Results for 'Brigita Zutere'

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  1.  26
    Color-discrimination threshold determination using pseudoisochromatic test plates.Kaiva Jurasevska, Maris Ozolinsh, Sergejs Fomins, Ausma Gutmane, Brigita Zutere, Anete Pausus & Varis Karitans - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Thinking in the Stillness of Life.Brigita Gelžinytė - 2023 - Philosophy Today 67 (3):643-658.
    The text approaches the Hegelian dynamic between truth and certainty as it appear in the beginning of the Phenomenology as a question of truth and the sense of truth. Since this difference exceeds a merely epistemic stance and cannot be captured in terms of conceptual content, it leads to another mode of inquiry, namely, to that of a different relatedness to knowledge. Hegel’s emphasis, as I will attempt to show, on thinking the question of self-relatedness of thought in terms of (...)
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  3.  21
    Apie patyrimą ir ateinantį mąstymą vėlyvojo Schellingo filosofijoje.Brigita Gelžinytė - 2023 - Problemos 104:8-20.
    Tekste nagrinėjama vėlyvojo Schellingo Berlyno paskaitose formuluojama patyrimo samprata ir jos reikšmė svarstant mąstymo ir tikrovės santykį. Keliamas klausimas, kokiu mastu jo siūloma moderniosios patyrimo sampratos transformacija gali būti reikšminga užklausiant nūdienos filosofinio diskurso ateities perspektyvą Benjamino ir Agambeno įvardyto „patirties neprieinamumo“ kontekste. Mėginama parodyti, jog, užuot ieškojus patyrimo galimybės pagrindo imanentinėse ar transcendentalinėse subjekto apibrėžtyse, šelingiškoji alternatyva leidžia permąstyti patyrimą iš radikalios ateities perspektyvos. Atskleidžiant ontologinį patyrimo matmenį, jo sąsajas su laisvės klausimu ir paties mąstymo faktiškumo problema, atsiveria galimybė (...)
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  4.  30
    F. W. J. schellingas: Aušra po „nakties, kurioje visos karvės juodos“.Brigita Gelžinytė - 2017 - Problemos 91:166.
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    Mirtis ir dvasia Hegelio gamtos filosofijoje.Brigita Gelžinytė - 2024 - Problemos 106:8-21.
    Tekste nagrinėjama gamtos ir mąstymo santykio problema Hegelio Filosofinių mokslų enciklopedijoje (1830). Svarstant gamtinio gyvenimo dialektiškumą ir individo mirties reikšmę dvasios pasirodymui gamtoje, siekiama parodyti, jog dvasia hėgeliškoje spekuliatyvaus mąstymo perspektyvoje iškyla ne tiek peržengdama gamtą kaip savo kitabūtį ir tapdama „gražesne gamta“, įveikusia mirtį. Dvasia veikiau pasirodo kaip negatyvumas ir negalia pačioje gamtoje, kaip begalinė pastarosios mutabilumo potencija. Taip išryškinamas ambivalentiškas gamtos ir mąstymo vienovės pobūdis bei pastarosios natūralizacijos grėsmė.
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  6.  24
    Postmetafizinės Ungrund principo prielaidos Schellingo laisvės filosofijoje.Brigita Gelžinytė & Tomas Sodeika - 2015 - Problemos 88:44.
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  7.  27
    Schelling vs. Hegel: Negativity in inversion.Brigita Gelzinyte - 2018 - Filosofia Unisinos 19 (2).
    Paper explores the controversial relationship between Schelling and Hegel with respect to the role of negativity. By rejecting the common framework, according to which, one of the authors is usually presented as either advancing or preceding the other, it argues for an alternative synchronic reading which approaches this relationship not in terms of surpassing, subordination or perversion but rather presents it as an inversion. By discussing (a) the negativity of reflection, (b) the ontological interpretation of the transcendental object and (c) (...)
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  8.  27
    When the Mirror Breaks: On the Image of Self-Consciousness in Hegel and Schelling.Brigita Gelžinytė - 2020 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 12 (2):102-117.
    ABSTRACT The aim of this paper is to show how two different paths of elaborating the negativity of self-consciousness in Schelling and Hegel create a particular mirror effect that can no longer be understood within the realm of dialectics or any conceptual image, but rather can be resolved through what I will characterize as the image of self-consciousness. I argue that these two different perspectives, despite exhausting dialectics and negativity, can be brought together, each in its own way, through the (...)
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  9.  8
    Kūdikių krikštas geriausių vaiko interesų požiūriu.Brigita Kairienė - 2021 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 108.
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  10.  19
    The Challenges, Advantages, and Consequences of Writing Prose in a Second Language.Brigita Orel - 2021 - Logos 32 (1):25-36.
    According to Homi Bhabha, hybridity in the context of identity where two cultures or languages collide is a third space where new views and stances can emerge. I explored the concept of this third space by writing a novel in English, which is my second language, instead of in my mother tongue, Slovenian. I investigated the effects of language switch on my choice of subject matter, my writing process, and my perception of my work and myself as a writer and (...)
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  11.  9
    Ourselves as Students: Multicultural Voices in the Classroom.Kaaren Ancarrow, Nan Byrne, Jean Caggiano, Anita Clair Fellman & Brigita Martinson (eds.) - 1996 - Southern Illinois University Press.
    These essays by Old Dominion University students deal with two questions: What impact do their own race, class, gender, and ethnic identities have upon them as students? How do their culture and the university culture interact to affect their ability to learn? The focus of these essays is on the overlap between the students’ identities as students and their identities based on gender, race, class, and ethnic origin. The project began as an assignment in a women’s studies class at Old (...)
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  12. Brigita.Varanasi Ramabrahmam - 2019 - New Delhi, India: Authorspress.
    Fiction is the favorite of most of the readers. Fiction is the reflection of the societal living and lives of human beings as observed by the writer. The writer also will have individual experiences, ideas, likes, dislikes, philosophy which influence and mold his writings. Fiction is famous as short-fiction and novel. Though fictitious, and also because fictitious, fiction takes possession of minds and hearts of readers more than any other literary genre. Their imaginations sore and they get engrossed in the (...)
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