Results for 'Bruno Bureau'

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  1.  14
    (1 other version)Exercices spirituels et exercice rhétorique dans les commentaires antiques et médiévaux du Ps 113, 1-6.Bruno Bureau - 1998 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 29 (2):180-201.
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  2. Science in action: how to follow scientists and engineers through society.Bruno Latour - 1987 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    In this book Bruno Latour brings together these different approaches to provide a lively and challenging analysis of science, demonstrating how social context..
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  3. Unconscious, stimulus-dependent priming and conscious, percept-dependent priming with chromatic stimuli.Bruno G. Breitmeyer, Tony Ro, Haluk Ögmen & Steven Todd - 2007 - Perception and Psychophysics 69 (4):550-557.
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    Implications of sustained and transient channels for theories of visual pattern masking, saccadic suppression, and information processing.Bruno G. Breitmeyer & Leo Ganz - 1976 - Psychological Review 83 (1):1-36.
  5. Constructive mathematics and equality.Bruno Bentzen - 2018 - Dissertation, Sun Yat-Sen University
    The aim of the present thesis is twofold. First we propose a constructive solution to Frege's puzzle using an approach based on homotopy type theory, a newly proposed foundation of mathematics that possesses a higher-dimensional treatment of equality. We claim that, from the viewpoint of constructivism, Frege's solution is unable to explain the so-called ‘cognitive significance' of equality statements, since, as we shall argue, not only statements of the form 'a = b', but also 'a = a' may contribute to (...)
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  6. (1 other version)Jacobi's Dare: McDowell, Meillassoux, and Consistent Idealism.G. Anthony Bruno - 2020 - In Idealism, Relativism and Realism: New Essays on Objectivity Beyond the Analytic-Continental Divide.
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    Ontological foundations for software requirements with a focus on requirements at runtime.Bruno Borlini Duarte, Andre Luiz de Castro Leal, Ricardo de Almeida Falbo, Giancarlo Guizzardi, Renata S. S. Guizzardi & Vítor E. Silva Souza - 2018 - Applied ontology 13 (2):73-105.
    The use of Requirements at Runtime (RRT) is an emerging research area. Many methods and frameworks that make use of requirements models during software execution can be found in the literature. How...
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    (1 other version)Zwei Gedenkschriften zu D. Fr. Strauss' hundertstem Geburtstage.Bruno Bauch - 1909 - Kant Studien 14 (1-3):68-80.
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    Régis Revenin (coord.), Hommes et masculinités de 1789 à nos jours. Contributions à l’histoire du genre et de la sexualité en France.Bruno Benvindo - 2010 - Clio 31:07-07.
    Dès 1983, à l’occasion du colloque Une histoire des femmes est-elle possible? qui allait marquer le véritable départ de l’histoire des femmes en France, Alain Corbin soulignait la nécessité de se pencher aussi sur les « mentalités masculines », afin que puisse émerger une « histoire sexuée qui couple ses analyses ». L’auteur des Filles de noce resta longtemps peu entendu. Cette dernière décennie a pourtant vu une nette évolution s’amorcer, les masculinités françaises devenant peu à peu un ch...
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  10. Cognitive polyphasia, social representations and political participation in adolescents.Daniela Bruno & Alicia Barreiro - 2023 - In José Antonio Castorina & Alicia Barreiro (eds.), The development of social knowledge: towards a cultural-individual dialectic. Charlotte, NC: IAP, Information Age Publishing.
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    Opere latine.Giordano Bruno - 1980 - [Torino]: Unione tipografico-editrice torinese. Edited by Carlo Monti.
    Il triplice minimo e la misura.--La monade, il numero e la figura.--L'immenso e gli innumerevoli.
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    Summa terminorum metaphysicorum.Giordano Bruno - 1609 - Roma: Edizioni dell'Ateneo. Edited by Eugenio Canone & Rudolph Goclenius.
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  13. A mentalist framework for linguistic and extralinguistic communication.Bruno G. Bara & Maurizio Tirassa - 2010 - Linguistic and Philosophical Investigations 9:182-193.
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    Complexity Modelling in Economics: the State of the Art.Bruna Bruno, Marisa Faggini & Anna Parziale - 2016 - Economic Thought 5 (2):29.
    The economic crisis happening across the world over the last few years describes a range of interdependencies and interactions,and has highlighted the fundamentalf laws of neoclassical economic theory: its unedifying focus on prediction and, above all, its inability to explain how the economy really works. As such, it is increasingly recognised that economic phenomena cannot be exclusively investigated as being derived from deterministic, predictable and mechanistic dynamics. Instead, a new approach is required by which history-dependence, organic and ever-evolving processes are (...)
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    Intuitionistic nonstandard bounded modified realisability and functional interpretation.Bruno Dinis & Jaime Gaspar - 2018 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 169 (5):392-412.
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  16.  46
    The Bounds of Life: The Role of Death in Schelling's Internal Critique of German Idealism.G. Anthony Bruno - 2013 - Dissertation, University of Toronto
    What conditions the possibility of existentially valuable experience? Against nihilism, the threat that philosophical cognition undermines the very idea of purposiveness, German idealism posits that we are unconditionally conditioned by life, construed as the infinite purposive activity of reason. I reconstruct Schelling’s critique of this project as defending the idea that death conditions or puts into question our rational activity. Scholars tend to read the idealists as rejecting Kant’s idea of an unknowable thing in itself by grounding philosophy on a (...)
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  17.  29
    Interpreting weak Kőnig's lemma in theories of nonstandard arithmetic.Bruno Dinis & Fernando Ferreira - 2017 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 63 (1-2):114-123.
    We show how to interpret weak Kőnig's lemma in some recently defined theories of nonstandard arithmetic in all finite types. Two types of interpretations are described, with very different verifications. The celebrated conservation result of Friedman's about weak Kőnig's lemma can be proved using these interpretations. We also address some issues concerning the collecting of witnesses in herbrandized functional interpretations.
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    L'origine della violenza e della paura: commento a Lucrezio, "De rerum natura" 5, 1105-1349.Nicoletta Bruno - 2020 - Nordhausen: Verlag Traugott Bautz.
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    Intelligent problem-solvers externalize cognitive operations.Bruno R. Bocanegra, Fenna H. Poletiek, Bouchra Ftitache & Andy Clark - 2019 - Nature Human Behaviour 3 (2):136-142.
    The use of forward models is well established in cognitive and computational neuroscience. We compare and contrast two recent, but interestingly divergent, accounts of the place of forward models in the human cognitive architecture. On the Auxiliary Forward Model account, forward models are special-purpose prediction mechanisms implemented by additional circuitry distinct from core mechanisms of perception and action. On the Integral Forward Model account, forward models lie at the heart of all forms of perception and action. We compare these neighbouring (...)
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  20. Das Naturgesetz.Bruno Bauch - 1925 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 5 (1):29-29.
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  21. The Trumpet of the Last Judgement against Hegel, the Atheist and Antichrist: An Ultimatum.Bruno Bauer & Lawrence Steplevich - 1994 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 35 (2):125-128.
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  22. Bergmann, Das Unendliche und die Zahl.Bruno Bauch - 1913 - Kant Studien 18:526.
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    (1 other version)Chamberlains „Kant“.Bruno Bauch - 1906 - Kant Studien 11 (1-3):153-195.
  24. Das transzendentale Subjekt. Eine transzendentalphilosophische Skizze.Bruno Bauch - 1923 - Rivista di Filosofia 12:29.
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  25. Goethes geistige Gestalt.Bruno Bauch - 1933 - Rivista di Filosofia 22:99.
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  26. Horten, Die philosophischen und theologischen Ansichten bei Lahigi.Bruno Bauch - 1912 - Kant Studien 17:483.
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  27. Meyer, Der Kausalitätsbegriff.Bruno Bauch - 1917 - Kant Studien 21:340.
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  28. Constitution et gouvernement mixte: Notes sur le livre III du Contrat Social.Bruno Bernardi - 1999 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 36:163-194.
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  29. As a future topic.Bruno Besana - 2011 - Filozofski Vestnik 32 (2):153 - +.
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  30. Philosophy's Collision with the Corpse.G. Anthony Bruno - 2011 - Juventas Zeitschrift für Junge Philosophie 1 (1).
    If we accept the Socratic edict that the examined life is the only worth living, we find no examination can exclude that mortal fate of human life. If we define a philosophical problem as, in Hans Jonas’ words, “the collision between a comprehensive view (be it hypothesis or belief) and a particular fact which will not fit into it”, we see there can be no greater problem for materialism or organicism than the corpse. That living things die is a problem (...)
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    Proof theory and intuitionistic systems.Bruno Scarpellini - 1971 - New York,: Springer Verlag.
  32. Grundzüge der Ethik.Bruno Bauch - 1936 - Mind 45 (179):365-372.
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  33. (2 other versions)Neuangemeldete Mitglieder für 1913.Bruno Bauch - 1913 - Kant Studien 18:547.
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  34. Wahrheit, wert und wirklichkeit.Bruno Bauch - 1923 - Leipzig,: F. Meiner.
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    Moralbegründung und Gemeinschaft: wie philosophische Argumente Menschen verändern können.Bruno Haas - 2009 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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    A comparison of masking by visual and transcranial magnetic stimulation: implications for the study of conscious and unconscious visual processing.Bruno G. Breitmeyer, Tony Ro & Haluk Ogmen - 2004 - Consciousness and Cognition 13 (4):829-843.
    Visual stimuli as well as transcranial magnetic stimulation can be used: to suppress the visibility of a target and to recover the visibility of a target that has been suppressed by another mask. Both types of stimulation thus provide useful methods for studying the microgenesis of object perception. We first review evidence of similarities between the processes by which a TMS mask and a visual mask can either suppress the visibility of targets or recover such suppressed visibility. However, we then (...)
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  37.  25
    A Theory of Marginal and Large Difference.Bruno Dinis & Bruno Jacinto - forthcoming - Erkenntnis:1-28.
    We propose a new theory based on the notions of marginal and large difference which has natural models in the context of nonstandard mathematics. We introduce the notion of finite marginality and show a representation result which ensures, for finitely marginal countable models, the existence of a homomorphism of the structure of marginal and large difference into a nonstandard model of the natural numbers, and show the extent to which any such homomorphism is unique. Finally, we show that our theory (...)
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    Equality and Near-Equality in a Nonstandard World.Bruno Dinis - forthcoming - Logic and Logical Philosophy:1-14.
    In the context of nonstandard analysis, the somewhat vague equality relation of near-equality allows us to relate objects that are indistinguishable but not necessarily equal. This relation appears to enable us to better understand certain paradoxes, such as the paradox of Theseus’s ship, by identifying identity at a time with identity over a short period of time. With this view in mind, I propose and discuss two mathematical models for this paradox.
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  39.  22
    L’avocat et le marché : une perspective économique.Bruno Deffains - 2023 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 64 (1):291-315.
    Cet article discute les grands enjeux économiques qui caractérisent la profession d’avocat. Dans un premier temps sont développés les principaux aspects microéconomiques liés à l’organisation de la profession. Cette analyse permet d’étudier les mérites du modèle professionnel « ordinal ». Dans un second temps, l’article propose une approche plus macroéconomique du rôle de la profession d’avocats, ce qui conduit à mettre particulièrement en évidence l’importance du « capital humain juridique » dans une perspective de développement économique et social.
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    Les nombres cachés derrière le droit.Bruno Deffains - 2025 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 1:19-32.
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    Analyse économique de la responsabilité civile.Bruno Deffains - 2022 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 63 (1):117-140.
    Cet article propose une synthèse des travaux consacrés à l’analyse économique de la responsabilité civile. Après une discussion des finalités du droit de la responsabilité civile, est exposé le modèle économique général qui permet de comparer les principaux régimes basés ou non sur la faute. Quelques extensions du modèle sont proposés ainsi qu’une discussion de la portée normative de l’approche présenté. L’objectif est de démontrer que l’analyse économique de la responsabilité civile comporte une promesse, celle d’éclairer la raison d’être de (...)
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  42.  43
    A parametrised functional interpretation of Heyting arithmetic.Bruno Dinis & Paulo Oliva - 2021 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 172 (4):102940.
  43.  30
    Fundamental group in o-minimal structures with definable Skolem functions.Bruno Dinis, Mário J. Edmundo & Marcello Mamino - 2021 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 172 (8):102975.
    In this paper we work in an arbitrary o-minimal structure with definable Skolem functions and prove that definably connected, locally definable manifolds are uniformly definably path connected, have an admissible cover by definably simply connected, open definable subsets and, definable paths and definable homotopies on such locally definable manifolds can be lifted to locally definable covering maps. These properties allow us to obtain the main properties of the general o-minimal fundamental group, including: invariance and comparison results; existence of universal locally (...)
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  44.  21
    Directly Exploring the Neural Correlates of Feedback-Related Reward Saliency and Valence During Real-Time fMRI-Based Neurofeedback.Bruno Direito, Manuel Ramos, João Pereira, Alexandre Sayal, Teresa Sousa & Miguel Castelo-Branco - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Introduction: The potential therapeutic efficacy of real-time fMRI Neurofeedback has received increasing attention in a variety of psychological and neurological disorders and as a tool to probe cognition. Despite its growing popularity, the success rate varies significantly, and the underlying neural mechanisms are still a matter of debate. The question whether an individually tailored framework positively influences neurofeedback success remains largely unexplored.Methods: To address this question, participants were trained to modulate the activity of a target brain region, the visual motion (...)
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    Machine overstrain prediction for early detection and effective maintenance: A machine learning algorithm comparison.Bruno Mota, Pedro Faria & Carlos Ramos - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    Machine stability and energy efficiency have become major issues in the manufacturing industry, primarily during the COVID-19 pandemic where fluctuations in supply and demand were common. As a result, Predictive Maintenance (PdM) has become more desirable, since predicting failures ahead of time allows to avoid downtime and improves stability and energy efficiency in machines. One type of machine failure stands out due to its impact, machine overstrain, which can occur when machines are used beyond their tolerable limit. From the current (...)
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    première tentative de Kant pour résoudre le Problème du Commerce Psychophysique (1747).Bruno Bueno Poli & Mario Ariel González Porta - 2022 - Revista de Filosofia Moderna E Contemporânea 10 (1):13-33.
    The paper aims to sketch Kant’s response to the mind-body problem in his first work, Thoughts on the true estimation of living forces (1747). This is accomplished by first examining the origins of the problem in Descartes, then exploring the traditional responses to the problem, occasionalism, pre-established harmony, and physical influx. Finally, the paper positions Kant as a proponent of physical influx and highlights the unique features and challenges of his perspective.
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  47. Towards an extended indexical externalism. Looking for empirical data.Philippe De Brabanter & Bruno Leclercq - unknown
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    Presentation – Inhabiting the Frontiers of Thought: The Contribution of Jesuit Philosophers to 20 th Century Philosophy.Andreas Gonçalves Lind, Bruno Nobre & João Carlos Onofre Pinto - 2020 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 76 (4):1249-1252.
    The contribution of Jesuits to the different fields of knowledge, including philosophy, is historically well known. In fact, since the foundation of the Society of Jesus, in the 16th century, Jesuits from different generations and cultures have taken part in the philosophical debates of their time and their different contexts. Since the foundation of the Society of Jesus, in 1540, the Jesuits, individually and as a body, have engaged in a fruitful dialogue between the Christian tradition and different dimensions of (...)
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  49. Studien zur philosophie der exakten wissenschaften.Bruno Bauch - 1911 - Heidelberg,: C. Winter.
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    (1 other version)De la causa, principio y uno.Giordano Bruno - 1941 - Buenos Aires,: Editorial Losada, s. a.. Edited by Vassallo, Angel & [From Old Catalog].
    Series: Collana scolastica di testi filosofici.
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