Results for 'Christian Batalden Scharen'

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  1. Christian batalden Scharen, married in the sight of God: Theology, ethics and church debates over homosexuality. [REVIEW]Per Anderson - 2003 - Journal of Value Inquiry 37 (2):275-279.
  2. Faith as a Way of Life: A Vision for Pastoral Leadership.Christian Scharen - 2008
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  3. Ethnography as Christian theology and ethics.Aana Marie Vigen & Christian Scharen (eds.) - 2024 - New York: T&T Clark.
    How can qualitative research methods be a tool for social change? Echoing the 'scandal of particularity' at the heart of the Christian tradition, theologians and ethicists involved in ethnographic research draw on the particular to seek out answers to core questions of their discipline.
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    Ethnography as Christian Theology and Ethics ed. by Christian Scharen and Anna Marie Vigen.John Kiess - 2013 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 33 (1):190-191.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Ethnography as Christian Theology and Ethics ed. by Christian Scharen and Anna Marie VigenJohn KiessEthnography as Christian Theology and Ethics Edited by Christian Scharen and Anna Marie Vigen New York: Continuum, 2011. 304 pp. $29.95Over the past decade, an increasing number of Christian theologians and ethicists have turned to ethnographic methodologies in order to attend more closely to the complexities of (...)
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    Theology as Interdisciplinary Inquiry: Learning with and from the Natural and Human Sciences eds. by Robin W. Lovin and Joshua Mauldin.Sara A. Williams - 2018 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 38 (1):192-193.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Theology as Interdisciplinary Inquiry: Learning with and from the Natural and Human Sciences eds. by Robin W. Lovin and Joshua MauldinSara A. WilliamsTheology as Interdisciplinary Inquiry: Learning with and from the Natural and Human Sciences Edited by Robin W. Lovin and Joshua Mauldin grand rapids, mi: eerdmans, 2017. 202 pp. $32.00How can Christian theology engage in fruitful dialogue with fields of inquiry such as cognitive science, anthropology, (...)
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  6. Perceiving reality: consciousness, intentionality, and cognition in Buddhist philosophy.Christian Coseru - 2012 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This book examines the epistemic function of perception and the relation between language and conceptual thought, and provides new ways of conceptualizing the Buddhist defense of the reflexivity thesis of consciousness: namely, that each cognitive event is to be understood as involving a pre-reflective implicit awareness of its own occurrence.
  7. (1 other version)Group Knowledge and Group Rationality: A Judgment Aggregation Perspective.Christian List - 2005 - Episteme 2 (1):25-38.
    In this paper, I introduce the emerging theory of judgment aggregation as a framework for studying institutional design in social epistemology. When a group or collective organization is given an epistemic task, its performance may depend on its ‘aggregation procedure’, i.e. its mechanism for aggregating the group members’ individual beliefs or judgments into corresponding collective beliefs or judgments endorsed by the group as a whole. I argue that a group’s aggregation procedure plays an important role in determining whether the group (...)
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  8. Why Relational Egalitarians Should Care About Distributions.Christian Schemmel - 2011 - Social Theory and Practice 37 (3):365-390.
    Relational views of equality put forward a social and political ideal of equality that aims at being a better interpretation of what social justice requires than the prevailing distributive conceptions of equality, especially luck egalitarian views. Yet it is unclear what social justice as relational equality demands in distributive terms; Elizabeth Anderson's view seems to vacate a large part of the terrain of distributive justice in favor of a minimalist, sufficiency view. Against that, this paper argues that relational equality, properly (...)
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    (1 other version)Judgment aggregation: a survey.Christian List & Clemens Puppe - 2009 - In Paul Anand, Prasanta Pattanaik & Clemens Puppe (eds.), Handbook of Rational and Social Choice. Oxford University Press.
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  10. Motivation in agents.Christian Miller - 2008 - Noûs 42 (2):222–266.
    The Humean theory of motivation remains the default position in much of the contemporary literature in meta-ethics, moral psychology, and action theory. Yet despite its widespread support, the theory is implausible as a view about what motivates agents to act. More specifically, my reasons for dissatisfaction with the Humean theory stem from its incompatibility with what I take to be a compelling model of the role of motivating reasons in first-person practical deliberation and third-person action explanations. So after first introducing (...)
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    The Politics of Carnap’s Non-Cognitivism and the Scientific World-Conception of Left-Wing Logical Empiricism.Christian Damböck - 2022 - Perspectives on Science 30 (4):493-524.
    . Based on a reconstruction of the development of Rudolf Carnap’s views from the Aufbau until the 1960s, this paper provides an account of the philosopher’s understanding of non-cognitivism, which is here seen as in line with the so-called scientific world-conception of left-wing logical empiricism. The starting point of Carnap’s conception is the claim that every human decision depends on certain attitudes that cannot be justified at a cognitive level, that are neither based on empirical facts nor logical reasoning. The (...)
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  12. When to defer to supermajority testimony — and when not.Christian List - 2014 - In Jennifer Lackey (ed.), Essays in Collective Epistemology. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 240-249.
    Pettit (2006) argues that deferring to majority testimony is not generally rational: it may lead to inconsistent beliefs. He suggests that “another ... approach will do better”: deferring to supermajority testimony. But this approach may also lead to inconsistencies. In this paper, I describe conditions under which deference to supermajority testimony ensures consistency, and conditions under which it does not. I also introduce the concept of “consistency of degree k”, which is weaker than full consistency by ruling out only “blatant” (...)
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  13. Can Global Anti-Realism Withstand the Enactivist Challenge?Christian Coseru - 2022 - Analysis 82 (1):131-142.
    This paper argues that some defenses of global antirealism that critique both epistemic foundationalism and ontological priority foundationalism (e.g., Westerhoff 2020) turn on a false dilemma that ignores non-representational approaches to consciousness and cognition. Arguments against the existence of an external world and against introspective certainty, typically draw on a range of empirical findings (mainly about the brain-based mechanisms that realize cognition) and that are said to lend support to irrealism. Theories that incorporate these findings, such as the interface theory (...)
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  14. The Conditions of Moral Realism.Christian Miller - 2009 - Journal of Philosophical Research 34:123-155.
    In this paper, I hope to provide an account of the conditions of moral realism whereby there are still significant metaphysical commitments made by the realist which set the view apart as a distinct position in the contemporary meta-ethical landscape. In order to do so, I will be appealing to a general account of what it is for realism to be true in any domain of experience, whether it be realism about universals, realism about unobservable scientific entities, realism about artifacts, (...)
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    The probability of inconsistencies in complex collective decisions.Christian List - 2005 - Social Choice and Welfare 24 (1):3-32.
    Many groups make decisions over multiple interconnected propositions. The “doctrinal paradox” or “discursive dilemma” shows that propositionwise majority voting can generate inconsistent collective sets of judgments, even when individual sets of judgments are all consistent. I develop a simple model for determining the probability of the paradox, given various assumptions about the probability distribution of individual sets of judgments, including impartial culture and impartial anonymous culture assumptions. I prove several convergence results, identifying when the probability of the paradox converges to (...)
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    Constraint acquisition.Christian Bessiere, Frédéric Koriche, Nadjib Lazaar & Barry O'Sullivan - 2017 - Artificial Intelligence 244 (C):315-342.
  17. A Puzzle of Enforceability: Why do Moral Duties Differ in their Enforceability?Christian Barry & Emily McTernan - 2021 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 19 (3):1-25.
    When someone is poised to fail to fulfil a moral duty, we can respond in a variety of ways. We might remind them of their duty, or seek to persuade them through argument. Or we might intervene forcibly to ensure that they act in accordance with their duty. Some duties appear to be such that the duty-bearer can be liable to forcible interference when this is necessary to ensure that they comply with them. We’ll call duties that carry such liabilities (...)
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    Robust Trust in Expert Testimony.Christian Dahlman, Lena Wahlberg & Farhan Sarwar - 2015 - Humana Mente 8 (28).
    The standard of proof in criminal trials should require that the evidence presented by the prosecution is robust. This requirement of robustness says that it must be unlikely that additional information would change the probability that the defendant is guilty. Robustness is difficult for a judge to estimate, as it requires the judge to assess the possible effect of information that the he or she does not have. This article is concerned with expert witnesses and proposes a method for reviewing (...)
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    Social Avalanche: Crowds, Cities and Financial Markets.Christian Borch - 2020 - Cambridge University Press.
    Individuality and collectivity are central concepts in sociological inquiry. Incorporating cultural history, social theory, urban and economic sociology, Borch proposes an innovative rethinking of these key terms and their interconnections via the concept of the social avalanche. Drawing on classical sociology, he argues that while individuality embodies a tension between the collective and individual autonomy, certain situations, such as crowds and other moments of group behaviour, can subsume the individual entirely within the collective. These events, or social avalanches, produce an (...)
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    Mythologie de l'événement: Heidegger avec Hölderlin.Christian Sommer - 2017 - Paris: PUF.
    Cette étude formule l'hypothèse critique d'une opération de remythologisation par une réactualisation théologico-politique de la tragédie chez Heidegger. Cette opération ne saurait simplement coïncider avec une revalorisation " irrationnelle " du mythe, car elle procède d'abord d'une mise en question, non moins problématique, de la dualité supposée entre muthos et logos pour culminer dans ce qu'une note des années 1950 appellera la " mytho-logie de l'événement ". La réélaboration de la notion de mythe s'accomplit à partir du poème de Hölderlin (...)
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  21. Demarcating presentism.Christian Wuthrich - 2011 - In Henk W. De Regt, Stephan Hartmann & Samir Okasha (eds.), EPSA Philosophy of Science: Amsterdam 2009. Springer. pp. 441--450.
    This paper argues that recent arguments to the effect that the debate between presentism and eternalism lacks any metaphysical substance ultimately fail, although important lessons can be gleaned from them in how to formulate a non-vacuous version of presentism. It suggests that presentism can best be characterized in the context of spacetime theories. The resulting position is an ersatzist version of presentism that admits merely non-present entities as abstracta deprived of physical existence. Ersatzist presentism both escapes the charges of triviality (...)
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  22. Naturalism and Intentionality: A Buddhist Epistemological Approach.Christian Coseru - 2009 - Asian Philosophy 19 (3):239-264.
    In this paper I propose a naturalist account of the Buddhist epistemological discussion of svasaṃvitti ('self-awareness', 'self-cognition') following similar attempts in the domains of phenomenology and analytic epistemology. First, I examine the extent to which work in naturalized epistemology and phenomenology, particularly in the areas of perception and intentionality, could be profitably used in unpacking the implications of the Buddhist epistemological project. Second, I argue against a foundationalist reading of the causal account of perception offered by Dignāga and Dharmakīrti. Finally, (...)
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  23. Saving the doxastic account of intuitions.Christian Nimtz - 2010 - Philosophical Psychology 23 (3):357-375.
    Many philosophers and psychologists hold that intuitions are, or reduce to, beliefs. The argument from intuition without beliefs threatens to undercut any such doxastic account: since there are clear cases of intuition without belief, intuitions cannot be beliefs. Advocates of the intellectual seeming account conclude that intuitions belong to the basic mental kind of intellectual seeming. I argue that rightly understood, apparent cases of intuition without belief are cases of someone having the inclination to believe that p whilst believing that (...)
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  24. Judgment aggregation: A short introduction.Christian List - 2012 - In Uskali Mäki (ed.), Handbook of the Philosophy of Economics.
    The aim of this article is to introduce the theory of judgment aggregation, a growing interdisciplinary research area. The theory addresses the following question: How can a group of individuals make consistent collective judgments on a given set of propositions on the basis of the group members' individual judgments on them? I begin by explaining the observation that initially sparked the interest in judgment aggregation, the so-called "doctinal" and "discursive paradoxes". I then introduce the basic formal model of judgment aggregation, (...)
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  25. Some Sceptical Remarks Regarding Robot Responsibility and a Way Forward.Christian Neuhäuser - 1st ed. 2015 - In Catrin Misselhorn (ed.), Collective Agency and Cooperation in Natural and Artificial Systems. Springer Verlag.
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  26. Distributed cognition: A perspective from social choice theory.Christian List - 2003 - In M. Albert, D. Schmidtchen & S Voigt (eds.), Scientific Competition: Theory and Policy, Conferences on New Political Economy. Mohr Siebeck.
    Distributed cognition refers to processes which are (i) cognitive and (ii) distributed across multiple agents or devices rather than performed by a single agent. Distributed cognition has attracted interest in several fields ranging from sociology and law to computer science and the philosophy of science. In this paper, I discuss distributed cognition from a social-choice-theoretic perspective. Drawing on models of judgment aggregation, I address two questions. First, how can we model a group of individuals as a distributed cognitive system? Second, (...)
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    The gravitational influence of Jupiter on the Ptolemaic value for the eccentricity of Saturn.Christián C. Carman - 2021 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 75 (4):439-454.
    The gravitational influence of Jupiter on Saturn produces, among other things, non-negligible changes in the eccentricity of Saturn that affect the magnitude of error of Ptolemaic astronomy. The value that Ptolemy obtained for the eccentricity of Saturn is a good approximation of the real eccentricity—including the perturbation of Jupiter—that Saturn had during the time of Ptolemy's planetary observations or a bit earlier. Therefore, it seems more probable that the observations used for obtaining the eccentricity of Saturn were done near Ptolemy’s (...)
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  28. Russell on Acquiring Virtue.Christian Miller - 2015 - In Mark Alfano (ed.), Current Controversies in Virtue Theory. Routledge. pp. 106-117.
    This is a response paper to Daniel Russell's paper in the same volume. I raise some challenges to Russell's model of virtue acquisition which draws extensively on the CAPS model in psychology and on parallels between virtues and skills.
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    Effects of monitoring for visual events on distinct components of attention.Christian H. Poth, Anders Petersen, Claus Bundesen & Werner X. Schneider - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:98474.
    Monitoring the environment for visual events while performing a concurrent task requires adjustment of visual processing priorities. By use of Bundesen's (1990) Theory of Visual Attention (TVA), we investigated how monitoring for an object-based brief event affected distinct components of visual attention in a concurrent task. The perceptual salience of the event was varied. Monitoring reduced the processing speed in the concurrent task, and the reduction was stronger when the event was less salient. The monitoring task neither affected the temporal (...)
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  30. The Best Expression of Welfarism.Christian Coons - 2011 - In Mark Timmons (ed.), Oxford Studies in Normative Ethics. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Permissibility or Priority? Testing or Screening? Essential Distinctions in the Ethics of Prenatal Testing.Christian Munthe - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics 17 (1):30-32.
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    Exclusion in the Liberal State: The Case of Immigration and Citizenship Policy.Christian Joppke - 2005 - European Journal of Social Theory 8 (1):43-61.
    Recent literature on the ‘exclusions’ of the modern nation-state has missed a major transformation in the legitimate mode of excluding, from group to individual-based. This transformation is explored in a discussion of universalistic trends in contemporary Western states’ immigration and citizenship policies. Conflicting with the notion of a ‘nation-state’ owned by a particular ethnic group or nation, these trends are better captured in terms of a ‘liberal state’ that has self-limited its sovereign prerogatives by constitutional principles of equality and individual (...)
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    Leibniz and Sensible Qualities.Christian Leduc - 2010 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 18 (5):797-819.
    This paper discusses the problem of sensible qualities, an important, but underestimated topic in Leibniz's epistemology. In the first section, the confused character of sensible ideas is considered. Produced by the sensation alone, ideas of sensible qualities cannot be part of distinct descriptions of bodies. This is why Leibniz proposes to resolve sensible qualities by means of primary or mechanical qualities, a thesis which is analysed in the second section. Here, I discuss his conception of nominal definitions as distinct empirical (...)
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    Lecture dix-huitiémiste du 'Civilis': Rousseau devant Platon.Christian Destain - 1989 - Revue de Philosophie Ancienne 7 (1).
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    Chapter 2: Legally relevant damage.Christian von Bar - 2006 - In Non-Contractual Liability Arising Out of Damage Caused to Another. Sellier de Gruyter.
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    Die älteren Peripatetiker.Christian August Brandis - 1862 - In Geschichte der Entwickelungen der Griechischen Philosophie Und Ihrer Nachwirkungen Im Römischen Reiche, 1. Hälfte, Geschichte der Entwickelungen der Griechischen Philosophie Und Ihrer Nachwirkungen Im Römischen Reiche. De Gruyter. pp. 566-581.
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    L'esthétique positiviste.Christian Cherfils - 1909 - Paris,: A. Messein.
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  38. 'Doing good to do well': The new spirit of'civic capitalism', and three ways to criticise it.Christian O. Christiansen - 2017 - In Christiansen Christian O. (ed.), Studies in Economic Ethics and Philosophy. Springer.
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    21. Museum culture.William Christian - 1996 - In George Parkin Grant & William Christian (eds.), George Grant: Selected Letters. pp. 302-322.
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    Preface.William Christian - 1996 - In George Parkin Grant & William Christian (eds.), George Grant: Selected Letters.
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    A Semiotic Approach to Food and Ethics in Everyday Life.Christian Coff - 2013 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 26 (4):813-825.
    The aim of this paper is to explore how food can be analyzed in terms of signs and codes of everyday life, and especially how food can be used to express ethical concerns. The paper investigates the potential of a semiotic conceptual analysis: How can the semiotic approach be used to analyze expressions of ethics and food ethics in everyday life? The intention is to explore from a theoretical point of view and with constructed cases, how semiotics can be used (...)
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    24. Zu Platons Apologie 18 B.Christian Cron - 1882 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 41 (1-4):533-536.
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    The difference between obedience assumed and obedience accepted.Christian Dahlman - 2009 - Ratio Juris 22 (2):187-196.
    Abstract. The analysis of legal statements that are made from an "internal point of view" must distinguish statements where legal obedience is accepted from statements where legal obedience is only assumed. Statements that are based on accepted obedience supply reasons for action, but statements where obedience is merely assumed can never provide reasons for action. It is argued in this paper that John Searle neglects this distinction. Searle claims that a statement from the internal point of view provides the speaker (...)
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    Wirken Gottes: zur Geschichte eines theologischen Grundbegriffs.Christian Danz - 2007 - Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag.
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  45. Austrian refugee social scientists.Christian Fleck - 2011 - In Fleck Christian (ed.), In Defence of Learning: The Plight, Persecution, and Placement of Academic Refugees, 1933-1980s. pp. 193.
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  46. Der innere Christus und Erlösung als praktische Tugend : Ralph Cudworths origeneische Soteriologie in der "Predigt vor dem Unterhaus".Christian Hengstermann - 2018 - In Alfons Fürst, Christian Hengstermann & Ralph Cudworth (eds.), Origenes Cantabrigiensis: Ralph Cudworth, "Predigt vor dem Unterhaus" und andere Schriften. Münster: Aschendorff Verlag.
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    Namenregister.Christian Krijnen & Stephan Zimmermann - 2018 - In Christian Krijnen & Stephan Zimmermann (eds.), Sozialontologie in der Perspektive des Deutschen Idealismus: Ansätze, Rezeptionen, Probleme. De Gruyter. pp. 247-248.
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    Introduction.Christian Leduc & Daniel Dumouchel - 2015 - Philosophiques 42 (1):7-10.
    In this paper, I show that Maupertuis and Euler offer a contrasting conception of metaphysics of nature. It consists mainly for them in repositioning cosmology in relation to natural sciences. Instead of considering metaphysics to be at the foundation of scientific theories, as was assumed by Descartes, Wolff, and, in a certain way, Kant, or simply prohibiting the very idea of a cosmology, as d’Alembert would stipulate at the same period, Maupertuis and Euler invert the order of disciplines to give (...)
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    Antike: Einführung in Die Altertumswissenschaften.Christian Mann - 2008 - Akademie Verlag.
    Die Antike - lebendig und vielfältig! In diesem historischen Epochenband werden ausgewählte Quellen der Antike zum Sprechen gebracht. Eingeordnet in ihren historischen und kulturellen Kontext, zeichnen sie ein lebendiges Bild dieser spannenden Epoche, das aktuelle Forschungstendenzen ebenso einbezieht wie interdisziplinäre Fragestellungen: Problemorientierte Einführung in die Kulturwissenschaft der Antike Gezielte Verbindung historischer, philologischer und archäologischer Themen und Perspektiven Entwicklung beispielhafter kulturwissenschaftlicher Fragestellungen an die Antike in enger argumentativer Verbindung von Text und Bild Exemplarische Aspekte der griechischen und römischen Geschichte: von der (...)
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    L’invention de la créativité.Christian Michelot - 2015 - Revue Phronesis 4 (2):54-61.
    This paper presents two approaches to creativity needed to solve problems.: the Brainstorming from Osborn and the Synectics from Gordon. By a comparison between these two disconnection processes, we try to appreciate the contributions and limits of creativity methods to practical problem solving.
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