Results for 'Bullinger Eric'

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  1.  35
    Changed state – changed brain: shift of the dominant frequency of theta oscillations in the rat VTA during stereotypic locomotion.Koulchitsky Stanislav, Beeken Thom, Monteforte Alexandre, Dethier Julie, Quertemont Etienne, Findeisen Rolf, Bullinger Eric & Seutin Vincent - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Memory for unattended events: Remembering with and without awareness.Eric Eich - 1984 - Memory and Cognition 12:105-11.
  3. Thinking machines.Eric Drexler - 1986 - In Engines of Creation. Fourth Estate.
  4. There Is No Progress in Philosophy.Eric Dietrich - 2011 - Essays in Philosophy 12 (2):9.
    Except for a patina of twenty-first century modernity, in the form of logic and language, philosophy is exactly the same now as it ever was; it has made no progress whatsoever. We philosophers wrestle with the exact same problems the Pre-Socratics wrestled with. Even more outrageous than this claim, though, is the blatant denial of its obvious truth by many practicing philosophers. The No-Progress view is explored and argued for here. Its denial is diagnosed as a form of anosognosia, a (...)
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  5. Neuroethics.Eric Racine & Judy Illes - 2008 - In Peter A. Singer & A. M. Viens (eds.), The Cambridge textbook of bioethics. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 495--503.
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  6. Historicity and experimental evolution.Eric Desjardins - 2011 - Biology and Philosophy 26 (3):339-364.
    Biologists in the last 50 years have increasingly emphasized the role of historical contingency in explaining the distribution and dynamics of biological systems. However, recent work in philosophy of biology has shown that historical contingency carries various interpretations and that we are still lacking a general understanding of historicity, i.e., a framework from which to interpret why and to what extent history matters in biological processes. Building from examples and analyses of the long-term experimental evolution (LTEE) project, this paper argues (...)
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  7. Irrationality, charity, and ambivalence.Eric Wiland - 2020 - In Berit Brogaard & Dimitria Electra Gatzia (eds.), The Philosophy and Psychology of Ambivalence: Being of Two Minds. New York: Routledge.
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    Heidegger and Carnap: Disagreeing about nothing?Eric S. Nelson - 2013 - In Francois Raffoul & Eric S. Nelson (eds.), The Bloomsbury Companion to Heidegger. New York: Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 2--151.
  9. Hume’s attack on Newton’s philosophy.Eric Schliesser - 2009 - Enlightenment and Dissent 25:167-203.
    In this paper, I argue that major elements of Hume’s metaphysics and epistemology are not only directed at the inductive argument from design which seemed to follow from the success of Newton’s system, but also have far larger aims. They are directed against the authority of Newton’s natural philosophy; the claims of natural philosophy are constrained by philosophic considerations. Once one understands this, Hume’s high ambitions for a refashioned ‘true metaphysics’ or ‘first philosophy’, that is, Hume’s ‘Science of Human Nature’, (...)
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  10. Semantics and the computational paradigm in computational psychology.Eric Dietrich - 1989 - Synthese 79 (1):119-41.
    There is a prevalent notion among cognitive scientists and philosophers of mind that computers are merely formal symbol manipulators, performing the actions they do solely on the basis of the syntactic properties of the symbols they manipulate. This view of computers has allowed some philosophers to divorce semantics from computational explanations. Semantic content, then, becomes something one adds to computational explanations to get psychological explanations. Other philosophers, such as Stephen Stich, have taken a stronger view, advocating doing away with semantics (...)
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  11. Reflections on Path Dependence and Irreversibility: Lessons from Evolutionary Biology.Eric Desjardins - 2011 - Philosophy of Science 78 (5):724-738.
    This essay examines the claim “path dependence entails irreversibility” from the point of view of evolutionary biology. I argue that evolutionary irreversibility possesses many faces, sometimes conflicting with path dependence. I propose an account of path dependence that does not rely on irreversibility and explains why it more naturally coexists with the notion of (contingent) irreversibility developed by the Belgian paleontologist Louis Dollo. However, I argue that we should not conceive of this relationship as necessary.
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  12. Stephen Crites, Dialectic and Gospel in the Development of Hegel's Thinking.Eric V. D. Luft - 1999 - Philosophy in Review 19:87-88.
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    Ecological Historicity, Novelty and Functionality in the Anthropocene.Eric Desjardins, Justin Donhauser & Gillian Barker - 2019 - Environmental Values 28 (3):275-303.
    While many recognise that rigid historical and compositional goals are inadequate in a world where climate and other global systems are undergoing unprecedented changes, others contend that promoting ecosystem services and functions encourages practices that can ultimately lower the bar of ecological management. These worries are foregrounded in discussions about 'novel ecosystems' (NEs), where some researchers and conservationists claim that NEs provide a license to trash nature as long as certain ecosystem services are provided. This criticism arises from what we (...)
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  14. Infinity.Eric Steinhart - 2007 - In Encyclopedia of American Philosophy. Routledge.
    This article deals with the concept of infinity in classical American philosophy. It focuses on the philosophical and technical developments of infinity in the 19th Century American thinkers Royce and Peirce.
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    Autonomous Nature: Problems of Prediction and Control from Ancient Times to the Scientific Revolution.Eric Katz - 2018 - Environmental Ethics 40 (1):93-94.
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    Dale Jamieson: Reason in a Dark Time: Why the Struggle against Climate Change Failed—And What It Means for Our Future.Eric Katz - 2015 - Environmental Ethics 37 (2):255-256.
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    Sincérité, confiance et intersubjectivité.Eric Landowski - 1983 - In Herman Parret (ed.), On Believing. De la Croyance. Epistemological and Semiotic Approaches. De Gruyter. pp. 161-171.
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  18. How Much Like Us Do We Want AIs to Be?Eric Dietrich, Chris Fields, John P. Sullins, Bram Van Heuveln & Robin Zebrowski - 2024 - Techné Research in Philosophy and Technology 28 (2):137-168.
    Replicating or exceeding human intelligence, not just in particular domains but in general, has always been a major goal of Artificial Intelligence (AI). We argue here that “human intelligence” is not only ill-defined, but often conflated with broader aspects of human psychology. Standard arguments for replicating it are morally unacceptable. We then suggest a reframing: that the proper goal of AI is not to replicate humans, but to complement them by creating diverse intelligences capable of collaborating with humans. This goal (...)
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  19. The politics of fear after 9/11.Eric Alterman - 2004 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 71 (4):1131-1133.
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    La signature du monde, ou, Qu'est-ce que la philosophie de Deleuze et Guattari?Eric Alliez - 1993 - Paris: Cerf.
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    L'Ego pur husserlien : note sur l'interprétation de Heinsen.Éric Paquette - 1995 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 51 (3):667-670.
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    Retour réflexif et être-pour-soi dans l'égologie husserlienne.Éric Paquette - 1999 - Horizons Philosophiques 10 (1):149-154.
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    La politique éco-délibérative d’Arne Næss.Éric Pommier - 2024 - Cités 99 (3):165-171.
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  24. The Correspondence of John Flamsteed, the First Astronomer Royal, vol 1. 1666-1682.Eric G. Forbes, Lesley Murdin, Frances Willmoth & J. A. Bennett - 1997 - Annals of Science 54 (2):208-209.
  25. The origins of scientism.Eric Voegelin - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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  26. Traumatic Life: Violence, Pain, and Responsiveness in Heidegger.Eric S. Nelson - 2009 - In Kristen Brown & Bettina Bergo (eds.), The Trauma Controversy: Philosophical and Interdisciplinary Dialogues. SUNY Press.
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  27. Role of the Frame Problem in Fodor's Modularity Thesis.Eric Dietrich & Chris Fields - 1994 - In Kenneth M. Ford & Zenon W. Pylyshyn (eds.), The Robot's Dilemma Revisited: The Frame Problem in Artificial Intelligence. Ablex. pp. 9.
    It is shown that the Fodor's interpretation of the frame problem is the central indication that his version of the Modularity Thesis is incompatible with computationalism. Since computationalism is far more plausible than this thesis, the latter should be rejected.
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  28. Nietzsche et Wagner. Le sujet, l'identité et la polysémie.Éric Blondel - 2013 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 39 (1):35-50.
    En parlant de Wagner, depuis _Richard Wagner à Bayreuth_ jusqu'aux écrits de 1888, Nietzsche parle en réalité de la civilisation occidentale, c'est-à-dire de la morale, de la décadence, des Allemands et de la musique allemande. Il élargit donc et agrandit son propos d'une manière _polysémique_, ou même il le double ou le pluralise d'une manière _contrapuntique_, en procédant à plusieurs séries de glissements, d'usurpations d'identité, de substitutions, de condensations. Ces polysémies font éclater l'identité de Wagner selon la logique de la (...)
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    (1 other version)Letter to the Editor.Eric de Bellaigue - 2004 - Logos 15 (1):54.
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    Études récentes sur Condorcet.Éric Brian - 1988 - Revue de Synthèse 109 (3-4):519-529.
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    L'MainPower/PowderOeuf-Glotte.Eric Clemens & Christian Prigent - 1980 - Substance 9 (3):104.
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    Hegel and the Metaphysical Frontiers of Political Theory.Eric Lee Goodfield (ed.) - 2014 - New York: Routledge.
    For over one hundred and fifty years G.W.F. Hegel’s ghost has haunted theoretical understanding and practice. His opponents first, and later his defenders, have equally defined their programs against and with his. In this way Hegel’s political thought has both situated and displaced modern political theorizing. This book takes the reception of Hegel’s political thought as a lens through which contemporary methodological and ideological prerogatives are exposed. It traces the nineteenth century origins of the positivist revolt against Hegel’s legacy forward (...)
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    Reflections.Eric A. Havelock, Stephen Leacock, J. M. Bochenski, E. Paul Torrance & Martin Buber - 1981 - Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children 3 (1):17-19.
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    Le signe et les fondements de la certitude chez Hobbes.Éric Marquer - 2016 - Methodos 16.
    Hobbes établit une distinction entre signes certains et signes incertains, qui correspond à la distinction entre science et prudence. Mais il précise toutefois que les signes de la science ne sont pas tous certains, ni infaillibles. Cette recommandation n’est pas tant une critique de la science, qu’une mise en garde adressée à ceux qui renoncent à leur jugement naturel et s’en remettent aveuglément à l’autorité des livres. La certitude dépend donc d’un bon usage des signes de la part du sujet (...)
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    Author Meets Critics.Eric Schliesser - 2018 - Journal of Scottish Philosophy 16 (3):272-282.
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  36. (1 other version)Sins of the Founding Fathers.D. Smaw Eric - 2017 - Archiv Fuer Rechts Und Sozialphilosphie 103 (3):389-409.
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    Discrete Emotions and Developmental Psychopathology: The Alchemical Legacy of Carroll Izard.Eric A. Youngstrom - 2015 - Emotion Review 7 (2):131-135.
    Carroll Izard completed his dissertation in 1952, beginning a career spanning more than six decades that coincided with clinical psychology maturing as a profession, and the birth of clinical science and cognitive neuroscience. Izard’s focus on discrete emotions as evolved systems that organize information, prepare responses, and shape the development of personality and relationships persisted through his career, despite “emotions” often being overshadowed by psychodynamic, behavioral, or cognitive perspectives. His theoretical work anticipated and now integrates contemporary neuroscience and relational perspectives. (...)
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  38.  52
    Science, politics, and gnosticism: two essays.Eric Voegelin - 1968 - ;Lanham MD: National Book Newwok.. Edited by Eric Voegelin.
    Science, politics and gnosticism -- Ersatz religion.
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  39. Bibliography.Eric Beerbohm - 2012 - In Eric Anthony Beerbohm (ed.), In our name: the ethics of democracy. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press. pp. 327-342.
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  40. The problem of clean hands : negotiated compromise in lawmaking.Eric Beerbohm - 2018 - In Jack Knight (ed.), Compromise: NOMOS LIX. New York: Nyu Press.
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    Conglomeracy and the book business: Where next?Eric de Bellaigue - 1997 - Logos 8 (3):127-134.
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    (1 other version)Lusty blades, mature brides: A study of four publishing takeovers.Eric de Bellaigue - 1994 - Logos 5 (2):89-100.
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    Developing an Instrument to Measure Objectivism.Eric B. Dent, John A. Parnell & Shawn M. Carraher - 2018 - Journal of Ayn Rand Studies 18 (1):1-27.
    This article describes the development and validation of a scale specifically designed to measure one's propensity for Objectivism. The scale developed in this article assesses metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, and politics. A three-stage process of scale development results in a multidimensional scale that largely supports Rand's original conception of the construct in the United States and Lithuania. Several challenges are identified, including problems with select items referencing specific political preferences and addressing notions of a higher being. Prospects for future research are (...)
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    The Checkered Legacy of Marvin Farber’s Idiosyncratic Understanding of Phenomenology.Eric Chelstrom - 2019 - In Michela Beatrice Ferri & Carlo Ierna (eds.), The Reception of Husserlian Phenomenology in North America. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 107-129.
    I endeavor to explore Farber’s work leading into the Foundation in order to construct an understanding both of his idiosyncratic interpretation of Husserl, and of what lead to Farber’s break with phenomenology. A great irony of Farber’s career may turn out to be that a scholar so deeply bothered by presuppositions and so committed a methodological pluralist may have discarded phenomenology because of his own philosophical commitments, a fact noted by Farber’s former student, Sang-Ki Kim. In an essay in Farber’s (...)
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    Décision, détermination, résolution.Éric Delassus - 2013 - Cahiers Philosophiques 3:52.
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    Reconsidering the Turn to Policy Analysis.Eric Katz - 2014 - Environmental Ethics 36 (2):131-132.
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  47. The nature of mood.Eric Klinger - 1993 - In Daniel M. Wegner & James W. Pennebaker (eds.), Handbook of Mental Control. Prentice-Hall. pp. 344.
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    Birgher Bergh: On Passive Imperatives in Latin. (Studia Latina Upsaliensia, 8.) Pp. 77. Uppsala: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1975. Paper.Eric Laughton - 1978 - The Classical Review 28 (1):177-177.
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    Le sens de la liberté chez Bergson.Éric Pommier - 2010 - Cahiers Philosophiques 122 (2):57-88.
    Trois objections au moins peuvent remettre en question la vocation de l’homme à la liberté. En premier lieu, l’indépendance à l’égard des déterminations extérieures, que suppose la liberté, ne semble-t-elle pas conduire à l’indifférence et à l’incapacité de choisir? En outre à supposer même que l’autodétermination soit possible dans la ressaisie pure de soi, comment, en second lieu, comprendre l’effectivité de ma résolution? Son inscription dans l’extériorité risque en effet d’en condamner la pureté. Enfin, la pensée de la liberté ne (...)
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    Nec deserere memorias suorum.Éric Rebillard - 2005 - Augustinian Studies 36 (1):99-111.
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