Results for 'Carmen Ricardo'

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  1. Introducción a la teorí­a estoica de las pasiones.Carmen Atienza, Jesús Araiza, José Molina, Luis Gerena & Ricardo Salles - 2000 - Signos Filosóficos 2:181-201.
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    Provocar O estranhamento não obstante O risco de soçobrar: Opção para O ensino de filosofia na licenciatura de educação física.Carmen Lúcia Fornari Diez & Ricardo Marinelli Martins - 2003 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 15 (17):79.
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    Colombian Elders and Their Use of Handheld Digital Devices.Carmen Ricardo-Barreto, Marco Cervantes, Jorge Valencia, John Cano-Barrios & Jorge Mizuno-Haydar - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:411344.
    Technological advances in the information and knowledge society have influenced and transformed economic, social and educational dynamics. Currently there are many digital gaps related to the access to technology, lack of digital literacy and social use. These gaps vary based on the population ages and become more notorious in elders. This digital illiteracy is making all technological developments of the XXI Century to be underused, not making possible to take advantage of all the possibilities that they offer to our society, (...)
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    Sobre a inf'ncia, a experiência E a formação docente: Um dossiê.Carmen Sanches Sampaio, José Ricardo Santiago & Tiago Ribeiro - 2018 - Childhood and Philosophy 14 (30):237-243.
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    Improving the “Leader–Follower” Relationship: Top Manager or Supervisor? The Ethical Leadership Trickle-Down Effect on Follower Job Response.Pablo Ruiz, Carmen Ruiz & Ricardo Martínez - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 99 (4):587-608.
    Since time immemorial, the phenomenon of leadership and its understanding has attracted the attention of the business world because of its important role in human groups. Nevertheless, for years efforts to understand this concept have only been centred on people in leadership roles, thus overlooking an important aspect in its understanding: the necessary moral dimension which is implicit in the relationship between leader and follower. As an illustrative example of the importance of considering good morality in leadership, an empirical study (...)
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    Factors influencing intention to help and helping behaviour in witnesses of bullying in nursing settings.Carmen Báez-León, Bernardo Moreno-Jiménez, Aldo Aguirre-Camacho & Ricardo Olmos - 2016 - Nursing Inquiry 23 (4):358-367.
    The role played by witnesses of bullying in nursing settings remains little studied, despite their potential relevance in explaining the onset and development of bullying. The objective of this study was to develop a model to account for witnesses’ intention to help and helping behaviour in response to bullying in a nursing setting. Three hundred and thirty‐seven witnesses completed self‐report measures of variables predicting intention to help and helping behaviour. A full structural model was constructed using structural equation modelling. The (...)
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    Academic Goal Profiles and Learning Strategies in Adolescence.María Carmen Martínez-Monteagudo, Beatriz Delgado, Ricardo Sanmartín, Candido J. Inglés & José Manuel García-Fernández - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Financial Independence and Academic Achievement: Are There Key Factors of Transition to Adulthood for Young Higher Education Students in Colombia?Mónica-Patricia Borjas, Carmen Ricardo, Elsa Lucia Escalante-Barrios, Jorge Valencia & Jose Aparicio - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:534827.
    Autonomy is conceptualized as the need for agency, self-actualization and independence. Nowadays, financial independence and academic achievement for young populations may be considered as key aspects in the transition to adulthood in response to some contextual demands of different cultural environments. By means of a multi-level model, the present study aims to determine the influence and contribution of factors at individual-level (e.g. sex, age, socioeconomic status, family financial support, awarded scholarships, personal finance, student loans) and school-level (e.g. programme quality, online (...)
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  9. Introducción ala teoria estoica de las posiones (Fragmentos estoicos sobre las pasiones: Selección y traducción).Luis Gerena, Carmen Trueba, Jesús Araiza, José Molina & Ricardo Salles - 2000 - Signos Filosóficos 1 (3):181-201.
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    "Good Workers, Good Mothers!": the Feminine Labor Formation of Secondary Educational Level in Chile.Carmen Gloria Núñez Muñoz, Paula Ascorra & Ricardo Espinoza Lolas - 2012 - Estudios de Filosofía Práctica E Historia de Las Ideas 14 (2):101-115.
    El presente artículo pretende indagar desde el marco teórico-epistemológico de "imaginario social" de Cornelius Castoriadis (1922-1997), la subjetivación de la mujer trabajadora en el sistema de educación técnico-profesional en Chile. Se desarrolla una investigación filosófica y cualitativa que incluye análisis documental y entrevistas a sujetos del ámbito técnico-profesional secundario. A través de este marco teórico, desarrollamos las herramientas analíticas necesarias para poder leer e interpretar cómo a pesar de los aires de renovación del sistema técnico-profesional, la oferta política hacia la (...)
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    Paternalism vs. Autonomy: Are They Alternative Types of Formal Care?Rocío Fernández-Ballesteros, Macarena Sánchez-Izquierdo, Ricardo Olmos, Carmen Huici, José Manuel Ribera Casado & Alfonso Cruz Jentoft - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Repertorio bibliográfico sobre Platón.Pedro Pablo Apolinario, Wilder Chanduví, Mariana Chu, Maribel Cuenca, Henry Galecio, Gabriel García, Rubén León, Julio Marchena, Bernardo Meza, Aurelio Miní, Víctor Montero, Gabriela Núñez, Martín Oyata, Raschid Rabí, Ernesto Reátegui, Rocío Reátegui, Carla Sáenz, Marco Sano, Gabriela Sarmiento, Camilo Thorne, Gabriela Trujillo, Ricardo Ugaz, Carmen Zavala, Ruth Zea & Mauricio Zeballos - 2000 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 4:119-159.
    Este repertorio registra los artículos sobre Platón que se encuentran en la Hemeroteca de la Biblioteca Central de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. El listado abarca las publicaciones existentes hasta el primer semestre del año 2000.
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    Notas sobre la prosa periodística de Carmen de Burgos.Ricardo Senabre Sempere - 2010 - Arbor 186 (Extra):107-113.
    Como muchos autores de la época, Carmen de Burgos simultaneó el periodismo con la creación propiamente literaria. En estas páginas se intenta analizar cuáles son los rasgos esenciales de una prosa culta que, sin embargo, se dirige mediante la prensa a un público muy amplio. Se tienen en cuenta las estructuras compositivas más frecuentes, así como las creaciones metafóricas predilectas de la autora, a fin de dar una imagen de la prosa periodística que la caracteriza.
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    Artificial intelligence paternalism.Ricardo Diaz Milian & Anirban Bhattacharyya - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (3):183-184.
    In response to Ferrario _et al_’s 1 work entitled ‘Ethics of the algorithmic prediction of goal of care preferences: from theory to practice’, we would like to point out an area of concern: the risk of artificial intelligence (AI) paternalism in their proposed framework. Accordingly, in this commentary, we underscore the importance of the implementation of safeguards for AI algorithms before they are deployed in clinical practice. The goal of documenting a living will and advanced directives is to convey personal (...)
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  15. Abusive Sexting in Adolescence: Prevalence and Characteristics of Abusers and Victims.Ricardo Barroso, Eduarda Ramião, Patrícia Figueiredo & Alexandra M. Araújo - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Sexting has been defined as sending, receiving, or forwarding sexually explicit messages, images, or photos to others through digital platforms, and can assume more consensual or more abusive and violent forms. This study aims to explore the prevalence of abusive sexting in Portuguese adolescents and the psychological characteristics of sexting abusers in terms of emotional and behavioral problems, potential markers of psychopathy, childhood trauma and maltreatment, and different forms of aggression. A cross-sectional study was conducted with 4,281 participants, aged 12–20 (...)
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    Blindness as the threshold between life and death in seneca's oedipvs and phoenissae.Ricardo Duarte - 2021 - Classical Quarterly 71 (2):707-720.
    This article looks at the complexity of the thought processes that lead Seneca's Oedipus to choose the mors longa of blindness as punishment for his crime. It offers an analysis of the consolation of this existence on the threshold between life and death, notably with reference to the end of the Oedipus, but also of the sorrow of this liminal existence. The latter is described in Seneca's Phoenissae, which suggests an escape, by death stricto sensu, from the threshold represented by (...)
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    Epistemologia e autonomia no conceito de ideia musical de E. Hanslick.Ricardo Miranda Nachmanowicz - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (3):e02400166.
    The present work addresses the aesthetic philosophy of Eduard Hanslick in order to demarcate it as an epistemological approach to music and a paradigmatic case for musical autonomy. The epistemological assumptions that guided the work On the Musically Beautiful and its most likely influences were analyzed. We conclude by presenting musical idea as an epistemological formulation strongly influenced by positivism and as a qualifying principle of autonomous musical perception. We add to this conclusion a disambiguation with Kant›s concept of aesthetic (...)
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    A truth that’s told with bad intent: An ERP study of deception.Ricardo E. Carrión, Julian P. Keenan & Natalie Sebanz - 2010 - Cognition 114 (1):105-110.
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  19. What is the problem of replaceability?Ricardo Miguel - 2016 - In I. Anna S. Olsson, Sofia M. Araújo & M. Fátima Vieira, Food futures: ethics, science and culture. Wageningen Academic Publishers. pp. 52-58.
    Singer’s much-discussed replaceability argument states that non-self-conscious animals may be killed and replaced by new animals that will lead equally valuable lives. If sound, this argument can be used to justify the cycle of raising and killing animals for food. Thus, many have argued that Singer’s theory, and utilitarianism in general, while committed to this argument, offers inadequate protection to animals. However, some utilitarians reject the argument and Singer himself was rather tentative in preventing its additional application to self-conscious beings. (...)
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  20.  24
    Los Antecedentes Presocráticos de la Teoría Estoica de Conflagración.Ricardo Salles - 2022 - Journal of Ancient Philosophy 16 (1):88-114.
    In this paper, I explore the Presocratic antecedents of the Stoic theory of conflagration and argue that, even though three central theses of this theory have solid antecedents in Presocratic physics, the logical connection between them is a Stoic innovation. I label the Presocratics who hold these theses ‘Anaximandreans’ and include in this group Anaximander himself, Heraclitus and Diogenes of Apollonia, and reveal that Anaximenes, Democritus and Antiphon share with them central meteorological and cosmological assumptions.
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    Biocultural Ethics: Recovering the Vital Links between the Inhabitants, Their Habits, and Habitats.Ricardo Rozzi - 2012 - Environmental Ethics 34 (1):27-50.
    A comienzos del siglo XXI, América del Sur alberga la mayor biodiversidad del mundo para la mayoría de los grupos de plantas y animales, como también una variedad de movimientos en defensa del medio ambiente, que incluyen comunidades urbanas y rurales. La filosofía académica sudamericana, sin embargo, ha prestado escasa atención a este rico contexto biocultural. Para nutrir una filosofía ambiental regional emergente, identifico tres fuentes principales. Primero, una variedad de cosmovisiones y prácticas ecológicas, ancestrales y contemporáneas ofrecen un rico (...)
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  22. ᾽Εκπύρωσις and the Goodness of God in Cleanthes.Ricardo Salles - 2005 - Phronesis 50 (1):56 - 78.
    The ἐκπύρωσις, or world's conflagration, followed by the restoration of an identical world seems to go against the rationality of the Stoic god. The aim of this paper is to show that Cleanthes, the second head of the School, can avoid this paradox. According to Cleanthes, the conflagration is an inevitable side-effect of the necessary means used by god to sustain the world. Given that this side-effect is contrary to god's sustaining activity, but unavoidable, god's rationality requires the restoration of (...)
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    Integrating Science and Society through Long-Term Socio-Ecological Research.Ricardo Rozzi, Ximena Arango, Francisca Massardo, Christopher Anderson, Kurt Heidinger & Kelli Moses - 2008 - Environmental Ethics 30 (3):295-312.
    Long-term ecological research (LTER), addressing problems that encompass decadal or longer time frames, began as a formal term and program in the United States in 1980. While long-term ecological studies and observation began as early as the 1400s and 1800s in Asia and Europe, respectively, the long-term approach was not formalized until the establishment of the U.S. long-term ecological research programs. These programs permitted ecosystem-level experiments and cross-site comparisons that led to insights into the biosphere’s structure and function. The holistic (...)
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  24. O Supervalorativismo e a Vagueza de Ordem Superior.Ricardo Santos - 2010 - In Humberto Brito, Filosofia e Literatura 1. Instituto de Filosofia da Linguagem. pp. 197-217.
    Este artigo apresenta a teoria supervalorativista da vagueza e discute a objecção, que frequentemente lhe é dirigida, segundo a qual essa teoria não consegue dar conta do fenómeno da vagueza de ordem superior.
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  25. Paradoxos Semânticos.Ricardo Santos - 2014 - Compêndio Em Linha de Problemas de Filosofia Analítica.
    The semantic paradoxes are a family of arguments – including the liar paradox, Curry’s paradox, Grelling’s paradox of heterologicality, Richard’s and Berry’s paradoxes of definability, and others – which have two things in common: first, they make an essential use of such semantic concepts as those of truth, satisfaction, reference, definition, etc.; second, they seem to be very good arguments until we see that their conclusions are contradictory or absurd. These arguments raise serious doubts concerning the coherence of the concepts (...)
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    Nondefinability results for expansions of the field of real numbers by the exponential function and by the restricted sine function.Ricardo Bianconi - 1997 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 62 (4):1173-1178.
    We prove that no restriction of the sine function to any (open and nonempty) interval is definable in $\langle\mathbf{R}, +, \cdot, , and that no restriction of the exponential function to an (open and nonempty) interval is definable in $\langle \mathbf{R}, +, \cdot, , where $\sin_0(x) = \sin(x)$ for x ∈ [ -π,π], and $\sin_0(x) = 0$ for all $x \not\in\lbrack -\pi,\pi\rbrack$.
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    The Creative Power of Formal Analogies in Physics: The Case of Albert Einstein.Ricardo Karam - 2015 - Science & Education 24 (5-6):529-541.
    In order to show how formal analogies between different physical systems play an important conceptual work in physics, this paper analyzes the evolution of Einstein’s thoughts on the structure of radiation from the point of view of the formal analogies he used as “lenses” to “see” through the “black box” of Planck’s blackbody radiation law. A comparison is also made with his 1925 paper on the quantum gas where he used the same formal methods. Changes of formal points of view (...)
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    New Reflections on the Mirror: the Interests Proximity Bias Solution.Ricardo Miguel & Diogo Santos - 2020 - Philosophia 48 (4):1527-1542.
    We worry about becoming non-existent, but not about coming into being. But both events are similarly bad according to Deprivationism; hence, it seems that we should display symmetric attitudes towards both. This entails the implausible conclusion that we should display negative attitudes towards the time of our birth. In a series of articles Brueckner and Fischer offered one of the most prominent attempts to block this conclusion by appealing to a temporal bias towards future pleasures. Inspired by Yi’s criticism of (...)
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    ¿Qué tan elementales son los cuatro elementos? Una lectura de Ario Dídimo fr. 21 Diels.Ricardo Salles - 2015 - Journal of Ancient Philosophy 9 (2):1.
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    A Re-Assessment of Aristotle's Economic Thought.Ricardo F. Crespo - 2013 - Routledge.
    The world has seen several financial and economic crises in the past few years. Psychological, ethical and philosophical levels of causal analysis have been discussed, and in this context, an interest in classical thinkers has emerged. The work of Aristotle has influenced writers from Marx and Menger to Amartya Sen. This book introduces us to Aristotle's thought on 'the economic' and on its influences on economists. First, it focuses on Aristotle´s ideas, situating Aristotle in his historical context, describing his positions (...)
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  31. María Lugones and the Value of Playfulness for World-Making.Ricardo Friaz - 2023 - Hispanic/Latino Issues in Philosophy 23 (1):2-7.
    In this essay, I focus on Lugones’s relatively lesser explored notion of playfulness. I weigh in on the debate about whether playfulness is necessary for what Lugones calls “world-traveling,” which enables one to recognize another person as a full subject. I argue that although the attribute of playfulness may not be necessary for world-traveling, it is necessary for collaborative world-making––creating a new, shared world that is opened through the activity of play.
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    Between Purity and Hybridity: Technoscientific and Ethnic Myths of Brazil.Ricardo B. Duque & Raoni Rajão - 2014 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 39 (6):844-874.
    This article examines the foundation myths of Brazil in the last two centuries, paying particular attention to the relationship between these myths and governmental attitudes toward the hybridity of Northern and Southern ethnic and technoscientific entities. Based upon this examination, the article argues that it is important to consider both the wider temporal frames and the shifts and sedimentations that have formed current foundation myths and shaped their relation to science and technology. Postcolonial science technology studies theories illuminate aspects of (...)
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  33. Especismo.Ricardo Miguel - 2020 - Compêndio Em Linha de Problemas de Filosofia Analítica.
    Em analogia com outras discriminações, como o racismo ou o sexismo, o especismo é concebido como uma forma de discriminação moral com base na espécie. Em grande medida, a discussão contemporânea sobre a importância moral dos animais surgiu e desenvolveu-se em torno da crítica e da defesa do especismo. Este artigo oferece uma visão da discussão filosófica contemporânea sobre o especismo. Após uma breve introdução, apresenta-se uma definição de especismo e caracterizam-se vários tipos de especismo, sendo o Antropocentrismo o mais (...)
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    El problema de Los hechos en la justificación de sentencias.Ricardo Caracciolo - 2013 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 38:13-34.
    Este trabajo presenta un argumento en favor de la exigencia de verdad de las proposiciones descriptivas de los hechos en controversias que normalmente integran el contenido de las sentencias en el derecho contemporáneo. Esta exigencia es, de este modo, un criterio de justificación de las decisiones judiciales. Para desarrollar el argumento se recurre al análisis de las nociones de “decisión judicial”, de “aplicación” de normas generales y de “justificación normativa”. Se revisan, asimismo, diversas formas del escepticismo kelseniano acerca de esa (...)
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    Liberal Naturalism and Non-epistemic Values.Ricardo F. Crespo - 2019 - Foundations of Science 24 (2):247-273.
    The ‘value-free ideal’ has been called into question for several reasons. It does not include “epistemic values”—viewed as characteristic of ‘good science’—and rejects the so-called ‘contextual’, ‘non-cognitive’ or ‘non-epistemic’ values—all of them personal, moral, or political values. This paper analyzes a possible complementary argument about the dubitable validity of the value-free ideal, specifically focusing on social sciences, with a two-fold strategy. First, it will consider that values are natural facts in a broad or ‘liberal naturalist’ sense and, thus, a legitimate (...)
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  36. Principles for consciousness in integrated cognitive control.Ricardo Sanz, Ignacio Lopez, Manuel Rodriguez & Carlos Hernandez - 2007 - Neural Networks 20 (9):938-946.
    In this article we will argue that given certain conditions for the evolution of bi- ological controllers, these will necessarily evolve in the direction of incorporating consciousness capabilities. We will also see what are the necessary mechanics for the provision of these capabilities and extrapolate this vision to the world of artifi- cial systems postulating seven design principles for conscious systems. This article was published in the journal Neural Networks special issue on brain and conscious- ness.
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    (1 other version)Hat die kantische Vernunft eine Hautfarbe?Ricardo Terra - 2013 - In Stefano Bacin, Alfredo Ferrarin, Claudio La Rocca & Margit Ruffing, Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht. Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. Boston: de Gruyter. pp. 431-448.
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  38. An autonomist view on the ethical criticism of architecture.Ricardo Miguel - 2016 - Philosophy@Lisbon (5):131-141.
    It is a fact that there is ethical criticism about art. Art critics, the general public and even artists point out moral flaws in artworks while evaluating them. Philosophers, however, have maintained a hot debate on the meaning of such criticism. This debate can be understood as a disagreement about the kind of relation between the artistic value of artworks and their alleged moral value. While some claim that moral value can contribute to artistic value (moralism), others claim that there (...)
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  39. Against animal replaceability: a restriction on consequences.Ricardo Miguel - 2021 - In Michael Schefczyk & Christoph Schmidt-Petri, Utility, Progress, and Technology: Proceedings of the 15th Conference of the International Society for Utilitarian Studies. Karlsruhe: KIT Scientific Publishing. pp. 183-192.
    Animal replaceability is supposed to be a feature of some consequentialist theories, like Utilitarianism. Roughly, an animal is replaceable if it is permissible to kill it because the disvalue thereby caused will be compensated by the value of a new animal’s life. This is specially troubling since the conditions for such compensation seem easily attainable by improved forms of raising and killing animals. Thus, grounding a strong moral status of animals in such theories is somewhat compromised. As is, consequently, their (...)
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  40. Two Myths of Psychophysical Reductionism.Restrepo Ricardo - 2012 - Open Journal of Philosophy 2 (2):75.
    This paper focuses on two prominent arguments claiming that physicalism entails reductionism. One is Kim’s causal exclusion argument (CEA), and the other is Papineau’s causal argument. The paper argues that Kim’s CEA is not logically valid and that it is driven by two implausible justifications. One is “Edward’s dictum”, which is alien to non-reductive physicalism and should be rejected. The other is by endorsement of Papineau’s conception of the physical, immanent in Papineau’s causal argument. This argument only arrives at the (...)
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    Model completeness results for elliptic and abelian functions.Ricardo Bianconi - 1991 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 54 (2):121-136.
    We prove the model completeness of expansions of the reals by restricted elliptic and abelian functions. We make use of an auxiliary structure admitting quantifier elimination, where the basic relations are strongly definable in the original structure.
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    Undefinability results in o-minimal expansions of the real numbers.Ricardo Bianconi - 2005 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 134 (1):43-51.
    We show that if is not in the field generated by α1,…,αn, then no restriction of the function xβ to an interval is definable in . We also prove that if the real and imaginary parts of a complex analytic function are definable in Rexp or in the expansion of by functions xα, for irrational α, then they are already definable in . We conclude with some conjectures and open questions.
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    Why is the Cosmos Intelligent? : Stoic cosmology and Plato, Philebus 29a9–30a8.Ricardo Salles - 2018 - Rhizomata 6 (1):40-64.
    The present paper studies a family of Stoic proofs of the intelligence of the cosmos, i. e. of the thesis that the cosmos is intelligent in the strong sense that it is, as a whole, something that thinks. This family, ‘F2’, goes back to a proof, ‘XP’, found in Philebus 29a9–30 a8 and Xenophon Mem. 1.4.8. F2 infers the intelligence of the cosmos, as XP does, from the general idea that our intelligence proceeds from the cosmos, which is the ultimate (...)
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    Positive and Negative Affect Schedule-Short Form: Factorial Invariance and Optimistic and Pessimistic Affective Profiles in Spanish Children.Ricardo Sanmartín, María Vicent, Carolina Gonzálvez, Cándido J. Inglés, Ángela Díaz-Herrero, Lucía Granados & José M. García-Fernández - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Hans Vaihinger e a teoria da aparência conscientemente intencionada de Nietzsche.Ricardo Bazilio Dalla Vecchia - 2018 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 63 (1):304-322.
    O presente artigo objetiva discutir a interpretação da filosofia de Nietzsche empreendida por Hans Vaihinger na obra Philosophie des Als Ob. De acordo com Vaihinger, ao longo de sua obra Nietzsche desenvolve uma “teoria da aparência valor das ficções frente à vida prática, na trilha deixada por Kant e Lange. Em virtude disso, a filosofia de Nietzsche pode ser considerada como o esboço da metafísica do “como se”, postura ficcionalista e pragmática desenvolvida por Vaihinger.
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  46. El arte: Un derecho para la sociedad del Buen Vivir.Ricardo Restrepo - 2013 - El Derecho Al Arte En Ecuador.
    Es difícil imaginar una sociedad del buen vivir sin arte. Por ello, la creatividad artística es reconocida como derecho en la Constitución del Ecuador, y como derecho humano en los intrumentos internacionales relevantes. Partiendo de esta reflexión, los artículos de este libro argumentan que siendo el arte un derecho, le corresponde al Estado la provisión de condiciones para su garantía por medio de políticas públicas, que deben tomar en cuenta tanto las especificidades de las personas, y los pueblos y nacionalidades, (...)
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  47.  16
    Realism, general relativity and Schrödinger’s Cat.Ricardo Restrepo Echavarria - 2024 - Sophia. Colección de Filosofía de la Educación 37:79-101.
    El presente trabajo examina la naturaleza de la realidad en el marco de la física moderna, incluyendo laposibilidad de la libertad. Adicionalmente, propone una reforma a la metafísica del realismo. Para el realismo,el mundo es como es, independiente de la mente. Sin embargo, la relatividad general supone que la velocidadde los objetos y el orden temporal de los eventos dependen del marco de referencia que se adopte. Qué marco de referencia se adopta responde a intereses humanos, pero sigue habiendo hechos (...)
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    Reseña de Teatro, escuela y masculinidades, de María Paz Gallardo Barría.Ricardo Amigo Dürre - 2024 - Aisthesis 76:436-440.
    Review of Teatro, escuela y masculinidades, by María Paz Gallardo Barría.
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  49.  24
    On poverty and wealth: study of reflections on poverty and wealth in the sermons of Saint Augustine.Ricardo Evangelista Brandão - 2024 - Griot 24 (1):1-15.
    Aurélio Agostinho, when he was consecrated bishop in Hippo, had contact with a community in a situation of extreme social inequality, and adding to his understanding of bidirectional love (to God and neighbor), translated into nonconformity with the suffering of others, in the function as a bishop he had the opportunity to fight with the weapons at his disposal for a less undignified life for the poorest. Therefore, the concept of poverty that appears between the lines of his texts and (...)
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  50. Memórias de guerra: Guerra do Paraguai e narrativa nacional: Brasil: Cultura-Memória.Ricardo Salles - 1997 - História 16:131-155.
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