Results for 'Christian Götte'

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  1. Honesty.Christian Miller - 2017 - In Walter Sinnott-Armstrong & Christian Miller (eds.), Moral Psychology, Volume V: Virtue and Character. MIT Press. pp. 237-273.
    No one in philosophy has paid much attention to the virtue of honesty in recent years. Here is a trait for which it is easy to find consensus that it is a virtue, and furthermore, a very important virtue. It also has obvious relevance to what we see going on in contemporary politics, for instance, or in sports, the entertainment world, and education. Yet as far as I can tell, only one article in a philosophy journal has appeared in several (...)
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  2. Can Withdrawing Citizenship be Justified?Christian Barry & Luara Ferracioli - 2016 - Political Studies 64:1055-1070.
    When can or should citizenship be granted to prospective members of states? When can or should states withdraw citizenship from their existing members? In recent decades, political philosophers have paid considerable attention to the first question, but have generally neglected the second. There are of course good practical reasons for prioritizing the question of when citizenship should be granted—many individuals have a strong interest in acquiring citizenship in particular political communities, while many fewer are at risk of denationalization. Still, loss (...)
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    Can the world be shown to be indeterministic after all?Christian Wuthrich - 2011 - In Claus Beisbart & Stephan Hartmann (eds.), Probabilities in Physics. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. pp. 365--389.
    This essay considers and evaluates recent results and arguments from classical chaotic systems theory and non-relativistic quantum mechanics that pertain to the question of whether our world is deterministic or indeterministic. While the classical results are inconclusive, quantum mechanics is often assumed to establish indeterminism insofar as the measurement process involves an ineliminable stochastic element, even though the dynamics between two measurements is considered fully deterministic. While this latter claim concerning the Schrödinger evolution must be qualified, the former fully depends (...)
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    Individuals’ Contributions to Harmful Climate Change: The Fair Share Argument Restated.Christian Baatz & Lieske Voget-Kleschin - 2019 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 32 (4):569-590.
    In the climate ethics debate, scholars largely agree that individuals should promote institutions that ensure the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. This paper aims to establish that there are individual duties beyond compliance with and promotion of institutions. Duties of individuals to reduce their emissions are often objected to by arguing that an individual’s emissions do not make a morally relevant difference. We challenge this argument from inconsequentialism in two ways. We first show why the argument also seems to undermine (...)
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    Are black holes about information?Christian Wuthrich - unknown
    Information theory presupposes the notion of an epistemic agent, such as a scientist or an idealized human. Despite that, information theory is increasingly invoked by physicists concerned with fundamental physics, physics at very high energies, or generally with the physics of situations in which even idealized epistemic agents cannot exist. In this paper, I shall try to determine the extent to which the application of information theory in those contexts is legitimate. I will illustrate my considerations using the case of (...)
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    Technik und Theologie. Was ist der Gegenstand einer theologischen Technikethik?Christian Schwarke - 2005 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 49 (1):88-104.
    The paper argues that the history of technology proves some common assumptions of the theological treatment of technology to be wrang. Therefore both the relation of technology to the Christian culture and the place of technology within Christian doctrine have to be reconsidered. As technology does not merely Substitute but supplements the existing the idea of the concursus divinus is a more adequate expression for a theological understanding of technology than the doctrine of creation. In terms of method (...)
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    Beware of too much Information.Christian Wallmann & Gernot Kleiter - unknown
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    Peirce's Early Theory of Signs : The First Barrier.Christian J. W. Kloesel - 1983 - American Journal of Semiotics 2 (1/2):109-119.
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    Rechtsphilosophie zwischen Ost und West: eine vergleichende Analyse der frühen rechtsphilosophischen Gedanken von John C. H. Wu.Matthias Christian - 1988 - New York: Springer.
    "Rechtsphilosophie zwischen Ost und West" ist das erste Buch, das systematisch das frA1/4he Werk des bedeutenden chinesischen Rechtsgelehrten, Richters, Diplomaten und Schriftstellers John C.H. Wu (1899-1986) behandelt. Die Arbeit setzt sich in chronologischer Reihenfolge kritisch mit den VerAffentlichungen Wus im Zeitraum von 1921 bis 1936 auseinander. Wu, spAter Verfechter einer dynamischen Naturrechtslehre, versucht, die mehr pragmatisch-funktionale Rechtsauffassung der fA1/4hrenden amerikanischen Rechtsgelehrten mit dem von Kant geprAgten Denken R. Stammlers zu einer inneren Begegnung zu bringen. Gleichzeitig ist die Thematik chinesischen Rechtsdenkens (...)
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    Wie kommt die Ordnung in die Kunst?Christian Demand - 2010 - Springe: Zu Klampen.
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    Indians of Northeastern North America.Christian F. Feest - 1986 - Brill.
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  12. Austrian refugee social scientists.Christian Fleck - 2011 - In Fleck Christian (ed.), In Defence of Learning: The Plight, Persecution, and Placement of Academic Refugees, 1933-1980s. pp. 193.
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    La politique extérieure de la Belgique en l 977.Christian Franck - 1978 - Res Publica 20 (2):357-365.
    Belgium's foreign policy is largely embedded in the external action of the European Community. Besides, the unity of action of the nine memberstates in maior issues of international polities corresponds to a deliberate option of the Belgian government. In the debates of the North-South Dialogue and in the Belgrade conference, Belgium has endeavoured to promote a common stand by the nine member-states. During the term of its EC presidency, Belgium has forwarded the proceedings concerning the extension of the community, the (...)
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    L’invention de la créativité.Christian Michelot - 2015 - Revue Phronesis 4 (2):54-61.
    This paper presents two approaches to creativity needed to solve problems.: the Brainstorming from Osborn and the Synectics from Gordon. By a comparison between these two disconnection processes, we try to appreciate the contributions and limits of creativity methods to practical problem solving.
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    No “when” without “where”.Christian Quaia & Lance M. Optican - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (4):696-697.
    Deciding where to look is a very complicated process, but deciding when to look is probably much simpler. Once the brain is certain of where it wants to look, the saccade-generating pathway may simply start autonomously. Higher cognitive areas of the brain can only override this automatic start by preventing all saccades. Hence, the brain has no ability to say when to go; it can only say “go there” or “stay here.”.
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    Note sur le syllogisme de l'essence chez Aristote.Christian Rutten - 1964 - Phronesis 9 (1):72-81.
  17. The Role of Regulative Principles and Their Relation to Reflective Judgement.Christian Onof - 2020 - In Sorin Baiasu & Alberto Vanzo (eds.), Kant and the Continental Tradition: Sensibility, Nature, and Religion. New York: Routledge.
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    Attribution of mind: A psychologist's contribution to the consciousness debate.Christian Kaernbach - 2008 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 15 (4):66-82.
    Could computers ever be conscious? Will they ever have ideas that one could attribute to them and not to the programmer? Will robots be able to 'feel pain', instead of processing bits from sensors informing about danger? Will they have true emotions? These questions may never be answered, but it makes sense to ask whether humans will ever attribute mind to artifacts. This paper suggests introducing a third level of claims regarding artificial intelligence (AI), which is in between 'weak AI' (...)
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    Philosophisch-politische Sympraxis aus dem Geiste liberalkonservativer Skepsis. Über Odo Marquard, Hans Blumenberg und die Neue Linke.Christian Keller - 2016 - Pro-Fil 16 (2):87.
    The paper is based on the author’s dissertation project, which maps the intellectual proximity of Hans Blumenberg and philosophers of the Ritter School – Odo Marquard, Hermann Lübbe, Robert Spaemann and Martin Kriele. The author presents a general characterization of the Ritter School and the „sceptical generation“ (H. Schelsky), seeks arguments to shed light on the reasons for the emphasis on the intellectual proximity of Blumenberg and the Ritter School, and highlights its philosophical convergences in practical philosophy. The analysis is (...)
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  20.  10
    Sistema, estrutura, significação. Alguns paralelos filosóficos nas teorias neokantiana e estruturalista da linguagem.Christian Möckel - 2021 - Kant E-Prints 16 (2):38-61.
    No presente artigo serão discutidas algumas abordagens e explicações comparativas dedicadas à moderna teoria da linguagem, que podem ser encontradas tanto no filósofo neokantiano do símbolo Ernst Cassirer como nos linguistas estruturalistas Nikolaj Trubetzkoj e Roman Jakobson, que frequentemente se referem a Ferdinand de Saussure. Com esta finalidade, recorreremos a conceitualizações inovadoras usadas em comum no pensamento filosófico da primeira metade do século XX, tais como forma, estrutura, sistema, sinal, sentido ou significação e expressão, que determinam as respectivas teorias da (...)
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  21.  15
    Holubs Nietzsche-Problem. Rezension zu: Robert C. Holub. Nietzsche’s Jewish Problem.Christian Niemeyer - 2017 - Nietzscheforschung 24 (1):411-417.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Nietzscheforschung Jahrgang: 24 Heft: 1 Seiten: 411-417.
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    Nonseparability of shared intentionality.Christian Flender, Kirsty Kitto & Peter D. Bruza - unknown
    According to recent studies in developmental psychology and neuroscience, symbolic language is essentially intersubjective. Empathetically relating to others renders possible the acquisition of linguistic constructs. Intersubjectivity develops in early ontogenetic life when interactions between mother and infant mutually shape their relatedness. Empirical fndings suggest that the shared attention and intention involved in those interactions is sustained as it becomes internalized and embodied. Symbolic language is derivative and emerges from shared intentionality. In this paper, we present a formalization of shared intentionality (...)
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  23.  17
    Can a Peer Support the Process of Self-Management in Narcolepsy? A Qualitative Narrative Analysis of a Narcoleptic Patient.Christian Franceschini, Chiara Fante, Marco Filardi, Maria Claudia Folli, Francesca Brazzi, Fabio Pizza, Anita D’Anselmo, Francesca Ingravallo, Elena Antelmi & Giuseppe Plazzi - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  24. ,,Mittelpunkt und Eigner dieser Welt“. Zu Max Stirners Theorie des Menschen.Christian Fernandes - 2013 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 39 (1):191-215.
    Ausgehend von Max Stirners Kritik an Sokrates' moralischer Entscheidung, aus dem Kerker nicht zu entfliehen, zeichne ich seine Theorie des Menschen nach. Dazu wird zunächst – in Anlehnung an Bernd A. Laska – Stirners Analyse des Zustandekommens der kritisierten Moral genauer betrachtet, um dann, vor allem anhand des Aufsatzes _Das unwahre Prinzip unserer Erziehung_, die Voraussetzung dieser Kritik herauszuarbeiten. Als Resultat ergibt sich, dass Stirners These, der Einzelne sei nicht nur Teil des Ganzen, sondern das Ganze selbst, wohl von Hegel (...)
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    Aryadeva's Lamp That Integrates the Practices : The Gradual Path of Vajrayana Buddhism According to the Esoteric Community Noble Tradition.Christian K. Wedemeyer (ed.) - 2007 - Columbia University Press.
    _The Lamp that Integrates the Practices_ is a systematic and comprehensive exposition of the most advanced yogas of the Esoteric Community Tantra as espoused by the Noble Tradition, an influential school of interpretation within the Mahayoga traditions of Indian Buddhist esoterism. Equal in authority to Nagarjuna's famous Five Stages, Aryadeva's work is perhaps the earliest prose example of the "stages of the mantra path" genre in Sanskrit. Its studied gradualism exerted immense influence on later Indian and Tibetan tradition, and it (...)
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    21. Museum culture.William Christian - 1996 - In George Parkin Grant & William Christian (eds.), George Grant: Selected Letters. pp. 302-322.
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    Preface.William Christian - 1996 - In George Parkin Grant & William Christian (eds.), George Grant: Selected Letters.
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    Literatur.Christian Kanzian - 2016 - In Wie Dinge Sind: Noch Eine Alltagsontologie. De Gruyter. pp. 293-298.
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    Der Kirchenraum – ein rechtsfreier Raum?Christian Kirchberg, Joachim Bornkamm & Uwe Blaurock - 2009 - In Christian Kirchberg, Joachim Bornkamm & Uwe Blaurock (eds.), Festschrift Für Achim Krämer Zum 70. Geburtstag Am 19. September 2009. De Gruyter Recht.
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    Namenregister.Christian Krijnen & Stephan Zimmermann - 2018 - In Christian Krijnen & Stephan Zimmermann (eds.), Sozialontologie in der Perspektive des Deutschen Idealismus: Ansätze, Rezeptionen, Probleme. De Gruyter. pp. 247-248.
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    Introduction.Christian Leduc & Daniel Dumouchel - 2015 - Philosophiques 42 (1):7-10.
    In this paper, I show that Maupertuis and Euler offer a contrasting conception of metaphysics of nature. It consists mainly for them in repositioning cosmology in relation to natural sciences. Instead of considering metaphysics to be at the foundation of scientific theories, as was assumed by Descartes, Wolff, and, in a certain way, Kant, or simply prohibiting the very idea of a cosmology, as d’Alembert would stipulate at the same period, Maupertuis and Euler invert the order of disciplines to give (...)
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    Antike: Einführung in Die Altertumswissenschaften.Christian Mann - 2008 - Akademie Verlag.
    Die Antike - lebendig und vielfältig! In diesem historischen Epochenband werden ausgewählte Quellen der Antike zum Sprechen gebracht. Eingeordnet in ihren historischen und kulturellen Kontext, zeichnen sie ein lebendiges Bild dieser spannenden Epoche, das aktuelle Forschungstendenzen ebenso einbezieht wie interdisziplinäre Fragestellungen: Problemorientierte Einführung in die Kulturwissenschaft der Antike Gezielte Verbindung historischer, philologischer und archäologischer Themen und Perspektiven Entwicklung beispielhafter kulturwissenschaftlicher Fragestellungen an die Antike in enger argumentativer Verbindung von Text und Bild Exemplarische Aspekte der griechischen und römischen Geschichte: von der (...)
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    Staatsbürgerschaft und Verantwortung für die Vergangenheit: Der Fall des nationalsozialistischen Deutschlands.Christian Neuhäuser - 2013 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 99 (3):309-322.
    In Germany students sometimes complain that they have to learn too much about National Socialist Germany 1933-1945. They are born after the war and are not responsible for what happened and therefore they have no special responsibility to concern themselves with this darkest part of German history, or so it is complained. In this article I argue that responsibility as accountability should be distinguished from responsibility as care-taking. Although later-born generations certainly are not accountable for what happened before they were (...)
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    Grund und Zweck.Christian Belli - 2016 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2016 (1).
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    Robust Trust in Expert Testimony.Christian Dahlman, Lena Wahlberg & Farhan Sarwar - 2015 - Humana Mente 8 (28).
    The standard of proof in criminal trials should require that the evidence presented by the prosecution is robust. This requirement of robustness says that it must be unlikely that additional information would change the probability that the defendant is guilty. Robustness is difficult for a judge to estimate, as it requires the judge to assess the possible effect of information that the he or she does not have. This article is concerned with expert witnesses and proposes a method for reviewing (...)
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  36.  13
    The Most Human Human: What Talking with Computers Teaches Us About What It Means to Be Alive.Brian Christian - 2011 - Doubleday.
    A provocative exploration of how computers are reshaping ideas about what it means to be human profiles the annual Turing Test to assess a computer's capacity for thought while analyzing related philosophical, biological and moral issues.
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    Religious Diversity and the Concept of Religion: Theology and Religious Pluralism.Christian Danz - 2020 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 62 (1):101-113.
    Summary The article deals with the concept of religion in the contemporary theology of religions. Many theologians in the current debate work with a general concept of religion. Such a conception of religion unifies the distinctive religious diversities. This article argues that against the background of the previous debate, a theology of religions must proceed from a concept of religion as communication. This concept emerges out of the Christian religious tradition: it carries a particular meaning and hence should not (...)
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    Hamed Abdel-Samad: Der Koran: Botschaft der Liebe. Botschaft des Hasses.Christian Rother - 2017 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 70 (3):242-248.
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    Heidegger und die deutsche Sprache.Christian Schneider - 2024 - Psyche 78 (12):1152-1158.
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    Inhaltsverzeichnis.Christian Schäfer - 2013 - In Thomas von Aquins Gründlichere Behandlung der Übel: Eine Auswahlinterpretation der Schrift "de Malo". Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 7-8.
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    Socialism Order of Worth and Analytical Adequacy Axiom.Christian Schneijderberg - 2022 - Human Studies 45 (2):283-308.
    Boltanski and Thévenot constructed in their seminal work On Justification the Orders of Worth framework as a research program for further empirical and theoretical development. This article suggests two methodological additions to extend the analytical capacities of the OW framework: The Socialism OW and the analytical adequacy axiom. The polito-philosophical Socialism OW, which acknowledges ' welfare' as its mode of evaluation and the higher principle of 'solidarity' as its test, is rooted in the political philosophy of Rosanvallon. In addition to (...)
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  42. Historia religii jako historia kościoła. Uwagi dotyczące Kantowskiej interpretacji dziejów chrześcijaństwa.Christian Danz - 2004 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 52 (4):319-331.
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    Lévi-Strauss autour de Descartes et de Rousseau: l'exode contre la méthode.Christian Destain - 2004 - Etudes Jean-Jacques Rousseau 14:285-306.
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    298 name indhx.Christian Ehrenberg, Benno Erdmann, Evans Rand, Gusiav Theodor Fechner, David Ferrier, Theodore Floumoy, Fonlage Karl, Freud Sigmund, Emil Froeschels & O. Funke - 2001 - In Robert W. Rieber & David K. Robinson (eds.), Wilhelm Wundt in History: The Making of a Scientific Psychology. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
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    I. Einleitung: Sinn, Ziel und Aufbau dieser Arbeit.Christian Erk - 2015 - In Rationierung Im Gesundheitswesen: Eine Wirtschafts- Und Sozialethische Analyse der Rationierung Nach Selbstverschulden. De Gruyter. pp. 1-6.
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    Time, Modality, and Anselm’s Argument.Christian Rode - 2019 - Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch Fur Antike Und Mittelalter 22 (1):99-117.
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    L'artiste contemporain et la conscience de son époque Un entrepreneur sans état d'âme ?Christian Ruby - 2002 - Actuel Marx 32 (2):185-196.
    The Contemporary Artist and the Consciousness of His/Her Era. We examine the changed conditions under which artists accomplish their work, and the consciousness they now have of their work, and of the forms which it takes. If the ideal of a revolutionary consciousness is no longer part of the artistic agenda, this does not necessarily imply that artists have abandoned the aim of opening up the reality of the current moment to a space where the intimation of something other is (...)
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    Mythologie de l'événement: Heidegger avec Hölderlin.Christian Sommer - 2017 - Paris: PUF.
    Cette étude formule l'hypothèse critique d'une opération de remythologisation par une réactualisation théologico-politique de la tragédie chez Heidegger. Cette opération ne saurait simplement coïncider avec une revalorisation " irrationnelle " du mythe, car elle procède d'abord d'une mise en question, non moins problématique, de la dualité supposée entre muthos et logos pour culminer dans ce qu'une note des années 1950 appellera la " mytho-logie de l'événement ". La réélaboration de la notion de mythe s'accomplit à partir du poème de Hölderlin (...)
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    Epilogue.William Christian - 1996 - In George Parkin Grant & William Christian (eds.), George Grant: Selected Letters. pp. 371-372.
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  50. You and Music.Christian Darnton - 1946 - Philosophical Review 55:497.
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