Results for 'Ch Denis'

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  1. Esquisṡe d'une apologie philosophique du christianisme dans les limites de la nature et de la révélation, Annales de philosophie chrétienne, 1 vol.Ch Denis - 1899 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 7 (1):3-4.
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    Annales de Philosophie Chrétienne.Ch Denis - 1901 - Kant Studien 5 (1-3).
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  3. Da Vinci, L., 37 DeKoning, AJJ, seeKoning, AJJ de Delgado, H., 135 Democritus, 11.G. DeMorsier, G. Deny, E. Y. Deykin, Ch Dickens, H. Diels, W. Dilthey, Don Juan, G. Diirer & A. Einstein - 1982 - In A. J. J. de Koning & F. A. Jenner (eds.), Phenomenology and psychiatry. New York: Grune & Stratton.
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    (1 other version)Methodological Problems in the Study of the History of Philosophy from an Evaluation of Wang Ch'ung.T'ien Ch'ang-wu - 1972 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 4 (1):70-99.
    In ancient times in our country, Wang Ch'ung was an eminent materialist and a brilliant atheist, a progressive thinker who opposed the orthodox feudal thought. This has gone basically unquestioned. This year the February 21 issue of Kuang-ming jih-pao printed in its philosophy section an article by Comrade T'ung Mo-an, "Is Wang Ch'ung a Peasant Class Thinker?" The article is an evaluation completely denying this. T'ung believes that the purpose of Wang Ch'ung's works was "to uphold the rule of the (...)
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  5. La doctrine mystique de Denys l'Aréopagite.Ch A. Bernard - 1987 - Gregorianum 68 (3-4):523-566.
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    The Cambridge History of China. Volume One: The Ch'in and Han Empires, 221 B. C.-A. D. 220.Chauncey S. Goodrich, Denis Twitchett & Michael Loewe - 1988 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 108 (3):457.
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    Musique dans la rue et contrôle de l'espace urbain : le Cap.Denis-Constant Martin - 2005 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 119 (2):247-265.
    Au Cap, le nouvel an est célébré depuis plus d’un siècle et demi par des parades de rue et des compétitions de chœurs et de troupes carnavalesques. Elles rassemblent des milliers de personnes qui, du temps de l’apartheid, avaient été classées dans la catégorie coloured. Ces fêtes du nouvel an sont nées d’usages sociaux de la rue résultant des conditions de vie matérielle dans les quartiers à population majoritairement « métisse » ; la rue devint ainsi non seulement un espace (...)
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  8. Neznámý deník Komenského: pracovní deník v díle Komenského jako příspěvek k hodnocení dialektických vztahů pansofie a pedagogiky ve spisech Komenského.Dagmar Votrubová - 1976 - [Praha: Pedagog. ústav J. A. Komenského ČSAV. Edited by Johann Amos Comenius.
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    What kind of knowledge does a weak-willed person have?: A comparative study of Aristotle and the ch'eng-Chu school.Xinyan Jiang - 2000 - Philosophy East and West 50 (2):242-253.
    This comparative study argues that both Aristotle and the Ch'eng-Chu School deny that a weak-willed person truly and clearly knows what is best at the time of action, but their analyses of a weak-willed person's knowledge are rather different. It is shown that both Aristotle and the Ch'eng-Chu School believe that practical knowledge presupposes repeatedly acting on it and thus that the defect of the weak-willed person's knowledge cannot be overcome by purely cognitive training.
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    (1 other version)Why is Chu Kuang-Ch'ien's Aesthetic Thought Subjective Idealism?Ts'ai I. - 1975 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 6 (3):62-118.
    In the realm of man's culture, among the things created by man, art should be beautiful; its primary essential characteristic should be that it be able to evoke a sense of beauty in the person, that by its beauty it be able to provide for the person the pleasure of the sense of beauty. This is a fact that no one can deny outright. However, saying that art should be beautiful is not the same as saying that all art is (...)
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    Criticism of the guidelines of cartesian philosophy by Ch. Pierce.Taras Mamenko - 2023 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 1:176-192.
    The article intends to show the significance of Ch. Peirce’s ideas for the development of contemporary philosophy, to find out the main directions of his criticism of the principles of Cartesian and more broadly modern philosophy (where it comes from Descartes) and to consider the positive program of his philosophy, which he offers as an alternative to Modern philosophy. Peirce starts from a pragmatic and semiotic approach to human nature, consciousness and cognition. Thanks to this approach, he managed to undermine (...)
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    (1 other version)The Objective and the Social Aspects of Beauty: Comments on the Aesthetics of Chu Kuang-Ch'ien and Ts'ai I.Li Che-Hou - 1974 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 6 (2):54-68.
    After reading the essays of Mr. Ts'ai and Mr. Chu, I have a few immature opinions. Generally speaking, I feel that in dealing with the errors of their opponents, both Ts'ai I in his criticism of Huang Yüeh-mien and Chu Kuang-ch'ien in his criticism of Ts'ai I are quite accurate and convincing. However, in presenting their own arguments of what is right, both of them are on shaky ground and in error. That is because in one way or another, consciously (...)
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    Philosophy, philology, and politics in eighteenth-century China: Li Fu and the Lu-Wang school under the Chʻing.Chin-hsing Huang - 1995 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book explains the general intellectual climate of the early Ch'ing period, and the political and cultural characteristics of the Ch'ing regime at the time. Professor Huang brings to life the book's central characters, Li Fu and the three great emperors - K'ang-hsi, Yung-cheng, and Chien-lung - whom he served. Although the author's main concern is to explain the contributions of Li Fu to the Lu-Wang school of Confucianism, he also gives a clearly written account of the Lu-Wang and Ch'eng-Chu (...)
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    (2 other versions)Neuroconstructivism - I: How the Brain Constructs Cognition.Denis Mareschal, Mark H. Johnson, Sylvain Sirois, Michael Spratling, Michael S. C. Thomas & Gert Westermann - 2007 - Oxford University Press.
    What are the processes, from conception to adulthood, that enable a single cell to grow into a sentient adult? Neuroconstructivism is a pioneering 2 volume work that sets out a whole new framework for considering the complex topic of development, integrating data from cognitive studies, computational work, and neuroimaging.
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    Реформаторські ідеї в середовищі мусульманського студентства початку хх століття: Таємний з'їзд 1913 р. в києві.Denis Brylov - 2018 - Схід 1 (153):40-43.
    The article is devoted to the clandestine congress for the preparation of the All-Russian Congress of Muslim Students, organized in Kiev in 1913. Based on the archive sources of gendarme administration of Kiev Governorate and memoirs of the participants of the events, the process of preparing the organizational congress, its goals and tasks were examined. The role of reformist ideas among the organizers of the clandestine congress and their inclusion into the general imperial Muslim context was shown. The process of (...)
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  16. Evolutionary essentialism.Denis Walsh - 2006 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 57 (2):425-448.
    According to Aristotelian essentialism, the nature of an organism is constituted of a particular goal-directed disposition to produce an organism typical of its kind. This paper argues—against the prevailing orthodoxy—that essentialism of this sort is indispensable to evolutionary biology. The most powerful anti-essentialist arguments purport to show that the natures of organisms play no explanatory role in modern synthesis biology. I argue that recent evolutionary developmental biology provides compelling evidence to the contrary. Developmental biology shows that one must appeal to (...)
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  17. Les romans d'anticipation d'Andreas Eschbach: Contes fantastiques et variations sur le temps et l'histoire.Denis Bousch - 2002 - Iris 24:125-136.
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    Apprendre à lire à fond et parler des grandes choses.Denis Kambouchner - 2021 - Cités 85 (1):127-138.
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    The Illusions of the Modern Synthesis.Denis Noble - forthcoming - Biosemiotics:1-20.
    The Modern Synthesis has dominated biology for 80 years. It was formulated in 1942, a decade before the major achievements of molecular biology, including the Double Helix and the Central Dogma. When first formulated in the 1950s these discoveries and concepts seemed initially to completely justify the central genetic assumptions of the Modern Synthesis. The Double Helix provided the basis for highly accurate DNA replication, while the Central Dogma was viewed as supporting the Weismann Barrier, so excluding the inheritance of (...)
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  20. Proclus vs Plotinus on Matter (De mal. subs. 30-7 ).Jan Opsomer - 2001 - Phronesis 46 (2):154-188.
    In "De malorum subsistentia" chs 30-7, Proclus criticizes the view that evil is to be identified with matter. His main target is Plotinus' account in Enn. I,8 [51]. Proclus denies that matter is the cause of evil in the soul, and that it is evil or a principle of evil. According to Proclus, matter is good, because it is produced by the One. Plotinus' doctrine of matter-evil is the result of a different conception of emanation, according to which matter does (...)
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  21. The Geography of the Bible.Denis Baly - 1957
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    Penser la Loi. A Response.Denis Baranger - forthcoming - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche.
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    Where do concepts come from?Denis Mareschal, P. Quinn & Stephen Eg Lea - 2010 - In Denis Mareschal, Paul Quinn & Stephen E. G. Lea (eds.), The Making of Human Concepts. Oxford University Press.
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    Carl Stumpf.Denis Fisette - 2019 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    The real struggle in south Africa: An insider's view.Denis Worrall - 1988 - Ethics and International Affairs 2:115–137.
    Denis Worrall draws on 20th century South African history and his own experience as a South African to show some of the less obvious but extremely important facets of apartheid that directly impact its dissemination.
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  26. Genevieve Rodis-Lew and cartesian knowledge.Denis Kambouchner - 2007 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de L Etranger 132 (3):357.
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    Isaac Breuer : Philosophie des Judentums Angesichts der Krise der Moderne.Denis Maier - 2015 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    "Im Zentrum dieser Studie steht mit dem Religionsgelehrten Isaac Breuer eine der bedeutendsten Persönlichkeiten der deutsch-jüdischen Neoorthodoxie im Zwanzigsten Jahrhundert. Wie viele seiner Zeitgenossen deutete Breuer die Gegenwart des anfangenden Zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts als umfassende Krise. Im Kern seiner spezifisch jüdisch-orthodoxen Krisenphilosophie steht die Forderung nach der Herrschaft der Tora."--Cover.
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  28. Catégories et existence.Denis Zaslawsky - 1967 - Studia Philosophica 27:192.
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  29. Défense à la secondarité.Denis Zaslawsky - 1982 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 114:285.
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    Déjà vécu is not déjà vu: An ability view.Denis Perrin, Chris J. A. Moulin & André Sant’Anna - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    This paper tackles the issue of the diversity of déjà experiences. According to the standard view in the neuropsychological literature, they should all be defined by means of a psychological criterion, by which they are experiences triggered by a perceived item and consist of a conscious clash between a first-order feeling of familiarity about the item and a second-order evaluation that assesses the first-order feeling as erroneous. This paper dismisses the standard view and contends there are two types of déjà (...)
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    Independence and games.Denis Bonnay - 2005 - Philosophia Scientiae 9 (2):295-304.
    La logique IF prétend constituer une alternative à la logique classique du premier ordre : en libéralisant les schémas de dépendance entre quantificateurs, elle mènerait à leur terme les idées sous-jacentes à la logique classique. Mais les jeux de Hintikka ne constituent pas la seule manière possible de fournir une sémantique pour l’indépendance : on pourrait au contraire vouloir le faire dans le cadre d’une sémantique récursive avec des quantificateurs de Henkin. Nous présentons ici quelques arguments techniques et philosophiques en (...)
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    Naming and Forgetting.Denis J. Brion - 1996 - Semiotics:219-228.
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    Capitalism and Sin.Denis Collins - 1996 - Business and Society 35 (1):42-50.
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    Solicitations of readers' help.Denis J. Conlon - 1993 - The Chesterton Review 19 (4):560-560.
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    (1 other version)La Philosophie des Sciences (Wissenschaftstheorie) en France (1950–1971).Denis Zaslawsky - 1971 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 2 (2):318-325.
    Le trait caractéristique de la philosophie des sciences telle qu'on la pratique en France depuis une vingtaine d'années, sous le nom générique d'épistémologie, est de réunir un ensemble extrêmement divers d'études et de recherches sur les disciplines particulières qu'on envisage volontiers séparément: le travail est toujours détaillé et très approfondi, ce qui entraîne naturellement la limitation, sauf exception, des confrontations et des synthèses. En ce qui concerne les thèmes privilégiés, on distinguera dans ce bref rapport l'épistémologie des mathématiques, celle de (...)
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  36. Epiphenomenalism, laws, and properties.Denis Robinson - 1993 - Philosophical Studies 69 (1):1-34.
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    Brentano's Chestnuts.Denis M. Walsh - 2002 - In André Ariew, Robert Cummins & Mark Perlman (eds.), Functions: New Essays in the Philosophy of Psychology and Biology. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 314.
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    (1 other version)Pensées philosophiques.Denis Diderot - 1950 - Genève,: E. Droz. Edited by Robert Niklaus.
    "Pensées philosophiques" de Denis Diderot. Ecrivain, philosophe et encyclopédiste français (1713-1784).
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    Marco Polo. Venetian Adventurer.Denis Sinor & Henry H. Hart - 1970 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 90 (2):405.
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    "Specific sensations of noise": Wundt on noise and tone.Denis Seron - unknown
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    Phenomenology and descriptive psychology: Brentano, Stumpf, and Husserl.Denis Fisette - 2018 - In Dan Zahavi (ed.), Oxford Handbook of the History of Phenomenology. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 88-104.
    Entry on the influence of Stumpf et Brentano on Husserl's early phenomenology during the Halle period.
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    Business Ethics Quarterly Report.Denis G. Arnold - 2012 - The Society for Business Ethics Newsletter 23 (2):6-6.
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    No Title available.Denis G. Arnold - 1998 - Utilitas 10 (3):368-369.
  44. Modeling the origins of object knowledge.Denis Mareschal & Bremner & J. Andrew - 2009 - In Bruce M. Hood & Laurie R. Santos (eds.), The origins of object knowledge. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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  45. Sobranie sochineniĭ.Denis Diderot - 1935
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    A Note on More and the General Council.Denis Hay - 1967 - Moreana 4 (Number 15-4 (3):249-252.
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  47. Rojas claros, Armando.Denis C. Silveira - 2012 - Ideas Y Valores 61 (148):178-181.
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  48. Introduction à la logique standard.Denis Vernant - 2001 - Filosoficky Casopis 50:320-321.
    [Denis Vernant: Introduction a la logique standard].
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    Pippin's The Culmination, ‘logic as metaphysics’, and the unintelligibility of Dasein.Denis McManus - 2024 - European Journal of Philosophy 32 (3):926-936.
    Robert Pippin's new book, The Culmination, examines Heidegger's reading and critique of Kant and Hegel. Since Pippin is perhaps best known as one of the most influential contemporary advocates for the importance of engaging with the difficult work of Hegel in particular, it will no doubt surprise quite a few of his readers that, on some fundamental points, the book concludes that “Heidegger is right” (p. xi). In the present piece, I explore some intriguing issues that Pippin's book raises. Although (...)
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    Development: three grades of ontogenetic involvement.Denis Walsh - 2004 - In Christopher Stephens & Mohan Matthen (eds.), Elsevier Handbook in Philosophy of Biology. Elsevier. pp. 179--200.
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