Results for 'Blind Opera'

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  1.  43
    Building a pedagogy around action and emotion: experiences of Blind Opera of Kolkata. [REVIEW]Biswatosh Saha & Shubhashis Gangopadhyay - 2007 - AI and Society 21 (1-2):57-71.
    Contemporary knowledge systems have given too much importance to visual symbols, the written word for instance, as the repository of knowledge. The primacy of the written word and the representational world built around it is, however, under debate—especially from recent insights derived from cognitive science that seeks to bring back action, intent and emotion within the core of cognitive science (Freeman and Nunez in J Consciousness Stud 6(11/12), 1999). It is being argued that other sensory experiences, apart from the visual, (...)
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    L’exposé de la réprobation dans l’Ihyā’ d’al-Ghazālī: quelques observations concernant l’influence d’al-Muhāsibī.Jules Janssens - 2022 - Doctor Virtualis 17:41-77.
    Nella seconda parte del _Libro della condanna dello status e dell’ostentazione_ il ventottesimo libro della sua opera principale, _La rinascita delle scienze religiose_ – al-Ghazālī trae molta ispirazione da al-Muhāsibī, soprattutto dalla sua opera _al-Ri’āya al-huqūq Allāh _(_L’osservanza dei diritti di Dio_). Il fatto che al-Ghazālī menziona esplicitamente il nome di al-Muhāsibī non meno di quattro volte in questa sezione testimonia la sua ammirazione profonda per questo grande mistico delle origini. Un attento esame di questi riferimenti e del (...)
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    (1 other version)Face of the World, Figure of the World.Galen Johnson - 2017 - Chiasmi International 19:465-474.
    Mazisgives us a new reading of Merleau-Ponty’s overall writings, a monumental work of vast scope with an original thematic reading of Merleau-Ponty’s thought. Its overall structure is revealed by its subtitle: elucidating the depth of silence, taking it as normative for ethics, reformulating perception as imaginal, concluding with a poetics of philosophy. The book offers us a Merleau-Ponteanethics of “felt solidarity” and “lateral unity” through developing a sharp opposition between the ethics of Merleau-Ponty and Levinasregarding the “face” and the face-to-face, (...)
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    Por uma nova ética audiodescritiva: a recriação como procedimento.Marcelo Santos - 2015 - Bakhtiniana 10 (3):222-234.
    RESUMOA audiodescrição consiste em fornecer a pessoas com cegueira e baixa visão a tradução sonora de processos comunicativos visuais e audiovisuais, como programas de TV, obras de artes plásticas ou ópera. Esta atividade se formalizou na década de 1980, nos Estados Unidos, a partir do modelo "descreva o que você vê". Tal proposição, o audiodescritor, empunhando a controversa bandeira da "objetividade", oferece leitura supostamente isenta - e em certa medida protocolar - sobre aquilo que observa. A escola americana prosperou e (...)
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  5. ‘Spinoza’s ‘Atheism’, the Ethics and the TTP.Yitzhak Melamed - 2010 - In Yitzhak Y. Melamed & Michael A. Rosenthal (eds.), Spinoza's 'Theological-Political Treatise': A Critical Guide. New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The impermanence of human affairs is a major theme in Spinoza’s discussions of political histories, and from our present-day perspective it is both intriguing and ironic to see how this very theme has played out in the evolving fate of Spinoza’s association with atheism. While Spinoza’s contemporaries charged him with atheism in order to impugn his philosophy (and sometimes his character), in our times many lay readers and some scholars portray Spinoza as an atheist in order to commemorate his role (...)
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    Büchner/Berg.Gerald Philips - 2011 - Environment, Space, Place 3 (1):72-85.
    Alienation as an aspect of the human condition has a long and storied history. Much of the attention has been focused, however, on alienation among humans themselves. Yet it is increasingly clear that we are in the process of alienating ourselves from the world and all of the creatures and objects in it. This discussion examines the second choral ode from Sophocles’ Antigone and some analyses of the content and formal aspects of Berg’s opera, Wozzeck, in the context of (...)
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    Operar e Exibir: Aspectos do Conhecimento Simbólico na Filosofia Tractariana da Matemática.Gisele Dalva Secco & Pedro Maggi Rech Noguez - 2017 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 73 (3-4):1463-1492.
    We offer a reading of some passages from Wittgenstein’s Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus in which, dealing with the symbolic constructions of arithmetic, Wittgenstein puts in motion the most outstanding features of Leibniz’s concept of Symbolic Knowledge: the computational and the “ecthetic” functions of the notion of Symbolic Blind Though. We begin with a brief presentation of some conceptual distinctions proposed by Oscar Miguel Esquisabel in his investigation about the Leibnizian origin of the tradition of Symbolic Knowledge. We then contrast these topics (...)
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    Wild Red: Synesthesia, Deuteranomaly, and Euclidean Color Space.Rawb Leon-Carlyle - 2019 - Chiasmi International 21:355-368.
    In a promising working note to the Visible and Invisible, Merleau-Ponty proposes that we understand Being according to topological space – relations of proximity, distance, and envelopment – and move away from an image of Being based on homogeneous, inert Euclidean space. With reference to treatments of cross-sensory perception, color-blindness, and the concept of quale or qualia, I seek to rehearse this shift from Euclidean to topological Being by illustrating how modern science confines color itself to a Euclidean model of (...)
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  9.  47
    Canonicity and collegiality “other” composers, 1790 – 1850.William Weber - 2008 - Common Knowledge 14 (1):105-123.
    A paradigm shift occurred in musical culture in the early nineteenth century, whereby revered old works—newly called “classics”—began to rival contemporary ones as the guiding authority over taste. This article explores the less well-known composers found on programs in the period when classical repertories were becoming established. A kind of professional collegiality developed during this period on concert programs among pieces of diverse age and taste, reaching far beyond the iconic composers (now seen by most of us to have been (...)
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  10.  12
    Adam Wodeham, Lectura secunda in librum primum Sententiarum, eds. R. Wood & G. Gal, St. Bonaventure, NY: St. Bonaventure University, 1990. Albert the Great, Alberti opera omnia, ed. A. Borgnet, Paris: Vives, 1890-1895. [REVIEW]Omnia Opera Ysaac - 2002 - In Henrik Lagerlund & Mikko Yrjönsuuri (eds.), Emotions and choice from boethius to descartes. kluwer. pp. 299.
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    Autonomy XVII, 185.Blind Watchmaker - 2002 - In James H. Fetzer (ed.), Consciousness Evolving. John Benjamins. pp. 34--239.
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    A brassói unitáriusok templomépítö korszaka.Opera Omnia Socinus - 1967 - Rinascimento 18:319-27.
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    Aschendoff, 1923. Anonymous, Anonymi Magistri Artium (c. 1245-1250), Lectura in librum De.Omnia Opera Ysaac - 2002 - In Henrik Lagerlund & Mikko Yrjönsuuri (eds.), Emotions and choice from boethius to descartes. kluwer. pp. 299.
  14. McDonnell, Kilian; Montague, George T. Christian Initiation and Baptism in the Holy Spirit, Evidence from the First Eight Centuries, First, Emendet Edition, Minnesota, The Liturgical Press, ISBN.Alberti Magni Opera Omnia - 1994 - Bijdragen, Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie En Theologie 55 (1).
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  15. ARNALDI DE VILLANOVA (2007). Alphabetum catholicorum ad inclitum dominum regem Aragonum pro filiis erudiendis in elementis catholicae fidei. Tractatus de prudentia catholicorum scolarium (Union Académique Internationale, Corpus Philosophorum Medii Aevi; Corpus Scriptorum Cataloniae, Series A, Escriptores: Arnaldi de.Villanova Opera Theologica Omnia Iv - 2009 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 42:165-175.
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  16. Ontvangen boeken (livres re<;: Us-eingesandte schriften-books received). [REVIEW]Alberti Magni Opera Omnia - 1988 - Bijdragen, Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie En Theologie 49 (1):113.
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  17. Bruyn, Theodore de. Pelagius's Commentary on St Paul's Epistle to the Romans, Translated with Introduction and Notes,(Oxford Early Christian Studies), Oxford, Clarendon, ISBN 0-19-814399-0, 1993, IS X. [REVIEW]Alberti Magni Opera Omnia - 1993 - Bijdragen, Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie En Theologie 54 (4).
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  18. Human Decisions in Moral Dilemmas are Largely Described by Utilitarianism: Virtual Car Driving Study Provides Guidelines for Autonomous Driving Vehicles.Anja K. Faulhaber, Anke Dittmer, Felix Blind, Maximilian A. Wächter, Silja Timm, Leon R. Sütfeld, Achim Stephan, Gordon Pipa & Peter König - 2019 - Science and Engineering Ethics 25 (2):399-418.
    Ethical thought experiments such as the trolley dilemma have been investigated extensively in the past, showing that humans act in utilitarian ways, trying to cause as little overall damage as possible. These trolley dilemmas have gained renewed attention over the past few years, especially due to the necessity of implementing moral decisions in autonomous driving vehicles. We conducted a set of experiments in which participants experienced modified trolley dilemmas as drivers in virtual reality environments. Participants had to make decisions between (...)
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  19. Philosophy of causation: Blind alleys exposed; promising directions highlighted.Ned Hall - 2006 - Philosophy Compass 1 (1):86–94.
    Contemporary philosophical work on causation is a tangled mess of disparate aims, approaches, and accounts. Best to cut through it by means of ruthless but, hopefully, sensible judgments. The ones that follow are designed to sketch the most fruitful avenues for future work.
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  20. Robert Almeder, Blind Realism: An Essay on Human Knowledge and Natural Science Reviewed by.Douglas Odegard - 1992 - Philosophy in Review 12 (4):227-228.
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    Campbell's Blind Variation in the Evolution of an Ideology and Popper's World 3.Ray Scott Percival - 1997 - Philosophica 60 (2).
  22.  40
    Skin stimulation, objects of perception, and the blind.Barry Hughes - 2007 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 30 (2):212-213.
    The model developed in the target article is not as comprehensive as might be desired on two counts: (1) in that how the transition from proximal stimulation at the skin gives rise to the perception of external objects is taken for granted; and (2) in that another population of participants, the blind, constitute an important group from which we can understand somatosensory processing and neural plasticity.
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  23. Nicolas de Cues, Opera omnia jussu et auctoritate Academiae litterarum Heidelbergensis, XII, De venatione sapientiae, De apice theoriae.Raymundus Klibansky & Johannes Gerhardus Senger - 1987 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 92 (1):120-122.
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    Philonis Alexandrini opera quae supersunt Vol V.W. Laforet, H. Von Jan & M. Schattenfroh - 1906 - De Gruyter.
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  25. The Social Virtue Of Blind Deference.Kristoffer Ahlstrom-Vij - unknown
    Recently, it has become popular to account for knowledge and other epistemic states in terms of epistemic virtues. The present paper focuses on an epistemic virtue relevant when deferring to others in testimonial contexts. It is argued that, while many virtue epistemologists will accept that epistemic virtue can be exhibited in cases involving epistemically motivated hearers, carefully vetting their testimonial sources for signs of untrustworthiness prior to deferring, anyone who accepts that also has to accept that an agent may exhibit (...)
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  26.  43
    Dialogic Teaching and Moral Learning: Self‐critique, Narrativity, Community and ‘Blind Spots’.Andrea R. English - 2016 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 50 (2):160-176.
    In the current climate of high-stakes testing and performance-based accountability measures, there is a pressing need to reconsider the nature of teaching and what capacities one must develop to be a good teacher. Educational policy experts around the world have pointed out that policies focused disproportionately on student test outcomes can promote teaching practices that are reified and mechanical, and which lead to students developing mere memorisation skills, rather than critical thinking and conceptual understanding. Philosophers of dialogue and dialogic teaching (...)
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  27.  97
    Bias, norms, introspection, and the bias blind spot1.Thomas Kelly - 2024 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 108 (1):81-105.
    In this paper, I sketch a general framework for theorizing about bias and bias attributions. According to the account, paradigmatic cases of bias involve systematic departures from genuine norms. I attempt to show that the account illuminates a number of important psychological phenomena, including: the fact that accusations of bias frequently inspire not only denials but also countercharges of bias (“you only think that I'm biased because you're biased!”); the fact that we tend to see ourselves as less biased than (...)
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  28.  63
    Having a look at the Bayes Blind Spot.Miklós Rédei & Zalán Gyenis - 2019 - Synthese 198 (4):3801-3832.
    The Bayes Blind Spot of a Bayesian Agent is, by definition, the set of probability measures on a Boolean σ\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$\sigma $$\end{document}-algebra that are absolutely continuous with respect to the background probability measure of a Bayesian Agent on the algebra and which the Bayesian Agent cannot learn by a single conditionalization no matter what evidence he has about the elements in the Boolean σ\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} (...)
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    The Urban Blind Spot in Environmental Ethics.Andrew Light - 2001 - Environmental Politics 10 (1):7-35.
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    Doubting the double-blind: Introducing a questionnaire for awareness of experimental purposes in neurofeedback studies.Timo L. Kvamme, Mesud Sarmanlu & Morten Overgaard - 2022 - Consciousness and Cognition 104 (C):103381.
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    Neuroscience and Education: Blind Spots in a Strange Relationship.Volker Kraft - 2012 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 46 (3):386-396.
    This article—mainly referring to the situation in Germany—consists of three parts. In a first section the current presence of neurosciences in the public discourse will be described in order to illuminate the background which is relevant for contemporary educational thinking. The prefix ‘neuro-’ is ubiquitous today and therefore concepts like ‘neuropedagogy’ or ‘neurodidactics’ seem to be in the mainstream of modern thinking. In the second part of the article the perspective changes from the public discourse to the disciplinary discourse; a (...)
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  32. Epistemology Without History is Blind.Philip Kitcher - 2011 - Erkenntnis 75 (3):505-524.
    In the spirit of James and Dewey, I ask what one might want from a theory of knowledge. Much Anglophone epistemology is centered on questions that were once highly pertinent, but are no longer central to broader human and scientific concerns. The first sense in which epistemology without history is blind lies in the tendency of philosophers to ignore the history of philosophical problems. A second sense consists in the perennial attraction of approaches to knowledge that divorce knowing subjects (...)
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  33. Critical notice of Blind and Worried or The Sorter Resorted.Robert Brandom - 2004 - Theoria 70 (2-3):298-302.
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    Singing down a blind alley.John Alcock - 1988 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 11 (4):630-631.
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    Mapping introspection’s blind spot: Reconstruction of dual-task phenomenology using quantified introspection.Sébastien Marti, Jérôme Sackur, Mariano Sigman & Stanislas Dehaene - 2010 - Cognition 115 (2):303-313.
  36. =====Foreword to How Blind is the Watchmaker?=====.William Dembski - unknown
    For many critics of intelligent design, it is inconceivable that someone once properly exposed to Darwin's theory could doubt it. It is as though Darwin's theory were one of Descartes's clear and distinct ideas that immediately impels assent. Thus for design theorists to oppose Darwin's theory requires some hidden motivation, like wanting to shore up traditional morality or being a closet fundamentalist.
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    Rereading aeneid 10.702–6.Virgili Maronis Aeneidos Libri Vii–Xii & P. Virgili Maronis Opera - 2010 - Classical Quarterly 60:486-496.
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  38. B.D.S. Opera Posthuma [Ed. By J. Jelles].Benedict Spinoza & Jarig Jelles - 1677
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  39.  47
    Is perception blind?Edward S. Reed & Rebecca K. Jones - 1981 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 11 (1):87–91.
  40.  41
    Political liberalism and religious claims: Four blind spots.Kristina Stoeckl - 2017 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 43 (1):34-50.
    This article gives an overview of 4 important lacunae in political liberalism and identifies, in a preliminary fashion, some trends in the literature that can come in for support in filling these blind spots, which prevent political liberalism from a correct assessment of the diverse nature of religious claims. Political liberalism operates with implicit assumptions about religious actors being either ‘liberal’ or ‘fundamentalist’ and ignores a third, in-between group, namely traditionalist religious actors and their claims. After having explained what (...)
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    Un Ecart Infime (Part III): The blind spot in Foucault.Leonard Lawlor - 2005 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 31 (5-6):665-685.
    This article is the third part of a trilogy investigating the relation between Merleau-Ponty and Foucault. All three essays are inspired by Foucault’s diagnosis of our epoch in terms of biopower. They therefore aim at the creation of a new concept of life. In ‘Un Ecart Infime (Part III)’, I lay out Foucault’s analysis, from the first chapter of The Order of Things, of Velázquez’s painting, Las Meninas. By stressing what Foucault says about the ‘sagittal lines’ exiting the painting, one (...)
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  42. Reasons-responsiveness, modality and rational blind spots.Heering David - 2022 - Philosophical Studies 180 (1):293-316.
    Many think it is plausible that agents enjoy freedom and responsibility with respect to their actions in virtue of being reasons-responsive. Extant accounts spell out reasons-responsiveness (RR) as a general modal property. The agent is responsive to reasons for and against ϕ-ing, according to this idea, if they ϕ in accordance with the balance of reasons in a suitable proportion of possible situations. This paper argues that freedom and responsibility are not grounded in such modal properties on the basis of (...)
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  43.  93
    Must we remain blind to undergraduate medical ethics education in Africa? A cross-sectional study of Nigerian medical students.Onochie Okoye, Daniel Nwachukwu & Ferdinand C. Maduka-Okafor - 2017 - BMC Medical Ethics 18 (1):1-8.
    As the practice of medicine inevitably raises both ethical and legal issues, it had been recommended since 1999 that medical ethics and human rights be taught at every medical school. Most Nigerian medical schools still lack a formal undergraduate medical ethics curriculum. Medical education remains largely focused on traditional medical science components, leaving the medical students to develop medical ethical decision-making skills and moral attitudes passively within institutions noted for relatively strong paternalistic traditions. In conducting a needs assessment for developing (...)
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  44. Attualità dell'Opera dei congressi: In vista del convegno di verona della chiesa italiana.Bartolo Ciccardini - 2006 - Studium 102 (3):409-414.
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  45. Magistri Eckardi Opera Latina auspiciis Instituti Sanctae Sabinae in Urbe ad codicum fidem edita. Fasciculus XIII.Antonius Dondaine - 1936 - Philosophy 11 (43):363-364.
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    Che cosa documenta un’opera d’arte?Pietro Kobau - 2012 - Rivista di Estetica 50:309-317.
    We normally suppose that any artwork “is about” something. The aim of this paper is to show that, even if we can often successfully treat artworks like (historical, sociological, biographical, economical, psychological…) documents, such a circumstance isn’t essential in order to make of an object (a building, a photo…) an artwork (nor it is, parenthetically, the fact that the object in question can be judged as a “beautiful” object, in any sense of this word). The only important circumstance is that (...)
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  47. Gothofredi Guillelmi Leibnitii ... Opera Omnia Nunc Primum Collecta, in Classes Distributa, Præationibus & Indicibus Exornata, Studio Ludovici Dutens.Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Ludovic Duten & inc Research Publications - 1969 - Apud Fratres de Tournes.
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  48. Experimental Philosophy, Blind Submission, and Hume’s Other Sceptical Principles.Elizabeth Radcliffe (ed.) - forthcoming
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    Turning a Blind Eye: A Study of Peer Reporting in a Business School Setting.Katarina Katja Mihelič & Barbara Culiberg - 2014 - Ethics and Behavior 24 (5):364-381.
    This article examines student peer reporting by extending the findings from the business ethics and higher education literature. In the conceptual model we propose that reflective moral attentiveness, subjective knowledge of the code of ethics, and academic dishonesty beliefs antecede ethical judgment of peer reporting, which impacts intentions to report peers’ unethical behavior. The relationships are tested using structural equation modeling. The findings indicate that moral attentiveness significantly influences ethical judgment, which in turn affects intention. The relationship between beliefs about (...)
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    Institutions as dispositions: Searle, Smith and the metaphysics of blind chess.Michaël Bauwens - 2018 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 48 (3):254-272.
    This paper addresses the question what the fundamental nature and mode of being of institutional reality is. Besides the recent debate with Tony Lawson, Barry Smith is also one of the relatively few authors to have explicitly challenged John Searle's social ontology on this metaphysical question, with Smith's realism requirement for institutions conflicting with Searle's requirement of a one-world naturalism. This paper proposes that an account of institutions as powers or dispositions is not only congenial to Searle's general account, but (...)
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