Results for 'Catalysis'

53 found
  1.  25
    Principles of antibody catalysis.Richard A. Lerner & Stephen J. Benkovic - 1988 - Bioessays 9 (4):107-112.
    Antibodies have now been shown to catalyze a variety of chemical transformations, including hydrolytic, concerted, and bimolecular reactions. The inherent chirality of the antibody binding pocket has been exploited to exert precise stereochemical control over their catalyzed reactions. The mechanisms by which antibodies catalyze reactions are not expected to differ in any general way from those of natural enzymes. Antibodies use their binding energy to stabilize species of higher free energy which appear along the reaction coordinate or effect general acid/base (...)
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    Catalysis by self-assembled structures in emergent reaction networks.Mark Bedau - manuscript
    We study a new variant of the dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) model that includes the possibility of dynamically forming and breaking strong bonds. The emergent reaction kinetics may then interact with self-assembly processes. We observe that self-assembled amphiphilic aggregations such as micelles have a catalytic effect on chemical reaction networks, changing both equilibrium concentrations and reaction frequencies. These simulation results are in accordance with experimental results on the so-called “concentration effect”.
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    Catalysis by RNA.David S. Waugh & Norman R. Pace - 1986 - Bioessays 4 (2):56-61.
    Until the discovery of catalytic RNA, the notion that all enzymes are proteins had seemed incontrovertible. Now the existence of RNA enzymes has been confirmed in a variety of contexts. What is known about the chemistry of RNA‐catalyzed reactions is reviewed below, with particular attention to the self‐splicing rRNA intron of Tetrahymena thermophila and the processing of pre‐tRNA molecules by RNase P.
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    A Philosophy Of Catalysis.Eduard Färber - 1938 - Isis 29:398-402.
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    On the History of Developing Catalysis in Ukraine (1850s–1980s).Vira Gamaliia, Artem Zabuga & Gennadii Zabuga - 2023 - Acta Baltica Historiae Et Philosophiae Scientiarum 11 (2):76-92.
    The article is dedicated to the history of developing highly effective catalysts in the leading scientific institutions of Ukraine and explores the prerequisites for developing theories in physical chemistry, in particular those related to kinetics and catalysis. It highlights the significance of scientific discoveries at the turn of the 19th and 20th century and their application by native scientists to advance theoretical development in the field of chemistry. Special attention is paid to the works of Lev Pisarzhevskii, focusing on (...)
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    Bioelectronic Aspect of Enzymatic Catalysis.Marian Wnuk - 1987 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 35 (3):119-124.
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  7. Developments in Homogeneous Catalysis.J. Halpern - 1965 - In Karl W. Linsenmann, Proceedings. St. Louis, Lutheran Academy for Scholarship. pp. 1--146.
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    Proton tunneling and enzyme catalysis.Harvey J. Gold - 1971 - Acta Biotheoretica 20 (1-2):29-40.
    It is proposed in this paper that enzymes, by virtue of a number of correctly positioned sites of interaction with substrates, can force the compression of hydrogen bonds, increasing the probability of proton transfer by quantum mechanical tunneling. By such a catalytic mechanism a rate enhancement of many orders of magnitude may be obtained with a very low energy input requirement. The mechanism would, however, require a highly structured catalyst.Pertinent aspects of hydrogen bond theory and of tunneling theory are briefly (...)
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    The role of catalysis in biological causation.Edgar J. Witzemann - 1943 - Philosophy of Science 10 (3):176-183.
    The last two words of the title for this essay are taken from a paper by R. S. Lillie, and the first phrase is also taken by implication from the same source. The study of chemical phenomena in life has progressed far enough so that underlying chemical causes, involved in Professor Lillie's picture of Biological Causation, may in part be discussed in general terms, and apart from the mass of detail known about the agents and processes involved. Moreover, this mass (...)
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    The Swiss army knife of biological catalysis: A compact toolkit of organic functional groups.Harold J. Morowitz, Vijayasarathy Srinivasan & Eric Smith - 2006 - Complexity 11 (3):9-10.
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    A radical approach to enzyme catalysis.E. Neil G. Marsh - 1995 - Bioessays 17 (5):431-441.
    Free radicals are generally perceived as highly reactive species which are harmful to biological systems. There are, however, a number of enzymes that use carbon‐based radicals to catalyse a variety of important and unusual reactions. The most prominent example is ribonucleotide reductase, an enzyme which is crucial for the synthesis of DNA. In general, radicals are used to remove hydrogen from unreactive positions in the substrate, and in this way the substrate is activated to undergo chemical transformations that would otherwise (...)
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    Adrian Piper's aesthetic agency: Photography as catalysis for resisting neo-liberal competitive paradigms.Gerlinde Van Puymbroeck - 2019 - Philosophy of Photography 10 (1):41-58.
    Contemporary neo-liberal society is ruled by the market. Davies, Chen and Lentin and Titley show that its objectification and categorization founds a competitive notion of agency that disables subjective construction of self and intersubjective understanding of the world. As the market's rules and norms are set by white patriarchy, its competitive paradigm structurally disadvantages others. Art too is objectified and categorized by neo-liberal institutions, equally embedded in white patriarchal market structures and severely limiting democratic public access to a diverse artistic (...)
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    A novel protein modification generating an aldehyde group in sulfatases: its role in catalysis and disease.Kurt von Figura, Bernhard Schmidt, Thorsten Selmer & Thomas Dierks - 1998 - Bioessays 20 (6):505-510.
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    Ambrogio Fusinieri and the adsorption theory of heterogeneous catalysis.Dott Maurizio Farinelli, A. L. B. Gale & A. J. B. Robertson - 1974 - Annals of Science 31 (1):19-20.
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    Nanotechnology: from the ancient time to nowadays.Delphine Schaming & Hynd Remita - 2015 - Foundations of Chemistry 17 (3):187-205.
    While nanosciences and nanotechnologies appear as new concepts developed at the end of the twentieth century, we show that metallic nanoparticles have already been used since ancient times, in particular as colorant in the glass and ceramic industries. Moreover, a lot of natural nanomaterials are also present in the mineral, vegetal and animal worlds. Nevertheless, the breakthrough of nanotechnology has been permitted in the past few decades by the advent of apparatus allowing the manipulation and observation of the nanoworld. Indeed, (...)
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  16. Beyond categorical definitions of life: a data-driven approach to assessing lifeness.Christophe Malaterre & Jean-François Chartier - 2019 - Synthese 198 (5):4543-4572.
    The concept of “life” certainly is of some use to distinguish birds and beavers from water and stones. This pragmatic usefulness has led to its construal as a categorical predicate that can sift out living entities from non-living ones depending on their possessing specific properties—reproduction, metabolism, evolvability etc. In this paper, we argue against this binary construal of life. Using text-mining methods across over 30,000 scientific articles, we defend instead a degrees-of-life view and show how these methods can contribute to (...)
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  17. Are the different hypotheses on the emergence of life as different as they seem?Iris Fry - 1995 - Biology and Philosophy 10 (4):389-417.
    This paper calls attention to a philosophical presupposition, coined here the continuity thesis which underlies and unites the different, often conflicting, hypotheses in the origin of life field. This presupposition, a necessary condition for any scientific investigation of the origin of life problem, has two components. First, it contends that there is no unbridgeable gap between inorganic matter and life. Second, it regards the emergence of life as a highly probable process. Examining several current origin-of-life theories. I indicate the implicit (...)
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  18.  22
    Mechanisms of macromolecular reactions.Ross L. Stein - 2022 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 44 (2):1-28.
    During the past two decades, philosophers of biology have increasingly turned their attention to mechanisms of biological phenomena. Through analyses of mechanistic proposals advanced by biologists, the goal of these philosophers is to understand what a mechanism is and how mechanisms explain. These analyses have generally focused on mechanistic proposals for phenomenon that occur at the cellular or sub-cellular level, such as synapse firing, protein synthesis, or metabolic pathway operation. Little is said about the mechanisms of the macromolecular reactions that (...)
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  19. Rationalités correctives et intelligence artificielle assistée : les doubles contraintes des humanités numériques.Pierluigi Basso Fossali - 2025 - Semiotica 2025 (262):71-109.
    Résumé Cet article explore la complexité de l’interaction entre l’Intelligence Artificielle (IA) et les rationalités humaines, en mettant l’accent sur les défis des humanités numériques. À travers une étude exploratoire, on articule deux perspectives : d’une part, la critique de l’idée que l’IA pourrait imiter ou reproduire fidèlement les rationalités humaines, et d’autre part, l’examen des limites et des possibilités de l’intelligence artificielle en tant que système autonome. L’analyse s’appuie sur des interactions prolongées avec ChatGPT, visant à tester les capacités (...)
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  20. Natural process – Natural selection.Arto Annila - 2007 - Biophysical Chemistry 127: 123–128.
    Life is supported by a myriad of chemical reactions. To describe the overall process we have formulated entropy for an open system undergoing chemical reactions. The entropy formula allows us to recognize various ways for the system to move towards more probable states. These correspond to the basic processes of life i.e. proliferation, differentiation, expansion, energy intake, adaptation and maturation. We propose that the rate of entropy production by various mechanisms is the fitness criterion of natural selection. The quest for (...)
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  21.  88
    A process theory of enzyme catalytic power – the interplay of science and metaphysics.Ross L. Stein - 2006 - Foundations of Chemistry 8 (1):3-29.
    Enzymes are protein catalysts of extraordinary efficiency, capable of bringing about rate enhancements of their biochemical reactions that can approach factors of 1020. Theories of enzyme catalysis, which seek to explain the means by which enzymes effect catalytic transformation of the substrate molecules on which they work, have evolved over the past century from the “lock-and-key” model proposed by Emil Fischer in 1894 to models that explicitly rely on transition state theory to the most recent theories that strive to (...)
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  22.  19
    Roots: Molecular basis of biological regulation: Origins from feedback inhibition and allostery.Arthur B. Pardee - 1985 - Bioessays 2 (1):37-40.
    One observes regulation at every biological level. Organisms, cells, and biochemical processes operate efficiently, normally wasting neither material nor energy, and adjusting their functions to external influences. Nature evidently has evolved mechanisms specifically dedicated to regulation at many levels. What is the molecular basis of this control?In the 1950s these molecular control mechanisms began to be explored seriously. The discoveries of feedback inhibition of enzyme activity were important because they gave an initial example of how regulation is achieved at the (...)
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  23.  31
    Blackening Aesthetic Experience.Nicholas Whittaker - 2021 - The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 79 (4):452–464.
    Contemporary philosophy of art generally assumes that aesthetic experience is constituted by a certain ontological-phenomenological structure: the apprehension by a subject of an object. This article explores an underexamined critique of this philosophical model found within the black intellectual and artistic tradition. I will specifically focus on the version of this critique proposed by the similarly underexamined black philosophers Adrian Piper and Fred Moten. This critique, which I dub the subjectivizing concern, takes issue with the notion of ontological distance that (...)
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  24. Conceptual closure: How memories are woven into an interconnected worldview.Liane Gabora - unknown
    This paper describes a tentative model for how discrete memories transform into an interconnected conceptual network, or worldview, wherein relationships between memories are forged by way of abstractions. The model draws on Kauffman’s theory of how an information-evolving system could emerge through the formation and closure of an autocatalytic network. Here, the information units are not catalytic molecules, but memories and abstractions, and the process that connects them is not catalysis but reminding events (i.e. one memory evokes another). The (...)
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  25.  35
    The role of orgasm in the development and shaping of partner preferences.Genaro A. Coria-Avila, Deissy Herrera-Covarrubias, Nafissa Ismail & James G. Pfaus - 2016 - Socioaffective Neuroscience and Psychology 6.
    BackgroundThe effect of orgasm on the development and shaping of partner preferences may involve a catalysis of the neurochemical mechanisms of bonding. Therefore, understanding such process is relevant for neuroscience and psychology.MethodsA systematic review was carried out using the terms Orgasm, Sexual Reward, Partner Preference, Pair Bonding, Brain, Learning, Sex, Copulation.ResultsIn humans, concentrations of arousing neurotransmitters and potential bonding neurotransmitters increase during orgasm in the cerebrospinal fluid and the bloodstream. Similarly, studies in animals indicate that those neurotransmitters and others (...)
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  26.  18
    How the EcoRI endonuclease recognizes and cleaves DNA.Joseph Heitman - 1992 - Bioessays 14 (7):445-454.
    One popular recombinant DNA tool is the EcoRI endonuclease, which cleaves DNA at GAATTC sites and serves as a paradigm for sequence specific DNA‐enzyme interactions. The recently revised X‐ray crystal structure of an EcoRI‐DNA complex reveals EcoRI employs novel DNA recognition motifs, a four α‐helix bundle and two extended chains, which project into the major groove to contact substrate purines and pyrimidines. Interestingly, pyrimidine contacts had been predicted based on genetic and biochemical studies. Current work focuses on the EcoRI active (...)
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  27.  6
    Today and Tomorrow Volume 9 Science and Medicine: Eos or the Wider Aspects of Cosmogony Hermes, or the Future of Chemistry Sybilla, or the Revival of Prophecy Archimedes or the Future of Physics.Jones Jeans - 2008 - Routledge.
    Eos or the Wider Aspects of Cosmogony J H Jeans Originally published in 1928 "A fascinating summary of his tremendous conclusions…" Times Literary Supplement "No book in the series surpasses Eos in brilliance and profundity…" Is this universe permanent or transitory? If transitory, is it near its end or just beginning? Is life common or rare? Where does life stand in relation t the stupendous mass of inert matter? These and other issues are lucidly dealt with in this book. 80pp, (...)
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  28.  15
    Silicon Porphyrins in the Living Organisms.Marian Wnuk - 1986 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 34 (3):161-181.
    The problem of the possible occurrence of silicon porphyrins in the living organisms has been put forward in the context of the hypothesis of siliceous life forms and the study of the molecular evolution of porphyrin systems. Some properties of the tetrapyrrole complexes of silicon as well as essential data and theories from domains of silicon biochemistry and paleobiochemistry have been reviewed.This has been a basis for doing some extrapolations and showing connections with bioelectronics, whereas some possible functions of hypothetical (...)
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  29.  53
    Compositional complementarity and prebiotic ecology in the origin of life.Axel Hunding, Francois Kepes, Doron Lancet, Abraham Minsky, Vic Norris, Derek Raine, K. Sriram & Robert Root-Bernstein - 2006 - Bioessays 28 (4):399-412.
    We hypothesize that life began not with the first self‐reproducing molecule or metabolic network, but as a prebiotic ecology of co‐evolving populations of macromolecular aggregates (composomes). Each composome species had a particular molecular composition resulting from molecular complementarity among environmentally available prebiotic compounds. Natural selection acted on composomal species that varied in properties and functions such as stability, catalysis, fission, fusion and selective accumulation of molecules from solution. Fission permitted molecular replication based on composition rather than linear structure, while (...)
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  30.  28
    The capabilities approach and variety engineering. A case for social cocreation of value.Alfonso Reyes Alvarado - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (3):1269-1277.
    The purpose of this paper is to show an application of variety engineering in the social realm. It focuses on reducing environmental complexity by catalysing self-organizing processes. This catalysis is based on the use of Sen and Nussbaum’s capabilities approach. By doing this an organization may improve the quality of the relations with their clients by transforming environmental agents into new suppliers. This approach opens a new dimension of social responsibility for organizations. A particular case is presented in which (...)
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  31.  70
    The Scientific Discovery of ‘Natural Capital’: The Production of Catalytic Antibodies.Michael Ben-Chaim - 2001 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 32 (3):413-433.
    Modern science has undoubtedly become one the principal engines of economic growth, even though the epistemological status of scientific knowledge has been continuously contested. Leaving the philosophical problem of knowledge aside, this paper examines how scientific discovery contributes to the production of wealth. The analysis focuses on a recent achievement at the crossroads of chemistry, immunology and biotechnology: antibody catalysis. For this purpose, we develop a model of entrepreneurial work to explain how the discovery of natural products and processes (...)
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  32.  20
    A novel coenzymatic function of pyridoxal 5′‐phosphate.Toshio Fukui & Mitsuo Tagaya - 1986 - Bioessays 5 (1):21-24.
    Pyridoxal 5′‐phosphate, the vitamin B6 derivative, acts as the coenzyme of many enzymes involved in amino acid metabolism. Exceptionally, this compound was found covalently bound to glycogen phosphorylase, the key enzyme in the regulation of glycogen metabolism. Although it is essential for the function of phosphorylase, its direct role has remained an enigma. We have recently found that the glucose moiety of pyridoxal (5′)diphospho (1)‐α‐D‐glucose, a conjugate of pyridoxal 5′‐phosphate and glucose 1‐phosphate through a pyrophosphate linkage, is transferred to the (...)
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  33.  22
    Druggable differences: Targeting mechanistic differences between trans‐ translation and translation for selective antibiotic action.Pooja Srinivas, Kenneth C. Keiler & Christine M. Dunham - 2022 - Bioessays 44 (8):2200046.
    Bacteria use trans‐translation to rescue stalled ribosomes and target incomplete proteins for proteolysis. Despite similarities between tRNAs and transfer‐messenger RNA (tmRNA), the key molecule for trans‐translation, new structural and biochemical data show important differences between translation and trans‐translation at most steps of the pathways. tmRNA and its binding partner, SmpB, bind in the A site of the ribosome but do not trigger the same movements of nucleotides in the rRNA that are required for codon recognition by tRNA. tmRNA‐SmpB moves from (...)
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  34. Teleology in biology: Haddox on the basic principles of the living world.John Symons - manuscript
    was a detailed analysis of the methodology of biological investigation. The dissertation examined case studies involving enzymes, proteins, catalysis and other matters apparently far removed from his later work on Mexican and Chicano thought. However, Haddox’s existential engagement with basic philosophical questions is evident throughout this work.
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  35.  4
    Eco-Social Narratives for Awakening an Era of Transformative Change.Sandra Waddock - 2025 - Humanistic Management Journal 10 (1):11-29.
    The central question that this special issue poses is ‘What will allow new systemic approaches to emerge that include all humans and all living beings in the benefits of life, rather than expecting some to suffer for the benefit of others?’ This paper argues that a key starting point for systems change, and the changed awareness or awakening that it brings, is developing new narratives or stories that form the basis for new core cultural mythologies, replacing currently dominant social imaginaries, (...)
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  36. A deflation of genetic information.John S. Wilkins - manuscript
    It is often claimed there is information in some biological entity or process, most especially in genes. Genetic “information” refers to distinct notions, either of concrete properties of molecular bonds and catalysis, in which case it is little more than a periphrasis for correlation and causal relations between physical biological objects (molecules), or of abstract properties, in which case it is mind-dependent. When information plays a causal role, nothing is added to the account by calling it “information”. In short, (...)
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  37.  9
    The power of Imperfections: a key to technology, love, life and survival.Peter Townsend - 2022 - New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press.
    1 Before we begin -- 2 The case for technological imperfections -- 3 Cookery and technological spices -- 4 A short log of technology from wood -- 5 Reader beware -- 6 Key features of chemistry and solids -- 7 Examples of new glass technologies -- 8 Optical fibre communication -- 9 Beauty from imperfections -- 10 Valuable imperfections in crystal lattices -- 11 Impurities and the growth of semiconductors -- 12 Small anomalies and long-range consequences -- 13 Photonics in (...)
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    Mathematical Graph Based Urban Simulations as a Tool for Biomimicry Urbanism?Kęstutis Zaleckis, Indrė Gražulevičiūtė-Vileniškė & Gediminas Viliūnas - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:153-183.
    Biomimicry studies natural systems and attempts to use the gained knowledge and understanding to solve human problems. Can biomimicry, if applied in urban planning, help to make our cities more sustainable or, precisely, more friendly for walkable and 15-minute city models? Various researchers identify the following features of natural systems as form fits function, catalysis of cooperation, local contextuality, continuity of development, diversity, integrity, redundancy, decentralization, multifunctionality, and less energy consumption (e.g. TOD if the energy needed for transportation is (...)
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  39.  8
    Inquiries and Provocations: Selected Writings 1929–1974.Herbert Feigl - 1980 - Springer Verlag.
    The title is his own. Herbert Feigl, the provocateur and the soul (if we may put it so) of modesty, wrote to me some years ago, "I'm more of a catalyst than producer of new and original ideas all my life... ", but then he com pleted the self-appraisal: "... with just a few exceptions perhaps". We need not argue for the creative nature of catalysis, but will simply remark that there are 'new and original ideas' in the twenty-four (...)
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  40.  26
    More than the sum of their parts: On the evolution of proteins from peptides.Johannes Söding & Andrei N. Lupas - 2003 - Bioessays 25 (9):837-846.
    Despite their seemingly endless diversity, proteins adopt a limited number of structural forms. It has been estimated that 80% of proteins will be found to adopt one of only about 400 folds, most of which are already known. These folds are largely formed by a limited ‘vocabulary’ of recurring supersecondary structure elements, often by repetition of the same element and, increasingly, elements similar in both structure and sequence are discovered. This suggests that modern proteins evolved by fusion and recombination from (...)
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  41. Special Divine Insight: Escaping the Snow Queen's Palace.Andrew Pinsent - 2015 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 7 (4):173-196.
    Insights play a role in every field that can be called knowledge, but are of particular interest to the philosophy of religion and special divine action. Although these acts of understanding cannot be generated at will, a second person can vastly accelerate understanding by a first person. In this paper, I argue that this catalysis of insight is best attained in a situation of ‘second- person relatedness’, involving epistemic humility and shared awareness of shared focus. I also argue that (...)
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    The role of thymidylate synthase as an RNA binding protein.Edward Chu & Carmen J. Allegra - 1996 - Bioessays 18 (3):191-198.
    Thymidylate synthase plays a central role in the biosynthesis of thymidylate, an essential precursor for DNA biosynthesis. In addition to its role in catalysis and cellular metabolism, it is now appreciated that thymidylate synthase functons as an RNA binding protein. Specifically, thymidylate synthase binds with high affinity to its own mRNA, resulting in translational repression. An extensive series of experiments has been performed to elucidate the molecular elements underlying the interaction between thymidylate synthase and its own mRNA. In addition (...)
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    Practical Applications as a Source of Credibility: A Comparison of Three Fields of Dutch Academic Chemistry. [REVIEW]Laurens K. Hessels & Harro van Lente - 2011 - Minerva 49 (2):215-240.
    In many Western science systems, funding structures increasingly stimulate academic research to contribute to practical applications, but at the same time the rise of bibliometric performance assessments have strengthened the pressure on academics to conduct excellent basic research that can be published in scholarly literature. We analyze the interplay between these two developments in a set of three case studies of fields of chemistry in the Netherlands. First, we describe how the conditions under which academic chemists work have changed since (...)
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    On the novelty of nanotechnology: A philosophical essay.Joachim Schummer - manuscript
    Nanotechnology has from its very beginning been surrounded with an aura of novelty. For instance, on the 28 introductory pages of the report that prepared the US National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI), Nanotechnology Research Directions (NSTC/IWGN 1999), we read 73 times the term “new”, 15 times “novel”, 7 times “innovation”, and 21 times “revolution”. The authors concede that one should distinguish between different nanotechnologies, because “Many existing technologies do already depend on nanoscale processes. Photography and catalysis are two examples of (...)
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  45. La eminencia Del detalle “disciplinario” en el purén indómito, Martín Rivas Y el matadero.Mario Rodríguez Fernández & José Manuel Rodríguez - 2013 - Alpha (Osorno) 37:9-26.
    Proponemos que ciertos “detalles” (la catálisis, según Barthes) revelan la presencia del poder disciplinario en la esfera del relato moderno. Iniciamos el análisis a partir de algunas unidades descriptivas del Purén Indómito, a las que consideramos antecedentes directos de esa revelación, y concluimos con la novela Martín Rivas y el cuento El matadero. El texto colonial da cuenta detallada de la vida cotidiana en el reino de Chile, cuenta que expresa las estrategias del poder de soberanía, mientras que en los (...)
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    Organization.W. R. Dunlop - 1944 - Philosophy of Science 11 (3):171-177.
    Only those whose work and interests have led them to notice it, will have realised, in all probability, the remarkable extent to which the term organization has gained currency, or acquired new and special emphasis, throughout the entire range of scientific and sociological literature during the last ten or twenty years.In biology and bio-chemistry organization has been discussed or used as a technical term, mostly since 1930 by at least thirty well-known authors; amongst the more prominent are Huxley, Wilson, Woodger, (...)
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    (1 other version)The alkaline solution to the emergence of life: Energy, entropy and early evolution.Michael J. Russell - 2007 - Acta Biotheoretica 55 (2):133-179.
    The Earth agglomerates and heats. Convection cells within the planetary interior expedite the cooling process. Volcanoes evolve steam, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide and pyrophosphate. An acidulous Hadean ocean condenses from the carbon dioxide atmosphere. Dusts and stratospheric sulfurous smogs absorb a proportion of the Sun’s rays. The cooled ocean leaks into the stressed crust and also convects. High temperature acid springs, coupled to magmatic plumes and spreading centers, emit iron, manganese, zinc, cobalt and nickel ions to the ocean. Away from (...)
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    Macmillan Encyclopedia of Chemistry.Joachim Schummer - unknown
    Ostwald (born September 2, 1853, Riga, Latvia, Russia; died April 4, 1932, at his private estate near Leipzig, Germany) almost single-handedly established physical chemistry as an acknowledged academic discipline. In 1909, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in chemistry for his work on catalysis, chemical equilibria, and reaction velocities. Ostwald was graduated in chemistry at the University of Dorpat (now Tartu, Estonia) and appointed professor of chemistry in Riga in 1881, before he moved from Russia to Germany on the (...)
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  49. Wilhelm Ostwald’s energetics 2: energetic theory and applications, part I. [REVIEW]R. J. Deltete - 2007 - Foundations of Chemistry 9 (3):265-316.
    This is the second of a series of essays on the development and reception of Wilhelm Ostwald’s energetics. The first essay described the chemical origins of Ostwald’s interest in the energy concept and his motivations for seeking a comprehensive science of energy. The present essay and the next discuss his various attempts, beginning in 1891 and extending over almost 3 years, to develop a consistent and coherent energetic theory. A final essay will consider reactions to this work and Ostwald’s replies, (...)
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    Wilhelm Ostwald’s energetics 3: energetic theory and applications, part II. [REVIEW]Robert J. Deltete - 2008 - Foundations of Chemistry 10 (3):187-221.
    This is the third of a series of essays on the development and reception of Wilhelm Ostwald’s energetics. The first essay described the chemical origins of Ostwald’s interest in the energy concept and his motivations for seeking a comprehensive science of energy. The second essay and the present one discuss his various attempts, beginning in 1891 and extending over almost 3 years, to develop a consistent and coherent energetic theory. A final essay will consider reactions to this work and Ostwald’s (...)
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