Results for 'Carey Jernigan'

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  1.  28
    Wind Power in Ontario: Its Contribution to the Electricity Grid.Carey Jernigan & Ian H. Rowlands - 2008 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 28 (6):436-453.
    The purpose of this article is to investigate wind turbine production, the variability of that production, and the relationship between output and system-wide demand. A review of the literature reveals that a variety of measures (and methods) to explore the variability of wind power production exist. Attention then turns to the province of Ontario (Canada), and the performances of four wind farms are examined for 2006 and 2007. Key conclusions include that the wind farms' capacity factors vary from 27.6% to (...)
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    “Is there something wrong with that?”: The Transculturation of Martin Luther King, Jr., Schools in Germany.Harriett Jernigan - 2018 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2018 (182):99-120.
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    Dante Alighieri, Purgatorio, trans. Jean Hollander and Robert Hollander. With facingpage Italian text. New York, London, and Toronto: Doubleday, 2003. Pp. xxiv, 742; 1 black-and-white figure. $35. [REVIEW]Charles Jernigan - 2005 - Speculum 80 (4):1259-1262.
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  4. The origin of concepts.Susan Carey - 2009 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Only human beings have a rich conceptual repertoire with concepts like tort, entropy, Abelian group, mannerism, icon and deconstruction. How have humans constructed these concepts? And once they have been constructed by adults, how do children acquire them? While primarily focusing on the second question, in The Origin of Concepts , Susan Carey shows that the answers to both overlap substantially. Carey begins by characterizing the innate starting point for conceptual development, namely systems of core cognition. Representations of (...)
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  5. Conceptual Differences Between Children and Adults.Susan Carey - 1988 - Mind and Language 3 (3):167-181.
  6.  84
    Locke, Shaftesbury, and Hutcheson: contesting diversity in the Enlightenment and beyond.Daniel Carey - 2006 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Are human beings linked by a common nature, one that makes them see the world in the same moral way? Or are they fragmented by different cultural practices and values? These fundamental questions of our existence were debated in the Enlightenment by Locke, Shaftesbury, and Hutcheson. Daniel Carey provides an important new historical perspective on their discussion. At the same time, he explores the relationship between these founding arguments and contemporary disputes over cultural diversity and multiculturalism. Our own conflicting (...)
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  7. Précis of the origin of concepts.Susan Carey - 2011 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 34 (3):113-124.
    A theory of conceptual development must specify the innate representational primitives, must characterize the ways in which the initial state differs from the adult state, and must characterize the processes through which one is transformed into the other. The Origin of Concepts (henceforth TOOC) defends three theses. With respect to the initial state, the innate stock of primitives is not limited to sensory, perceptual, or sensorimotor representations; rather, there are also innate conceptual representations. With respect to developmental change, conceptual development (...)
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  8. Infants' knowledge of objects: beyond object files and object tracking.Susan Carey & Fei Xu - 2001 - Cognition 80 (1-2):179-213.
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  9. Science and Core Knowledge.Susan Carey & Elizabeth Spelke - 1996 - Philosophy of Science 63 (4):515 - 533.
    While endorsing Gopnik's proposal that studies of the emergence and modification of scientific theories and studies of cognitive development in children are mutually illuminating, we offer a different picture of the beginning points of cognitive development from Gopnik's picture of "theories all the way down." Human infants are endowed with several distinct core systems of knowledge which are theory-like in some, but not all, important ways. The existence of these core systems of knowledge has implications for the joint research program (...)
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    On Learning New Primitives in the Language of Thought: Reply to Rey.Susan Carey - 2014 - Mind and Language 29 (2):133-166.
    A theory of conceptual development must provide an account of the innate representational repertoire, must characterize how these initial representations differ from the adult state, and must provide an account of the processes that transform the initial into mature representations. In Carey, 2009 (The Origin of Concepts), I defend three theses: 1) the initial state includes rich conceptual representations, 2) nonetheless, there are radical discontinuities between early and later developing conceptual systems, 3) Quinean bootstrapping is one learning mechanism that (...)
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  11. Where our number concepts come from.Susan Carey - 2009 - Journal of Philosophy 106 (4):220-254.
  12.  77
    Cognitive Foundations of Arithmetic: Evolution and Ontogenisis.Susan Carey - 2002 - Mind and Language 16 (1):37-55.
    Dehaene (this volume) articulates a naturalistic approach to the cognitive foundations of mathematics. Further, he argues that the ‘number line’ (analog magnitude) system of representation is the evolutionary and ontogenetic foundation of numerical concepts. Here I endorse Dehaene’s naturalistic stance and also his characterization of analog magnitude number representations. Although analog magnitude representations are part of the evolutionary foundations of numerical concepts, I argue that they are unlikely to be part of the ontogenetic foundations of the capacity to represent natural (...)
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  13. Cognitive Models of Science.C. Carey & R. N. Giere - 1992 - In R. Giere & H. Feigl, Cognitive Models of Science. University of Minnesota Press.
  14.  55
    The Chicken or the Egg? The Direction of the Relationship Between Mathematics Anxiety and Mathematics Performance.Emma Carey, Francesca Hill, Amy Devine & Dénes Szücs - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Knowledge acquisition: Enrichment or conceptual change.Susan Carey - 1999 - In Eric Margolis & Stephen Laurence, Concepts: Core Readings. MIT Press. pp. 459--487.
  16.  30
    Do analog number representations underlie the meanings of young children’s verbal numerals?Susan Carey, Anna Shusterman, Paul Haward & Rebecca Distefano - 2017 - Cognition 168 (C):243-255.
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  17. Overdetermination And The Exclusion Problem.Brandon Carey - 2011 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 89 (2):251-262.
    The exclusion problem is held to show that mental and physical events are identical by claiming that the denial of this identity is incompatible with the causal completeness of physics and the occurrence of mental causation. The problem relies for its motivation on the claim that overdetermination of physical effects by mental and physical causes is objectionable for a variety of reasons. In this paper, I consider four different definitions of? overdetermination? and argue that, on each, overdetermination in all cases (...)
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  18.  59
    Do nonlinguistic creatures deploy mental symbols for logical connectives in reasoning?Susan Carey - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e267.
    Some nonlinguistic systems of representation display some of the six features of a language-of-thought (LoT) delineated by Quilty-Dunn et al. But they conjecture something stronger: That all six features cooccur homeostatically in nonlinguistic thought. Here I argue that there is no good evidence for nonlinguistic deductive reasoning involving the disjunctive syllogism. Animals and prelinguistic children probably do not make logical inferences.
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    Provisional Sufficientarianism: Distributive Feasibility in Non-ideal Theory.Brian Carey - 2020 - Journal of Value Inquiry 54 (4):589-606.
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  20. Possible disagreements and defeat.Brandon Carey - 2011 - Philosophical Studies 155 (3):371-381.
    Conciliatory views about disagreement with one’s epistemic peers lead to a somewhat troubling skeptical conclusion: that often, when we know others disagree, we ought to be (perhaps much) less sure of our beliefs than we typically are. One might attempt to extend this skeptical conclusion by arguing that disagreement with merely possible epistemic agents should be epistemically significant to the same degree as disagreement with actual agents, and that, since for any belief we have, it is possible that someone should (...)
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  21.  59
    What good are the arts?John Carey - 2006 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Does strolling through an art museum, admiring the old masters, improve us morally and spiritually? Would government subsidies of "high art" (such as big-city opera houses) be better spent on local community art projects? In What Good are the Arts? John Carey--one of Britain's most respected literary critics--offers a delightfully skeptical look at the nature of art. In particular, he cuts through the cant surrounding the fine arts, debunking claims that the arts make us better people or that judgements (...)
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  22. Public Reason—Honesty, Not Sincerity.Brian Carey - 2017 - Journal of Political Philosophy 26 (1):47-64.
  23.  67
    Compiling nature's history: Travellers and travel narratives in the early royal society.Daniel Carey - 1997 - Annals of Science 54 (3):269-292.
    SummaryThe relationship between travel, travel narrative, and the enterprise of natural history is explored, focusing on activities associated with the early Royal Society. In an era of expanding travel, for colonial, diplomatic, trade, and missionary purposes, reports of nature's effects proliferated, both in oral and written forms. Naturalists intent on compiling a comprehensive history of such phenomena, and making them useful in the process, readily incorporated these reports into their work. They went further by trying to direct the course of (...)
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  24.  52
    Medical Assistance in Dying at a paediatric hospital.Carey DeMichelis, Randi Zlotnik Shaul & Adam Rapoport - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (1):60-67.
    This article explores the ethical challenges of providing Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) in a paediatric setting. More specifically, we focus on the theoretical questions that came to light when we were asked to develop a policy for responding to MAID requests at our tertiary paediatric institution. We illuminate a central point of conceptual confusion about the nature of MAID that emerges at the level of practice, and explore the various entailments for clinicians and patients that would flow from different (...)
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  25.  59
    Why Theories of Concepts Should Not Ignore the Problem of Acquisition.Susan Carey - 2015 - Disputatio 7 (41):113-163.
    Why Theories of Concepts Should Not Ignore the Problem of Acquisition.
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  26. Spiritual, but not religious?: On the nature of spirituality and its relation to religion.Jeremiah Carey - 2018 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 83 (3):261-269.
    Recent years have seen a rise in those who describe themselves as “spiritual, but not religious”. At a popular level, there has been a lot of debate about this label and what it represents. But philosophers have in general paid little attention to the conceptual issues it raises. What is spirituality, exactly, and how does it relate to religion? Could there be a non-religious spirituality? In this paper, I try to give an outline account of the nature of spirituality and (...)
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  27.  96
    Misinformation and Epistemic Harm.Brandon Carey - 2023 - Social Philosophy Today 39:89-100.
    Standard accounts of misinformation require that it is either false or misleading, in the sense that it leads people to false beliefs. But many examples of misinformation involve true information that leads people to true beliefs. So, I propose a new theory of misinformation: misinformation is information that is epistemically harmful in the sense that it is disposed to reduce the overall quality of a subject’s epistemic position. This includes not only causing the subject to form a false belief, but (...)
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  28. Mencius, Hume, and the Virtue of Humanity: Sources of Benevolent Moral Development.Jeremiah Carey & Rico Vitz - 2020 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 28 (4):693-713.
    In this paper, we elucidate the moral psychology and what we might call the moral sociology of Mencius and of Hume, and we argue for three claims. First, we demonstrate that there are strong similarities between Mencius and Hume concerning some of the principal psychological sources of the virtue of humanity. Second, we show that there are strong similarities between the two concerning some of the principal social sources of the virtue of humanity. Third, we argue that there are related, (...)
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  29.  42
    A biopsychosocial model based on negative feedback and control.Timothy A. Carey, Warren Mansell & Sara J. Tai - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  30.  41
    Generality and specificity in the effects of musical expertise on perception and cognition.Daniel Carey, Stuart Rosen, Saloni Krishnan, Marcus T. Pearce, Alex Shepherd, Jennifer Aydelott & Frederic Dick - 2015 - Cognition 137 (C):81-105.
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    The Problem of Uniqueness in History.Carey B. Joynt & Nicholas Rescher - 1961 - History and Theory 1 (2):150-162.
    Every individual event, qua individual, is unique. THought renders events non-unique through classification and generalization. Historical explanation demands understanding causal connections, in turn requiring the use of generalizations. History is a consumer of established laws which introduce a locus of non-uniqueness into history. Also, history is a producer of limited generalizations, covering temporally confined structual patterns which constitute the locus of uniqueness in history. It is the temporal limitation of these patterns, and not the chronological description of facts, which gives (...)
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    Unpacking “the surprise chain”: the governance of food security during the COVID-19 pandemic in Melbourne, Australia.Rachel Carey & Maureen Murphy - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-14.
    Food systems are being affected by multiple shocks related to climate change, the COVID-19 pandemic and geopolitical events. Food prices and food insecurity are rising globally as a result, raising questions about the effective governance of food security during shocks. This paper critically examines the governance of food security in Melbourne, Australia during a major food system shock, the COVID-19 pandemic. It draws on document analysis and 34 stakeholder interviews with 41 participants from government, industry and civil society between May (...)
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    Unpacking “the surprise chain”: the governance of food security during the COVID-19 pandemic in Melbourne, Australia.Rachel Carey & Maureen Murphy - 2025 - Agriculture and Human Values 42 (1):107-120.
    Food systems are being affected by multiple shocks related to climate change, the COVID-19 pandemic and geopolitical events. Food prices and food insecurity are rising globally as a result, raising questions about the effective governance of food security during shocks. This paper critically examines the governance of food security in Melbourne, Australia during a major food system shock, the COVID-19 pandemic. It draws on document analysis and 34 stakeholder interviews with 41 participants from government, industry and civil society between May (...)
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  34. The origin and evolution of everyday concepts.Susan Carey - 1992 - In R. Giere & H. Feigl, Cognitive Models of Science. University of Minnesota Press. pp. 15--89.
  35.  25
    There is no fresh air: A problem with the concept of echo chambers.Brian Carey & Elizabeth Ventham - forthcoming - Episteme:1-19.
    Standardly, echo chambers are thought to be structures that we should avoid. Agents should keep away from them, to be able to assess a fuller range of evidence and avoid having their confidence in that information manipulated. This paper argues against that standard view. Not only can echo chambers be neutral or good for us, but the existing definitions apply so widely that such chambers are unavoidable. We are all in large numbers of echo chambers at any time – they (...)
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    What did Adam Smith learn from François Quesnay?Toni Vogel Carey - 2020 - Journal of Scottish Philosophy 18 (2):175-191.
    Book IV of Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations concerns two rival economic theories, Mercantilism and Physiocracy. The latter, François Quesnay's system, occupies only the ninth and final chapter, and it begins with a stunning dismissal. Yet, fifteen pages later, Smith praises this theory to the skies. That cries out for explanation. Like Mercantilism, Smith's system emphasizes commerce, whereas Quesnay's is confined to agriculture. But like Physiocracy, Smith's system is built on individual liberty, whereas Mercantilism is one of government control. Despite (...)
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  37. Learning Choreography: An Investigation of Motor Imagery, Attentional Effort, and Expertise in Modern Dance.Katy Carey, Aidan Moran & Brendan Rooney - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  38.  37
    Samuel Lebens. Bertrand Russell and the Nature of Propositions: A History and Defence of the Multiple Relation Theory of Judgement.Rosalind Carey - 2019 - Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy 7 (1).
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    The Educated Woman in America. Selected Writings of Catherine Beecher, Margaret Fuller and M. Carey Thomas.Margaret Fuller, M. Carey Thomas, Barbara M. Cross & Catherine Beecher - 1966 - British Journal of Educational Studies 14 (3):103-104.
  40. Concept innateness, concept continuity, and bootstrapping.Susan Carey - 2011 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 34 (3):152.
    The commentators raised issues relevant to all three important theses of The Origin of Concepts (henceforth TOOC). Some questioned the very existence of innate representational primitives, and others questioned my claims about their richness and whether they should be thought of as concepts. Some questioned the existence of conceptual discontinuity in the course of knowledge acquisition and others argued that discontinuity is much more common than was portrayed in TOOC. Some raised issues with my characterization of Quinian bootstrapping, and others (...)
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  41.  30
    Nomos in Attic rhetoric and oratory.Chris Carey - 1996 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 116:33-46.
  42.  46
    Archilochus and Lycambes.C. Carey - 1986 - Classical Quarterly 36 (01):60-.
    A persistent ancient tradition has it that a man named Lycambes promised his daughter Neoboule in marriage to the poet Archilochus of Paros, that he subsequently refused Archilochus, and that the poet attacked Lycambes and his daughters with such ferocity that they all committed suicide. When we reflect that the iambographer Hipponax drove his enemies Bupalus and Athenis and Old Comedy a man named Poliager to suicide, that the ancestress of iambos, Iambe, killed herself, and that all these suicides, like (...)
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    The Best Interests Standard as a Logic of Empire: Unpacking the Political Dimensions of Parental Refusal.Carey DeMichelis - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (8):83-85.
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  44.  13
    Deconstruction, Choice, Reconstruction, and Integration: Insights from Ignatius of Loyola’s Conversion Process on the Professional Formation of Organizational Leaders.Michael R. Carey & Dung Q. Tran - 2023 - Humanistic Management Journal 8 (2):181-190.
    This article, the first of a two-part series, examines how Saint Ignatius of Loyola’s (1548/ 1991 ) nearly 500 year-old approach to the transformation of others in their leadership journeys is still being actualized, with applications to transformations in workplaces and the graduate education of business leaders, by drawing upon both the handbook Ignatius wrote to guide his work—called the _Spiritual Exercises_—and upon the account of his own transformation experience captured in his _Autobiography_. Our exploratory prelude to practice is guided (...)
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  45.  17
    Douglas Maurice MacDowell 1931-2010.Chris Carey - 2011 - In Carey Chris, Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 172, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows, X. pp. 233.
    Douglas Macdowell, one of the most distinguished students of Greek oratory, law and comedy of the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries, was for 30 years Professor of Greek at Glasgow University. He was elected a Fellow of the British Academy in 1993 and was also a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Obituary by Chris Carey.
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    Hutcheson's moral sense and the problem of innateness.Daniel Carey - 2000 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 38 (1):103-110.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 38.1 (2000) 103-110 [Access article in PDF] Hutcheson's Moral Sense and the Problem of Innateness Daniel Carey National University of Ireland Francis Hutcheson's philosophy arguably represented a delicate, and at times precarious, synthesis of positions laid out by John Locke and the third Earl of Shaftesbury. From Shaftesbury, whose influence he acknowledged explicitly in the title page of the first edition of (...)
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  47.  6
    Our Elders Teach Us: Maya-Kaqchikel Historical Perspectives.David Carey - 2001 - University of Alabama Press.
    By casting a wide net for his interviews - from tiny hamlets to bustling Guatemala City - Carey gained insight into more than a single community or a single group of Maya."--BOOK JACKET.
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    Why I believe in a personal God: the credibility of faith in a doubting culture.George Carey - 1991 - Wheaton, Ill.: H. Shaw Publishers.
    Is the Universe on our side? "My own investigations over a period of many years have given me a quiet assurance that there is a God who has given us sufficient clues in life, nature, human thought, beauty and art to satisfy the genuine inquirer that he exists, and that he has expressed himself most meaningfully in Jesus Christ. However, you may come to a different conclusion at the end of this book and that is your right as a thinking (...)
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  49.  32
    Hospital Cost Efficiency and System Membership.Kathleen Carey - 2003 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 40 (1):25-38.
  50.  51
    (1 other version)The preference satisfaction model of linguistic advantage.Brian Carey - 2017 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 22 (2):1-21.
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