Results for 'Christian Domingo'

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  1.  32
    Effectiveness of unattended ambulatory sleep studies for the diagnosis and treatment of OSAS.Christian Domingo & Laura Vigil - 2011 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17 (1):26-31.
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    Great Christian Jurists in French History.Olivier Descamps & Rafael Domingo (eds.) - 2019 - Cambridge University Press.
    French legal culture, from the Middle Ages to the present day, has had an impressive influence on legal norms and institutions that have emerged in Europe and the Americas, as well as in Asian and African countries. This volume examines the lives of twenty-seven key legal thinkers in French history, with a focus on how their Christian faith and ideals were a factor in framing the evolution of French jurisprudence. Professors Olivier Descamps and Rafael Domingo bring together this (...)
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    Philosophy and Theology Together: Karl Rahner’s Way of Thinking.Domingos Terra - 2020 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 76 (4):1523-1558.
    Karl Rahner’s thinking can be understood by looking at several of its coordinates. First, it unfolds in close connection with the fundamental dynamics of human existence. Second, it is prompted by a personal and immediate experience of God, namely, the one of the author himself. Third, it is influenced by the spirituality of Saint Ignatius of Loyola. Fourth, it aims to show the reasonableness and, therefore, the credibility of the Christian faith. Fifth, it is guided by intellectual honesty that (...)
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    López de la Vieja. Mª T. (Ed): Figuras del logos. Entre la Filosofía y la Literatura.Domingo Hernández Sánchez - 1995 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 29:248.
    Pinhas Sadeh was considered as an unorthodox writer as regards his environment, the “State Culture” in Israel. In the first part of this paper I present the biography of the author and his most representative work, Life as a parable, published in 1958, as well as his romantic and frankist roots and his leaning towards Christianity according to the Gospel. In the second part a mythical analysis of this work is made according to the inner journey of hero, through which (...)
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    Nacer y morir con dignidad: estudios de bioética contemporánea.Domingo Basso - 2005 - Buenos Aires: LexisNexis.
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    Re-Thinking Management: Insights from Western Classical Humanism: Humanistic Management: What Can We Learn from Classical Humanism?Vianney Domingo & Domènec Melé - 2022 - Humanistic Management Journal 7 (1):1-21.
    A variety of theories of management and organizational studies have failed to consider the human being in his or her integrity and, thus, fall short of being humanistic. This article seeks to contribute to the recovery of a more complete view of the human being in management, learning from classical humanism developed throughout Western Civilization, from the Greek and Roman Philosophers and the Judeo-Christian legacy to the Renaissance. More specifically, it discusses several relevant aspects of this Classical humanism, which (...)
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    A Feminist Reimagining of Mary’s Role in Philippine Colonial Catholicism’s Economy of Salvation Through the Works of Jose Rizal.Rosallia Domingo - 2023 - In Soraj Hongladarom, Jeremiah Joven Joaquin & Frank J. Hoffman (eds.), Philosophies of Appropriated Religions: Perspectives from Southeast Asia. Springer Nature Singapore. pp. 365-376.
    This paper explores the writings of Jose Rizal as a source of insight into the predominant role of Mary, as the Mother of God, in Christian devotion and salvation during the Spanish Colonial period in the Philippines. It demonstrates the implication of the contradiction of the feminine spiritual authority of Mary—as the mediatrix of salvation, on the one hand, and the symbol of religious oppression, on the other hand—to the construction of the Filipina identity in Philippine Colonial Catholicism. It (...)
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    Nacer y morir con dignidad: bioética.Domingo Basso - 1991 - Buenos Aires: Corporación de Abogados Católicos.
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    Disrupting Epistemic Injustice: Gender Equality and Progressive Philippine Catholic Communities.Hazel Biana, Mark A. Dacela & Rosallia Domingo - 2022 - Intersections: Gender and Sexuality in Asia and the Pacific (48).
    In this paper, we discuss specific epistemic injustices suffered by gender minorities in the Philippines. We also show that societal changes have been evident throughout the years. We review some progressive Philippine Catholic communities' sustainable development efforts toward gender equality or toward the eradication of discrimination, marginalisation, and violence based on a person's sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression (SOGIE). Despite these epistemic injustices, we reveal that there are ways by which gender disorientations may be disrupted by progressive Philippine (...)
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    (1 other version)Modernidade, Cultura e Religião na Ordem Política e Social do Japão (Modernity, Culture and Religion in the Political and Social Order of Japan) - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2011v9n23p799. [REVIEW]Domingos Salgado de Sousa - 2011 - Horizonte 9 (23):799-820.
    Dificilmente se encontrará um outro país que foi tão influenciado por outras culturas e civilizações como o Japão. De fato, os grandes pontos de viragem da sua história foram marcados pelo encontro com outras civilizações e culturas. Porém, as grandes mudanças que se operaram como resultado de influências exteriores nunca conseguiram pôr em questão as premissas básicas da cultura japonesa. Prevaleceu sempre um sistema de valores que carece de uma clara orientação transcendental e universalista. Enquanto no mundo ocidental a dimensão (...)
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    Domingo de Soto contra o direito de submeter os infiéis por idolatria, sodomia ou antropofagia / Domingo de Soto Against the Right of Submission the Unbelievers Due to Idolatry, Sodomy or Anthropophagy.José Meirinhos - 2016 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 23:131.
    Among the manuscripts containing works by the dominican Domingo de Soto we find the acephalous and mutilated fragment Relectio an liceat civetate infidelium seu gentium expugnare ob idolatriam, titled by a later hand. Soto’s argument belongs to the context of the juridical, political and religious polemic on alleged rights to subdue unbelievers, staged by the junta gathered in Valladolid, in August and September 1550, to hear the arguments in favour, by Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda, and arguments against, by Bartolomé (...)
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    Domingos Maurício, S. J. Sua Contribuição Para o Estudo do Pensamento Filosófico Português.Francisco da Gama Caeiro - 1991 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 47 (4):619 - 649.
    Autor de vasta e rigorosa obra de investigação histórico-filosófica, Domingos Maurício participou no corpo incial dos redactores da. Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia, cabendo-lhe a autoria do texto programático de abertura da publicação, em 1945. Como investigador, as directrizes de trabalho que Domingos Maurício prosseguia ligavam--se, em parcela significativa, àquelas que viriam a ser definidas e executadas pela própria Revista, daí resultando o interesse de uma análise em termos de recíproca aproximação, para efeitos deste estudo. A recuperação do prestígio intelectual dos (...)
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  13. An Introduction to Kant's Aesthetics: Core Concepts and Problems.Christian Helmut Wenzel - 2005 - New York (USA), Oxford (UK): Wiley-Blackwell.
    In _An Introduction to Kant’s Aesthetics_, Christian Wenzel discusses and demystifies Kant’s Critique of the Power of Judgment, guiding the reader each step of the way and placing key points of discussion in the context of Kant’s other work. Explains difficult concepts in plain language, using numerous examples and a helpful glossary. Proceeds in the same order as Kant’s text for ease of reference and comprehension. Includes an illuminating foreword by Henry E. Allison. Offers twenty-six further-reading sections, commenting briefly (...)
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  14. Perceiving reality: consciousness, intentionality, and cognition in Buddhist philosophy.Christian Coseru - 2012 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This book examines the epistemic function of perception and the relation between language and conceptual thought, and provides new ways of conceptualizing the Buddhist defense of the reflexivity thesis of consciousness: namely, that each cognitive event is to be understood as involving a pre-reflective implicit awareness of its own occurrence.
  15. Freier Wille und Naturgesetze: Überlegungen zum Konsequenzargument.Andreas Hüttemann & Christian Loew - 2019 - In Martin Breul, Aaron Langenfeld, Saskia Wendel & Klaus von Stoch (eds.), Streit um die Freiheit – Philosophische und Theologische Perspektiven. Schöningh. pp. 77-93.
    In this paper, we argue that the Consequence Argument relies on empirical premises. In particular, we show how the argument depends upon assumptions about the character of the laws of nature.
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  16. Why Relational Egalitarians Should Care About Distributions.Christian Schemmel - 2011 - Social Theory and Practice 37 (3):365-390.
    Relational views of equality put forward a social and political ideal of equality that aims at being a better interpretation of what social justice requires than the prevailing distributive conceptions of equality, especially luck egalitarian views. Yet it is unclear what social justice as relational equality demands in distributive terms; Elizabeth Anderson's view seems to vacate a large part of the terrain of distributive justice in favor of a minimalist, sufficiency view. Against that, this paper argues that relational equality, properly (...)
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    The Politics of Carnap’s Non-Cognitivism and the Scientific World-Conception of Left-Wing Logical Empiricism.Christian Damböck - 2022 - Perspectives on Science 30 (4):493-524.
    . Based on a reconstruction of the development of Rudolf Carnap’s views from the Aufbau until the 1960s, this paper provides an account of the philosopher’s understanding of non-cognitivism, which is here seen as in line with the so-called scientific world-conception of left-wing logical empiricism. The starting point of Carnap’s conception is the claim that every human decision depends on certain attitudes that cannot be justified at a cognitive level, that are neither based on empirical facts nor logical reasoning. The (...)
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  18.  18
    Puella est domina sui corporis.Sven K. Knebel - 2022 - Studia Neoaristotelica 19 (2):177-220.
    Who owns the girl’s body, the parents, or the daughter herself? In Catholic casuistry, this issue has not only been occasionally touched upon, it has been topical among the commentators on Aquinas (STh II-II, q. 154, a. 6) from the 16th up to the 18th centuries. Nevertheless, modern scholarship ignores this big dispute. The distortion of early modern history in consequence thereof precludes a fair appraisal of the achievements of the Christian schools within the Habsburgian commonwealth. Whereas the Iberian (...)
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  19. A Puzzle of Enforceability: Why do Moral Duties Differ in their Enforceability?Christian Barry & Emily McTernan - 2021 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 19 (3):1-25.
    When someone is poised to fail to fulfil a moral duty, we can respond in a variety of ways. We might remind them of their duty, or seek to persuade them through argument. Or we might intervene forcibly to ensure that they act in accordance with their duty. Some duties appear to be such that the duty-bearer can be liable to forcible interference when this is necessary to ensure that they comply with them. We’ll call duties that carry such liabilities (...)
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  20.  27
    Das Problem der Subjektiven Allgemeingültigkeit des Geschmacksurteils Bei Kant (The Problem of Subjective Universality of the Judgment of Taste in Kant).Christian Helmut Wenzel - 2000 - Walter de Gruyter.
    In der Reihe werden herausragende monographische Untersuchungen und Sammelbände zu allen Aspekten der Philosophie Kants veröffentlicht, ebenso zum systematischen Verhältnis seiner Philosophie zu anderen philosophischen Ansätzen in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Veröffentlicht werden Studien, die einen innovativen Charakter haben und ausdrückliche Desiderate der Forschung erfüllen. Die Publikationen repräsentieren damit den aktuellsten Stand der Forschung.
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  21. John Philoponus.Christian Wildberg - forthcoming - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  22. The Conditions of Moral Realism.Christian Miller - 2009 - Journal of Philosophical Research 34:123-155.
    In this paper, I hope to provide an account of the conditions of moral realism whereby there are still significant metaphysical commitments made by the realist which set the view apart as a distinct position in the contemporary meta-ethical landscape. In order to do so, I will be appealing to a general account of what it is for realism to be true in any domain of experience, whether it be realism about universals, realism about unobservable scientific entities, realism about artifacts, (...)
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  23.  29
    Mythologie de l'événement: Heidegger avec Hölderlin.Christian Sommer - 2017 - Paris: PUF.
    Cette étude formule l'hypothèse critique d'une opération de remythologisation par une réactualisation théologico-politique de la tragédie chez Heidegger. Cette opération ne saurait simplement coïncider avec une revalorisation " irrationnelle " du mythe, car elle procède d'abord d'une mise en question, non moins problématique, de la dualité supposée entre muthos et logos pour culminer dans ce qu'une note des années 1950 appellera la " mytho-logie de l'événement ". La réélaboration de la notion de mythe s'accomplit à partir du poème de Hölderlin (...)
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    Adapting with Microbial Help: Microbiome Flexibility Facilitates Rapid Responses to Environmental Change.Christian R. Voolstra & Maren Ziegler - 2020 - Bioessays 42 (7):2000004.
    Animals and plants are metaorganisms and associate with microbes that affect their physiology, stress tolerance, and fitness. Here the hypothesis that alteration of the microbiome may constitute a fast‐response mechanism to environmental change is examined. This is supported by recent reciprocal transplant experiments with reef corals, which have shown that their microbiome adapts to thermally variable habitats and changes over time when transplanted into different environments. Further, inoculation of corals with beneficial bacteria increases their stress tolerance. But corals differ in (...)
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    A ‘Chief Error’ of Protestant Soteriology: Sin in the Justified and Early Modern Catholic Theology.Matthew T. Gaetano - 2020 - Perichoresis 18 (6):41-72.
    Catholic theologians after Trent saw the Protestant teaching about the remnants of original sin in the justified as one of the ‘chief ’ errors of Protestant soteriology. Martin Luther, John Calvin, Martin Chemnitz, and many Protestant theologians believed that a view of concupiscence as sinful, strictly speaking, did away with any reliance on good works. This conviction also clarified the Christian’s dependence on the imputed righteousness of Christ. Catholic theologians condemned this position as detracting from the work of Christ (...)
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    Presentation – Inhabiting the Frontiers of Thought: The Contribution of Jesuit Philosophers to 20 th Century Philosophy.Andreas Gonçalves Lind, Bruno Nobre & João Carlos Onofre Pinto - 2020 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 76 (4):1249-1252.
    The contribution of Jesuits to the different fields of knowledge, including philosophy, is historically well known. In fact, since the foundation of the Society of Jesus, in the 16th century, Jesuits from different generations and cultures have taken part in the philosophical debates of their time and their different contexts. Since the foundation of the Society of Jesus, in 1540, the Jesuits, individually and as a body, have engaged in a fruitful dialogue between the Christian tradition and different dimensions (...)
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    John Philoponus‘ Criticism of Aristotle‘s Theory of Aether.Christian Wildberg - 1988 - De Gruyter.
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  28. System der werttheorie.Christian Ehrenfels - 1897 - Leipzig,: O.R.Reisland.
    I. Allgemeine werttheorie, psychologie des begehrens.--II. Grundzüge einer ethik.
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  29. Art and Imagination in Mathematics.Christian Helmut Wenzel - 2013 - In Michael L. Thompson (ed.), Imagination in Kant's Critical Philosophy. Boston: Walter de Gruyter. pp. 49-68.
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    Effects of monitoring for visual events on distinct components of attention.Christian H. Poth, Anders Petersen, Claus Bundesen & Werner X. Schneider - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:98474.
    Monitoring the environment for visual events while performing a concurrent task requires adjustment of visual processing priorities. By use of Bundesen's (1990) Theory of Visual Attention (TVA), we investigated how monitoring for an object-based brief event affected distinct components of visual attention in a concurrent task. The perceptual salience of the event was varied. Monitoring reduced the processing speed in the concurrent task, and the reduction was stronger when the event was less salient. The monitoring task neither affected the temporal (...)
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  31. Distributed cognition: A perspective from social choice theory.Christian List - 2003 - In M. Albert, D. Schmidtchen & S Voigt (eds.), Scientific Competition: Theory and Policy, Conferences on New Political Economy. Mohr Siebeck.
    Distributed cognition refers to processes which are (i) cognitive and (ii) distributed across multiple agents or devices rather than performed by a single agent. Distributed cognition has attracted interest in several fields ranging from sociology and law to computer science and the philosophy of science. In this paper, I discuss distributed cognition from a social-choice-theoretic perspective. Drawing on models of judgment aggregation, I address two questions. First, how can we model a group of individuals as a distributed cognitive system? Second, (...)
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    Nietzsche on language, consciousness, and the body.Christian Emden - 2005 - Urbana: University of Illinois Press.
    The irreducibility of language : the history of rhetoric in the age of typewriters -- The failures of empiricism : language, science, and the philosophical tradition -- What is a trope? : the discourse of metaphor and the language of the body -- The nervous systems of modern consciousness : metaphor, physiology, and mind -- Interpretation and life : outlines of an anthropology of knowledge.
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  33. Russell on Acquiring Virtue.Christian Miller - 2015 - In Mark Alfano (ed.), Current Controversies in Virtue Theory. Routledge. pp. 106-117.
    This is a response paper to Daniel Russell's paper in the same volume. I raise some challenges to Russell's model of virtue acquisition which draws extensively on the CAPS model in psychology and on parallels between virtues and skills.
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  34. The Best Expression of Welfarism.Christian Coons - 2011 - In Mark Timmons (ed.), Oxford Studies in Normative Ethics. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Beware of too much Information.Christian Wallmann & Gernot Kleiter - unknown
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    Leibniz and Sensible Qualities.Christian Leduc - 2010 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 18 (5):797-819.
    This paper discusses the problem of sensible qualities, an important, but underestimated topic in Leibniz's epistemology. In the first section, the confused character of sensible ideas is considered. Produced by the sensation alone, ideas of sensible qualities cannot be part of distinct descriptions of bodies. This is why Leibniz proposes to resolve sensible qualities by means of primary or mechanical qualities, a thesis which is analysed in the second section. Here, I discuss his conception of nominal definitions as distinct empirical (...)
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  37. Ethics and Relativism in Wittgenstein.Christian Helmut Wenzel - 2012 - Contributions of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society 20:348-350.
    This essay is about Wittgenstein, first about his views on ethics, second about his conception of language games. Third, it combines the two and shows how problems arise from this. Wittgenstein rejects theories of ethics and emphasises the variety of language games. Such language games are marked by what I call “inner relativity”. Wittgenstein himself was not a relativist, but it seems to me his views easily lead to what I call “outer relativism”. In matters of ethics this is particularly (...)
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    Brady on Suffering and Virtue.Christian B. Miller - 2021 - Journal of Value Inquiry 55 (4):583-591.
  39. Urteil (Judgment).Christian Helmut Wenzel - 2011 - In Petra Kolmer & Arnim G. Wildfeuer (eds.), Neues Handbuch Philosophischer Grundbegriffe. Verlag Karl Alber. pp. 2284-2296.
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  40. Chinese Ways of Words.Christian Helmut Wenzel - 2009 - Institut International de Philosophie 5:119-126.
    According to the so-called Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, a language influences the mind of its user. This is more or less trivial, but the problems are in the details. It is difficult to make precise what those influences are, be it in general philosophical or in particular empirical-cultural terms. I will give an account of what I take to be basic aesthetic and grammatical features of the Chinese language compared with what we find in Western languages such as Latin or greek. Then (...)
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  41. How Pictorial is Chinese? And Does it Matter?Christian Helmut Wenzel - 2010 - Contributions of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society 18:317-319.
    It has often been said that the Chinese script is pictorial or ideographic, and that this is one of the reasons why Chinese tend to think more analogically than logically, and why in the past the natural sciences developed to a lesser degree in China than in the West. These are strong claims. They have often been oversimplified and exaggerated, but I think there is something to be said for them. Here I will focus on the first question. I will (...)
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  42. "Bedeutungserlebnis" and "Lebensgefühl" in Kant and Wittgenstein: Responsibility and the Future.Christian Helmut Wenzel - 2009 - Contributions of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society 17:451-453.
    This essay is about the inner and the outer in Wittgenstein, in particular his notion of “meaning experience”. Wittgenstein reminds us that we should not think of the inner, psychological the way we think about the outer, physical world. Again and again he keeps returning to certain views about the soul and our mental states. I think that it is not only therapy he has in mind. I will contrast certain aesthetic and ethical aspects of his thoughts with views from (...)
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    Chapter 2: Legally relevant damage.Christian von Bar - 2006 - In Non-Contractual Liability Arising Out of Damage Caused to Another. Sellier de Gruyter.
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    Die älteren Peripatetiker.Christian August Brandis - 1862 - In Geschichte der Entwickelungen der Griechischen Philosophie Und Ihrer Nachwirkungen Im Römischen Reiche, 1. Hälfte, Geschichte der Entwickelungen der Griechischen Philosophie Und Ihrer Nachwirkungen Im Römischen Reiche. De Gruyter. pp. 566-581.
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    Mit Zuckerbrot und Pfeife – Die Bedeutung unterschiedlicher Autoritätsformen im Rollenselbstbild von Schiedsrichtern / With a Carrot and a Whistle – The Importance of Different Forms of Authority in the Role Self-Perception of Referees.Christian Pierdzioch, Eike Emrich & Christian Rullang - 2015 - Sport Und Gesellschaft 12 (3):215-240.
    Zusammenfassung Um den normativen Erwartungen an die soziale Position des Schiedsrichters gerecht zu werden, müssen Schiedsrichter als geachtete Autorität auf dem Spielfeld anerkannt werden. Ihre Autorität setzt sich dabei aus der institutionell vom Deutschen Fußball-Bund abgeleiteten Amtsautorität, der funktionalen Sachautorität und der persönlichen Autorität zusammen. In der Selbstwahrnehmung wird der Regelkenntnis und Ernsthaftigkeit die höchste Bedeutung beigemessen. Für Schiedsrichte­rinnen ist im Selbstbild die Physis ein signifikant bedeutenderer Faktor als bei Schiedsrichtern, die wiederum die Regelauslegung als signifikant wichtiger erachten als die (...)
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  46. John Philoponus' criticism of Aristotle's theory of aether.Christian Wildberg - 1992 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 182 (4):611-612.
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    Wie kommt die Ordnung in die Kunst?Christian Demand - 2010 - Springe: Zu Klampen.
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  48. Austrian refugee social scientists.Christian Fleck - 2011 - In Fleck Christian (ed.), In Defence of Learning: The Plight, Persecution, and Placement of Academic Refugees, 1933-1980s. pp. 193.
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    Hamed Abdel-Samad: Der Koran: Botschaft der Liebe. Botschaft des Hasses.Christian Rother - 2017 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 70 (3):242-248.
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    Heidegger und die deutsche Sprache.Christian Schneider - 2024 - Psyche 78 (12):1152-1158.
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