and Brown in 1896, he forewarned his audience of the nature of his comments by describing them as a “sermon on justification by faith” (James 13), titling the talk “The Will to Believe.” Although there is disagreement about the substance of James’s remarks, it is fairly innocuous to assert that James thought they were appropriate because of the prevalence of the “logical spirit” of many of those who (...)
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  31. Feminism and the political economy of representation : intersectionality, invisibility and embodiment.Anna Carastathis - 2009 - Dissertation,
    It has become commonplace within feminist theory to claim that women’s lives are constructed by multiple, intersecting systems of oppression. In this thesis, I challenge the consensus that oppression is aptly captured by the theoretical model of “intersectionality.” While intersectionality originates in Black feminist thought as a purposive intervention into US antidiscrimination law, it has been detached from that context and harnessed to different representational aims. For instance, it is often asserted that intersectionality enables a representational (...)
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    Fighting Words: Black Women and the Search for Justice.Iris Marion Young - 1998
    When Black Feminist Thought by Patricia Hill Collins was published in 1990, reviewers called it "remarkable", "rich and valuable", and proclaimed, "with the publication of this book, Black feminism has moved to a new level". Now, in Fighting Words, Collins expands and extends the discussion of the "outsider within" presented in her earlier work, investigating how effectively Black feminist thought confronts the injustices African American women currently face. Collins takes on a broad range (...)
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    Activist-Mothers Maybe, Sisters Surely? Black British Feminism, Absence and Transformation.Joan Anim-Addo - 2014 - Feminist Review 108 (1):44-60.
    This article, drawing on selected feminist magazines of the 1980s, particularly Feminist Arts News (FAN) and GEN, offers a textual ‘braiding’ of narratives to re-present a history of Black British feminism. I attempt to chart a history of Black British feminist inheritance while proposing the politics of (other)mothering as a politics of potential, pluralistic and democratic community building, where Black thought and everyday living carry a primary and participant role. The personal—mothering our children—is (...)
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    ""Audre Lorde, born in Harlem to parents from Grenada, is the most revered and influential black feminist lesbian writer of the modern era. Her autobiography, Zami: A New Spelling of My Name (1982), describes the Greenwich Village" gay-girl" life in which she was immersed in the 1950s. Though she was to later find a home in the Harlem Writers Guild. [REVIEW]Audre Lorde - 1995 - In Beverly Guy-Sheftal (ed.), Words of Fire: An Anthology of African American Feminist Thought. The New Press.
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    ‘Ain't I a Nurse’, implementing a digital illustration of resistance when challenging anti‐Black racism in nursing education.Nadia Prendergast - 2024 - Nursing Philosophy 25 (4):e12494.
    Since the COVID‐19 pandemic, ongoing reports have highlighted the urgency of addressing anti‐Black racism within Canada's healthcare system. The paucity of research within a Canadian context has created growing concerns among Millennials and Generation Zs for healthcare to address growing health disparities and health inequities that are attributed to institutional and structural racism. Recognizing the paradigm shift that has occurred because of the pandemic and the sleuth of racial killings, the nursing classroom has witnessed a change and a need (...)
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  36. Planetary activism at the end of the world: Feminist and posthumanist imaginaries beyond Man.Sanna Karkulehto, Aino-Kaisa Koistinen & Nóra Ugron - 2022 - European Journal of Women's Studies 29 (4):577-592.
    We are currently experiencing a planetary crisis that will lead, if worst comes to worst, to the end of the entire world as we know it. Several feminist scholars have suggested that if the Earth is to stay livable for humans and nonhumans alike, the ways in which many human beings – particularly in the wealthy parts of the world, infested with Eurocentrism, colonialism, neoliberalism, and capitalism – inhabit this planet requires radical, ethical, and political transformation. In this article, (...)
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    Hope and Despair: Southern Black Women Educators Across Pre- and Post-Civil Rights Cohorts Theorize about Their Activism.Tondra L. Loder-Jackson - 2012 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 48 (3):266-295.
    Framed by theoretical perspectives on Black Feminist Thought, the life course, and the Generation X/Hip-Hop generation, I present findings from a subset of 10 Black women educators in Birmingham, Alabama who participated in a larger life story project. The participants, who came of age professionally across the pre- and post-civil rights movement (CRM), describe divergent and convergent social and historical contexts that shaped their professionalization, as well as their relationships with and perceptions of Black students (...)
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    Beyond Black and Blue: BDSM, Internet Pornography, and Black Female Sexuality.Ariane Cruz - 2015 - Feminist Studies 41 (2):409-436.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Feminist Studies 41, no. 2. © 2015 by Feminist Studies, Inc. 409 Ariane Cruz Beyond Black and Blue: BDSM, Internet Pornography, and Black Female Sexuality I have been the meaning of rape I have been the problem everyone seeks to eliminate by forced penetration with or without the evidence of slime and/ but let this be unmistakable in this poem is not consent I do (...)
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    “Reclaiming Our Time”: Black Women, Resistance, and Rising Inequality: SWS Presidential Lecture.Adia Harvey Wingfield - 2019 - Gender and Society 33 (3):345-362.
    In this presidential address, I use the metaphor of “reclaiming my time” as a framework that highlights the ways black women are playing an essential role transforming workplaces, media, and politics in the current moment. I consider how black feminist thought provides a useful starting point for assessing these efforts, and I examine how black women’s leadership offers a blueprint for how other groups also can restructure social institutions in an era of increasing polarization and (...)
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    The Ethics of Care, Black Women and the Social Professions: Implications of a New Analysis.Mekada Graham - 2007 - Ethics and Social Welfare 1 (2):194-206.
    In recent years a growing body of literature on the ethics of care has made significant contributions to understanding the multiple dimensions of care. Feminist theories provide the resource for this interdisciplinary research in which there has been scant attention given to black women's approaches to moral deliberations and understandings of care. Although there are differing interests and diversity among black women, this article seeks to disrupt current frameworks surrounding the ethics of care and discusses a more (...)
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    Book Review: Embodiment and the Shape of Black Theological Thought[REVIEW]Lisa Isherwood - 2022 - Feminist Theology 31 (1):119-120.
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    Feminist theory and pop culture.Adrienne M. Trier-Bieniek (ed.) - 2019 - Boston: Brill.
    Feminist Theory and Pop Culture (Second Edition) synthesizes feminist theory with modern portrayals of gender in media culture. This updated text provides comprehensive and interdisciplinary scholarship focused on topics related to: - Historical examination of feminist theory - Application of feminist research methods - Feminist theoretical perspectives such as the male gaze, feminist standpoint theory, Black feminist thought, queer theory, masculinity theory, theories of feminist activism, and postfeminism. - Contributor chapters (...)
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    Feminist Bioethics as Public Practice.Yolonda Wilson - 2022 - In Lee C. McIntyre, Nancy Arden McHugh & Ian Olasov (eds.), A companion to public philosophy. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 53–64.
    This chapter shows that feminist bioethics begins with critical engagement. Feminist bioethics as perspective centers the experiences of women – women's health, challenges that women primarily face within health care contexts, gaps in research that are only understood as gaps when one takes women seriously as women. The chapter highlights a few significant breakthroughs in feminist theory broadly that have informed feminist bioethics as perspective and as methodology – standpoint theory, relational autonomy, and intersectionality – in (...)
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    Exploring the interactive space of the ‘outsider within’: Practising feminist situated knowledge in studying transnational adoption.Yan Zhao - 2016 - European Journal of Women's Studies 23 (2):140-154.
    Central to scholarly discussions within the field of feminist epistemology is the question of a researcher’s positionality and the subsequent impact on knowledge production. In particular, Donna Haraway’s elaboration of ‘situated knowledge’ has been highly influential. As an epistemological principle, this concept emphasizes the researcher’s embodied location within the research context. Yet the question remains, how does one apply this principle within the concrete practices of knowledge production? In a research project based on Norwegian transnational adoptees’ identity work, the (...)
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  45.  28
    Black Visions: The Roots of Contemporary African-American Political Ideologies.Michael C. Dawson - 2001 - University of Chicago Press.
    This comprehensive analysis of the complex relationship of black political thought identifies which political ideologies are supported by blacks, then traces their historical roots and examines their effects on black public opinion.
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    Feminist theory today: an introduction to second-wave feminism.Judith Evans - 1995 - Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.
    This authoritative and lively exploration of the theories of contemporary feminism covers all the major variants of feminist political thought from the "traditional" schools of the women's movement-particularly radical, liberal, and socialist-to today's postmodern texts. Feminist Theory Today examines the epistemological challenge from critical legal theory and postmodernist thought; the divergences within, as well as between, feminist schools; and the protests from women marginalized by the feminist movement, including those who are lesbian and those (...)
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  47.  11
    A Poesis of Black Leipsis, Or A Theory of Blackalyspe.Anwar Uhuru - 2024 - Journal of World Philosophies 8 (2).
    Kameron Carter’s reading of Black life as matter, as the imaginary, and as an innovation of possibilities enmeshes Black theology, Black womanist/feminist thought, Black Diaspora and Black American Studies, Philosophy, and Queer of Color Critique to reveal how the project of the western world erases Black physical and intellectual legacy. A project that is anti-black, anti-other, anti-difference that erases the legacy of the physical and intellectual aspects of Black contributions to (...)
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  48. Phenomenological Sociology and Standpoint Theory: On the Critical Use of Alfred Schutz’s American Writings in the Feminist Sociologies of Dorothy E. Smith and Patricia Hill Collins.Hanne Jacobs - 2025 - In Sander Verhaegh (ed.), American Philosophy and the Intellectual Migration: Pragmatism, Logical Empiricism, Phenomenology, Critical Theory. Berlin: De Gruyter.
    This chapter provides a historical reconstruction of how Alfred Schutz’s American writings were critically engaged by the feminist sociologists Dorothy E. Smith and Patricia Hill Collins. Schutz’s articulation of a phenomenological sociology in relation to, among others, the sociology of Talcott Parsons and the philosophies of science of Ernest Nagel and Carl G. Hempel proved fruitful to Smith in the development of her feminist standpoint theory in her 1987 The Everyday World as Problematic: A Feminist Sociology. Collins (...)
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    Feminist political theory.Valerie Bryson - 2016 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Acknowledgements -- Some notes on terminology -- Introduction -- Early feminist thought -- Liberalism and beyond : mainstream feminism in the nineteenth century -- The contribution of Marx and Engels -- The vote and after : mainstream feminism in the United States and Britain from the late nineteenth century to the Second World War -- Left-wing feminism in Britain and the United States -- Marxist feminism in Germany and Russia -- Feminism after the second World War -- Liberalism (...)
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  50. Feminism as Racist Backlash: How Racism Drove the Development of Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Feminist Theory.Tommy J. Curry - 2022 - In Ashwini Deshpande (ed.), Handbook on Economics of Discrimination and Affirmative Action. Springer. pp. 1-27.
    American feminism’s anti-Black racism is often presented as a failure of white feminists to integrate Black women into their movement. This historiographic approach presumes that feminism was a progressive movement that merely suffered from blind spots in its approach to women’s rights due to the biases of some white women. Unlike previous research which has pointed out the individual racism of suffragettes and mid-twentieth-century feminists, this chapter argues for an understanding of the theories created and endorsed by feminists (...)
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