Results for 'Cesarean delivery'

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  1.  77
    Cesarean delivery on maternal request: can the ethical problem be solved by the principlist approach?Tore Nilstun, Marwan Habiba, Göran Lingman, Rodolfo Saracci, Monica Da Frè & Marina Cuttini - 2008 - BMC Medical Ethics 9 (1):11-.
    In this article, we use the principlist approach to identify, analyse and attempt to solve the ethical problem raised by a pregnant woman's request for cesarean delivery in absence of medical indications.We use two different types of premises: factual (facts about cesarean delivery and specifically attitudes of obstetricians as derived from the EUROBS European study) and value premises (principles of beneficence and non-maleficence, respect for autonomy and justice).Beneficence/non-maleficence entails physicians' responsibility to minimise harms and maximise benefits. (...)
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    Maternal–fetal conflicts: Cesarean delivery on maternal request.Ruth Landau & Steve Yentis - 2010 - In Gail A. Van Norman, Stephen Jackson, Stanley H. Rosenbaum & Susan K. Palmer, Clinical Ethics in Anesthesiology: A Case-Based Textbook. Cambridge University Press. pp. 49.
  3.  26
    The Ethics of Access: Who Is Offered a Cesarean Delivery, and Why?Steven J. Ralston & Ruth M. Farrell - 2015 - Hastings Center Report 45 (6):15-19.
    Much of the discourse in the bioethics literature on what is often called “cesarean delivery on maternal request” has focused on balancing respect for patient autonomy with attention to the short- and long-term risks of this procedure to maternal and neonatal well-being. And while there has been some analysis of the social and economic costs inherent in performing cesareans, much of the clinical and ethical analysis has concluded that, given the degree of risk to the mother and neonate (...)
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    The Professional Responsibility Model of Respect for Autonomy in Decision Making About Cesarean Delivery.Frank A. Chervenak & Laurence B. McCullough - 2012 - American Journal of Bioethics 12 (7):1 - 2.
    The American Journal of Bioethics, Volume 12, Issue 7, Page 1-2, July 2012.
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    Malpractice Experience and the Incidence of Cesarean Delivery: A Physician-Level Longitudinal Analysis.Darren Grant & Melayne Morgan McInnes - 2004 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 41 (2):170-188.
  6. for obese, female chronic dieters. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 105 (6): 929–36. Baicker, K., KS Buckles, and A. Chandra. 2006. Geographic variation in the appropriate use of cesarean delivery. Health Affairs (Web exclusive). [REVIEW]L. Bacon - forthcoming - Naturalized Bioethics.
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  7. Does a Cesarean section delivery always cost more than a vaginal delivery?Vahé A. Kazandjian, C. Patrick Chaulk, Sam Ogunbo & Karol Wicker - 2007 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 13 (1):16-20.
  8. On the Cutting Edge: Ethical Responsiveness to Cesarean Rates.Sylvia Burrow - 2012 - American Journal of Bioethics 12 (7):44-52.
    Cesarean delivery rates have been steadily increasing worldwide. In response, many countries have introduced target goals to reduce rates. But a focus on target goals fails to address practices embedded in standards of care that encourage, rather than discourage, cesarean sections. Obstetrical standards of care normalize use of technology, creating an imperative to use technology during labor and birth. A technological imperative is implicated in rising cesarean rates if physicians or patients fear refusing use of technology. (...)
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    Should Delivery by Partial Ectogenesis Be Available on Request of the Pregnant Person?Anna Nelson - 2022 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 15 (1):1-26.
    In this article I explore partial ectogenesis through the lens of choice in childbirth, framing it as a mode of delivery. In doing so, I refocus discussion about partial ectogenesis, ensuring that this centers upon the autonomy and rights of the birthing person—as the procedure required to facilitate external gestation will be performed upon their body. By drawing a critical comparison between “delivery by partial ectogenesis” and request cesarean sections, I argue that delivery by partial ectogenesis (...)
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    The ethics of Cesarean section on maternal request: A feminist critique of the american college of obstetricians and gynecologists' position on patient-choice surgery.Veronique Bergeron - 2007 - Bioethics 21 (9):478–487.
    ABSTRACT In recent years, the medical establishment has been speaking in favor of women's autonomy in childbirth by advocating cesarean delivery on maternal request (CDMR). This paper offers to look at the ethical dimension of CDMR through a feminist critique of the medicalization of childbirth and its influence on present‐day medical ethics. I claim that the medicalization of childbirth reflects a sexist bias with regard to conceptions of the body and needs to be used with caution when applied (...)
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    ”Natural birth” or ”Cesarean section on demand”– some reflections on self-determination in obstetrics.Gisela Bockenheimer-Lucius - 2002 - Ethik in der Medizin 14 (3):186-200.
    Definition of the problem. During the last few years obstetricians have become concerned over an increasing rate of cesarean sections, especially an increasing rate of ”section on demand” for non-medical, but personal reasons of pregnant women. For physicians this is a question of risks and benefits for both mother and child. On the other hand, there is the duty to respect women’s autonomy. Arguments. Pregnant women are healthy and the act of giving birth to a child is a physiological (...)
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    Elective Delivery Before 39 Weeks’ Gestation: Reconciling Maternal, Fetal, and Family Interests in Challenging Circumstances.S. Mccrary, Shetal Shah, Adriann Combs & J. Quirk - 2012 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 23 (3):241-251.
    We present the case of a 36-year-old woman who has experienced three lost pregnancies; during the most recent loss, a full term pregnancy, she almost died from complications of placental abruption. She is now completing the 34th week of gestation and is experiencing symptoms similar to those under which she lost the previous pregnancy. Despite a lack of specific medical indications, the patient and her husband firmly but politely request that the attending obstetrician/perinatologist perform an immediate cesarean section in (...)
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  13.  21
    Exceptional Deliveries: Home Births as Ethical Anomalies in American Obstetrics.Claire L. Wendland - 2013 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 24 (3):253-265.
    Interest in home birth appears to be growing among American women, and most obstetricians can expect to encounter patients who are considering home birth. In 2011, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) issued an opinion statement intended to guide obstetricians in responding to such patients.In this article, I examine the ACOG statement in light of the historical and contemporary clinical realities surrounding home birth in the United States, an examination guided in part by my own experiences as an (...)
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  14.  23
    “On deliveries carried out on corpses” at the end of the 20th century. Ethical and historical aspects regarding the treatment of dead pregnant women. [REVIEW]Daniel Schäfer - 1998 - Ethik in der Medizin 10 (4):227-240.
    Definition of the problem: The rapid pace of medical progress has drawn renewed attention to the various possible ways of treating dead or brain-dead pregnant women since the 1980's. The discussion today revolves around medical, social, legal and economic aspects. The historical areas of conflict which surrounded deliveries carried out on dead mothers (usually by means of a Sectio in mortua, nowadays known as a perimortem Caesarean section) and their significance in today's debate are, for the most part, regarded as (...)
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  15.  37
    “Lethal” Fetal Anomalies and Elective Cesarean.Mejebi T. Mayor & Amina White - 2015 - Hastings Center Report 45 (6):13-14.
    Deborah is a thirty-three-year-old who presented to labor and delivery at thirty-seven weeks gestation with complaints of contractions. Upon arrival, she explained that her fetus, Nathan, had been diagnosed with a “lethal” condition by her primary obstetrician. At twenty-two weeks gestation, an amniocentesis confirmed trisomy 13, a chromosomal abnormality leading to miscarriage or stillbirth in nearly one-half of affected pregnancies. During the admission process, Deborah voices the worry that due to Nathan's brain and heart structure, vaginal delivery could (...)
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    Finding autonomy in birth.Rebecca Kukla, Miriam Kuppermann, Margaret Little, Anne Drapkin Lyerly, Lisa M. Mitchell, Elizabeth M. Armstrong & Lisa Harris - 2008 - Bioethics 23 (1):1-8.
    Over the last several years, as cesarean deliveries have grown increasingly common, there has been a great deal of public and professional interest in the phenomenon of women 'choosing' to deliver by cesarean section in the absence of any specific medical indication. The issue has sparked intense conversation, as it raises questions about the nature of autonomy in birth. Whereas mainstream bioethical discourse is used to associating autonomy with having a large array of choices, this conception of autonomy (...)
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  17.  35
    Continuous Support Promotes Obstetric Labor Progress and Vaginal Delivery in Primiparous Women – A Randomized Controlled Study.Ylva Vladic Stjernholm, Paula da Silva Charvalho, Olga Bergdahl, Tomislav Vladic & Maria Petersson - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: Obstetric labor and childbirth are mostly regarded as a physiological process, whereas social, cultural, psychological and transcendental aspects have received less attention. Labor support has been suggested to promote labor progress. The aim of this study was to investigate whether continuous labor support by a midwife promotes labor progress and vaginal delivery.Material and Methods: A randomized controlled study at a university hospital in Sweden in 2015–17. Primiparous women with singleton pregnancy and spontaneous labor onset were randomized to continuous (...)
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  18.  25
    Experiment and illusion in reproductive medicine.Jeanne Guillemin - 1994 - Human Nature 5 (1):1-22.
    The diffusion of medical technology is largely determined by the marketplace demands supported by national and historical contexts. Using the cases of cesarean delivery and newborn intensive care in the United States, this article presents the argument that the interaction of four factors accounts for the rapid diffusion of untested technologies. These factors are economic expansion in an unrestricted market, the vulnerability of the patient population, a social disposition towards emergency medicine, and the vested interest of medical specialists.
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  19.  37
    Whose Values? Whose Risk? Exploring Decision Making About Trial of Labor After Cesarean.Sonya Charles & Allison B. Wolf - 2018 - Journal of Medical Humanities 39 (2):151-164.
    In this article, we discuss decision making during labor and delivery, specifically focusing on decision making around offering women a trial of labor after cesarean section. Many have discussed how humans are notoriously bad at assessing risks and how we often distort the nature of various risks surrounding childbirth. We will build on this discussion by showing that physicians make decisions around TOLAC not only based on distortions of risk, but also based on personal values rather than medical (...)
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  20.  72
    Samantha Burton and the Rights of Pregnant Women Twenty Years afterIn re A. C.Howard Minkoff & Anne Drapkin Lyerly - 2010 - Hastings Center Report 40 (6):13-15.
    In 1987, a young woman named Angela Carder, pregnant and dying from cancer, was ordered by a court of law to undergo a cesarean delivery against her and her family’s wishes. She and her baby both died. Three years later, an appeals court took an extraordinary stand: it vacated the order that ended their lives and upheld pregnant women’s rights to informed consent and bodily integrity. The “unkindest cut of all,”1 it seemed, had been condemned by the courts.2 (...)
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  21.  42
    Monterrey, C-section capital of Mexico: Examining the ethical dimensions.Martha Sañudo & Inmaculada de Melo-Martín - 2009 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 2 (1):148-164.
    Cesarean sections are one of the most commonly performed surgical operations worldwide. Though evidence suggests that non-medically indicated cesarean sections raise the health risks for mothers and their babies and result in increased costs of health care compared with vaginal deliveries, reports are common that the frequency of performance of this surgical procedure is far above WHO recommendations. Of special concern has been the current increase of cesarean delivery rates in some Latin American countries. Here we (...)
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  22.  32
    Childbearing Choices: What Helps, What Doesn't, and What You Thought You Knew.Mark R. Mercurio - 2017 - Hastings Center Report 47 (1):42-43.
    Childbearing is an increasingly complicated matter, which has evolved significantly over the past several decades. Treatment options for infertility have expanded. Prenatal testing and treatment have led to an evolution in obstetrical decision-making, wherein the risks and benefits to the fetus and future child are better understood and more strongly considered in medical management of the pregnant woman. Obstetrics appears to be increasingly interventional; one in three babies in the United States is now born by cesarean section. Neonatal intensive (...)
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  23.  34
    Women’s Perceptions of Childbirth Risk and Place of Birth.M. Regan & K. McElroy - 2013 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 24 (3):239-252.
    In the United States, clinical interventions such as epidurals, intravenous infusions, oxytocin, and intrauterine pressure catheters are used almost routinely in births in the hospital setting, despite evidence that the overutilization of such interventions likely plays a key role in increasing the need for cesarean section (CS). In 2010, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 32.8 percent of births in the U.S. were by CS. The U.S. National Institutes of Health has reported that CS (...)
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  24.  29
    Domestic violence and perinatal outcomes – a prospective cohort study from Nepal.Kunta Devi Pun, Poonam Rishal, Elisabeth Darj, Jennifer Jean Infanti, Shrinkhala Shrestha, Mirjam Lukasse & Berit Schei - 2019 - BMC Public Health 19 (1):671.
    Domestic violence is one of the most common forms of violence against women. Domestic violence during pregnancy is associated with adverse perinatal and maternal outcomes. We aimed to assess whether domestic violence was associated with mode of delivery, low birthweight and preterm birth in two sites in Nepal. In this prospective cohort study we consecutively recruited 2004 pregnant women during antenatal care at two hospitals between June 2015 and September 2016. The Abuse Assessment Screen was used to assess fear (...)
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    The Day I Touched Jesus.Jeffery L. Deal - 2012 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2 (2):81-84.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Day I Touched JesusJeffery L. DealShe deserved better. They all do.I met her early on a morning that promised to be hot and wet, as Sudan tended to be at that time of year. Hot all the time. Hot and wet in the summers. I touched her for the briefest of moments, felt her leg move against my hand and caught a fleeting glimpse of a foot that (...)
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  26.  19
    A Failure to Be Candid.Jennifer McGuirl - 2017 - Hastings Center Report 47 (4):3-4.
    I was a second-year neonatal-perinatal fellow in a meeting between other members of the neonatal intensive care team and parents who had just received devastating news about their planned-for and highly desired baby, born after what had been an uncomplicated pregnancy. At home, a little sister was waiting to meet her new brother. These conversations are never easy, but this one I found particularly disturbing. John had been born at term via emergency cesarean section after his mother, Muriel, had (...)
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  27.  82
    Metaphysical Violence and Medicalized Childbirth.Allison B. Wolf - 2013 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 27 (1):101-111.
    Feminists have highlighted various ways in which medicalized childbirth is connected to violence. For example, the literature is replete with examples of court-ordered Cesarean sections, intimidation in the delivery room, women diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of their childbirth experiences. The most common approach to the accusations about the connections between medicalized childbirth and violence has been to investigate the degree to which the evidence bears out their accuracy. In this essay, the author takes a (...)
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  28.  12
    The Feminine Condition and Women's Sexual and Reproductive Health in Brazil and France.Simone Santana da Silva, Cinira Magali Fortuna, Gilles Monceau, Marguerite Soulière & Anne Pilotti - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    IntroductionElements mark the reality of reading the female body in symbolic constructions and social symbols in the exercise of their reproductive health. The study aims to identify elements that characterize the female condition while analyzing the reproductive health of Brazilian and French women.Materials and MethodsA qualitative, multicenter, international study was conducted in Brazil and in France between 2016 and 2019. Data were produced through the use of semi-structured scripts. Focus group discussions and individual interviews were conducted with women who gave (...)
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  29.  34
    Fear of Childbirth in Nulliparous Women.Yvette M. G. A. Hendrix, Melanie A. M. Baas, Joost W. Vanhommerig, Ad de Jongh & Maria G. Van Pampus - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    PurposeThe relation between fear of childbirth and gestational age is inconclusive, and self-reported need for help regarding this fear has never been investigated. This study aimed to determine the prevalence and course of FoC according to gestational age, to identify risk factors for the development of FoC, the influence of this fear on preferred mode of delivery, and self-reported need for help.MethodsNulliparous pregnant women of all gestational ages completed an online survey. The study consisted of a cross-sectional and a (...)
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  30.  21
    Paramedic delivery of bad news: a novel dilemma during the COVID-19 crisis.Iain Campbell - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (1):16-19.
    As a result of the COVID-19 global pandemic, paramedics in the UK face unprecedented challenges in the care of acutely unwell patients and their family members. This article will describe and discuss a new ethical dilemma faced by clinicians in the out-of-hospital environment during this time, namely the delivery of bad news to family members who are required to remain at home and self-isolate while the critically unwell patient is transported to hospital. I will discuss some failings of current (...)
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    The delivery of health services as resistance.Ryan Essex - 2023 - Bioethics 37 (8):756-762.
    In this article, I will argue that the delivery of healthcare could be an act of resistance, that is, day‐to‐day, routine and perhaps mundane acts, undertaken in the course of the delivery of health services, which for many could also be considered otherwise routine care. I first consider how resistance has been conceptualised. How we understand resistance will determine if we believe healthcare could be conceptualised this way. I will show how resistance has been applied to day‐to‐day struggles (...)
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  32.  35
    Service delivery in Belhar? Leadership challenges between the real and the ideal.Ian A. Nell - 2013 - HTS Theological Studies 69 (2):01-09.
    In the discipline of practical theology, one finds a long history of linking the name of the field to diaconiology, in which you find the Greek word diaconia, directly translated as 'service'. For good and scientific reasons, the field changed its name to practical theology in some Faculties of Theology but that does not take away the fact that this field of research is still very much engaged in the broad area of 'service of all kinds'. The purpose of this (...)
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  33.  33
    The Delivery of Cantica on the Roman Stage.W. Beare - 1940 - The Classical Review 54 (02):70-72.
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    Circumstantial Deliveries.Rodney Needham & Fellow of All Souls Professor of Social Anthropology Rodney Needham - 1981 - Univ of California Press.
    This simulating book gathers five lectures that ask questions of the broadest general intellectual interest: What is religion? Do other peoples have the same emotional states as we do? Why do humans make use of body imagery? In Circumstantial Deliveries, Rodney Needham shows that the comparative study of societies may furnish the answers. Circumstantial Deliveries challenges the methodology and substance of many conventional ideas about human nature and calls for more radical and comparative analyses. For instance, the author discredits the (...)
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    Training Delivery Methods Implemented by American Companies: Opportunities and Challenges in Context of Knowledge Society.Iryna Lytovchenko, Olena Terenko, Yuliana Lavrysh, Olena Ogienko, Nataliia Avsheniuk & Valentyna Lukianenko - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (4):187-198.
    The radical transformations caused by the rapid development of information and communication technologies in the mid-1990s prompted the transition to the knowledge society which identified the key role of knowledge as the most important and valuable capital of organizations and had a decisive impact on the development of corporate training. In our study, we aimed to analyze the training methods used in American companies in the knowledge society, particularly, their feasibility, features, benefits and possible limitations. The results of our study (...)
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  36. Induced Delivery of Anencephalic Fetuses: A Response to James L. Walsh and Moira M. McQueen.Kevin O'Rourke & Jean DeBlois - 1994 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 4 (1):47-53.
    James Walsh and Moira McQueen accurately conclude that the early delivery of anencephalic fetuses is morally acceptable, but the reasoning they use to reach that conclusion is flawed. First, the principle of double effect does not require a weighing of good and evil, but rather seeks a sufficient reason for tolerating the physical evil indirectly intended. Second, the principle of double effect requires a clear distinction between physical and moral causality. Third, the Catholic moral tradition will not admit direct (...)
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  37.  54
    Delivery of ambulance service by volunteers in Victoria, Australia: an ethical dilemma?B. Xu - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (10):704-705.
    The Alexandra District Ambulance Service is the only volunteer-based ambulance service in Victoria, Australia. It provides an opportunity to reflect on the ethical issues surrounding the delivery of ambulance service by volunteers, and its impact on the community.
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    The Delivery as the Uprising of the Intestine-body : After Deleuze and Guttari’s “Body without organs”. 윤지선 - 2016 - Journal of the Society of Philosophical Studies 115:165-196.
    필자는 본 논문을 통해 서구 형이상학이 제시하는 몸의 위상을 분석한 뒤 새로운 몸 개념을 통해 기존의 몸의 도식의 전복 가능성을 고찰해 보고자 한다. 데카르트에 의해 수립된 몸의 도식은 몸-자동기계(body-mecanic)와 의식조정-자동기계라는 이중의 층위로 분절화되어 있는데 우리는 논증을 통해 이것을 비판적으로 분석하도록 할 것이다. 기존의 몸 도식이 ‘메카닉(mecanic)’이라는 정합적이고 기능주의적인 유기체 논리에서 벗어나지 못하고 있다는 점에 주목하여, 필자는 들뢰즈와 가따리의 “기관 없는 신체(Corps sans organes)” 개념의 프리즘을 통해 “장기-몸(intestins-corps)”이라는 새로운 몸 개념을 제시하고자 한다. 장기-몸(intestins-corps)은 일련의 정합적이고 유기체적인 질서로부터 적출되어 나와 카오스적인 에너지로 (...)
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  39. Polymer Delivery of Hydroxycamptothecin against C6 Glioma.Jing Hu - 2014 - Journal of Cancer Therapy 5:920-928.
    Hydroxycamptothecin is a potent antineoplastic agent that has shown efficacy against multiple tumor lines in vitro. eww140918dxn This is the first study to investigate the release, distribution, and efficacy of hydroxycamptothecin which was incorporated into the biodegradable polymer Polylactic Acid (PLA), and implant into brain directly. In vitro release curve generated showed that a large initial release occurred over the first three days and was followed by a steady, but considerably slower rate of release over the next 25 days. After (...)
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    Integrated delivery of primary health care for humans and animals.Calvin W. Schwabe - 1998 - Agriculture and Human Values 15 (2):121-125.
    Partially because of the high cost of developing and maintaining cold chains, systems needed to keep heat-labile vaccines under adequate refrigeration from their points of manufacture to their administration in the field, the Joint WHO/FAO Expert Committee on Zoonoses (i.e., the approximately four fifths of all described human infections that people share with other vertebrate animals) recommended in 1982 operation of common cold chains by health and veterinary services in rural areas. Following this recommendation, a 1984 pilot level initiative in (...)
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    § 5. Delivery of goods and documents.Alastair Mullis & Peter Huber - 2007 - In Alastair Mullis & Peter Huber, The Cisg: A New Textbook for Students and Practitioners. Sellier de Gruyter.
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  42. Beyond the “delivery problem”: Why there is “no such thing as a language”.Patricia Hanna - 2010 - Philosophia 38 (2):343-355.
    In “Practical Knowledge of Language”, C.-h. Tsai criticizes the arguments in “Swimming and Speaking Spanish” (this issue, pp. 331–341), on the grounds that its account of knowledge of language as knowledge-how is mistaken. In its place, he proposes an alternative account in terms of Russell’s concept “knowledge-by-acquaintance”. In this paper, I show that this account succeeds neither in displacing the account in Swimming and Speaking Spanish nor in addressing Tsai’s main concern: solving the “delivery problem”.
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    Between Delivery and Luck: Projectification of Academic Careers and Conflicting Notions of Worth at the Postdoc Level.Jonatan Nästesjö - forthcoming - Minerva:1-24.
    This paper investigates how early career academics interpret and respond to institutional demands structured by projectification. Developing a ‘frame analytic’ approach, it explores projectification as a process constituted at the level of meaning-making. Building on 35 in-depth interviews with fixed-term scholars in political science and history, the findings show that respondents jointly referred to _competition_ and _delivery_ in order to make sense of their current situation. Forming what I call _the project frame_, these interpretive orientations were legitimized by various organizational (...)
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  44. Alternate health delivery systems and collaborative plans.Diane M. Howard - forthcoming - Scarce Medical Resources and Justice.
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    Addressing Rising Cesarean Rates: Maternal Request Cesareans, Defensive Practice, and the Power of Choice in Childbirth.Elizabeth Chloe Romanis - 2020 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 13 (1):1-26.
    The number of cesarean sections performed globally has been consistently rising since the 1980s.1 The number of cesareans performed now greatly exceeds the number that experts predict are necessary.2 In Brazil, the world's "cesarean capital," over half of births are surgical. In the United States, approximately one third of babies are delivered by cesarean, and in the United Kingdom around 26 percent of births are by cesarean.3 Cesarean section can be a life-saving intervention when vaginal (...)
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    Intersectoral healthcare delivery.Constance M. McCorkle & Edward C. Green - 1998 - Agriculture and Human Values 15 (2):105-114.
    Within a given culture – whether industrialized or more tradition oriented – essentially the same fundamental medical theories, practices, and pharmacopoeia tend to be applied to human and non-human sickness and patients. In modern industrialized societies, however, healthcare services are sharply divided between human and veterinary medicine. There is likewise a sharp division between practitioners in these two health sectors: medical doctors and veterinarians. Yet in non-Western, traditional or indigenous medical systems, the same practitioners often treat both humans and animals. (...)
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    Probiotics function mechanistically as delivery vehicles for neuroactive compounds: Microbial endocrinology in the design and use of probiotics.Mark Lyte - 2011 - Bioessays 33 (8):574-581.
    I hypothesize here that the ability of probiotics to synthesize neuroactive compounds provides a unifying microbial endocrinology‐based mechanism to explain the hitherto incompletely understood action of commensal microbiota that affect the host's gastrointestinal and psychological health. Once ingested, probiotics enter an interactive environment encompassing microbiological, immunological, and neurophysiological components. By utilizing a trans‐disciplinary framework known as microbial endocrinology, mechanisms that would otherwise not be considered become apparent since any candidate would need to be shared among all three components. The range (...)
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  48. Impact of timely delivery of services during the flood in Kerala and other challenges.N. Sreelatha - 2021 - In Sibnath Deb & G. Subhalakshmi, Delivering justice: issues and concerns. London: Routledge.
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  49. Unintended Intrauterine Death and Preterm Delivery: What Does Philosophy Have to Offer?Nicholas Colgrove - 2023 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 48 (3):195-208.
    This special issue of the Journal of Medicine and Philosophy focuses on unintended intrauterine death (UID) and preterm delivery (both phenomena that are commonly—and unhelpfully—referred to as “miscarriage,” “spontaneous abortion,” and “early pregnancy loss”). In this essay, I do two things. First, I outline contributors’ arguments. Most contributors directly respond to “inconsistency arguments,” which purport to show that abortion opponents are unjustified in their comparative treatment of abortion and UID. Contributors to this issue show that such arguments often rely (...)
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    South Africa’s service-delivery crisis: From contextual understanding to diaconal response.Ignatius Swart - 2013 - HTS Theological Studies 69 (2):01-16.
    This article proceeded from the assumption that the theme of service delivery in present-day South Africa could well be qualified by the notion of 'crisis', to the extent that this qualification, from a theological perspective and on the basis of comparative social analysis, well recalls the statements in such critical and profound theological documents as The Kairos Document and Evangelical Witness in South Africa on the 'crisis' in the latter years of apartheid. The further recognition that the theme of (...)
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