Results for 'Category shift'

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  1.  22
    Discrimination-shift behavior as a function of rule learning and the number of irrelevant categories.George W. Watson - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 5 (1):49-50.
  2.  26
    Reversal and nonreversal shifts in card-sorting tests with two or four sorting categories.Howard H. Kendler & Mark S. Mayzner Jr - 1956 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 51 (4):244.
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    Investigating Four English Translations of Selected Poems from the Bustan of Saadi Using Catford’s theory of Shifts.Enayat A. Shabani - 2021 - Literary Interdisciplinary Research 3 (5):191-214.
    Using Catford’s shifts (1965), this study is an attempt to investigate four English translations by Clarke (1879), Davie (1882), Edwards (1911) and Wickens (1984) of selected poems from the Bustan of Saadi, the eminent Persian poet and writer. Five poems were randomly selected from the Bustan. Every line of the selected poems was investigated by the raters and placed in the related shift type specified by Catford (1965), namely level shift and category shift which in turn (...)
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  4. Dimensional relevance shifts during category learning.Jk Kruschke - 1992 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 30 (6):468-468.
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  5. Categories.Amie Thomasson - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    A system of categories is a complete list of highest kinds or genera. Traditionally, following Aristotle, these have been thought of as highest genera of entities (in the widest sense of the term), so that a system of categories undertaken in this realist spirit would ideally provide an inventory of everything there is, thus answering the most basic of metaphysical questions: “What is there?”. Skepticism about the possibilities for discerning the different categories of ‘reality itself’ has led others to approach (...)
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  6. Causal Systems Categories: Differences in Novice and Expert Categorization of Causal Phenomena.Benjamin M. Rottman, Dedre Gentner & Micah B. Goldwater - 2012 - Cognitive Science 36 (5):919-932.
    We investigated the understanding of causal systems categories—categories defined by common causal structure rather than by common domain content—among college students. We asked students who were either novices or experts in the physical sciences to sort descriptions of real-world phenomena that varied in their causal structure (e.g., negative feedback vs. causal chain) and in their content domain (e.g., economics vs. biology). Our hypothesis was that there would be a shift from domain-based sorting to causal sorting with increasing expertise in (...)
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    Category scales and contrast effects with lifted weights.John Ross & Vincent Di Lollo - 1968 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 78 (4p1):547.
  8.  26
    Relative effect of overlearning on reversal and nonreversal shifts with two and four sorting categories.H. Wayne Ludvigson & William F. Caul - 1964 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 68 (3):301.
  9. The Shifting Border Between Perception and Cognition.Ben Phillips - 2017 - Noûs 53 (2):316-346.
    The distinction between perception and cognition has always had a firm footing in both cognitive science and folk psychology. However, there is little agreement as to how the distinction should be drawn. In fact, a number of theorists have recently argued that, given the ubiquity of top-down influences, we should jettison the distinction altogether. I reject this approach, and defend a pluralist account of the distinction. At the heart of my account is the claim that each legitimate way of marking (...)
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  10.  55
    Category Theory in Physics, Mathematics, and Philosophy.Marek Kuś & Bartłomiej Skowron (eds.) - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    The contributions gathered here demonstrate how categorical ontology can provide a basis for linking three important basic sciences: mathematics, physics, and philosophy. Category theory is a new formal ontology that shifts the main focus from objects to processes. The book approaches formal ontology in the original sense put forward by the philosopher Edmund Husserl, namely as a science that deals with entities that can be exemplified in all spheres and domains of reality. It is a dynamic, processual, and non-substantial (...)
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    Social categories, Standardized Relational Pairs and identity work in World War II-narratives.Dorien Van De Mieroop & Kim Schoofs - 2018 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 14 (2):227-248.
    Drawing on Membership Categorization Analysis, we aim to tease out how narrators talk into being the social group constellations in their storyworlds and how these – potentially shifting – constellations can be related to the narrator’s identity constructions. We investigate two World War II-testimonies narrated by Belgian concentration camp survivors and scrutinize whether the expected Standardized Relational Pair of victim-perpetrator – viz. the camp prisoners versus the Nazis – is in operation, how these two categories are talked into being, whether (...)
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    Do Language-Specific Categories Shape Conceptual Processing? Mandarin Classifier Distinctions Influence Eye Gaze Behavior, but only During Linguistic Processing.Falk Huettig, Asifa Majid, Jidong Chen & Melissa Bowerman - 2010 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 10 (1-2):39-58.
    In two eye-tracking studies we investigated the influence of Mandarin numeral classifiers – a grammatical category in the language – on online overt attention. Mandarin speakers were presented with simple sentences through headphones while their eye-movements to objects presented on a computer screen were monitored. The crucial question is what participants look at while listening to a pre-specified target noun. If classifier categories influence Mandarin speakers' general conceptual processing, then on hearing the target noun they should look at objects (...)
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  13. Abstract of "type shifting with semantic features: A unified perspective".Yoad Winter - manuscript
    Since their introduction by Partee and Rooth (1983) into linguistic theory, type shifting principles have been extensively employed in various linguistic domains, including nominal predicates (Partee 1987), kind denoting NPs (Chierchia 1998), interrogatives (Groenendijk and Stokhof 1989), scrambled definites (De Hoop and Van der Does 1998) and plurals (Winter 2001,2002). Most of the accounts that use type shifting principles employ them as ``last resort'' mechanisms, which apply only when other compositional mechanisms fail. This failure is often sloppily referred to as (...)
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  14. Indexicality and context-shift.François Recanati - unknown
    I distinguish, and discuss the relations between, five types of context-shift involving indexicals. For 'intentional' indexicals - indexicals whose value depends upon the speaker's intention - we can shift the context more or less 'at will', by manifesting one's intention to do so. For other indexicals we can shift the context through pretense. Following a number of authors, I distinguish two types of context-shifting pretense, corresponding to two sets of linguistic phenomena. The fourth type of case is (...)
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  15.  25
    Contesting Horses: Borders and Shifting Social Meanings in Veterinary Medical Education.Jenny R. Vermilya - 2012 - Society and Animals 20 (2):123-137.
    Within veterinary medical education, tracking systems exist that differentiate between “large” and “small” animal medicine. In a tracking system, students can focus primarily on their choice of animal medicine once they have completed the core curriculum. This article argues that these socially created categories are ever shifting; therefore, some species do not always “fit.” This generates new discourses surrounding emerging “border tracks”; these “tracks” focus on species whose social definitions change so that their placement in the tracking system of veterinary (...)
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  16. On building arguments on shifting sands.Paul E. Mullen - 2007 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 14 (2):pp. 143-147.
    Psychopathy fascinates. Modernist writers construct out of it an image of alienated individualism pursuing the moment, killing they know not why, exploiting in passing, troubled, if troubled at all, not by guilt, but by perplexity (Camus 1989; Gide 1995; Mailer 1957; Musil 1996). Psychiatrists and psychologists—even those who should know better—are drawn by it to take off into philosophical speculation about morality, evil, and the beast in man (Mullen 1992; Simon 1996). Philosophers succumb to the temptation of attempting to ground (...)
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  17.  56
    Collapsing categories: Fraser on economy, culture and justice.Chris Armstrong - 2008 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 34 (4):409-425.
    This article examines Nancy Fraser's attempt to repair the apparent schism between economic and cultural struggles for justice. Fraser has argued that the only analysis equipped to theorize the relationship between economic and cultural injustices is a `perspectival dualist' one, which treats the two forms of injustice as analytically separate and irreducible, at the same time as providing tools for theorizing potential harmonies between the claims of groups agitating for economic and cultural justice. Fraser's contribution has been hugely influential, but (...)
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  18.  32
    Shifts in connotative meaning of words as a function of previous restrictive experience.M. S. Mayzner & M. E. Tresselt - 1958 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 55 (2):200.
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    Shape-shifting discourses of anorexia nervosa: reconstituting psychopathology.Pamela K. Hardin - 2003 - Nursing Inquiry 10 (4):209-217.
    HARDIN PK. Nursing Inquiry 2003; 10: 209–217 Shape-shifting discourses of anorexia nervosa: reconstituting psychopathologyThis article explores how the circuitous relationship between individuals, the media, and discursive systems replicate and reinforce the act of self-starvation in young women. Using a feminist poststructuralist methodology, the focus of this article is on how discourses and institutional practices operate to position young women who take up the subject position of wanting to be diagnosed as anorexic. Utilizing data from online accounts and individual interviews, I (...)
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  20.  66
    Shifting Subjects Shifting Ground: The Names and Spaces of the Post-Colonial.Sangeeta Ray - 1992 - Hypatia 7 (2):188-201.
    This essay participates in a feminist postcohnial critical historiographyfepistemol’ ogy by providing a critique of The Post-Colonial Critic: Interviews, Strategies, Dialogues. The essay considers Spivak's success in interrogating her own position as a leading postcohnial critic as she engages in dialogues with various people. Spivak's commitment to cross-cultural exchanges is undeniable. However, at times the resurgence of her authoritative subject position deflects productive tensions generated by careful scrutiny of the category postcohnial.
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  21.  73
    The species category as a scientific kind.Caleb C. Hazelwood - 2018 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 12):3027-3040.
    Marc Ereshefsky’s project of eliminative pluralism holds that, as there is no unifying feature among all species concepts, we ought to doubt the existence of the species category. Here, I argue that one promising strategy for saving the species category is to reframe it as a natural kind after the practice turn. I suggest situating the species category within a recent account of natural kinds proposed by Marc Ereshefsky and Thomas Reydon called “scientific kinds”. Scientific kinds highlight (...)
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  22.  18
    Role of overtraining in reversal and conceptual shift behavior.Charles L. Richman - 1973 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 99 (2):285.
  23.  54
    The spectrum of perspective shift: protagonist projection versus free indirect discourse.Márta Abrusán - 2020 - Linguistics and Philosophy 44 (4):839-873.
    This paper examines a little studied type of perspective shift that I call protagonist projection, following Holton :625–628, 1997). PP is a way of describing the mental state of a protagonist that conveys, to some extent, her perspective. Similarly to its better known cousin free indirect discourse, the shift in perspective is achieved without an overt operator. Unlike FID, PP is not based on a presumed speech-act of a protagonist. Rather, it gives a linguistic form to pre-verbal perceptual (...)
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  24.  52
    Where's the essence? Developmental shifts in children's beliefs about internal features.George E. Newman & Frank C. Keil - unknown
    The present studies investigated children’s and adults’ intuitive beliefs about the physical nature of essences. Adults and children (ranging in age from 6 to 10 years old) were asked to reason about two different ways of determining an unknown object’s category: taking a tiny internal sample from any part of the object (distributed view of essence), or taking a sample from one specific region (localized view of essence). Results from three studies indicated that adults strongly endorsed the distributed view, (...)
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  25.  35
    Category Cognition and Dennett’s Design Stance.Hector MacIntyre - 2013 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 4 (3):483-495.
    Vaesen and van Amerongen (Philosophical Psychology 21:779-797, 2008) criticize Dennett’s design stance, arguing that as a cognitive thesis about artifact categorization, it is falsified by empirical findings. I assess their criticism in light of both further results and alternate findings the authors acknowledge (but did not discuss in detail). I argue that the design stance still stands in virtue of the conflicting character of these findings, and suggest shifting the domain of empirical scrutiny.
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  26. Thomas Aquinas, Perceptual Resemblance, Categories, and the Reality of Secondary Qualities.Paul Symington - 2011 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 85:237-252.
    Arguably one of the most fundamental phase shifts that occurred in the intellectual history of Western culture involved the ontological reduction of secondary qualities to primary qualities. To say the least, this reduction worked to undermine the foundations undergirding Aristotelian thought in support of a scientific view of the world based strictly on an examination of the real—primary— qualities of things. In this essay, I identify the so-called “Causal Argument” for a reductive view of secondary qualities and seek to deflect (...)
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  27. Color Categories in Context.Yasmina Jraissati - 2020 - In Teresa Marques & Åsa Wikforss (eds.), Shifting Concepts: The Philosophy and Psychology of Conceptual Variability. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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  28.  24
    The shifting contours of colonial prostitution (Fort-de-France, Martinique, 1940-1947). [REVIEW]Caroline Séquin - 2019 - Clio 50:19-36.
    La Seconde Guerre mondiale marque un tournant majeur dans le contrôle de la prostitution à la Martinique. La présence imposée de milliers de marins de métropole, immobilisés suite au blocus qui paralyse l’île, entraîne l’établissement de nouvelles mesures néo-réglementaristes à Fort-de-France. Ces mesures visent à fournir un moyen de gérer les relations interraciales dans la ville portuaire, dans un contexte colonial singulier où la citoyenneté française avait été octroyée à tous les habitants de l’île suite à l’abolition de l’esclavage. Adaptées (...)
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  29. An Institutional Theory of Art Categories.Kiyohiro Sen - 2022 - Debates in Aesthetics 18 (1):31-43.
    It is widely acknowledged that categories play significant roles in the appreciation of artworks. This paper argues that the correct categories of artworks are institutionally established through social processes. Section 1 examines the candidates for determining correct categories and proposes that this question should shift the focus from category membership to appreciative behaviour associated with categories. Section 2 draws on Francesco Guala’s theory of institutions to show that categories of artworks are established as rules-in-equilibrium. Section 3 reviews the (...)
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  30.  36
    "Philosophy" or "Religion"? The Confrontation with Foreign Categories in Late Nineteenth-Century Japan.Gerard Clinton Godart - 2008 - Journal of the History of Ideas 69 (1):71-91.
    This article investigates how late nineteenth century Japanese philosophers responded to large categories of ideas imported from the West and for which there were no Japanese equivalents; mainly "science," "religion," and "philosophy." Discussions on whether Buddhism or Confucianism would fall under "philosophy" or "religion" accompanied a re-categorization of ideas. Some philosophers made elaborate reconstructions of Buddhism and Confucianism as modern philosophies. However, over time, Japanese categorizations of Buddhism and Confucianism shifted from "philosophy" (tetsugaku) to "thought" (shisō). Investigating Meiji philosophy from (...)
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  31. Ontologia Formale e Teoria della Negazione Dialettica nella Prima Fenomenologia di Max Scheler. Un Percorso di Studio dalla Fenomenologia alla Teoria delle Categorie.Martina Properzi - 2020 - Acta Philosophica 29 (1):115-136.
    The aim of this paper is to reconstruct the research program of formal ontology developed by M. Scheler before his last 1922 theoretical shift. Scheler’s theory of dialectical negation will be also investigated. In regard to the first topic, the focus will be on the complex architecture of Scheler’s formal ontology, deepened within a theoretical framework of realistic ontology: integrated into this framework, formal ontology becomes a basic tool for building phenomenological realisms. In regard to the second topic, the (...)
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  32.  27
    Feminist Aesthetics and the Categories of the Beautiful and the Sublime.Christine Battersby - 2017 - In Ann Garry, Serene J. Khader & Alison Stone (eds.), Routledge Companion to Feminist Philosophy. London: Routledge. pp. 485-497.
    Feminist explorations of the sublime and the beautiful have developed in markedly different directions. This is not surprising given the different histories of the two terms. Whereas the nature of the beautiful had been of key importance to Plato, Aristotle, and other ancient Greek and Roman philosophers, it was only during the Englightenment period that a strong contrast was established between the beautiful and the sublime. But this was also the time when there was a decisive shift away from (...)
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  33.  95
    The Nature of Paradigms and Paradigm Shifts in Music Education.Elvira Panaiotidi - 2005 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 13 (1):37-75.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy of Music Education Review 13.1 (2005) 37-75 [Access article in PDF] The Nature of Paradigms and Paradigm Shifts in Music Education Elvira Panaiotidi North Ossetian State Pedagogical Institute, Russia The advent of the praxial philosophy of music education in the mid-1990s and its systematic development in David Elliott's Music Matters: A New Philosophy of Music Education1 created an unprecedented situation in music education in North America. Having brought (...)
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    Paradigm structure: Evidence from Russian suffix shift.Tore Nesset & Laura A. Janda - 2010 - Cognitive Linguistics 21 (4):699-725.
    In this article we apply one of the key concepts in cognitive linguistics, the radial category, to inflectional morphology. We advance the Paradigm Structure Hypothesis, arguing that inflectional paradigms are radial categories with internal structure primarily motivated by semantic relationships of markedness and prototypicality. It is possible to construct an expected structure for a verbal paradigm, facilitating an empirical test for our hypothesis. Data tracking an on-going morphological change in Russian documents the distribution of conservative vs. innovative forms across (...)
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  35. On contextual domain restriction in categorial grammar.Erich H. Rast - 2013 - Synthese 190 (12):2085-2115.
    Abstract -/- Quantifier domain restriction (QDR) and two versions of nominal restriction (NR) are implemented as restrictions that depend on a previously introduced interpreter and interpretation time in a two-dimensional semantic framework on the basis of simple type theory and categorial grammar. Against Stanley (2002) it is argued that a suitable version of QDR can deal with superlatives like tallest. However, it is shown that NR is needed to account for utterances when the speaker intends to convey different restrictions for (...)
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  36.  22
    Quand la théorie dépasse la fiction : les catégories de réalisme et d’idéalisme dans l’analyse de l’oeuvre littéraire de Premchand.Claudia Nadeau-Morissette - 2014 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 70 (2):257-273.
    Claudia Nadeau-Morissette | : En théorie littéraire comme dans tout domaine scientifique, certaines catégories font fortune au point de ne plus être remises en question par les chercheurs. Ce fut le cas de l’idéalisme et du réalisme dans l’interprétation de l’oeuvre romanesque de Premchand. De concepts théoriques, ces catégories sont devenues les échafauds sur lesquels s’est construit un schéma idéologique en trois phases de l’oeuvre et de la pensée de cet écrivain, le faisant passer du stade de l’idéalisme au réalisme. (...)
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  37.  48
    Inequality without Groups: Contemporary Theories of Categories, Intersectional Typicality, and the Disaggregation of Difference.Ellis P. Monk - 2022 - Sociological Theory 40 (1):3-27.
    The study of social inequality and stratification has long been at the core of sociology and the social sciences. In this article, I argue that certain tendencies have become entrenched in our dominant paradigm that leave many researchers pursuing coarse-grained analyses of how difference relates to inequality. Centrally, despite the importance of categories and categorization for how researchers study social inequality, contemporary theories of categories are poorly integrated into conventional research. I contend that the widespread and often unquestioned use of (...)
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  38.  82
    Pour une critique de la catégorie de totalitarisme.Domenico Losurdo - 2004 - Actuel Marx 35 (1):115-147.
    The Case for a Critique of the Category of Totalitarianism. In this article Domenico Losurdo sketches a history of the category of totalitarianism, rehearsing the various shifts it has been subject to since the October revolution. While the roots of the notion are to be located both in the violence inflected by the colonial enterprise upon indigenous populations and the violence exercised at the very heart of the capitalist metropolis, upon the poor and the outcast, such violence did (...)
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    Enhancing national solidarity through the deployment of verbal categories: How the Albanian admirative participates in the construction of a reliable self and an unreliable other.Victor A. Friedman - 2012 - Pragmatics and Society 3 (2):189-225.
    The deployment of the Albanian admirative as well as the evidential particles kinse ‘allegedly’ and gjoja ‘supposedly’ in Kosovar electronic news sources to render either dubitative or neutral reports — depending on both the source and the timing — contributed to the project of an independent Kosovo. The usages can be divided into three periods: 1994–1997, 1998–1999, and post-1999. During the first period, usage was exclusively dubitative and deployed for Serbian news sources. During the second period, which corresponded to the (...)
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    Process Theories: Crossdisciplinary Studies in Dynamic Categories.Johanna Seibt - 2003 - Springer Verlag.
    Processes constitute the world of human experience - from nature to cognition to social reality. Yet our philosophical and scientific theories of nature and experience have traditionally prioritized concepts for static objects and structures. The essays collected here call for a review of the role of dynamic categories in the language of theories. They present old and new descriptive tools for the modelling of dynamic domains, and argue for the merits of process-based explanations in ontology, cognitive science, semiotics, linguistics, philosophy (...)
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    The sociocultural self-creation of a natural category: social-theoretical reflections on human agency under the temporal conditions of the Anthropocene.Piet Strydom - 2016 - European Journal of Social Theory 20 (1):61-79.
    Following the recent recognition that humans are an active force in nature that gave rise to a new geological epoch, this article explores the implications of the shift to the Anthropocene for social theory. The argument assumes that the emerging conditions compel an expansion and deepening of the timescale of the social-theoretical perspective and that such an enhancement has serious repercussions for the concept of human agency. First, the Anthropocene is conceptualized as a nascent cognitively structured cultural model rather (...)
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  42.  23
    Rawls and Ownership: The Forgotten Category of Reproductive Labor.Sibyl Schwarzenbach - 1987 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 17 (sup1):139-167.
    A careful, theoretical clarification of gender roles has only recently begun in social and political philosophy. It is the aim of the following piece to reveal that an analysis of women’s traditional position - her distinctive activities, labor and surrounding sense of ‘mine’ - can not only make valuable contributions towards clarifying traditional property disputes, but may even provide elements for a new conception of ownership. By way of illustration, the article focusses on the influential work of John Rawls and (...)
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    Occidentalism and the Categories of Hegemonic Rule.Jonathan Friedman - 2009 - Theory, Culture and Society 26 (7-8):85-102.
    This article applies Jack Goody’s critique of Western classifications of historical and ethnographical phenomena to the current discourses of orientalism themselves in an endeavor to understand the sociological basis of what might be called the shift from orientalism to occidentalism. The argument compares the current emergence of anti-civilizational and self-critical discourses to historical examples of similar phenomena and argues that the current shift itself, so well represented in works that may seem similar to Goody’s but which are very (...)
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    Rethinking Curriculum in Times of Shifting Educational Context.Kaustuv Roy - 2017 - Cham: Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan.
    This book engages with the dynamic intersection of several domains such as philosophy, psychology, sociology, and pedagogy, in order to critically analyze and reinvent our understanding of curriculum. The chapters raise important questions such as: what are the conditions of possibility for a living curriculum in which Eros and intellect (or reason and intuition) are not separated? How is it possible to escape ideology that keeps us bound to defunct categories? What are the ingredients of an inquiry that is able (...)
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    Towards a feminist-queer alliance: A paradigmatic shift in the research process.Corie Hammers & I. I. I. Brown - 2004 - Social Epistemology 18 (1):85 – 101.
    Building on the advances made by feminist reconsiderations of methods, methodology and epistemology, this paper calls for an alliance between feminist social science and the emerging field of queer theory. By challenging traditional scientific approaches to research on sexual minority groups, a distinctly 'queer' approach is advocated that adopts a reflexive position on subjectivity and sexuality. While essentialist approaches privilege gay/lesbian, man/woman, and object/subject, this approach advances a framework of critical sexualities that moves social science into an arena of inclusivity (...)
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    Can semi-supervised learning explain incorrect beliefs about categories?Charles W. Kalish, Timothy T. Rogers, Jonathan Lang & Xiaojin Zhu - 2011 - Cognition 120 (1):106-118.
    Three experiments with 88 college-aged participants explored how unlabeled experiences—learning episodes in which people encounter objects without information about their category membership—influence beliefs about category structure. Participants performed a simple one-dimensional categorization task in a brief supervised learning phase, then made a large number of unsupervised categorization decisions about new items. In all three experiments, the unsupervised experience altered participants’ implicit and explicit mental category boundaries, their explicit beliefs about the most representative members of each category, (...)
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  47. Rawls and Ownership: The Forgotten Category of Reproductive Labor.Sibyl Schwarzenbach - 1987 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Supplementary Volume 13:139-167.
    A careful, theoretical clarification of gender roles has only recently begun in social and political philosophy. It is the aim of the following piece to reveal that an analysis of women’s traditional position - her distinctive activities, labor and surrounding sense of ‘mine’ - can not only make valuable contributions towards clarifying traditional property disputes, but may even provide elements for a new conception of ownership. By way of illustration, the article focusses on the influential work of John Rawls and (...)
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  48. Ecologically Relational Moral Agency: Conceptual Shifts in Environmental Ethics and Their Philosophical Implications.Suvielise Nurmi - 2020 - Dissertation, University of Helsinki
    This study examines philosophically the idea of relationality as a feature of moral agency and analyses the implications of adopting such an idea in ethical theories as frameworks for environmental ethics. The purpose is to fill the gap in academic philosophical discussion concerning the relationality of the operations of moral agency. In environmental philosophy, relationality is a quite widely defended idea with regard to the concepts of nature and human nature. However, as far as I know, relationality as constitutive for (...)
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  49. The Aristotelian-Kantian and Hegelian Approaches to Categories.Chong-Fuk Lau - 2008 - The Owl of Minerva 40 (1):77-114.
    This paper analyzes and compares the doctrines of categories of Aristotle, Kant and Hegel, each of which is first discussed separately. The paper explains the essential double perspective of the problem, showing how a logico-linguistic analysis of the form of rational discourse serves for them as an important clue to ontological problems. Although Aristotle and Kant’s doctrines differ significantly, they both endorse a kind of isomorphism between language/thought and reality. By contrast, Hegel, who takes a critical attitude toward the capability (...)
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  50. Feminist standpoint theory, Hegel and the dialectical self: Shifting the foundations.Nadine Changfoot - 2004 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 30 (4):477-502.
    The claim that theoretical foundations are historically contingent does not draw the same intensity of fire as it did one or especially two decades ago. The aftermath of debates on the political boundaries created by foundations allows for a deeper exploration of the foundations of feminist theory. This article re-examines the (anti)-Hegelian foundations of the feminist standpoint put forward by Nancy Hartsock and argues that the Hegelian subject of the early Phenomenology of Spirit resists gender codification in its experience of (...)
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