Results for 'Branko Hanžek'

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  1.  18
    Kroatische Anhänger der Relativitätstheorie zu Einsteins Zeiten.Branko Hanžek - 2006 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 26 (3):607-615.
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    Epistemička i instrumentalna racionalnost.Ljudevit Hanžek - 2012 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 32 (3-4):411-425.
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    Philosophy for Architects.Branko Mitrovic - 2011 - Princeton Architectural Press.
    Introduction -- Plato -- Aristotle -- The rise of modernity -- Immanuel Kant -- Romanticism and historicism -- Phenomenology and hermeneutics -- Philosophes and philosophers -- Analytic philosophy -- Conclusion.
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    Is Multiple Realizability a Valid Argument against Methodological Individualism?Branko Mitrović - 2017 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 47 (1):28-43.
    In recent decades, a number of authors have relied on the multiple realizability argument to reject methodological individualism. In this article, I argue that this strategy results in serious difficulties and makes it impossible to identify social entities and phenomena.
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    Filozofski život.Nebojša Mudri, Ljudevit Hanžek, Tina Marasović, Marijana Filipeti, Marija Lamot, Lovre Grisogono, Nikola Erceg, Mateja Borgudan, Ana Vračar, Milijana Đerić, Boško Pešić, Tomislav Petković, Ivana Zagorac, Ivana Skuhala Karasman, Marija Selak, Željko Maurović, Hrvoje Jurić & Iris Vidmar - 2010 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 30 (4):715-742.
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  6. Sport and Nationalism: The Shifting Meanings of Soccer in Slovenia.Peter Rak, Ales Debeljak, Matjaz Hanzek, Boris Vezjak, Emil Brix, Peter Stankovic, Sandra Hrvatin, Marko Milosavljevic & Ales Steger - forthcoming - Res Publica.
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    Defending Alexander of aphrodisias in the age of the counter-reformation: Iacopo zabarella on the mortality of the soul according to Aristotle.Branko Mitrović - 2009 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 91 (3):330-354.
    The work of the Paduan Aristotelian philosopher Iacopo Zabarella (1533–1589) has attracted the attention of historians of philosophy mainly for his contributions to logic, scientific methodology and because of his possible influence on Galileo. At the same time, Zabarella's views on Aristotelian psychology have been little studied so far; even those historians of Renaissance philosophy who have discussed them, have based their analysis mainly on the psychological essays included in Zabarella's De rebus naturalibus , but have avoided Zabarella's commentary on (...)
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    Visuality and Aesthetic Formalism.Branko Mitrović - 2018 - British Journal of Aesthetics 58 (2):147-163.
    In the philosophy and psychology of perception there exists a long-standing debate about the detachability of the visual from the conceptual contents of perception. The article analyses the implications of this dilemma for the attribution of aesthetic properties independent of the classification of aesthetic objects and the possibility of aesthetic formalism.
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    Art and Objects.Branko Mitrović - 2021 - British Journal of Aesthetics 61 (2):269-272.
    Art and ObjectsHARMANGRAHAM polity. 2020. pp. 204. £16.54.
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    What Is Historical Anti-realism and How to Define It?Branko Mitrović - 2024 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 18 (2):113-124.
    Authors who advocate historical anti-realism have often insisted that they do not claim that no past events happened or that the past did not happen. In this paper, I show that in spite of such protestations, the core arguments presented by Leon Goldstein, Paul Roth, Frank Ankersmit, and Jouni-Matti Kuukkanen preclude the possibility that the past or past events happened.
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    Response to Frank Ankersmit, Jouni-Matti Kuukkanen, and Paul Roth.Branko Mitrović - 2024 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 18 (2):173-186.
    In this text I analyze Frank Ankersmit’s, Jouni-Matti Kuukkanen’s, and Paul Roth’s responses to my claim that anti-realism in the philosophy of history entails that the past did not happen. I conclude that Ankersmit has failed to understand the argument I presented, Kuukkanen de facto agrees with my view, while Roth has addressed my earlier criticism of the view that the past can be changed and not the argument that is currently under discussion.
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  12. Die Störung der Metaphysik.Branko Klun - 2006 - Studia Phaenomenologica 6:155-170.
    Although Levinas’ “il y a” does not directly correspond to Heidegger’s conception of being, his criticism of Heidegger’s temporal ontology is nevertheless justified. With the reduction of every meaning (and being) to its temporal constitution, Heidegger excludes any possibility of transcendence beyond time. The problem of overcoming the radical finitude and historicity of meaning, which is ethically motivated, brings Levinas to the age-old question of metaphysics. However, taking Heidegger’s thought seriously, Levinas is forced to look for an entirely new understanding (...)
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    The Dream of Genocide.Branko Romčević - 2023 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 43 (3):625-645.
    In this paper, we discuss Foucault’s formulation of the notions of biopolitics and biopower against the background of the COVID-19 pandemic and the public reaction to it. For this purpose, we first identify his body of work relevant to the issue of biopolitics, since this issue – unlike the subject areas represented in Foucault’s earlier work – has not been the subject of a separate study. We narrow the focus to the period between 1974 and 1976, when he wrote five (...)
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    Scientific policy in Yugoslavia.Branko Raković - 1965 - Minerva 3 (2):187-209.
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    A Naïve Realist Rumination on the Roth-and-Dewulf versus Currie-and-Swaim Exchange.Branko Mitrović - 2022 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 16 (3):295-307.
    The paper presents a realist perspective on the recent exchange in the Journal of the Philosophy of History between Adrian Currie and Daniel Swaim on the one side and Paul Roth and Fons Dewulf on the other. The first part presents a critique of Currie and Swaim’s view that the past is not determinate and can be changed. The second part states a series of arguments against Roth’s view that events exist only under description. The third part discusses the ontological (...)
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    Architecture and Philosophy and Wages of Obfuscation.Branko Mitrović - 2023 - Khōrein: Journal for Architecture and Philosophy 1 (2).
    The paper analyses possible contributions of philosophy and philosophers to architecture and architects’ work. During the twentieth century, a number of dominant positions in philosophy, such as the view that all thinking is verbal or that conceptual thinking determines the contents of perception, significantly limited the ground for productive intellectual interaction between architects and philosophers. With the demise of such positions in recent decades, one can hope that philosophy and philosophers could make genuine contributions to architectural theory.
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  17. Analyse critique-Les images mythiques de Platon.Branko Aleksic - 2008 - Revue de Philosophie Ancienne 26 (2):101.
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  18. La Philosophie grecque et le Dictionnaire historique et critique, selon la Comète Bayle de Leonardo Clerici, de l'Istituto di Skriptura.Branko Aleksic - 2011 - Revue de Philosophie Ancienne 29 (1):77-95.
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  19. Sources d'Héraclite chez Descartes.Branko Aleksic - 1999 - Revue de Philosophie Ancienne 17 (2):91-108.
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    Martin Hajdeger--jedno radikalno mišljenje.Branko Balj - 1996 - Novi Sad: Ekonomski fakultet.
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    Prilozi za uvod u filosofiju.Branko Balj - 2003 - Zrenjanin: IP Beograd.
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    Uvod u poslovnu etiku.Branko Balj - 2005 - Zrenjanin: IP Beograd.
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    Čovjek i odgoj.Branko Bognar - 2015 - Metodicki Ogledi 22 (2):9-37.
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    Filozofija i povijest: interpretacije misaonog kontinuiteta.Branko Bošnjak - 1983 - Zagreb: Školska knjiga.
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    Povijest filozofije: razvoj mišljenja u ideji cjeline.Branko Bošnjak - 1993 - Zagreb: Nakladni zavod Matice hrvatske.
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  26. Nëkteré problémy a zkusenosti Z oblasti masové kultury.Pavel Branko - 1968 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 5:343.
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    Filozofija?Branko Despot - 2000 - Zagreb: Demetra.
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    Filozofiranje?: filozofija u potrazi za samom sobom.Branko Despot - 1995 - Zagreb: Demetra.
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    Filozofija kao sistem?Branko Despot - 1999 - Zagreb: Hrvatsko filozofsko drstvo.
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  30. (1 other version)Filozofija Đure Arnolda.Branko Despot - 1970 - Zagreb,: <"Kolo">.
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  31. Filozofiranje Vladimira Dvornikovicá.Branko Despot - 1975 - Zagreb: Institut za filozofiju Sveučilišta.
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  32. Logički fragmenti: ili, Kako se filozofira logički.Branko Despot - 1977 - Zagreb: Centar za kulturnu djelatnost Saveza socijalističke omladine Zagreba.
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    (1 other version)Vidokrug absoluta.Branko Despot - 1972 - Zagreb,: Studentski centar Sveučilišta.
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  34. Zur jüngeren französischen Nietzsche-Rezeption.Branko Despot - 1984 - In Mihailo Đuric & Josef Simon, Zur Aktualität Nietzsches. Würzburg: Königshausen + Neumann.
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    Prilozi istoriji i epistemologiji nauke.Branko Dragović & Miroslav Ivanović (eds.) - 2010 - Beograd: Institut za kriminološka i sociološka istraživanja.
  36. Glagoljica na natpisima u Bosni i Hercegovini.Branko Fučić - 1982 - Nova et Vetera 32 (1-2):255-267.
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    Rađanje pojma Arche.Branko Gorgiev - 2008 - Niš: Filozofski fakultet u Nišu.
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    Die privatrechtliche Stellung der griechischen Mönche im V. und VI. Jahrh.Branko Granić - 1929 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 30 (1).
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  39. ABHANDLUNGEN-Die Gottesfrage in Heideggers" Beitragen".Branko Klun - 2006 - Theologie Und Philosophie 81 (4):529.
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    Das Gute vor dem Sein: Levinas versus Heidegger.Branko Klun - 2000 - New York: Peter Lang.
    Die Arbeit, die das ethische Denken von Levinas im Lichte seiner Auseinandersetzung mit Heidegger zu rekonstruieren und kritisch zu bewerten sucht, ist als Gegenüberstellung der beiden Denkansätze angelegt. Sie gliedert sich in drei Teile, die jeweils eine Grundfrage zum Thema haben (Sein, Zeit, das Gute) und zugleich die Entwicklung von Levinas' Denken nachzeichnen. Ausgehend von einem Heidegger entgegengesetzten Seinsverständnis gelangt Levinas zu seiner spezifischen Auffassung der Transzendenz, die schließlich zur Ethik jenseits des Seins führt. Levinas' Denken zeichnet sich somit durch (...)
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  41. L'ontologie est-elle totalitaire? Une relecture critique de Levinas.Branko Klun - 2012 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 110 (4):659-683.
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    (1 other version)Smrt kao granica: Uz ključno pitanje Emmanuela Levinasa.Branko Klun - 2007 - Prolegomena 6 (2):253-266.
    In contrast to idealistic denial and Heidegger’s absolutization of death Levinas tries to interpret death on the background of the ethical relation towards fellow men. The boundary which death presents to life he interprets as the experience of passivity of subject in front of the absolute otherness of death. The subject also experiences such passivity in ethical relation towards other people whose otherness and difference nevertheless invert into ethical non-indifference and responsibility of the subject. In this ethical relating Levinas finds (...)
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  43. Transcendence and time levinas's criticism of heidegger.Branko Klun - 2007 - Gregorianum 88 (3):587-603.
    Heidegger's hermeneutic phenomenology can be seen as a specific reduction of meaning to its temporal constitution . Temporality as the universal horizon of Being makes any transcendence and meaning beyond time impossible. Levinas opposes such reduction of sense to finitude and historicity for ethical reasons. However, in his attempt to overcome Heidegger's primacy of time and transcend its totality, he must look for a completely different conception of significance which goes hand in hand with a new, "diachronic" understanding of time.
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  44. Proteins and Genes, Singletons and Species.Branko Kozulić - unknown
    Recent experimental data from proteomics and genomics are interpreted here in ways that challenge the predominant viewpoint in biology according to which the four evolutionary processes, including mutation, recombination, natural selection and genetic drift, are sufficient to explain the origination of species. The predominant viewpoint appears incompatible with the finding that the sequenced genome of each species contains hundreds, or even thousands, of unique genes - the genes that are not shared with any other species. These unique genes and proteins, (...)
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    Filozofija kritike i drugi eseji.Branko Lazarević - 2004 - Beograd: Zavod za udžebnike i nastavna sredstva. Edited by Dušan Puvačić.
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  46. Prolegomena za jednu teoriju estetike.Branko Lazarević - 1925
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    Umetnost i estetika ; Idearium.Branko Lazarević - 2005 - Beograd: Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva. Edited by Dušan Puvačić.
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  48. Liberalization and Entrepreneurship.Branko Milanović - 1992 - Studies in Soviet Thought 43 (1):61-63.
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    Attribution of concepts and problems with anachronism.Branko Mitrović - 2011 - History and Theory 50 (3):303-327.
    ABSTRACTMany long‐standing debates about anachronistic concept‐attributions derive from an essentialist understanding of concepts that is often difficult to sustain for metaphysical or epistemological reasons. The intentionalist alternative to essentialism elaborated in this article successfully clarifies and avoids many standard problems with anachronism.
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  50. Arguments, partisanship, and politics : is anti-realism in the philosophy of history a right-wing ideology?Branko Mitrović - 2023 - In Tor Egil Førland & Branko Mitrović, The Poverty of Anti-realism: Critical Perspectives on Postmodernist Philosophy of History. Lanham: Lexington Books.
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