Results for 'Bruno Gawryszewski'

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  1. Brouwer's Intuition of Twoity and Constructions in Separable Mathematics.Bruno Bentzen - 2023 - History and Philosophy of Logic 45 (3):341-361.
    My first aim in this paper is to use time diagrams in the style of Brentano to analyze constructions in Brouwer's separable mathematics more precisely. I argue that constructions must involve not only pairing and projecting as basic operations guaranteed by the intuition of twoity, as sometimes assumed in the literature, but also a recalling operation. My second aim is to argue that Brouwer's views on the intuition of twoity and arithmetic lead to an ontological explosion. Redeveloping the constructions of (...)
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  2. Schelling’s Philosophical Letters on Doctrine and Critique.G. Anthony Bruno - 2020 - In María Del Del Rosario Acosta López & Colin McQuillan (eds.), Critique in German Philosophy: From Kant to Critical Theory. Albany: SUNY Press. pp. 133-154.
    Kant’s critique/doctrine distinction tracks the difference between a canon for the understanding’s proper use and an organon for its dialectical misuse. The latter reflects the dogmatic use of reason to attain a doctrine of knowledge with no antecedent critique. In the 1790s, Fichte collapses Kant’s distinction and redefines dogmatism. He argues that deriving a canon is essentially dialectical and thus yields an organon: critical idealism is properly a doctrine of science or Wissenschaftslehre. Criticism is furthermore said to refute dogmatism, by (...)
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  3. Luck and normative achievements: Let not safety be our guide.Bruno Guindon - forthcoming - Episteme:1-20.
    It is a well-worn platitude that knowledge excludes luck. According to anti-luck virtue epistemology, making good on the anti-luck platitude requires an explicit anti-luck condition along the lines of safety: S knows that p only if S’s true belief that p could not have easily been mistaken. This paper offers an independent, virtue epistemological argument against the claim that safety is a necessary condition on knowledge, one that adequately captures the anti-luck platitude. The argument proceeds by way of analogy. I (...)
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  4. Metametaphysical Monism, Dualism, Pluralism, and Holism in the German Idealist Tradition.G. Anthony Bruno - 2024 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 1:1-15.
    During his Jena period, Fichte endorses a curious dictum: ‘the kind of philosophy one chooses depends on the kind of person one is’. How can Fichte’s dictum support a vindication of German idealism over Spinozism, which he also calls ‘dogmatism’? I will show that the answer to this seemingly straightforward question reveals a rather complex series of metametaphysical objections that shape the development of the entire German idealist tradition. Ultimately, as I will suggest, the series of metametaphysical questions that shape (...)
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  5. Must We Worry About Epistemic Shirkers?Daniele Bruno - 2024 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy:1-26.
    It is commonly assumed that blameworthiness is epistemically constrained. If one lacks sufficient epistemic access to the fact that some action harms another, then one cannot be blamed for harming. Acceptance of an epistemic condition for blameworthiness can give rise to a worry, however: could agents ever successfully evade blameworthiness by deliberately stunting their epistemic position? I discuss a particularly worrisome version of such epistemic shirking, in which agents pre-emptively seek to avoid access to potentially morally relevant facts. As Roy (...)
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  6. Kant e Leibniz sobre o problema da teodiceia.Bruno Cunha - 2024 - Kant Em Diálogo.
    O pensamento de Leibniz foi, sem dúvida, essencial para o desenvolvimento das linhas fundamentais da filosofia crítico-transcendental de Kant. A interlocução entre Kant e Leibniz é evidente no decorrer do pensamento kantiano, seja diretamente, nos diversos momentos em que Kant busca um enfrentamento explícito com seu predecessor, seja indiretamente, quando Kant discute com os autores da escolástica alemã que são considerados discípulos de Leibniz Pretendo observar, em particular, que uma das discussões pouco noticiadas, mas de grande relevância para o desenvolvimento (...)
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    A Religião nos Limites da Simples Razão - Immanuel Kant (Estudo Introdutório [extrato]).Bruno Cunha - 2024 - Xx.
    Na Religião nos Limites da Simples Razão, Kant se propõe a investigar o núcleo racional da religião e sua relação com a religião histórica. O ponto de vista da filosofia crítico-transcendental e os princípios da religião racional-moral desenvolvidos nas três Críticas são apresentados como a base de uma análise da religião histórica, sobretudo da religião cristã. Com efeito, o conjunto de dogmas e estatutos da religião cristã é interpretado como um conjunto de símbolos que representam os meios pelos quais os (...)
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    Building AI literacy for humanities students: teaching beyond generative AI.Bruno Galmar - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-2.
  9. Nuovi libri.di Bruno Maiorca Abbagnano - 1999 - Rivista di Filosofia 90 (3).
  10. Towards an extended indexical externalism. Looking for empirical data.Philippe De Brabanter & Bruno Leclercq - unknown
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  11. Bergmann, Das Unendliche und die Zahl.Bruno Bauch - 1913 - Kant Studien 18:526.
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    (1 other version)Chamberlains „Kant“.Bruno Bauch - 1906 - Kant Studien 11 (1-3):153-195.
  13. Das transzendentale Subjekt. Eine transzendentalphilosophische Skizze.Bruno Bauch - 1923 - Rivista di Filosofia 12:29.
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  14. Goethes geistige Gestalt.Bruno Bauch - 1933 - Rivista di Filosofia 22:99.
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  15. Horten, Die philosophischen und theologischen Ansichten bei Lahigi.Bruno Bauch - 1912 - Kant Studien 17:483.
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  16. Idee und Erscheinung.Bruno Bauch - 1935 - Zeitschrift für Deutsche Kulturphilosophie 1:119.
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  17. Meyer, Der Kausalitätsbegriff.Bruno Bauch - 1917 - Kant Studien 21:340.
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  18. Constitution et gouvernement mixte: Notes sur le livre III du Contrat Social.Bruno Bernardi - 1999 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 36:163-194.
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  19. As a future topic.Bruno Besana - 2011 - Filozofski Vestnik 32 (2):153 - +.
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    présence de la Psychanalyse dans la Philosophie de la Nouvelle Musique d’Ornement.Bruno Carvalho - 2022 - Revista de Filosofia Moderna E Contemporânea 10 (1):121-144.
    The aim of this paper is to discuss the presence of psychoanalysis in Adorno’s ’Philosophy of the new music’. He draws on the Benjaminian scheme of understanding Baudelaire’s poetry (understood as an elaboration of the shock experiences in life in post-industrial Revolution capitalism), but uses it in music criticism. The works of Schönberg and Stravinsky, the mostimportant composers of two schools of the so-called “new or modern music”, deals with different compositional subjects and their ways of dealing with the shocks (...)
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  21. Religious rituals and logical thought in Durkheim : the level of existence of social things.Bruno Karsenti - 2024 - In Hans Joas & Andreas Pettenkofer (eds.), The Oxford handbook of Emile Durkheim. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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    A representação do conceito de liberdade em “Merli” – uma práxis pedagógica.José Pascoal Mantovani & Bruno Novaes - 2020 - Páginas de Filosofía 8 (1-2):3.
    Nesse artigo temos como objetivo analisar a representação do conceito de liberdade na primeira temporada da série “Merli”, veiculada no canal de streaming Netflix. Nela, pretendemos verificar como o professor de Filosofia Merli Bergeron trabalha conceitos libertários e suscita reflexões críticas em seus alunos sobre os padrões de convívio socialmente impostos pelas instituições primárias e secundárias. Ao mesmo tempo, pretendemos abordar a personalidade do professor, discutindo sobre o convívio que ele mantém com os colegas de trabalho e seus alunos, assim (...)
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    Deleuze and the Work of Death: A Study from the Impulse-Images.Bruno Leites - 2020 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 14 (2):229-254.
    When formulating the concept of the impulse-image, Deleuze never tires of asserting that these images are saturated with death and obsessed by degradation. They stand at a curious intersection in the taxonomy of images, a constitutively in-between space: they are formally inserted between affection-image and action-image in The Movement-Image, but produce a direct passage to the time-image. However, they do not reach the time-image due to obsession by the negative effects of time. This article introduces the concept of the impulse-image (...)
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    Philosophie du langage: Sens, usage et contexte.Bruno Ambroise & Sandra Laugier - 2011 - Librairie Philosophique Vrin.
    La philosophie du langage issue du tournant linguistique peut paraitre depassee par la philosophie de l'esprit et les approches cognitivistes. Ce second volume des Textes-cles de philosophie du langage vise, comme le premier, a montrer au contraire la vitalite et la radicalite de la reflexion sur le langage produite au XXe et au XXIe siecles. Le premier envisageait le rapport du langage au monde, les manieres dont le langage peut dire les choses (et le vrai); le second presente diverses manieres (...)
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    Cinq types de paix: une histoire des plans de pacification perpétuelle: XVIIe-XXe siècles.Bruno Arcidiacono - 2011 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
    Au cours des quatre derniers siècles, les projets de pacification permanente de l’Europe, ou du monde entier, ont constitué un véritable genre littéraire. À un premier niveau, le plus superficiel, le livre offre une vue panoramique de ces projets, depuis le « Grand Dessein » attribué à Henri IV jusqu’à la Charte de l’ONU, en passant par les propositions de William Penn, de l’abbé de Saint-Pierre, d’Emmanuel Kant, du comte de Saint-Simon et de tant d’autres, célèbres, moins connus ou oubliés. (...)
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  26. One spirit, one body, Jesus participatory revolution.Bruno Barnhart - 2008 - In Jorge N. Ferrer & Jacob H. Sherman (eds.), The Participatory Turn: Spirituality, Mysticism, Religious Studies. State University of New York Press.
  27. Becker, Religion in Vergangenheit und Zukunft.Bruno Bauch - 1917 - Kant Studien 21:338.
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  28. (1 other version)Ein Kollegienheft von Kants Vorlesungen über Logik. Vorläufige Mitteilung von W. Jerusalem-Wien.Bruno Bauch - 1913 - Kant Studien 18:538.
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    (1 other version)Euckens philosophische Aufsätze.Bruno Bauch - 1905 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 10:81.
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  30. Kant-Kritiken aus dem Jahre 1799.Bruno Bauch - 1907 - Kant Studien 12:263.
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  31. (1 other version)Kriticismus und Naturphilosophie bei Otto Liebmann.Bruno Bauch - 1910 - Philosophical Review 19:562.
  32. Löwenberg. Hegel-Archiv.Bruno Bauch - 1912 - Kant Studien 17:490.
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  33. Naiv und Sentimentalisch - Klassisch und Romantisch.Bruno Bausch - 1904 - Philosophical Review 13:377.
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    (1 other version)Paralielstellen bei Hume und Kant.Bruno Bauch - 1914 - Kant Studien 19 (1-3):521-523.
  35. Viertes Jahrbuch der Schopenhauer-Gesellschaft.Bruno Bauch - 1915 - Kant Studien 20:310.
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  36. Vent, Programmatische Erkenntnistheorie.Bruno Bauch - 1912 - Kant Studien 17:484.
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  37. (1 other version)Zu unserem Fichte-Bildnis.Bruno Bauch - 1914 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 19:291.
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  38. Philosophy's Collision with the Corpse.G. Anthony Bruno - 2011 - Juventas Zeitschrift für Junge Philosophie 1 (1).
    If we accept the Socratic edict that the examined life is the only worth living, we find no examination can exclude that mortal fate of human life. If we define a philosophical problem as, in Hans Jonas’ words, “the collision between a comprehensive view (be it hypothesis or belief) and a particular fact which will not fit into it”, we see there can be no greater problem for materialism or organicism than the corpse. That living things die is a problem (...)
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    Analecta Isocratea.B. L. G. & Bruno Keil - 1885 - American Journal of Philology 6 (1):107.
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    Using ontologies for eLearning personalization.Paulo Gomes, Bruno Antunes, Luis Rodrigues, Arnaldo Santos, Jacinto Barbeira & Rafael Carvalho - 2008 - Communication and Cognition: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly Journal 41 (1):127.
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  41. Da Filosofia da Natureza À Filosofia Moral: Análise de Uma Ética Animal Em Hans Jonas.Anor Sganzerla & Bruno Henrique do Rosario Xavier - 2021 - Dissertatio 52:185-212.
    As últimas décadas têm testemunhado uma profusão de teorias filosóficas que buscam reconhecer a moralidade de uma categoria tradicionalmente compreendida como neutra: os animais. Destituída de qualquer valor, a existência não-humana senciente foi deixada de lado por grandes nomes da ética ocidental (de Aristóteles a Kant), cujas teorias colocava-os, muitas vezes, sob o mesmo status de mera matéria destituída de vida. Contudo, desde o século XVIII, sobretudo na Inglaterra, os animais passaram a fazer parte do escopo compreendido por um sem-número (...)
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    Moralbegründung und Gemeinschaft: wie philosophische Argumente Menschen verändern können.Bruno Haas - 2009 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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    Hospitality and Identitarian Tensions.Andreas Gonçalves Lind, Bruno Nobre, João Carlos Onofre Pinto & Ricardo Barroso Batista - 2023 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 78 (4):1195-1202.
    The imperative to practice hospitality constitutes a mark of Western civilization. Already in Homer’s Odyssey, the hero Ulysses punishes Polyphemus for not having respected the obligation of hospitality towards him and his companions. In fact, hospitality has been a constitutive element of the West, marked by linguistic, cultural, and religious differences, in a world whose borders are supposed to be well defined. In his discussion of hospitality, Derrida shows how Socrates, in Plato’s dialogue The Apology of Socrates, places himself in (...)
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    Entre Alampur Et Srisailam. Recherches archeologiques en Andhra Pradesh.John F. Mosteller & Bruno Dagens - 1988 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 108 (1):189.
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    Aquinas at Prayer: The Bible, Mysticism and Poetry by Paul Murray.Bruno M. Shah O. P. - 2016 - Nova et Vetera 14 (1):362-366.
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    Les rumeurs négatrices.Jean-Bruno Renard - 2006 - Diogène 213 (1):54-73.
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    Die ontologischen Grundlagen der Mathematik.Bruno Baron Von Freytag - 1940 - Philosophical Review 49:89.
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    From jamais to déjà vu: The respective roles of semantic and episodic memory in novelty monitoring and involuntary memory retrieval.Louis Renoult & J. Bruno Debruille - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e373.
    Barzykowski and Moulin's model proposes that déjà vu and involuntary autobiographical memories are the result of a continuously active memory system that tracks the novelty of situations. Déjà vu would only have episodic content and concern interpretation of prior experiences. We argue that these aspects of the model would gain to be clarified and explored further and we suggest possible directions.
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    Machine overstrain prediction for early detection and effective maintenance: A machine learning algorithm comparison.Bruno Mota, Pedro Faria & Carlos Ramos - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    Machine stability and energy efficiency have become major issues in the manufacturing industry, primarily during the COVID-19 pandemic where fluctuations in supply and demand were common. As a result, Predictive Maintenance (PdM) has become more desirable, since predicting failures ahead of time allows to avoid downtime and improves stability and energy efficiency in machines. One type of machine failure stands out due to its impact, machine overstrain, which can occur when machines are used beyond their tolerable limit. From the current (...)
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    Mit Hannah Arendt Freiheit neu denken: Gefahren der Selbstzerstörung von Demokratien.Bruno Heidlberger - 2023 - transcript Verlag.
    Hannah Arendt gilt als eine der einflussreichsten Denkerinnen des 20. Jahrhunderts - doch die Frage nach der Modernität ihrer Ansätze ist umstritten. Bruno Heidlberger interpretiert das Werk Arendts mit Blick auf die Fragilität spätmoderner Massen- und Konsumgesellschaften und macht dadurch ihre ungebrochene Aktualität sichtbar. Im Kontext aktueller Krisen, wie der Klimakrise und der globalen Auseinandersetzung zwischen Autoritarismus und liberaler Demokratie erscheint Arendts Politikbegriff in neuem Licht. Auch ihre Gedanken zur Freiheit weisen über das heutige Verständnis von Liberalismus hinaus: Individuelle (...)
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