Results for 'Chloé Janssen'

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  1.  25
    What Do We Still Need to Know? Pressing Issues and Promising Directions in Research on Perfectionism and Nonsuicidal Self-injury.William F. Janssen & Chloe A. Hamza - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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    Het electorale succes van etnische minderheden in Brussel: de rol van kiezers en partijen.Chloé Janssen, Régis Dandoy & Silvia Erzeel - 2017 - Res Publica 59 (4):389-412.
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    Personalist morals: essays in honor of Professor Louis Janssens.Louis Janssens, Joseph A. Selling & Franz Böckle (eds.) - 1988 - Leuven: Peeters.
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    The time windows of the sense of agency.Chlöé Farrer, G. Valentin & J. M. Hupé - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (4):1431-1441.
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    The Culture of Confession From Augustine to Foucault: A Genealogy of the 'Confessing Animal'.Chloë Taylor - 2008 - Routledge.
    Drawing on the work of Foucault and Western confessional writings, this book challenges the transhistorical and commonsense views of confession as an innate impulse resulting in the psychological liberation of the confessing subject. Instead, confessional desire is argued to be contingent and constraining, and alternatives to confessional subjectivity are explored.
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  6. Implicit bias in healthcare professionals: a systematic review.Chloë FitzGerald & Samia Hurst - 2017 - BMC Medical Ethics 18 (1):19.
    Implicit biases involve associations outside conscious awareness that lead to a negative evaluation of a person on the basis of irrelevant characteristics such as race or gender. This review examines the evidence that healthcare professionals display implicit biases towards patients. PubMed, PsychINFO, PsychARTICLE and CINAHL were searched for peer-reviewed articles published between 1st March 2003 and 31st March 2013. Two reviewers assessed the eligibility of the identified papers based on precise content and quality criteria. The references of eligible papers were (...)
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    Evaluation and perceived results of moral case deliberation.R. M. Janssens, E. van Zadelhoff, G. van Loo, G. A. Widdershoven & B. A. Molewijk - 2015 - Nursing Ethics 22 (8):870-880.
    Background: Moral case deliberation is increasingly becoming part of various Dutch healthcare organizations. Although some evaluation studies of moral case deliberation have been carried out, research into the results of moral case deliberation within aged care is scarce. Research questions: How did participants evaluate moral case deliberation? What has moral case deliberation brought to them? What has moral case deliberation contributed to care practice? Should moral case deliberation be further implemented and, if so, how? Research design: Quantitative analysis of a (...)
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  8. Meta-Ontology, Naturalism, and The Quine-Barcan Marcus Debate.Frederique Janssen-Lauret - 2014 - In Frederique Janssen-Lauret & Gary Kemp (eds.), Quine and His Place in History. New York: Palgrave. pp. 146-167.
    Twenty-first century critics frequently misread Quinean ontological commitment as a toothless doctrine of anti-metaphysical pragmatism. Janssen-Lauret's historical investigations reveal that they misinterpret the influence of Quine's naturalism. His naturalistic view of philosophy as continuous with science informs a much more interesting conception of ontological commitments as generated by indispensable explanatory roles. But Janssen-Lauret uncovers a previously undetected weakness in Quine's meta-ontology. Careful examination of his debate with another naturalistic nominalist, Ruth Barcan Marcus, reveals that his holism leaves him (...)
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  9. When knowledge is not identified with reason: An interview with Paul Janssen.M. Muransky & P. Janssen - 2003 - Filozofia 58 (8):564-570.
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  10. Reconsidering a Scientific Revolution: The Case of Einstein 6ersus Lorentz.Michel Janssen - unknown
    The relationship between Albert Einstein’s special theory of relativity and Hendrik A. Lorentz’s ether theory is best understood in terms of competing interpretations of Lorentz invariance. In the 1890s, Lorentz proved and exploited the Lorentz invariance of Maxwell’s equations, the laws governing electromagnetic fields in the ether, with what he called the theorem of corresponding states. To account for the negative results of attempts to detect the earth’s motion through the ether, Lorentz, in effect, had to assume that the laws (...)
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    Das Erlebende Ich Und Sein Dasein.Otto Janssen - 1932 - De Gruyter.
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  12. The Nature of Awareness Growth.Chloé de Canson - 2024 - Philosophical Review 133 (1):1-32.
    Awareness growth—coming to entertain propositions of which one was previously unaware—is a crucial aspect of epistemic thriving. And yet, it is widely believed that orthodox Bayesianism cannot accommodate this phenomenon, since that would require employing supposedly defective catch-all propositions. Orthodox Bayesianism, it is concluded, must be amended. In this paper, I show that this argument fails, and that, on the contrary, the orthodox version of Bayesianism is particularly well-suited to accommodate awareness growth. For it entails what I call the refinement (...)
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  13. Interventions designed to reduce implicit prejudices and implicit stereotypes in real world contexts: a systematic review.Chloë Fitzgerald, Samia A. Hurst, Delphine Berner & Angela K. Martin - 2019 - BMC Psychology 7.
    Background Implicit biases are present in the general population and among professionals in various domains, where they can lead to discrimination. Many interventions are used to reduce implicit bias. However, uncertainties remain as to their effectiveness. -/- Methods We conducted a systematic review by searching ERIC, PUBMED and PSYCHINFO for peer-reviewed studies conducted on adults between May 2005 and April 2015, testing interventions designed to reduce implicit bias, with results measured using the Implicit Association Test (IAT) or sufficiently similar methods. (...)
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    Penser avec Avicenne: de l'héritage grec à la réception latine, en hommage à Jules Janssens.Jules L. Janssens, D. De Smet & Meryem Sebti (eds.) - 2022 - Bristol, CT: Peeters.
    Jules Janssens a construit une œuvre importante, qui, pour de nombreux chercheurs, a ouvert des perspectives de recherches nouvelles et fécondes. Ses travaux ont fait date. Ils portent principalement sur la philosophie d'Avicenne, ses sources, ses rapports avec la pensée musulmane, son influence sur la théologie ash'arite (al-Ghazālī, Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī) et sa réception dans le monde latin. Pour lui rendre hommage, quatorze collègues et amis de renommée internationale se sont réunis pour poursuivre ses réflexions sur ces thèmes. L'ouvrage qui (...)
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    White Paper Concerning Philosophy of Education and Environment.Chloe Humphreys & Sean Blenkinsop - 2017 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 36 (3):243-264.
    This paper begins with a recognition that questions of climate change, environmental degradation, and our relations to the natural world are increasingly significant and requiring of a response not only as philosophers of education but also as citizens of the planet. As such the paper explores five of the key journals in philosophy of education in order to identify the extent, range, and content of current discussions related to the environment. It then organizes and summaries the articles that were located (...)
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    Cortical excitability dynamics during extended wakefulness set PVT performance.Borsu Chloé, Gaggioni Giulia, Ly Julien, Papachilleos Soterios, Brzozowski Alexandre, Rosanova Mario, Sarasso Simone, Archer Simon, Dijk Derk-Jan, Phillips Christophe, Maquet Pierre, Massimini Marcello, Chellappa Sarah & Vandewalle Gilles - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    La création d’animaux chimères porteurs d’organes humains.Chloé Giquel, John De Vos, Rodolphe Bourret, François Vialla, Eric Martinez & Aurélie Thonnat-Marin - 2016 - Médecine et Droit 2016 (137):37-47.
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    The Penalties For Self-Reporting Sexual Harassment.Chloe Grace Hart - 2019 - Gender and Society 33 (4):534-559.
    Although sexual harassment in the workplace is illegal, it often goes unreported. This study employs causal evidence to evaluate one deterrent to reporting: bias against women known to be sexual harassment targets. I theorize about the form this bias takes and test the argument with a national survey experiment run in five waves from October 2017 to February 2018, where participants were asked to propose employment outcomes for an employee with one of four harassment experiences. Participants were less likely to (...)
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  19.  27
    Education, sustainable or otherwise, as simulacra: A symphony of Baudrillard.Chloe Humphreys, Sean Blenkinsop & Bob Jickling - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (3):310-323.
    Preamble: Singers gathering on stage This is a paper for three voices. An attempt at a philosophic experience in the symphonic form. The first voice carries the tune and holds the shape of the paper as it focuses on Baudrillard and proposes that public education in Canada today is in fact a simulacra. The second voice has more room to roam, tracing some of the Western philosophical underpinnings of Baudrillard’s stages of the simulacra from Aristotle to Saussure’s centralization of human (...)
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  20. The Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica.Frans A. Janssen - 1993 - In Carlos Gilly & M. I. Afanasʹeva (eds.), 500 years of gnosis in Europe: exhibition of printed books and manuscripts from the gnostic tradition, Moscow & St. Petersburg. Amsterdam: 'In de Pelikaan'.
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    Poetic Language.Chloé Laplantine - 2010 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 31 (1):137-144.
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    (1 other version)Le jeu vidéo comme sport en Corée du Sud?Chloé Paberz - 2012 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 62 (1):, [ p.].
    C’est en Corée du Sud que le sport électronique est né et s’est développé de la façon la plus spectaculaire, contribuant à la visibilité du pays auprès de la communauté internationale des joueurs. Cet article questionne la catégorisation sportive du jeu vidéo en Corée, en esquissant ses dimensions économiques, les circonstances historiques de sa mise en place, et en la confrontant à la pluralité des discours locaux.Electronic sports first emerged in South Korea, where their development has been the most spectacular, (...)
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  23. Expanding a constricted moral lens : LGBTI persons, human rights, and the capabilities approach.Chloe Schwenke - 2019 - In Lori Keleher & Stacy J. Kosko (eds.), Agency and Democracy in Development Ethics. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    The Routledge Guidebook to Foucault's the History of Sexuality.Chloë Taylor - 2016 - Routledge.
    Michel Foucault’s _The History of Sexuality _is one of the most influential philosophical works of the twentieth century and has been instrumental in shaping the study of Gender, Feminist Theory and Queer Theory. But Foucault’s writing can be a difficult book to grasp as Foucault assumes a familiarity with the intellectually dominant theories of his time which renders many passages obscure for newcomers to his work. The Routledge Guidebook to Foucault’s The History of Sexuality offers a clear and comprehensive guide (...)
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  25. Anti-essentialism, modal relativity, and alternative material-origin counterfactuals.Frederique Janssen-Lauret - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):8379-8398.
    In ordinary language, in the medical sciences, and in the overlap between them, we frequently make claims which imply that we might have had different gametic origins from the ones we actually have. Such statements seem intuitively true and coherent. But they counterfactually ascribe different DNA to their referents and therefore contradict material-origin essentialism, which Kripke and his followers argue is intuitively obvious. In this paper I argue, using examples from ordinary language and from philosophy of medicine and bioethics, that (...)
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  26. Artificial Wombs and the Ectogenesis Conversation: A Misplaced Focus? Technology, Abortion, and Reproductive Freedom.Elizabeth Chloe Romanis & Claire Horn - 2020 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 13 (2):174-194.
    Bioethics scholarship considering the possibility of gestating an embryo to full term in an artificial womb (ectogenesis) often overstates the capacities of current technologies and underestimates the barriers to the development of full ectogenesis. Moreover, this debate causes harm by (1) neglecting more immediate problems in the development of artificial wombs, (2) treating abortion as a “problem with a technological solution,” bolstering anti-abortion rhetoric, and (3) presuming the stability of women’s reproductive rights. The ectogenesis conversation must consider anticipated uses of (...)
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    Preventive defense and forcible regime change: A normative assessment.Dieter Janssen - 2004 - Journal of Military Ethics 3 (2):105-128.
    In September 2002 the President of the United States issued a new National Security Strategy. Under the impact of 9/11 the authors of this NSS argue that the United States needs to pre-emptively attack rogue states that try to develop weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and have links to terrorists who might use these WMDs against the United States or its allies. This article analyzes this so-called ?Bush doctrine? asking about its legality, justice and feasibility in the present world order. (...)
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    Endlich Philosophieren: Spielräume und Grenzen, eine Tradition fortzusetzen [Paul Janssen zum 65. Geburtstag].Paul Janssen, Andreas Mones & Rudolf Wansing (eds.) - 2000 - Köln: Unverzagt.
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    On the (non) superstable part of the free group.Chloé Perin & Rizos Sklinos - 2016 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 62 (1-2):88-93.
    In this short note we prove that a definable set X over is superstable only if.
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    Hope Springs Eternal: Political Engagement in a Post-Anarchist Utopia.Jorn Janssen - 2024 - Utopian Studies 35 (1):25-46.
    Post-anarchism poses a profound challenge to the fundamental tenets of traditional anarchism, particularly its veneration of science and reason, its overarching narrative of human emancipation, and its reliance on a sanguine conception of innate human goodness. However, this challenge inadvertently erodes the utopian aspirations inherent in traditional anarchism, leaving a conspicuous absence of a tangible alternative. Yet, a sense of utopia remains integral to the impetus for political engagement. This article seeks to address the implicit quandary of political engagement within (...)
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    Grace de Laguna as a Grandmother of Analytic Philosophy: Her Philosophy of Science and A.N. Whitehead’s.Frederique Janssen-Lauret - 2022 - Australasian Philosophical Review 6 (1):49-58.
    In this paper I build a case for considering the pioneering behaviourist philosopher Grace de Laguna as one of the grandmothers of analytic philosophy. I argue against the ‘Great Men’ narrative of analytic philosophy as composed of Moore, Russell, Wittgenstein and their followers, and in favour of a more inclusive ‘movement’ narrative of analytic philosophy as a broad and varied movement with an anti-idealist and naturalistic orientation aimed at fitting around novel development in the sciences, including Einsteinian physics and psychology. (...)
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    The Epistemic Relevance of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.Chloe Bamboulis & Lisa Bortolotti - 2022 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 29 (2):91-93.
    Ratnayake's interesting paper challenges two claims, that cognitive distortions in depression involve epistemic issues; and that cognitive behavioral therapy can rectify those epistemic issues. We are going to discuss both claims here and offer some reasons not to underestimate the epistemic relevance of CBT. First, there may be epistemic issues underlying cognitive distortions in depression that CBT can effectively address, including blind acceptance of negative automatic thoughts and insensitivity to evidence. But, even if CBT were primarily in the business of (...)
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  33. Why Subjectivism?Chloé de Canson - manuscript
    In response to two trenchant objections, radical subjective Bayesianism has been widely rejected. In this paper, I seek, if not to rehabilitate subjectivism, at least to show its critic what is attractive about the position. I argue that what is at stake in the subjectivism/anti-subjectivism debate is not, as is commonly thought, which norms of rationality are true, but rather, the conception of rationality that we adopt: there is an alternative approach to the widespread telic approach to rationality, which I (...)
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  34. Thick concepts and their role in moral psychology.Chloë Fitzgerald & Peter Goldie - 2012 - In Robyn Langdon & Catriona Mackenzie (eds.), Emotions, Imagination, and Moral Reasoning. Psychology Press.
  35. On Algebra Relativisation.Chloé de Canson - forthcoming - Mind.
    Katie Steele and H. Orri Stefánsson argue that, to reflect an agent’s limited awareness, the algebra of propositions on which that agent’s credences are defined should be relativised to their awareness state. I argue that this produces insurmountable difficulties. But the project of relativising the agent’s algebra to reflect their partial perspective need not be abandoned: the algebra can be relativised, not to the agent’s awareness state, but to what we might call their subjective modality.
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  36. Little Big Shots: Social Education in the Cinema.Chloe Boulton - 2010 - Ethos: Social Education Victoria 18 (2):30.
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    Time and Human Fragility in the Landscape Similes of the Iliad.Chloe Bray - 2022 - Classical Quarterly 72 (1):25-38.
    This article explores the propensity of Iliadic landscape similes to encourage reflections on human fragility. Landscape in the similes is usually interpreted as a medium which conveys a consistent symbolic value (for example storms as the hostility of nature); however, landscape is often a more flexible medium. By offering close readings of three Iliadic similes (winter torrents at 4.452–6, snowfall at 12.279–89 and clear night at 8.555–9), this article argues that landscape allowed the poet to frame the main narrative in (...)
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  38.  27
    Editorial Introduction.Christiane Bailey And Chloë Taylor - 2013 - PhaenEx 8 (2).
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    Sparking the academic curriculum with creativity: Students’ discourse on what matters in research dissemination practice.Chloé Dierckx, Bieke Zaman & Karin Hannes - forthcoming - Sage Publications: Arts and Humanities in Higher Education.
    Arts and Humanities in Higher Education, Ahead of Print. Despite the growing interest of academia in public outreach, little is known about what university students, among who are future researchers, take away from their academic education in terms of research dissemination opportunities. In this study, we analyzed social science students’ discourses on creative dissemination practices in relation to standardized dissemination practices. Our findings reveal that student’s conceptions of creative research dissemination are diverse and influenced by varying perceptions of knowledge, the (...)
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  40.  22
    Emotional conflict and social context.Chloë FitzGerald - 2009 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 16 (1):105.
  41.  13
    Material Game Studies: A Philosophy of Analogue Play.Chloe Germaine & Paul Wake (eds.) - 2022 - Bloomsbury Publishing.
    This is the first volume to apply insights from the material turn in philosophy to the study of play and games. At a time of renewed interest in analogue gaming, as scholars are looking beyond the digital and virtual for the first time since the inception of game studies in the 1990s, Material Game Studies not only supports the importance of the turn to the analogue, but proposes a materiality of play more broadly. Recognizing the entanglement of physical materiality with (...)
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  42.  10
    "Kants wahre Meinung": Freges realistischer Objektivismus und seine Kritik am erkenntnistheoretischen Idealismus.Bernhard Janssen - 1996 - Münster: Lit.
  43.  20
    Magical healing in modern times.Jacques Janssen - 2000 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 23 (1):71-80.
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    Teleology and proportionality.Louis Janssens - 1994 - Bijdragen 55 (2):118-132.
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    Terminal care and self-determination. A provocative perspective.Rien Janssens - 1998 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 1 (3):283-285.
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  46. Defences : Justification, Excuse and Provocation.Chloë Kennedy - 2020 - In Mark Hill & Norman Doe (eds.), Christianity and Criminal Law. New York: Routledge.
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    Lindsay Farmer: Making the Modern Criminal Law: Criminalization and Civil Order: Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2016, Hardcover £65, ISBN: 9780199568642.Chloë Kennedy - 2017 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 11 (3):637-644.
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    Bodies, Genders and Causation in Aristotle’s Biological and Political Theory.Chloë Taylor Merleau - 2003 - Ancient Philosophy 23 (1):135-151.
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    L’anticipation comme actualisation.Mondémé Chloé - 2016 - Temporalités 24.
    L’anticipation est généralement conçue comme un phénomène qui, d’un point de vue temporel et logique, est antérieur à une action ou une situation donnée. Dans cet article, nous proposons d’interroger cette conception en nous intéressant en détail à ce que l’anticipation fait à l’action qu’elle anticipe. En détail c’est-à-dire, très littéralement, en observant dans des situations d’interactions ordinaires les effets que peut produire le fait d’anticiper une action. En l’occurrence, dans des situations d’apprentissage entre hommes et chiens comme celles que (...)
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  50. Editorial Introduction.Chloe Taylor & Tracey Nicholls - 2011 - PhaenEx 6 (1):i-iv.
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