Results for 'Carlos Aguiar'

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  1.  20
    Constituição da consciência sartriana e transcendência do ego.José Carlos Aguiar de Souza - 2008 - Horizonte 6 (12):13-18.
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    Entre o Pensamento, a Religião e a Contemporaneidade: as hipérboles do ser e a comunicação equívoca do sagrado (Between Thought, Religion and Contemporary: hyperbole of being and miscommunication of the sacred) - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2012v10n27p879. [REVIEW]José Carlos Aguiar de Souza - 2012 - Horizonte 10 (27):879-895.
    Between Thought, Religion, and Contemporaneity: the hyperboles of being and the equivocal communication of the sacred (Entre o Pensamento, a Religião e a Contemporaneidade: as hipérboles do ser e a comunicação equívoca do sagrado).The contemporary philosophical thought regards itself as postmetaphysical, post-religious, postmodern, and post-philosophical. It advocates for metaphysics without metaphysics, ethics without ethics, and religion without religion. This paper aims at exploring the possibilities of thinking through the place and role of God, religion, and mystique in the philosophical discourse (...)
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    The Concept of Sustainable Development Revisited.Fernando Dias Avila-Piredes, Luiz Carlos Mior, Vilênia Porto Aguiar & Susana Regina de Mello Schlemper - 2000 - Foundations of Science 5 (3):261-268.
    The concept of sustainable development is here revised in the light of a brief historical analysis, followed by a semantic analysis of the expressions development and sustainability. The authors criticize the common use of this concept in a loose way or in wide generalizations, to conclude, based on the principles of human ecology, that it is only possible to make it operational in limited spans of time and in limited spatial units.
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  4. The concept of sustainable development revisited.Fernando Dias de Avila-Pires, Luiz Carlos Mior, Vilênia Porto Aguiar & Susana Regina Mello Schlempeder - 2000 - Foundations of Science 5 (3).
    The concept of sustainable development is here revised in the light of a brief historical analysis, followed by a semantic analysis of the expressions development and sustainability. The authors criticize the common use of this concept in a loose way or in wide generalizations, to conclude, based on the principles of human ecology, that it is only possible to make it operational in limited spans of time and in limited spatial units.
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    The Concept of Sustainable Development Revisited.Fernando Dias de Avila-Pires, Luiz Carlos Mior, Vilênia Porto Aguiar & Susana Regina de Mello Schlemper - 2000 - Foundations of Science 5 (3):261-268.
    The concept of sustainable development is here revised in the light of a brief historical analysis, followed by a semantic analysis of the expressions development and sustainability. The authors criticize the common use of this concept in a loose way or in wide generalizations, to conclude, based on the principles of human ecology, that it is only possible to make it operational in limited spans of time and in limited spatial units.
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    Reseña de "explicación histórica Y tiempo social" de Rodolfo Suárez Molnar.Carlos Aguiar - 2009 - Signos Filosóficos 11 (21):209-213.
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    Ativismo digital evangélico e contrassecularização na eleição de Jair Bolsonaro.Carlos Eduardo Souza Aguiar - 2020 - Horizonte 18 (56):600-600.
    The rise of digital networks consolidates a new type of religious activism that increases the so-called conservative wave in the Brazilian context. These are new dynamics that support to saturate the boundary between the spheres of religious and politics, a key characteristic of the orthodox ideal of secularization. In this paper, we examine the role of conservative evangelical digital activism in the 2018 presidential election, characterized by the open engagement of churches and religious in the electoral dispute, mobilizing their networks (...)
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    Enhanced habituation produced by posttrial peripheral injection of substance P.Maria S. Aguiar & Carlos Tomaz - 1990 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 28 (3):204-206.
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    A interação homem-máquina na psicoterapia.Sérgio Alberto Nascimento Melo Junior, Caio Leite de Aguiar, Larissa Kalyne Silva da Cunha & Jean Carlos Rodrigues Brustolin - 2024 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 29:335-347.
    A implementação de tecnologias móveis de informação e comunicação no suporte à Saúde Mental tem atraído a atenção das autoridades. Com a ascensão das Inteligências Artificiais, esse movimento pode ser impulsionado de maneira exponencial. Nesse cenário, esta revisão tem como objetivos verificar a aplicabilidade das Inteligências Artificiais (IAs) na Saúde Mental e analisar os aspectos que favorecem a relação entre IAs e usuários. Para tanto, realizou-se uma revisão sistemática nas bases de dados PubMed e Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, no período (...)
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  10. On the logic of theory change: Contraction functions and their associated revision functions.Carlos E. Alchourron & David Makinson - 1982 - Theoria 48 (1):14-37.
    A study in the logic of theory change, examining the properties of maxichoice contraction and revision operations.
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    Blooming in the ruins: how Mexican philosophy can guide us toward the good life.Carlos Alberto Sánchez - 2024 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    This book introduces readers to central concepts and ideas in Mexican philosophy. Couched in stories and anecdotes from the author's life, the book offers these concepts and ideas as orientations, recommendations, or exhortation for navigating today's world. The structure and the style of the book aims at making these accessible to both specialists and non-specialist or anyone who may have had some experience with contemporary forms of marginalization, alienation, objectification, or any of the various forms of dread and accidentality familiar (...)
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    A Perquirição da Transcendência No Pensamento Do Jovem Heidegger.Carlos Roberto Drawin - 2023 - Síntese Revista de Filosofia 50 (158):579.
    O nosso artigo está dividido em duas partes. A primeira parte visa mostrar como o sentido da transcendência está profundamente enraizado em todo o pensamento heideggeriano. A segunda parte procura ilustrar essa hipótese de leitura recorrendo a alguns textos de juventude do filósofo e os interpretando a partir de diversos estudos sobre a gênese de sua obra. No entanto, pressupomos que a sua relação com o cristianismo não foi ultrapassada nem com a sua ruptura com o “sistema do catolicismo” e (...)
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    Self‐organizing traffic lights at multiple‐street intersections.Carlos Gershenson & David A. Rosenblueth - 2012 - Complexity 17 (4):23-39.
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  14. Philosophy and The Post-Immigrant Fear.Carlos Alberto Sánchez - 2011 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 18 (1):31-42.
    This paper explores and expands upon Jorge Gracia's reasons for the apparent lack of Hispanics in US philosophy. The point is to explain the underrepresentation of Hispanics in philosophy, with a focus on a specific subgroup of Hispanics, namely, "homegrown" US Hispanics. This group wasentirely missing from the "established" ranks in Gracia's census. I propose a phenomenological explanation for this lack, rooted in my experience as ahomegrown US Hispanic. This experience gives rise to a sense of identity described as "post-immigrant." (...)
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    Sovereign and property rights over plant genetic resources.Carlos M. Correa - 1995 - Agriculture and Human Values 12 (4):58-79.
    The existence of sovereign rights over genetic resources is today well recognized in international law. However, the legal status of such resources in terms of property rights is still unclear. The consideration of this issue requires a clear distinction between physical and intangible property. Legislation in developed countries has extended patent protection to genetic resources, in addition to the protection of plant varieties via breeders' rights. The extension of protection and the implementation of the TRIPs Agreement may have important implications (...)
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  16. Los Acontecimientos y Las Leyes.Carlos H. Soto - 1981 - Diálogos. Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Puerto Rico 16 (38):139.
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    Ethiek en retoriek: Beschouwingen bij een actuele vraag vanuit antieke en middeleeuwse denken.Carlos Steel - 1979 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 41 (3):405 - 432.
    La logique spécifique des jugements de valeur est à chercher dans le discours rhétorique. Cette thèse développée par Ch. Perelman dans L'Empire rhétorique (1977) nous rappelle l'introduction à l'éthique de Jean Buridan (XIVe s.). Selon Buridan la philosophie morale ne peut se contenter d'appliquer la logique générale: elle a besoin d'une logique spéciale, une „logique morale” qui n'est rien autre que la technique persuasive qu'on étudie dans la Rhétorique. Roger Bacon (XlIIe s.) a même essayé d'intégrer cette rhétorique dans l'éthique (...)
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    Ilya Prigogine: ¿Nueva Alianza o Nueva Religión?Carlos Zuppa - 2003 - Cinta de Moebio 18.
    Según cierto sector de la posteoría, Ilya Prigogine habría creado una nueva alianza con la naturaleza bajo el signo de una conjunción de ciencia y filosofía, donde los estudios sobre la irreversibilidad, las estructuras disipativas y las estructuras auto-organizativas juegan un rol preponderante ..
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    Poíesis y poesía de homero a los sofistas.Carlos Julio Pájaro - 2004 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 2:9-33.
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    Spinoza on Miracles and the Truth of the Bible.Carlos Fraenkel - 2013 - Journal of the History of Ideas 74 (4):643-658.
  21. Requirements of intention in light of belief.Carlos Núñez - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 177 (9):2471-2492.
    Much work in the philosophy of action in the last few decades has focused on the elucidation and justification of a series of purported norms of practical rationality that concern the presence or absence of intention in light of belief, and that demand a kind of structural coherence in the psychology of an agent. Examples of such norms include: Intention Detachment, which proscribes intending to do something in case some condition obtains, believing that such condition obtains, and not intending to (...)
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    Jerónimo Cardoso, um poeta de afectos.Carlos André - 2010 - Humanitas 62:225-242.
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    La teoría davidsoniana de la akrasia.Carlos E. Caorsi - 2005 - Signos Filosóficos 7 (13):9-30.
    Davidson’s treatment of akrasia resorts to the introduction of a type of operator, the prima facie connector. This operator should yield conditional judgments in which the affirmation of the antecedent does not admit to obtain the consequent as a separate conclusion; and it must allow to separate ..
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    Lukács et la littérature du XXe siècle.Carlos Nelson Coutinho - 2009 - Actuel Marx 45 (1):36-51.
    Lukács and Twentieth Century Literature Tough he elaborated a robust system of Marxist aesthetics whose categories enabled him to formulate a brilliant analysis of the 19th century realist novel, Lukács proved unable to understand the literature of the 20th century. In fact he either ignored or regarded as “decadent” almost all the major representatives of the avant-garde, such as Proust and Kafka. is was not due to the intrinsic limitations of the aesthetic categories themselves. It was rather an effect of (...)
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    La teoría de la voluntad de José eusebio Caro: El concepto de hombre en el pensamiento colombiano Del siglo XIX Y su relación con la filosofía liberal francesa.Carlos Rubén Gélvez Higuera - 2020 - Universitas Philosophica 37 (75):123-149.
    In 1836, at 19 years of age, Colombian philosopher José Eusebio Caro wrote a sociological and anthropological treatise titled Mecánica social that illustrates in context the reception of French philosophy in 19th-century Colombian philosophical thought. The purpose of this paper is to present critically Caro’s theory of the will and to bring to light the philosophical sources from which he draw, especially physiology and its role as theoretical basis for both ideology and a new “scientific” anthropology that could, in turn, (...)
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  26. El rapto de la cultura.Carlos París - 1986 - Studies in Soviet Thought 32 (2):187-188.
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    La Vida Humana Como Proyecto Singular. Su Inserción en las Categorías Biológicas al través de la Evolución.Carlos Paris - 1964 - Memorias Del XIII Congreso Internacional de Filosofía 8:217-223.
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    Programme et position historique d'un rationalisme humaniste.Carlos Paris - 1957 - Dialectica 11 (3‐4):327-336.
    RésuméOn prend comme point de départ la crise actuelle de l'idée de raison, en envisageant la possibilité de son dépassement au moyen d'une reposition de cette idée, pour arriver ainsi à un rationalisme nouveau que l'on peut appeler » humaniste «. Ce rationalisme doit prendre conscience, tout d'abord, de la condition strictement humaine de notre savoir en tant que différente d'une connaissance intellectuelle absolue, dans un sens tout à fait opposé à la vision rationaliste de l'époque moderne. Dans cette ligne, (...)
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    Que Sentido dar à Metafísica e ao Senso Comum? Uma Análise das Atitudes Filosóficas de Mach e Duhem à Luz da Distinção entre Fato e Valor.Carlos Fils Puig & Antonio Augusto Passos Videira - 2018 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 74 (1):115-132.
    Through the analysis of the thought of Mach and Duhem, who have felt the need to re-evaluate the relationship between metaphysics and physics, we study in what measure the authors had a position relating to an eventual weakening of the traditional epistemic criteria, which were until their time used for the evaluation of scientific theories, and those criteria should respect the distinction between fact and value. We investigate the way each argues for a division between science and metaphysics, as well (...)
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    According to the Spirit. Spiritual theology on the move with Pope Francis’ Church.Carlos Alberto Rosas - 2019 - Teología y Vida 60 (4):551-555.
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  31. L'éclectisme cousinien dans les travaux de Ventura Marín et d'Andrés Bello.Carlos Ruiz & Cecilia Sánchez - 1991 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 18:183-195.
  32.  10
    The Nature of Poetry. Poetry and Nature.Carlos Rafael Ruta - 2018 - In Gert Melville (ed.), Nature and Human: An Intricate Mutuality. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 49-64.
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  33. Athanasius Kircher e la repubblica delle lettere: Erudizione, magia e spettacolo.Carlos Santos - 2005 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 25 (1).
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    Leopoldo Zea, Stanley Cavell, and the seduction of "American" philosophy.Carlos Alberto Sanchez - 2011 - In Gregory Fernando Pappas (ed.), Pragmatism in the Americas. Fordham University Press.
    This chapter draws parallels between Leopoldo Zea and Stanley Cavell's thought. It forms the basis of this argument in their thought on circumstantialism. Cavell and Zea both reflect on the American circumstance, a circumstance conditioned by the discovery, colonizations, and nationalization of Americas, together with the American people's heroic desire to connect, continuously and urgently, with themselves and their destiny as Americans.
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    A vontade em Schopenhauer e as pulsões na psicanálise: impulsos e ambivalências.Carlos Sapelli - 2013 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 4 (2):69.
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    Camino pedagógico de crecimiento: de Familiaris consortio a Amoris laetitia: aporte a la teología moral fundamental.Carlos Alberto Scarponi - 2021 - Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires: Agape Libros.
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    Imitation and Learning.Carlos Alós-Ferrer Karl H. Schlag - 2009 - In Paul Anand, Prasanta Pattanaik & Clemens Puppe (eds.), Handbook of Rational and Social Choice. Oxford University Press.
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    Os hebdomadários de Severino Boécio.Carlos Frederico Gurgel Silveira - 2011 - Synesis 3 (1):99-104.
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  39. Cuando la paciencia del Señor se colma: Análisis exegético de Jueces 10: 11-16.Carlos R. Sosa - 2009 - Kairos (misc) 45:9-40.
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    Ook kinderen denken, maar of ze moeten filosoferen...?Carlos Steel - 1998 - Wijsgerig Perspectief 38 (4).
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  41. Recensioni-Der Kommentar des Proklos zu Hesiods >. Edition, Übersetzung und Erläuterung der Fragmente von Patrizia Marzillo.Carlos Steel - 2011 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 66 (3):571.
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    Écrire comme composer: le rôle des diagrammes.Franck Jedrzejewski (ed.) - 2021 - Sampzon (France): Éditions Delatour France.
    Les textes présentés dans cet ouvrage ont pour but d’étudier le rôle des diagrammes dans les relations entre écriture et composition musicale. Partant de l’idée que ces relations se rapportent, peu ou prou, à l’ordre d’une structure logique et se meuvent dans la sphère des schématismes de l’entendement, constatant que la logique formelle échoue à en rendre compte, nous avons proposé de nous livrer à un examen approfondi d’une interprétation diagrammatique. Pour cela, nous avons rassemblé un ensemble de personnalités aux (...)
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    Análise das críticas à herdabilidade sob a perspectiva de Larry Laudan.Carlos Antônio Rodrigues Guerreiro, Mayra Antonelli-Ponti & Fabiana Maris Versuti - 2023 - Filosofia E História da Biologia 18 (2):127-146.
    Este artigo discute o conceito de herdabilidade, empregado pela genética do comportamento, genética molecular e a teoria da herdabilidade, sob a perspectiva do modelo reticulado de racionalidade científica, de Larry Laudan. Analisa os argumentos contrários à utilização do termo herdabilidade focando principalmente nos resultados de experimentos da genética do comportamento. Conclui que algumas críticas ao termo herdabilidade são válidas tais como o termo poder ser confuso para o público em geral, mas podem ser extremas como as que propõem sua extinção. (...)
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  44. La herencia weberiana en la República de Weimar.Carlos Miguel Herrera - 2008 - Res Publica. Murcia 20.
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    Tracking the Time Course of Bayesian Inference With Event-Related Potentials:A Study Using the Central Cue Posner Paradigm.Carlos M. Gómez, Antonio Arjona, Francesco Donnarumma, Domenico Maisto, Elena I. Rodríguez-Martínez & Giovanni Pezzulo - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    RETRACTION NOTICE: Climate variability in the city of Trujillo-Peru.Carlos A. Bocanegra García - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 21 (2):1-12.
    Retraction note: Bocanegra García, C. A. (2023). Climate variability in the city of Trujillo-Peru. HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities Revista Internacional De Humanidades, 19(3), 1–12 The Editorial Office of Eurasia Academic Publishing Group has retracted this article. An investigation carried out by our Research Integrity Department has found a group of articles, among which this one is found, that are not within the thematic scope of the journal. We believe that the editorial process was manipulated and, furthermore, acceptance decisions were (...)
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    Diagnósticos, presupuestos y mercados.Carlos Alberto Gómez Fajardo - 2020 - Persona y Bioética 24 (2):218-219.
    Este artículo perteneciente a la sección de Bioética en Práctica de la revista Persona y Bioética 24, fue publicado originalmente en El Mundo, el primero de abril de 2019. La columna puede consultarse en esta URL Diagnosticospresupuestos-y-mercados/376170. Así mismo, el texto se dejó tal y como aparece en el publicado. El autor autorizó la publicación en esta revista y por ser una publicación para El Mundo, los derechos de autor no están bajo la licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0 Internacional (...)
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    Ricardo, compañero de viaje y amigo.Carlos Iglesias Fueyo - 2022 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 100:373-376.
    Ya han transcurrido más de cuarenta años que Ricardo y yo coincidimos en el instituto femenino de Oviedo, y desde entonces se forjó una intima amistad que perdura hasta hoy día sin interrupción alguna. Allí coincidimos con Alberto Hidalgo y de ahí surgió el proyecto de escribir una Historia de la filosofía para la editorial Anaya cuando ya nos habíamos separado, Ricardo trasladado a Madrid, Alberto a su cátedra de Avilés y yo a la mía en Gijón.
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  49. ""De" la religión dentro de los límites de la mera razón" de Kant, a" la religión de la razón desde las fuentes del judaísmo" del poskantiano Hermann Cohen.Carlos Díaz Hernández - 2005 - Revista Agustiniana 46 (141):617-624.
  50. L'enfer en essence. Une compréhension philosophique de l'enfer selon Raymond Lulle.Carlos Heusch - 1989 - Studia Lulliana 29 (80):25-44.
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