Results for 'Carmen Valentino'

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    Le metafore in Heidegger.Carmen Valentino - 2013 - Trento: Edizioni del Faro.
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    II Gender Stereotypes.Elsa Leo-Rhynie & Carmen Pencle - 2002 - In Patricia Mohammed (ed.), Gendered realities: essays in Caribbean feminist thought. Mona, Jamaica: Centre for Gender and Development Studies.
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    Una aproximación a la historia de las ideas filosóficas en México: siglo XIX y principios del XX.María del Carmen Rovira & Alberto Núñez M. (eds.) - unknown - Querétaro, Qro., México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
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    Editorial: Aging in the Digital Era.Carmen Moret-Tatay & Mike Murphy - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:475030.
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    Theoretical studies of Ir5Th and Ir5Ce nanoscale precipitates in Ir.James R. Morris, Frank W. Averill & Valentino R. Cooper - 2014 - Philosophical Magazine 94 (9):991-1000.
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    Cognitive Impairments in Fibromyalgia Syndrome: Associations With Positive and Negative Affect, Alexithymia, Pain Catastrophizing and Self-Esteem.Carmen M. Galvez-Sánchez, Gustavo A. Reyes del Paso & Stefan Duschek - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  7.  57
    An Approach to Comparative Phenomenology: Nishida's Place of Nothingness and Merleau-Ponty's Negativity.Maria Carmen López Sáenz - 2018 - Philosophy East and West 68 (2):497-515.
    Phenomenology and the Kyoto School implement an interaction among cultures1 that is not limited to illustrating Western philosophy wxith exotic similes. Insofar as my position is concerned, I will start out with phenomenology in order to study Nishida's work, trying on the one hand to understand the meaning that he gives to nothingness in relation to the Merleau-Pontian concept of creux in order, on the other hand, to enlarge reason and philosophy.To achieve this, I shall establish a comparison of the (...)
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    Responsibility and Laboratory Animal Research Governance.Sarah Hartley & Carmen McLeod - 2018 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 43 (4):723-741.
    The use of animals in experiments and research remains highly contentious. Laboratory animal research governance provides guidance and regulatory frameworks to oversee the use and welfare of laboratory animals and relies heavily on the replacement, reduction, and refinement principles to demonstrate responsibility. However, the application of the 3Rs is criticized for being too narrow in focus and closing down societal concerns and political questions about the purpose of animal laboratory research. These critiques challenge the legitimacy of responsibility in laboratory animal (...)
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    Los desafíos al discurso de los derechos humanos tras 50 números de Derechos y Libertades.María del Carmen Barranco Avilés - 2024 - Derechos y Libertades: Revista de Filosofía del Derecho y derechos humanos 50:27-37.
    La autora se pregunta por la medida en que los problemas que se identificaban como actuales en el primer número de Derechos y Libertades se mantienen como desafíos al discurso de los derechos humanos. La conclusión a la que llega es que todavía hoy es necesario discutir sobre la universalidad, la participación,las desigualdades, la degradación de los derechos sociales, el papel de los derechos en las relaciones internacionales y el medio ambiente. Además, a los anteriores, se suman la amenaza del (...)
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    La expresión creadora del sentido de la experiencia.M. Carmen López Sáenz - 2015 - Co-herencia 12 (23).
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    Power in the Process of Reversing Mission Drift in Hybrid Organizations: The Case of a French Multinational Worker Co-operative.Ignacio Bretos, Anjel Errasti & Carmen Marcuello - 2024 - Business and Society 63 (7):1602-1638.
    Understanding how hybrid organizations resist mission drift and sustain the joint pursuit of their plural goals over time remains a central theoretical and practical concern in the business and society literature. In this article, we mobilize an organizational politics approach to elucidate how hybrid organizations react to mission drift and strive to rebalance the relationship between their conflicting missions. Drawing on an in-depth longitudinal analysis of a project developed within a multinational worker co-op to reverse mission drift, we elaborate a (...)
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    Between Missed and Denied, a Word in Search of Voice.Carmen Alberdi Urquizu - 2016 - Iris 37:151-163.
    La transition, puisqu’il n’y eut point de coupure, du cinéma muet au parlant nous permet de retracer le parcours d’une parole filmique en quête de voix depuis ses origines. Cette voix, tantôt regrettée dans les films que Chion nomme « sourds » plutôt que « muets », tantôt rejetée sous le « 100 % parlant », erre encore à la surface de l’écran comme dans un entre-deux, à la recherche de la reconnaissance vis-à-vis de son double, l’image. The transition, as (...)
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    A Temporal Network Approach to Paranoia: A Pilot Study.Alba Contreras, Carmen Valiente, Alexandre Heeren & Richard Bentall - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Evidential Legal Reasoning: Crossing Civil Law and Common Law Traditions.Jordi Ferrer Beltrán & Carmen Vázquez (eds.) - 2020 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    This book offers a transnational perspective of evidentiary problems, drawing on insights from different systems and legal traditions. It avoids the isolated manner of analyzing evidence and proof within each Common Law and Civil Law tradition. Instead, it features contributions from leading authors in the evidentiary field from a variety of jurisdictions and offers an overview of essential topics that are of both theoretical and practical interest. The collection examines evidence not only as a transnational field, but in a cross-disciplinary (...)
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    El uso de la expresión plástica en los museos de Bolonia.Carmen Gómez Redondo & Beatrice Borghi - 2020 - Clio 46:188-201.
    En el siguiente artículo se muestran los resultados de una investigación sobre el uso de técnicas plásticas en los programas educativos de los museos de la ciudad de Bolonia. Para ello se ha diseñado una herramienta específica para la recogida de datos sobre el uso de técnicas plásticas en los diseños educativos en los museos de la ciudad, siguiendo con los principios de investigación de corte cualitativo. Tras el análisis de los datos obtenidos los principales resultados que arroja el estudio (...)
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    discurso de la conservación y el racismo: una aproximación desde los Montes de María.Carmen Elena Jaramillo Restrepo - 2021 - Humanitas Hodie 3 (1):H31a4.
    En este trabajo se intentan mostrar algunas tensiones entre el discurso de la conservación, el multiculturalismo y los prejuicios racistas, tomando como punto de referencia el caso de los Montes de María en el Caribe colombiano, donde han tenido lugar proyectos de cooperación a propósito de la biodiversidad y existen iniciativas locales para su conservación. Se describen tres niveles en los que pueden encontrarse los prejuicios racistas en el discurso de la conservación, y las tensiones que los caracterizan, asociadas tanto (...)
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    Estética y liberación en H. Marcuse, en el centenario de su nacimiento.Maria Carmen López Sáenz - 2016 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 4.
    RESUMENCon ocasión del centenario del filósofo H. Marcuse, la autora reflexiona sobre el pensamiento del mismo tomando como hilo conductor su teoría estética tal y como se plasma a lo largo de su obra. la estrecha relación entre la concepción marcusiana del arte y la liberación humana es lo que hace que la comprensión de aquella resulte imprescindible para interpretar el proyecto filosófico de Marcuse. este artículo valora la paradójica propuesta de Marcuse de un arte autónomo y, a la vez, (...)
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    Haciendo fenomenología con Lester Embree. Los colegas como objetos culturales.María Del Carmen López Sáenz - 2021 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 7:193.
    El objetivo de este artículo es exponer y desarrollar la posición de Lester Embree sobre los colegas como objetos culturales. Para ello, contextualizaremos su tesis en su concepción de la fenomenología y la cultura como opuestas al naturalismo. Nos preguntaremos si es necesario también oponerse al culturalismo. Analizaremos, en relación con él, el sentido de la cultura básica y su dependencia de la naturaleza, entendida principalmente como physis y movimiento. Ejemplificaremos esto con una fenomenología de la danza y su concepción (...)
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    Women’s Employment among Blacks, Whites, and Three Groups of Latinas: Do More Privileged Women Have Higher Employment?Mary Ross, Carmen Garcia-Beaulieu & Paula England - 2004 - Gender and Society 18 (4):494-509.
    During much of U.S. history, Black women had higher employment rates than white women. But by the late twentieth century, women in more privileged racial/ethnic, national origin, and education groups were more likely to work for pay. The authors compare the employment of white women to Blacks and three groups of Latinas—Mexicans, Cubans, and Puerto Ricans—and explain racial/ethnic group differences. White women work for pay more weeks per year than Latinas or Black women, although the gaps are small for all (...)
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    Academic Goal Profiles and Learning Strategies in Adolescence.María Carmen Martínez-Monteagudo, Beatriz Delgado, Ricardo Sanmartín, Candido J. Inglés & José Manuel García-Fernández - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Do Big 5 Personality Characteristics and Narcissism Predict Engagement in Leader Development?Carrie A. Blair, Rachele E. Palmieri & Carmen Paz-Aparicio - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    La « logique » du récit mythique dans l’ode rhodienne de Pindare.María Carmen Barrígon Fuentes - 2002 - Kernos 15:41-52.
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    Financial Independence and Academic Achievement: Are There Key Factors of Transition to Adulthood for Young Higher Education Students in Colombia?Mónica-Patricia Borjas, Carmen Ricardo, Elsa Lucia Escalante-Barrios, Jorge Valencia & Jose Aparicio - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:534827.
    Autonomy is conceptualized as the need for agency, self-actualization and independence. Nowadays, financial independence and academic achievement for young populations may be considered as key aspects in the transition to adulthood in response to some contextual demands of different cultural environments. By means of a multi-level model, the present study aims to determine the influence and contribution of factors at individual-level (e.g. sex, age, socioeconomic status, family financial support, awarded scholarships, personal finance, student loans) and school-level (e.g. programme quality, online (...)
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  24. Análisis comparado: Modelos que optimizan la estrategia User Innovation.Máxima Juliana López Eguilaz, Carmen De Pablos & Jose Manuel Bermejo - 2012 - Telos (Venezuela) 14 (2):194-209.
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    The universality of language in philosophical hermeneutics of HG Gadamer.María del Carmen López Sáenz - 2000 - Endoxa 12 (1):229-256.
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    Assessing the Reliability of the Framework for Equitable and Effective Teaching With the Many-Facet Rasch Model.Priyalatha Govindasamy, Maria del Carmen Salazar, Jessica Lerner & Kathy E. Green - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Judith Butler y las facetas de la “vulnerabilidad”: el poder de “agencia” en el activismo artístico de Mujeres Creando.María del Carmen Molina Barea - 2018 - Isegoría 58:221-238.
    The present paper adresses the objective of elucidating the phenomenological mechanisms which, according to the celebrated queer theory author Judith Butler, operate within performative politics. In this connection, this paper analyses the power of agency of minor identities as a resistance force against what Butler calls frames and its politic-ontological regularisation. Such biopolitical potential is fostered by the vulnerability and precarity of abject bodies. In this context, it will be considered the case of Bolivian anarcha-feminist group Mujeres Creando, which generates (...)
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    La vie comme infinité concrète.Maria del Carmen Paredes-Martin - 2007 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2007 (1).
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    Entre espectros y asedios. Jacques Derrida y la sobrevida.Carmen Gloria Ruiz Bustamante - 2019 - Ideas Y Valores 68 (170):37-58.
    Se examina la noción de espectro, propuesta en Espectros de Marx, para evidenciar la problematización que Jacques Derrida hace a la oposición, que se supone tajante, entre las nociones de vida y muerte. Se evidencia que Derrida no traza tal problematización exclusivamente a partir de Espectros de Marx, sino también desde diversos textos que dan cuenta de un constante asedio que ronda su pensamiento: la sobrevida. A su vez, se analiza la discusión que Derrida sostuvo con el espectro de Marx (...)
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    Influences of First and Second Language Phonology on Spanish Children Learning to Read in English.Carmen Hevia-Tuero, Sara Incera & Paz Suárez-Coalla - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Children learning to read in two different orthographic systems are exposed to cross-linguistic interferences. We explored the effects of school and grade on phonological activation during a visual word recognition task. Elementary school children from Spain completed a lexical decision task in English. The task included real words and pseudohomophones following Spanish or English phonological rules. Using the mouse-tracking paradigm, we analyzed errors, reaction times, and computer mouse movements. Children in the bilingual school performed better than children in the monolingual (...)
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    Diálogo intercultural ¿Una utopía del siglo XXI?Carmen López Sáenz - 2015 - Pensamiento. Revista de Investigación E Información Filosófica 71 (265):73.
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    De la sensibilidad a la inteligibilidad : rehabilitación del sentir en Maurice Merleau-Ponty.Mari Carmen López Sáenz - 2008 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 6:217.
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    Pensar filosóficamente, pensar literariamente : Merleau-Ponty y Proust.Mari Carmen López Sáenz - 2008 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 1:307.
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    El herbario de variedades de vid de Simón de Rojas Clemente y otras aportaciones. Valor científico y utilidad sociocultural de su legado.María Carmen Martínez, Pilar Gago, José Luis Santiago, Susana Boso & Mauricio Velayos - 2019 - Arbor 195 (791):494.
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    Rorty y el laberinto de los espejos.María del Carmen Paredes Martín - 1989 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 16:57-66.
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  36. Teaching Philosophy and Science of Space Exploration (PoSE).Şerife Tekin, Carmen Fies & Chris Packham - 2022 - Astronomical Society of the Pacific (ASP).
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  37. Vehicles: Experiments in Synthetic Psychology.Valentino Braitenberg - 1986 - Philosophical Review 95 (1):137-139.
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    Book review: Caroline Tagg, Philip Seargeant and Amy Aisha Brown, Taking Offence on Social Media: Conviviality and Communication on Facebook. [REVIEW]Carmen Aguilera-Carnerero - 2018 - Discourse and Communication 12 (3):328-330.
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    Immanuel Kant. "Lecciones de filosofía moral. Mrongovius II". Edición bilingüe de Alba Jiménez Rodríguez. Ediciones Sígueme, Salamanca, 2016, ISBN: 978-84-301-1954-7. [REVIEW]Carmen Sánchez Polo - 2019 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 36 (3):889-891.
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    The dawn of active genetics.Valentino M. Gantz & Ethan Bier - 2016 - Bioessays 38 (1):50-63.
    On December 18, 2014, a yellow female fly quietly emerged from her pupal case. What made her unique was that she had only one parent carrying a mutant allele of this classic recessive locus. Then, one generation later, after mating with a wild‐type male, all her offspring displayed the same recessive yellow phenotype. Further analysis of other such yellow females revealed that the construct causing the mutation was converting the opposing chromosome with 95% efficiency. These simple results, seen also in (...)
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  41. The detection and generation of sequences as a key to cerebellar function: Experiments and theory.Valentino Braitenberg, Detlef Heck & Fahad Sultan - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (2):229-245.
    Starting from macroscopic and microscopic facts of cerebellar histology, we propose a new functional interpretation that may elucidate the role of the cerebellum in movement control. The idea is that the cerebellum is a large collection of individual lines (Eccles's : Eccles et al. 1967a) that respond specifically to certain sequences of events in the input and in turn produce sequences of signals in the output. We believe that the sequence-in/sequence-out mode of operation is as typical for the cerebellar cortex (...)
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  42. Miguel Garcia-baro. Phenomenological Theory Of Truth : Commentary To The First Edition Of "logical Investigations" Of Husserl Edmud. [REVIEW]María del Carmen López Sáenz - 2010 - Endoxa 25:409-412.
  43. Vehicles.Valentino Braitenberg - 1987 - Behaviorism 15 (1):63-66.
  44.  18
    On the Nature of Explanation: An Epistemological-Linguistic Perspective for Explanation-Based Natural Language Inference.Marco Valentino & André Freitas - 2024 - Philosophy and Technology 37 (3):1-33.
    One of the fundamental research goals for explanation-based Natural Language Inference (NLI) is to build models that can reason in complex domains through the generation of natural language explanations. However, the methodologies to design and evaluate explanation-based inference models are still poorly informed by theoretical accounts on the nature of explanation. As an attempt to provide an epistemologically grounded characterisation for NLI, this paper focuses on the scientific domain, aiming to bridge the gap between theory and practice on the notion (...)
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    Apuleius and the Square of Opposition.Carmen Johanson & David Londey - 1984 - Phronesis 29 (2):165-173.
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    Herranz Pascual, Carmen. Los Sabios del Talmud.Carmen Motos López - 1998 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 3:336.
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    Active genetics comes alive.Valentino M. Gantz & Ethan Bier - 2022 - Bioessays 44 (8):2100279.
    Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPR)‐based “active genetic” elements developed in 2015 bypassed the fundamental rules of traditional genetics. Inherited in a super‐Mendelian fashion, such selfish genetic entities offered a variety of potential applications including: gene‐drives to disseminate gene cassettes carrying desired traits throughout insect populations to control disease vectors or pest species, allelic drives biasing inheritance of preferred allelic variants, neutralizing genetic elements to delete and replace or to halt the spread of gene‐drives, split‐drives with the core constituent (...)
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  48. Mujeres con autoridad en el cristianismo antigüo, de Carmen Bernabé Urbieta, Elisa Estévez, Carmen Soto, Fernando Rivero y Carolyn Osiek.Carmen Peña - 2008 - Critica 58 (955):87.
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  49. Risposta a Monod, caso e necessità: dilemma inconsistente.Valentino Azzolini - 1980 - Torino: MEB. Edited by Jacques Monod.
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    Waiting for the ultimate theory of the cerebellum.Valentino Braitenberg, Detlef Heck & Fahad Sultan - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (2):267-271.
    Although our idea of sequential input being a key to cerebellar function was taken seriously by most commentators, there were also objections, based in part on experimental evidence that seems to contradict our intuitions and in part on commentators' preferences for different schemes. Several were suspicious of experiments (performed on slices of cerebellar tissue) that may have severed some of the synaptic connections, particularly the inhibitory ones. It is our feeling that a modi-fication of our theory that could satisfy most (...)
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