  1.  24
    Che cos'è l'amor: ciò che avete sempre saputo sull'amore ma non siete mai riusciti a spiegarvi.Fabio Bacchini & Chiara Lalli (eds.) - 2003 - Milano: Baldini Castoldi Dalai editore.
  2.  12
    Turnaways. Quando le donne non possono interrompere la gravidanza.Chiara Lalli - 2013 - Società Degli Individui 47:74-84.
    What happens to women who are denied abortions? Abortion is a very controversial issue, and there are many attemps to restrain or ban safe and legal access to it. A few studies claim to demonstrate a connection between abortion and mental - and even physical - health. Politicians and pro-lifers use this kind of misleading arguments to justify unfair limitations to abortion access. Not many people ask themselves what happens to those women who would want to get an abortion but (...)
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