Results for 'Catrinel Pleşu'

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  1. Străinii mei.Catrinel Pleşu - 2002 - Dilema 467:8.
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    A Tale of Two Tropes: How Metaphor and Simile Differ.Catrinel Haught - 2013 - Metaphor and Symbol 28 (4):254 - 274.
    Four experiments tested three competing theories of metaphor comprehension: comparison, categorization, and career-of-metaphor. The findings shed light on key mechanisms involved in metaphor processing and conceptual combination. They show that some novel tropes are privileged in metaphor over simile form, and others may express different interpretations in simile and in metaphor form. These results speak against the assumption that metaphors and similes are interchangeable, thus providing support for the categorization model. A unifying account of metaphor comprehension is proposed, along with (...)
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    Exploring the Infra-Ordinary.Catrinel Popa - 2016 - Human and Social Studies 5 (1):73-87.
    This article aims at analyzing the relationship between intertextual and autobiographical memory in Georges Perec and Radu Cosaşu’s writings, revealing several of their characteristics, similarities and paradoxes. Starting from the assumption that almost every book Georges Perec ever wrote, carries the stamp of his struggle to construct a plural identity, and that for Cosaşu the identity “quest” is central, too, I intend to demonstrate that obliquity represents in both situations a key-concept. Moreover, when reading their childhood recollections, Georges Perec’s notes (...)
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    Post-totalitarian pathology: Notes on romania six years after december 1989.Plesu Andrei - 1996 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 63 (2).
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  5. Alexandru Dragomir.Andrei Pleşu & James Christian Brown - 2004 - Studia Phaenomenologica 4 (3-4):65-72.
    The article conveys the portrait of a man for whom understanding was a matter of the highest spiritual intimacy, a man who continuously disregarded his possible engagement in the public life as a philosopher, finally a man whom we find, in the twilight of his life, concerned with the intricate tension between the “muteness” of philosophy (as being able “only” to double life by means of rational discourse) and religion. Alexandru Dragomir’s portrait is portrayed in comparison to another important Romanian (...)
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    About the world we live in.Andrei Pleşu & James Christian Brown - 2004 - Studia Phaenomenologica 4 (3-4):187-216.
    The article conveys the portrait of a man for whom understanding was a matter of the highest spiritual intimacy, a man who continuously disregarded his possible engagement in the public life as a philosopher, finally a man whom we find, in the twilight of his life, concerned with the intricate tension between the “muteness” of philosophy (as being able “only” to double life by means of rational discourse) and religion. Alexandru Dragomir’s portrait is portrayed in comparison to another important Romanian (...)
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  7. Câteva întrebări pentru democraţiile avansate.Andrei Pleşu - 2003 - Dilema 524:3.
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  8. Despre bucurie în Est şi în Vest.Andrei Pleşu - 2003 - Dilema 540:14-15.
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  9. Dilema eternei tranziţii.Andrei Pleşu - 2002 - Dilema 500:20.
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    Despre frumusețea uitată a vieții.Andrei Pleşu - 2011 - București: Humanitas.
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    Der Schatten von Jung und das Lächeln von Voltaire Notizen über die künstlerische Erfahrung eines Psychiaters.Andrei Pleşu - 2012 - In Stefan Trinks, Matthias Bruhn & Carolin Behrmann, Intuition Und Institution: Kursbuch Horst Bredekamp. De Gruyter. pp. 237-252.
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  12. Lumea spiritului.Andrei Pleşu - 2002 - Dilema 502:12.
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    Pitoresc și melancolie: o analiză a sentimentului naturii în cultura europeană.Andrei Pleșu - 1980 - București: "Univers".
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  14. Un chip uitat al clasei muncitoare.Andrei Pleşu - 2003 - Dilema 515:3.
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  15. Vigilenţa resentimentară.Andrei Pleşu - 2003 - Dilema 541:3.
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  16. On the Relation Between Metaphor and Simile: When Comparison Fails.Glucksberg Sam & Haught Catrinel - 2006 - Mind and Language 21 (3):360-378.
    Since Aristotle, many writers have treated metaphors and similes as equals: any metaphor can be paraphrased as a simile, and vice‐versa. This property of metaphors is the basis for psycholinguistic comparison theories of metaphor comprehension. However, if metaphors cannot always be paraphrased as similes, then comparison theories must be abandoned. The different forms of a metaphor—the comparison and categorical forms—have different referents. In comparison form, the metaphor vehicle refers to the literal concept, e.g. ‘in my lawyer is like a shark’, (...)
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    Drumul spre centru.Mircea Eliade, Andrei Plesu & Gabriel Liiceanu - 1991
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    Andrei Plesu, Comedii la portile Orientului (Farces at the Orient's Gates).Marius Jucan - 2006 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 5 (13):161-162.
    Andrei Plesu, Comedii la portile Orientului (Farces at the Orient’s Gates) Humanitas Publishing House, Bucharest, 2005.
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    Limba pasarilor. [REVIEW]Virgil Nemoianu - 1996 - Review of Metaphysics 49 (4):941-942.
    Although Plesu started his career as an art historian, he soon came under the influence of Constantin Noica, a major Romanian thinker who had tried to combine Platonism with a rather idiosyncratic form of existentialism. Plesu was briefly a minister for culture in the first post-revolutionary Romanian cabinet, and thereafter worked as an editor and as an educator; he is currently the president of a small private graduate international college in Bucharest. He is the author of a number of books (...)
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    A Cultural Polemic?Ovidiu Pecican - 2014 - Human and Social Studies 3 (1):28-44.
    The encounters of the Romanian philosopher C. Noica with his youger disciples - Gabriel Liicean, Andrei Pleșu, Sorin Vieru et alii - in the transylvanian Carpathian mountains, in the Păltiniș resort were perceived by Noica’s followers as a real philosophical school and an idealistic alternative to the compulsory marxist ideology. In spite of that, the orthodox thinker and literary critic N. Steinhardt took it as a way of avoiding the tough reality of communism and a negation of the Christian religion. (...)
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    Minimal Ethics and the New Configuration of the Public Space.Sandu Frunza - 2012 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 11 (32):3-17.
    Contemporary thinkers have not been hesitant to talk about the end of religion, the end of philosophy, or the end of morality. In such a context, our society is based on what Lipovetsky calls a minimal ethics. We live at the crossroads of two types of discourses: one proclaiming moral decadence, and another that speaks about the revival of morality. The fact that ethical maximalism quits the contemporary scene does not necessarily mean that it leaves a complete vacuum. The emptiness (...)
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