Results for 'Bradley A. Thayer'

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  1. The Biopsychology of Mood and Arousal.Robert E. Thayer - 1989 - Oxford University Press USA.
    What is the biological function of daily mood variations? What is the relationship between mood and such factors as exercise, time of day, nutrition, stress, and illness? Drawing on his own wide-ranging research concerning subjective assessments of mood and on extensive research by others, Dr. Thayer presents a comprehensive theory of normal mood states, viewing them as subjective components of two biological arousal systems, one which people find energizing, and the other which people describe as producing tension. The author (...)
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    Democracies Always in the Making: Historical and Current Philosophical Issues for Education.Barbara J. Thayer-Bacon - 2013 - Lanham: R&L Education.
    Democracies Always in the Making develops Barbara Thayer-Bacon’s relational and pluralistic democratic theory, as well as translates that socio-political philosophical theory into educational theory and recommendations for school reform in American public schools. Democracy is a goal, an ideal which we must continually strive for that can guide us in our decision-making, as we continue to live in a world that is unpredictable, flawed, and limited in terms of its resources.
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    The Philosophy of Ecology: From Science to Synthesis.Lee Thayer (ed.) - 2000 - Wildside Press Llc.
    This is the first introductory anthology on the philosophy of ecology edited by an ecologist and a philosopher. It illustrates the range of philosophical approaches available to ecologists and provides a basis for understanding the thinking on which many of today's environmental ideas are founded. Collectively, these seminal readings make a powerful statement on the value of ecological knowledge and thinking in alleviating the many problems of modern industrial civilization. Issues covered include: the challenges of defining scientific ecology, tracing its (...)
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    Beyond liberal democracy: Dewey's renascent liberalism.Barbara J. Thayer-Bacon - 2006 - Education and Culture 22 (2):19-30.
    : My project aims to develop a relational, pluralistic political theory that moves us beyond liberal democracy, and to consider how such a theory translates into our public school settings. In this essay I argue that Dewey offers us possibilities for moving beyond one key assumption of classical liberalism, individualism, with his theory of social transaction. I focus my discussion for this paper on Dewey's renascent liberal democracy. I move from a discussion of Dewey's liberal democratic theory to what a (...)
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    (1 other version)Democracies-always-in-the-making: Maxine Greene's influence.Barbara Thayer-Bacon - 2008 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 44 (3):256-269.
  6. T.L.S. Sprigge, "James & Bradley: American Truth and British Reality". [REVIEW]H. S. Thayer - 1995 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 31 (1):205.
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    Arousal: Reports of Its Demise May Be Premature.Julian F. Thayer & Bruce H. Friedman - 2025 - Emotion Review 17 (1):23-25.
    The concept of general arousal has a long history in emotion research. However, the concept is more complex and nuanced than is generally appreciated. In this comment, we note some of the early conceptualizations of arousal and how they might comport with more modern representations of the construct. Importantly, we show how modern conceptualizations which incorporate the physiological complexity of arousal measurement and peripheral-central nervous system interactions might help to provide a more solid framework for the construct moving forward. The (...)
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    Pragmatism and Feminism as Qualified Relativism.Barbara Thayer-Bacon - 2003 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 22 (6):417-438.
    This article explores pragmatism's associationwith relativism, not to rescue it fromrelativism but rather to highlight how aspectsof the classic pragmatists' positions supportqualified relativism. I do so in an effort tohelp restore ``relativism'' as a meaningfulconcept that is nuanced and complex, ratherthan naive and vulgar, as it is regularlyportrayed by more traditional philosophers. This nuanced relativism I call qualifiedrelativism. Qualified relativists insist thatall inquiry are affected by philosophicalassumptions which are culturally bound, andthat all inquirers are situated knowers who areculturally bound as (...)
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    Radical Democratic Communities Always-in-the-Making.Barbara J. Thayer-Bacon - 2001 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 20 (1):5-25.
    This article explores the centralpragmatist and feminist philosophical assumption thatknowers can not be separated from what is known, thatthere is a dialectical relationship between socialbeings and ideas that is dynamic, flexible, andreciprocal. The author seeks a closer examination ofconstructive thinking in relation to the practice ofthinking constructively within social communities. She discusses social communities that constructknowledge as radical democratic communitiesalways-in-the-making, and the skills of communicatingand relating which help knowers be able to activelyparticipate in the construction of knowledge. Giventhe fallibility of (...)
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    Relational ontologies.Barbara Thayer-Bacon - 2017 - New York: Peter Lang.
    Relational Ontologies uses the metaphor of a fishing net to represent the epistemological and ontological beliefs that we weave together for our children, to give meaning to their experiences and to help sustain them in their lives. The book describes the epistemological threads we use to help determine what we catch up in our net as the warp threads, and our ontological threads as the weft threads. It asks: what kind of fishing nets are we weaving for our children to (...)
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    Learning to trust our students.Barbara J. Thayer-Bacon - 2012 - Ethics and Education 7 (2):149-161.
    Thayer-Bacon uses this opportunity to further explore Rancière's ideas concerning equality as described in The Ignorant Schoolmaster and their connection to democracy, as he explains in Hatred of Democracy. For Rancière, intelligence and equality are synonymous terms, just as reason and will are synonymous terms. Rancière recommends the only way to really teach a student is by viewing the student as an equal. Thayer-Bacon learned to view students as equals through her experience as a Montessori teacher, and so (...)
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    Mammalian chromosomes contain cis‐acting elements that control replication timing, mitotic condensation, and stability of entire chromosomes.Mathew J. Thayer - 2012 - Bioessays 34 (9):760-770.
    Recent studies indicate that mammalian chromosomes contain discretecis‐acting loci that control replication timing, mitotic condensation, and stability of entire chromosomes. Disruption of the large non‐coding RNA gene ASAR6 results in late replication, an under‐condensed appearance during mitosis, and structural instability of human chromosome 6. Similarly, disruption of the mouse Xist gene in adult somatic cells results in a late replication and instability phenotype on the X chromosome. ASAR6 shares many characteristics with Xist, including random mono‐allelic expression and asynchronous replication timing. (...)
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    Democratic classroom communities.Barbara J. Thayer-Bacon - 1996 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 15 (4):333-351.
    I explore democractic communities using the classroom community as a metaphor. I suggest that democracies do justice to individuals as well as groups, because of the democratic focus on the interconnected, interdependent, interactive relationship that exists between selves and communities. However, the concept of ‘community’ has problems and contradictions as well. Through the examples of Summerhill and Montessori schools it is easier to see a necessary quality of democratic communities that needs highlighting. That quality is caring. Making the connection between (...)
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    Pragmatism: the classic writings.Horace Standish Thayer (ed.) - 1970 - New York,: New American Library.
    A reprint of the New American Library edition of 1970.
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    Homogeneity and diversity: comparing Japanese and American perspectives on harmony and disagreement.Barbara J. Thayer-Bacon - 2009 - Ethics and Education 4 (2):153-162.
    My article aims to develop a relational, pluralistic political theory that moves beyond standard theories of liberal democracy, and to consider how such a theory translates into our public school settings. I use a narrative style argument to share stories that focus on homogeneity and diversity from my visit to a Japanese elementary school, as I consider, drawing on the work of Chantal Mouffe, the important role harmony and disagreement, and a tension between homogeneity and diversity, play in encouraging citizens (...)
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    Communication: general semantics perspectives.Lee Thayer (ed.) - 1970 - New York,: Spartan Books.
    Based on the Eleventh International Conference on General Semantics--"A search for relevance, 1968".
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    Expectativas de reconocimiento y estrategias de incorporación. La construcción de trayectorias degradadas en migrantes latinoamericanos residentes en la Región Metropolitana de Santiago.Luis Eduardo Thayer Correa - 2013 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 35.
    Las expectativas de reconocimiento que tienen los migrantes puede entenderse en desde la noción de falso reconocimiento, en que el sujeto se identifica con la posición desfavorable que le impone la sociedad receptora. Las expectativas de los migrantes están mediadas por la percepción de que se contrae una deuda con la sociedad en virtud de que esta le ha entregado un espacio de oportunidades para la realización de un proyecto de vida orientado al bienestar y la seguridad. Lo cual redunda (...)
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    (1 other version)John Dewey 1859–1952.H. S. Thayer - 1985 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Lectures 19:69-89.
    It is generally agreed that the most influential philosophers in America are Charles S. Peirce, William James and John Dewey. James's fame came rather suddenly in the latter half of his life—roughly, from 1880 to 1910; it flourished with the appearance of hisPrinciples of Psychology(1890) and shortly thereafter with his advocacy of pragmatism and radical empiricism. James was acclaimed in England and Europe as well as in America. Peirce, on the other hand, was almost entirely neglected; his work remained unknown (...)
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    La dimensión de lo público. Sociedad civil y Estado.Luis Eduardo Thayer Correa & Antonio Elizalde - 2011 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 30.
    El último año un número significativo de países desarrollados y del tercer mundo iniciaron procesos de transformación social y política a partir de levantamientos, revoluciones y movimientos impulsados por una ciudadanía hasta ahora distanciada e incluso segregada de la esfera política. En algunos países el imperio del mercado, en otros la fuerza represiva de regímenes autoritarios, en los más privilegiados, un nihilismo extendido producto del bienestar material acumulado, venía desde hace añ..
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    La Política: deliberación, técnica y movimiento.Luis Eduardo Thayer Correa, Juan Pablo Paredes & Antonio Elizalde - 2012 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 32.
    La racionalidad técnica y el pensamiento experto aparecen hoy como el principal instrumento para legitimar la toma de decisiones en el campo de la política. El proceso de racionalización de todas las esferas de la vida que anunciara hace poco más de un siglo Max Weber, encuentra la política contemporánea, un territorio fértil para su reproducción. Las democracias latinoamericanas no están exentas de esta dinámica de reducción de lo político a lo técnico, que traduce los conflictos inherentes ..
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    Plato on the Morality of Imagination.H. S. Thayer - 1977 - Review of Metaphysics 30 (4):594 - 618.
    That the arts can be deceptive, that poetry and painting can be sources of moral and intellectual error, is a criticism made long before Plato. We delight in these works of imitation, they fascinate and please us, as Aristotle remarks. But a certain danger lurks in this delight; "the devil hath power to assume a pleasing shape," as Hamlet warns. The great Gorgias commenting on the arts shows how subtle that devil could be.
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  22. The non-modern crisis of the modern university.Willy Thayer - 2024 - Evanston: Northwestern University Press. Edited by D. Bret Leraul.
    The Non-Modern Crisis of the Modern University is a landmark work of critical theory from the Southern Cone that rewrites the idea of the Western university in the wake of the neoliberal institutionalization of higher education.
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    Exploring William James’s Radical Empiricism and Relational Ontologies for Alternative Possibilities in Education.Barbara J. Thayer-Bacon - 2016 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 36 (3):299-314.
    In A Pluralistic Universe, James argues that the world we experience is more than we can describe. Our theories are incomplete, open, and imperfect. Concepts function to try to shape, organize, and describe this open, flowing universe, while the universe continually escapes beyond our artificial boundaries. For James and myself, the universe is unfinished, a “primal stuff” or “pure experience.” However, James starts with parts and moves to wholes, and I want to start from wholes and move to parts and (...)
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  24.  20
    Perspectives on Philosophy of Education: "Starting at Home: Caring and Social Policy". [REVIEW]Barbara J. Thayer-Bacon - 2004 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 35 (1).
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    Transforming and Redescribing Critical Thinking: Constructive Thinking. [REVIEW]Barbara Thayer-Bacon - 1998 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 17 (2/3):123-148.
    The author describes a published symposium which debated Is Critical Thinking Biased? The symposium meant to address concerns about critical thinking that are being expressed by feminist and postmodern scholars. However, through the author's critique, and the symposium respondent's, we learn the participants ended up begging the question of bias. The author maintains that the belief that critical thinking is unbiased is based on an assumption that knowers can be separated from what is known. She argues that critical thinking is (...)
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    Ethics, Science, and Democracy: The Philosophy of Abraham Edel.Irving Louis Horowitz & Horace Standish Thayer - 1987 - Routledge.
    This volume, modeled after those published in The Library of Living Philosophers, attempts to provide a coherent statement of the work of Abraham Edel in moral and political theory, and on the impact of his work on such diverse areas as education, law, and social science. The methodological element of Edel's work is to see ethical and social theory in the full context of human life; specifically how twentieth-century modes of analysis impact classical concerns about right and wrong, good and (...)
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    José Ignacio Cases Méndez (editor), Catástrofes medioambientales. La reacción social y política, Tirant Lo Blanch, Valencia, 2010, 598 p. [REVIEW]Luis Eduardo Thayer Correa - 2011 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 29.
    La sociedad del riesgo que han conceptualizado exhaustivamente sociólogos tan influyentes como Ulrich Beck, Anthony Giddens, Niklas Luhmann y Scott Lash es el referente sobre el cual el libro “Catástrofes Medioambientales. La reacción social y política” construye su eje problemático. Este es el objeto de estudio que da continuidad a los doce artículos que componen el texto, y lo que los integra en una obra coherente a pesar a de su diversidad. Estamos en este sentido ante un texto cuyas espec..
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  28. Well-being and death.Ben Bradley - 2009 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Well-Being and Death addresses philosophical questions about death and the good life: what makes a life go well? Is death bad for the one who dies? How is this possible if we go out of existence when we die? Is it worse to die as an infant or as a young adult? Is it bad for animals and fetuses to die? Can the dead be harmed? Is there any way to make death less bad for us? Ben Bradley defends (...)
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    Collected works of F.H. Bradley.Francis Herbert Bradley - 1999 - Sterling, Va.: Thoemmes Press. Edited by Carol A. Keene.
    F. H. Bradley (1846-1924) was considered in his day to be the greatest British philosopher since Hume. For modern philosophers he continues to be an important and influential figure. However, the opposition to metaphysical thinking throughout most of the twentieth century has somewhat eclipsed his important place in the history of British thought. Consequently, although there is renewed interest in his ideas and role in the development of Western philosophy, his writings are often hard to find. This collection unites (...)
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    Migraciones sur-sur: paradojas globales y promesas locales.Antonio Elizalde, Luis Eduardo Thayer Correa & María Gabriela Córdova - 2013 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 35.
    Durante la primera década del siglo XX el 90% de los migrantes provenía de Europa y se dirigía a cinco países: EEUU, Argentina, Canadá, Brasil y Australia. Hoy esa misma proporción de migrantes proviene de tres continentes: Asia, África y Latinoamérica y se dirige a cuatro grandes regiones: Europa, Norteamérica, Asia Pacífico y El Golfo Pérsico. Las migraciones se han mundializado no tanto por la magnitud de los flujos, que sigue estando por debajo del 5% de la población mundial, sino (...)
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    Ruralidad y campesinado: ¿categorías en extinción o realidades en proceso de transformación?Antonio Elizalde & Luis Eduardo Thayer Correa - 2013 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 34.
    ¿Existe aún el campo? ¿Desapareció el campesinado? ¿Triunfó la expansión del modo de vida urbano y de los urbanistas? ¿Subsiste aún un modo de vida rural? ¿Existe aún una cultura campesina? ¿Cuáles son las tensiones y principales amenazas que recorren el mundo rural latinoamericano? ¿Cuáles son las formas de resistencia desde la identidad campesina e indígena a la marea globalizante? ¿Qué experiencias promisorias y/ o exitosas se están desplegando en el mundo rural? ¿Cómo se ha transformado l..
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    Preface.Judith Kegan Gardiner & Millie Thayer - 2016 - Feminist Studies 42 (2):271.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:preface This special issue of Feminist Studies presents an eclectic view of women ’s friendships from across Western history and from several different cultures. Several of the articles question whether identity or sameness is a prerequisite for friendship and ask what friendships across difference look like, including charting the difficulties of making and sustaining such friendships. The articles in this issue contrast the variety and functions of women’s friendships (...)
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    Preface.Jennifer Nash & Millie Thayer - 2017 - Feminist Studies 43 (2):255.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:preface In this issue, one cluster of articles presents scholarly and creative work focused on Latin American queer politics. Each article reveals queer challenges—theoretical, aesthetic, political, ideological, libidinal, corporeal—to prevailing logics of heteronormativity and neoliberalism, and to asymmetrical processes of knowledge production and circulation. Rafael de la Dehesa examines how political responses to AIDS in Brazil enabled surprising alliances between NGOs, activists, and the state, which produced radical social (...)
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    Lo Público: Un espacio en disputa.Juan Pablo Paredes, Luis Eduardo Thayer Correa & Antonio Elizalde - 2012 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 31.
    Rastrear los diferentes sentidos de lo público en la historia de la humanidad, es entrar en un terreno marcado por la polémica. Sus raíces y huellas son posibles de encontrar en la polis griega como en la res pública romana. Su fisonomía moderna está marcada, sin duda, por el pensamiento de Inmanuel Kant, quien de alguna manera delimitará el debate, que continuará en las reflexiones seminales de Jurgen Habermas sobre la esfera pública o en la crítica de Hannah Arendt a (...)
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  35. Essays on Truth and Reality.Francis Herbert Bradley - 1914 - Oxford, England: Cambridge University Press.
    F. H. Bradley was the foremost philosopher of the British Idealist school, which came to prominence in the second half of the nineteenth century and remained influential into the first half of the twentieth. Bradley, who was educated at Oxford, and spent his life as a fellow of Merton College, was influenced by Hegel, and also reacted against utilitarianism. He was recognised during his lifetime as one of the greatest intellectuals of his generation and was the first philosopher (...)
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  36. Object.Bradley Rettler & Andrew M. Bailey - 2017 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy 1.
    One might well wonder—is there a category under which every thing falls? Offering an informative account of such a category is no easy task. For nothing would distinguish things that fall under it from those that don’t—there being, after all, none of the latter. It seems hard, then, to say much about any fully general category; and it would appear to do no carving or categorizing or dividing at all. Nonetheless there are candidates for such a fully general office, including (...)
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  37. Mereological Nihilism and Puzzles about Material Objects.Bradley Rettler - 2018 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 99 (4):842-868.
    Mereological nihilism is the view that no objects have proper parts. Despite how counter‐intuitive it is, it is taken quite seriously, largely because it solves a number of puzzles in the metaphysics of material objects – or so its proponents claim. In this article, I show that for every puzzle that mereological nihilism solves, there is a similar puzzle that (a) it doesn’t solve, and (b) every other solution to the original puzzle does solve. Since the solutions to the new (...)
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  38. Quantum Mechanics and 3 N - Dimensional Space.Bradley Monton - 2006 - Philosophy of Science 73 (5):778-789.
    I maintain that quantum mechanics is fundamentally about a system of N particles evolving in three-dimensional space, not the wave function evolving in 3N-dimensional space.
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  39. Analysis of faith.Bradley Rettler - 2018 - Philosophy Compass 13 (9):e12517.
    In recent years, many philosophers of religion have turned their attention to the topic of faith. Given the ubiquity of the word “faith” both in and out of religious contexts, many of them have chosen to begin their forays by offering an analysis of faith. But it seems that there are many kinds of faith: religious faith, non‐religious faith, interpersonal faith, and propositional faith, to name a few. In this article, I discuss analyses of faith that have been offered and (...)
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  40. Wave Function Ontology.Bradley Monton - 2002 - Synthese 130 (2):265-277.
    I argue that the wave function ontology for quantum mechanics is an undesirable ontology. This ontology holds that the fundamental space in which entities evolve is not three-dimensional, but instead 3N-dimensional, where N is the number of particles standardly thought to exist in three-dimensional space. I show that the state of three-dimensional objects does not supervene on the state of objects in 3N-dimensional space. I also show that the only way to guarantee the existence of the appropriate mental states in (...)
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  41. Are There Indefeasible Epistemic Rules?Darren Bradley - 2019 - Philosophers' Imprint 19.
    What if your peers tell you that you should disregard your perceptions? Worse, what if your peers tell you to disregard the testimony of your peers? How should we respond if we get evidence that seems to undermine our epistemic rules? Several philosophers have argued that some epistemic rules are indefeasible. I will argue that all epistemic rules are defeasible. The result is a kind of epistemic particularism, according to which there are no simple rules connecting descriptive and normative facts. (...)
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  42. The General Truthmaker View of ontological commitment.Bradley Rettler - 2016 - Philosophical Studies 173 (5):1405-1425.
    In this paper, I articulate and argue for a new truthmaker view of ontological commitment, which I call the “General Truthmaker View”: when one affirms a sentence, one is ontologically committed to there being something that makes true the proposition expressed by the sentence. This view comes apart from Quinean orthodoxy in that we are not ontologically committed to the things over which we quantify, and it comes apart from extant truthmaker views of ontological commitment in that we are not (...)
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    Seeking God in Science: An Atheist Defends Intelligent Design.Bradley Monton - 2009 - Peterborough, CA: Broadview Press.
    The doctrine of intelligent design is often the subject of acrimonious debate. _Seeking God in Science_ cuts through the rhetoric that distorts the debates between religious and secular camps. Bradley Monton, a philosopher of science and an atheist, carefully considers the arguments for intelligent design and argues that intelligent design deserves serious consideration as a scientific theory. Monton also gives a lucid account of the debate surrounding the inclusion of intelligent design in public schools and presents reason why students’ (...)
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  44. Seeking God in Science: An Atheist Defends Intelligent Design.Bradley Monton - 2011 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 3 (1):254 - 259.
    The doctrine of intelligent design is often the subject of acrimonious debate. Seeking God in Science cuts through the rhetoric that distorts the debates between religious and secular camps. Bradley Monton, a philosopher of science and an atheist, carefully considers the arguments for intelligent design and argues that intelligent design deserves serious consideration as a scientific theory. -/- Monton also gives a lucid account of the debate surrounding the inclusion of intelligent design in public schools and presents reason why (...)
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  45. Against satisficing consequentialism.Ben Bradley - 2006 - Utilitas 18 (2):97-108.
    The move to satisficing has been thought to help consequentialists avoid the problem of demandingness. But this is a mistake. In this article I formulate several versions of satisficing consequentialism. I show that every version is unacceptable, because every version permits agents to bring about a submaximal outcome in order to prevent a better outcome from obtaining. Some satisficers try to avoid this problem by incorporating a notion of personal sacrifice into the view. I show that these attempts are unsuccessful. (...)
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  46. When betting odds and credences come apart: more worries for Dutch book arguments.Darren Bradley & Hannes Leitgeb - 2006 - Analysis 66 (2):119-127.
    If an agent believes that the probability of E being true is 1/2, should she accept a bet on E at even odds or better? Yes, but only given certain conditions. This paper is about what those conditions are. In particular, we think that there is a condition that has been overlooked so far in the literature. We discovered it in response to a paper by Hitchcock (2004) in which he argues for the 1/3 answer to the Sleeping Beauty problem. (...)
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  47. Self-location is no problem for conditionalization.Darren Bradley - 2011 - Synthese 182 (3):393-411.
    How do temporal and eternal beliefs interact? I argue that acquiring a temporal belief should have no effect on eternal beliefs for an important range of cases. Thus, I oppose the popular view that new norms of belief change must be introduced for cases where the only change is the passing of time. I defend this position from the purported counter-examples of the Prisoner and Sleeping Beauty. I distinguish two importantly different ways in which temporal beliefs can be acquired and (...)
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  48. Multidimensional Possible-World Semantics for Conditionals.Richard Bradley - 2012 - Philosophical Review 121 (4):539-571.
    Adams’s Thesis, the claim that the probabilities of indicative conditionals equal the conditional probabilities of their consequents given their antecedents, has proven impossible to accommodate within orthodox possible-world semantics. This essay proposes a modification to the orthodoxy that removes this impossibility. The starting point is a proposal by Jeffrey and Stalnaker that conditionals take semantic values in the unit interval, interpreting these (à la McGee) as their expected truth-values at a world. Their theories imply a false principle, namely, that the (...)
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    The Non-equivalence of Einstein and Lorentz.Clara Bradley - 2021 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 72 (4):1039-1059.
    In this article, I give a counterexample to a claim made in that empirically equivalent theories can often be regarded as theoretically equivalent by treating one as having surplus structure, thereby overcoming the problem of underdetermination of theory choice. The case I present is that of Lorentz's ether theory and Einstein's theory of special relativity. I argue that Norton's suggestion that surplus structure is present in Lorentz's theory in the form of the ether state of rest is based on a (...)
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  50. When is death bad for the one who dies?Ben Bradley - 2004 - Noûs 38 (1):1–28.
    Epicurus seems to have thought that death is not bad for the one who dies, since its badness cannot be located in time. I show that Epicurus’ argument presupposes Presentism, and I argue that death is bad for its victim at all and only those times when the person would have been living a life worth living had she not died when she did. I argue that my account is superior to competing accounts given by Thomas Nagel, Fred Feldman and (...)
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