Results for 'C. Annequin'

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  1.  30
    C. Jourdain-Annequin, C. Bonnet (éds), Héraclès, les femmes et le féminin.Vinciane Pirenne-Delforge - 1997 - Kernos 10:345-347.
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    Héraclès, les femmes et le féminin: IIe rencontre héracléenne: actes du Colloque de Grenoble, Université des sciences sociales (Grenoble II), 22-23 octobre 1992.Colette Jourdain-Annequin & Corinne Bonnet (eds.) - 1996 - Turnhout: Diffusion, Brepols Publishers.
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  3. Héraclès, les femmes et le féminin: IIe rencontre héracléenne: actes du Colloque de Grenoble, Université des sciences sociales (Grenoble II), 22-23 octobre 1992.Colette Jourdain-Annequin & Corinne Bonnet (eds.) - 1996 - Turnhout: Diffusion, Brepols Publishers.
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  4. (3 other versions)How to make our ideas clear.C. S. Peirce - 1878 - Popular Science Monthly 12 (Jan.):286-302.
    This is one of the seminal articles of the pragmatist tradition where C.S. Peirce sets out his doctrine of doubt and belief --and their relationship to inquiry and clarity of our concepts. Originally published in the Popular Science Monthly; and widely available in reprints and collections of Peirce's writings.
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    Natural signs and knowledge of God: a new look at theistic arguments.C. Stephen Evans - 2012 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Is there such a thing as natural knowledge of God? C. Stephen Evans presents the case for understanding theistic arguments as expressions of natural signs in order to gain a new perspective both on their strengths and weaknesses. Three classical, much-discussed theistic arguments - cosmological, teleological, and moral - are examined for the natural signs they embody. At the heart of this book lie several relatively simple ideas. One is that if there is a God of the kind accepted by (...)
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  6. Disposition Impossible.C. S. Jenkins & Daniel Nolan - 2012 - Noûs 46 (4):732-753.
    Are there dispositions which not only do not manifest, but which could not manifest? We argue that there are dispositions to Ф in circumstances C where C is impossible, and some where Ф is impossible. Furthermore, postulating these dispositions does useful theoretical work. This paper describes a number of cases of dispositions had by objects even though those dispositions are not possibly manifest, and argues for the importance of these dispositions.
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  7. Aristotle’s de Interpretatione: Contradiction and Dialectic.C. W. A. Whitaker - 1996 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press UK.
    Aristotle's treatise De Interpretatione is one of his central works; it continues to be the focus of much attention and debate. C. W. A. Whitaker presents the first systematic study of this work, and offers a radical new view of its aims, its structure, and its place in Aristotle's system, basing this view upon a detailed chapter-by-chapter analysis.By treating the work systematically, rather than concentrating on certain selected passages, Whitaker is able to show that, contrary to traditional opinion, it forms (...)
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  8. Morality and Political Violence.C. A. J. Coady - 2007 - Cambridge University Press.
    Political violence in the form of wars, insurgencies, terrorism and violent rebellion constitutes a major human challenge. C. A. J. Coady brings a philosophical and ethical perspective as he places the problems of war and political violence in the frame of reflective ethics. In this book, Coady re-examines a range of urgent problems pertinent to political violence against the background of a contemporary approach to just war thinking. The problems examined include: the right to make war and conduct war, terrorism, (...)
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    The truth of history.C. Behan McCullagh - 1998 - New York: Routledge.
    The Truth of History questions how modern historians, confined by the concepts of their own cultures, can still discover truths about the past. Through an examination of the constraints of history, accounts of causation and causal interpretations, C. Behan McCullagh argues that although historical descriptions do not mirror the past, they can correlate with it in a regular and definable way. Far from debating only in the abstract and philosophical, the author constructs his argument in numerous concrete historical examples and (...)
  10.  16
    Two Essays on Analytical Psychology.C. G. Jung - 1967 - Routledge.
    This volume from the _Collected Works of C.G. Jung_ has become known as perhaps the best introduction to Jung's work. In these famous essays he presented the essential core of his system. This is the first paperback publication of this key work in its revised and augmented second edition. The earliest versions of the essays are included in an Appendices, containing as they do the first tentative formulations of Jung's concept of archetypes and the collective unconscious, as well as his (...)
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  11.  22
    Nöroteolojik Açıdan Kesb Nazariyesi (Benjamin Libet Deneyi Çerçevesinde).C. A. N. Seyithan & Sabahaddin KILIÇ - 2019 - Kader 17 (2):380-397.
    Din-bilim ilişkisi tarihsel süreçte olduğu gibi günümüzde de tartışılmaya devam etmektedir. Hristiyan Avrupa’sında ortaya çıkan tartışmaların İslam dünyasını da etkilediği bir vakıadır. İslam kelamcıları, İslam dini ile bilim arasında bir çatışmanın olmadığı genel kabulüyle hareket ederler. Özellikle bu noktada kelamın vesâil alanı, metafiziğin desteklendiği alan olarak kabul görmektedir. Modern dönemde vesâil alanında önemli bilimsel çalışmaların olduğu görülmektedir bunlardan biri de Nöroteolojidir. Nöroteoloji, davranışı nöral (sinirsel) temelde inceleyip açıklamaya çalışan bilim dalıdır. Bu noktada özellikle dindarlığın nörolojik temelleri ve evrimsel işlevi hakkında (...)
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  12.  59
    Second Treatise of Government.C. B. Macpherson (ed.) - 1980 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    The _Second Treatise_ is one of the most important political treatises ever written and one of the most far-reaching in its influence. In his provocative 15-page introduction to this edition, the late eminent political theorist C. B. Macpherson examines Locke's arguments for limited, conditional government, private property, and right of revolution and suggests reasons for the appeal of these arguments in Locke's time and since.
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  13.  18
    A history of western philosophy: from the pre-Socratics to postmodernism.C. Stephen Evans - 2018 - Downers Grove, Illinois: IVP Academic, an imprint of ItnterVarsity Press.
    Plato. Aristotle. Augustine. Hume. Kant. Hegel. Every student of philosophy needs to know the history of the philosophical discourse such giants have bequeathed us. Philosopher C. Stephen Evans brings his expertise to this daunting task as he surveys the history of Western philosophy, from the Pre-Socratics to Nietzsche and postmodernism—and every major figure and movement in between.
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  14. The Paradox of the Knower without Epistemic Closure -- Corrected.C. B. Cross - 2012 - Mind 121 (482):457-466.
    This essay corrects an error in the presentation of the Paradox of the Knowledge-Plus Knower, which is the variant of Kaplan and Montague’s Knower Paradox presented in C. Cross 2001: ‘The Paradox of the Knower without Epistemic Closure,’ MIND, 110, pp. 319–33. The correction adds a universally quantified transitivity principle for derivability as an additional assumption leading to paradox. This correction does not affect the status of the Knowledge-Plus paradox as a rebuttal to an argument against epistemic closure, since the (...)
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    The cabinet of Bonnier de la Mosson (1702–1744).C. R. Hill - 1986 - Annals of Science 43 (2):147-174.
    The survival of a unique set of drawings, complemented by a contemporary description and a sale catalogue, enable us to ‘reconstruct’ the cabinet of Bonnier de la Mosson , a miscellaneous collection formed in Paris c. 1740. A brief assessment is offered of the status of such cabinets in the growth and diffusion of science in ancien régime France. We also point to a link with the decorative arts: in a study of such a subject the intellectual and aesthetic dimensions (...)
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  16.  72
    Plato on Love: Lysis, Symposium, Phaedrus, Alcibiades, with Selections From Republic and Laws.C. D. C. Reeve (ed.) - 2006 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    This collection features Plato's writings on sex and love in the preeminent translations of Stanley Lombardo, Paul Woodruff and Alexander Nehamas, D. S. Hutchinson, and C. D. C. Reeve. Reeve's Introduction provides a wealth of historical information about Plato and Socrates, and the sexual norms of classical Athens. His introductory essay looks closely at the dialogues themselves and includes the following sections: Socrates and the Art of Love; Socrates and Athenian Paiderastia; Loving Socrates; Love and the Ascent to the Beautiful; (...)
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    A Note on Strict Implication (1935).C. I. Lewis & C. H. Langford - 2014 - History and Philosophy of Logic 35 (1):1-6.
    Editor's Note: This paper was found in galley proof form from the journal Mind in the C.I. Lewis Archives in the Special Collections Department of the Stanford University Libraries, call number M174, Box 18, Folder 1. There are two copies of the proofs in this folder, one includes Lewis's corrections. The version that appears here incorporates all of Lewis's corrections. Where these corrections are substantive, the original wording is give in a footnote. The paperwas withdrawn from publication by Lewis early (...)
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  18.  72
    (1 other version)Reality and rationality.Wesley C. Salmon - 2005 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Phil Dowe & Merrilee H. Salmon.
    This volume of articles (most published, some new) is a follow-up to the late Wesley C. Salmon's widely read collection Causality And Explanation (OUP 1998). It contains both published and unpublished articles, and focuses on two related areas of inquiry: First, is science a rational enterprise? Secondly, does science yield objective information about our world, even the aspects that we cannot observe directly? Salmon's own take is that objective knowledge of the world is possible, and his work in these articles (...)
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  19.  15
    The Self in Social Theory: A Psychoanalytic Account of Its Construction in Plato, Hobbes, Locke, Rawls, and Rousseau.C. Fred Alford - 1991
    The self is a topic that crosses a great many disciplinary boundaries; concepts of the self are central to political science, psychoanalysis, philosophy, sociology, and classical studies. In this book, C.Fred Alford sets forth a psychoanalytic account of the self and applies it to texts by Plato, Hobbes, Locke, Rawis, and Rouseau in order to draw out their implicit, often inchoate, assumptions about the self.
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  20.  90
    Bermejo-Luque, Lilian. Giving Reasons. A Linguistic-Pragmatic Approach to Argumentation Theory: Springer, Argumentation Library, Dordrecht, 2011, volume 20, 209 pp.C. Andone - 2012 - Argumentation 26 (2):291-296.
    Bermejo-Luque, Lilian. Giving Reasons. A Linguistic-Pragmatic Approach to Argumentation Theory Content Type Journal Article Pages 1-6 DOI 10.1007/s10503-011-9258-z Authors C. Andone, Department of Speech Communication, Argumentation Theory and Rhetoric, University of Amsterdam, Spuistraat 134, 1012 VB Amsterdam, The Netherlands Journal Argumentation Online ISSN 1572-8374 Print ISSN 0920-427X.
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  21.  46
    Viability Analysis of Multi-fishery.C. Sanogo, S. Ben Miled & N. Raissi - 2012 - Acta Biotheoretica 60 (1-2):189-207.
    Abstract This work is about the viability domain corresponding to a model of fisheries management. The dynamic is subject of two constraints. The biological constraint ensures the stock perennity where as the economic one ensures a minimum income for the fleets. Using the mathematical concept of viability kernel, we find out a viability domain which simultaneously enables the fleets to exploit the resource, to ensure a minimum income and stock perennity. Content Type Journal Article Category Regular Article Pages 1-19 DOI (...)
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  22. Versos do fim de uma era: um poema do último dos neoplatônicos.Bernardo C. D. A. Vasconcelos - 2018 - Metagraphias 2 (3):43-54.
    O artigo oferece uma breve exposição da biografia e do contexto histórico do filósofo neoplatônico Damáscio (c. 458 - c. 538) para, na sequência, apresentar a tradução de um dos seus poemas líricos do período final de sua vida. O procedimento adotado justifica-se pelo caráter lutuoso e decididamente pessoal dos versos, nos quais Damáscio lamenta consigo próprio as perdas sofridas no decorrer de sua longa e fascinante vida. Como veremos, tais perdas estão, em verdade, diretamente ligadas ao colapso do mundo (...)
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  23. 9/11 as Schmaltz-Attractor: A Coda on the Significance of Kitsch.C. E. Emmer - 2013 - In Monica Kjellman-Chapin (ed.), Kitsch: History, Theory, Practice. Cambridge Scholars Pub. pp. 184-224.
    "The concluding chapter, penned by C. E. Emmer, both revisits and greatly expands upon disputations within the contested territory of kitsch as term and tool in cultural turf-war arsenals. Focusing on debates surrounding two visual responses to the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, Dennis Madalone's 2003 music video for the patriotic anthem 'America We Stand As One' and Jenny Ryan's 'plushie' sculpture, 'Soft 9/11,' Emmer utilizes these debates to reveal the coexisting and competing attitudes towards ostensibly kitschy objects and (...)
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    The Trials of Socrates: Six Classic Texts.C. D. C. Reeve (ed.) - 2002 - Hackett Publishing.
    This unique and expertly annotated collection of the classic accounts of Socrates left by Plato, Aristophanes, and Xenophon features new translations of Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, and the death scene from Phaedo by C. D. C. Reeve, Peter Meineck's translation of Clouds, and James Doyle's translation of Apology of Socrates.
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    'Safe Enough in his Honesty and Prudence' The Ordinary Conduct of Government in the Thought of John Locke.C. Anderson - 1992 - History of Political Thought 13 (4):605.
    While for many years Locke was viewed almost universally as the prophet of liberalism, today a successive reading of C.B. Macpherson's Possessive Individualism, John Dunn's The Political Thought of John Locke and Richard Ashcraft's Revolutionary Politics and Locke's �Two Treatises of Government�, might produce a schizophrenic vision of Locke as simultaneously an accumulative bourgeois villain, an irrelevant Calvinist moralist and a radical egalitarian revolutionary hero. This essay addresses an issue examined to a greater or lesser extent by these and other (...)
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    The (Mis)uses of Cannibalism in Contemporary Cultural Critique.C. Richard King - 2000 - Diacritics 30 (1):106-123.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:diacritics 30.1 (2000) 106-123 [Access article in PDF] The (Mis)Uses of Cannibalism in Contemporary Cultural Critique C. Richard King At least since 1979, when W. Arens demystified what he termed "the man-eating myth," cannibalism, once a fundamental feature of the anthropological imagination and a primary trope for interpreting cultural difference, has become subject to serious debate and lingering doubt [see Osborne]. Even as some anthropologists have sought to recuperate (...)
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  27.  30
    The Vedāntic Realism of Rasvihari Das.C. D. Sebastian - 2022 - Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 39 (3):279-295.
    This paper examines the realist interpretation of Vedānta that Rasvihari Das explicated in two of his celebrated treatises, namely, “The Theory of Ignorance in Advaitism” and “The Falsity of the World.” Rasvihari Das, unlike many of his contemporary thinkers of India, took a contrary position against the uninformed generalization about Indian thought that the philosophical tradition of India was one of an unbroken idealism and spiritualism. Though Rasviahari Das was influenced by his senior peer-thinkers of India like Hiralal Haldar, B. (...)
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    Narcissism: Socrates, the Frankfurt School, and Psychoanalytic Theory.C. Fred Alford - 1988
    The term narcissism is normally used to describe an infatuation with the self so extreme that the interests of others are ignored. However, argues C. Fred Alford, psychoanalytic theory also implies that narcissism can be construed in a positive way, as a striving for perfection wholeness, and control over self and world. In this book, Alford applies the psychoanalytic theory of narcissism to the philosophies of Socrates and Frankfurt School members Max Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno, Herbert Marcuse, and Jurgen Habermas, contending (...)
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  29.  13
    Homo faber and homo economicus in the scientific revolution.Ahmet Selami Çalışkan - 2022 - New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. Edited by Zahit Atçıl.
    Why did the scientific revolution take place in the West and not in China or the Islamic world? How did humanity's progress in science and technology, which had been moving along at a relatively steady pace for tens of thousands of years, end up taking such an unprecedented leap? Subjecting the history of thought and technology to a novel interpretation based on the relationship between theory and practice, Ahmet Selami Çalışkan argues that the industrial revolution and modern science-and the scientific (...)
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    Feminist Philosophy after Twenty Years Between Discrimination and Differentiation: Introductory Reflections.Carol C. Gould - 1994 - Hypatia 9 (3):183-187.
    A panel titled Feminist Philosophy after Twenty Years was organized by Carol C. Gould for the session sponsored by the Committee on the Status of Women at the American Philosophical Association's 1993 Eastern Division Meeting, December 30, 1993 in Atlanta, GA. The remarks of the three panelists, Linda Lopez McAlister, Ann Ferguson and Kathy Addelson are printed below.
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  31.  13
    Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion: Volume Ii: Determinate Religion.Peter C. Hodgson (ed.) - 2007 - Oxford University Press UK.
    The Hegel Lectures Series Series Editor: Peter C. Hodgson Hegel's lectures have had as great a historical impact as the works he himself published. Important elements of his system are elaborated only in the lectures, especially those given in Berlin during the last decade of his life. The original editors conflated materials from different sources and dates, obscuring the development and logic of Hegel's thought. The Hegel Lectures series is based on a selection of extant and recently discovered transcripts and (...)
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    Rectifying Names(Cheng-Ming) in Classical Confucianism.Cheng C.-Y. - 1977 - Chinese Studies in Philosophy 8 (3):67-81.
    The concept of rectifying names [cheng-ming] is a familiar one in the Confucian Analects. It occupies an important, if not central, position in the political philosophy of Confucius. Since, according to Confucius, the rectification of names is the basis of the establishment of social harmony and political order, one might suspect that later political theories of Confucian-ists should be traced back to the Confucian doctrine of rectifying names. It need not be added that the theory of rectifying names, as developed (...)
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  33.  13
    (1 other version)Subjectivity and Religious Belief: An Historical, Critical Study.C. Stephen Evans - 1978
    Immanuel Kant, Soren Kierkegaard, and William James- three diverse philosophers from three different eras- have followed a similar route of non-theoretical justification of belief. This position states that there is no theoretical knowledge, positive or negative, of divine existence. The defense of religious belief, therefore, must be related to pervasive features of practical human existence; in other words, it must be subjective. While giving amble attention to the differences among these three philosophers, C. Stephen Evans finds and examines a common (...)
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  34.  23
    Self-reversal of magnetization in a shale containing pyrrhotite.C. W. F. Everitt - 1962 - Philosophical Magazine 7 (77):831-842.
    A series of experiments are described on self-reversal of magnetization in a rock containing pyrrhotite. This self-reversal was produced by heat-treatment at about 320°c. Two unusual effects were observed. First, in suitable conditions the direction of magnetization could be made to change sign twice on cooling. Second, after appropriate heat-treatment the reversal mechanism became obliterated; leaving the specimen self-reversed, but containing only a single magnetic material. The second effect is of considerable interest for palaeomagnetism.
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  35.  40
    On the Chronology of the Fronto Correspondence.C. R. Haines - 1914 - Classical Quarterly 8 (02):112-.
    Owing to the illegibility of parts of the Fronto palimpsest and the carelessness of its first editor, Cardinal Mai, it was impossible, even after the critical labours of Niebuhr and his colleagues, to come to any satisfactory conclusion as to the chronology of the Letters. But the edition of S. A. Naber in 1867, which had the advantage of a fresh collation of the MS. by G. N. Du Rieu, further reinforced subsequently by a new examination of the Codex due (...)
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    Resurrection and reality in the thought of Wolfhart Pannenberg.C. Elizabeth A. Johnson - 1983 - Heythrop Journal 24 (1):1-18.
    Books Reviewed in this Article: Transforming Bible Study. By Walter Wink. Pp.175, London, SCM Press, 1981, £3.50. Isaiah 1–39. By R.E. Clements. Pp.xvi. 301, London, Marshall, Morgan and Scott, 1980, £3.95. Isaiah 40–66. By R.N. Whybray. Pp.301, London, Marshall, Morgan and Scott, 1975, Reprinted 1981, £3.95. Die Gestalt Jesu in den synoptischen Evangelien. By Heinrich Kahlefeld. Pp.264, Frankfurt, Verlag Josef Knecht, 1981, no price given. Following Jesus: Discipleship in the Gospel of Mark. By Ernest Best. Pp.283, Sheffield, JSOT Press, 1981, (...)
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  37.  20
    Introduction to Jungian Psychology: Notes of the Seminar on Analytical Psychology Given in 1925.C. G. Jung & Sonu Shamdasani - 2011 - Princeton University Press.
    Rev. ed. of: Analytical psychology: notes of the seminar given in 1925 / by C.G. Jung; edited by William McGuire. c1989.
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    After drepana.C. F. Konrad - 2015 - Classical Quarterly 65 (1):192-203.
    The Battle of Drepana in 249 b.c. marks the most significant defeat of Roman naval forces at the hands of their Carthaginian opponents during the First Punic War. Attempting to take the Punic fleet in the harbour of Drepana by surprise, the consul P. Claudius Pulcher sailed with his ships from Lilybaeum about midnight, and reached Drepana at dawn. Yet, owing to swift and level-headed counter-measures taken by the Punic commander, Adherbal, the unfolding fight – partly in the harbour, mostly (...)
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  39. Atheism Considered.C. M. Lorkowski - 2021 - Palgrave MacMillan.
    Atheism Considered is a systematic presentation of challenges to the existence of a higher power. Rather than engage in polemic against a religious worldview, C.M. Lorkowski charitably refutes the classical arguments for the existence of god, pointing out flaws in their underlying reasoning and highlighting difficulties inherent to revealed sources. In place of a theistic worldview, he argues for adopting a naturalistic one, highlighting naturalism’s capacity to explain world phenomena and contribute to the sciences. Lorkowski demonstrates that replacing theism with (...)
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    On the Beth properties of some intuitionistic modal logics.C. Luppi - 2002 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 41 (5):443-454.
    Let L be one of the intuitionistic modal logics considered in [4]. As in the classical modal case (see [7]), we define two different forms of the Beth property for L, which are denoted by B 1 and B 2 ; in this paper we study the relation among B 1 ,B 2 and the interpolation properties C 1 and C 2 , introduced in [4]. It turns out that C 1 implies B 1 , but contrary to the boolean (...)
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    Proper Definition in "Principia Mathematica".C. G. Morgan - 1973 - International Logic Review 7:80.
    In an article in "mind," 1971, pp. 282-283, the authors raised objections to a certain definition in "principia mathematica." in this paper we demonstrate that (a) their argument is faulty, (b) their suggested remedies are unsatisfactory, and (c) there is nothing wrong with the original definition.
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    A Plato Reader: Eight Essential Dialogues.C. D. C. Reeve (ed.) - 2012 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    _A Plato Reader_ offers eight of Plato's best-known works--_Euthyphro_, _Apology_, _Crito_, _Meno_, _Phaedo_, _Symposium_, _Phaedrus_, and _Republic_--unabridged, expertly introduced and annotated, and in widely admired translations by C. D. C. Reeve, G. M. A. Grube, Alexander Nehamas, and Paul Woodruff. The collection features Socrates as its central character and a model of the examined life. Its range allows us to see him in action in very different settings and philosophical modes: from the elenctic Socrates of the _Meno_ and the dialogues (...)
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    Some New Readings in Euripides.C. H. Roberts - 1935 - Classical Quarterly 29 (3-4):164-.
    I. The Antiope.—The papyrus fragments of theAntiope, written in a small and crabbed hand of the third century B.C., were first published by Mahaffy in vol. 1 of the Petrie papyri in 1891, a time when the study of writing on papyrus was in its early days and there was not the abundance of other literary texts to provide practice and comparison that there is to-day. An advance in the study of the text was made by Blass in 1892, whose (...)
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    Gay-Lussac's gas-expansivity experiments and the traditional mis-teaching of ‘Charles's Law’.C. B. Spurgin - 1987 - Annals of Science 44 (5):489-505.
    Although gas thermometers have long been the standard against which all other thermometers are checked, English-language physics textbooks usually propose experiments for students to test the linearity of the relationship, at constant pressure, between gas volume and temperature indicated by a mercury thermometer. This absurd exercise receives support from many authoritative textbooks which wrongly associate with Gay-Lussac's classic 1802 paper in Annales de Chimie—in which he announced that all gases have the same mean expansivity over the range 0 to 100°C—a (...)
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    Corrigendum.C. G. Stone - 1929 - Classical Quarterly 23 (1):60-60.
    I HAVE to correct a mistake in my article in the last number of the C.Q., on p. 195, n. 1. The sentence containing it runs; ‘Thus, for the consular provinces of 51–50, the Senate picked out the two senior ex-consuls who had not yet held consular governorships.’ But, to begin with, it is apparent from Caesar, B.C. I. 6, 5, that Cotta, who had been consul in 65, and was therefore senior to Cicero and Bibulus, had not held a (...)
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    An Uncollated MS of Juvenal.C. E. Stuart - 1909 - Classical Quarterly 3 (01):1-.
    A Page of this MS, which however I discovered independently, is reproduced by M. Chatelain in his Paléographie des Classiques Latins, and for an account of the codex I refer to vol. ii. p. 11 of that work. The volume consists of four parts: Juvenal, ff. 1–47; Persius, ff. 48–59; Horace, ff. 60–93; Juvenal, ff. 94–113. This last part contains Sat. i. 1–ii. 66, iii. 32–vi. 437, i.e. two intermediate leaves, the two outside double leaves of the first quire of (...)
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  47.  11
    (1 other version)Der Streit um die Existenz der Welt. [REVIEW]H. C. - 1966 - Review of Metaphysics 20 (2):369-369.
    This volume contains the final portion of Ingarden's extensive treatment of the existence of the external world. Entitled Welt und Bewußtsein, it is divided into four chapters: "Das Problem der Identität eines individuellen zeitlich bedingten Gegenstandes," "Die Form eines Seinsgebietes und die Form der Welt," "Das Problem der Form des reinen Bewußtseins," and "Anwendung der gewonnenen formal-ontologischen Ergebnisse auf das Problem der Existenz der Welt." The plan of the work calls for a third part, material ontology, as the systematic complement (...)
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    The Rise of Scientific Philosophy. [REVIEW]C. C. V. - 1956 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (2):369-369.
    Reprints a useful, non-technical statement of Reichenbach's mature thought, combining an unconvincing survey of speculative philosophy and its "failure," with a concise account of the results of a philosophy carried out "scientifically." The original appeared in 1951.--V. C. C.
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    Corinne Bonnet, Colette Jourdain-Annequin (éds), Héraclès. D’une rive à l’autre de la Méditerranée. Bilan e.Pierre Brulé - 1994 - Kernos 7.
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  50.  53
    Berkeley's Analysis of Perception. [REVIEW]A. S. C. - 1971 - Review of Metaphysics 25 (2):371-371.
    "One basic and underlying assumption of this investigation will be that there is a distinct continuity and development in Berkeley's thought which can be traced through all of his reflective analyses of the problem of perception." The essay argues for Berkeley's theory of perception as a "prototype of the phenomenalists." It argues also for Berkeley's incorporation of elements from the representative theory of perception. Of special interest is the treatment of Berkeley's doctrine of "suggestion" and its connection with the role (...)
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