Results for 'Buşra Arslan Meçi̇n'

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  1.  3
    Sühreverdî’nin İrfanî Ris'lelerinde Mis'l Âlemi Sembolü.Buşra Arslan Meçin - 2022 - Marifetname 9 (1):245-270.
    Sühreverdî’nin daha çok Farsça olarak kaleme aldığı irfânî risâleleri, rûhânî âlemin sınırsız özgürlükler alanından, maddî âlemin hapishanesi ve beden kafesine esir düşen insanoğlunun hakikat arayışını konu edinmektedir. Bu risâlelerde anlatılan hadiseler sembolik hikâyelerdir ve bu hikâyelerde yaşanılanlar misâl âlemine çıkan sâlikin başından geçen hakikatlerin ifadeleridir. Bu nedenle bu semboller, aslî vatanından koparıldığı için bellek yitimine maruz kalan ve böylece gaflete düşen insanoğlunun hakikî özünü arayıp bulmada kilit rol oynamaktadır. Bu hikâyeleri bilmek ve anlamak için misâl âlemini ve o âlemin içinde (...)
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    Do Psychological Resilience and Emotional Intelligence Vary Among Stress Profiles in University Students? A Latent Profile Analysis.Büşra Kökçam, Coşkun Arslan & Zeliha Traş - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:788506.
    The coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic has brought about significant changes in the lifestyle of students. However, despite an extensive study of students’ life stress using a non-comprehensive scale and variable-centered approach, it has been little studied with a comprehensive scale and person-centered approach. Using the Student-Life Stress Inventory-revised (SSI-R), we analyzed students’ latent stress profiles and examined differences in psychological resilience and emotional intelligence by comparing stress profiles from a sample of 418 undergraduate and graduate students (aged 18–36) in various departments of (...)
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    Sâi̇nüddîn ali̇ bi̇n türke’de varlik mertebeleri̇.Buşra Arslan Meçi̇n - 2021 - van İlahiyat Dergisi 9 (14):91-105.
    Öz Çalışmanın konusu irfanî geleneğin on beşinci yüzyıldaki önemli temsilcilerinden ve aynı zamanda İbnü’l-Arabî’nin takipçilerinden biri olan İbn Türke’nin varlık mertebelerine dair görüşleridir. Konu, İbn Türke’nin varlık ve varlığın mertebeleri ile ilgili düşüncelerinden hareketle hazırlanmıştır. Birincil kaynakların esas alındığı bu çalışmada, İbn Türke ve Ekberî geleneğin önemli temsilcilerinin eserlerine müracaat edilmiştir. Çalışmanın amacı, felsefe ve kelâmın yanı sıra tasavvuf felsefesinin en önemli konularından biri olan varlık düşüncesi ve varlık mertebelerini İbn Türke’nin görüşleri çerçevesinde ele alarak âlemdeki varoluşun hakikatinin ne olduğu, (...)
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    Missed nursing care and its relationship with perceived ethical leadership.Gülşah Gürol Arslan, Dilek Özden, Gizem Göktuna & Büşra Ertuğrul - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (1):35-48.
    Background: Determination of the factors affecting missed nursing care and the impact of ethical leadership is important in improving the quality of care. Aim: This study aims to determine the missed nursing care and its relationship with perceived ethical leadership. Research design: A cross-sectional study. Participants and research context: The sample consisted of 233 nurses, of whom 92.7% were staff nurses and 7.3% were charge nurses, who work in three different hospitals in Turkey. The study data were collected using a (...)
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    The effect of nurses’ ethical leadership and ethical climate perceptions on job satisfaction.Dilek Özden, Gülşah Gürol Arslan, Büşra Ertuğrul & Salih Karakaya - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (4):1211-1225.
    Background: The development of ethical leadership approaches plays an important role in achieving better patient care. Although studies that analyze the impact of ethical leadership on ethical climate and job satisfaction have gained importance in recent years, there is no study on ethical leadership and its relation to ethical climate and job satisfaction in our country. Objectives: This descriptive and cross-sectional study aimed to determine the effect of nurses’ ethical leadership and ethical climate perceptions on their job satisfaction. Methods: The (...)
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    A Study on Manichaeism: Living Religion with its Messages.Mehmet Mekin MEÇİN - 2023 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 27 (2):726-745.
    This study aimes to examine the basic codes of Manichaeism thought and to discuss whether the thoughts of Manichaeism followers disappeared after they were erased from the earth. In our research, religious phenomenology and comparative method were used in traces of the uninterrupted tradition of wisdom. In the study, an effort has been made to capture the traces of Manichaeism in later religions and thoughts by revealing the framework of the thought mechanism of Manichaeism, and thus, to draw attention to (...)
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    Molla Sadr''nın Hudûs Yorumu.Mahmut MEÇİN & Ali ÇAKSU - 2019 - Kader 17 (2):474-495.
    Âlemin zaman içinde vücûda gelip gelmediğine dair tartışma düşünce tarihinde kadim bir geçmişe sahiptir. Platon öncesi döneme kadar izleri sürülen söz konusu tartışma İslâm düşünce tarihinde de önemli bir yer işgal eder. Kelam ile felsefe ekolleri arasında cereyan eden münazaralarda kelamcılar, âlemin yokluğu üzerinde bir zaman geçtikten sonra yaratıldığını ileri sürerken filozoflar ise Allah’ın âlemden zamansal olarak değil zatî bir öncelikle mukaddem olduğunu savunurlar. Klasik dönem sonrası devam eden tartışmalarda probleme dair yeni çözümler ortaya konulmuştur. Bu makale klasik dönem sonrası (...)
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    Ikhwān al-Ṣafā 's Approach to the Science of Logic in the Context of Concept, Proposition and Syllogism.Mahmut MEÇİN - 2022 - Fırat Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 27 (1):37-52.
    Ikhwan-i Safa is known as a group of thinkers who wrote treatises in the style of the first scientific encyclopedia in the history of Islamic thought. Ikhwan-i Safa, which emerged in the vicinity of Basra at a time when religious and political conflicts were intense, aims to clean the religion, which they believe has moved away from its essence with false information and false thoughts, with philosophy. For this purpose, the Ikhwan's views on science and wisdom, who use all kinds (...)
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    Felsefe ve Tasavvufta Sefer Metaforu: Aklî ve Manevî Yolculuk.Mahmut Meçin - 2020 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 54:329-353.
    Bu çalışmanın konusu felsefe ve tasavvufta müşterek bir metafor olan “sefer” kavramıdır. Sefer kavramı her iki disiplinde birbirine yakın anlamda hakikate yönelen kişinin derundan bîrûna ve âfâktan enfüse yaptığı aklî ve manevî yolculukları ifade eder. Sefer kavramı, felsefede insanın tabiî olarak özlem duyduğu bilgi ve hakikati ararken ortaya koyduğu entelektüel çabalar, yaptığı aklî soruşturmalar, düşünsel yolculuklar ve bitimsiz olan bilgelik yolunda kuşanması gereken “yolda olma” halidir. Tasavvufta ise sefer daha temel ve kurucu bir kavram olarak hem Hakk’a ve hakikate teveccüh (...)
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  10. İsl'm Felsefesini Tanımlama Yaklaşımları Üzerine.Mahmut Meçin - 2021 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 56:259-282.
    İslâm’da felsefî geleneğin “İslâm felsefesi” tabiriyle müsemma olması günümüzde artık kabul gören bir tabirdir. Fakat bu tabirin nasıl tanımlandığı ya da tanımlanması gerektiği konusunda bir mutabakattan bahsedilemez. İslâm felsefesine çeşitli açılardan yapılan tanımları eleştirel bir yaklaşımla ele alan bu makale, İslâm felsefesinde bir tanımlama problemi olduğu iddiasından hareket etmektedir. Makalede İslâm felsefesini tarihsel açıdan ele alan ve onu ana kaynakları ile evrensel misyonu bakımından tavsif eden tanımlar iki ayrı başlık altında değerlendirilerek bu tanımların İslâm felsefesinin mahiyeti ve kapsamını ne ölçüde (...)
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    An Inquiry into the Progressive Understanding of History in the Context of the Technology-Value Relationship.Mahmut Meçin - 2023 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 13 (13:1):158-181.
    İnsanın varlığa anlam verme çabası olan teknoloji günümüzde hayatın her alanına sirayet eden çok yönlü etkileriyle başta felsefe olmak üzere birçok disiplin için problematik bir alandır. Söz konusu problematik alandan hareket eden bu makale teknolojik gelişmelerin insanlık tarihinde gerçek bir ilerleme kabul edilip edilmeyeceğini soruşturmaktadır. Makalede ilerlemeci tarih anlayışının iddiaları teknoloji ve değer bağlamında tetkik edilerek teknolojinin değer yüküne vurgu yapılırken aynı zamanda bir kültür ve değer varlığı olan insan için ilerlemenin sadece teknik ve nicel gelişmelerden ibaret olmadığı mütalaa edilmektedir. (...)
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    Kavram, Önerme ve Kıyas Bağlamında İhv'n-I Saf'’nın Mantık İlmine Yaklaşımı.Mahmut MEÇİN - 2022 - Fırat Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 27 (1):37-52.
    Ikhwan-i Safa is known as a group of thinkers who wrote treatises in the style of the first scientific encyclopedia in the history of Islamic thought. Ikhwan-i Safa, which emerged in the vicinity of Basra at a time when religious and political conflicts were intense, aims to clean the religion, which they believe has moved away from its essence with false information and false thoughts, with philosophy. For this purpose, the Ikhwan's views on science and wisdom, who use all kinds (...)
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  13. A Decision-Making Approach Incorporating TODIM Method and Sine Entropy in q-Rung Picture Fuzzy Set Setting.Büşra Aydoğan, Murat Olgun, Florentin Smarandache & Mehmet Ünver - 2024 - Journal of Applied Mathematics 2024.
    In this study, we propose a new approach based on fuzzy TODIM (Portuguese acronym for interactive and multicriteria decision-making) for decision-making problems in uncertain environments. Our method incorporates group utility and individual regret, which are often ignored in traditional multicriteria decision-making (MCDM) methods. To enhance the analysis and application of fuzzy sets in decision-making processes, we introduce novel entropy and distance measures for q-rung picture fuzzy sets. These measures include an entropy measure based on the sine function and a distance (...)
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  14. Empirizm Merceğinden Dini İnanç: Braithwaite Eleştirisi/ Religious Belief Through the Lens of Empiricism: The Criticism of Braithwaite.Büşra Nur Tutuk - 2022 - Religion and Philosophical Research 5 (1):54-73.
    What do religious statements tell us? The epistemology of statements to which believers dedicate their lives is of critical importance. Richard Bevan Braithwaite (1900-1990), who considers the statements of religion from a non-cognitive but conative perspective, thinks that even if the religious statements cannot be verified, they can be empirically meaningful. This meaning is analogical, drawing policy of life like in moral judgments. According to Braithwaite, these statements have no truth value as in science; the stories told in a religious (...)
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    Arslan Kaynardağ'a armağan: Türkiye'de felsefenin kurumsallaşması.Mustafa Günay & Arslan Kaynardağ (eds.) - 2006 - İzmir [Turkey]: İlya.
    Kaynardağ, Arslan, 1923-; intellectual; criticism and interpretation; Turkey; modern philosophy; 20th century.
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    Literally or prosodically? Recognising emotional discourse in alexithymia.Büşra Telli & A. Reyyan Bilge - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion.
    Alexithymia is characterised by difficulties in identifying, recognising, and describing emotions. We studied alexithymia in the context of speech comprehension, specifically investigating the incongruent condition between prosody and the literal meaning of words in emotion-based discourse. In two experiments, participants were categorised as having high or low alexithymia scores based on the TAS-20 scale and listened to three-sentence narratives where the emotional prosody of a key phrase or a keyword was congruent or incongruent with its literal meaning. The incongruent condition (...)
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    Osmanli’dan cumhuri̇yet’e sûfî geleneği̇n taşiyicilari.Çakmaktaş Büşra - 2015 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 17 (31):267-267.
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    Bir Metageometri Olarak Projektif Geometri’nin Temelleri Üzerine Felsefi Bir İnceleme.Buşra Aşık Birlik - 2024 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 14 (14:4):895-920.
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    Toplumsal Çözülmeye Çözüm Denemesi: Yûnus Emre Örneği.Büşra BİLGİN - 2021 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 7 (1):39-61.
    Since the beginning of human coexistence, besides solidarity and domestication, many problems and difficulties have arisen in society and individual individuals. Although the members of the society seem to have tried to comply with the duty of living together, the society started to experience a collapse. The inability of people to digest each other, not to accept their differences and to marginalize, and the tendency to see oneself as superior and privileged to others have been the biggest factors that have (...)
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    36-72 Aylık Çocuklara Yönelik "Saldırganlık Yönelim Ölçeği" Geliştirme Çalışması.K. Büşra Kaynak - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 3):1457-1457.
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    4-6 Yaşları Arasındaki Çocukların Çizimlerindeki Aile Algılarının Belirlenmesi.K. Büşra Kaynak - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 7):575-575.
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    Erzurum Halk Masallarından Üç Turunçlar Masalı'nın Vladimir Propp'un Yapısal Anl.KOÇAK Büşra - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 15):327-327.
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    Cahit Zarifoğlu'nun Şiirlerinde Tasavvufun Görünüm Biçimleri.SÜRGİT Büşra - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 3):1289-1289.
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  24. Tanrı, Estetik ve Estetik Kanıt/God, Aesthetic and Aesthetic Proof.Büşra Nur Tutuk - 2023 - Dissertation, Ankara University
    The subject of the thesis is the relationship between aesthetic and God. It aims to discuss whether the sense of beauty is proof of the existence of God and to determine the plausibility of aesthetic proof. As a matter of fact that reality and the perception of beauty point to two-way consciousness. In this context, it will be inevitable to mention God's relation with consciousness in the emergence of beauty. In the first part, the concepts of aesthetics will be analyzed, (...)
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  25. The work ethic values of protestant british, catholic irish and muslim turkish managers.M. Arslan - 2001 - Journal of Business Ethics 31 (4):321 - 339.
    This paper examines the work ethic characteristics of particular practising Protestant, Catholic and Muslim managers in Britain, Ireland and Turkey. Max Weber, argued that Protestant societies had a particular work ethic which was quite distinct from non-Protestant societies. The Protestant work ethics (PWE) thesis of Weber was reviewed. Previous empirical and analytical research results showed that the number of research results which support Weberian ideas were more than those which did not support. Methodological issues were also discussed. Results revealed that (...)
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    Religiousness and Cognition: The Relationships Between Intrinsic Religious Motivation, Critical Thinking, and Dichotomous Thinking.Meryem ŞAHİN, Büşra KILIÇ AHMEDİ & Mücahit GÜLTEKİN - 2023 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 27 (1):281-296.
    The principles offered by beliefs affect the thinking styles of individuals. Although it has been argued in recent studies that believers and non-believers have different thinking styles, there are few studies examining the relationship between belief and cognitive styles in Muslim groups. In this study, the relationships between intrinsic religious motivation and "critical thinking", which is one of the most desired thinking skills today, and " dichotomous thinking", which can be expressed as black-and-white thinking and primarily associated with negative structures, (...)
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  27. Five-Year-Olds’ Systematic Errors in Second-Order False Belief Tasks Are Due to First-Order Theory of Mind Strategy Selection: A Computational Modeling Study.Burcu Arslan, Niels A. Taatgen & Rineke Verbrugge - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Do moral development levels of the nurses affect their ethical decision making? A descriptive correlational study.Sümeyye Arslan, Sinem Türer Öztik & Nevin Kuzu Kurban - 2021 - Clinical Ethics 16 (1):9-16.
    Background In the globalizing world, nurses often meet humans from different cultures and values. This fact has led them to make ethical decisions, which do not comply with their own moral jurisdictions at care setting. Objectives The objective of the study was to investigate the relationships between moral development levels of the nurses and their scores of nursing principled thinking and practical consideration during decision making for ethical dilemmas. Methods This was a descriptive correlational study. Nursing Dilemma Test, Moral Development (...)
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  29. The Problem of Communication in De Se Thoughts.Aran Arslan - manuscript
    The problem of communication in de se thoughts is the problem of communication of first-person or self-locating thoughts across the speakers of a conversation. The problem mainly stems from the lack of a proper account of attitude and content — an account that is supposed to explain whether or how the context of linguistic utterances is related to the semantic content of a sentence, assertion and belief. In this paper, after introducing two new semantic items, namely, almost-impossible and almost-necessary propositions, (...)
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    Mediating Effect of Personal Meaning in the Prediction of Life Satisfaction and Mental Health Problems Based on Coronavirus Suffering.Gökmen Arslan, Murat Yıldırım & Mega M. Leung - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Research Problem: The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic has triggered a multi-faceted crisis worldwide. Researchers and health authorities in various parts of the world echoed the dire condition of the public's mental health. This study sought to examine the mediating effect of personal meaning on the association between coronavirus -related suffering, mental health problems, and life satisfaction. Participants included 231 adults and completed measures of suffering related to COVID-19, meaning, life satisfaction, and mental health problems online.Results: Findings from mediation analysis (...)
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    Disciplinary Utopias: The Mediterranean as a Context and Artistic Mediations.C. Ceyhun Arslan - 2024 - Utopian Studies 35 (1):132-151.
    This article shifts the emphasis away from debates on how to study the history of the Mediterranean. Instead, it examines the utopian perspectives that Mediterranean as a context and as a framework generates for artists and scholars. Arslan argues that the Mediterranean's _longue-durée_ history does not have to be thought of as a prison or a burden; rather, this history can provide new future visions. The article claims that artists can draw upon the Mediterranean's history to simultaneously resist against (...)
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    Reading the Universe with Heart and Practicing Science as Religious Ethics: Reconciling Islam and Science in Contemporary Turkey.Berna Zengin Arslan - 2020 - Social Epistemology 34 (3):265-280.
    The article examines how the epistemologies of Islam and modern science are reconciled in the writings of the contemporary Turkish Sunni Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen (b. 1938), one of the once most influential yet vastly controversial religious leaders in contemporary Turkey. Through a close reading of his texts on science, the article analyzes how Gülen defines the scientific practice as an ethical act of reading the universe with heart and mind, and as a path in which one can fully grasp (...)
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    Dinin Geleceği.Nurhibe Büşra Er - 2024 - Dini Araştırmalar 66:257-264.
    Din ve dinin geleceği uzun yıllardır akademik ve yerel çevrelerce üzerinde tartışılan temel konuların başında gelmektedir. Bu minvalde tartışmanın bir cephesinde klasik sekülerleşme teorileri yer alırken diğer bir cephede dinin bireylerin ve toplumların zihin dünyalarında halen varlığını devam ettiren başat faktörlerden biri olduğu görüşü kabul görmektedir. Ancak son dönemde ortaya çıkan çalışmalar bu iki temel iddianın bambaşka boyutlarını gözler önüne sermektedir. Birçok farklı coğrafyada yeni dini hareketler ve mensuplarını, spiritüel akımları ve ritüelleri yerinde gözlemleyen Ali Köse, 21. Yüzyıl din olgusunu (...)
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    A Comparison of Morality and Creation in Classical Arabic Literature and an Eval-uation of Its Use as a Motif in Poetry.Adnan Arslan - 2021 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 25 (2):941-956.
    There are many moral values that the Arab writers have written about either in prose or poetry. This emphasis on morality in classical Arabic literature has also been the subject of many academic studies. The abundance of the literary material in this field has attracted the attention of researchers. One of these is the emphasis on "naturalness" which we have seen in classical Arabic literature. In the Arab society which social ties are very strong the moral values have been summarized (...)
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    A Longitudinal Examination of the Association Between Meaning in Life, Resilience, and Mental Well-Being in Times of Coronavirus Pandemic.Gökmen Arslan & Murat Yıldırım - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The coronavirus disease possesses an important threat to people's health and well-being. The purpose of the present study is to longitudinally examine whether meaning in life before the pandemic increases resilience and mental well-being during the coronavirus pandemic. The sample of the study comprised 172 young adults in a public university in an urban city of Turkey. Participants ranged in age between 18 and 40 years. Mediation analyses were performed to examine the impacts of meaning in life on the outcomes (...)
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    Meaning-Based Coping and Spirituality During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Mediating Effects on Subjective Well-Being.Gökmen Arslan & Murat Yıldırım - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The coronavirus pandemic has significantly affected the Turkish population. During the pandemic, people with high coronavirus stress are at risk of experiencing poor subjective well-being. There is no research investigating the role of meaning-based coping and spirituality in explaining the link between coronavirus stress and subjective well-being. This study examined the mediating roles of meaning-based coping and spiritual well-being in the link between coronavirus stress and subjective well-being in young adults during the COVID-19 pandemic. The sample included 427 young adults (...)
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    Cohen’s convention, the seriousness of errors, and the body of knowledge in behavioral science.Aran Arslan & Frank Zenker - 2024 - Synthese 204 (163):1-24.
    An often-cited convention for discovery-oriented behavioral science research states that the general relative seriousness of the antecedently accepted false positive error rate of α = 0.05 be mirrored by a false negative error rate of β = 0.20. In 1965, Jacob Cohen proposed this convention to decrease a β-error rate typically in vast excess of 0.20. Thereby, we argue, Cohen (unintentionally) contributed to the wide acceptance of strongly uneven error rates in behavioral science. Although Cohen’s convention can appear epistemically reasonable (...)
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  38. Taking rights less seriously: Postmodernism and human rights.Zühtü Arslan - 1999 - Res Publica 5 (2):195-215.
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    Reinterpretation of the Problem of Evil in the Science of Kalam.Hulusi Arslan - 2024 - Fırat Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 28 (2):17-32.
    The problem of evil is the problem of reconciling the world's afflictions with the fundamental attributes and justice of God. Throughout their lives people encounter painful events originating from nature and other individuals. Furthermore, it is believed that God created everything, particularly in divine religions. Scholars and thinkers have debated for centuries why an omniscient, omnipotent, just, and compassionate God would create evil. The problem of evil is sometimes employed by atheists as evidence against religion, and at times as philosophical (...)
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    A Quantitative Research on the Relationship of Self-Monitoring with Religious Orientation and Religious Group Membership.Büşra Kılıç Ahmedi - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (1):539-563.
    Self-monitoring theory explains the individual differences in using interpersonal adjustment techniques like self-control, self-regulation, and self-presentation. Self-monitoring plays a key role for understanding the social life. Therefore, it has been one of most popular research topics in social psychology. The aim of this study is to find out if there is a meaningful relationship between religious orientation and self-monitoring, and to determine the direction of the relationship if it exists. Besides, examining the effect of religious group membership on self-monitoring is (...)
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    İnsan Onuru ve Rencide Paradoksu.Ralf Stoecker & Büşra Çakıl - 2016 - Kilikya Felsefe Dergisi / Cilicia Journal of Philosophy 3 (1):90-108.
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  42. Semantics through Reference to the Unknown.Arslan Aran - 2016 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 16 (3):381-392.
    In this paper, I dwell on a particular distinction introduced by Ilhan Inan—the distinction between ostensible and inostensible use of our language. The distinction applies to singular terms, such as proper names and definite descriptions, or to general terms like concepts and to the ways in which we refer to objects in the world by using such terms. Inan introduces the distinction primarily as an epistemic one but in his earlier writings (1997: 49) he leaves some room for it to (...)
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    A Better Argument for Tawḥīd?: Philosophical Discussions of Divine Attributes in the Sharḥ Al-ʿaqāid Tradition.Mehmet Fatih Arslan - 2025 - Sophia 64 (1):169-211.
    This study focuses on al-Taftāzānī’s discussion of the ontological status of divine attributes in his _Sharḥ al-ʿAqāid_ and aims to demonstrate that al-Rāzī’s (d. 606/1210) reluctantly and ambiguously proposed formula that divine attributes are possible by themselves and necessary by God, which itself is an adaptation of Avicennian formula about the ontological status of the divine intellects, received much more recognition after a more sophisticated and advanced version of it was introduced to Sunnī _kalām_ tradition by al-Taftāzānī (d. 792/1390). His (...)
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    Nursing students’ perceptions of faculty members’ ethical/unethical attitudes.Sevda Arslan & Leyla Dinç - 2017 - Nursing Ethics 24 (7):789-801.
    Background: Through education, individuals acquire knowledge, skill and attitudes that facilitate professional socialization; it involves intellectual, emotional and psychomotor skill development. Teachers are role models for behaviour modification and value development. Objective: To examine students’ perceptions of faculty members’ ethical and unethical attitudes during interactions in undergraduate nursing. Research design: This descriptive study consisted of two phases. In Phase I, we developed an instrument, which was administered to nursing students to assess validity and reliability. Exploratory factor analysis yielded 32 items. (...)
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    Descriptive Bibliometric Analysis of Said Nursi Articles in Turkish Academy.Adnan Arslan - 2024 - Kocaeli İLahiyat Dergisi 8 (1):107-128.
    When academic research in any branch of science reaches a certain number in terms of quantity, analyzes are made on these studies. Thanks to these analyses, it is visible with a panoramic view in which direction field research is expanding and in which direction the trend of scientific interest is moving. In this respect, such analyzes also provide some suggestions to the younger generation of researchers. One of the most emphasized names in Turkish academia is Said Nursi. It is seen (...)
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    Looking at the evidence in visual world: eye-movements reveal how bilingual and monolingual Turkish speakers process grammatical evidentiality.Seçkin Arslan, Roelien Bastiaanse & Claudia Felser - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    İnsan Nedir? İslam Düşüncesinde İnsan Tasavvurları [What is a Human Being? Conceptions of a Human Being in Islamic Thought], Ömer Türker & İbrahim Halil Üçer (eds.).İshak Arslan - 2019 - Nazariyat, Journal for the History of Islamic Philosophy and Sciences 5 (2):201-205.
    Nazariyat, Journal for the History of Islamic Philosophy and Sciences, issued twice a year in English and Turkish (Nazariyat İslam Felsefe ve Bilim Tarihi Araştırmaları Dergisi), is a refereed international journal. It publishes original studies, critical editions of classical texts and book reviews on Islamic philosophy, kalām, theoretical aspects of Sufism and the history of sciences. The goal of Nazariyat is to contribute to the discovery, examination and reinterpretation of the theoretical traditions in the history of Islamic thought, by giving (...)
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    Aging, Gesture Production, and Disfluency in Speech: A Comparison of Younger and Older Adults.Burcu Arslan & Tilbe Göksun - 2022 - Cognitive Science 46 (2):e13098.
    Cognitive Science, Volume 46, Issue 2, February 2022.
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    »Kritisches Weißsein« in der deutschen Psychoanalyse.Emre Arslan & Verena Ackermann-Arslan - 2024 - Psyche 78 (1):65-79.
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    Kastall'nî’nin Mev'hıbu’l-ledünniyyesinin B'kî Tercümesi: Meʿ'limü'l-yakîn -Tercüme ve Riv'yet Tercihi Yöntemi Açısından İncelenmesi-.Ali Arslan - 2019 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 51:181-205.
    Müslümanlar, Hz. Peygamber'in (s.a.v.) hayatını öğrenmek gayesiyle ilk zamanlardan itibaren gerekli çalışmaları yapmışlardır. İslam'ı din olarak seçen Türkler de bu faaliyetlerin içine girmişler ve bu çalışmaların bir kısmı da tercüme faaliyetleri şeklinde olmuştur. Osmanlı Devleti'nin tartışmasız en parlak dönemi olan XVI. asır bu tür çalışmaların artması yönüyle de önemlidir. Şairler sultanı olarak anılan Bâkî’nin, Kastallânî’nin eseri Mevâhıbu’l-ledünniyyeyi tercümesi de bunlara güzel bir örnektir. Bu eser onun şiirdeki üstatlığının yanında nesirdeki gücünü de göstermektedir. Bâkî'nin bu tercümede tarihî rivâyetleri nasıl değerlendirdiği konusu (...)
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