Results for 'Chenlu Ma'

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  1.  12
    Atypical patterns of tone production in tone-language-speaking children with autism.Kunyu Xu, Jinting Yan, Chenlu Ma, Xuhui Chang & Yu-Fu Chien - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Speakers with autism spectrum disorder are found to exhibit atypical pitch patterns in speech production. However, little is known about the production of lexical tones as well as neutral tones by tone-language speakers with ASD. Thus, this study investigated the height and shape of tones produced by Mandarin-speaking children with ASD and their age-matched typically developing peers. A pronunciation experiment was conducted in which the participants were asked to produce reduplicated nouns. The findings from the acoustic analyses showed that although (...)
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    Humble Leadership Benefits Employee Job Performance: The Role of Supervisor–Subordinate Guanxi and Perceived Leader Integrity.Bin Yang, Yimo Shen & Chenlu Ma - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Although humility is a hallmark of many beloved and respected leaders, yet little is known about the impact of humble leadership on employee job performance. Drawing on social exchange theory and attribution theory, the current study suggests a moderated mediation model to elucidate how and when humble leadership encourages follower job performance. Analyses of multilevel, multisource data from 204 subordinates and 68 supervisors showed that humble leadership and employee job performance via supervisor–subordinate guanxi is moderated by perceived leader integrity, such (...)
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    哲思的前進:生命倫理學的反思與價值重構.Y. E. Chenlu & L. I. U. Bojing - 2022 - International Journal of Chinese and Comparative Philosophy of Medicine 20 (2):73-76.
    LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese; abstract also in English. 每當我們提及生命倫理學時,不可避免要提及的話題:生命倫理的終極指徵是什麼?是從道德的層面教導人類向善?還是要從技術的維度延長人類的壽命?是要規範人類的行為準則?亦或是要恪守人類的道德底線?誠然,從不同 的學科分野下,對於生命倫理學的探究一直未曾停止,但是Joseph Tham “Bioethics: Cross-Cultural Explorations”一文:卻從更為原初的層面向我們闡釋了生命或者説是理念的價值所在。(撮要取自內文首段) Emerging developments in science and technology have changed the “relationships” between people in the traditional sense, and life has been carved more and more rounded, but at the same time, it has smoothed out the “edges” of life. Science and technology have begun to erode bioethics under the guise of reason, as the standards for “good” or “evil” are no longer defined by human morality, (...)
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    Implicit learning of semantic preferences of English words by Chinese learners.Fengying Li, Chenlu Zhao & Weijian Li - 2020 - Consciousness and Cognition 84:102986.
  5.  62
    Gamma graph calculi for modal logics.Minghui Ma & Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen - 2018 - Synthese 195 (8):3621-3650.
    We describe Peirce’s 1903 system of modal gamma graphs, its transformation rules of inference, and the interpretation of the broken-cut modal operator. We show that Peirce proposed the normality rule in his gamma system. We then show how various normal modal logics arise from Peirce’s assumptions concerning the broken-cut notation. By developing an algebraic semantics we establish the completeness of fifteen modal logics of gamma graphs. We show that, besides logical necessity and possibility, Peirce proposed an epistemic interpretation of the (...)
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  6.  48
    Ethical Issues in Fecal Microbiota Transplantation in Practice.Yonghui Ma, Jiayu Liu, Catherine Rhodes, Yongzhan Nie & Faming Zhang - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics 17 (5):34-45.
    Fecal microbiota transplantation has demonstrated efficacy and is increasingly being used in the treatment of patients with recurrent Clostridium difficile infection. Despite a lack of high-quality trials to provide more information on the long-term effects of FMT, there has been great enthusiasm about the potential for expanding its applications. However, FMT presents many serious ethical and social challenges that must be addressed as part of a successful regulatory policy response. In this article, we draw on a sample of the scientific (...)
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  7.  59
    Peirce’s calculi for classical propositional logic.Minghui Ma & Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen - 2020 - Review of Symbolic Logic 13 (3):509-540.
    This article investigates Charles Peirce’s development of logical calculi for classical propositional logic in 1880–1896. Peirce’s 1880 work on the algebra of logic resulted in a successful calculus for Boolean algebra. This calculus, denoted byPC, is here presented as a sequent calculus and not as a natural deduction system. It is shown that Peirce’s aim was to presentPCas a sequent calculus. The law of distributivity, which Peirce states in 1880, is proved using Peirce’s Rule, which is a residuation, inPC. The (...)
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  8.  67
    Body-ownership for actively operated non-corporeal objects.Ke Ma & Bernhard Hommel - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 36:75-86.
  9.  51
    A Deterministic Weakening of Belnap–Dunn Logic.Minghui Ma & Yuanlei Lin - 2019 - Studia Logica 107 (2):283-312.
    A deterministic weakening \ of the Belnap–Dunn four-valued logic \ is introduced to formalize the acceptance and rejection of a proposition at a state in a linearly ordered informational frame with persistent valuations. The logic \ is formalized as a sequent calculus. The completeness and decidability of \ with respect to relational semantics are shown in terms of normal forms. From an algebraic perspective, the class of all algebras for \ is described, and found to be a subvariety of Berman’s (...)
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  10.  66
    How Chinese clinicians face ethical and social challenges in fecal microbiota transplantation: a questionnaire study.Yonghui Ma, Jinqiu Yang, Bota Cui, Hongzhi Xu, Chuanxing Xiao & Faming Zhang - 2017 - BMC Medical Ethics 18 (1):39.
    Fecal microbiota transplantation is reportedly the most effective therapy for relapsing Clostridium Difficile infection and a potential therapeutic option for many diseases. It also poses important ethical concerns. This study is an attempt to assess clinicians’ perception and attitudes towards ethical and social challenges raised by fecal microbiota transplantation. A questionnaire was developed which consisted of 20 items: four items covered general aspects, nine were about ethical aspects such as informed consent and privacy issues, four concerned social and regulatory issues, (...)
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  11.  21
    The Moderating Role of Social Identity and Grit in the Association Between Parental Control and School Adjustment in Chinese Middle School Students.Chunhua Ma, Yongfeng Ma & Xiaoyu Lan - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:526977.
    Although the proliferation of empirical research has documented the association between parental control and school adjustment, findings of this linkage are still inconclusive. Moreover, fewer efforts have been made to address this association in middle school students. Guided by an ecological framework, the current study aimed to integrate the conflicting findings into a coherent body of knowledge, paying particular attention to two research purposes: (a) to examine the association between parental control and three objective indicators of school adjustment (social competence, (...)
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  12.  29
    Children's Facial Trustworthiness Judgments: Agreement and Relationship with Facial Attractiveness.Fengling Ma, Fen Xu & Xianming Luo - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  13.  53
    Revisiting W ittgenstein on Family Resemblance and Colour(s).Lin Ma & Jaap van Brakel - 2016 - Philosophical Investigations 39 (3):254-280.
    We argue that all general concepts are family resemblance concepts. These include concepts introduced by ostension, such as colour(s). Concepts of colour and of each of the specific colours are family resemblance concepts because similarities concerning an open‐ended range of colour or of appearance features crop up and disappear. After discussing the notion of “same colour” and Wittgenstein's use of the phrase “our colours”, we suggest family resemblance concepts in one tradition can often be extended to family resemblance concepts in (...)
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  14.  79
    Deciphering Heidegger's Connection with the Daodejing.Lin Ma - 2006 - Asian Philosophy 16 (3):149-171.
    This paper carries out an intensive study of Heidegger's famous reflection on the word dao and of his citations from the Daodejing, with the purpose of elucidating his complex relation with Daoist thinking. First I examine whether dao could be said to be a guideword for Heidegger's path of thinking. Then I discuss Heidegger's citations, in six places of his writings, from five chapters of the Daodejing, by situating them in the immediate textual context as well as against the broad (...)
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  15.  85
    Revisiting Wittgenstein on Family Resemblance and Colour.Lin Ma & Jaap Brakel - 2016 - Philosophical Investigations 39 (2):254-280.
    We argue that all general concepts are family resemblance concepts. These include concepts introduced by ostension, such as colour. Concepts of colour and of each of the specific colours are family resemblance concepts because similarities concerning an open-ended range of colour or of appearance features crop up and disappear. After discussing the notion of “same colour” and Wittgenstein's use of the phrase “our colours”, we suggest family resemblance concepts in one tradition can often be extended to family resemblance concepts in (...)
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    al-Madāris al-Suryānīyah fī al-Sharq al-Adná al-qadīm.Mājidah Muḥammad Anwar - 2009 - Miṣr al-Jadīdah, al-Qāhirah: Ītrāk lil-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
    Greek philosophy; Syriac schools; Ancient Near East; history.
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    Childhood Maltreatment and Mobile Phone Addiction Among Chinese Adolescents: Loneliness as a Mediator and Self-Control as a Moderator.Shutao Ma, Yuhuai Huang & Yankun Ma - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Fortschritt bei Marx.Denis Mäder - 2010 - Berlin: Akademie Verlag. Edited by Denis Mäder.
    Im 20. Jahrhundert galt es sowohl im Marxismus als auch unter seinen Gegnern als ausgemachte Sache, dass das Werk von Karl Marx eine anspruchsvolle Theorie der Geschichte enthält, die von einer starken optimistischen Grundstimmung getragen wird. Oft hielt man sie für einen als Wissenschaft verkleideten Entwurf einer idealen Zukunftsgesellschaft, für eine Heilslehre. Umso erstaunlicher ist es daher, dass eine gründliche Erforschung des Marxschen Fortschrittsdenkens bislang noch aussteht. Denis Mäders Studie analysiert das moderne Fortschrittsdenken und die zeitgenössische Diskussion desselben. Vor diesem (...)
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  19.  32
    Adaptive Neural Networks Control Using Barrier Lyapunov Functions for DC Motor System with Time-Varying State Constraints.Lei Ma & Dapeng Li - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-9.
    This paper proposes an adaptive neural network control approach for a direct-current system with full state constraints. To guarantee that state constraints always remain in the asymmetric time-varying constraint regions, the asymmetric time-varying Barrier Lyapunov Function is employed to structure an adaptive NN controller. As we all know that the constant constraint is only a special case of the time-varying constraint, hence, the proposed control method is more general for dealing with constraint problem as compared with the existing works on (...)
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  20.  34
    All the Rest Must be Translated: Lévinas’s Notion of Sense.Lin Ma - 2008 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 35 (4):599-612.
    This paper examines an aspect in Levinas’ thinking that has rarely been brought into scholarly discussion: How does Levinas consider the relation between non-Western cultures and Western intellectual tradition? First, I explicate the central notion of sense in Levinas’ essay “Meaning and Sense”. Sense is absolute and transcendent. It precedes and makes possible the meaning of all cultures. Second, I explore Levinas’ discussions of non-Western cultures in some of his essays and interviews. On these occasions, Levinas articulates the view that (...)
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  21.  29
    Statistical learning and adaptive decision-making underlie human response time variability in inhibitory control.Ning Ma & Angela J. Yu - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Constructive Christology in Roger Haight's Jesus, Symbol of God: A Continuing Critical Christological Discourse.Ma Christina Astorga - 2000 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 4 (2 & 3):187-219.
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  23. Category learning, judgment, and the Rescorla-Wagner model (aka the delta-rule).Ma Bluck & G. H. Bower - 1986 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 24 (5):326-326.
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    La criatura como distinción'.Ma J. Bruna - 2002 - Studia Poliana 4:141-65.
    The title of the present article underlines the investigation of one of the central theses of Polo about creation, explicitly developed in the first volume of Transcendental Anthropology. Polo’s theory studies the creature regarding its act of being qua created, therefore as distinct from the uncreated Being.
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  25. Silent dwelling-well-spring of communication.Ma Earner - 1975 - Humanitas 11 (2):167-174.
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  26. Educar em direitos humanos : a revolução, o simples.Márcio Vagner Dornelles Garcia - 2010 - In Adriana Severo Rodrigues, Giancarla Brunetto & Márcio Eduardo Brotto, Os hereges: temas em direitos humanos, ética e diversidade. Porto Alegre, RS: Armazém Digital.
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  27. Constructing, integrating, and accessing clauses-a time-course investigation.Ma Gernsbacher, D. Hargreaves & Me Beeman - 1988 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 26 (6):490-490.
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  28. La Conferencia de Puebla y el método teologico-pastoral.Ma Keller - 1987 - Ciudad de Dios 200 (1):5-20.
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  29.  29
    The Mandala Sutra and Its English Translation: The New Dunhuang Museum Version Revised by Yang Zengwen.Ma Lijuan - 2019 - Philosophy East and West 69 (3).
    Chan has been one of the most prominent sects of Chinese Buddhism since the mid and late Tang Dynasty and it has been particularly well-known around the world. The Platform Sutra purports to convey the teachings of Huineng, one of the most revered figures in the Chan tradition, and the text has been regarded as the most reliable source for the study of Chan. This canonical Buddhist text is generally categorized into four different versions: 1) Dunhuang ; 2) Huixin ; (...)
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  30.  65
    Character of the feminine in lévinas and the daodejing.Lin Ma - 2009 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 36 (2):261-276.
    This paper explores Lévinas’s philosophical reflection upon the feminine and attempts to bring it into communication with the importance ascribed to the feminine embodied in the Daodejing. According to Lévinas, the feminine is the very quality of difference that cannot be subsumed into the totality of the same. He emphasizes the importance of considering women in their own right. This is a forceful opposition against androcentrism. Daoist philosophy has often been characterized as “feminine” in terms of its orientation. This paper (...)
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  31. The value setting of ikem parser tool 1.0.Ma Li, Fernand Vandamme & Dirk Vervenne - 2001 - Communication and Cognition. Monographies 34 (3-4):275-288.
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  32.  18
    A 4D Trajectory Prediction Model Based on the BP Neural Network.Lan Ma, Shan Tian & Zhi-Jun Wu - 2019 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 29 (1):1545-1557.
    To solve the problem that traditional trajectory prediction methods cannot meet the requirements of high-precision, multi-dimensional and real-time prediction, a 4D trajectory prediction model based on the backpropagation (BP) neural network was studied. First, the hierarchical clustering algorithm and the k-means clustering algorithm were adopted to analyze the total flight time. Then, cubic spline interpolation was used to interpolate the flight position to extract the main trajectory feature. The 4D trajectory prediction model was based on the BP neural network. It (...)
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  33. A Study On The Strategies Of Developing Red-tourism In Shaanxi Province.Yao-Feng Ma, Xu Li, Xue-Song Liang, Jun-Yi Li & Kai Bai - 2005 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 35 (4):22-26.
    In the analysis of Shaanxi Red Tourism Development status and existing problems, based on the proposed development of red tourism strategic positioning, strategic objectives and strategic measures, through the implementation of the "1312 Project", that is to cultivate a red tourism capital, northern Shaanxi, Guanzhong , 3 large red tourism sector in southern Shaanxi, and 12 fine line, as the red following the Warriors travel to create a new ace after the Shaanxi tourism products. Based on the analysis of the (...)
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    Characterization of the tensile behaviour of a co-woven-knitted composite in the continuous and discrete frequency domain.Pibo Ma, Lili Jiang, Baozhong Sun & Bohong Gu - 2012 - Philosophical Magazine 92 (15):1966-1997.
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    Differences in Working Memory With Emotional Distraction Between Proficient and Non-proficient Bilinguals.Xie Ma, Xiao Ma, Peng Li & Yan Liu - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The impact of bilingual education and bilingual experience on working memory has been an important and controversial issue in the field of psycholinguistics. Taking Chinese-English bilinguals as an example, this study aims to investigate the differences in emotional working memory between proficient and non-proficient bilinguals by using delayed matching-to-sample task paradigm and more complex n-back task in the context of emotion. The results show that proficient bilinguals have better performance on both of the two working memory tasks than non-proficient bilinguals, (...)
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    Finding orthogonal arrays using satisfiability checkers and symmetry breaking constraints.Feifei Ma & Jian Zhang - 2008 - In Tu-Bao Ho & Zhi-Hua Zhou, PRICAI 2008: Trends in Artificial Intelligence. Springer. pp. 247--259.
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  37.  18
    Implicit Learning of True and False Belief Sequences.Qianying Ma, Elien Heleven, Giulia Funghi, Min Pu, Kris Baetens, Natacha Deroost & Frank Van Overwalle - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    To investigate whether people can implicitly learn regularities in a social context, we developed a new implicit sequence learning task combining elements from classic false belief and serial reaction time tasks. Participants learned that protagonists were offered flowers at four locations. The protagonists' beliefs concerning the flowers were true or false, depending on their orientation, respectively, toward the scene or away from it. Unbeknown to the participants, there was a fixed belief-related sequence involving three dimensions. Participants had to indicate as (...)
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  38.  12
    Identification of Driving Factors of Scientific and Technological Innovation in the New Material Industry Based on the Theory of Complex Adaptive System: Taking the Construction of Green Innovation System as an Example.Tengfei Ma & Chao Liu - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-12.
    Complex adaptation systems are the main development direction of China’s current green innovation research. New material industry is one of the key entry points to accelerate the construction of modern industrial system and promote innovation, green, and efficient development. Under the requirements of China’s current low-carbon development, China’s green innovation system is developing rapidly. Green innovation complicates traditional innovation models and their functions and improves economic development. The purpose of this paper is to study the theoretical analysis framework of applying (...)
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  39. Jenicek, M.(2006)'The hard art of soft science'Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 12, 410–419.Ross E. G. Upshur B. A. Hons Ma - 2006 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 12 (4):420-422.
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    Kongzi hua zhuan.Ji Ma - 2009 - Shanghai: Shanghai ren min chu ban she.
    本书是山东著名画家马骥先生根据长篇历史小说《孔子传》绘制的一套系列作品, 共计一百幅, 配以精炼的文字, 以一种类似彩色连环画的形式, 展现了孔子曲折, 坎坷的一生. 在全书的 "地脚", 附有《论语》警句, 以便读者了解孔子思想之精髓.
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  41.  5
    Boj nového se starým v dneěsní naši vědě.Ivan Málek - 1955 - Praha,: Nakl. Československé akademie věd.
    V 6 kapitolách knihy je vysvětlen význam pokrokové vědy při budování socialismu, vylíčeno je postavení vědy za kapitalismu a její závislost na buržoasní ideologii, pozůstatky kapitalistické minulosti v naší současné vědě, boj s nimi, její úkoly a plánování. úloha kritiky a sebekritiky v naší vědě a úspěchy, jichž naše nová věda v boji se starým dosahuje.
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  42. La disolución de la obra de arte.Gustavo Leyxa Ma - 1999 - Signos Filosóficos 82 (1):82.
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  43. Liang Shuming wen hua li lun yan jiu.Yong Ma - 1991 - Shanghai: Xin hua shu dian Shanghai fa xing suo jing xiao.
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  44. Liang Shuming zhuan.Dongyu Ma - 1993 - Beijing: Xin hua shu dian jing xiao.
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    Li Tuixi mei xue si xiang yan jiu.Zhengying Ma - 2014 - Jinan: Shandong da xue chu ban she.
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  46. ʾEyetā =.ʾIyob Māmo - 2013 - Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: Selihom Printing Press.
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    Elohim ahavah esteṭiḳah: omanut emunah etiḳah esteṭiḳah u-misṭiḳah be-maḥshevet Ḥazal: masah ʻiyunit = God love aesthetics: art and faith, ethics, aesthetics and mysticism in Rabbinic thought: theoretical essay.Yaʻaḳov Maʻoz - 2021 - Yerushalayim: Sifre Niv.
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    Opinion Expression Dynamics in Social Media Chat Groups: An Integrated Quasi-Experimental and Agent-Based Model Approach.Siyuan Ma & Hongzhong Zhang - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-14.
    Social media chat groups, such as WeChat and WhatsApp groups, are widely applied in online communication. This research has conducted two studies to examine the individual level and collective level’s opinion dynamics in those groups. The opinion dynamic is driven by two variables, people’s perceived peer support and willingness of opinion expression. The perceived peer support influences the willingness of opinion expression, and the willingness influences the dynamics of real opinion-expression. First, the quasi-experimental study recruited twenty-five participants as the observation (...)
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    Ren sheng xiao ji: yu Li Zehou de xu ni dui hua.Qunlin Ma - 2022 - Xianggang: San lian shu dian (Xianggang) you xian gong si.
    本書可視為哲學大師李澤厚先生的學術自傳。編撰者馬群林乃李澤厚先生晚年交往最密切的友人之一,馬先生耗費十餘年時間,從李澤厚先生的論著、文章及書信中輯錄出有關內容,經過重新整理、編排和撰寫,并先後三次經李 澤厚審閱及修訂,最終成就該書。全書以一問一答的對話形式呈現,鮮明直接,淺白易懂,能幫助大眾讀者(尤其是青年學生)了解李澤厚先生的學術生涯和思想體系。書中還收入部份首次公開出版的珍貴照片,如馮友蘭、胡繩 、錢??、余英時等人致李澤厚的信函等,彌足珍貴。.
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    Studien zur personorientierten Pädagogik.Fritz März - 1971 - Kastellaun,: Henn.
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