Results for 'C. James Goodwin'

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  1.  24
    Form class as an effective encoding dimension in short-term memory.Charles P. Bird & C. James Goodwin - 1974 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 103 (4):625.
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    Ethical concerns in grievance arbitration.Robert A. Giacalone, Martha L. Reiner & James C. Goodwin - 1992 - Journal of Business Ethics 11 (4):267 - 272.
    Although the use of arbitration has become commonplace in the organizational world, the ethical issues surrounding arbitration have never been fully explored. The paper reviews ethical issues in arbitration, particularly in terms of forensic bias parallels, that may affect decision-making and make the arbitrator''s decision questionable. Finally, the maintenance of fairness in the arbitration process, and the importance of an ethically acceptable system of organizational justice are also discussed.
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    Organisational failure: rethinking whistleblowing for tomorrow’s doctors.Daniel James Taylor & Dawn Goodwin - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (10):672-677.
    The duty to protect patient welfare underpins undergraduate medical ethics and patient safety teaching. The current syllabus for patient safety emphasises the significance of organisational contribution to healthcare failures. However, the ongoing over-reliance on whistleblowing disproportionately emphasises individual contributions, alongside promoting a culture of blame and defensiveness among practitioners. Diane Vaughan’s ‘Normalisation of Deviance’ provides a counterpoise to such individualism, describing how signals of potential danger are collectively misinterpreted and incorporated into the accepted margins of safe operation. NoD is an (...)
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    Inclusion Is More Than an Invitation: Shifting Science Communication in a Science Museum.C. James Liu, Priya Mohabir & Dorothy Bennett - 2023 - In Elizabeth Rasekoala (ed.), Race and Sociocultural Inclusion in Science Communication: Innovation, Decolonisation, and Transformation. Bristol University Press. pp. 19-34.
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  5. Can IK and western science be complementary in an IK-SCIE agricultural curriculum? : theorising for an appropriate agricultural curriculum.C. Ndlovu, A. James & N. Govender - 2021 - In Kehdinga George Fomunyam & Simon Bheki Khoza (eds.), Curriculum Theory, Curriculum Theorising, and the Theoriser: The African Theorising Perspective. Boston: Brill | Sense.
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    Effect of cueing, modality, and effective contiguous time on response latency in short-term memory.C. James Scheirer - 1971 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 88 (3):429.
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    Reminiscence in short-term memory.C. James Scheirer & James F. Voss - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 80 (2p1):262.
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    Scanning for similar and different material in short- and long-term memory.C. James Scheirer & Michael J. Hanley - 1974 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 102 (2):343.
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    Yan Yangchu juan.Y. C. James Yen - 2013 - Beijing: Zhongguo ren min da xue chu ban she. Edited by Enrong Song & Y. C. James Yen.
  10. Ten unpublished letters from William James, 1842-1910 to Francis Herbert Bradley, 1846-1924.J. C. Kenna & Wm James - 1966 - Mind 75 (299):309-331.
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    Correspondance de Charles renouvier et de William James.R. -B. Perry, C. Renouvier & William James - 1929 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 36 (1):1 - 35.
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    The intuitive way of knowing: a tribute to Brian Goodwin.Brian C. Goodwin, David Lambert, Chris Chetland & Craig Millar (eds.) - 2013 - Edinburgh: Floris Books.
    Professor Brian Goodwin (1931-2007) was a visionary biologist, mathematician and philosopher. Understanding organisms as dynamics wholes, he worked to develop an alternate view to extreme Darwinism based solely on genetic factors. He was a pioneer in the field of theoretical biology.
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    Ancient Egypt through Three WindowsTextes sacrés et textes profanes de l'ancienne ÉgyptePharaoh's People: Scenes from Life in Imperial EgyptAkhenaten, The Heretic KingTextes sacres et textes profanes de l'ancienne Egypte.Edmund S. Meltzer, C. Lalouette, T. G. H. James & D. B. Redford - 1988 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 108 (2):285.
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    Response to: Correspondence on ‘Organisational failure: rethinking whistleblowing for tomorrow’s doctors’ by Taylor and Goodwin.Dawn Goodwin & Daniel James Taylor - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (11):891-892.
    We thank the commentators for their thoughtful engagement with our paper.1 In different ways, they make the same substantial point: our suggested interventions are not enough to solve the problems of organisational failure. On this we wholeheartedly agree. Organisational failure in healthcare is complex and multifaceted, it cannot be solved by one intervention in medical education. We did not intend to imply that our proposals alone would solve organisational failure, and this positioning misconstrues the aims of our paper. We had (...)
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  15.  20
    Nature's due: healing our fragmented culture.Brian C. Goodwin - 2007 - Edinburgh: Floris Books.
    Brian Goodwin, author of How the Leopard Changed Its Spots, argues for a view of nature as complex, interrelated networks of relationships. He proposes that, in order for us to once again work with nature to achieve true sustainability on our planet, we need to adopt a new science, new art, new design, new economies and new patterns of responsibility. We must be willing to pay nature its due: to recognize what we owe to the natural world and resist (...)
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  16.  50
    LVAD-DT: Culture of Rescue and Liminal Experience in the Treatment of Heart Failure.Frances K. Barg, Katherine Kellom, Tali Ziv, Sarah C. Hull, Selena Suhail-Sindhu & James N. Kirkpatrick - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics 17 (2):3-11.
    The purpose of this article is to investigate how cultural meanings associated with the left ventricular assist device inform acceptance and experience of this innovative technology when it is used as a destination therapy. We conducted open-ended, semistructured interviews with family caregivers and patients who had undergone LVAD-DT procedures at six U.S. hospitals. A grounded theory approach was used for the analysis. Thirty-nine patients and 42 caregivers participated. Participants described a sense of obligation to undergo the procedure because of its (...)
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  17.  31
    C. S. Peirce and the Problem of Knowledge.James O’Connell - 1957 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 7:3-42.
    In posing the problem of knowledge one may distinguish two different, though not separate, steps. It may first be asked if a world exists independently of the knowing person. And if the answer if affirmative, it may be asked what is the extent of our knowledge of this world. Both steps in the problem reduce to the one question of the value of our knowledge. However the distinction of the stages has some methodological advantages. And it is the approach that (...)
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  18.  57
    Problems and paradigms: What are the causes of morphogenesis?Brian C. Goodwin - 1985 - Bioessays 3 (1):32-36.
    Problems and Paradigms is a feature series devoted to discussions of major problems in biology. Past contributions have dealt with the selector gene hypothesis, problems of pattern formation, the phenomenon of paramutation, theories of aging, and the origins of life. In this article, Brian C. Goodwin discusses the problem of morphogenesis, in terms of the idea of the genetic program and in the light of recent findings.
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  19.  28
    William James and empiricism.F. C. S. Schiller - 1928 - Journal of Philosophy 25 (6):155-162.
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    James Joyce: The Citizen and the Artist.Tom Beebee & C. H. Peake - 1979 - Substance 8 (2/3):215.
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  21. James's Will-to-Believe Doctrine: A Heretical View.James C. S. Wernham - 1988 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 24 (3):423-427.
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  22.  11
    The empirical basis for the discovery of new therapies.James S. Goodwin - 1991 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 35 (1):20.
  23.  91
    Eighteenth Century British Aesthetics.James Shelley - 2018 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    18th-century British aesthetics addressed itself to a variety of questions: What is taste? What is beauty? Is there is a standard of taste and of beauty? What is the relation between the beauty of nature and that of artistic representation? What is the relation between one fine art and another? How ought the fine arts be ranked one against another? What is the nature of the sublime and ought it be ranked with the beautiful? What is the nature of genius (...)
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  24. The C. L. R. James Reader.Anna Grimshaw, C. L. R. James, Keith Hart & Robert A. Hill - 1996 - Science and Society 60 (2):220-226.
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    Game Theory, Abduction, and the Economy of Research: C. S. Peirce's Conception of Humanity's Most Economic Resource.James R. Wible - 2018 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 54 (2):134.
    Our power of guessing corresponds to a bird's musical and aeronautical powers.There still remains one more economic consideration in reference to a hypothesis; namely, that it may give a good "leave," as the billiard players say.There is a game called "Twenty Questions," in which one party thinks of something well known to the other, who may then ask at most twenty questions answerable by yes or no, after which he has a right to make three guesses. … The principle of (...)
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  26.  54
    The functional organization of posterior parietal association cortex.James C. Lynch - 1980 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3 (4):485-499.
    Posterior parietal cortex has traditionally been considered to be a sensory association area in which higher-order processing and intermodal integration of incoming sensory information occurs. In this paper, evidence from clinical reports and from lesion and behavioral-electrophysiological experiments using monkeys is reviewed and discussed in relation to the overall functional organization of posterior parietal association cortex, and particularly with respect to a proposed posterior parietal mechanism concerned with the initiation and control of certain classes of eye and limb movements. Preliminary (...)
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  27.  10
    Culture and medicine: the influence of puritanism on American medical practice.James S. Goodwin - 1994 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 38 (4):567-577.
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  28.  25
    Symmetry-breaking processes and morphogenesis.B. C. Goodwin - 1978 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 1 (2):297-297.
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    The statistics of Kellner, Robert-a glossary of terms.James S. Goodwin - 1994 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 37 (2):285-287.
  30.  10
    Eugene O'Neill and Oriental Thought: A Divided Vision.James A. Robinson - 1982
    "Off and on, of late years, I have studied the history and development of all religions with immense interest as being for me, at least, the most illuminating 'case histories' of the inner life of man."--Eugene O'Neill writing to M. C. Sparrow, 1929 While it is commonly accepted that Eu­gene O'Neill studied Oriental mystical religions and that this study may be detected in some of his less successful experimental plays (Lazarus Laughed, The Fountain, Marco Millions) there has not been an (...)
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  31.  16
    Defense, Redemption, Care: Black Feminist and Queer Studies.James Bliss - 2021 - Feminist Studies 47 (1):34-61.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:34 Feminist Studies 47, no. 1. © 2021 by Feminist Studies, Inc. James Bliss Defense, Redemption, Care: Black Feminist and Queer Studies Literary theory continues to be received by some as if it were an alien or antagonistic presence from whose leaden and reductive grasp it is imperative to keep literature protected. It is rare, however, that it is the literary, as such, that is being protected, rather (...)
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  32.  13
    Be Your Own Person.C. Goodwin - 1998 - Philosophy Now 20:15-16.
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    Temporal order as the origin of spatial order in embryos.B. C. Goodwin - 1972 - In J. T. Fraser, F. C. Haber & G. H. Mueller (eds.), The Study of Time. Springer Verlag. pp. 190--199.
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  34.  37
    James's faith-ladder.James C. S. Wernham - 1990 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 28 (1):105.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:James's Faith-Ladder JAMES C. S. WERNHAM JAMES WROTE OFTEN of a "faith-ladder."' What he said about it has drawn some side-glances from critics, but not yet any sustained and careful look.' That is surprising, for what he says is puzzling enough to invite inquiry. It is also important enough to deserve it. His presentations of the ladder show significant variation, so it is useful to look (...)
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  35. Values and attitudes.James D. Carlson, Rachael Dailey Goodwin & Lori L. Wadsworth - 2014 - In Bradley R. Agle, David W. Hart, Jeffery A. Thompson & Hilary M. Hendricks (eds.), Research companion to ethical behavior in organizations: constructs and measures. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar.
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    Analyzing intention in utterances.James F. Allen & C. Raymond Perrault - 1980 - Artificial Intelligence 15 (3):143-178.
  37. James on Self Activity and Freedom.D. C. Mathur - 1977 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 4 (4):551-65.
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  38.  28
    A History of Rendcomb College.H. C. Barnard, C. H. C. Osborne, J. C. James & R. L. James - 1978 - British Journal of Educational Studies 26 (1):104.
  39.  31
    Why there are complementary learning systems in the hippocampus and neocortex: Insights from the successes and failures of connectionist models of learning and memory.James L. McClelland, Bruce L. McNaughton & Randall C. O'Reilly - 1995 - Psychological Review 102 (3):419-457.
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    Studies on Scarab Seals, Volume II: Scarab Seals and Their Contribution to History in the Early Second Millennium B. C.James M. Weinstein & Olga Tufnell - 1988 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 108 (3):517.
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    C. I. Lewis' defense of phenomenalism.James van Cleve - 1981 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 41 (3):325-332.
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    Scottish Philosophy in America.James J. S. Foster (ed.) - 2012 - Imprint Academic.
    The Scottish Enlightenment provided the fledgling United States of America and its emerging universities with a philosophical orientation. For a hundred years or more, Scottish philosophers were both taught and emulated by professors at Princeton, Harvard and Yale, as well as newly founded colleges stretching from Rhode Island to Texas. This volume in the Library of Scottish Philosophy demonstrates the remarkable extent of this philosophical influence. Selections from William Smith, John Witherspoon, Samuel Stanhope Smith, Archibald Alexander, Alexander Campbell, W.E. Channing, (...)
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  43.  14
    A science of qualities.B. C. Goodwin - 1987 - In Basil J. Hiley & D. Peat (eds.), Quantum Implications: Essays in Honour of David Bohm. Methuen. pp. 328--37.
  44.  63
    Character identity mechanisms: a conceptual model for comparative-mechanistic biology.James DiFrisco, Alan C. Love & Günter P. Wagner - 2020 - Biology and Philosophy 35 (4):1-32.
    There have been repeated attempts in the history of comparative biology to provide a mechanistic account of morphological homology. However, it is well-established that homologues can develop from diverse sets of developmental causes, appearing not to share any core causal architecture that underwrites character identity. We address this challenge with a new conceptual model of Character Identity Mechanisms. ChIMs are cohesive mechanisms with a recognizable causal profile that allows them to be traced through evolution as homologues despite having a diverse (...)
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  45. Scientific representation: A long journey from pragmatics to pragmatics: Bas C. van Fraassen: Scientific representation: Paradoxes of perspective. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2008, xiv+408pp, £35.00 HB. [REVIEW]James Ladyman, Otávio Bueno, Mauricio Suárez & Bas C. van Fraassen - 2010 - Metascience 20 (3):417-442.
    Scientific representation: A long journey from pragmatics to pragmatics Content Type Journal Article DOI 10.1007/s11016-010-9465-5 Authors James Ladyman, Department of Philosophy, University of Bristol, 9 Woodland Rd, Bristol, BS8 1TB UK Otávio Bueno, Department of Philosophy, University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL 33124, USA Mauricio Suárez, Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science, Complutense University of Madrid, 28040 Madrid, Spain Bas C. van Fraassen, Philosophy Department, San Francisco State University, 1600 Holloway Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94132, USA Journal Metascience (...)
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  46.  20
    Problems from Philosophy, by James Rachels.N. C. Rauhut - 2005 - Teaching Philosophy 1:77-79.
  47.  24
    Coherent Readers, Incoherent Texts.James R. Kincaid - 1977 - Critical Inquiry 3 (4):781-802.
    The frontiers of pluralism, it appears, are fortified right at the deconstructionists' borders. Admitting freely the possibility of ambiguities, even radical ones, M. H. Abrams still insists on the text as a product of an intention, however complex. Writers write "in order to be understood," he says; there is a certain limited degree of interpretative freedom, but we must always respect the fact that "the sequence of sentences these authors wrote were designed to have a core of determinate meanings."1 Hillis (...)
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  48.  19
    Sir James Phillips Kay‐Shuttleworth : A trial bibliography.B. C. Bloomfield - 1961 - British Journal of Educational Studies 9 (2):155-177.
  49. Letting Structure Emerge: Connectionist and Dynamical Systems Approaches to Cognition.Linda B. Smith James L. McClelland, Matthew M. Botvinick, David C. Noelle, David C. Plaut, Timothy T. Rogers, Mark S. Seidenberg - 2010 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 14 (8):348.
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    Eisenstein, Ecstasy, Joyce, and Hebraism.James Goodwin - 2000 - Critical Inquiry 26 (3):529-557.
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