Results for 'Carl von Clausewitz'

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  1.  25
    On small war: Carl von Clausewitz and people’s war.James W. Davis - 2020 - Contemporary Political Theory 19 (1):86-89.
  2. Machiavelli scrittore e passi dai suoi scritti con una lettera di Carl Von Clausewitz a Fichte.Johann Gottlieb Fichte - 1985 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane 14 (2):141-182.
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    Das Wechselverhältnis von Theorie und Praxis bei Carl von Clausewitz.Dietmar Schössler - 1989 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 71 (1):39-62.
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    Krieg und Zufall. Die Transformation der Kriegskunst bei Carl von Clausewitz.Hartmut Böhme - 2010 - In Marco Formisano & Hartmut Böhme (eds.), War in Words: Transformations of War From Antiquity to Clausewitz. de Gruyter. pp. 19--391.
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    (1 other version)Oorlog en politiek in het denken van Carl von Clausewitz.Johan Verstraeten - 1985 - Res Publica: Tijdschrift Voor Politologie 27 (1):31-57.
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    Nachweise aus Clausewitz, Carl von: Vom Kriege.Jörg Marx - 2001 - Nietzsche Studien 30 (1):415-417.
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    Clausewitz and the Ethics of Armed Force: Five Propositions.Paul Cornish - 2003 - Journal of Military Ethics 2 (3):213-226.
    The work of Carl von Clausewitz Clausewitz, Carl von, [1832] 1976. On War, Michael Howard, and Peter Paret, eds. and trans. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. [Google Scholar] continues to provoke heated debate. For some scholars, Clausewitz's On War remains indispensable to serious thought on the resort to war in the modern period. Others, however, see Clausewitz's work as either outdated, or a morally repellent argument for unlimited, unrestrained and brutal warfare. This essay argues (...)
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  8. Pensar la guerra, Clausewitz: la interpretación aroniana de del "vom Kriege".Oscar Elía - 2007 - Anuario Filosófico 40 (88):109-128.
    For the last two centuries “Vom Kriege” has been used to justify two different kinds of totalitarianisms: Marxism-Leninism and Nazism. However, during the 1950s liberal thinking also made use of that work. In line with liberal thinking, Raymond Aron’s “Penser la Guerre, Clausewitz” presents Clausewitz’s work as moderate and liberal and underplays its totalitarian connections.
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    War as Paradox: Clausewitz and Hegel on Fighting Doctrines and Ethics.Youri Cormier (ed.) - 2016 - Montreal, Quebec: Mcgill-Queen's University Press.
    Two centuries after Carl von Clausewitz wrote On War, it lines the shelves of military colleges around the world and even showed up in an Al Qaeda hideout. Though it has shaped much of the common parlance on the subject, On War is perceived by many as a “metaphysical fog,” widely known but hardly read. In War as Paradox, Youri Cormier lifts the fog on this iconic work by explaining its philosophical underpinnings. Building up a genealogy of dialectical (...)
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    Clausewitz, War, and Meaning Formation: Raymond Aron’s Experience of Philosophical Reflection.Vasily K. Belozerov - 2020 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 63 (1):40-65.
    The article studies the influence of the ideological heritage of the Prussian war theorist Carl von Clausewitz on the works, worldview, and political views of the French researcher Raymond Aron. For a long time, in France the value and relevance of Clausewitz’s theory of war was acknowledged only in the light of specialized military issues. Aron was one of the first in the country to recognize the value and methodological potential of Clausewitz’s political philosophy of war (...)
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    War and Politics: Clausewitz and Schmitt in the Light of Girard's Mimetic Theory.Wolfgang Palaver & Gabriel Borrud - 2017 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 24:101-117.
    My thoughts on the relationship between war and politics will follow three distinct steps. First off, in an exposition of the Prussian military theorist Carl von Clausewitz and German political philosopher Carl Schmitt, I will attempt to illustrate that politics, as such, is rooted in war and that the latter can never be understood as a mere instrument of the former. A second step will highlight, using above all Schmitt, traditional manifestations of the religious containment of war, (...)
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  12. Schmerz und Hegung. Das Politische und die Institutionalisierung seiner Grenzen.Dikovich Albert - 2020 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 8 (1):195-230.
    My paper aims to outline the concept of the pathic foundation of political institutions. I depart from the observation of a lack of clarity concerning the resources of institutional stability in the work of Chantal Mouffe and the proponents of agonistic democracy. Drawing from the ideas of Claude Lefort and Carl von Clausewitz, I sketch the idea that the experience of confict itself generates the moral and epistemic groundings that legitimize and stabilize its institutional regulations. It is within (...)
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  13. An Analysis of Guerilla Warfare: From Clausewitz to T.E. Lawrence.Dominic Cassella - manuscript
    This paper attempts to understand the nature of guerrilla warfare as taught by T.E. Lawrence in light of Clausewitz and Liddell Hart.
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    Théoriser la morale à l’époque de Clausewitz : historicité ou transhistoricité?Hervé Drévillon - 2024 - Astérion 30 (30).
    In the history of war thinking, a transhistorical approach has emerged, with the value of not subjecting the theory to circumstances, particularly those fuelled by technical factors. This ambition was closely linked to Clausewitz’s theory, which was based on the difference between the historical character of “real war” and the transhistorical character of “absolute war”. Prior to Clausewitz’s theory, the transhistorical character had crept into the thinking on warfare in the modern era, which had developed a great deal (...)
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  15.  5
    Philosophers of Peace and War: Kant, Clausewitz, Marx, Engles and Tolstoy.W. B. Gallie - 1978 - Cambridge University Press.
    Intellectual eminence apart, what did Kant, Clausewitz, Marx and Engels, and Tolstoy have in common? Professor Gallic argues that they made contributions to 'international theory' - to the understanding of the character and causes of war and of the possibility of peace between nations - which were of unrivalled originality in their own times and remain of undiminished importance in ours. But these contributions have been either ignored or much misunderstood ; chiefly because, as with all intellectual efforts in (...)
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  16.  8
    Dritte Abtheilung.Carl von Linné - 1826 - In Linnés Eigenhändige Anzeichnungen Über Sich Selbst, Mit Anmerkungen Und Zusätzen von Afzelius. Nebst Linne's Bildniß Und Handschrift.: Linné: Linnés Eigenhändige Anzeichnungen Ebook. Walter de Gruyter.
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    Erste Abtheilung.Carl von Linné - 1826 - In Linnés Eigenhändige Anzeichnungen Über Sich Selbst, Mit Anmerkungen Und Zusätzen von Afzelius. Nebst Linne's Bildniß Und Handschrift.: Linné: Linnés Eigenhändige Anzeichnungen Ebook. Walter de Gruyter.
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    Zweite Abtheilung.Carl von Linné - 1826 - In Linnés Eigenhändige Anzeichnungen Über Sich Selbst, Mit Anmerkungen Und Zusätzen von Afzelius. Nebst Linne's Bildniß Und Handschrift.: Linné: Linnés Eigenhändige Anzeichnungen Ebook. Walter de Gruyter.
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    Containment and intensification in political war: Carl Schmitt and the Clausewitzian heritage.Timo Pankakoski - 2017 - History of European Ideas 43 (6):649-673.
    ABSTRACTThis article provides the first comprehensive and chronological analysis of Carl Schmitt’s reception of Carl von Clausewitz. While earlier scholarship has mostly stressed Schmitt’s shift from Clausewitzian ‘instrumentality’ to an ‘existential’ view of war, I note some inherent difficulties in this dichotomy and instead promote the parallel distinction between two argument types: those of containment and intensification. Schmitt theorized both limited political war and the intensification of war out of traditional bounds, and focusing on one should not (...)
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  20. Weltgeheimnis Dreieinigkeit.Carl von Wolf - 1938 - Stuttgart,: F. Frommann.
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    Linnés Eigenhändige Anzeichnungen Über Sich Selbst, Mit Anmerkungen Und Zusätzen von Afzelius. Nebst Linne's Bildniß Und Handschrift.: Linné: Linnés Eigenhändige Anzeichnungen Ebook.Carl von Linné - 1826 - Walter de Gruyter.
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    Vorrede.Carl von Linné - 1826 - In Linnés Eigenhändige Anzeichnungen Über Sich Selbst, Mit Anmerkungen Und Zusätzen von Afzelius. Nebst Linne's Bildniß Und Handschrift.: Linné: Linnés Eigenhändige Anzeichnungen Ebook. Walter de Gruyter.
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    Vorwort des Schwedischen Herausgebers.Carl von Linné - 1826 - In Linnés Eigenhändige Anzeichnungen Über Sich Selbst, Mit Anmerkungen Und Zusätzen von Afzelius. Nebst Linne's Bildniß Und Handschrift.: Linné: Linnés Eigenhändige Anzeichnungen Ebook. Walter de Gruyter.
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    Target Practice: Counterterrorism and the Amplification of Data Friction.Jon R. Lindsay - 2017 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 42 (6):1061-1099.
    The nineteenth-century strategist Carl von Clausewitz describes “fog” and “friction” as fundamental features of war. Military leverage of sophisticated information technology in the twenty-first century has improved some tactical operations but has not lifted the fog of war, in part, because the means for reducing uncertainty create new forms of it. Drawing on active duty experience with an American special operations task force in Western Iraq from 2007 to 2008, this article traces the targeting processes used to “find, (...)
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    La afectividad organizada. De la teoría de la guerra de Maquiavelo a la teoría del populismo de Laclau.Ricardo Laleff Ilieff - 2022 - Ingenium. Revista Electrónica de Pensamiento Moderno y Metodología En Historia de Las Ideas 16:47-58.
    El trabajo analiza el estatuto de los afectos en los procesos de subjetivación política atendiendo al debate sobre el populismo y sobre la obra de Ernesto Laclau. Para ello apela a la teoría de la guerra moderna de Nicolás Maquiavelo y de Carl von Clausewitz abonando, a su vez, una comprensión más acabada sobre el rol de los afectos en la gestación de un grupo o unidad política. Sin embargo, en el artículo se analiza por qué la teoría (...)
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    A Mechanico-physiological Theory of Organic Evolution.David Irons, Carl Von Nageli, F. A. Waugh & V. A. Clark - 1899 - Philosophical Review 8:211.
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    Internal context and top-down processing.Peter König, Carl Chiang & Astrid von Stein - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (4):691-692.
    Recent experimental work suggests that the concept of contextual fields should be generalized to allow the modulation of local information extraction by both external and internal context. The external context relates to the coherent information of the stimulus; the internal context refers to the parts of this information which are relevant for behavior. This dual interaction, present at every level of the hierarchy, requires a fundamental unit of processing more complex than a single neuron appears today. We argue that the (...)
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    A Short Prolegomena to the Philosophy of War, in Four Problems.James Dodd - 2021 - Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics 23 (2):99-116.
    Is something like a true "philosophy of war"—understood as a coherent system of ideas, or a clearly articulated theoretical posture adequate to fully addressing the enduring chal-lenges of war on a properly philosophical register—at all possible? What follows is an attempt to outline, in four problems, the parameters of any future critique of a philosophy of war: the problem of categories, the problem of representation, the problem of violence, and finally the problem of peace. It is argued that within each (...)
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  29.  16
    Battling to the End: Conversations with Benoit Chantre.Rene Girard - 2009 - Michigan State University Press.
    In _Battling to the End _René Girard engages Carl von Clausewitz, the Prussian military theoretician who wrote _On War_. Clausewitz, who has been critiqued by military strategists, political scientists, and philosophers, famously postulated that "War is the continuation of politics by other means." He also seemed to believe that governments could constrain war. Clausewitz, a firsthand witness to the Napoleonic Wars, understood the nature of modern warfare. Far from controlling violence, politics follows in war's wake: the (...)
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    No End of (Mimetic) Crises? Reflections on Mimetic Escalation, Order, and the Nature of Peacemaking in the Shadow of Brexit.Duncan Morrow - 2020 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 27 (1):15-40.
    In his final original book, Battling to the End, Girard could hardly have been clearer: "Violence" he wrote, "can no longer be checked. From this point of view we can say that the apocalypse has begun."1Faced with the rise of global Islamist terror and the declaration of a "war against terror," Girard observed the collapse of politics as a mechanism to contain violence. History is not inevitably and dialectically converging on a rational Hegelian Aufhebung but has the pattern of a (...)
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    Violence and Phenomenology.James Dodd - 2009 - New York: Routledge.
    This book pursues the problem of whether violence can be understood to be constitutive of its own sense or meaning, as opposed to being merely instrumental. Dodd draws on the resources of phenomenological philosophy, and takes the form of a series of dialogues between figures both inside and outside of this tradition. The central figures considered include Carl von Clausewitz, Carl Schmitt, Hannah Arendt, Jean-Paul Sartre, Ernst Jünger, and Martin Heidegger, and the study concludes with an analysis (...)
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    Reconceptualizando la guerra: sobre la impropiedad de usar sistemas formales determinísticos racionales en el fenómeno del conflicto armado.Ariel Alvarado Araque & Henry Sebastián Rangel Quiñonez - 2016 - Revista Filosofía Uis 15 (2):73-89.
    Este texto resume algunas críticas sobre el uso de la modelación matemática y estadística en temas relacionados con el conflicto armado. Para lo cual se presenta la teoría pura de la guerra a partir de Carl Von Clausewitz; la cual se muestra como condición necesaria para los modelos formales. Luego de ello se demarcan los alcances de estos modelos y sus limitaciones.
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    Tocqueville On War.Eliot A. Cohen - 1985 - Social Philosophy and Policy 3 (1):204.
    The title of this article has been chosen deliberately, for we find interesting parallels in the careers and outlooks of Alexis de Tocqueville and the great Prussian theorist of war, Carl von Clausewitz whose master work, On War, remains sui generis. They overlapped in time, but, more importantly, their major theoretical works dealt in large measure with the same problem – the democratic revolution and its impact on politics. As Clausewitz argued, the warfare of the new era (...)
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  34.  21
    Dueling to the End/Ending "The Duel": Girard avec Conrad.Nidesh Lawtoo - 2015 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 22:153-184.
    A philosopher who is warlike also challenges problems to a duel.There!—there! Don’t be so quick in flourishing the sword. It doesn’t pay in the long run.René Girard’s Achever Clausewitz is his latest, most incisive and penetrating account of the contagious dynamic of mimetic violence.1 It is also a bold attempt to finish Carl von Clausewitz’s classic Vom Kriege in a sense that is at least double.2 On the one hand, Girard sets out to finish Clausewitz’s insights (...)
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    Obserwacja rzeczywistości a tworzenie teorii w myśli Panajotisa Kondylisa.Falk Horst, Konstantin Verykios & Lech Zieliński - 2015 - Studia Z Historii Filozofii 6 (3):79-92.
    Observation of Reality and Theory Creation in Panagiotis Kondylis’ Thought In the first part of the paper the authors present an outline of the Polish perception of thoughts and ideas of Panagiotis Kondylis which has started to develop only recently. This is followed by demonstrating major issues present in the output of this Greek philosopher who was strongly linked both with Greece and with Germany. The paper closes with a discussion of Kondylis’ concept of theory creation demonstrated in his work (...)
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    Resiliens hinsides modstand og tilpasning.Bue Rübner Hansen - 2016 - Slagmark - Tidsskrift for Idéhistorie 73:117-139.
    Over the recent decades, the concept of resilience has spread from environmental science to a number of disciplines dealing with crisis and disaster management. From psychology, public health, and human resource management to development and security studies, resilience is replacing an earlier focus on resistance and adaptability within these fields. There exist several studies dealing with resilience discourse as a key to a diagnostic of the present. While some hail resilience as a new register of ecological resistance for social movements, (...)
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  37. On Machiavelli, as an Author, and Passages from His Writings.Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Ian Alexander Moore & Christopher Turner - 2016 - Philosophy Today 60 (3):761-788.
    This is the first English translation of the majority of Fichte’s 1807 essay on Machiavelli, which has been hailed as a masterpiece and was important for the development of German idealist political thought, as well as for its reception by figures such as Carl von Clausewitz, Max Weber, Leo Strauss, and Carl Schmitt. Fichte’s essay attempts to resuscitate Machiavelli as a legitimate political thinker and an “honest, reasonable, and meritorious man.” It tacitly critiques Napoleon, who was occupying (...)
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    Fichte und die Reform des preußischen Heeres.Elena Alessiato - 2016 - Fichte-Studien 43:374-396.
    At the beginning of the 19. century the call for a general reform of the State rose in Prussia: after the collapse of the German Empire in 1806, the need for reform became still more pressing. A fundamental part of this renovation process was the reform of the Prussian army, to which men like Clausewitz, the general von Scharnhorst, the war ministers von Stein and later von Boyen contributed. All they were convinced that a new way of making war (...)
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  39. Einleitung Zu den Vorlesungen Über Theoretische Physik. Hrsg. Von Arthur König Und Carl Runge.Hermann von Helmholtz, Arthur Peter König & Carl Runge - 1903 - J.A. Barth.
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    Chapter five. Closer definition of the military objective- continued: Limited aims.Carl vonHG Clausewitz - 1989 - In Carl vonHG Clausewitz & Peter Paret (eds.), On Victory and Defeat: From on War. Princeton University Press. pp. 601-602.
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    Chapter six B. war is an instrument of policy.Carl vonHG Clausewitz - 1989 - In Carl vonHG Clausewitz & Peter Paret (eds.), On Victory and Defeat: From on War. Princeton University Press. pp. 605-611.
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    “A Candle in Sunshine”: Desire and Apocalypse in Blake and Hölderlin.Michael Kirwan - 2012 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 19 (1):179-204.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:“A Candle in Sunshine”Desire and Apocalypse in Blake and HölderlinMichael Kirwan, SJ (bio)Introduction1René Girard, in the wake of the critical theorists Adorno and Horkheimer, offers “an analysis of the present epoch.” His work can be seen as a further attempt to articulate the “dialectic of Enlightenment”: to explore precisely why, despite the hopes invested in the possibilities of human emancipation, the “enlightened world radiates disaster triumphant.” Like them, Girard (...)
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    Chapter four. Closer definition of the military objective: The defeat of the enemy.Carl vonHG Clausewitz - 1989 - In Carl vonHG Clausewitz & Peter Paret (eds.), On Victory and Defeat: From on War. Princeton University Press. pp. 595-600.
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    Chapter six A. the effect of the political aim on the military objective.Carl vonHG Clausewitz - 1989 - In Carl vonHG Clausewitz & Peter Paret (eds.), On Victory and Defeat: From on War. Princeton University Press. pp. 603-604.
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    Chapter twenty-two. The culminating point of victory.Carl vonHG Clausewitz - 1989 - In Carl vonHG Clausewitz & Peter Paret (eds.), On Victory and Defeat: From on War. Princeton University Press. pp. 566-573.
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    On Victory and Defeat: From on War.Carl vonHG Clausewitz & Peter Paret - 1989 - Princeton University Press.
    The seemingly endless wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have renewed the age-old debate over what constitutes military victory. Will the withdrawal of troops from Iraq and Afghanistan be seen as a sign of victory or defeat? Although the nature of warfare has changed dramatically since Clausewitz's On War was first written, this selection from his classic work remains an invaluable source of insight for understanding what it means to achieve victory in war and how to recognize defeat. Princeton Shorts (...)
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  47. Die Briefe des Freiherrn Carl von Gersdorff an Friedrich Nietzsche: zum 90. Geburtstag Friedrich Nietzsches.Carl Friedrich Anton Hermann Werner Gersdorff - 1934 - [Nendeln, Liechtenstein: Kraus Reprint. Edited by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche.
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    Making Peace with the Devil: The Problem of Ending Just Wars.Elisabeth Forster & Isaac Taylor - 2023 - Journal of Social and Political Philosophy 2 (2):121-137.
    In this paper, we draw attention to an unintended but severe side effect of just war thinking: the fact that it can impose barriers to making peace. Investigating historical material concerning a series of conflicts in China during the early twentieth century, we suggest that operating in a just war framework might change actors' identities and interests in a way that makes peacemaking an unavailable action. But since just war theory places significant normative constraints on how long wars can be (...)
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    Red Empty.Carl Michael von Hausswolff & Anthony Elms - 2005 - Whitewalls.
    Light and darkness transform city buildings into surreal structures: an ordinary gray concrete building in plain daylight changes at night into a mysterious monolith or, under a blue-tinted lens, into an ethereal edifice. Swedish artist Carl Michael von Hausswolff harnessed these transformative powers of light to create a powerful spectacle that presents Chicago architecture from a wholly original perspective in this collection of striking photographs. Red Empty is the latest in a series of urban-centered works spanning from Bangkok to (...)
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  50. Der Garten des Menschlichen.Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker - 1978 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 32 (4):636-640.
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