Results for 'Charles Devillers'

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    Réflexions sur l’histoire de la biologie moléculaire.Charles Devillers - 1989 - Revue de Synthèse 110 (1):141-150.
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    Où vont le darwinisme et la théorie synthétique de l’évolution?Charles Devillers - 1986 - Revue de Synthèse 107 (3):243-253.
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    The Devil in Legend and Literature.Charles C. Miltner - 1932 - New Scholasticism 6 (3):255-257.
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    The Devil Is in the Detail: Best Practice, or Catholic Practice?Charles Douglas, Melanie Jansen & Ian Kerridge - 2012 - American Journal of Bioethics 12 (7):38 - 39.
    The American Journal of Bioethics, Volume 12, Issue 7, Page 38-39, July 2012.
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    An Infused Dialogue, Part 1: Borders, Fusions, Influence.Nancy Tuana & Charles Scott - 2016 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 30 (1):1-14.
    We begin at the site of borders, the demarcations between us, between: my body and your body, humans and nonhuman animals, habits of thought and institutional structures, nature and culture, subject and object. We find ourselves between the devil and the deep blue sea. Differences, distinctions, and borders are key to knowing and acting responsibly. Yet we are “held captive” by particular habits of understanding that police such borders with unbecoming fervor. We desire to trouble these borders with the aim (...)
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    The Social Philosophy of Ernest Gellner.John A. Hall & Ian Charles Jarvie (eds.) - 1996 - Brill | Rodopi.
    Contents: John A. HALL and Ian JARVIE: Preface. John A. HALL and Ian JARVIE: The Life and Times of Ernest Gellner. PART 1 INTELLECTUAL BACKGROUND. Ji_i MUSIL: The Prague Roots of Ernest Gellner's Thinking. Chris HANN: Gellner on Malinowski: Words and Things in Central Europe. Tamara DRAGADZE: Ernest Gellner in the Soviet East. PART 2 NATIONS AND NATIONALISM. Brendan O'LEARY: On the Nature of Nationalism: An Appraisal of Ernest Gellner's Writings on Nationalism. Kenneth MINOGUE: Ernest Gellner and the Dangers of (...)
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    Of Grim Witches and Showy Lady-Devils: Wealthy Women in Literature and Film.Veronika Schuchter - 2019 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 9 (9):50-65.
    Imagining super rich women in the real and fictional world has long been a struggle. Those few depictions that do exist are scattered across time periods and literary genres, reflecting the legal restrictions that, at different points in time, would not allow women to accumulate assets independent of the patriarchal forces in their lives. The scarcity of extremely wealthy women in literature and film is confirmed by Forbes magazine’s list of the fifteen richest fictional characters that features forty different fictional (...)
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  8. Planet of the Degenerate Monkeys.Eugene Halton - 2013 - In John Huss, Planet of the Apes and Philosophy: Great Apes Think Alike. Chicago, Illinois: Open Court Chicago. pp. 279-292.
    In the words of Charles Peirce from 1901, “man is but a degenerate monkey, with a paranoic talent for self-satisfaction, no matter what scrapes he may get himself into, calling them ‘civilization…’” Peirce’s concept of degenerate monkey draws attention both to our neotenous or prolonged newborn-like nature as “degenerate” in the mathematical sense of a genetic falling away from more mature genomes of other primates, and also to our monkeying around with the long evolutionary narrative of foraging, through the (...)
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    Diabeł w operze. „Pajac” Tomasza Manna w kontekście „Fausta” Johanna Wolfganga Goethego.Andrzej Pilipowicz - 2015 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Germanica 11.
    The protagonist of Thomas Mann’s short story "The Clown" cannot became an artist because he hasn’t got enough talent. He is also unable to live among people as an ordinary citizen because his social competencies haven’t been completely developed. That is why he can be regarded as a literary figure who tries to leave the real world and to penetrate the literary world. The devil who appears in Charles Gounod’s opera "Faust" based on Johann Wolfgang Goethe’s drama "Faust" and (...)
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    Three Probes into St. Francis of Assisi's Second Letter to the Faithful.Robert J. Karris - 2022 - Franciscan Studies 80 (1):79-136.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Three Probes into St. Francis of Assisi's Second Letter to the Faithful1Robert J. Karris, OFMFrancis' Second Letter to the Faithful2 is so rich that it would take a lengthy book to probe most of its treasures. My goal is to make three probes: 1) from a literary analysis of this letter of exhortation, 2) from the results of a more thorough search for the biblical sources behind its eighty-eight (...)
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    Potamia-Agios Sozomenos (Chypre).Nolwenn Lécuyer, Gilles Grivaud, Demetrios Michaelides, Andréas Nicolaïdès, Corinne Bouttevin, Ludovic Decock, Benoît Devillers, Guergana Guionova, Émilie Léal, Lucy Vallauri, Sylvain Vondra & Marta Zdanowski - 2003 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 127 (2):574-577.
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    Potamia-Agios Sozomenos (Chypre). La constitution des paysages dans l'Orient médiéval.Nolwenn Lécuyer, Gilles Grivaud, Demetrios Michaelides, Andréas Nicolaïdès, Henri Amouric, Ludovic Decock, Benoît Devillers, Véronique François, Fryni Hadjichristofi, Marina Loiseau, Bernard Simon & Lucy Vallauri - 2002 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 126 (2):598-614.
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  13. Vietnam Will Win.Wilfred Burchett, John T. Mcalister, Philippe Devillers, Jean Lacouture, Alexander Levien & Adam Roberts - 1970 - Science and Society 34 (2):224-235.
  14. The essential role of human databases for learning in and validation of affectively competent agents. Cowie, R., Douglas-Cowie, E., Martin, J.-C.-, Devillers & L. - 2010 - In Klaus R. Scherer, Tanja Bänziger & Etienne Roesch, A Blueprint for Affective Computing: A Sourcebook and Manual. Oxford University Press.
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  15. Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce: Pragmatism and pragmaticism and Scientific metaphysics.Charles Sanders Peirce - 1960 - Cambridge: Belknap Press.
    Charles Sanders Peirce has been characterized as the greatest American philosophic genius. He is the creator of pragmatism and one of the founders of modern logic. James, Royce, Schroder, and Dewey have acknowledged their great indebtedness to him. A laboratory scientist, he made notable contributions to geodesy, astronomy, psychology, induction, probability, and scientific method. He introduced into modern philosophy the doctrine of scholastic realism, developed the concepts of chance, continuity, and objective law, and showed the philosophical significance of the (...)
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    Charles Peirce's Reading of Richard Whately's Elements of Logic.Charles Seibert - 2005 - History and Philosophy of Logic 26 (1):1-32.
    Charles S. Peirce frequently mentioned reading Richard Whately's Elements of Logic when he was 12 years old. Throughout his life, Peirce emphasized the importance of that experience. This valorization of Whately is puzzling at first. Early in his career Peirce rejected Whately's central logical doctrines. What valuable insight concerning logic was robust enough to survive these specific rejections? Peirce recommended a biographical approach to understanding his philosophy. This essay follows that suggestion by considering Peirce's reading of Whately in a (...)
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  17. Exégèse et théologie de Jean 1, 18.Luc Devillers - 1989 - Revue Thomiste 89 (2):181-217.
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  18. 4. Alasdair MacIntyre and Edith Stein: Apophatic Theologians?Adam A. J. Deville - 2008 - Logos- St. Thomas 11 (2).
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    Collected Works of Charles Baudouin.Charles Baudouin - 2015 - Routledge.
    Charles Baudouin was a French psychoanalyst. Born in Nancy, a town that played a significant role in the history of psychoanalysis, he was a contemporary of Freud, Jung and Adler. After receiving his degree in philosophy, he moved to Geneva where his early work and first book focused on suggestion and hypnosis, later becoming interested in literature and the relation between psychoanalysis and education. Largely forgotten, Charles Baudouin’s work warrants greater attention from psychoanalysts and historians alike. He was (...)
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  20. Reviews : Charles S. Taylor -- paulo freire's pedagogu in guinea-bissau.Charles S. Taylor - 1980 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 7 (2):216-225.
  21. Charles Bonnets Systemtheorie Und Philosophie Organisierter Körper.Charles Bonnet - 2005 - Deutsch. Edited by Tobias Cheung.
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    Charles Darwin's natural selection: being the second part of his big species book written from 1856 to 1858.Charles Darwin - 1975 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by R. C. Stauffer.
    Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species is unquestionably one of the chief landmarks in biology. The Origin (as it is widely known) was literally only an abstract of the manuscript Darwin had originally intended to complete and publish as the formal presentation of his views on evolution. Compared with the Origin, his original long manuscript work on Natural Selection, which is presented here and made available for the first time in printed form, has more abundant examples and illustrations (...)
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    Charles Rebuffat.Charles Rebuffat - 1973 - Res Publica 15 (1):7.
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    Antarmana.Devilal Samar - 1967 - [Udayapura,: Bhāratīya Loka-kalā Manḍala.
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    Charles Darwin’s Notebooks, 1836--1844: Geology, Transmutation of Species, Metaphysical Enquiries.Charles Darwin - 1987 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press. Edited by Paul H. Barrett, Peter Jack Gautrey, Sandra Herbert, David Kohn & Sydney Smith.
  26. Letters, lectures and addresses of Charles Edward Garman: a memorial volume.Charles Edward Garman - 1909 - Cambridge [Mass.]: Riverside Press. Edited by Eliza Miner Garman.
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    Charles Morris †.Charles Hartshorne - 1979 - Semiotica 28 (3-4).
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  28. On Charles Taylor's 'Deep Diversity'.Charles Blattberg - 2020 - In Astrid Fellner, Ursula Lehmkuhl & Laurence McFalls, 150 Years of Canada: Grappling with Diversity Since 1867. Münster, Germany: Waxmann Verlag GmbH.
    Charles Taylor’s idea of “deep diversity” has played a major role in the debates around multiculturalism in Canada and around the world. Originally, the idea was meant to account for how the different national communities within Canada – those of the English-speaking Canadians, the French-speaking Quebeckers, and the Aboriginals – conceive of their belonging to the country in different ways. But Taylor conceives of these differences strictly in terms of irreducibility; that is, he fails to see that they also (...)
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    The correspondence of Charles S. Peirce and the Open Court Publishing Company, 1890-1913.Charles S. Peirce - 2022 - Boston: De Gruyter. Edited by Stetson J. Robinson.
    Peirceana provides a forum for the best current work on Peirce worldwide. Besides monographs, the series will publish thematically unified anthologies and edited volumes with a defined topical focus and untranslated English selections of Peirce's writings.
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    Pragmatism, the Classic Writings: Charles Sanders Peirce, William James, Clarence Irving Lewis, John Dewey, George Herbert Mead.Charles S. Peirce (ed.) - 1982 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    A reprint of the New American Library edition of 1970.
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    Rethinking Philosophy and Race: An Interview with Charles Mills.Charles Mills & Arthur Soto - 2015 - Stance 8 (1):81-107.
    The Stance team spoke with Charles Mills, noted philosopher and John Evans Professor of Moral and Intellectual Philosophy at Northwestern University whose work focuses on issues of social class, gender, and race, on December 1, 2014. Dr. Mills reviewed Stance’s transcription of the interview and made slight corrections for grammar, style, and reduction of repetition. He also inserted a sentence or two to add clarity. We hope readers find the result illuminating.
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  32. Address of Charles A. Boston upon legal ethics.Charles A. Boston - 1915 - [Ithaca?:
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  33. Man on His Nature.Charles Sherrington - 1940 - Cambridge University Press.
    I NATURE AND TRADITION Quemcunque aegrum ingenio praestaittem curanJum invisebat , siquidem morbi vehementia pateretur, . . .familiarem cum eo sermonem aliquandiu conferebat, cum pbilosophis Pbilosopkica, cum Mathematicis Mathematica, ..
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  34. (1 other version)Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce. Volume VI. Scientific Metaphysics.Charles Hartshorne & Paul Weiss - 1937 - Mind 46 (183):394-399.
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  35. Charles S. Peirce: the essential writings.Charles Sanders Peirce - 1972 - Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books. Edited by Edward C. Moore.
    Physicist, mathematician, and logician Charles S. Peirce (1839-1914) was America's first internationally recognized philosopher, the man who created the concept of "pragmatism," later popularized by William James. Charles S. Peirce: The Essential Writings is a comprehensive collection of the philosopher's writings, including: "Questions Concerning Certain Faculties Claimed for Man" (1868), which outlines his theory of knowledge; a review of the works of George Berkeley; papers from between 1877 and 1905 developing the ground of pragmatism and Peirce's theory of (...)
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  36. The evangelical potential of the byzantine liturgy in a culture of efficiency and death.Adam A. J. Deville - 2002 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 43:315-338.
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    Constraint satisfaction over connected row-convex constraints.Yves Deville, Olivier Barette & Pascal Van Hentenryck - 1999 - Artificial Intelligence 109 (1-2):243-271.
  38. Writings of Charles S. Peirce: A Chronological Edition Volume 4, 1879-1884.Charles S. Peirce & Christian J. W. Kloesel - 1990 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 26 (4):513-521.
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  39. The Charles S. Peirce Papers, the Houghton Library, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.Charles S. Peirce, Richard S. Robin & Houghton Library - 1960 - Harvard University Library Microreproduction Service.
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    Communication from Charles Hartshorne.Charles Hartshorne - 1991 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 65 (3):69 - 70.
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  41. Writings of Charles S. Peirce: A Chronological Edition Volume 5, 1884-1886.Charles S. Peirce & Christian J. W. Kloesel - 1995 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 31 (1):224-231.
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    Charles Avison's Essay on Musical Expression: With Related Writings by William Hayes and Charles Avison.Charles Avison, Pierre Dubois & William Hayes - 2004 - Routledge.
    Charles Avison's Essay on Musical Expression, first published in 1752, is a major contribution to the debate on musical aesthetics which developed in the course of the 18th century. Considered by Charles Burney as the first essay devoted to 'musical criticism' proper, it established the primary importance of 'expression' and reconsidered the relative importance of harmony and melody. Immediately after its publication it was followed by William Hayes's Remarks (1753), to which Avison himself retorted in his Reply. Taken (...)
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  43. Charles Peirce's Pragmatic Pluralism.Charles Peirce & Sandra B. Rosenthal - 1994 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 31 (4):875-887.
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    Charles Darwin's Beagle diary.Charles Darwin - 1933 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by R. D. Keynes.
    On 27th December 1831, HMS Beagle set out from Plymouth under the command of Captain Robert Fitzroy on a voyage that lasted nearly 5 years. The purpose of the trip was to complete a survey of the southern coasts of South America, and afterwards to circumnavigate the globe. The ship's geologist and naturalist was Charles Darwin. Darwin kept a diary throughout the voyage in which he recorded his daily activities, not only on board the ship but also during the (...)
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  45. (1 other version)Charles S. Peirce's Evolutionary Philosophy.Charles S. Peirce & Carl R. Hausman - 1994 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 30 (2):401-413.
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  46. Philosophy in an age of pluralism: the philosophy of Charles Taylor in question.Charles Taylor, James Tully & Daniel M. Weinstock (eds.) - 1994 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This is the first comprehensive evaluation of Charles Taylor's work and a major contribution to leading questions in philosophy and the human sciences as they face an increasingly pluralistic age. Charles Taylor is one of the most influential contemporary moral and political philosophers: in an era of specialisation he is one of the few thinkers who has developed a comprehensive philosophy which speaks to the conditions of the modern world in a way that is compelling to specialists in (...)
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    Letters, Lectures, and Addresses of Charles Edward Garman.Charles Edward Garman - 1910 - International Journal of Ethics 20 (3):371-374.
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  48. Richard Simon, critique catholique du Pentateuque.Raymond Deville - forthcoming - Nouvelle Revue Théologique.
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  49. Session of the Charles S. Peirce society.S. Charles - forthcoming - Semiotics.
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    Diversity, trust, and patient care: Affirmative action in medical education 25 years after Bakke.Kenneth DeVille & Loretta M. Kopelman - 2003 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 28 (4):489 – 516.
    The U.S. Supreme Court's seminal 1978 Bakke decision, now 25 years old, has an ambiguous and endangered legacy. Justice Lewis Powell's opinion provided a justification that allowed leaders in medical education to pursue some affirmative action policies while at the same time undermining many other potential defenses. Powell asserted that medical schools might have a "compelling interest" in the creation of a diverse student body. But Powell's compromise jeopardized affirmative action since it blocked many justifications for responding to increases in (...)
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